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Made in gb
Towering Hierophant Bio-Titan

Piousservant wrote:

Titans have stayed as they were, but the manufactorum set contained 2 large sprues and two medium sprues, which was pretty generous at the time but even more so now, given two medium sprues is all you get for 30 quid with the other LI releases. I think it'd be a surprise if it stayed at the same price. Particularly given the discussion we've just had about the drop pod pricing...

Though if it does stay at £30 I'll definitely be buying a few lol

Yeah based on NZ pricing it looks like the Manufactorum box will be ~£35 now, but it is available to buy.

Despite no mention on delays in the Sunday article, none of the LI preorders show on the Australian GW site and only three show items for NZ (Arvus, Land Raider, Manufactorum). No more sprue pics until morning then.
Made in at
Longtime Dakkanaut

 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
Can you nab the Drop Pod sprue pic?

Australia/NZ didn't get those today and while Japan has them, the sprue pics are still missing. So the only sprues we currently have are the Arvus,
the Proteus
and the Dire Wolves

Somebody probably incorrectly flagged the Drop pods and the Artillery which also doesn't have sprue pics as resin models because they also have the 15+ icon resin models normally have and thats the reason nobody added sprue pics as resin models don't have any.

Also for rereleased kits its both Warhound versions, the Warbringer, only the plasma Warmaster version and the Manufactorum terrain. Interestingly the Warbringer has a mistake in its description where it says:
The set includes:
- 1x Warmaster Iconoclast Heavy Battle Titan
- 1x Reaver laser blaster
- 1x Reaver volcano cannon
- 1x Mori quake cannon
- 1x Legions Imperialis 105mm Oval Base
- 1x Adeptus Titanicus Warbringer Nemesis Titan Transfer Sheet
- 1x Adeptus Titanicus Warmaster Titan Command Terminal
- 3x Warbringer Nemesis Titan Weapon Cards

Only the first item on the list is for the Iconoclast, the rest fits the Warbringer but still might be a sign it won't take too long for the other Warmaster version?

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/03/30 03:13:01

Made in fi
Posts with Authority

If the Japanese GW store prices are any indication, the Manufactorum rerelease bumped the price to 50€ or 55€

Suspected as much.

The most annoying part of this preorder is that my goto discounter has a site maintenance going on and wont be online until monday morning (and even that is if nothing goes wrong with the migration!), so I am most likely going to strike out of these items if I wait for the discounted items to become available. This means less sales for GW, as I will only buy one kit from them direct instead of buying several from a discounter. Oh well..

Only silver lining here is that none of the items releasing today I'm interested in have "Online only" label on them.. which means they will eventually be at my FLGS's as well

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2024/03/30 07:34:05

"The larger point though, is that as players, we have more control over what the game looks and feels like than most of us are willing to use in order to solve our own problems" 
Made in it
Guard Heavy Weapon Crewman


 Matrindur wrote:
 1984Phantom wrote:
January preview:

March preorders

"Spot the differences"

If this is about the gun on top and the missiles? on the sides, the bits are on the sprue, they just didn't show them in this image for some reason.
There are four Arvus per sprue and enough of those bits for two of them.

Thanks, I feared there was an additional small sprue like that one in the upgraded Knight Questoris box, now missing waiting for the next book xD

Made in fi
Posts with Authority

55€ for the Manufactorum confirmed. Got my Land Raiders, will grab the rest later.

Strangely enough, at least on my end the preorders did not display in the New & Exclusive section, I had to go to the LI section before the products were shown

"The larger point though, is that as players, we have more control over what the game looks and feels like than most of us are willing to use in order to solve our own problems" 
Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

Warmaster is also available in LI packaging. As are regular Warhounds.

Made in at
Longtime Dakkanaut

Seems like the Manufactorum is a GW exclusive after all even if doesn't say "Online only" as none of my normal shops nor the most known UK shops seem to have it

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2024/03/30 10:28:13

Made in in
Otiose in a Niche

Hyderabad, India

I always wanted an Arvus in plastic, but not like this

Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

You don’t own a Resizograph?

Might grab a Manufactorum soon. Definitely want to end up with more-or-less a boards worth of personal terrain.

Made in fi
Posts with Authority

Manufactorum did in fact get an "Online only" designation at the GW store, it just took them a while to put it up. Damn.

And for all yall who pissed and moaned about the drop pod prices, the pods are the only kit thats sold out by now.. So I guess GW knows what they are doing. Clearly there are people out there who are willing to drop stupid coin for a Drop Pod Assault formation after all.

Which is a pity, those pods will be highly sought after also from discounters..

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2024/03/30 19:17:18

"The larger point though, is that as players, we have more control over what the game looks and feels like than most of us are willing to use in order to solve our own problems" 
Made in au
Grizzled Space Wolves Great Wolf

 tauist wrote:
Manufactorum did in fact get an "Online only" designation at the GW store, it just took them a while to put it up. Damn.

And for all yall who pissed and moaned about the drop pod prices, the pods are the only kit thats sold out by now.. So I guess GW knows what they are doing. Clearly there are people out there who are willing to drop stupid coin for a Drop Pod Assault formation after all.

Which is a pity, those pods will be highly sought after also from discounters..

Or... they didn't release as many of them

It's really hard to know, especially since GW have been having stock issues, sometimes things are wildly popular and other times they just don't get many out there. We can sometimes get a bit of a hint from how many the large stockists get (e.g. on the original LI launch, the some of the tank kits seemed to almost no stock out here, and it wasn't until a few weeks later a 2nd wave of stock came in).

The drop pods didn't even drop (heh...) in Australia, so it wouldn't surprise me if they released in other regions with less than planned stock.

I don't think they'll be wildly popular, but I guess I also wouldn't be surprised if they are, GW customers are weird. Hell, I'm going to buy some Arvus even though I totally don't even plan to use them in LI

Interesting that the drop pods are the only kit for which they didn't bother to release sprue pics.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/03/30 20:23:08

Made in gb
Towering Hierophant Bio-Titan

AllSeeingSkink wrote:
It's really hard to know, especially since GW have been having stock issues, sometimes things are wildly popular and other times they just don't get many out there. We can sometimes get a bit of a hint from how many the large stockists get (e.g. on the original LI launch, the some of the tank kits seemed to almost no stock out here, and it wasn't until a few weeks later a 2nd wave of stock came in).

The drop pods didn't even drop (heh...) in Australia, so it wouldn't surprise me if they released in other regions with less than planned stock.

I don't think they'll be wildly popular, but I guess I also wouldn't be surprised if they are, GW customers are weird. Hell, I'm going to buy some Arvus even though I totally don't even plan to use them in LI

Interesting that the drop pods are the only kit for which they didn't bother to release sprue pics.

The basilisk kit is missing sprue pics too, and I oddly haven't yet seen any LI kit reviews from the usual places who post them.

On UK third-party sites there's varying degrees of kits selling out, with mostly just Arvus lighters consistently available at a discount. However if most of today's things are still in stock on the official site then retailers should hopefully get more allocated. I didn't bother ordering anything today but will drop by a local store to get some Basilisks if I can.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/03/30 22:09:26

Made in fr
Most Glorious Grey Seer

Everett, WA

I had to put in two separate orders because GW's system would only let me order one box each of the Proteus and Arvus kits. As of now, both are still up and available so I'm not sure what's happening. Fortunately the US didn't have missing stuff like NZ.

Made in us
Veteran Knight Baron in a Crusader

Oakland, CA

I was similarly limited to one box of Dire Wolves in the US store, but I decided one is probably enough anyway!
Made in gb
Joined the Military for Authentic Experience

On an Express Elevator to Hell!!

I am still waiting for Wayland to bring the Marine Support box back into stock, was late pre-ordering that one and have been punished for it. Hopefully there are some more about as the likes of Firestorm have 30+ of the things.
Although I note that the Astartes infantry boxes are already running low in some stores, so I would get those if you think you might need one (thinking back to how long they were out of stock before..)

Epic 30K&40K! A new players guide, contributors welcome https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/751316.page
Small but perfectly formed! A Great Crusade Epic 6mm project: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/694411.page

Made in gb
Disassembled Parts Inside a Talos

 Pacific wrote:
I am still waiting for Wayland to bring the Marine Support box back into stock, was late pre-ordering that one and have been punished for it. Hopefully there are some more about as the likes of Firestorm have 30+ of the things.
Although I note that the Astartes infantry boxes are already running low in some stores, so I would get those if you think you might need one (thinking back to how long they were out of stock before..)

I had preordered the support box from Wayland at 10:16 and was told my preorder wasn’t fulfilled. I cancelled the preorder after waiting a few weeks.
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

NE Ohio, USA

 Pacific wrote:
I am still waiting for Wayland to bring the Marine Support box back into stock, was late pre-ordering that one and have been punished for it. Hopefully there are some more about as the likes of Firestorm have 30+ of the things.

So why haven't you canceled the Wayland order & just re-orderd from Firestorm?
Made in gb
Alluring Mounted Daemonette

Soviet UK

ccs wrote:
 Pacific wrote:
I am still waiting for Wayland to bring the Marine Support box back into stock, was late pre-ordering that one and have been punished for it. Hopefully there are some more about as the likes of Firestorm have 30+ of the things.

So why haven't you canceled the Wayland order & just re-orderd from Firestorm?

That's exactly what I did , I even managed to score some of them on ebay for an below retail price.

For mother Soviet scotland oh and I like orcs  
Made in gb
Leader of the Sept

Need to be super careful on eBay as always. I saw one entry trying to sell the assembly instructions for £30.

I hate people sometimes.

Please excuse any spelling errors. I use a tablet frequently and software keyboards are a pain!

Terranwing - w3;d1;l1
51st Dunedinw2;d0;l0
Cadre Coronal Afterglow w1;d0;l0 
Made in gb
Joined the Military for Authentic Experience

On an Express Elevator to Hell!!

ccs wrote:
 Pacific wrote:
I am still waiting for Wayland to bring the Marine Support box back into stock, was late pre-ordering that one and have been punished for it. Hopefully there are some more about as the likes of Firestorm have 30+ of the things.

So why haven't you canceled the Wayland order & just re-orderd from Firestorm?

There were some other bits on the order that I could only find at Wayland and then didn't hit the free shipping level. Also I am lazy.

Epic 30K&40K! A new players guide, contributors welcome https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/751316.page
Small but perfectly formed! A Great Crusade Epic 6mm project: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/694411.page

Made in au
Grizzled Space Wolves Great Wolf

 Pacific wrote:
ccs wrote:
 Pacific wrote:
I am still waiting for Wayland to bring the Marine Support box back into stock, was late pre-ordering that one and have been punished for it. Hopefully there are some more about as the likes of Firestorm have 30+ of the things.

So why haven't you canceled the Wayland order & just re-orderd from Firestorm?

There were some other bits on the order that I could only find at Wayland and then didn't hit the free shipping level. Also I am lazy.

I swear, free shipping has saved me more money than anything else by virtue of items not reaching the free shipping threshold and me ending up never buying it
Made in us
Water-Caste Negotiator


So with this latest release and the fact that I have STILL not gotten some stuff I ordered at the initial release (via FLGS here in Ohio) I have re-evaluated my LI plans. I gave up on the game entirely for a few weeks ( not that it mattered as nothing came in). Now I have gotten back to just buying some stuff I want rather than 1 of everything.

Hopefully I will some day get all these:
Basalisks x2
Both support boxes
A box of Dire Wolves
And as a treat, I finally ordered a Warbringer.

Anyone want to take bets if I even get all this before 2025. :(

For the Greater Good!
40K, SW:Armada, Bolt Action, Legions Imperialis(maybe…) 
Made in gb
Towering Hierophant Bio-Titan

 xttz wrote:
Something I've spotted while reading the rulebook is the repeated use of product box art. These images have a very specific style; landscape pictures in a similar colour palette showing two or more of a specific unit, with any other unit types obscured or otherwise out of focus
More interestingly we also have these guys:


Oh look...


Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon


Not sure I’d use them, but then we’re yet to see the rules and I’m yet to get a game under my belt.

Also the last Heresy Thursday until later in the summer. Articles says they’re focussing on the Mortal Realms instead.

Made in fi
Posts with Authority

I still have fond memories of the old metal termites for Epic. If I buy these, I will be compelled to make a homage of one of those from at leat one of these. They were partially submerged, with only the drilly front bit poking from the ground.

Also, looking forward to seeing this one in 28mil in the near future

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/04/11 13:17:29

"The larger point though, is that as players, we have more control over what the game looks and feels like than most of us are willing to use in order to solve our own problems" 
Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

Wonder if they’ll have rules for driving through Buildings?

If memory serves, the old Hellbore (the honking great version, which could carry a Company of Imperial Guard) could surface under a building with relative safety, bringing it down around it?

Even if it’s a suicide move for the Termites, might make them appealing to some.

Made in gb
Fixture of Dakka

Back later in the year...great. Probably then it will be Mechanicus as another allied option.

Casual gaming, mostly solo-coop these days.

Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

they look nice, rules to be in yet another book that will presumably be impossible to get hold of
Made in au
Grizzled Space Wolves Great Wolf

leopard wrote:
they look nice, rules to be in yet another book that will presumably be impossible to get hold of

At the rate they’re going we’ll have four books in a year. That was a big part of me abandoning LI, not into chasing books, at least not when they’re hard to find expensive hardbacks. The other big part was I still don’t like the overly complex rules.
Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

AllSeeingSkink wrote:
leopard wrote:
they look nice, rules to be in yet another book that will presumably be impossible to get hold of

At the rate they’re going we’ll have four books in a year. That was a big part of me abandoning LI, not into chasing books, at least not when they’re hard to find expensive hardbacks. The other big part was I still don’t like the overly complex rules.

not to bothered with the rules being too complex, 100% agree on book chasing though. its a small scale game, it needs a rulebook thats portable, the idea it needs more than two books is borderline none-starter. Especially when its not like HH where yes there are a few but you don't overly need to lug too many about to actually play it.

those books are not lightweight and not keen on lugging them about.

GW seriously need to go to a ring binder concept for all this
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