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VOTE For the winner of the 86th Dakka Painting Challenge: Reborn, Remade  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
Which Entries Are Your Favourites?
Hairesy 2% [ 6 ]
Mothsniper 3% [ 8 ]
theCrowe 2% [ 5 ]
Freya 4% [ 10 ]
Graphite 3% [ 7 ]
Jadenim 4% [ 10 ]
Captain Brown 6% [ 18 ]
KidCthulhu 2% [ 5 ]
MrNobody 7% [ 19 ]
Geifer 3% [ 7 ]
Pariah Press 2% [ 5 ]
Arakasi 2% [ 6 ]
SmallChanges 4% [ 11 ]
Nevelon 3% [ 9 ]
Viterbi 4% [ 10 ]
JoshinJapan 7% [ 20 ]
Turaxa 2% [ 5 ]
TheLastTemplar 3% [ 7 ]
DV8 7% [ 19 ]
vejut 4% [ 10 ]
ZergSmasher 3% [ 9 ]
SergeantSilver 1% [ 4 ]
Midget Gems 5% [ 14 ]
Maharg 6% [ 18 ]
Tallandra 1% [ 4 ]
Flinty 3% [ 9 ]
Rybrook 4% [ 11 ]
TooFast 4% [ 11 ]
Total Votes : 277
Author Message

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Made in gb
Is 'Eavy Metal Calling?


Time to kick off the second voting round of the 2022/23 League rotation! This month, entrants were charged with giving their minis a new lease on life (or unlife) with the theme Reborn, Remade. We've got cyborgs, undead, mutants and more among this collection of models that have been in some way altered, enhanced or reimagined for a new purpose.

As always, you're free to hand out as many votes as you like, and for any entry you feel deserves recognition, based on anything from technical proficiency ro model choice, a neat conversion or a cool take on the theme, or anything else! You're also very welcome to leave some feedback here for the entrants, and many of the images click through to the Dakka gallery if you'd like to give out a vote or two there as well.

The entrants:

Hairesy: Raven Guard Sgt.

Mothsniper: Bulldog mechs

theCrowe: Ghost warrior

Freya: Horathuin, War God

Graphite: Dakkabot

Jadenim: Thousand Sons Contemptor Dreadnought

Captain Brown: Necromunda Redemptionists

KidCthulhu: Moto Tsume

MrNobody: Stompa

Geifer: Darth Vader

Pariah Press: Zentraedi Regult Tactical Battle Pods


Arakasi:Trukk Rokkit Launcha:

SmallChanges: Chaos Lord

Nevelon: Ultramarine Captain

Viterbi: Jules, the Living Saint

JoshinJapan: Zombie Horde

Turaxa: Noise Marine

TheLastTemplar: Black Templars squad

DV8: Captain America

vejut: Undead

ZergSmasher: Stormcast Vindicators

SergeantSilver: Assault Marine Squad

Midget Gems: Ork Warcopta

Maharg: Bonereaper

Tallandra: Venerable Dreadnought


Flinty: Raygun Raptors

Rybrook: Cypher

TooFast: Black Templars Dreadnought

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2022/05/16 12:38:02

Made in gb
Leader of the Sept

Thanks Para. The entries are definitely going from strength to strength, so thanks as always for curating this mad bag of cats

Please excuse any spelling errors. I use a tablet frequently and software keyboards are a pain!

Terranwing - w3;d1;l1
51st Dunedinw2;d0;l0
Cadre Coronal Afterglow w1;d0;l0 
Made in ro
Regular Dakkanaut


On a side note - love the chaos lord conversion smallchanges did!
Made in jp
Incorporating Wet-Blending


Great Googly Moogly, there are a lot of outstanding entries this month!

Hairesy: I do like me some Beaky Marines. The glowing plasma coils are nice, as is the right shoulder pad. Is that freehand?

Mothsniper: The white-and-red shoulder flash stands out nicely against the drab military colors. Also, you achieved a really nice grimy effect-but-clean effect on the armor-- they look like they've seen some action.

theCrowe: You sculpted this, right? You nailed the swirly, ethereal effect. The shield implanted in the ectoplasm is a nice touch, as is the dead-looking basing.

Freya: I really like the horizontal striations/hatchwork on the robes. It really sells the texture effect.

Graphite. I love the pirate hat and stripey "pants!" It shouldn't be possible for a Necron model to have personality, and yet to pulled it off.

Jadenim: The red and gold makes me think of Khorne, but the blue and white "headdress" and jade scarab on the chestplate pull the model back to Tzeentch (sp?). Very nice.

Captain Brown: The flames on the robes and the blue-white masks really draw the eye.

KidCthulhu: I like your bone effect, and the purple-lacquered armor subtly differentiates this model from the standard black one expects from samurai armor.

MrNobody: The two-handed grip on that BFG is a great touch that really adds some animation to what is normally a very static model. It must have been a lot of work to convert.

Geifer: You managed some very effective yet very subtle highlights on what could have been a very plain black model. Good job!

Pariah Press: You achieved some very accurate colors on those Battlepods. Were they as hard to assemble as the Veritechs?

Arakasi: Shoulder mounted missles with a pistol grip firing mechanism, placed such that the exhaust would burn off the Ork's face? That, sir, is peak Dakka.

SmallChanges: What a delightful kitbash. I particularly like the purple robes.

Nevelon: I love your update on the classic Terminator Captain. The quartered tilting shield is especially well done.

Vtiterbi: There is a lot going on with this model, but you managed to keep the palette quite simple. The jade green and fuscia work really well together.

me: I had a hard time narrowing my entry down to these three. They aren't my favorite from the set, but they are the most internally consistent as a group. I'm proud of the IV bag and pump, but I think the torn stockings on the nurse could have been better.

Turaxa: This guy should be shredding for Poison or Ratt! I like the checked shoulder pad a lot.

TheLastTemplar: A squad of black and white models should be boring to look at, but you gave each of them just enough personality to differentiate without turning garish. The freehand on the little tilting shields is outstanding.

DV8: I say this almost every month, but I love your blues. Also, I think I'll be using the shield as photo reference for my own NMM.

vejut: The combination of green ectoplasm with solid bones and armor is nifty. I quite like the glowing eyes.

ZergSmasher: Classic blue and gold! You use TMM, right? What do you do to tone down the reflections? The armor really catches the light without looking sparkly.

SergeantSilver: I like the subtle but distinct highlights on the black. The red and gold spot colors add some nice visual interest, as well.

Midget Gems: You kitbashed this, right? Everything blends together seamlessly. I really like that the rotors would decapitate any Ork standing on that platform if he stood up straight-- that's Orky AF!

Maharg: I love the ivory and turquoise combination, and the purple sword is just bada$$.

Tallandra: That Dread looks really tall-- are those standard legs? The battle damage on the missle launcher is a nice touch.

Flinty: What a fun set of models! They look like action figures, in the best possible sense of the word.

Rybrook: I like the grimy tan cloak-- Cypher obviously doesn't have a lot of time to do laundry. The giant sword is a nice touch, as well.

TooFast: This blinged-out Dread looks like it wants to be found. The chain motif is really interesting.

Stellar work all around, everyone!

Now showing the Kalyshi team for Dreadball, and WIP on a Strider for Deadzone!

Painting total as of 5/6/2024: 49 plus a set of modular spaceship terrain

Painting total for 2023: 79 plus 28 Battlemechs and a Dragon-Balrog

Made in us
Grumpy Longbeard

Good stuff!
My favorite part of the month

Get cup of tea, sit back and soak in all the artwork.

Made in us
Grim Dark Angels Interrogator-Chaplain

A Protoss colony world

 JoshInJapan wrote:
ZergSmasher: Classic blue and gold! You use TMM, right? What do you do to tone down the reflections? The armor really catches the light without looking sparkly

Thanks, but it's definitely purple, not blue! If by TMM you mean I'm using actual metallic paints, you're right. As for how I did it, it was actually mostly drybrushing on the gold parts. I did a basecoat of Retributor Armor of course, but then I gave the whole thing a shade and then drybrushed to build up the shine on the armor (first using Retributor Armor to get most of the original color back, then a finer pass with Auric Armor Gold, and then a really fine pass on the highest areas with Stormhost Silver). I saw it done this way on Artis Opus' channel on Youtube, and I'm really happy with it. Thanks for taking time to give everyone feedback!

My votes, in no particular order:
MrNobody: You did a whole Stompa in a month, and did a cool pose on it and made it look well-used in that time. Definitely worth a vote in my book!
Nevelon: This has to be one of your best pieces, right up there with that Hive Tyrant that got you a podium last year. A really cool sculpt and you did it justice with your paintwork.
Viterbi: Using Yndrasta in a Sisters army is a pretty obvious kitbashing opportunity, but you really took the idea and ran with it. Definitely a lot better than most such conversions I've seen. I especially like the banner!
JoshInJapan: These are some really cool looking Zombies, and I love that they all fit the theme (medical personnel and a patient that all got infected).
Rybrook: It's Cypher, one of the most interesting characters in all of 40k. That alone almost gets the vote. I've painted that old metal model before, and I can definitely say yours turned out better than my lazy effort on that same model, so well done I say!

As for my own entry, I'm actually really happy with it. It may not be flashy enough to earn many votes, but I'm proud of it and I think the models will look good on the tabletop. Everyone here should be proud of their entries the same way. Shout out as always to Paradigm for running this challenge and putting up with my good-natured ribbing about getting this poll going. Thanks for all you do each month, buddy! See you all in the May challenge.

My armies (re-counted and updated on 11/1/23, including modeled wargear options):
Dark Angels: ~15000 Astra Militarum: ~1200 | Adeptus Custodes: ~1900 | Imperial Knights: ~2000 | Sisters of Battle: ~3500 | Leagues of Votann: ~1200 | Tyranids: ~2600 | Stormcast Eternals: ~5000
Check out my P&M Blogs: ZergSmasher's P&M Blog | Imperial Knights blog | Board Games blog | Total models painted in 2023: 40 | Total models painted in 2024: 13 | Current main painting project: Dark Angels
 Mr_Rose wrote:
Who doesn’t love crazy mutant squawk-puppies? Eh? Nobody, that’s who.
Made in de
Stalwart Dark Angels Space Marine


 JoshInJapan wrote:

Tallandra: That Dread looks really tall-- are those standard legs? The battle damage on the missle launcher is a nice touch.

Yeah, I extended the legs some. Never liked the stubby little legs of the old boxnought. It's still a little smaller than a Contemptor, but more in line with the other dreadnoughts now imo.

Gonna try and write some more and on my votes tomorrow, too tired for that today.
Made in us
Scarred Ultramarine Tyrannic War Veteran

Maple Valley, Washington, Holy Terra

 JoshInJapan wrote:

Pariah Press: You achieved some very accurate colors on those Battlepods. Were they as hard to assemble as the Veritechs?

Nah, the battlepods are pretty reasonable to assemble.

"Calgar hates Tyranids."

Your #1 Fan  
Made in jp
Incorporating Wet-Blending


ZergSmasher wrote:
 JoshInJapan wrote:
ZergSmasher: Classic blue and gold! You use TMM, right? What do you do to tone down the reflections? The armor really catches the light without looking sparkly

Thanks, but it's definitely purple, not blue! If by TMM you mean I'm using actual metallic paints, you're right. As for how I did it, it was actually mostly drybrushing on the gold parts. I did a basecoat of Retributor Armor of course, but then I gave the whole thing a shade and then drybrushed to build up the shine on the armor (first using Retributor Armor to get most of the original color back, then a finer pass with Auric Armor Gold, and then a really fine pass on the highest areas with Stormhost Silver). I saw it done this way on Artis Opus' channel on Youtube, and I'm really happy with it.

D'oh! I made the same mistake with your Sisters, didn't I. It must be my aged eyes.

Pariah Press wrote:
 JoshInJapan wrote:

Pariah Press: You achieved some very accurate colors on those Battlepods. Were they as hard to assemble as the Veritechs?

Nah, the battlepods are pretty reasonable to assemble.

That's good to know. I have quite a few Robotech models, but they have always seemed too fiddly to assemble, which is why they're still in their boxes.

Now showing the Kalyshi team for Dreadball, and WIP on a Strider for Deadzone!

Painting total as of 5/6/2024: 49 plus a set of modular spaceship terrain

Painting total for 2023: 79 plus 28 Battlemechs and a Dragon-Balrog

Made in de
Longtime Dakkanaut

Thanks JoshInJapan and ZergSmasher for the comments! Need to make some time this afternoon to pick my favorites and comment at least a bit.
Made in de
Huge Bone Giant

 JoshInJapan wrote:
Geifer: You managed some very effective yet very subtle highlights on what could have been a very plain black model. Good job!

Except for the helmet. That's kind of dreadful.

Nehekhara lives! Sort of!
Why is the rum always gone? 
Made in de
Longtime Dakkanaut

A little later than promised, but here are my favorites (all others, you also did a great job!):

Captain Brown: Love seeing the old metals pop up and if those raging lunatics aren't reborn to convert everyone to the one true faith in the god emperor, I don't know who is.

Geifer: An all black model is always a challenge and you mastered it. And poor Anakin did not deserve that fate, because who would have said to Padme "sorry, I'm celibate."

Arakasi: Only an orc would shrug off getting his legs amputated by installing a spring to get out of that tank and kick some humie teef in.

SmallChanges: The road to hell may be paved by good intentions, the way to chaos apparently not. One can only imagine what a noble warrior this may have been some centuries ago.

Vejut: Apparently they have more than one life to give to the forest. Love those ghostly apparitions and the green works well with their other colors.

Made in gb
Is 'Eavy Metal Calling?


After a very close round of voting, we have the results, and the podium will be cramped this month with five entries sharing the top three spots!

In joint third place, we have Captain Brown's fearsome Redemptionists:

And Maharg's bold Bonereaper

Sharing second place, MrNobody's mighty Stompa:

And DV's star-spangled Sam Wilson/Captain America

And shambling into first place, JoshinJapan's horde of zombies!

Great stuff folks, well done to everyone who completed and thanks to those who left feedback.

Made in jp
Incorporating Wet-Blending


Wow, I'm astonished to have taken first place-- there were so many great entries this month. I look forward to seeing what everyone comes up with for May-hem!

Now showing the Kalyshi team for Dreadball, and WIP on a Strider for Deadzone!

Painting total as of 5/6/2024: 49 plus a set of modular spaceship terrain

Painting total for 2023: 79 plus 28 Battlemechs and a Dragon-Balrog

Made in de
Huge Bone Giant

Congratulations to the winners. Good job, guys.

Nehekhara lives! Sort of!
Why is the rum always gone? 
Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Tangentville, New Jersey

Amazing work, everyone!

Made in us
Scarred Ultramarine Tyrannic War Veteran

Maple Valley, Washington, Holy Terra

Congratulations to the winners!

"Calgar hates Tyranids."

Your #1 Fan  
Made in us
Newbie Black Templar Neophyte


Nice job to the winners!

Main Force - About 2000 pts painted - about 9 billion of unpainted/conversion bits
-Harlies, Chaos as some dormant projects 
Made in ca
Fixture of Dakka

Surrey, BC - Canada

Thank you to Paradigm for running the challenge, Midget Gems for keeping the tables updated, and everyone who entered...because you all have something painted.



Made in ca
Stormin' Stompa

Ottawa, ON

Once again, I just wanted to express my appreciation for these monthly challenges. That stompa sat on my shelf for about two years. It's bigger than anything I have ever painted before and it was intimidating. This challenge was just the thing to motivate me to pull it off the shelf. And thanks to everyone who voted for it.

I'll get around to making some comments on the other entries soon. Just making a list.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2022/05/25 21:20:42

Ask yourself: have you rated a gallery image today? 
Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

Grats to the winners, and everyone one who participated. Another great month painting with you guys/gals/others!

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