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+++REDACTED+++ Space Marines army project  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in fi
Cackling Chaos Conscript



So I just spent 5 hours cleaning the desk and going through at least four boxes of used random miniatures I had ordered from internet market places earlier this (and the last) year from several different people. Found loads of Ork Vehicles, cool Warzone troops I might introduce to some Chaos Space Marine army later on, Empire Handgunners, Nurgle Demons, Ogors, metal zombies (I have no idea who manufactured them), things I already forgot about and well, LOTS of Space Marines.

Now I've been toying around with some wacky ideas and whether to start building up an army of Tzeentch Demons (that would work for both for Age of Sigmar & Warhammer 40k) OR a force of loyalist Space Marines. Current mood is that I'll do them both. Simultaneously. The Demons will be completely weird and warped heaps of flailing appendages, beaks, wings, horns and eyes, while the Space Marines I'll probably mostly just assemble as they are intended, and concentrate on a cool and unified paint scheme for the whole of them.

As for the Space Marines army project, THIS is what I managed to find from my Hobby Castle so far:

~20~ Terminators (from different eras)
~15~ Primaris Intercessors
3 Primaris Inceptors
5 Veterans (Death Watch)
5 Marines (from Space Crusade)
5+ RTb01 "beakie" Marines
10 Devastators (from different eras)
~10~ Tactical Marines (old metal)
30+ Tactical Marines (from different eras)
5 Assault Marines with jump packs (+ 9 more extra jump packs)
~8~ Bikers (from different eras)
3 Scout Biker torsoes (old metal)
5 Scouts with cloaks
4 Scouts (old metal)

1 Gravis Captain
3 Tech Marines (one old)
1 Librarian (old Tiqurius)
2 Chaplains (old)
1 Captain (old Ultramarines)
1 Chapter Master (old Dark Angels)
2 Characters with jump packs
3 Characters from boxed games

1 Land Speeder
2 Dreadnoughts
1 Land Raider
4 Rhinos (2 old ones)

Unopened boxed sets with more marines:
1 Deathwatch Overkill
1 Dark Vengeance

Oh booger. So many cool things to choose from. Glad I've already been flicking through the Space Marines codex for a while, and know pretty much what I want to include in the army. Anyways, here's my working desk from yesterday (with all the materials I had piled in and used for the earlier Death Guard AND Chaotic Overlords projects), and another shot taken today. There's all the Space Marine stuff sorted out and ready to go.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2021/04/10 19:13:20

Made in ca
Grisly Ghost Ark Driver

Sounds like a fun project! Any hint on scheme yet?

See what's on my painting table Now painting: Tyranid Genestealers 
Made in fi
Cackling Chaos Conscript


Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll yeah, feels very much fun! Not completely sure about the scheme yet. I'm thinking about something blueish metallic grey. Like super weathered Ultramarines. Striking shoulder pads. Maybe use tweaked or upside-down transfer symbols from other chapters? I really like the looks of Space Marines done by Jervis Johnson (grey drybrushed dudes) & Dave Andrews (gritty and drybrushed Ultramarines) that I've seen on some old White Dwarfs. I haven't been able to find anything about them online, but got the WD's stashed in somewhere. I might do a basecoat with silver spray, then cover everything with dirty blue wash and drybrush grey or khaki with a bit of silver added in. Decals, details, dirty (oil?) washes and weathering powders. Very unified but gritty is the plan at the moment, but as usual it might still change.

Anyways, here's a bit of progress from last weekend. There's a unit of 10 Tactical Marines (just gotta have these in the army!). I have no idea who did the orange paintjob on these guys. That scheme is very striking (especially those black & white shoulder pads) even from several feet away, so I'm now considering trying somewhat similar shoulder pads for my own army. Most of the unit was already assembled and ready, so I just had to do some minor mold line scraping and repositioning of heads for these troopers, and put together a sergeant and special weapon guy. I also took off all the beakie heads from these. Gonna use them maybe for a squad of Assault Marines later on.

In addition to all the Space Marines found earlier, I remembered a heap of Chaos Space Marines I started working on a few years ago when returning to the hobby. So this was right after the 8th edition of Warhammer 40k came out. Hidden in a top drawer of my secondary desk there was a batch painted group of over thirty Chaos Marines, three lizard-demon-centaur-bikers and a Khorne Juggernaut. Got only 5 of those CSM's painted ready, and never finished that project back then...

But how does this relate to the current loyalist Space Marine project? Well, under all the burnt orangey paintjob and random thick clumps of Green Stuff (that were actually my first ever attempts at sculpting with that), I found ANOTHER NINE (9!) Primaris Space Marines, along with some backpacks, arms and weapons of their kin. I had actually lost (or just used for something else) most of the arms, weapons and backpacks of my other unassembled Primaris dudes, so these came in very handy. Immediately tore off all the GS and chaotic spikes and gathered together a squad of 5 Primaris Intercessors. Yay! I used the older Tactical Marine helmets for these, as I like them a bit more than the actual Primaris ones.

For the bases I went for this "heaps of weathered debris and rubble and crap" approach. First I hot glued a few bigger pieces of sprue cut-offs to the bases. Then over a generous blob of PVA glue I sprinkled more such pieces and mixture of rough sawdust, sand, static grass and a mess of plastic scrap that always gathers on the table when assembling and converting miniatures. Put that thing into good use and not in the bin! A few choice detailed bits were later glued on the bases, including chain, thin pipes and gears. I also found some detailed scenery pieces I had replicated with silicone molds and Milliput. Those were broken into smaller shards and glued on as well (appearing on the bases of the Tactical Squad).

Made in gb
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

That’s quite a stash of Marines! The bases work well, sprue rubble is certainly a good use of all of the random bits we cut off.

Goberts Gubbins - P&M Blog, started with Oldhammer, often Blackstone Fortress and Void Panther Marines, with side projects along the way 
Made in fi
Cackling Chaos Conscript


 gobert wrote:
That’s quite a stash of Marines! The bases work well, sprue rubble is certainly a good use of all of the random bits we cut off.

Yeah! Been slowly acquiring this heap of Marines for over twenty years now, even though I've never actually had or played with a SM army before. I just love these miniatures, but have always used them for Chaos stuff before.


A quick conversion here, based on the Dark Angels Biker Champion from the Dark Vengeance boxed set. Scraped off most of the Dark Angels icons, as I'm likely to run this army as a custom chapter. Added in quite a few bits, such as an elaborate power fist and bolter (which very likely will be used as a master-crafted relic bolter in this case), along with purity seals and other decorations. This fellow will be the Captain Chapter Master for my army, and give some guidance for the Devastator / Tactical / Intercessor gunline I'll be mustering. After maybe two turns of feverish shooting with his friends, the Chapter Master will step on the gas and get in close combat.


Made in gb
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

Ooh, I like the use of an old slotta base to mix up the look of the Sector Imperialis base. It fits well. Good work de-Angeling the Captain too

Goberts Gubbins - P&M Blog, started with Oldhammer, often Blackstone Fortress and Void Panther Marines, with side projects along the way 
Made in ca
Fixture of Dakka

Surrey, BC - Canada

That is an ambitious project Mutant Modifier.

Good luck.



Made in fi
Cackling Chaos Conscript


Cheers gobert & Captain Brown!


Chaplain on Bike, Characters and Tactical Marines. Also trying out a quick paint scheme...

A bit more stuff done this week. Got a nice Chaplain on Bike with loads of skulls and decorations. I'll be doing some sculpting on the details to bring it all together. After a lot of contemplating I decided to use a skull head from Khorne Berzerker for the Chaplain. Those particular heads have been one of the main reasons I don't like too much about the plastic Berzerkers, but after cutting off the evil bunny ears from it, I feel it fits very well for this religious leader of my Space Marines. I also assembled a Chapter Champion and a Lieutenant to support the troops. There's also another combat squads worth of Tactical Marines. Other half of their (yet to be) squad will be riding on a transport with some command figures, bringing their special weapons to bear.


Tying out a quick paint scheme for the army.

I might go for painting several squads and characters at once, if this method works out. I dug out a couple of old misused Chaos Warriors to try things on. There's matt black spray primer, followed by somewhat zenithal dustings of Army Painters Wolf Grey and some cheap silver spray. I'm going for a dusty blue scheme here, with some chips showing on the armor edges, so thought these would provide a nice base to work on. Then I covered everything in heavy wash of diluted Ultramarines Blue Contrast paint. Felt good about this step, but am considering using a bit less diluted paint to get more blue feel overall. Not going exactly for Ultramarines nor Space Wolves here, so it might get a bit tricky. Things will be dirtied down, so no need to be too subtle here, I think.

Then quick drybrushes (with cheap & very soft make up brush) of Pale Grey Blue and Khaki (on the feet). Worked out just great. I'd like to have very strong colors on the shoulder and knee pads, so went for white with black rims, followed with some red details. For the actual Space Marines, I'll be using transfers (mostly black & red, with maybe a few white ones thrown in). To get an idea about how the bases might look, I smeared them with Agrellan Earth Technical paint. Didn't want to put any more time or effort and do proper bases for these test models, so just a little bit of texture will work out just fine. Next I'll cover these dooders with Gloss Varnish spray and try out some oil washes. Then go messy with pigment powders especially on their feet and bases, and see how I feel about them at that point.


Made in gb
Thrall Wizard of Tzeentch

Bromsgrove, UK

I can't believe you were able to scrounge together such a huge potential Astartes force from remnants, that's amazing. Good luck with the project! Looks very fun. I've always toyed with doing something similar using people's cast-off models from ebay, but this way is even cheaper! (kind of)

Email scoundrelstudios@gmail.com to arrange a painting commission. Everything from historical to sci-fi. Get a free quote today!

Please visit https://www.instagram.com/scoundrelstudios13/ for more of my commission work.

Made in fi
Cackling Chaos Conscript


 Scoundrel13 wrote:
I can't believe you were able to scrounge together such a huge potential Astartes force from remnants, that's amazing. Good luck with the project! Looks very fun. I've always toyed with doing something similar using people's cast-off models from ebay, but this way is even cheaper! (kind of)

Yeah, the amount of Astartes I had hidden in plain sight was simply unbelievable for me as well. In fact, yesterday I was looking for a cats toy from under the table at home (and not at my actual Hobby Castle where all the miniatures should be) and there was this huge box I got from my dads attic a while ago. I found another 5 Tactical Marines and an old metal MK III Iron Armour dude as well. SWEET!


A quick addition here as I already made some progress with trying out the color scheme...

Here they are after a Khaki drybrush on the bases as well, a coat of Gloss Varnish spray, and oil washes (diluted with Hanart odorless spirits) of Ultramarine Blue (more on bigger armor plates), Raw Umber (especially on feet) and Lamp Black (mostly around rivets and such). Looks surprisingly great for such an effortless job. I'm feeling very hopeful about this method already. Just imagine some proper clean-cut transfer symbols on the black & white Marine shoulder pads here and get in the mood for praising the Emperor! Now I'll just have to wait for the oil washes to dry for a while and go crazy with the pigment powders.

Made in gb
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

The test scheme looks good, I think you might be right in not thinning the contrast as much. The end result is a bit on the space wolf end of the spectrum at the moment I think.

Goberts Gubbins - P&M Blog, started with Oldhammer, often Blackstone Fortress and Void Panther Marines, with side projects along the way 
Made in ca
Fixture of Dakka

Surrey, BC - Canada

Nice vibrant metallic color and some good weathering Mutant Modifier.



Made in gb
Thrall Wizard of Tzeentch

Bromsgrove, UK

You may have said this already, but were you aiming to make them look like a specific chapter, or are you making a new one? Do they have a potential name yet?

Email scoundrelstudios@gmail.com to arrange a painting commission. Everything from historical to sci-fi. Get a free quote today!

Please visit https://www.instagram.com/scoundrelstudios13/ for more of my commission work.

Made in fi
Cackling Chaos Conscript


 gobert wrote:
The test scheme looks good, I think you might be right in not thinning the contrast as much. The end result is a bit on the space wolf end of the spectrum at the moment I think.

Thanks! You're right, they're definitely a bit too spacewolfey. As well as using a thicker coat of Ultramarines contrast paint, I might try to vary the drybrushed highlight color on the blue-grey areas. Mix in some neutral greys on some guys and purer blue on others. Also the weathering will bring in more orangey & rusty tones, that will hopefully take the models more away from the traditional Space Wolves theme I think.

 Captain Brown wrote:
Nice vibrant metallic color and some good weathering Mutant Modifier.



Thanks & cheers CB!

 Scoundrel13 wrote:
You may have said this already, but were you aiming to make them look like a specific chapter, or are you making a new one? Do they have a potential name yet?

I've been pondering this one a lot. Current plan is to have a custom chapter, but I'm still trying to find out more about some of the actual chapters (especially the stratagems, tactics, relics and such). Maybe I'll just end up switching between chapters depending on the mood. So the scheme will be lacking any common and super specific chapter symbols. There will be some of them left however, maybe crossed over with red lines, and/or covered with +++ symbols. The chapters name is +++REDACTED+++. I'll be writing a short piece of lore for them at some point.

Plan for this and the next week: finish assembling the army (still a squad or two, a Land Speeder, a Rhino and a few characters to go) and then paint them. How about batch painting them all in one go!?

Made in fi
Cackling Chaos Conscript


+++REDACTED+++ Company & Vanguard Veterans, Devastators

Assembly line work from last weekend and a few lunch breaks. Got a nice bunch of tooled-up Company Veterans. I had been planning on having five of them in a Razorback, accompanied with some elite support character such as an Apothecary. They would have been closely followed by a Rhino, transporting other characters (maybe an Ancient, Company Champion & Lieutenant) and some Tactical or Assault Marines. But as I've been adding up points cost for this army, I couldn't fit all of this in 2000 points list along with all the other stuff I've already built. So I decided that the Razorback had to wait, and I would just cram in the Veterans & Characters in a Rhino. Had only four characters in mind, so could fit in 6 Veterans. Only after building all of them I realized that a squad of the Veterans is limited to a maximum of 5 models. Oh booger. But hey! I could always take two squads of three (or even squads of 2 and 4). Sweet... Got Thunder Hammers (optionally proxying as Power Mauls or Axes), Storm Shields (trimmed from Chaos shields!) and a Combi-Plasma in there. Two are carrying only Chainswords & Bolters. I'm counting on that their transport Rhino will get blown to pieces and approximately two of these guys will die when disembarking. So no need to buy expensive stuff for everyone I guess.


Here's some Devastators. I was planning on having two squads with more variety of heavy weapons, but again couldn't fit them all in the first 2000 points of this army I have in mind. They still need an Armorium Cherub for some help. Might just use a random Servo Skull for that, 'cause I don't have any cherub type miniatures laying around. Not gonna do much sculpting this time around.


And finally we've got this threatening bunch of Vanguard Veterans with Jump Packs. There's a few Plasma Pistols, Lightning Claws, Storm Shields (more trimming of the old Chaos shields!) and Power Fists in there. With the Melta Bombs & Hammer of Wrath stratagems, and their loads of attacks with Chainswords & Shock Assault rule I'm thinking they can get pretty nasty indeed. Really wanted to use the beakie style helmets for these guys, and had to cut up some old pink Noise Marines I had converted from RTB01 Space Marines in the late 90's. I really like the "teeth & tongue" paintwork on those two heads, especially on the second guy from the right. Might do something similar for the whole squad when painting. Or would it be too chaosy?

Made in fi
Cackling Chaos Conscript


+++REDACTED+++ Marines, Lieutenant, Company Ancient & Rhino

Had only a few hours of actual work today, so got much more assembling done. Did 5 more regular Space Marines with Bolters, that can fill up the Devastator and/or Tactical Marine squads I've already got. I really miss those upright standing legs (the pink ones on the pic below). Everybody's just heroically squatting nowadays... There's another Lieutenant equipped with Lightning Claws, who'll jump in the Rhino along with the Company Veterans and a bunch of other characters. The Company Ancient (carrying the big banner and a Combi-Melta here) will join them as well. Please notice the ancient Crozius Arcanum piece that now functions as the banner top! And finally here's the company's command Rhino, almost ready to roll. Got a driver Servitor peeking on the roof. I'll be adding a few cables coming out of his head and run to all the radars, guns and other gear near him.


I will not be removing any more hard metal Black Templar insignia
that fill up two whole shoulder pads of a Space Marine any time soon.
Holy crap what a task!


This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2021/04/22 12:43:10

Made in us
Omnipotent Lord of Change

Albany, NY

I love a good salvage project As with your mutants, I'm excited to see paint pull all these different bits together into a cohesive whole - also to see how that color scheme works on its intended marines!

INSTAGRAM: @boss_salvage 
Made in fi
Cackling Chaos Conscript


Cheers Boss Salvage!


+++REDACTED+++ Apothecary, Land Speeder & a group shot of the army assembled so far

A quick afterwork session from today. Since I didn't have any instantly suitable miniature to act as an Apothecary, I was thinking about buying one. But a new one costs 30€, so NO WAY I'm ever gonna pay that much for a single miniature. Ever. I should get a whole squad or more likely two for that price. So I waded through the bits boxes, and found a single Space Marine shoulder pad with the Helix icon on it, and an arm from a Techmarine that had a nice little drill piece in it. I combined these two with other nice Space Marine parts and voilá, the Apothecary was born! I also based a single Servo Skull to act as an Armorium Cherub for my Devastator squad. I reinforced it's tiny wiggly cable with a piece of guitar string, which was probably good idea since the plastic one already broke when I was carefully removing the mold lines from the skull.


Here is the Land Speeder Tornado (since it's got an Assault Cannon and a Multi-Melta). I've got no idea how to base it. Got no intact flying stands.


Finally, here's a group shot of the whole army I've assembled so far. Last night I tried to count up the points in my head, and it was 1999 points on the nose. Hope I didn't forget anything! I'll write a list and do proper calculations soon. Now it's time to do minor sculpting of details and filling some gaps with Green Stuff, and then go priming the whole group with some spray. It just started snowing outside.


Made in fi
Cackling Chaos Conscript



Just a quick update on today's afterwork activities (I've already spray primed everything black, followed by Wolf Grey & Platemail Metal zenithal sprays the last weekend):

* Washed the whole army with dark grey wash (own mix that is just slightly darker than Citadel's Stormvermin Fur or Astrogranite Debris).

* Drybrushed the whole army with Army Painter's Ash Grey.

Because screw blue.

Next up: paint all the shoulder pads white with black rims.

May the Emperor protect.


This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2021/04/26 15:37:34

Made in gb
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

Wow! You’ve smashed these guys out. With the latest update, does that mean they’re going to be grey now blue now? Hopefully the white doesn’t prove too troublesome over the greys

Goberts Gubbins - P&M Blog, started with Oldhammer, often Blackstone Fortress and Void Panther Marines, with side projects along the way 
Made in us
Cackling Chaos Conscript


Yeah, going for grey. With the blue-grey I thought it was very hard to do so it wasn't too spacewolfey. More blue and it would become too ultramariney. I wanted something else. So more grey it was! Plus if I change my mind again and want these guys blue, I can just give them a glaze and hey presto!

I like painting white (or yellow) over whatever. Bad old fishtailed brush and thick paints are my friends.

Made in fi
Cackling Chaos Conscript


+++REDACTED+++ Sculpting a few details, start painting the army

Here's some progress since last friday evening, including that nights marathon session and a few lunch breaks. Sculpted in a few minor details, mostly just Purity Seals and filling of some gaps. Then primed everything Matt Black with Army Painters spray, followed by zenithal coats of Wolf Grey and Platemail Metal from the same brand. I finally chose to steer away from the blue armour scheme I had planned earlier. Too blue and they'd be Ultramarines, while a light blue-grey would easily make them feel like Space Wolves. I wanted neither. And I can always come back later and glaze their armour's blue if I change my mid again.

So I went for grey. I mixed quite a few grey, black, blue & brown paints in a pot, along with some mediums. I've absolutely no idea about any rations, but the end result is a bit darker than the Citadel's Astrogranite Debris for example. Consistency is much like some of the Citadel's contrast paints that don't cover absolutely everything. The whole army was given a thick coat of this new "Redacted Grey" wash, followed by Ash Grey drybrush (I used a cheap one inch super soft make up brush for this and felt great about it!).

I'm still in the middle of this process, but the formula so far is roughly this:

* Shoulder pads are painted Off White, then Dead White.
* Shoulder pad rims Matt Black, except for the jump pack guys & Apothecary I used Blood Angels Red. That red also went for all the cloaks on characters.
* Bonewhite for Veteran's cloaks, hoods, loincloths, parchments, actual skulls and skin.
* Volupus Pink on the (Purity) Seals.
* Basilicanum Grey on the Chaplain's armour.
* Old Gold for important details. I've only painted the golds on the Captain on Bike so far. Won't probably do much of it on regular Tactical dudes.





Made in ca
Grisly Ghost Ark Driver

That's a lot of models to be painting at once! I hope it doesn't get too oppressive!

See what's on my painting table Now painting: Tyranid Genestealers 
Made in us
Omnipotent Lord of Change

Albany, NY


All told, that's a lot of progress across a huge number of minis, nice work. And +1 with wanting to go with a more neutral scheme (I probably get 'White Scares successor' vibes the strongest of any of the chapters, but could double as really anything).

INSTAGRAM: @boss_salvage 
Made in gb
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

Great progress on these guys, they look like Stone Warriors to me (I hope the Inquisition don’t come round if I’ve uncovered their redacted origins).

Goberts Gubbins - P&M Blog, started with Oldhammer, often Blackstone Fortress and Void Panther Marines, with side projects along the way 
Made in fi
Cackling Chaos Conscript


Thanks guys!

 Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll wrote:
That's a lot of models to be painting at once! I hope it doesn't get too oppressive!

Yeah, this is quite a bunch of minis to batch paint. Definitely the biggest group I've ever tried to do (with all the previous attempts that were over 20 models having failed)... But I feel very confident at this point. Listening to interesting stuff (40k lore, lifehack stuff, interviews etc. for example) on the side really helps here. And setting little goals on the way, like "can I do the red shoulder pad rims in the 20 minutes for the squad before having to rush back home"?

 Boss Salvage wrote:
All told, that's a lot of progress across a huge number of minis, nice work. And +1 with wanting to go with a more neutral scheme (I probably get 'White Scares successor' vibes the strongest of any of the chapters, but could double as really anything).

Neutrality/doubling up/proxying possibilities were definitely big in my mind deciding upon this scheme. Still not sure what chapter to even try out on the table. Too many possibilities that I'm not all too sure about, and rather not spend money on several Codex supplements to find out.

 gobert wrote:
Great progress on these guys, they look like Stone Warriors to me (I hope the Inquisition don’t come round if I’ve uncovered their redacted origins).

There has been rumours of a certain Inquisitor Ferryman (if that is his real name) being close on the tracks of these guys...


+++REDACTED+++ Continue painting the army

I'm in the middle of adding Old Gold on the gun barrels and a few other choice details. Tried to mix in a little drop of Retarder Medium (and water) to the gold paint so I didn't need to rush so much or worry about the paint drying on the brushes. Works out nice. Before the golds I put down some Black Wash on the gun casings and other major weapon parts. I feel that these two steps have already made a huge improvement to the overall look of this army. They just seem to add so much definition to the models. Still need to do the golds on the Chaplain, Company Veterans & Vanguard Veterans (with jump packs). Then pay some attention to the Rhino & the Land Speeder. Maybe I'll do some big black/white/red lines as markings, while the Land Speeder still needs a base. And oh, what about putting some differentiating colors on the helmets of the characters and unit leaders? After that I guess it'll be time to do some serious transfer work.


Made in gb
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

Yeah, the gold really helps break up the grey. Silver/gunmetal wouldn’t have done that so well. And space knights need their bling after all!

Goberts Gubbins - P&M Blog, started with Oldhammer, often Blackstone Fortress and Void Panther Marines, with side projects along the way 
Made in ca
Fixture of Dakka

Surrey, BC - Canada

It is coming together Mutant Modifier.



Made in fi
Cackling Chaos Conscript


 gobert wrote:
Yeah, the gold really helps break up the grey. Silver/gunmetal wouldn’t have done that so well. And space knights need their bling after all!

True, true & true!

 Captain Brown wrote:
It is coming together Mutant Modifier.

Cheers CB! It took a while for me to realize I've enjoyed watching your stuff on Yak forums as well... Keep it up!


Here's a little update on:

+++REDACTED+++ Space Marines - still painting the army

Haven't had much hobby time recently, but managed to add a bunch of important details to the army. If I counted correctly, there's now 198 transfers/decals on these guys. Most are from the new & old Space Marine transfer sheets (including upside-down Ultramarine ones), with a few Skitarii & Necromunda Enforcer ones thrown in. I also scribbled in hundreds of tiny lines and +++ symbols everywhere. These guys like to take notes! Still have to do similar scrawls on most of the purity seals.

All this little line work was super fun to do even though the amount of it seemed overwhelming at first. I found an unused brush (Army Painters Regiment size) with a very sharp point and used that. It's big enough to keep quite a bit of fresh paint on it, so no need to go back to the palette that much. I also mixed in a tiny drop of Vallejo's Retarder Medium (and water) to keep the blacks and whites from drying too quick. Pure joy. I recommend trying that medium if you haven't.

I still have to retouch some of the golden areas (can be seen through in places), maybe block in a few steely parts and see if there's anything else I'd like to emphasize before covering everything with some oil washes and pigment powders. It's likely I'll do some fine edge highlights on a few important spots (helmets, details on characters, around bullet holes etc.) later on.

Here's the whole group of +++REDACTED+++ Space Marines, and a closer shot of a few more detailed ones.


Made in ch
The Dread Evil Lord Varlak

Wow that's cool and fast.

A Mostly Renegades and Heretics blog.
GW:"Space marines got too many options to balance, therefore we decided to legends HH units."
Players: "why?!? Now we finally got decent plastic kits and you cut them?"
Chaos marines players: "Since when are Daemonengines 30k models and why do i have NO droppods now?"
GW" MONEY.... erm i meant TOO MANY OPTIONS (to resell your army to you again by disalowing former units)! Do you want specific tyranid fighiting Primaris? Even a new sabotage lieutnant!"
Chaos players: Guess i stop playing or go to HH.  
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