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HeroQuest by Hasbro/Avalon Hill - First Light starter set revealed.  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in ie
Fixture of Dakka

There's a list of Avalon Hill EAN codes that's doing the rounds - it's an official list and includes Jungles of Delthrak and another expansion called First Light, no other details yet.
Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

Ooooh! Exciting!

Made in nl
Fresh-Faced New User

And still everyone is waiting for Wizards of Morcar
Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

Waiting for ATOG to be at the local shop, the others will be added to "ze list"

very nearly finished the actual main box now as well...
Made in gb
Sadistic Inquisitorial Excruciator

Exeter, UK

FitzChevalric wrote:
And still everyone is waiting for Wizards of Morcar

Given that Hasbro have decided to go with the American 'Zargon' as villain, we will never see a supplement named 'Wizards of Morcar' in this edition.
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Inspiring SDF-1 Bridge Officer


 Shakalooloo wrote:
FitzChevalric wrote:
And still everyone is waiting for Wizards of Morcar

Given that Hasbro have decided to go with the American 'Zargon' as villain, we will never see a supplement named 'Wizards of Morcar' in this edition.

Well then, bring on Wizards of Zargon. I could be fiddled with the name, its the content I want.

It never ends well 
Made in pl
Dominating Dominatrix

Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

can see one or two of the natives loving (not) the rule allowing Zargon to drop in the ranged attack orcs, gobbos & skellies in place of the normal ones.

won't always matter but will make a challenge for the usual room clearing "by the book" method when some of the baddies can back off and still be dangerous
Made in us
Battlefield Tourist

MN (Currently in WY)

I saw it "in the wild" at my FLGS.

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Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

leopard wrote:
can see one or two of the natives loving (not) the rule allowing Zargon to drop in the ranged attack orcs, gobbos & skellies in place of the normal ones.

won't always matter but will make a challenge for the usual room clearing "by the book" method when some of the baddies can back off and still be dangerous

It also gives the Zargon player more interesting considerations when deploying monsters in a room, and means the Wizard and other “soft” characters can just duck behind piece of scenery to limit the number that can attack them.

Of course, the aim is for a fun, and close game. So it’s down to the Zargon player not to use them just to get some cheap character deaths in.

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Dakka Veteran

Ranged monsters are a fun addition I think, though I'm surprised most Zargons allow the boring doorway fights. Though house ruling is required, the game begs for house ruling.
Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

I feel as Zargon its my job to help the heros kill themselves through overconfidence and carelessness/stupidity

a trap never takes the last body point, have made it quite clear locally that just because you pushed the elf into the room and nothing triggered doesn't mean its "safe". likewise monsters won't go for the weakest unless they have high mind points

doorway fights have seen monsters refuse to cooperate except zombies & skellies
Made in us
Battlefield Tourist

MN (Currently in WY)

So, I have been painting through my Core set. I told myself that I will not buy any more add-ons until it is painted.

My FLGS now has the expansions on the shelf. Once I get the Core set done, which expansion should be the first one I buy and paint?

Which one adds the most interesting stuff to the Core set rules?

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Made in nl
Fresh-Faced New User

 Easy E wrote:
So, I have been painting through my Core set. I told myself that I will not buy any more add-ons until it is painted.

My FLGS now has the expansions on the shelf. Once I get the Core set done, which expansion should be the first one I buy and paint?

Which one adds the most interesting stuff to the Core set rules?

I would choose the Wizards of Morcar
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

 Easy E wrote:
So, I have been painting through my Core set. I told myself that I will not buy any more add-ons until it is painted.

My FLGS now has the expansions on the shelf. Once I get the Core set done, which expansion should be the first one I buy and paint?

Which one adds the most interesting stuff to the Core set rules?

HeroQuest is an old game, and to me its expansions don't represent the more modern concept of 'expansions should add to gameplay.' Rather expansions are just more stuff, and if they had time they added new monster types and rules, because they're creative people and they could. But if I could only have one expansion out of the ones currently available, I'd pick Against the Ogre Horde, because it adds an ogre horde. And now also archers. But the original expansions Return of the Witch Lord and Kellar's Keep are something big HeroQuest fans should play through.
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Incorporating Wet-Blending

Also look at the selection of miniatures for use in other games. IIRC, only based on my original ancient sets (: Return of the Witch Lord and Kellar's Keep have more undead and orcs. which could be useful for Sellswords and Spellslingers or small armies?

Crimson Scales and Wildspire Miniatures thread on Reaper! : https://forum.reapermini.com/index.php?/topic/103935-wildspire-miniatures-thread/ 
Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

so far all the larger box expansions are good, the smaller ones are "the same, but more" largely though they are still worth it.

will grab ATOH, want to get at least the rest of Keller's Keep painted up first though

the range is pretty decent as generic baddies for any fantasy skirmish game, the more recent ones have better models
Made in us
Battlefield Tourist

MN (Currently in WY)

Yeah, I am using the baddies for my Fantasy RPGs as well as Heroquest.

Thanks for the tips all. I will eventually try to get most of them, but as I paint through them first.

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Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

 Easy E wrote:
Yeah, I am using the baddies for my Fantasy RPGs as well as Heroquest.

Thanks for the tips all. I will eventually try to get most of them, but as I paint through them first.

I keep telling myself no more until the rest is painted

we need a modelling version of Alcoholics Anonymous for those with a plastic crack habit

have the base box done, Return of the Witchlord done, working on Kellars Keep currently, Frozen horror likely after that...
Made in pl
Dominating Dominatrix

Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

Need to remember getting all my stuff painted is part of this year’s Hobby Streak.

Lawks but I’ve got a hilll to climb there!

At least the Spoopy Ghosts won’t need painting!

Made in us
Brigadier General


leopard wrote:
 Easy E wrote:
Yeah, I am using the baddies for my Fantasy RPGs as well as Heroquest.

Thanks for the tips all. I will eventually try to get most of them, but as I paint through them first.

I keep telling myself no more until the rest is painted

we need a modelling version of Alcoholics Anonymous for those with a plastic crack habit

have the base box done, Return of the Witchlord done, working on Kellars Keep currently, Frozen horror likely after that...

I'm ok having one board game system at a time with which I'm going for a relatively complete collection, without much intention of painting.

A few years back it was Imperial Assault, now it's Heroquest. Neither game will likely ever be played to absolute completion, and I didn't bother collecting promos and such, but I like seeing what the game designers come up with for each new set in terms of rules, scenarios and miniatures.

I could probably flip them for what I've got in each collection if needed but that's more a private justification than something I'm likely to do anytime soon

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/05/12 16:47:11

Chicago Skirmish Wargames club. Join us for some friendly, casual gaming in the Windy City.

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Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

On the last post?

HeroQuest is the supreme entry drug to the much wider hobby. Spesh now it’s not inherently bound, outside of my own memories and I dare say those of contemporaries, to Warhammer.

The game play is pretty straightforward. Easy to read dice, and just a wee bit of experience pays dividends.

As I’ve said before? I’m genuinely impressed and approving of the fact the new version didn’t bugger about with the basic mechanics, where it’s contemporaries insist on custom dice with instantly unreadable results.

Made in au
FOW Player

 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:

As I’ve said before? I’m genuinely impressed and approving of the fact the new version didn’t bugger about with the basic mechanics, where it’s contemporaries insist on custom dice with instantly unreadable results.

On the contrary, Doc, the basic mechanices were buggered about with!

It's just that the buggering-about-with happened thirty-five years ago when the game crossed the Atlantic.

For North Americans, the new version of HQ is indeed the same as the old version. But now that their odd localised version has suddenly become the standard international version, some of us in the rest of the world are shaking our fists at clouds and clutching defiantly at our classic UK/Euro rules.

While quietly sidling over to nab the Chaos Spells and the extra boss-monster body points while the other protestors on the picket line aren't looking, of course.

Made in us
Battlefield Tourist

MN (Currently in WY)

How long until Battlemasters gets re-launched with Hasbro's Heroquest style branding?

Edit: I am done with all the minis from the Core set, and moving onto the furniture and doors.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/05/13 20:17:05

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Made in au
Making Stuff

Under the couch

Zenithfleet wrote:
For North Americans, the new version of HQ is indeed the same as the old version. But now that their odd localised version has suddenly become the standard international version, some of us in the rest of the world are shaking our fists at clouds and clutching defiantly at our classic UK/Euro rules.

I'm actually finding I prefer the US version, so while I haven't bought the new base set, I've been updating everything to match the US rules so it's all compatible with the new expansions as they come out.

I may still wind up picking up the starter when it's on one of its periodic sales on Amazon, as the larger board would be nice...

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Easy E wrote:
How long until Battlemasters gets re-launched with Hasbro's Heroquest style branding?

Battlemasters never really had the same sort of cult following as Heroquest. Most of the sets I've come across in the wild over the years (and that's not many) were just pillaged for cheap WHFB army filler.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/05/13 23:00:08

Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

I still have mine, and all the minis. And I still love it.

And two of the mats!

But that's the issue with it... you need a huge area to play it. It looks impressive definitely, but hard to get it out to play. So maybe if they did a re-release to do smaller minis say 15 or 20mm to retain the character and detail would be the trick.
Made in us
Brigadier General


 Easy E wrote:
How long until Battlemasters gets re-launched with Hasbro's Heroquest style branding?

An interesting -if unlikely- idea. I loved Heroquest and it's Chaos figures (several sets worth) are the foundation of my Chaos army. However, under the new HQ style I'd probably have zero interest. Heroquest plays as a board game in it's own universe for me and I actually like the new figures. However, in my head Battlemasters is pure Oldhammer and any diversion from the old world is unwelcome. Even if I didn't already have a couple sets of Battlemasters, I wouldn't be interested.

As it happens though I have been thinking about playing Heroquest with my kids recently. It's such a big, fun game.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/05/14 22:47:39

Chicago Skirmish Wargames club. Join us for some friendly, casual gaming in the Windy City.

My Project Log, mostly revolving around custom "Toybashed" terrain.

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Battlefield Tourist

MN (Currently in WY)

I use to hook my HQ games into games of Battlemasters so that I could suck my unsuspecting friends and family into RPGs AND Wargaming at once.

Love to be able to do that with these. I have been using my painted HQ figures for my TTRPGs as I finish up the last furniture in the core set.

Support Blood and Spectacles Publishing:
Made in us
Brigadier General


 Easy E wrote:
I use to hook my HQ games into games of Battlemasters so that I could suck my unsuspecting friends and family into RPGs AND Wargaming at once.

Love to be able to do that with these. I have been using my painted HQ figures for my TTRPGs as I finish up the last furniture in the core set.

If you liked battlemasters and want something similar but a bit more involved, Battlelore 2nd edition is a great choice. Just the Core set has a ton of content. OOP, but not hard to find.

Chicago Skirmish Wargames club. Join us for some friendly, casual gaming in the Windy City.

My Project Log, mostly revolving around custom "Toybashed" terrain.

Visit the Chicago Valley Railroad!
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