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The 'Lost' first founding SM Legion.... where did I see that?  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

This is driving me nuts.   Somewhere in the past couple weeks, on the GW website I think, I saw a piece where they named one of the two first founding legions that has always been crossed out in the SM Codecies.   But I can't find it again and it's really getting on my nerves.

Anybody else seen this, and know where I can find it again?


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Mainly because my sense of humor is as bad as my skill at this game. 
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GW hasn't named them.


There have been vague hints that they will "appear in some fashion" in the HORUS HERESY series though...

Remains to be seen...
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

I could have sworn that they named one of them, just within the past month or so, but I can't find it again.

This is driving me up the wall, I KNOW I saw something.


I hate making signatures:
Mainly because my sense of humor is as bad as my skill at this game. 
Made in de
Dominating Dominatrix

Piercing the heavens

*whistling x-files theme*
Made in us
Madrak Ironhide

Is this the legion that woke up one day on an island and slowly, but surely,
discovered the island's secrets as well as the secrets that lay deep within
their own hearts?

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"...he could never understand the sense of a contest in which the two adversaries agreed upon the rules." Gabriel Garcia Marquez, One Hundred Years of Solitude 
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Otiose in a Niche

Hyderabad, India

I herd they were going to release those legions but then they couldn't cause Frank Herbert's estate was going to sure them.



That's everything they've ever done. Never mind.

(seriously could you have seen a fan site? for a while there home-made lost legions were all the rage)

Made in gb
Been Around the Block

I've read somewhere (B&C?) that the next book in the Horus Heresy series allegedly names one of the "Lost" Legions and their Primarch. Since mine hasn't shown up yet I can't confirm that. In many ways it's be a shame if they've done that as the two Legions were a nice mysterious part of the background.

What did they do that was so terrible they were wiped from the records totally while the Traitor Legions who all but killed the Emperor weren't expunged?
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

Might not have been the Imperium that expunged the records. Or perhaps only the Emperor has the power to expunge the records completely, and couldn't do that after the Heresy.

I agree, it's a shame that they might be revealed, but there would be a big gap in the Heresy books if they weren't.

Are you thinking of this thread here?
Made in us
The Main Man

Beast Coast

I really hope they don't reveal either of the 2 lost legions.

That's such a cool, mysterious part of 40k fiction....there's just not a good reason to change it.  Come up with another marine chapter, I don't care...but let the 2 lost legions remain lost.

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Longtime Dakkanaut


well if you mean false gods- just finished it and it doesn't specifically mention the lost legions by name- although one is hinted at

any tips on how to make a spoiler so people dont have to read it?

Made in us
Madrak Ironhide

I don't know. My background is white. Does the white text show?

Get your own Dakka Code!

"...he could never understand the sense of a contest in which the two adversaries agreed upon the rules." Gabriel Garcia Marquez, One Hundred Years of Solitude 
Made in ca
Dakka Veteran

Pirate Ship Revenge

It doesn't show for me malfred. White text is a good idea.
Spoil away Bignutter.

I have nothing useful to add.
http://otzone.proboards34.com/index.cgi>the OT
Welp, that link ain't no good nomore. 
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Longtime Dakkanaut


poo...how to get white text
*goes to read FAQ*

Basically Horus is taken via the warp to the chamber where the primarchs are grown- and comes across one of the pods that houses one of what can only be assumed to be one of the lost primarchs- and he comments on how he feels sad about all the glory and history that could have been made by the one who was containted within- not much of a mention- but i have the feeling it may come up in later books as one of his problems with the emp.
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Pyromaniac Hellhound Pilot

Maryland, USA

Posted By t-tauri on 06/04/2006 5:00 PM

What did they do that was so terrible they were wiped from the records totally while the Traitor Legions who all but killed the Emperor weren't expunged?

Simple. They knew. What they knew, nobody knows. But they knew.

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Another way would be to simply slide the landraider sideways like a big slowed hovercraft full of eels. -pismakron
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Out-of-the-loop from November 2010 - November 2017 so please excuse my ignorance!
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Been Around the Block

Newark Ohio

they probably left the toilet seat up on the Golden Throne on a day the Emperor was in a snit.

seriously GW was probably going to have their pants sued off for being the ripoff artisits they've always been by going too far with two of its SM chapters so they were hastily dumped and it turned into a great big mystery which has served them well thruout the years.

Made in au
Regular Dakkanaut

Over there... no, wait, AARGH!

I read through the forum on that link, and someone said that they's like to see a smallest of hints at the legions/primarchs identity, but no real details. I'm with them: the mystery of the two legions is a big part of 40k. If we knew all, it'd ruin it. But just a tiny bit of info wouldn't go astray...

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Stern Iron Priest with Thrall Bodyguard

The drinking halls of Fenris or South London as its sometimes called

when GW starts to lose money, they will release one of the legions. its a money making scam, its wat GW is really good at. they leave thing open so they can go back to them when they run out of ideas

R.I.P Amy Winehouse

Made in us
Been Around the Block

Actually, beef, I think GW left them unnamed to add an air of mystery to the universe.  I really like that about old 40k fluff, pretty much the only things you know about the past is from time-weathered myths and cryptic Eldar poetry.  Then the Necron codex came out and basically said "the C'tan did it!  Everything!  Even the stuff that you thought they didn't do, they actually did!  Also, you can't kill monoliths!"

Green iz best 
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Dominating Dominatrix

Piercing the heavens

I prefer to know more about the fluff. the Necron 'Dex is IMO one of the best books in that matter. at least know I know that Orks weren't created by Khorne
Made in au
Regular Dakkanaut

Over there... no, wait, AARGH!

Yeah, I don't understand what people don't like about the Necron dex. It still leaves thousands of years worth of fluff open, from the death of the old ones and the necrons going into stasis, right up until the great crusade. It's not like there's bucket loads of stuff on the Dark age or age of strife or whatever floating around.

"You can shut us out, but you will never shut us up" - Sid Vicious 
Made in gb
Stern Iron Priest with Thrall Bodyguard

The drinking halls of Fenris or South London as its sometimes called

Posted By ThisIsBatCountry on 06/18/2006 2:31 AM
Actually, beef, I think GW left them unnamed to add an air of mystery to the universe. 
thats a bit to smart for GW.  i have not read the necron codex,  but i dont really go for this whole old ones or the ctan thing, its bollo9cks.  its new fluff,  i dont like the way they just randomly make stuff up and kill off original stuff as the old timers who remember it from when they were young get old married and forget,  then you get the little kids coming up with there crap fluff they have misread or heard from the red shirts and try tell you how it is an you just think F off you spotty greasy haired little Pr/ck

R.I.P Amy Winehouse

Made in ca
Been Around the Block

Only thing I think they've ever officailly said about the lost legions is that they're not going to ever name them or give any history out about them.

Of course as mentioned, whether that changes or not...

But no, if they ever did release anything pertaining to or even hinting at the background of one of them it would be all over Warseer,Dakka,B&C and everywhere else.

As has been mentioned- they're *hinted* at in False Gods and there's posts all over the net about it.


And the C'tan (at least) were mentioned way back in RT . Can't remember if there was a reference to the Necrons or not.

Made in gb
Stern Iron Priest with Thrall Bodyguard

The drinking halls of Fenris or South London as its sometimes called

you mention warsseer is that anygood?? i have been on B&C its ok, Dakkas better, whats warseer like. maybe i should just check it out, i fdfel like i would be cheeting if i did that? is it ethical to be on 3 forums at the same time??

R.I.P Amy Winehouse

Made in ca
Been Around the Block

Warseer's one of the better places for rumours I find (some of which are even accurate) and has some decent discussion.
B&C is more about the concept and a little more friendly discussion of marine aspects of the game.
There's some useful info and some complete idiocy.

Dakka's generally where I come if I'm looking for a RAW debate or to find army list critiques.
It's by far the more...brutal of the three, but is usually a little better as it tends to give honest answers without concern for hurting your feelings. The other two have more of a "play nice" attitude.
Dakka's the one that doesn't call you the next day.
Made in au
Regular Dakkanaut

Over there... no, wait, AARGH!

That's why we like it.

"You can shut us out, but you will never shut us up" - Sid Vicious 
Made in gb
Stern Iron Priest with Thrall Bodyguard

The drinking halls of Fenris or South London as its sometimes called

i got my first official warning at B&C today for putting pictures that were to large. i did not know how to reduce them at the time. oh well

R.I.P Amy Winehouse

Made in gb
Dakka Veteran

ahh so in relation to the post I dunno if the GW are gonna put the to chapters in offically in the currnet BG incarnation of 40k

although if you read the fluff on GK, it points out technically they aren't second either, because they were foundin directly after the heresy irc, which means they either count as first found or they count as kinda foundin 0.5

The Imperium of Man is able to traverse the Warp with difficulty when their Emperor concentrates from his golden life support machine and lights the way. Unfortunately, because the Emperor has the attention span of the average 5-year-old Pokemon fanboy, this means that many an unfortunate Imperial ship has had the WTF WHERE'D THE LIGHTS GO experience, which in the Warp is invariably fatal.  
Made in au
Regular Dakkanaut

Over there... no, wait, AARGH!

I think it says in some older fluff the GK were the "sole creation" of the second founding. As I understand it, the second founding was actually just the original legions being split up into successor chapters. The GK were the only new chapter created from scratch.

"You can shut us out, but you will never shut us up" - Sid Vicious 
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Pragmatic Primus Commanding Cult Forces

Southeastern PA, USA

@Hexx: As far as I know, the first reference of the C'tan was a throwaway line in a 2nd ed. rulebook, namely "the quiescent perils of the C'tan." The C'tan were named again when the Callidus assassin was first unveiled in 2nd ed.

@beef: While it's not explicit, the fluff about the Old Ones ("cold-blooded wisdom," creators of the warp gates, masters of astromancy, etc.) points to them being the Old Slann from the original RT fluff. While the C'tan are new, it makes sense that the Old Slann would have had some adversaries.

@everyone: The lost SM legions are likely a nod to the historical lost Roman legions.

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Master of the Hunt


Most likely, the two were left off the list as both a plot device/backdoor and a tip 'o the hat to the lost Roman legions.

Both the Flesh Eaters and Rainbow Warriors have now and then been labeled as the missing First Founding chapters by various folks. Both date back to the RT days and have extremely limited printed fluff, which is probably the source of the speculation.

Both are also sometimes labeled as successor chapters as well, so make of it what you will. (Flesh Eaters being a 3rd founding of the Blood Angels, and the Rainbow Warriors being a 3rd founding of the White Scars.)

Here is the bit I dug up on the 'net a while ago, compiled by 'some guy I don't know'.


<H2 style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; tab-stops: -1.5in 9.0pt 27.0pt 1.75in 3.0in 4.25in 5.75in">2          Flesh Eaters                                    </H2>

                Turned to Chaos before the Horus Heresy,<?

                1st edition stated they had an omophagea geneseed defect (ie, same as Blood Angels)

                Alternately, Tyrant Guard & Primarch Tyrannius

                Or, Iron Hearts & Rubinek, from Into the Maelstrom 203-204

                Note that WD98 has the Mentors training the Flesheaters

<H2 style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; tab-stops: -1.5in 9.0pt 27.0pt 1.75in 3.0in 4.25in 5.75in">11       Rainbow Warriors                              </H2>

                Turned to Chaos before the Horus Heresy

                Some claim the Rainbow Warriors are a successor chapter

                Lord Corfer of Raind said to be the primarch

                www.inisfail.com/archives claims they are 3rd Founding from White Scars


The Grey Knights are most definitely NOT one of the two. They were created after the 20 First Founding chapters were already in existance.

How about the Adeptus Custodes, where do they fit into all of this? It is said that they are to a Grey Knight what a Grey Knight is to a normal Space Marine. Could they be one of the two, or are they more of a Legion Zero type deal?


The true answer is that there is no answer. Even had GW originally named the two, they have since retracted any such statments. The air of mystery surrounding the two lost legions is just too good to destroy. They will not be named.

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It is by the seed of Arabica that thoughts acquire speed, the teeth acquire stains, the stains become a warning.
It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion."
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