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Leopold's Bestiary (40k and AOS + eventually Oldworld) (comments yes pls)  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in nl
Stubborn Hammerer

Struggling about in Asmos territory.

UPDATE 29-6-23: Got my new lighting set up, it improved my photography and filming quality by atleast triple the quality so thats a huge upgrade.
Only costed me about 300 euros so its k.
Here's a picca for those that enjoy seeing such marvels;

UPDATE 20-6-23: Will be adding rotational videos to this thread after asking a moderator on the rules instead of making a seperate thread.
I'll reserve a specific post for it under the photo's of my Wraithknight I just posted.
Do note that I am aware of altering light levels on the rotational vids (which ruined my recording of the wraithknight rotational vid so I cannot upload that one yet, it was simply way too dark..) due to LED flicker incompatibility with my camera I suppose.. either that or I need to add more lights? Don't know yet.. do give tips if you have them how to get the best coverage (in terms of position of light, I do have some good help thread on miniature lighting dw)
actually.. I also forgot to add the bit to soften the light, so that actually might've been the issue. I'll get around perfecting this and perhaps in the future editting the uploads for better versions, who knows.

UPDATE 14-6-23: My lightbox has arrived, maybe will add some (winter)lights on the sides cause it only has lights at the top but ok, and my rotationplatform will likely be installed tomorrow so I will be uploading rotational videos then! wooh!

UPDATE 8-1-23: Put every large batch of images under a spoilerbox to make the load less heavy.

UPDATE 18-5-23: A friend of mine is building a proper rotational platform so will be adding a whole section of rotational (short) vids of my best models, eventually.

Hello Dakkadakka people, someone called Stevefamine suggested I'd make my own showcase thread.

As you can see I also uploaded an avatar now; It's a Runelord from Aos that I painted after the hero of my novel 'Leopold Helveine'.
Haven't found a stable host to upload the text either but depending on 'character-count' limits I might upload it on this site sometime in the future (have to figure out if its allowed, maybe there's a sub for writers here too, no idea.. will find out.)
edit: Its up: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/listByUser/0/132557/9.page

I spend about an hour a day online at a family adress (discontinued my internet at my home adress about 7 years ago or so) so have to really plan stuff like this.

Anyway, check back to this blog if you want to see some cool kitbashes and not-too-bad paintjobs. (admittedly, I don't do much linework because I don't like the look of that, but adding detail is one of my favorite phases so yeah.)

Kind regards!
-Leopold Helveine.


Here's my first upload for now, a Silver Lake Tyrannofex (fleet Gorgon)

The backstory of Silver Lake is that its a planet of 100% liquid, in our case.. Mercury.
Only two species frequent it, one being the Adeptus mechanicus who are practically the only (non bio)form that can "survive" its toxicity and Tyranids who bathe in it and have been evolving themselves into slithering poison factories alligned with fleet Gorgon, mainly sporemines, raveners, trygons and some flyers such as gargoyles and harpies, but typically Venomthropes and Toxicrenes. Also rarely a Haruspex and Tyrannofex but only when able to crawl onto something like a taken down mothership of sorts.




Here a pic or two of the Base before I glued the swampy critter on.


I know the pics of the base aren't as sharp as those of the finished project but thats cause I took those the night before -_- (had not checked my camera yet before the next day and the Tyrannofex was stuck to it lol.

Hope you guys like this one, may upload some older work aswell to this thread.
Atleast the image-uploading works good right now so thats covered!

Almost forgot.. the hero of my book;


-Leopold Helveine.

This message was edited 16 times. Last update was at 2023/06/29 08:49:37

"Why would i be lying for Wechhudrs sake man.., i do not write fiction!"

Made in nl
Stubborn Hammerer

Struggling about in Asmos territory.

Ok so here is some of my previous work (lot of work to put these pics in here so would be cool to get some reactions)
as an extra note.. this is NOWHERE NEAR all I've made.. but I've made a selection of units that I was willing to showcase in this thread for now.

Wait till you see the Orks.


Let's start with one of my pretiest princesses, a wood-elf dreadlord on a GREEN Dragon modelingclayed after the Heroes of Might and Magic III Green Dragon.






Elby's like big serpents, so here's another.. one of my masterpieces the Hydra.. tinkered to fit with the wood elf look (or just cities elves for that matter)






Elby's can't get enough of Lizards either, ever had lizard-tail soup? Me neither..





Up next, a disposessed jousting phoenix, weighted with some nice battering material, flying low through the fields of dark crystal..
Will this bird ever find rest? NO.. It will go head first into the enemy ranks making metallic birdsounds, because this aint no bird.
It's a LEAD BIRD forged in the firy flamey fires (and flames) of the Duardin underground hottubs. (only 5,95 per hour)






Let's stay a bit on the theme here, cause there was another nice project of mine connected;
A steamcopter manned by yet another drunk Duardin who already had no sense of direction..
Because, well.. how else did he end up in snowy crystal region.. He could've been sitting at a table drinking.
Something must've gone wrong.




Not done yet, still some drunk Dwarfs to go..
They are called IronDrakes for a reason, because after rolling through the snow their misses need to Iron their cloths proper.
No idea what the Drakes part stands for though, maybe they have bad music taste.






Automatically Appended Next Post:
Let's mix this up a bit, the following are some of my even older works.. an Undead Manticore with skellyknight and a Skellything with undeadknight.. hmm..
Oh and skellys.

Skelly's that have been burnt.

They don't mind because they have no nerves.

(I didn't actually burn them, its just paint)









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a Little different, made an Ettin kindof at the start of all things, also first time I properly kitbashed anything somewhat.
This (two) boy(s) have been standing on my tabletop for years eating dust and sunrays so forgive me for the weathering (made the photos today)

His name(s) is/are "double dostuff" and he features in the book "The journal of Leopold Helveine" also posted on the site (in the fiction section)

added a skink priest for comparisan cause I couldn't find a potato.






Automatically Appended Next Post:
Guess its time to skoot over to 40k, been posting enough AOS for now wouldn't you agree? And I think most people here appreciate 40k content more anyway.

I'll be posting some of my Tyranids and Orks (only have three 40k armies anyway..) but starting with a few of my Eldar.
Made my Eldar into two types; Yme loc' and Lugganath' and painted them not after the paintguides but after the illustrations from the codex rather because I preferred their more weathered realistic look.

My Tyranids I've painted as you've read before in a hybrid Gorgon meeting some custom idea's of mine scheme and my Orks.. well.. you'll just have to wait for that treat.


Eldar elbies first.

I have LOADS more of these Eldar mind you but selected a few because it would take too long to upload and img them all.. considering my Orks are more important anyway. harhar.
p.s. YES the wraithconstructs don't have their fishhelmets, I like them better this way.



(Yme loc Wraithblades)

(Yme loc Wraithblades)

(Lugganath Wraithblades)

(Lugganath Wraithblades)

(Lugganath Wraithblades)

(Lugganath Wraithlord)

Here's also my ranger group called "Chloro squad"









My two Yme-Loc mobile platforms, Lugganath operator included.




Ok, next up.. Tyranids.. have alot more of these to show because I tend to spend more time on them for some reason.. (cuz dem big)

Sporocyst first, because because.




(actual seedpods used as eggs yub)

Haruspex coming up, not as good a job as the ones that come after this though..





Let's not forget the handsome Mucolid spore either, his best friend.




And now its Harpy time. This thing has a wingspan that makes it my centerpiece even the Tyrannofex could not throw it off its pedestal.. Its not my most thorough paintjob though.. and I have to admit I forgot to put the map with Toxicrene pics on my usb so I cannot upload those now so one more to go after the Harpy for now.






(yeah I like doing bases)

Ok, so I put the toxi and some venoms on a USB too and here they are:

Toxi first.





And the thropes:




This message was edited 13 times. Last update was at 2023/01/08 15:58:03

"Why would i be lying for Wechhudrs sake man.., i do not write fiction!"

Made in us
Blackclad Wayfarer


Looks like you like painting larger models? Every mess around with an airbrush

You also managed to make metal tyranids look good, thats hard to pull off.

Made in nl
Stubborn Hammerer

Struggling about in Asmos territory.

Allright, hold on to your hat because this is practically a mini-diorama on a normal unit.

Enjoy my Trygon Prime.






(Ofcourse all these units look so much better in Natural light and without the camera zoom but ok..)


I'll upload (most of) my Ork's tomorrow. (And maybe if I remember to, add the Venomthrope to my USB)

As a preview.. my Orks are a very specific theme..

They are..

grorky, UNorky.. DRORKS.

Hmm..' I hear you think out loud.

G..g...grey orks?


Un..d..d..dead orks?

yub, yub. Lat gruk'd dat gud!

Kind regards.
-Leopold Helveine.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/01/08 15:58:29

"Why would i be lying for Wechhudrs sake man.., i do not write fiction!"

Made in nl
Stubborn Hammerer

Struggling about in Asmos territory.

Oi ya git! Welgum Bgrahk.. harhar..

Lat hab gibb da oppatunidy ta lern an gruk da uruk blah dat me hab lern lan a goe!

Oomie ekspekted da blah ta be cokney? harhar.. nub! dat iz nub uruk blah, dat iz oomie blah!
nub oomie blah blah'd ere!.. Dabu.. nubabu..

Aghh'r.. me blah'd may beez a oot oomie blah den..

nub wantz da oomie ta gruk diz bahd..




Ise tingz da Killa Kanz..
diz orky klergaz hab nub a grotz.. wuzdat? groootz? harhar.. we hab ORK..
da Ork ogtuuk da Killa Kanz. HARHARHAR!!







Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Stevefamine wrote:
Looks like you like painting larger models? Every mess around with an airbrush

You also managed to make metal tyranids look good, thats hard to pull off.

Hey, thanks! I don't use airbrush (don't even own one) its all done with brush.

My earlier Tyranids aren't anywhere near as well completed as the last one I did (Tyrannofex at the top) but yeah I try.
Thanks for the awesome compliments!

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Hmm.. me had nub introdukins me yed didz me?

Me iz Gruk'Og nubgruk.. da Orky goth af da Nite Ork!

Daboo oomies, da Nite Ork geep lat wiz ru'eega HARHARHAR.. grahghh.. dat waz nub ru'eeg.. gugnub..

Me gruk'd a Orky mech.. he iz "Mougg'r-mek Klompgug".. grahgharHARHAR.. ..nub mojos..

Me introdukins me? yub yub..

Me (Gruk'Og Nubgruk) iz on da lefd, in da middl iz da mech (Mougg'r-mek Klompgug) an.. on da rite iz da bes'd undaling.. (Ogtuuk Oot-hed)


Me glerg iz da Nite Orkies.. we iz da UN-ORKIES!!! .. me grukd diz wiz da link harhar..



Me actuably hab da burny orkies.. dem r' hirrin da oomies gud..




Weez hab da bigga klergaz too.. wiz more ORKIES.. (NUB GROTZ) in dem!!!
Diz tingz call'd da Deff dreads harhar.. nub hab da mojo edda..




Daz numba Ise..




Dem gud wiz da choppaz harhar.

Nex'd up.. weez hab da big un..
Wen we gotz thruwn abud up der wiz da biiiiig NUKA!!! ..den bag ta erd..

Nub Ise of ladz waz ebin klomp'd.. CUZ WE IZ UN ORKY!!

DIZ NUB DA BOZZ .. diz undaling harhar.. he waz creashun of da Mech metinks..





Alzo.. da Goth lad Nuuk Snikkrot geep'd a oomie goth harhar.. he geep'd rueeg dat oom to da bak az da guddest af eem hai!!





Daz waz all.. (for nuwz!!)


-Gruk'Og Nubgruk.

This message was edited 7 times. Last update was at 2023/01/08 15:59:36

"Why would i be lying for Wechhudrs sake man.., i do not write fiction!"

Made in nl
Stubborn Hammerer

Struggling about in Asmos territory.

Considering Orkies are done now I can speak normal english again (*takes a deep breath*)

Before I started to make specific armies to (ONEDAY) play with (If I ever find people in my area, so far these 7 years or so none that even know WH exist)
I made originally themed armies for my storybased tabletop display. One of these armies was (BEFORE VAMPIRE UNITS EVEN EXISTED on AOS) a Vampire coven themed 8 points (SoD) army.. I'll post some of their units here now, this batch of images are also probably the last old pics I'll post, because they are still in old sizes and resizing them takes ages. Maybe you've noticed in my other posts that some images are bigger than others, well.. I've started to size every new pic I take to 700 now to make it easier on the eyes (and lower on the siteload) but can't go back and resize every single one because I have a busy life (and this uploading already takes alot of time to begin with)

So, 8points Vampire coven:
(following spoiler has alot of images)









































Skelly dragon:







As a Bonus here's my Sylvaneth ancient Tree-lord Olmjher Anthill:



This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/01/08 16:00:35

"Why would i be lying for Wechhudrs sake man.., i do not write fiction!"

Made in us
Grisly Ghost Ark Driver

Wow, what an intro to your stuff!

I especially loved your use of Imperial minis as mini-dioramas for your larger Tyranids, well done! Especially the one with the marine surrounded by the tentacles... very effective!

See what's on my painting table Now painting: Necron Warriors 
Made in nl
Stubborn Hammerer

Struggling about in Asmos territory.

 Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll wrote:
Wow, what an intro to your stuff!

I especially loved your use of Imperial minis as mini-dioramas for your larger Tyranids, well done! Especially the one with the marine surrounded by the tentacles... very effective!

Thanks alot

Yeah I never inteded to make a Marine armies, also the Cadians for instance were a 50% off on sale box I couldn't pass up to use as deco.
Tyranids need victims.
(Orks do too though, used a few there aswell as you could see, and still have a few more marines and cadians laying around for future builds, Have a HUUUUUGE backlog of unopened ORK boxes and an entire Aos Nurgle mortal army still unpainted too -_- and some Eldar Harlequins aswell..
Oh and also busy with three raveners, 10 gargoyles and 10 sporemines on the Tyranid side right now.. And still have to sculpt the head of my (for the remainder finished) Eldar wraithknight x_x )

Btw, saw other people use spoiler tags for the images in their threads, will be editting my posts to do the same to help make this blog a bit friendlier.

Anyway, check back sometimes and thanks for the kind words!

"Why would i be lying for Wechhudrs sake man.., i do not write fiction!"

Made in nl
Stubborn Hammerer

Struggling about in Asmos territory.

Another batch of 8 points vampire coven units I made a long time ago for on my tabletop display.. forgot these pics, last ones I'll upload because despite also having a LOT of AoS stormcast.. I dislike those units and don't really want to show them off (the paint is fine, I just don't like the army.. )

Starting out with a group of ghosts alligned with the 8points VC. Then SKELLY KNIGHTS.








Hope you guys like em enough to be inspired.
Kind regards.

"Why would i be lying for Wechhudrs sake man.., i do not write fiction!"

Made in nl
Stubborn Hammerer

Struggling about in Asmos territory.

Finished 4-2-2023
To go with my Trygon Prime, this batch of Ravener brood is ambushy-minded and will stop at nothing to crawl into your room' from under your bed.
(so don't look under your bed!!!!) (they also make scary sounds btw)











Kind regards.
-Leopold Helveine.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/02/05 13:30:28

"Why would i be lying for Wechhudrs sake man.., i do not write fiction!"

Made in nl
Stubborn Hammerer

Struggling about in Asmos territory.

5 of 10 gargoyles done (other 5 will be with moss-green wings and a lighter complexion instead )
note: never buying these again.. those wings are harder than taking 10 mike tyson punches to the teeth.

Rest of the imges in spoiler to reduce load:







comments welcome.

"Why would i be lying for Wechhudrs sake man.., i do not write fiction!"

Made in nl
Stubborn Hammerer

Struggling about in Asmos territory.


So I finally finished the sporemines, both plastic and finecast (will never buy that again) to have more of em..
They are as all my Tyranids aquatic poison-type (called (quick) Silver lake, or actually a planet made entirely of a sea of mercury.) but still Gorgon fleet.

Two bigger images behind spoilercode, I'll leave the rest open as they are resized to small.
Really went ape on these, inspired by the challenge thread to put in as much detail as possible.

Comments welcome!.






"Why would i be lying for Wechhudrs sake man.., i do not write fiction!"

Made in nl
Stubborn Hammerer

Struggling about in Asmos territory.

Gubgreeber and his never stolen vehicle Zatra arms rotational VID:


Belok the Ork devil (unposted in challenge thread pics)








rotational VID:


This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/04/23 10:25:16

"Why would i be lying for Wechhudrs sake man.., i do not write fiction!"

Made in ca
Fixture of Dakka

Surrey, BC - Canada

He looks evil Leopold Helveine.



Made in nl
Stubborn Hammerer

Struggling about in Asmos territory.

Phonzo and Tarosso's horse.
Rotational video:

(entry of the challenge thread)





closeups with other camera and background:










This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/05/16 11:29:38

"Why would i be lying for Wechhudrs sake man.., i do not write fiction!"

Made in nl
Stubborn Hammerer

Struggling about in Asmos territory.

 Captain Brown wrote:
He looks evil Leopold Helveine.



He iiiiiis!!

-Leopold Helveine.

"Why would i be lying for Wechhudrs sake man.., i do not write fiction!"

Made in nl
Stubborn Hammerer

Struggling about in Asmos territory.

2nd group of Gargoyles (these were seriously THE most annoying units to paint and I am so glad I didn't buy 2 boxes which I originally intended to.. two groups of 5 is already soul-sucking enough. I am glad how they turned out though.

More with white background:


"Why would i be lying for Wechhudrs sake man.., i do not write fiction!"

Made in nl
Stubborn Hammerer

Struggling about in Asmos territory.

Considering my lightbox and rotational platform have been properly set up and being utilized, I finally got around photographing (and rota-graphing) my..

Eldaeri Yme-loc Harlequin WRAITHKNIGHT.

Here's the pics!:

The base:


The Wraithknight:







considering making a seperate thread for my rotational video's if that is allowed (will have to look into that or mail the admin.)
-Leopold Helveine.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
The long wait is over, I have started to upload -rotational videos- of my work too! Woohoo!

Starting with one of my moust proud achievements; the Dwarven Mechbird! complete with top tier base if I may say so myself.

Emediately followed by the shexy dwarven Gyrocopter strolling along, hope he don't crash!

Orky things wouldn't be Orky without a mutated version of the Ghaz coming out of a terminatoresque future's portal..
Its Ghazhgkull Nuka!

Doing a new rec of the brutal Gubgreeb'r and his never stolen vehicle Zatra arms.. sure thing bud!

Considering I'm working on wood elf knights currently for the centennial challenge, why not show my wood elf chariot a bit around?

Remember that Dragon on the centennial challenge wood elf knights? (currently not yet shared) This is that dragon in the realsies!
It was slightly kitbashed and paletted after the Heroes of Might and magic III Green dragon, actually.

That really awesome Tyrannofex at the very start of this thread? Here you go.. couldn't leave it out.

When Yme-Loc builds something to go fast, they end up with some weird stuff don't they? War walkers are pretty groovy.

Other times they don't mind scooting about a bit more posh, so here's two Mobile weapon's platforms.

That's it for today!
-Leopold Helveine.

Do comment! I like to hear it.

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2023/06/20 10:39:56

"Why would i be lying for Wechhudrs sake man.., i do not write fiction!"

Made in nl
Stubborn Hammerer

Struggling about in Asmos territory.

Heyhey, more rotational vids of some of my dust-eating mini's.
Having a lot of trouble with continual fluctuation of the light, so again a lot of the recordings were way too dark.. I added the fleece to soften the light but that hasn't worked.. perhaps its the side panels.. Or maybe I should just film these rotational vids outside in daylight.. sigh..

Anyway, heres four new ones;

Leopold Helveine, couldn't leave this one out obviously, the miniature that is the main character of my books (and forum nickname):

Toxicrene, barely fitted on the rota;

Venomthropes, going with the Toxicrene, otherwise they'd just slither off probably.. hmm..:

Boss Snikkrot which I kitbashed out of a Varag ghoulchewer before GW ever thought of rereleasing a plastic one, which I would've otherwise bought.. -_- gunjumping etc..:

Again, any tips to fix the lighting problems in the recordings -let me know!-

-Leopold Helveine.

"Why would i be lying for Wechhudrs sake man.., i do not write fiction!"

Made in nl
Stubborn Hammerer

Struggling about in Asmos territory.

Some other-than-posted-in-the-challenge-thread-images-of-my-new-wood elf unicorn knights.

Will post rotational vids soon.


















This message was edited 11 times. Last update was at 2023/06/29 09:06:54

"Why would i be lying for Wechhudrs sake man.., i do not write fiction!"

Made in nl
Stubborn Hammerer

Struggling about in Asmos territory.

More rotational videos with my new lighting setup:

UPDATE 30 6 23
More added!:

Gubgreeb'r and his never stolen vehicle Zatra ahrmz (reupload with the better lightning, and because of switching hosts!):

FINALLY my Yme-loc Lugganath Harlequin Wraithknight (light still fluctuates, but minimally compared to before and atleast the focus was right this time):

All five -centennial challenge- Elf unicorn Knights, kitbashed from Vampire blood knights:


Ravener brood:

Trygon prime and troopers:

Orky scientist and squigdrone (from challenge):

Yme-loc Lugganath Avatar:

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/06/30 13:18:48

"Why would i be lying for Wechhudrs sake man.., i do not write fiction!"

Made in nl
Stubborn Hammerer

Struggling about in Asmos territory.

Almost forgot, I never uploaded the story of my Ork Flamethrower bunch did I.. (nor did I even finish the Commandorks unit.. hmm)
Well.. considering I just made a spoilery story-bit after the Ork Flamethrower segment.. here's the flamethrowOrks rotational vids and their story! what a treat!

So here you go, time for some firewOrks!



Finally, the tale of Gruk'Og ends! How? ..well.. read on!

A quick recap!, Gruk'Og' zombified and now to be "Nite-Ork" once lead a pack of Blood Axe Orks into an undermanned Drukhari Lab, they took to vials with skull emblems on them because they thought skulls would mean the contents were so cool it make them megabosses, or Ork gods, Orks really like skulls! Instead the contents caused utter zombification.

Later, rejoining their leader and owner of a big scrapyard Mougg'r-mek Klompgug they uncovered right under their noses a subterrean nuclear vault after confused Nite-Orks tripped a sensor hidden in a corner.. After taking the highly intelligent' proven by his muscles' warrior "Ogtuuk Oothed" with him, Gruk'Og found' deep in the vault.. a big door with a yellow emblem that looked like three triangular feefs within a circle. Gruk'Og there ordered Ogtuuk to bring back the Nite Orks with weaponry to break in the door, after waiting for a while Gruk'Og fell asleep only to be woken again mid air above a huge nulclear cloud after Ogtuuk had himself decided to blow up the door with more violence because the more violence meant a bigger reward.

They all survived because they were Nite Orks.

It might be that Nite Orks are contageous.

Now, after the explosion a new creature rose from the crater that had only moments before been the base of operations, scrapyard of Mougg'r-mek.. ; Ghazghkull Nuka!

Ghazghkull Nuka joined Mougg'r-Mek because he had no idea who he was, he too was a Nite Ork and was hugely mutated because of the fallout.
In a nearby region Tyranids had been alerted by the explosion, they soon were chasing the Nite Orks up a slope and because of Nuka's efforts kept at bay for long enough wherein they both reached a stalemate.. and thats where we are now! On the slope stood a big concrete ruined building, mostly consisting of level plates and crumbled stairways leading up to them, five levels high. The Tyranids weren't too sure what to do at this point because Nuka was wearing them down by his shedding constant radiation alone.. so they moved back down the slope.

With Nuka waiting at the grounds.. climbing the concrete levels Gruk'Og and his brilliant underling Oothed.. met a single Ork sitting at the other far end of the 3rd level, his feet dangling down over the edge, humming a tune..
From his head was sticking a coil wich was sparking greenish zaps..

"Lat shinie" Oot'hed noted. Gruk'Og bravely ran at the Ork who in turn skillfully slapped a wrench to Gruk'Og's kneecap.. then with Gruk'Og kneeling stood over him and declared majestically; "Daboo!, Lat all nuw tribut mee!"

"Who lat?" Oot'hed demanded toward the coil headed Ork..

The coil headed Ork introduced himself to be named "Hu'ug Thu'mog-Og" and explained, in more words than Ork's would normally utter.. that he was a really, really, very really powerful Mek boss that was both smart, strong but also had equally smart ánd strong underlings camping on the levels above.
He would allow Gruk'Og and Oot'hed to serve him aswell.

Oot'hed instead tried his sawblade and after a few decent hits figured that Hu'ug was also a Nite Ork... likely just turned.

Hu'ug yielded and accepted that Gruk'Og was probably superior in his stead for having such a strong and therefore intelligent underling.

Soon after Gruk'Og met the underlings of Hu'ug; a group of Orks that had strapped themselves to wield flamethrowers at the 4th levels, and another bigger group of Orks on the top level that were hiding drinking beers behind barrels and cut up couches, wearing headbands and facepaint. They admitted to being "Commandorks".. not that Gruk'Og knew what that meant.

More Tyranids were incoming.. so the making of new friends had to wait..
"Worre nub.. da Ghaz Nuka iz da stronkiz klompah" Gruk'Og assured, passing by Hu'ug ..
Hu'ug nodded reservedly..
"Dat iz gug.. da Commandorks iz stronkiz klompah tu" Hu'ug added..
"Da Nuka is getin klomp'd" Oot'hed noted ..

The group looked down.. Ghazghkull was trying to throw off a group rippers that had already latched onto him in packs.., while more Tyranids were jumping in rending him with their claws.. they had clearly adapted to the radiation..
"Dat hoog Orky, hardis fahl.. yub yub" Hu'ug scratched his head.. "iz da krump"

Apparently Ghazghkull Nuka wasn't exactly as effective a guard as they had hoped.. so the group was apparently to defend themselves afterall..

How would they fare.. could they fend off such an army of (thankfully smaller type) Tyranids? Do Tyranids like to take the bioform of the undead? What would that do to the hive mind? Uhhhh.. uhhhhghhhh.. ghghh.. uhhh..
Check back next time! To the adventures of Gruk'Og Nubgruk and the Nite orks!

What was that?!
Where do those zaps come from?.. It's echoing out from the distance..
What's going on!

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2023/07/03 09:23:47

"Why would i be lying for Wechhudrs sake man.., i do not write fiction!"

Made in nl
Stubborn Hammerer

Struggling about in Asmos territory.

5 more Rotational vids I almost forgot about -_-

Snikkrot conversion from a Ghoulchewer template, this time under proper (orky) lighting;

Ghazghkull Nuka (not Thraka!!) from a megaboss template;

Deff Dread1:

Deff Dread2:

Kurg the Cybork (who starred in the renewal challenge!):

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/08/11 12:53:58

"Why would i be lying for Wechhudrs sake man.., i do not write fiction!"

Made in nl
Stubborn Hammerer

Struggling about in Asmos territory.

Rotational vid for Churf da chaad (and his best friend Mankey the monkey!)

"Why would i be lying for Wechhudrs sake man.., i do not write fiction!"

Made in nl
Stubborn Hammerer

Struggling about in Asmos territory.

The Orkyverse incarnations of Ogtuuk Oothed from the challenge thread:

Group photo, Ogtuuk Oothed included:

the rest under spoiler to reduce imgload.

Nootded Jet da unklomp krumpa:

Orky Bill bombclaw:

Angry savaga da puncho wan:

rotational vid: https://sendvid.com/b14aj3y0


Oh come on!.. th..there's such a thing?!
YES.. you are reading it right!.. or actually you are about to read it right!.. hmm!!
There apparently exists such a thing as an Orkyverse!..

What is an Orky ..verse.. you ask despite having watched way too many superhero movies..

Ha!.. its a verse in which Orky things multiply into absurd expressions..

Hey.. calm down.. we've already survived a darned time travel episode! This is way less of an enigma..

So.. having had to suffer a much upgraded Gruk Nubgruk (writer: the main character of the Nite-Ork genotype) becoming a time travel veteran Cybork... he met up with an old friend who had his own story.. They reconnected the dots to Nubgruk's past talking all night.. and then.. well..
Read on! Or you will suffer not having read one of the most amazing stories ever concieved!

So to those who haven't read the most recent addition to the Un(dead)Orky (Hold up.. I thought they were called Nite Ork??!, yeah.. not anymore!) story here's a super quick and short recap; The Un(dead)Orkies were stuck at a war-stripped concrete multi leveled appartment complex being assaulted by hungry tyranid scavengers, somehow the "hero" and protagonist of the bunch had fallen to his double death and woken up in another time reincarnated as another Ork, making his way back to the moment of his demise through corny time travel adventures..
His old friend "Oothed" the most smartest Ork in history (which makes him the dumbest of any other race were he any other race.. regardless..) otherwise having been the new leader of the UnOrky's otherwise (or in this case, as Nubgruk had come back to this verse; Nite Orks) but cheaped out of it by NubGruk's return. Holy flip are Orky things complicated!

You still following this warblgarbl of a tale?
Good, because now it actually becomes more warblgarbly!


Oothed, thankful that somehow Gruk Nubgruk had come back after the unbearably long time of one hour and twenty minutes now wondered wether his achievement of "thought" thinking up his own aspirations had Nubgruk stayed dead was now in vain.
He had no intentions of rebelling against a friend who was also now a CybOrk, which wasn't going to give him much of a chance in combat..
No.. Oothed wanted to try his own hand at timetravel..
"Me erd dat legens"
He had stated with a friendly tone, somewhat conveying that Nubgruks adventure had been understood and inspired him.
Then.. Oothed took his sawblade.. rested it on his skull and turned it on.
"saw lat on dat otha side"


Such a sad.. almost halloweeny story!.. are we reading an Orky suicide here.. well.. considering Orks always reincarnate into another Ork let's not became too melodramatic and accept that whenever Orks are unhappy in their current body they can just grow a new one. Wether their mind survives is another story, that has to first go through a new adventure and gain personality.. almost like real life reincarnation except for the mushroom biome and mutant strength I suppose.


Something dripped.. its kindof .. painful.. woah woah woah.. is that lava?
Boot-hed quickly came to his feet.. he had been sleeping under what oomies referred to as a lava lamp.. or so he thought it should look like ..after redecorating his cave with buckets of actual lava..

It had burnt through the clay pot "chandelier" attached to a metal bar above his bed..

He brushed his chest with his hands huffing and puffing.. "dats nub gud" 'the lava drips had seared his skin but not enough to give lasting scars..
Outside the cave the sun was just rising emitting a glow as red as the lava..

Boot-hed walked outside.. wondering how long he had lived there.. watching the sun rise every morn over and over.. and wether he should finally leave this place.
In the distance rigs and towers, metallic and shining from the ascending rays.. gave away Oomie pressence. Boot-hed had sneaked around learning from these small and weak creatures, learning their language and their ways..

He had spied on how they built things but also on how they fought, weirdly.. instead of putting in their weight smashing and klomping eachother they gave eachother interrupting jabs, used clubs and rods only on sandbags and some even wore silly gloves trying "not" to klomp eachother.. how strange.
Boot-hed looked up.. the starry skies were still there while the sun slowly faded them out..

From the south appeared some weirdly shaped vessels.. its patterned skin shifting giving Boot-hed a bit of a headache.. they were moving in on the Oomie enclave..


About half an hour later he had climbed down the hills and hid behind a big metal door, the enclave was heavily under attack by even flimsier creatures.. jumping around laughing, crying and sometimes even making weird faces... all this fighting made Boot-hed want to go ape.. something inside craved violently smashing things but he had bottled it all up for such a long time.. afraid that if he had taken it out on the Oomies he would only enjoy it for the short term and be alone for the remainder.. watching Oomies fight instead was a bit like how Oomies watched their monitors in turn, showing instructions satisfying the urge.

Something bumped into the door on the other side.. Boot-hed slowly curved his big head around the thing to take a look and emediately retracted..
He had looked right into the guise of one of the assailants.. a face so eerie he rubbed his eyes hoping to undo the suprise..
The creature moved around the door and emediately started to make stabbing motions toward Boot-hed who in turn easily deflected them with his giant strength.. then smashed its head and guise with a double handed slap..

It fell to the ground motionless looking even weirder than before.. its body so thin and floppy.. it could've been a living flail..
Boot-hed looked at his hands.. they were completely covered with blood..
"yug.." He remarked.. looking around for something to clean himself with..
All he could find was a big mechanical saw and a boxing glove..

"dat iz gug.. hmmm" Boot-hed smiled as he put on the boxing glove.. then attached the mechanical saw to one of the metal rods the Oomies had used to punch sandbags with..

More weird creatures with guises came running and jumping having noticed both Boot-hed and their fallen ally.. , Boot-hed was quickly overwhelmed and figured that boxing gloves weren't great at klomping.., then figured that mechanical saws were very great at klomping.

Boot-hed felt smarter after dispatching the slim things.. then wondered wether attaching something more klompy would improve the boxing glove.., then hacked his saw into the metal door to extract some scrap and attached that to the boxing glove.
"daz it"

Boot-hed knew that change had caught up with him, there was no returning to his cave nor learning from all the Oomies now dead.. all that remained was to go into the wild and klomp as many floppy creatures as possible and hopefully one day this would tell him the meaning of life.
To break with his old life he also decided to change his name so he could stay incognito, if anyone would realise he was an Ork then that could make him lose the benefit of the initiative.

Oomie-names resounded in his memories.. ..Boot-hed looked at his augmented boxing glove.. .. and manifested his new persona.. from henceforth his name would be.. "Bill bombclaw".. ~"Orky bill bombclaw" to his friends.

He turned around.. ran up the stairs while Orky music played on his mind.. and was emediately blasted into oblivion by a big Harlequin vessel hovering over the premise.


"GAHHH!" Angry-savage fell off his chair.. Bulk Gruoghan .. his brrrotherrr startled.. "wut da hork lat doo?!"
"..Me.. me haz dis dremz.." Savage crawled up onto his hands and knees.. bending and arcing his back squeezing out the hurt.. "Me wuz a boz of a Ork.. klomping thin oomie likez tingz"

"Harharhar" "dat nub dremz!" a mysterious figure from the back of the Ork-pub they were all in shouted loudly in "Orkish whisper"; "DAT IZ DA ORKYVERSE TELLIN LAT DA MYSTEREES"

"wuz da mysterees?" Bulk Gruoghan sighed.. "lat betta nub make savage tink weirdz"
"dat nub da weirdz boyz tink!" the mysterious figure replied.. "datz da morky tink"

"wut da morky tink lat tuup" Gruoghan stood up grabbing a chair ready to whack the mysterious figure in the skull with it..

The mysterious figure stood up aswell, also grabbing a chair.. while Savage in the middle wondered wether he also should join in, already holding the fallen chair he had sat on prior..

"ME IZ DA UNORKY TAKAH" the mysterious Ork whispered.. sporting a big black hat.. holding the chair high above him for a deathblow..
Savage came to his feet still curious about the orkyverse remark.. "iz da orkyverse gug?"

da unorky takah slowly lowered his chair.. and turned to Savage calmly.. "da orkyverse.. kan iz gug.. bud.. kan iz badz.. id iz .. all orky livez.. da orky iz.."
"RUEEGAJAT" Bulk Gruoghan yelled as he threw his chair against da unorky takah's head tearing his hat off.. (only) .. "WAAGH CHEOO BRAGHH GHANNN" da unorky takah yelled in turn dropkicking into Bulk.. while Savage crawled out of the pub back on his hands and feet..

Outside of it he rolled down into the gutter and nearly drowned in a puddle as it had started raining heavily.. "slim....things.." he reminisced.. as he came to his feet.. ..so .. there was an orkyverse.. a creation by mork that amalgamated all orky lives lived by one orky soul into one supernal memory.. but this memory.. was so fractalized.. so .. dilluted..

His brother 'Bulk' had always been jealous of him for being a bit of a weirdboy.. having visions all the time.., and would always deny or violently oppose them.. especially when others would give credence to it.. and now again this had resulted into a big fight..

Savage sighed.. he had to find out more about this.. these past lives coming back to haunt him.. if they really were some sort of gift of Mork.. or possibly Gork.. or rather.. some kind of Orky evolution.. he wanted to understand it.

"From nuw on.. me iz takingz on da title of da weirdboy offishully" Savage swore.. shielding himself from the rain with his colorful and weird poncho.. and left the area..

He was never seen again, his adventures obscured by his solitude till his natural death.. and only some folklore remained of one titled "da puncho wan" .. having sought naught but the truth of Orky origin.


"Lat guna chum dat?"
Father Sernil Tiel spoke in his best Orkish..

He was a pastor of a secluded chapel surrounded by the nearby towns graveyard... having had problems with the dead not staying dead.. he had employed the help of a mercenary Ork who for reasons unknown had human-interest and qualities.

"iz nub wahm"
"den pud id on da stove agin" Tiel kindly offered..

Noot-ded Jet was the mercenaries name, and he signed his contracts with the alias "da unklomp krumpah" attesting to his familiarity with taking out the undead.

Noot-ded ate his soup.. then grabbed a big ballchain and headed to the door.. "mak me more of dat for wen me getz bak"
Every night the dead would rise from their graves.. and if not dealt with stroll into town with consequence..

A belly's full of soup every single day and the fun of whacking things in the skull at nightfall was enough for Noot-ded to work this job for atleast a few years.
As expected the yard was full of em again, small rotten hands clawing their way up from the soggy soil while full skeletons already confusingly wobbled around looking for whatever to learn on.. or bite.
"UN!!" *crunch*
"UNNN!!" *choggg*
"UUU..NNN!!" *whack*
Noot-ded swung and crashed his ballchain into the necks of skeletons over and over, almost dancing while twirling around on his axle..

Lately the skeletons were raising more often and in greater number.. it seemed as if there were more skeletons raising than there had been burials even' and father Tiel had speculated wether it was being done by some dark force.. perhaps even a necromancer hiding in town..

They had been so busy dealing with the nightly increase that Tiel had not even had the chance to visit town itself to inquire and he was worried wether it was still there..

"Iz calm agin.."
Noot-ded came backinto the chapel resting his weapon, "got da chum?"

Tiel gestured to the table and as Noot-ded started on his fresh meal he decided.. "I go tu tuwn".. "luuk da tuwn ta luuk iz gug"
Noot-ded scratched his head.. "why da tuwn nub gug?, we iz keepin da unies krump'd"..
Tiel sighed.. "You may not understand what I'm saying now but.. we're short on food.."
Noot-ded looked at Tiel with a questioning frown unsure what had just been conveyed..
Tiel continued in Orky blah; "Lat.. stayz ere.. keep da unies outa da baze"
Noot-ded nodded.. "datz gunna"

In the next morning.. Noot-ded found Tiel had left.. and where Tiel's hat had hung on the wall was now a bag full of carrots and herbs.. smelling like the oh so familiar brew Tiel always boiled for him..


Days passed.. Tiel had not come back to the chapel.. while the skeletons were still increasing as much as the difficulty to dispatch them..
Weeks passed and Noot-ded was becoming worried.. as much as about Tiel.. the bag of carrots and herbs had lost their smell.. with the few carrots remaining shriveled dead..

Though Noot-ded managed on drinking boiled water with a few herbs he was getting hungry.. and in the third week he was conflicted over wether to leave the chapel to the undead and run off for greener pastures, new jobs and fresh food.. or look for Tiel.. who had been so kind to him..
The skeletons sometimes rose back from the ground moments after they had been knocked back into it.. and an eerie violet mist was covering the soil wherever the moonlight touched.

Waiting at the chapel was no longer an option, and on entering the fourth week Noot-ded grabbed his chainball not for the graveyard but for the long run, he had enough.
To get to the town to search for Father Sernil Tiel was his next and final mission for his client, so he equipped himself a bit more than usual.. and swung himself a way through the hordes in the yard.. then through more hordes on the road!.. and even more inland!..


Having reached town the sight were terrible.. the graveyard had never ended.. both the chapelgrounds, the road, the land and the entire town were.. one giant graveyard..
Everything had been turned undead.. absolutely everything..
No wonder poor father Tiel had never returned.. he could've never survived..

Perhaps he had been right about there having been a necromancer in town, killing and raising more and more while Noot-ded had been busy trying to remove but a fraction of it..
The deeper in town Noot-ded ventured.. the more he started to come to the conclusion that the reach of this infestation was without limit.. that it was quite possible that there was nowhere left to run..

Every step he took more and more grasping and clawing hands rose up all around, from every house climbed out skeletal remains, and from even the cobblestones rose up that drasted violet mist..

"What da mork iz lat doin?!"
Nubgruk helped up Oothed..
"lat geep'd lat's hedknah" (you cut your skull)
.."iz .. blud"(there's blood)
Oothed felt around his head.. "me iz unOrky.."(I'm undead)

"YUB LAT TUUP"(yes you stupid) Nubgruk shook him around.. "lat tryz ta geep hed uf??"(you try to cut your head off??)
Oothed grabbed onto Gruk.. "tryz ta becum klompblud"(trying to become full of battle lust)
"Orgoth" (an ork lord)
"..az lat" (like you)

Nubgruk realised.. his newly aquired CybOrk state had left Oothed in the dust.. he was so amazed and impressed that he too wanted to die and time travel to attain new skills..
"wuz da do id?" (what happened after?)

.. Oothed ..somewhat wondering wether he had cut a bit too deep into his brain.. suddently remembered all the lives he had experienced.. perhaps there was something to it..

Perhaps all of it had not been brain damage induced hallicunations.. or dreams.. but the envisioning of the Orkyverse.. multiple past lives.. reunited into the memory of his current existence.. all these personalities once incorporated behind a veil.. explanatory for his character now quite vivid.

"Iz.. reddy gug..." (its fine already) Oothed smiled.. "me iz Orgoth nuw"(I'm an ork lord now)
Ah.. yes.. the Orkyverse.. it had to exist.. it had to be connected to Mork.. and now Oothed sensed it inside.. as much as all around him..
"..az lat". (like you)


This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/11/29 11:21:58

"Why would i be lying for Wechhudrs sake man.., i do not write fiction!"

Made in nl
Stubborn Hammerer

Struggling about in Asmos territory.

My challenge entry of a kitbashed Biovore with his happy balloons.

rotational vid:

added some closeups because a lot of hard work was put into these you might not notice from far away this time. Especially the planetesque balloons/heads of the sporemines.

The carapace of the Biovore took a lot of time itself, putting in specific sponge layers of darkened granite into runefang into silver with two different shades of mossy green inbetween to emphasise that the metal is alive and not just an outfit of armor.

The claws and inner works were made very vibrant with blue turqoise going into green turqoise and bright green.

The base was made with a lot of styrofoam (best basing material imho), a few spare nails, terrarium sand, modeling stones(mini) and ofcourse hobby glue, which all in all the paint of didn't take as long as I anticipated (only one day).

Hope you all enjoy this one as much as I, it was a great addition to my existing Tyranid army.

p.s. you may have noticed that my images are now upl. to the site instead of an external, this is because the external site started to remove images randomly, or having issues.. and I cannot have that ofcourse.
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[Thumb - 100_0764.JPG]

[Thumb - 100_0769.JPG]

This message was edited 4 times. Last update was at 2024/01/11 14:27:52

"Why would i be lying for Wechhudrs sake man.., i do not write fiction!"

Made in nl
Stubborn Hammerer

Struggling about in Asmos territory.

Finally some proper pictures of Gubgreebr and his never stolen vehicle Zatra Ahrmz!
Wish I had taken these during the challenge round I entered him in.

[Thumb - 100_0807.JPG]

[Thumb - 100_0808.JPG]

[Thumb - 100_0810.JPG]

[Thumb - 100_0809.JPG]

[Thumb - 100_0813.JPG]

[Thumb - 100_0815.JPG]

[Thumb - 100_0814.JPG]

"Why would i be lying for Wechhudrs sake man.., i do not write fiction!"

Made in nl
Stubborn Hammerer

Struggling about in Asmos territory.

Hoping there will be a better situation with the image host I use this time (last time it refused to load half the images so instead upped the batch to the site which doesn't allow spoiler-coding to reduce load)

Here's some re-captures of older works with my new lighting-set up I didn't have yet back when I first picced them (not sure if these are even already in this thread to begin with, probably not)
Do note these paints are still from an era in which I wasn't as comitted, nor had a magnifyer lamp.

Unearthed Lady Ollynder





Chaos Lord on Karkadrak (VC)



Skink Bastiladon (desert style)






Chaos altar carried by two Chaos beasts






Chaos Chariot (VC)


Chaos lord on Manticore


"Why would i be lying for Wechhudrs sake man.., i do not write fiction!"

Made in nl
Stubborn Hammerer

Struggling about in Asmos territory.

Some prev unshared pics of my challenge thread entry -Eldar Lugganath jet bikers-


And their rota vid:

rest on this page:

"Why would i be lying for Wechhudrs sake man.., i do not write fiction!"

Made in nl
Stubborn Hammerer

Struggling about in Asmos territory.

Moug'r mek's Mekh (from spacemarine challenge) rotational: https://sendvid.com/5d116q58

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/03/26 13:58:13

"Why would i be lying for Wechhudrs sake man.., i do not write fiction!"

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