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VOTE For the winner of the 73rd Dakka Painting Challenge: Space Marines  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
Which Entries Are Your Favourites?
Tyranid Horde 7% [ 25 ]
Nevelon 2% [ 8 ]
viterbi 2% [ 8 ]
queen_annes_revenge 6% [ 20 ]
Rybrook 2% [ 8 ]
Horla 2% [ 6 ]
Captain Brown 5% [ 17 ]
Chris56 6% [ 20 ]
Freya 4% [ 15 ]
DV8 9% [ 31 ]
Jamie Shred 2% [ 6 ]
JoshInJapan 2% [ 7 ]
Reavsie 1% [ 5 ]
Maharg 3% [ 9 ]
Pariah_Press 2% [ 6 ]
Yorkright 3% [ 11 ]
DJJazzyJeff 3% [ 10 ]
MobileSuitRandom 5% [ 17 ]
Maxwin 4% [ 15 ]
Midget Gems 1% [ 5 ]
vejut 1% [ 5 ]
lifeafter 4% [ 15 ]
Turaxa 1% [ 5 ]
SmallChanges 2% [ 6 ]
E3DD 2% [ 7 ]
the_balloon_dog 3% [ 11 ]
Arakasi 3% [ 11 ]
Paradigm 5% [ 16 ]
Feltmonkey 4% [ 14 ]
Total Votes : 339
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Made in gb
Is 'Eavy Metal Calling?


Once again, it's time to pick a winner and kick off the 2021-22 Painting Challenge League. As is tradition, this month was the annual Space Marine round, but as ever we have a few creative entries that use the theme in unique and interesting ways. In general, though, any sort of armoured spaceborne soldiery was eligible, but this year we have a strong showing from the Adeptus Astartes in a variety of schemes and shapes.

As always, you can vote for as many entries as you like, and for any reason that you feel merits recognition, be that the quality of the paintwork, an interesting conversion, an artistic technique or the effort on show in a particular piece. You are also encouraged to leave some feedback here for the entrants if you wish, and many of the images click through to the Dakka gallery, so do head over there and drop a vote or two if you're so inclined.

The entrants:

Tyranid Horde:Lt. Amulius


Nevelon: Incursors

viterbi: Invader ATV

queen_annes_revenge: World Eaters Terminator

Rybrook: Baal Predator

Horla: Sanguinary Priest

Captain Brown: Shining Spears Attacking A Space Marine

Chris56: Rising Suns Captain

Freya: Wolf Lord

DV8: Master of Sanctity

Jamie Shred: Blood Angels Assault Squad

JoshInJapan: Enforcers

Reavsie: IUltramarine ntercessor

Maharg: Blood Angels Intercessor

Pariah_Press: Arbites

Yorkright: Kharn The Betrayer

DJJazzyJeff: Primaris Interceptor

MobileSuitRandom: Chaos Possessed Marines

Maxwin: Fabius Bile and acolyte

Midget Gems Knights Sanguine

vejut: Valkir Troopers

lifeafter: Primaris Black Templars

Turaxa: Tactical Marine

SmallChanges: Deathwatch Marine

E3DD: Space Sharks Scout

the_balloon_dog: Celestial Lions Marine (customised action figure) FINISHED

Arakasi: Dark Angels Terminator

Paradigm: Sons of Horus Captain

Feltmonkey: Rat Soldiers (See Explanation...)

"Sooooooo, a "Marine" is just another word for a soldier really, isn't it? And "Space" doesn't have to mean outer space. Could it perhaps refer to a small space? So my "Space Marines" are a couple of soldiers who operate in very small spaces - Rat Soldiers from Mice and Mystics."

Made in us
Stealthy Space Wolves Scout


Tyranid - I love your marine. Tons of thought and techniques play out in this mini and I have to say, fantastic! your white armor is impressive and I can't really pick out any flaw... <3

QAR - Heated metal is super sexy and of course you nailed the white armor bit as I've come to expect from your works. As usual, well done!

Chris - That NMM is sexy and all of the small hand done decals are primo.

DV8 - Looks better than the box art. Like they should just show yours instead. Fantastic.

MobileSuit - Your colors and details are incredible. Definitely get a vote from me. I love it!

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Made in ca
Speed Drybrushing


My top 3, in the order of the post:

Tyranid Horde - I gave you a lot of my feedback already in the previous thread, so not much else to touch on since you've not made any changes for this entry. Lovely work overal, just the lighting and refinement issues we talked about.

QAR - Love it; the heat pattern on the gun is slick, an the decal use is sublime. I think you can push your contrast even more, especially around the head and chest area, and maybe the tops of the shoulderpads, and the NMM could use another contrast highlight of pure white to really pop some of those edges and corners.

Chris56 - Really cool theme, and i think the execution on the red marine's swords and helmet are excellent! I think you could do with some more top-down contrast (brighten up the head, pads, chest, darken up the lower portions of the legs, etc.) on the marines overal to pop them, and I think the white armor of the bodyguards could use some work. You also got some red on the pad of the left marine.

Really really REALLY close:

Maxwin - What a clean entry! The vials in particular are very well done, but what realy lets me down on this piece is his face, and the business of the NMM on his claws. Not insofar as it's poorly executed, but I think the lighting is confusing me. It doesn't seem to be highlighted in accordance with a consistent light source, you've sort of just higlhighted every edge uniformly, and then blended every surface with it's own unique light source. I think consideration of where your light is coming from, and how that dictates where your brights and darks will sit relative to each surface will really level up your future pieces.

Made in us
Trigger-Happy Baal Predator Pilot


Wow, a lot of really good entries this month.

Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

Tyranid Horde
A lovely example of warm white armour, with really believable battle damage. I love the way the base looks so naturally dusty, and how the marine seems very much in the environment.

Nice snow camo, although I’d like to admire it with somewhat bigger pictures. Carrying the snow camo over on to the Ultramarine shoulder pad trim is a nice touch.

I’m sensing a bit of a white/snow theme so far – was there a winter aspect to the comp I missed? I’m not all that fond of the Invader, but the colours work well with the base, especially having the marines a different colour to the vehicle, and the braziers for a hint of warmth.

Sticking with the white/winter theme I see. This fellow looks suitably grizzled, and has a more subtle yet pervasive aura of deranged anger than many World Eaters are seen with. Again, nicely in his environment, and there’s something rather fun going on with the weapon barrels. It’s nice to see something a little smaller than some of your previous entries too.

Nooo, something that’s neither white nor wintry! That’s a nice, vibrant red, and the reverse cell shading effect you’ve got going on the turret and some other surfaces is surprisingly effective. For some reason I really like the use of the inside of the turret hatch as a spot colour opportunity.

Ah good, back to winter. The warmer white was a good choice for the armour, letting it work well with the red robes while helping the snow look even whiter. That’s some nice work on the robes, although I think a warm mid-or-light-grey wash on the softer armour at the joints would bring the effect up a level for not too much effort.

Captain Brown
Ah, to think I mentioned the white/winter theme as a joke, and now I can’t stop noticing it. That poor, poor Marine – think of the trauma a spear has to inflict to leave the warrior impaled but legless! The classic pennants give a nice sense of movement.

I’m definitely borrowing this chapter to add to my Deathwatch, although I get the feeling it’s not easy to get those radiating sunbeams even and symmetrical. The flowers on the base seem to work really well with both the red and the white marines, and I’m impressed that the amount going on with the Captain’s base doesn’t detract from the model. If I had one critique, it would be that the Tau pad doesn’t seem to match the style of the rest of the model – maybe blending to a brighter orange centre-line on each of the sunbeams would help with that.

Nice depth of colour on the fur, and I like the way both animals are have subtly graduated coats from the flanks up to the spine and top of the head. The streaked ice effect is something I’ve not seen much on frost weapons, despite being really effective, and the blood streak lends it the sense of being something more physical than a regular power weapon.

What can I say, this might be my favourite of the bunch (and not just because I’ve recently learnt what a pain it is to do visually interesting battle damage on black armour – might be borrowing a little and going more grey so it still reads as black, but allows for a true black for damage).

Jamie Shred
While I’m not always convinced about hazard stripes on chainswords, there’s something about the classic red-with-yellow-helmets scheme and seeing them all together that makes it work. I’m sure it helps that it’s a well executed set of hazard stripes too. The dusty touch around the lower legs ties them to the environment nicely, proving that the armour doesn’t have to be white to carry dust well.

Am I glad I clicked on the bigger pictures for these – it looks like you’ve used a quasi-nmm technique to good effect on the various flat panels to really emphasise the shape and depth of the models. The variation in tones across the models is visually pleasing, while the style and consistent basing keeps them looking like they belong together.

That’s a seriously vibrant blue (unless it’s purple – I never can seem to get that right), almost heading off in to Crimson Fists territory. A nice, clean Ultra, no doubt inspecting a recent kill.

Aand back to winter (promise I’ll let that go in about a dozen more comments time). A slightly less saturated red (and blue for that matter) than some Blood Angels, but you’ve avoided the “pink highlight” trap so it works for me. A nice amount of battle damage, and I like the deliberate effort to make sure that extends to the iconography.

Nice to see some of the older sculpts getting some love, and unless I miss my guess in a pretty classic colour and basing scheme, and you’ve even freehanded the Arbites symbol for good measure!

Another “classic”, albeit this time a classic Kharn/World Eaters scheme on the newer model. Good choice of coppery metallics over gold or bronze, and the base adds variety and visual interest without stealing the show.

A really interesting take on the model – oddly my eye is drawn to the belt buckle first, then on to the eagle, and the bolter from there (at least in the first picture). The weapons especially remind me of some of the monochrome non-metallic entries we had a few comps back, and communicates a very definite stylistic choice.

That is a nice (by which I mean appropriately horrible) Possessed marine. While being quite distinct, the bone, armour and reddish claw all come together in to a quite believable model for the setting, and in some ways is quite evocative of the plastic Daemon Prince kit.

I suppose it’s only appropriate for a member (or is it former member?) of the Emperor’s Children to have a serious sense of style, and this model really situates Fabius as unashamedly superior, surveying the results of his latest scheme, and all without having to get his hands dirty. There’s even a sense of slow but purposeful motion in the sloshing of the various vials.

Midget Gems
The stand out element for me is the lovely yellow gem effect on (as far as I can tell) every single blood drop, and even carried over on to the sword, which really help to add interest to an intentionally darker/subdued colour scheme and balance the whites. I’d definitely like to see bigger pictures to appreciate the details more though.

That’s an unusual fire-yellow effect on the brighter one of the three (and I assume on the green(?) ones) which speaks to an interesting technique, and seems to give an almost greasy (as in industrially dirty) finish on some of the smoother areas. I’m guessing maybe inks or glazing was involved?

Normally I’d be against Black Templars on a black background, but here it only seems to enhance the gritty painting style you’ve used. They certainly look like they’ve had a hard campaign, but the first one takes the prize for looking like something you said personally upset him, and he’s on his way to do something about it.

Had to make sure I didn’t take your name out when I was deleting my own from the feedback list – that would have been embarrassing. I’ve always been a fan of red bolter plating, and if I’m seeing it right you’ve used a dark blue or blue-grey for the black highlights (my perception of colours is not guaranteed accurate btw). It’s an interesting way of doing blacks, and I think well worth sticking with as you develop it.

Not sure I’m getting much in the way of Space Shark off this guy (unless I’m missing something important about the red/yellow chest icon), but still a nicely painted model with a somehow unpleasantly muddy looking base (in a good way, mind).

Is this what happens after 40,000 years of scale creep? It’s really nice to see such an engaging conversion of one of these larger models, and it looks like you’ve really taken advantage of the scale difference to add plenty of texture and more subtly compelling wear, tear and battle damage. I literally can’t see a single surface which doesn’t look like it’s a lived-in piece of armour with damage acquired and repaired over the course of many battles or campaigns.

Deathwing bone is never the easiest to paint, but it looks like you’ve got a good balance between the shade and highlight going there (including the trickier flat-surface highlight), while still making sure the purity seals read as a different material with a different character.

Not sure if you were going for the Blanchitsu award, but I’d give it to you for this round. Somehow, it’s got a great air of grim age and perhaps resignation, and that cloak is a lovely, vibrant counterpoint.

Creative interpretation of space marine, I’ll grant, but the beady eyes and sharp teeth paint them as hardened fighters, and it’s always interesting to see how different colours on nearly identical models can make them seem so individual. I personally prefer the lighter one of the two, but I can’t tell if that’s because you’ve started from a similar base colour for both, or if I’m not seeing the contrast as well for the darker mouse.

Made in jp
Incorporating Wet-Blending


Another set of outstanding models. I don't play 40K anymore, and I wasn't a big fan of Space Marines when I did, but from a purely modelling and painting standpoint, I admit that they make a great canvas to start with.

Tyranid Horde: The weathering and heavy shadows on the white armor really lend the model weight. The face is kind of rough, but the NMM on the Iron Halo and the lighting effects on the power sword are lovely.

Nevelon: Your winter camo turned out nicely. I feel like the panels get lost in all the other grey, though, and would benefit from darker panel lining.

viterbi: Nice work on an odd vehicle. Picking out all the little details keeps the eye from getting bored. The driver and gunner seem pretty clean compared to the vehicle-- I wonder if a little battle damage (maybe on the transfers?) would help tie the model together.

queen_annes_revenge: Your use of drab colors make the model look like he's been in the field for a while, and the red-hot AC barrels are a nice touch. The crossed chains on the chestplate (are those transfers or freehand?) seem a little sharp compared to the rest of the model, but it's probably not as noticable in hand.

Rybrook: a very businesslike model (if one can call a bright red tank businesslike), with enough little details picked out to break up all the red. It will look great on the tabletop.

Horla: The shading/highlighting on the red is lovely, particularly on the right leg. The white armor could use some darker panel lining, though.

Captain Brown: Another fine set of Shining Spears-- it's amazing how many themes these models fit (>.<. I remain impressed at your smooth white.

Chris56: Samurai Marines! I made a small army of them many years ago-- I wonder what happened to them...? The Rising Sun shoulder pads turned out nicely-- they must have been a bear to paint freehand. If you ever revisit this set, you might try to find a katana-like blade for one or both of the swords.

Freya: So, your SW are co-ed? Never let it be said that Space Vikings aren't equal opportunity! The axe blade is interesting-- is it stone or ice?

DV8: The golds on this model really pop, especially against the black.

Jamie Shred: A solid squad in classic BA color scheme. I like what you did with the yellow on the hazard stripes-- shading and highlighting yellow remains challenging for me.

me: I'm a big fan of the Enforcers aesthetic, and have been since they were first introduced in restic. That said, the older metal and restic versions can be challenging to work with (to put it charitably). These guys won't win any awards, as we can see from the voting, but they were an instructive exercise in lighting, and I'm five models closer to emptying the closet of shame.

Reavsie: A solid paintjob on a solid model. It would benefit from some stronger highlights, I think.

Maharg: A very nice BA trooper. The battle damage on the insignias is a nice touch.

Pariah_Press: Those are some old, funky models. The blue-black and yellow gives me a definite Judge Dredd vibe.

Yorkright: A great take on the traditional red-and-bronze Khronate colors. The unusual colors on the bare left arm and the dark, dark skulls on the helmet flash are both nice touches.

DJJazzyJeff: Another BA model. It's interesting to see how many different reds everyone is using.

MobileSuitRandom: I like the gross fleshtones and the blending from skin into chitin on the claw arm.

Maxwin: Lots and lots going on with this model. The grey-to-brown on the coat is interesting to look at, and the green goo just scream Re-Animator.

Midget Gems: Another BA variant-- I can see why this color scheme is popular. The bright green gems really pop against the dark red armor.

vejut: This is a cool, non-Marine unit. The edge highlighting on the green guys looks great.

lifeafter: These guys are kind of hard to see against the black background, but what I can make out is pretty sweet-- they look like a John Blanche painting.

Turaxa: A good, basic paint job that would benefit from more contrast-- highlights on the darks and some shading/lining on the brighter colors.

SmallChanges: Another solid paint job that could use some more highlights, especially on the all-black armor.

E3DD: This guy is much darker that how I imaging Space Sharks look, which I guess is appropriate for a scout. The power maul is a nice spot of light.

the_balloon_dog: A model this large gives you a lot of space to work with, and you really did a lot with it. The shield, face paint, and cape all look hand-made, which adds a lot of verisimilitude to the model.

Arakasi: The off-white armor looks good. I seem to remember from your P&M blog that you ran out of time, which is why you didn't quite finish detailing. If you can find time to go back and do that, you'll have a great model on your hands.

Paradigm: Your Blanchistu-like style is always a joy to look at. This guy looks like he's been in the field for a long, long time.

Feltmonkey: Not quite what I expected in a Space Marine-themed challenge. There isn't much happening on the models, but they'll make good mooks.

Again, good work everyone. Let's all keep pushing ourselves!

Now showing the Kalyshi team for Dreadball, and WIP on a Strider for Deadzone!

Painting total as of 5/6/2024: 49 plus a set of modular spaceship terrain

Painting total for 2023: 79 plus 28 Battlemechs and a Dragon-Balrog

Made in gb
Executing Exarch

London, UK

Some wonderful entries again this month from everyone, and a big thanks to Para for getting the voting thread up. Big thanks to DV8, QAR, Freya, Small Changes and JoshInJapan for your comments, all are very useful to me and will help me for April's entry.

I hope folks don't mind some feedback from myself, seems it is something I try to do every month so may as well continue! Also dropping votes in gallery photos too (although there seems to be fewer to vote for!)

Tyranid Horde: My best work yet and has been improved through some excellent feedback. The skin looks gaunt due to the shading I gave the skin and didn't think anything of it. There are a few mistakes here and there that could have been caught beforehand too.

Nevelon: I've already said how much I like your winter camouflage scheme and it works so well with the phobos armour and keeping the chapter colours to one shoulder pad was an excellent choice. Some dark grey or brown panel lining would give these models some extra oomph but can't complain.

viterbi: Not a model I'm a fan of, but you've done a great job. The edges are crisp and the scheme is unified, and the weathering adds some nice break up to the flat panels. One suggestion would be to direct the scratches in relation to movement so it will add some dynamism.

queen_annes_revenge: Your version of tabletop (pfft, it's above that by some way) is something few painters manage to achieve and this is a great looking mini. Love the heat effect on the barrel and the weathering, I can't really find anything to nitpick other than the decal looking a little bit fresh on the torso.

Rybrook: A clean paint job with some nice points of interest in the turret, decals and iconography. Some weathering would really sell an environmental effect, and a few bright highlights would add contrast to the panels.

Horla: You've achieved a lovely white and the red robes act as a good contrast, but the armour tubing needs painting in to differentiate the armour.

Captain Brown: Funny to see a dead blood angel among so many living ones! Great job on the spears again, lovely smooth white.

Chris56: These are really cool and well themed. I really like the captain, especially the NMM on the swords and the tau shoulder pad with the rising sun. I think the intercessors need some squad markings on their shoulder pads, but otherwise can't fault them.

Freya: Nice work on the space pup and associated puppers. Nice tonal variety in the fur pelts and I'm digging the frost axe's frosty feel. Great basing too!

DV8: Stunning paint job as usual, but I really like the subtle dusting with pigments and the weathering you've added to the black armour. The lower purity seals that become ragged at the end is an awesome touch too.

Jamie Shred: Good, clean armour both in the red and the yellow with lovely hazard stripes giving some lovely visual interest to the squad. Would have loved to see some decals or freehand to push them a little bit more!

JoshinJapan: Personally think these deserved more attention, you've got some lovely NMM going on on the individual photos and the heat effects on the weapons are very well executed.

Reavsie: A good, clean paint job. I like that you've broken up the armour panels with some lining and I think a simple edge highlight would really push it past battle ready.

Maharg: Nice work! Really like the freehand and light battle damage over the marine, and the subtle change in red. I think a brighter highlight on the helmet would draw the eye to that region but overall, lovely work.

Pariah_Press: Love the classic sculpts you enter in these monthly challenges. Lovely set of Arbites with a cool colour scheme that is shaded and highlighted well. My only suggestion would be to add a wash around the base of the tuft to blend it into your basing material a little more.

Yorkright: Mentioned this in your blog, but excellent work on such an iconic model. You've nailed the scheme and the metallics are on point. My suggestion would be to shade some of the flatter areas of trim to add some variation across the mini.

DJJazzyJeff: Very nice work, especially on the Aquila, belt and bolters, and the OSL from the jump pack is a nice touch. Some markings would push the model a bit further and some sand/grout to blend the elements of the base together would be good too I think!

MobileSuitRandom: This one is a stand out for me this month, love the blue hues coupled with the bones and the reds are excellent highlights. Suitably dark too for the type of miniature it is!

Maxwin: Really enjoyed this entry from you. The colours used and the glassy effects are really cool on the vials. My gripe is the verdigris looks a little "placed" and less like the trim has actually developed the grime, which is a little jarring compared to the rest of the mini.

Midget Gems: Great selection of your Knights Sanguine. I like the darker red you went with as the greens used compliment it quite well and the basing of the captain is very cool, which overshadows the plainer bases of the tacticals. I like the cool grey cloak of the captain as well, it plays off the red very well.

vejut: I've not seen these models before but they're pretty cool. I think the green troopers are my preference, as you've gotten some nice tones out of the armour and the yellow swords suit them better. I think the yellow trooper is also solid, but it needs a little more shading in the yellow areas, be it in some of the panel lines or the cloth. The gradient on the shield is nicely done too.

lifeafter: I like the atmosphere of the photos and the overall grimdark aesthetic of the models has been achieved, but I dislike the dark photos for feedback. Great on an instagram feed though. I think the basing and battle damage looks great though and the flesh tones are a good contrast with the dark theme. Some iconography to make them more like Templars would go a long way I feel, but the bits and heraldry on the tilt shields are good touches.

Turaxa: That's a blast from the past, haven't seen an AoBR marine in ages. Overall, a solid scheme and clean job. I especially like the blue shading on the aquila. I think the edge highlights need to be neatened up a little bit and some black lining on the non-black elements would see this paint job elevated.

SmallChanges: A good clean paint job and the only thing that is lacking is some slightly brighter edge highlighting/battle damage on the black armour to make it pop, as all of the other elements look great!

E3DD: Overall, a solid paint job with good edge highlights and definition in the recesses. I like the roundel, it's crisp and clean but I think he really needs some definition in the face and a few tribal markings to make him a true space shark.

the_balloon_dog: Awesome, it's an oddity to see large scale stuff like this make an appearance but you've really nailed the Celestial Lions scheme and heraldry, and the nods to the Armageddon campaign are fantastic.

Arakasi: Liking the warm bone you've achieved here, and I like how you've shaded the white parts with green, which is a cool reference to the chapter. A white reflection dot for the eye is the only criticism I have, and even then, it's a nit pick.

Paradigm: I like this a lot. Heresy is made for gritty and atmospheric paint jobs and you've nailed the look in my opinion. Love the sea green as well, it's a hard look to pull off I find.

Feltmonkey: While not your usual, I find these guys to be pretty damn good! Their fur is believable with the variety of colour in there and the rusty weapons work well. The reddish tinge to the ears are my favourite part of the two minis.

Spoilered are some updated images of the Lieutenant. I reworked the mini a bit over the weekend but as it wasn't in March, I didn't update the photos. Big thanks to DV8 for his comments in the last thread, I took them on board so I fixed the skin and eyes (still found this really difficult!), some of the reflection points on the shoulder pad trim, and added some more weathering to parts of the mini I had missed. Still want to work some more on the mini, but I am finding my attention waning a bit so might just call it done.

Made in ca
Speed Drybrushing


 Tyranid Horde wrote:

Spoilered are some updated images of the Lieutenant. I reworked the mini a bit over the weekend but as it wasn't in March, I didn't update the photos. Big thanks to DV8 for his comments in the last thread, I took them on board so I fixed the skin and eyes (still found this really difficult!), some of the reflection points on the shoulder pad trim, and added some more weathering to parts of the mini I had missed. Still want to work some more on the mini, but I am finding my attention waning a bit so might just call it done.

Yes! Dude that face looks so much better! And while the tweak to the pauldrons is subtle, that consistent lighting makes a world of difference!

Made in ie
Regular Dakkanaut


SmallChanges wrote:Horla
Ah good, back to winter. The warmer white was a good choice for the armour, letting it work well with the red robes while helping the snow look even whiter. That’s some nice work on the robes, although I think a warm mid-or-light-grey wash on the softer armour at the joints would bring the effect up a level for not too much effort.

JoshInJapan wrote:Horla: The shading/highlighting on the red is lovely, particularly on the right leg. The white armor could use some darker panel lining, though.

Tyranid Horde wrote:Horla: You've achieved a lovely white and the red robes act as a good contrast, but the armour tubing needs painting in to differentiate the armour.

Thanks for the feedback folks, looking at the photos on my laptop versus my phone, the white of the armour looks a lot less defined than it does in real life. I built up the shade with Apothecary White contrast paint but might drop something slightly darker into some of the recesses and see how that goes. And yes, I'm really happy with the red (and @SmallChanges - the bone white for the armour was definitely picked with the snow in mind).
Made in gb
Trigger-Happy Baal Predator Pilot

Leeds UK

Thanks for the feedback and votes peeps. I do need to give decals a proper go at some point. I tried freehanding the blood drop shoulder pad this time last year and really struggled with the shape, makes me wish i played smurfs instead :-)
Made in gb
Is 'Eavy Metal Calling?


We got winners!

In tied 3rd place on 20 votes apiece, we have Chris56 with his Samurai-inspired Rising Suns Captain

And queen_annes_revenge with a World Eaters Terminator, suitably grim and grimy:

Five votes ahead on 25, Tyranid Horde takes second with a resplendent Lt Amulius:


And way out ahead on 31 votes, we have DV8's Master Of Sanctity. No resting on his laurels for last year's League winner, it seems, as this entry proves!

Congratulations to everyone who took part, and once again thanks to everyone who took the time to leave feedback, gallery votes ect! This year is off to a cracking start, and it's only going to get faster and furious-er in Aprils round, Travelling In Style:

Made in nz
Fresh-Faced New User

Congratulations everyone, beautiful work. Big congratulations to QAR / DV8 / Chris56 / Tyranid Horde for getting so many votes!!.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2021/04/12 22:06:27

Thousand sons / Black Legion.
Made in gb
Trigger-Happy Baal Predator Pilot

Leeds UK

Congrats all
Made in gb
Been Around the Block

Yeah good job everyone... and congrats to the winners....

and thanks for the feedback in those massive effort posts... hadn't expected it, but its good... I'll try and catalogue my thoughts next month and join in the C&C....
Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

Amazing work all, especially the winners! Great start to the new year.

Made in ca
Fixture of Dakka

Surrey, BC - Canada

Well done everyone.

We all have more painted models and the pile of the unpainted has shrunk.



Made in us
Crazy Marauder Horseman

Congrats everyone, especially DV8, Tyranid Horde, Chris56, and QAR.
@Tyranid Horde: Seems like Miniac saw your entry - https://youtu.be/drZeMfG6XMw?t=143

Anything I say, unless expressly noted, is my own opinion. Take it as you will
My Blog: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/0/796348.page#11061568
Now painting seraphon for Underworlds! 
Made in ie
Regular Dakkanaut


Well done folks, strong winners there.
Made in ca
Speed Drybrushing


Congrats to everyone for just getting something done, and pushing back just a little bit more the unending legions of grey!

Made in jp
Incorporating Wet-Blending


Congratulations to winners, and a big round of applause to everyone who entered.

Now showing the Kalyshi team for Dreadball, and WIP on a Strider for Deadzone!

Painting total as of 5/6/2024: 49 plus a set of modular spaceship terrain

Painting total for 2023: 79 plus 28 Battlemechs and a Dragon-Balrog

Made in gb
Executing Exarch

London, UK

Congratulations to everyone on their entries, and well done to DV8, QAR and Chris56. Pleased to get into the top 3 for the first time.

@E3DD, thanks for the heads up! I spotted that the other day too, very cool to see I must admit!

Made in us
Dakka Veteran

Denver, CO

Amazing entries by everyone. Really inspiring stuff here!

Thanks for the feedback, Tyranid Horde, JoshInJapan, and SmallChanges. I'm definitely going to work on taking some pictures on a brighter background. I was totally going for infinite black background for aesthetics, but you're all right that it's hard to see all of the details for this type of post. I'll work on it for next month!

Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

Congratualtions to the winners on some excellent work. Also thanks to Tyranid Horde ,JoshInJapan and SmallChanges for providing helpful feedback to everyone, the effort is appreciated.

Made in gb
Dakka Veteran

United Kingdom

Congrats everyone, and particularly the winners. Thanks to everyone who voted for me and commented. Hopefully I'll be able to get back to participating more fully when I'm a little less busy.
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