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"All Is Dust!" An Alternate Future Thousand Sons Blog- Full army photoshoot. pg 31  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in nl
Did Fulgrim Just Behead Ferrus?

The Netherlands

Yeeeeeees!!! This is awesome!

Bits Blitz Designs - 3D printing a dark futuristic universe 
Made in gb
Powerful Chaos Warrior

In the Loft

Very cool Titanicus collection!! I had no idea that Ordinatus model was THAT big. That's nuts!!

Don't worry about the silly 28mm stuff. Tiny Titans is where its at
Made in gb
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

Nice rapid progress on the airbrushing! The knights and titans look great with some paint on. Good luck on the Marines too

Goberts Gubbins - P&M Blog, started with Oldhammer, often Blackstone Fortress and Void Panther Marines, with side projects along the way 
Made in ca

Canada,Prince Edward Island

Malika2 wrote:Yeeeeeees!!! This is awesome!

You're telling me! It feels nice to actually be motivated to paint for a change haha

Lord Borak wrote:Very cool Titanicus collection!! I had no idea that Ordinatus model was THAT big. That's nuts!!

Don't worry about the silly 28mm stuff. Tiny Titans is where its at

Yeah the ordinatus turned out to be massive, kept my printer very busy for a few days!

gobert wrote:Nice rapid progress on the airbrushing! The knights and titans look great with some paint on. Good luck on the Marines too

Cheers! The knights definitely look better now they have a uniform coat of paint on them.

Now that I have the armour panels basecoated it's back to the busy process of doing all the trim in a brass colour. Gonna take some time but it really makes the colours pop.

Made in ca

Canada,Prince Edward Island

I had a productive day with the 3D printer so I thought I would show off what I had churned out!

With the upcoming new Terminator kit coming out, I wanted to make sure I had a nice selection of all the older models in my collection.

I did up two full squads of Saturnine armoured guys, switching out some weapons and adding crests for a bit of Thousand Sons flair

I discovered very quickly that my collection of plastic bases has completely dried up!

Updated sculpts for the Cobra pattern of terminator armour are much less common. I could only find one on my adventure through the internet, fortunately it looks great!

I've got a few other characters and terminator variants in various stages of completion so hopefully I'll get round to posting the rest soon. Knowing my track record that will probably be two months from now...

Made in gb
Powerful Chaos Warrior

In the Loft

Oh wow, those guys are awesome!!
Made in ca

Canada,Prince Edward Island

Thanks! There are some very tallented 3D artists out there who deserve most of the credit!

Speaking of which, I printed a few more terminators up in my new quest to have every single pattern of armour.

This one is the closest I could find to the third original terminator sculpt (the other two being the Saturnine and Cobra ones from my last post.)

It is not a perfect representation by any means. The design is the most similar to the modern day terminator with the only major difference being the helmet and pauldron design. Maybe one day when I finally teach myself to learn how to 3D sculpt, I'll whip something up that works a little better! This is actually the second time I printed this model, the first time he was far too small, this time he is towering over everyone so I decided to stick with it and will paint him up as a Thunder Warrior, still serving with his legion many years after his fellow battle brothers have perished in battle or from old age.

There are also a couple of unique Custodes Terminator suits so I printed one up, I guess I will also have to decided on a backstory on how they ended up in the hands of a space marine legion!

Finally just a good sculpt I spotted online with a massive crest that I just had to have.

It also seemed fitting to do a family photo, an Armour through the Ages!

I did just find a nice redesign of the awful Centurion armour so I might get a couple of them printed up and then maybe get cracking on some paint for all the models that seem to be filling my hobby room up...

Made in us
Grisly Ghost Ark Driver

Interested to see what the Centurion redesign looks like!

See what's on my painting table Now painting: Tyranid Screamer-Killer 
Made in gb
Powerful Chaos Warrior

In the Loft

Very nice looking prints. I was thinking of getting some ancient marks of Terminator armour to go with my Rogue trader style Castraferrum Dreads for my World Eaters. I think you have the same Saturine files I do!

Also keen to see these Centurion files. Do you have a link to the files?
Made in ca

Canada,Prince Edward Island

 Lord Borak wrote:
Very nice looking prints. I was thinking of getting some ancient marks of Terminator armour to go with my Rogue trader style Castraferrum Dreads for my World Eaters. I think you have the same Saturine files I do!

Also keen to see these Centurion files. Do you have a link to the files?

Yeah the Saturnine design was my favourite although there are quite a few to choose from! The only issue is that they are quite monopose, you may have to do a little chopping with a saw to get them nice and aggressively posed for a WE army haha


This is the centurion kit, I actually just finished printing it so will probably post some pics when I get back from work. The Centurion is probably my most hated design that GW ever put out but this kit fixes a lot of the major issues I had with it.

Made in ca

Canada,Prince Edward Island

I actually painted some Thousand Sons!!

Now that I have an airbrush, I wanted to take a stab at a more efficient colour scheme. I foolishly decided to give a metallic red scheme a go as I have seen a few examples of it which really popped out compared to a matt red. Turns out it is very easy to do and looks fantastic and now I have to tell myself not to redo the majority of the army

Since it is a plasma squad, I also tried to do a little glowing effect on the guns which I think turned out pretty good.

I also seem to have aquired quite a few more dreadnoughts and am making good use of the 3D printer to spruce them up a little.

One armour panel split and cracked quite a bit on this guy but I think I'll paint it as a chipped marble instead of reprinting it, hopefully it should add even more character.

The guy in the middle was what I was planning on being the centurion variant I mentioned last post, turns out it printed far too big (or perhaps as big as it was meant to me?) and is now a perfect Contemptor dreadnought size!

Thoughts on the new metallic red style? I think it may be the way I go for the army moving forward albeit with a few tweaks. I think a purple wash in the recesses would really help add some depth and subtle colour contrast.

Made in us
Krazed Killa Kan


I love seeing Thousand Sons, and I think the metallic red looks good. The dreads look really cool too

Made in ca

Canada,Prince Edward Island

Thanks! I'm trying to get back into the groove, I've got a lot of troops to paint so thought it was high time I took them out of the ever expanding pile of shame!

Made in us
Grisly Ghost Ark Driver

Love the metallic red!

See what's on my painting table Now painting: Tyranid Screamer-Killer 
Made in ca

Canada,Prince Edward Island

Cheers! I'm really enjoying painting it so much more than the red armour I was doing previously, much less of a slog and the end result it very eye catching.

I wanted to see what the new colour scheme would look like on a larger vehicle, not wanting to potentially ruin one of my unpainted models, I took a Whirlwind that I painted a long time ago that I was never happy with and gave it a much needed overhaul. Here are the end results..

I also uncovered some transfers that I thought were lost forever so they got added on, turns out they blend in a lot better with metallic armour

Wanting to get rid of some of the grey infantry, I also painted a squad of veterans. Still a few bits to tweak here and there, the banner in particular needs some love but I needed a break from painting all their little ornate parts so I think I'll move onto a unit of terminators for a bit!

Made in us
Krazed Killa Kan


I shouldn't have taken a look, now I really want to finally build and paint my Thousand Sons force after looking at yours . And, I really shouldn't get distracted from my current project. They look great, and I think the paint works well on vehicles too.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/06/30 21:24:04

Made in ca

Canada,Prince Edward Island

Do it!! One can never have too many projects on the go at once

I managed to get a squad of classic terminators painted up relatively fast. I'm debating changing the colour of the helmets to white as they get a little lost in the mass of red armour, thoughts?

I've got a few projects on my desk at the moment so no idea what will be done next, maybe another tank if I have enough paint...

Made in ca

Canada,Prince Edward Island

I set myself a bit of a challenge the other day, to build and paint a tank in a single day. Amazingly, I actually managed this! Did I take photos of the whole process for proof? Absolutely not. But I have some nice finished shots to show off!

I think I might start incorporating more white in my paint scheme from now on. It really helps to break up the red armour panels.

Made in ca

Canada,Prince Edward Island

Continuing my new interest in tanks, I printed up an Arquitor, a tiny little siege tank which I have always wanted to get my hands on but couldn't justify the $220 pricetag for FW resin. I think it turned out very nicely!

Made in ca

Canada,Prince Edward Island

I really need to step away from the printer for a bit as I seem to have a bit of a tank craze on at the moment!

I just finished a Sabre Tank Hunter to add to my growing vehicle collection. Eventually I want to have every tank variant there is out there including the really weird and rare ones. That is going to be a very long project though!

Made in ca

Canada,Prince Edward Island

I had a very productive day off! Got a tank and Contemptor all painted up in addition to printing what will be the last tank for a while before I run out of space in the hobby room...

The Contemptor is just the base plastic model with a 3D printed head for a little variety

I also sculpted a lot more base rubble out of Sculpey as I was running dangerously low, luckily it is super easy to make!

The Vindicator was super quick to paint up. I think it might be lacking some white accents at the moment though, thinking of maybe changing the gold panel to white to make it pop a bit more.

The tank I whipped up this time is a Legion Medusa, I am actually missing a couple of bits still but used up all my resin for now. I think it may be about 10% too big relative to the other tanks but I don't have any scale shots of the FW tank to compare so I could be wrong.

And just for fun, here are all the tanks I now have, crazy to think that my number of tanks doubled in just a month!

Made in us
Krazed Killa Kan


Wow! That is a lot of tanks. Also impressive that half of them are painted.

Made in ca

Canada,Prince Edward Island

I'm trying to be a bit more productive with my painting haha, the grey was beginning to outnumber the red...

Speaking of which, I painted up a heavy weapon squad today, another 10 down!

Made in gb
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

Mighty impressive armoured column! Good luck turning the grey red. Certainly the heavy weapons squad looks resplendent in their metallic red! What colour are you using for that, I can’t spot the recipe in earlier posts ?

Goberts Gubbins - P&M Blog, started with Oldhammer, often Blackstone Fortress and Void Panther Marines, with side projects along the way 
Made in ca

Canada,Prince Edward Island

Thanks! It's actually quite a simple paint scheme, basically I do a darker gold spray, followed by an airbrushed light gold and then an airbrushed red contrast paint. After that just a brown wash to tone down the shine a little bit.

Pretty sure the scheme is just as effective without an airbrush but it really speeds up the process.


This is what I went off in principle.

Made in us
Kabalite Conscript

I doff my (Pharaonic) cap to your incredible 3D printing, which makes me question the £££ I've been dropping on plastic + resin vehicles.

Not sure if the Arquitor is a bit undersized though? It came out around the same time so people assume they're a similar size, but it's closer to a Sicaran (sort of backwards).


Made in ca

Canada,Prince Edward Island

Oh you are absolutely right! Honestly scaling the models correctly is one of the biggest challenges with printing things as you have no real reference to go off.

Let's just call this tank the Arquitor MK1, a smaller, less potent version compared the Forgeworld model

Made in ca

Canada,Prince Edward Island

I've been on a roll lately and have smashed through quite a few troops and other units. In the last 2 months I have done 60 infantry, some dreadnoughts, and 4 tanks!

Here's what I got done through July:

We've got a MK4 Tactical Squad, using some bits from the TSons plastics

Then a mostly complete set of Scarab Terminators, still gotta fix up some cloth parts and maybe take a less blurry picture of them...

I freshened up my unit of Corvidae recon guys, gave them some raven helmets and fancy new guns

An Ironclad MK4 Dreadnought is now all painted up. I treated it to a slightly bigger base to make it look a little more similar height-wise to the other dreadnoughts

And finally, the Arquitor got a splash of paint and some nice dusty tracks to make it blend in with my rapidly growing army.

In other news, I've been on yet another 3D printing spree, this time making a lot of retro dreadnoughts, I'll try and post them tomorrow when the last few bits are done!

Made in us
Krazed Killa Kan


Wow! You are a painting machine! Impressive cranking out so many great looking models. Your forces are certainly growing.

Made in gb
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

That Red really pops! Love the tacticals and terminators!

Goberts Gubbins - P&M Blog, started with Oldhammer, often Blackstone Fortress and Void Panther Marines, with side projects along the way 
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