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Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

How do! A question, potentially interesting to those already involved and those considering diving in.

And it’s simple. How much have you spent thus far?

Me? £70 on half a Starter Box. I got the Marines, Titans, Rulebook and Gubbins.
£105 on a second Starter Box
£26.95 on a box of Kratos from Chaos Cards
£26.95 on a box of Marine Infantry from Chaos Cards
£25 on a box of Kratos from XPG
£51.98 on two boxes of Rhinos from Loadeddice

I’ve also recouped £40.00 by selling the Solar Auxilia half of my second starter set.

So all in, for an army now around the 1,500 points mark? It’s £265.88 from my pocket. And I’ve some scope to recoup more by selling off the Warhounds, and second rulebook and gubbins, but I’m not gonna deduct that until I’ve got brass in pocket, as that’s not a true reflection. Reckon I can probably get £70-80 in total though, which will drop my overall spend by a healthy percentage.

Going forward, I think I’m going to set a £100 monthly budget, just for LI stuff. Depending on what I’m buying, that should see me expand my points quite rapidly.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/02/20 23:18:00

Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

so far, one starter box for £99, and two boxes of Solar Auxilia infantry at £24.90 each

then about £30 on STL files, probably another £30 on resin, and £40 on two spools of PLA to make terrain

circa £250 plus paint, glue etc

ongoing will depend on the release rate, the next book is a certainty, models depend on whats actually available, more terrain is likely

Automatically Appended Next Post:
interesting actually, technically I've got more stuff, but you can only use so much at once, yours is official, mine isn't and we've not spent that much different from each other really overall

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/01/24 10:44:28

Made in si
Foxy Wildborne

44€, technically, on starter set Warhounds from an ebay box splitter. Which is less than a regular box of Warhounds is from a discounter and I'm getting the new guns early... for AT, obviously.

Posters on ignore list: 36

40k Potica Edition - 40k patch with reactions, suppression and all that good stuff. Feedback thread here.

Gangs of Nu Ork - Necromunda / Gorkamorka expansion supporting all faction. Feedback thread here
Made in fi
Posts with Authority

around 90€ I think; ebup rulebook and one box of Astartes infantry

"The larger point though, is that as players, we have more control over what the game looks and feels like than most of us are willing to use in order to solve our own problems" 
Made in us
Boosting Space Marine Biker


Oh geez reading everyone's list makes me think I have a problem ....my pile of shame so far excluding what I had previously bought for AT and AI;

Starter box $170 USD
x2 Astartes Infantry boxes $85 USD
x2 Kratos boxes $85 USD
x1 Rhino box $50 USD
x1 Solar Auxilia infantry Box $42.50 USD
x1 Lightning Fighters $50 USD
x1 LI Ruins box $63.75 USD
x1 Civitas Imperialis Sector box $170 USD
x2 City Road Tiles $230 USD <-------- Don't know what I was thinking and honestly regret this purchase and should have used the money on a much less expensive terrain mat.
Assorted LI bases $80 USD
SA and LA army cards $70 USD

Grant total.......I'm to scared (of my wife) to look and no I did not buy all of this at one go.

I do have a fair amount built with all of the Astartes infantry in some stage of paint and have completed my test bases. Enjoying how the models lend themselves to a less is more painting approach. Still really keen to get a game in but feel the game is a bit in limbo in my area with limited product availability, most people still not having a army ready to be put on the table and the expectation around the next wave that should hopefully fill out the core units.

"Preach the gospel always, If necessary use words." ~ St. Francis of Assisi 
Made in fr
Regular Dakkanaut

Oh, so it's up to me to make everyone feel good again ?

- 2 starter sets
- 4 boxes of Kratos
- 4 boxes of Baneblades
- 6 boxes of Rhinos
- 6 boxes of Astartes infantry
- 2 boxes of ruins
- 2 sets of tiles
- SM & SA cards

I've already planes, Titans, Knights & Civitas scenery from AI & AT.
Made in gb
Joined the Military for Authentic Experience

On an Express Elevator to Hell!!

Haha I am a lightweight looking at some of the above.

Official minis-wise I've so far got a box of Marine & Solar infantry and Baneblades, these with about 20% discount.

Bought the rulebook from the 'Bay for about £12
So perhaps getting on for £100 by now?

Which isn't bad to be able to give the game a go, I have played it now though and really enjoyed so will be getting hold of some Marine tanks and whatever comes along in the expansion.

Epic 30K&40K! A new players guide, contributors welcome https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/751316.page
Small but perfectly formed! A Great Crusade Epic 6mm project: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/694411.page

Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

Oh there’ll 100% be more spending from me once new stuff is released.

Whilst the only thing I think I’ll want more of of the current stuff is Infantry, I will be in the market for 6 more Predators. Maybe 12, once their regular box is out. So that’s £50-£60, depending on where I can source them from (probably XPG, as they’re just up the road, and it’s nice to get out and about).

Other £50 for this month is likely going on two boxes of the Levi/Dered/Tiny Artillery boxes. To fill out my Demi-Company.

Made in si
Foxy Wildborne

Wow really puts those wild lies from Youtube that a 3000 point army will cost 600 pounds in perspective

Posters on ignore list: 36

40k Potica Edition - 40k patch with reactions, suppression and all that good stuff. Feedback thread here.

Gangs of Nu Ork - Necromunda / Gorkamorka expansion supporting all faction. Feedback thread here
Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

guess if you want 100% infantry it could be, infantry with all having APCs

a more sensible force.. less so

as expected
Made in es
Regular Dakkanaut


And I got 2 SA halves + some planes.

SMs I already had.
Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

 lord_blackfang wrote:
Wow really puts those wild lies from Youtube that a 3000 point army will cost 600 pounds in perspective

£400ish maybe? But as said it’s gonna depend on how much Infantry you include. But with 6 Predators coming in at £25 (best discount I’ve found) and 220 points, I can soon up my overall army points.

Of course I’m not saying “tharfour game am the cheep”. Because it’s…not. But £25 for extra stuff which is usable feels ok to my pocket.

And I could always drop a chunk on a Fat Old Titan and really increase my pound to points ratio.

Made in es
Regular Dakkanaut

 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
 lord_blackfang wrote:
Wow really puts those wild lies from Youtube that a 3000 point army will cost 600 pounds in perspective

£400ish maybe? But as said it’s gonna depend on how much Infantry you include. But with 6 Predators coming in at £25 (best discount I’ve found) and 220 points, I can soon up my overall army points.

Of course I’m not saying “tharfour game am the cheep”. Because it’s…not. But £25 for extra stuff which is usable feels ok to my pocket.

And I could always drop a chunk on a Fat Old Titan and really increase my pound to points ratio.

I hadn't bought GW products in a long long time. I used to buy 3d prints for Epic:Armageddon, or Vanguard minis.

I didn't know if 40€ for a box of 6 GW Epic tanks (or 4 Kratos for example) was cheap or expensive, until ToW arrived and I saw that a box of 10 32mm fantasy minis costs the same 40€ -> and those 32mm fantasy minis are way bigger than those tiny tanks (and 10 per box).

So now I have to say LI is crazy expensive. And I was one of those that was against that 3000points=600 pounds bs.

I mean, I knew GW was expensive, but LI is even more crazy expensive inside of GW catalog.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/01/24 14:56:39

Made in au
Grizzled Space Wolves Great Wolf

I went with the starter, a box of baneblades, a box of kratos, and that's it.

Haven't finished building them, but from memory that's roughly 1200pts without the Warhounds per side, and 1500pts with the Warhounds. Enough for some starter games to see if I can get other people into the game.

Don't really see the point in getting duplicates of stuff when we know more variety is coming out later.

I still don't know if I'll be playing LI, depends how many people round these parts pick it up. I was happily 3D printing Epic for the 1997 version of Epic 40k, in the long run I may just go back to that, I haven't really loved what I've seen of LI as a game yet.

I do like 3D printing for Epic, it's not even a price thing, it's not having to deal with mould lines or fiddly assembly.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/01/24 15:45:26

Made in gb
Joined the Military for Authentic Experience

On an Express Elevator to Hell!!

 lord_blackfang wrote:
Wow really puts those wild lies from Youtube that a 3000 point army will cost 600 pounds in perspective

I think like a few guys here I've got a few printed minis, Vanguard etc which are generally cheaper, and a large existing collection which I can sub in with things, which has definitely helped to keep the costs down.

For those with deep pockets, with no collection and buying everything at full RRP from GW it will probably push it up a bit. I guess for those people they also have to hope that a good percentage of the new ranges come in plastic, as if they are FW/resin (such as the Arvus before) then that will really up the costs.

Epic 30K&40K! A new players guide, contributors welcome https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/751316.page
Small but perfectly formed! A Great Crusade Epic 6mm project: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/694411.page

Made in es
Inspiring SDF-1 Bridge Officer

Not a single dime, so far. Had a read over the rulebook and decided not to invest directly on it, for now.

I am still interested on trying it out and play a bit before deciding, but I've got nothing if not time.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/01/24 22:03:23

Made in au
Grizzled Space Wolves Great Wolf

 lord_blackfang wrote:
Wow really puts those wild lies from Youtube that a 3000 point army will cost 600 pounds in perspective

I still think LI is an expensive game for what it is, but I think it'd be hard to be so suboptimal to spend 600 pounds to get 3000pts, though it might be possible.

If you 1. Don't rely on the starter set and 2. Don't buy Titans.

If you buy the rulebook separately, that leaves you with about 18 boxes of tanks/infantry/aircraft/etc. 3000pts divided by 18 boxes gives 166pts per box.

We have Rhinos that are only 100pts a box, Arvus are 96pts to a box, Drop Pods are only 4 to a box though I don't remember if we have points values for them, Thunderhawk is 150pts to a box, on the flip side the Infantry is just over 200pts to a box, Kratos are 260pts to a box, Baneblades 190pts, Xiphons are the extreme at 510pts in a box assuming you actually want to field 6 of them in 3000pts (I only plan to field a few).

So it's not too hard to get to 600 pounds for an army if you decide to not buy the starter and get a spread of boxes that aren't very points efficient. But even if you don't hit 600 pounds because you get the starter set and love Warhounds, I don't see LI as a terribly cheap game.
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

NE Ohio, USA

I received the starter for Christmas.

Beyond that I've spent another $485 total on my Solar + Titans + some aircraft. Most of that is in the Titans though - Warlord x1 & the Adeptus Titanicus set.
We can assume that I'll add the new book when it comes out, so +$?

Then there's another $250ish I fronted for the terrain & ruins boxes.
But that's really a group purchase split 4 ways. 3/4 of that's being repaid to me through dinner on game nights. I'm not going to have to pay for my own pizza/Chinese/etc for a looong time.

Eventually I'll get my SM part of the box built up to where I can include the Warlord. So more $$. But I haven't even looked at the list yet to see what I'll add besides a Thunderhawk (if only because "cool model").
I don't even have a Legion in mind yet.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/01/24 23:27:34

Made in no
Longtime Dakkanaut

1 box of SA infantry and baneblade, so 660NOK. Rulebook is pirated pdf, tokens i will find somewhere else in plastic.

Nothing more has been avalible in my country for SA for clouse to 1 1/2 months now. Restocks wont happen before 1st or 2nd week of februar. Not that it realy matters, i need the stuff that GW dont want to sell yet.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/01/25 10:15:10

Collects: Wild West Exodus, SW Armada/Legion. Adeptus Titanicus, Dust1947. 
Made in gb
Fixture of Dakka

Spent nothing.

Reviewed the rule book and gave it a spin with whatever AT and AI models I had to hand, and at best it was a fun open play experience.

But even putting aside the balance issue, the real villian of the game is the lack of options for building a force, which GW goes so far out of their way to limit the choices that it actually hurts the sales and adoption of the game; the core boxed game should be a complete Legions force in it's own right. Knights as a primary force is also a no-brainer, especially when already turning away xenos players. Unless Titanicus gets a complete rules overhaul with a new edition, Legions is the best game to run a Knight army, but GW has so far dropped that ball.

Casual gaming, mostly solo-coop these days.

Made in gb
Ork Boy Hangin' off a Trukk


So far just a little over £400. Only things I'm likely to get more of are some aircraft just to try them out.
Living in hope we'll get some more releases soon.
Made in nl
Trigger-Happy Baal Predator Pilot


2x starter box 310 euro
1 box of kratos 40 euro
1 box of baneblades 40 euro
1 box of rhinos 40 euro
Already got a thunderhawk and thunderbolts
and a collection of titans. Did have terein form titanicus and old epic and 3d printed terrain.

so only 430 euros

full compagny of bloodangels, 5000 pnt of epic bloodangels
5000 pnt imperial guard
5000 pnt orks
2500 pnt grey knights
5000 pnt gsc
5000 pnts Chaos legionars
4000 pnt tyranids
4000 pnt Tau
Made in us
Shadowy Grot Kommittee Memba

The Great State of New Jersey

Not including all the AT and AI stuff I already owned?

Just one starter box, which I got for ~$170.

Not for a lack of trying, mind you, but everything has been sold out everywhere

CoALabaer wrote:
Wargamers hate two things: the state of the game and change.
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

easily over a grand
Made in gb
Executing Exarch

London, UK

I haven't done too badly to get a fair sized SA force:

£95 on the Starter
£40 on the SA half of a starter
£25 on Baneblades
~£50 on 2x Marauders, 2x Thunderbolts, 6x Lightnings I got from eBay
~£45 on 4x Xiphons, 3x Storm Eagles (AI starter split)
£30 on a Thunderhawk
£285 Total

£105 on the AT Starter (I play AT though)
£65 on a Warlord
£50 on a Warbringer
£220 Total

All told it's pretty good that I can play three games with what I've spent.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2024/02/02 12:55:45

Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

Bought some more.

The Great Slaughter - £30.00 from GW Direct. Couldn’t find it in stock anywhere else. Element has it down as GW Direct only\

2 x Legion Support. £24.00 each so £48.00 from Element.

I will be getting one box of Spartans, but awaiting stock at my friend’s FLGS.

Made in se
Regular Dakkanaut

Core box
SM infantry

Next for me will be some more Aux infantry and the lighter transports when released but hobby is at a low at the moment.

Will pick up the new book when released cuz fomo.
Made in ca
Fixture of Dakka

Ottawa Ontario Canada

Can we vote to change the thread title to the far more accurate "How much has GW allowed you to spend so far?"

Do you play 30k? It'd be a lot cooler if you did.  
Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

No. My thread my rules, sod off

Made in gb
Ork Boy Hangin' off a Trukk


Good answer Doc.
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