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2024/11/01 10:36:43
Subject: Dakka Painting Challenge Round 117 November 2024: Ancients
Welcome all to the 117th round of the Dakka Painting challenge. For the unfamiliar, this is a friendly painting competition open to members of all skill levels and experience, whether your entry is your first or you thousand-and-first time painting miniatures. Each month, finished entries are collected into a thread where the community can vote on their favorite pieces, and those votes go towards an annual overall League that runs for 12 rounds.
This month the topic is Ancients - Anything old: for example: Elves, mummies, venerable dreadnoughts, dinosaurs, Dante, crones, bearded sages, wizened elders. Space marine banner bearers also hold this title. Or for a more meta standpoint, a model from the depths of time. Early sculpts, actual lead models, minis steeped in history. Or personally, (and most importantly) anything that has been in your pile of shame or primed pile for multiple years.
How To Enter
- You may enter up to 5 MODELS as a SINGLE ENTRY, and are permitted one entry per member per month. If you enter multiple models, they should ideally be related in some way, such as part of the same squad, unit or scene if you are doing a diorama
- You may enter at any time during the month, up to the last minute. We do encourage people to enter early, as to be part of the community, but if you can’t start until the 11th hour, that’s OK.
- You MUST post a 'proof' picture of your entry in the thread of the state it was in before you started working on it; this must be either unassembled, unpainted, primed or coated a single colour. Entries that do not submit a valid Proof Picture will not be eligible for voting.
- After this, you may post WIP pictures in this thread and your own if you wish, and on completing the entry, you may post up to 6 final pictures IN THIS THREAD that will then be used for voting. Please note that pictures in a montage or collage picture will be considered individual images for this purpose, so while these types of presentation are certainly acceptable, please keep the image limit in mind when compiling them. For example, a collage of 5 images and one separate image would count as your 6 picture allowance.
So What Do I Win?
- Points... and points mean... bragging rights for the next month! Following the vote, points will be awarded to every entrant. This year, the Points you receive will be equal to the Percentage of Votes your entry receives in the final Voting thread; if you get 10%, you get 10 points, if you get 6% you get 6 points, so on and so forth.
These points will be used to form a league table, which will be updated month on month as the results come in.
How Long Do I Have?
This challenge begins 1st of November and will end at midnight EST on November 30th. After this, I shall compile the finished entries into a new thread, and voting will run for 5 days.
My entry is a rendition of the skeletal king, but then ORKY (or norky/un-orky (undead orky))
It's still close to samhainn so a bit of a carryover, and its also norkvember right after orktober so, don't hold this against me!!!
Also some silly story to it;
Nubh'grul da fers unorky!
"Here, oh dear connoiseurs of a good ork story'.. is inscribed the tale of Nubh'grul, in our sophisticated and superior (to orkish) english language known as the first undead ork.. or so he thinks himself, apparently.. as there is no way to tell other than how many cobwebs have accumulated around the bastard.
Regardless!!.. as this story was once told in the original tongue, the best I can do is narrate the account in the manner it was paraphrased.
As a minor disclaimer.. this first Ork was mysteriously titled to Skorketal king, and stated to be first found deep under a cathedral seated on a throne, himself though to be long dead.
When some barbarian and paladin adventurers of a surface town came across the forgotten thing they thought to rummage through its carcass for a drop of orky rings or necklaces but instead were quickly smitten.
Ah such was the fate of many a dungeon crawler.
But not the brave specification guild of ours! Ofcourse lead by yours truly; Emmett von icks dactylifera the fourthieth! (from a very succesful family!) .. or mister Em to my aides!.."
So starts the diary case number #9, found at 'crimescene.. for lack of a better word' set B and C at the entrance of the old cathedral, the fresh bodyparts scattered across these two sites unrecognicable prior to the finding of this particular belonging.., the other cases were all unsolved giving the impression that this so called guild was of either novice or fantastical nature.. and the victims had no idea what they were getting into.
Afterall, this is the wasteland.. and our Brazen Consuls Cadian dispatch has nothing better to do than investigate such ancient landmarks, hardly still standing on its decomposing foundations..
If there truly is some underground complex, noone would dare move a blockage out of the way to bury themselves hind..
"Colonel..".."our excavator drone detected fresh blood spatters as deep as thirty feet down the descend..".."they clearly did go in"
"madmen.." .."any report on missing commoners?"
"none sir, but a miners town down south did have some crazy cultists pass through"
"could be them.."
"what of them.. any specifications?"
"some occult club, investigating rural mysteries"
"that alligns with the diary.., very well.."
"you think they found what they were looking for Colonel?"
"back to your station, I'll see what else they wrote first.."
Later that evening, in the Colonel's command tent..
Page 24;
"The aides have bravely and ably removed the rubble over the cellar hatch, if the rumors are true there is a straightforward tunnel down to the cloyster, all we will have to do is ensure that our lanterns stay lit and keep our distance from everything of value may we invite the Skeleton king's punishment! At worst we could nick away a trinket as we return to the surface, but only if the myth turns out true!
Let this be the first success of my name!" (this comment seemed to be made over and over again throughout the diary, to every case..)
The Colonel flipped forward through the pages until the content changed into hasty scribbles.. almost reaching the diary's end..
"It looked dead!!.. it did!!"
"Its huge!"
"lost one aide", "can't keep in"
.. can't keep in?.. can't keep what in? His food? The Colonel thought..
An official entered the tent with concern written on her face.. "The drone has finished its mapping..".."It's empty"..
"Whoever or whatever did this, it isn't inside that space.."
The Colonel closed the Diary and stood up from his chair.. "So that is what he meant.., the killer got out of the site.., that means.. he's roaming the wasteland.."
"Could be we're dealing with a Tyranid for all we know.., or something chaos..infested.."
"The diary didn't specify.. we cannot go by the ramblings of cultists.."
The official inquired.. "What did the diary say?"
"Lunacy about some undead Ork.., out of the question.."
"You don't seriously believe it, Hannah.." The Colonel reprimanded..
"It's ghost stories.. people make up all sorts of things to what they don't want to face.., we're dealing with Xenos here all the time, it stresses everyone out, makes them go mad.."
Hannah the official nodded and saluted.. "Yes sir, am I excused.."
The Colonel waved her away and sat down again.. then as he was back alone opened up the diary one more time.. the final page had one last panicked scribble.., just one shaky word..
He stood up from his chair again, looked out from under the flap of the tent's entrance.. noone.., the sky cloudy and dark, not a star or moon visible.., he took his long coat and cape, donned his military cap and went out to the site..
It was raining, yet silent.. the site was abandoned by all but the deactivated flood light constructions, a case closed.. but it nagged him on.. what kind of shot... what kind of weapon..
He didn't want to be thought of as a nut, investigating the possibility that such a thing as an undead Ork existed.. but it could've been an Ork nonetheless.. and if he could find typical Orkish ammunition.. it would require emediate changes to the Cadian formation, such a thing would be a massive restructure, not to be undertaken on a guess..
Carefully moving through and under the makeshift supportbeams, he entered the tight corridor down the cellar hatch.. it smelled strongly of sulfur.. something gutteral..
Perhaps also incendiaries.. gunpowder..
Nothing like the plasmics or acid a Tyranid would throw..
No fuel or bullet marks one would expect from a Chaos marine to be left behind..
No.. claw marks, no sludge, no paint of any armor scratched..
Just the all encompassing mist of sulfur.., the walls keyed up with ridges as if something big had pushed itself through.. The Colonel felt around..then looked at the residue on his gloves ..rust..
He turned around and made for the surface again, he had to radio in that Orks were in the area.
"W..where were you Colonel!.. didn't you hear the gunfire?!" Hannah was standing at the entrance of the site, the floodlights turned on away from it as the drasted sulfuric mist expanded everywhere like a tumulteous sea..
"The hell is going on Hannah?" The Colonel coughed while wrapping a shawl around his head..
"We are being raided!.. blue looking things.. they won't go down.. it's like they can't die!!"
"Ridiculous.. must be some Tau tech".. The Colonel retorted.. "regroup a formation"
"Th..there's noone left Colonel!" Hannah cried out.. grabbing one of the floodlights tightly, aiming the beam around.. "But those things seem to really dislike concentrated light.."
"Its not Tau Colonel..".."they are .." suddenly the floodlight turned off as its glass shatted.. Hannah was blown back beside and past the Colonel..
From all directions came feet dragging some bulky forms, barely visible in the dark.. clicking and twanging what sounded like reloading..
The Colonel aimed his pistol at the assailants and threatened.. while stepping back toward the entrance of the Cathedral ruin, carefully squatting down beside Hannah to feel her pulse..
He grabbed her by the straps to pull her along, dead or alive he wouldn't leave her out with those monstrosities.., down the cellar hatch they went and blocked it from below with one of the support beams..
The next day Hannah had awoken, thankfully recovered from what had turned out to have been a concussion, outside the site had been abandoned oncemore.. but all the equipment had been smashed up, the camp practically destroyed.. and apart from some individual ribs not a soldier's remains left to the ravens..
Alas, a Drukhari fleet had landed nearby, investigating the very same event..
The Colonel employed his diplomatic status, which the Drukhari accepted under the circumstances of sharing information, and Hannah and him were provided a green zone for extraction.
The Colonel was soon promoted for his heroics in rescuing Hannah, who herself turned in her resume and relocated to a telecommunication center'.. but he found himself quickly redeployed to the wasteland, not because of his experience.. but for trading Cadian secrets with the Drukhari.., there.. he oversaw the aftermath of the first encounter with undead Orks, as much as his part in the escalations.
The miniature kitbashed and painted, is Nubh'grul the Skorketal king, was he real? Was he truly the allfather of Unorky spawn? And what is the Drukhari part in the uptick of such?
For the last question, read the tale of Nubgruk, perhaps one could consider the legacy of Nubh'grul. -
"Why would i be lying for Wechhudrs sake man.., i do not write fiction!"
2024/11/01 13:56:24
Subject: Dakka Painting Challenge Round 117 November 2024: Ancients
For this one I've picked another dreadnought for active service in the Deathwatch.
This ancient warrior is from the Space Wolves, and clearly used to be someone very special, given his intricate totem covered body and shoulders. These are all stls from Greytide Studios added to a standard kit.
JoshInJapan wrote: Eldar? Check. Lead? Check. Old sculpts? Check. Sitting in a box, unpainted, for decades? Check. I think I win this round:
No lead like old lead!
I’ve got at least one of those guys kicking around unpainted myself. I’d have to break out the archeology gear to go find him though…
I'm entering these Viking guys, having checked with big Nev:
Granted they have had the hafts and bases primed separately but the base are actually the wrong colour.
Theophony"... and there's strippers in terminator armor and lovecraftian shenanigans afoot."
Solar_Lion: "Man this sums up your blog nicely."
Anpu-adom: "being Geek is about Love. Some love broadly. Some love deeply. And then there are people like Graven.
2024/11/02 11:21:26
Subject: Re:Dakka Painting Challenge Round 117 November 2024: Ancients
My first wip of the basing, maybe its done.. maybe some more linework? hmm..
Tried the micro-pointilism style (for lack of a better word) as in using tiny dots of lighter and darker shades for a more patternized grainy look.
Is it visible? Dunno, didn't like it as much on the metals, looks good on the biological bits like those hands and skull..
Should I add blood on the saw? or maybe dust..hmm..
two smaller pics (further away does look better like with pointilized paintings)
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/11/02 12:06:13
"Why would i be lying for Wechhudrs sake man.., i do not write fiction!"
2024/11/02 13:50:58
Subject: Dakka Painting Challenge Round 117 November 2024: Ancients
For finalizing details on the base you might want to wait until the mini is done? So if elements need to match to tie them together you can see what’s needed. There are times you want a clean mini walking into dust and blood, and/or a weathered one on a pristine setting, but that should not be accidental. That sort of dichotomy is there to tell a story.
Nevelon wrote: For finalizing details on the base you might want to wait until the mini is done? So if elements need to match to tie them together you can see what’s needed. There are times you want a clean mini walking into dust and blood, and/or a weathered one on a pristine setting, but that should not be accidental. That sort of dichotomy is there to tell a story.
I might go over the metals a bit with either a tiny sponge or drybrush (drybrush more likely) to give it another texture, pointilism looks great on skin etc though, but its like painting a rock pattern on a tree' to the metal.
I do like trying out new textures, maybe I'll do a borderlandsesque/comic style too sometime. (not this time)
"Why would i be lying for Wechhudrs sake man.., i do not write fiction!"
2024/11/02 14:49:45
Subject: Dakka Painting Challenge Round 117 November 2024: Ancients
I'm hoping that I will have time this month. If so, my plan is to paint the last three remaining Dark Vengeance Dark Angels that I still have most of the pieces for on sprue. Two sergeants and a Raven Wing biker. Additionally, I just bought an old metal chapter master Azrael.
If I somehow end up with spare time, I'll try to add a fifth model to the group.
I really like the pointilism style effect but I am having some OCD on the reddish pink looking way too purple, thinking of doing his pants over completely, even though it looks good in itself, I think it clashes way too hard with the greenish of the Ork skin and it prevents me from using light blues which would clash even harder.
Ughhh I'd rather just find a way to make the purple disappear more organicly than having to redo it whole but ok, I think a more neutral jute beige to muted orange would look way better here and tie everything together, and its more -ancient-.. I mean, what ancient wears pink??
(its a wip)
(yes I still have to do the teeth yes, and slightly make the hair look better)
hashtag 1st world problems
"Why would i be lying for Wechhudrs sake man.., i do not write fiction!"
2024/11/03 18:32:31
Subject: Dakka Painting Challenge Round 117 November 2024: Ancients
I managed to find a little bit of time this afternoon to make a start on putting some colour to the dreadnought after doing the layers of drybrushing on friday
Pariah Press wrote: Well, I primed Old One Eye and then immediately dropped him, smashing him into four pieces. Guess I should have pinned those arms on...
Ouch. All your toes intact? He’s a big old chunk of lead.
XvArcanevX - You are not the only one, I feel exactly the same My first ever Warhammer models were terminators from Dark Vengeance when the set came out.
2024/11/04 10:06:08
Subject: Re:Dakka Painting Challenge Round 117 November 2024: Ancients
Me, I'd occasionally join in on the nostalgia train if it wasn't for a few things. I have enough models from the 90s to last me a while, but since that's when I started they don't feel that old. Like, not vintage. Basically new. Almost released only yesterday. So they hardly count.
Then there's this little issue that getting them out of storage involves a major archeological dig. That's usually not an option.
And I actually like the brave new hi-res world we live in. Sure, old models have their charm but I vividly remember how I felt about inadequacies in sculpting and casting quality back in the day. I like it just fine in the present and prefer to look ahead rather than back.
But to each their own.
Nehekhara lives! Sort of!
Why is the rum always gone?
2024/11/04 10:48:17
Subject: Dakka Painting Challenge Round 117 November 2024: Ancients
I’d trade my vintage models for eyes that still worked like when I was young and a body that didn’t ache all the time. You can go to ebay, or get modern sculpts in the classic style. I can get a magnifier and ibuprofen. I all works out.
Getting the real old lead out would take a major dig. Which I should probably do at some point anyway. I’m starting to forget what’s in all of them.