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Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in ro
Boom! Leman Russ Commander

Those Dale dice are quite nice. The Rivendell ones seem quite tacky.
Made in au
Fixture of Dakka


Ahh! The final fate of the witch-king is back next week too. Good thing I haven't ordered that Gandalf yet, I can get them both in one hit.

Nice to see they're bringing back the old Osgiliath ruins too. Good kit that one and it looks like they mesh up quite nicely with the new kit, looks wise. It looks like though that they might be combing it with the old Ruins of Middle-earth pack too. As the Osgiliath set didn't have the rubble scatter.

 Arbitrator wrote:
Those Dale dice are quite nice. The Rivendell ones seem quite tacky.
My thoughts exactly. I like the patterning on the blue, but the gold helmet just isn't well done.

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Made in ie
Fixture of Dakka

Euro and UK prices

Looks like the old ruins of Osgiliath are direct only.

[Thumb - 7A047FAB-6F75-4E57-962D-59BE2E27D4C3.jpeg]

[Thumb - F21D6325-B9FA-4C92-B389-32B65A06C7AB.jpeg]

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2022/09/05 07:20:34

Made in de
Boosting Ultramarine Biker


Are those prices in EUR? Checked the Rohan Battlehost which means you basically get the Eomer for free... Interesting...

My Element Games referal code: SVE5335 
Made in fi
Locked in the Tower of Amareo

That starter set OOOOOOOUCH.

Good thing I have no need for it but pity the new players.

2024 painted/bought: 109/109 
Made in gb
Boom! Leman Russ Commander


£40.00 for the Predator?

Daft price but when you're actually surprised that it doesn't cost as much as you thought it would...

...is when they get you to place it in the basket without thinking about it!

Looks like my 40K Plague Marines will be getting a new, but 10000 years old, tank.

Made in au
Fixture of Dakka


Not even going to speculate on Aus/NZ prices.

But what's caught my attention is the M-E SBG painting intro minis. Wonder if they're something new we havent seen or if it's just WoMT/Morannon Orcs slightly repackaged

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Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

Wow, only £50 for the battle hosts? So third parties will have them for around £40. That's damn impressive.

Starter is kind of what I was expecting.
Made in gb
Boom! Leman Russ Commander


 Snrub wrote:
Not even going to speculate on Aus/NZ prices.

But what's caught my attention is the M-E SBG painting intro minis. Wonder if they're something new we havent seen or if it's just WoMT/Morannon Orcs slightly repackaged

There's no price quoted so are they just individual minis to order for painting in store like GW Stores currently do with a Primaris or Stormcast figure?

Made in au
Fixture of Dakka


That's what i'm assuming they are.

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Made in us
Ollanius Pius - Savior of the Emperor

Gathering the Informations.

Tentative USD price-seeking:

$45 for Elrond.
$85(!?!?!) for the Battlehosts.
Cannot find an equivalent for the Battle for Osgiliath.
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

Somebody on Reddit thought $180 was equivalent for Osgiliath.

The Battlehosts are priced so well I can see a lot of people grabbing one of those, while the Battle for Osgiliath set is priced so poorly I can see no one grabbing it.

Reaper makes the same troll for $7, and building sections are more easily made with foam board, which with craft paint can outfit a whole table for like $10.
Made in us
Ollanius Pius - Savior of the Emperor

Gathering the Informations.

 frankelee wrote:
Somebody on Reddit thought $180 was equivalent for Osgiliath.

Absolutely no way that it is. Whoever said that just plugged it into a currency exchanger.

The Battlehosts are priced so well I can see a lot of people grabbing one of those, while the Battle for Osgiliath set is priced so poorly I can see no one grabbing it.

Core book was $60 by itself. And this features two sets, not just one, of the new scenery.

Reaper makes the same troll for $7, and building sections are more easily made with foam board, which with craft paint can outfit a whole table for like $10.

And it'll look like it too!
Made in ie
Fixture of Dakka

Killteam Moroch is £125 and $210USD so that’s the likely price.

£52.50 is $85.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2022/09/05 16:17:56

Made in us
Dakka Veteran

lol, Reaper models aren't as sharp as GW, but it's funny how a 20% improvement in details costs 500%.

Of course their new stuff like Reaper Black doesn't even give GW that much of an edge. More like 5%. And they put it them in blisters still so people can see for themselves before they buy it.

The Battle for Osgiliath would be something to wait until the half-off sale if it were an Age of Sigmar product, I don't know if they'll make enough for that here, but then again, you might not have to make many at that price.
Made in us
Ollanius Pius - Savior of the Emperor

Gathering the Informations.

 frankelee wrote:
lol, Reaper models aren't as sharp as GW, but it's funny how a 20% improvement in details costs 500%.

You said you can outfit a whole table "for like $10".

Hence my "and it will look like it too!" comment.

Of course their new stuff like Reaper Black doesn't even give GW that much of an edge. More like 5%. And they put it them in blisters still so people can see for themselves before they buy it.

Sure, and the GW Mordor Troll is on a plastic frame. It's not metal or finecast where a lot of work will be potentially necessary.

But you knew that, right?

The Battle for Osgiliath would be something to wait until the half-off sale if it were an Age of Sigmar product, I don't know if they'll make enough for that here, but then again, you might not have to make many at that price.

Maybe for you, but really it seems like you just want things at a deep discount no matter the quality no matter what system it is.

As it stands?

Getting two armies and enough scenery for the associated scenario book plus the core rulebook isn't necessarily the gamebreaker it is to others as it seems to be for you.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2022/09/05 17:27:02

Made in gb
Fresh-Faced New User

Battle for Osgiliath is less army content but a bit more usable in some ways. Pelennor gave you plenty of warriors seemingly without thinking about the fact that mounted models can be dismounted in LotR. The osgiliath set needs another leader on the evil side, but those are missing in plastic for all of the MESBG ranges.

Having some nice terrain is always good in a starter box too.
Made in au
Fixture of Dakka


 Commitz wrote:
The osgiliath set needs another leader on the evil side, but those are missing in plastic for all of the MESBG ranges.
You can make the troll into a chieftain. That gives you your 2nd leader. Might not be ideal, but certainly makes the evil side playable straight out of the box.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2022/09/05 22:11:14

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Made in au
Longtime Dakkanaut

Melbourne, Australia

 Snrub wrote:
Not even going to speculate on Aus/NZ prices.

Someone at my group said they saw it at an RRP of $350AU, which is $90 over what the direct conversion rate is.

The galaxy is littered with the single-planet graveyards of civilisations which made the economically sensible decision not to explore space. 
Made in pl
Longtime Dakkanaut


 .Mikes. wrote:
 Snrub wrote:
Not even going to speculate on Aus/NZ prices.

Someone at my group said they saw it at an RRP of $350AU, which is $90 over what the direct conversion rate is.

That's just 35% more than what it's supposed to be! Be glad they didn't arbitrarily double the price, like they sometimes decide to do when they feel like gouging Australians particularly hard

"Tabletop games are the only setting when a body is made more horrifying for NOT being chopped into smaller pieces."
- Jiado 
Made in au
Fixture of Dakka


 .Mikes. wrote:
Someone at my group said they saw it at an RRP of $350AU, which is $90 over what the direct conversion rate is.
So like $100 more then Pelennor. fething fantastic.... Colour me not at all shocked.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2022/09/05 23:38:46

My Blogs -
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Made in us
Haughty Harad Serpent Rider

Richmond, VA

 Commitz wrote:
Battle for Osgiliath is less army content but a bit more usable in some ways. Pelennor gave you plenty of warriors seemingly without thinking about the fact that mounted models can be dismounted in LotR. The osgiliath set needs another leader on the evil side, but those are missing in plastic for all of the MESBG ranges.

Having some nice terrain is always good in a starter box too.

I argue that it is a superior starter. Pelennor gave you three armies; one midsize Mordor, one tiny Rohan starter and one tiny Dead starter, and no scenery at all. Considering how _vital_ scenery is in SBG, I'm happy that Rob followed the community feedback and opted to swap out some infantry for scenery in the new starter. My only minor complaint is that the old Ruins scatter frame that is being bundled in the rerelease of Osgiliath ruins should also have been tossed into the starter for some more scatter terrain. Pelennor sets the wrong tone for new SBG players - games should have scads of terrain everywhere; Osgiliath is more on the right track. IMHO the (named) heroes ratio being off for Matched Play is barely a consideration as you should learn the game from Dan's included narrative scenarios before deciding which way to grow your force, plus the fact that any model can be a Captain if you want to ignore the narrative scenarios and jump right into competitive gaming.

"...and special thanks to Judgedoug!" - Alessio Cavatore "Now you've gone too far Doug! ... Too far... " - Rick Priestley "I've decided that I'd rather not have you as a member of TMP." - Editor, The Miniatures Page "I'd rather put my testicles through a mangle than spend any time gaming with you." - Richard, TooFatLardies "We need a Doug Craig in every store." - Warlord Games "Thank you for being here, Judge Doug!" - Adam Troke 
Made in au
Longtime Dakkanaut

Melbourne, Australia

 Wha-Mu-077 wrote:
 .Mikes. wrote:
 Snrub wrote:
Not even going to speculate on Aus/NZ prices.

Someone at my group said they saw it at an RRP of $350AU, which is $90 over what the direct conversion rate is.

That's just 35% more than what it's supposed to be! Be glad they didn't arbitrarily double the price, like they sometimes decide to do when they feel like gouging Australians particularly hard

There's a reason most MESBG games I play have more than a few 3d printed models in them.

The galaxy is littered with the single-planet graveyards of civilisations which made the economically sensible decision not to explore space. 
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

 Kanluwen wrote:
 frankelee wrote:
lol, Reaper models aren't as sharp as GW, but it's funny how a 20% improvement in details costs 500%.

You said you can outfit a whole table "for like $10".

Hence my "and it will look like it too!" comment.

Yeah you need four official little GW building corners spread across an entire gaming table to make it NICE looking. People can't make good terrain with foam, cardboard, glue, and craft paint. Everyone knows that. Dude, tell me you're an inexperienced tabletop gamer without telling me you're an inexperienced tabletop gamer.

 Kanluwen wrote:
 frankelee wrote:

Of course their new stuff like Reaper Black doesn't even give GW that much of an edge. More like 5%. And they put it them in blisters still so people can see for themselves before they buy it.

Sure, and the GW Mordor Troll is on a plastic frame. It's not metal or finecast where a lot of work will be potentially necessary.

But you knew that, right?

This is a nonsensical retort.

 Kanluwen wrote:
 frankelee wrote:

The Battle for Osgiliath would be something to wait until the half-off sale if it were an Age of Sigmar product, I don't know if they'll make enough for that here, but then again, you might not have to make many at that price.

Maybe for you, but really it seems like you just want things at a deep discount no matter the quality no matter what system it is.

As it stands?

Getting two armies and enough scenery for the associated scenario book plus the core rulebook isn't necessarily the gamebreaker it is to others as it seems to be for you.

Muh quality system.

Yeah, again dude, once you actually learn about tabletop games, maybe get to know some people who play them, you're going to discover wargamers can count. I've been doing this a few decades now, and in all that time endless stans who support company X at any price for any product are a dime a dozen. And 100% of them know better than me, until of course things play out and then in reality they never actually do. It's not a compelling product, it's old infantry minis from 20 years ago, a couple of characters who aren't worth $35 each, and some sad looking building corners, which after you buy you will see don't make your table look like anything approaching a ruined city. And a book, wow a book. All at an absurdly high price.

People who already play the game aren't likely to find anything of value in it as the models are redundant, the book is unnecessary, and the scenery is basic and bland. Also, if you're involved with a group of people who play much MESBG, you probably can get those old infantry models off somebody in the group, or formerly in the group, who doesn't want them anymore for very little cost. Meanwhile if you're one of the vanishingly few potential new players who will consider joining the game over the next year, the box set is $200+ just to get started and has nothing exciting in it to justify the cost. It isn't a loss leader, it has no curb appeal, it's not tempting to new consumers. And GW does stuff like this all the time, and it never works out for them. It's not even new, it's predictable. They just let them sit on retailer's shelves until the owner offers some to regulars at a deep discount.
Made in au
Unstoppable Bloodthirster of Khorne

Melbourne .au

Hey Frank.
Maybe say these things without being so agressively combative and dismissive and you'll have a much nicer time here.

Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Are the heroes in the Osgiliath box, exclusive to it? That's the only reason my OCD might force me to give in.

This isn't a new, or meaningfully changed core rulebook, is it?

11527pts Total (7400pts painted)

4980pts Total (4980pts painted)

3730 Total (210pts painted) 
Made in us
Haughty Harad Serpent Rider

Richmond, VA

NewTruthNeomaxim wrote:
Are the heroes in the Osgiliath box, exclusive to it? That's the only reason my OCD might force me to give in.

This isn't a new, or meaningfully changed core rulebook, is it?

for a window, much like Theoden was in Pelennor.

Nope, just the same core rules since the early 2000's, with included faq/errata, much like GW has done since the big blue book of 2005, and no meaningful changes since 2012.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 frankelee wrote:
People who already play the game aren't likely to find anything of value in it as the models are redundant, the book is unnecessary, and the scenery is basic and bland.

I disagree completely, but the way you write is so full of absolutes that there is certainly no meaningful discussion that can be had with you.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2022/09/06 18:08:52

"...and special thanks to Judgedoug!" - Alessio Cavatore "Now you've gone too far Doug! ... Too far... " - Rick Priestley "I've decided that I'd rather not have you as a member of TMP." - Editor, The Miniatures Page "I'd rather put my testicles through a mangle than spend any time gaming with you." - Richard, TooFatLardies "We need a Doug Craig in every store." - Warlord Games "Thank you for being here, Judge Doug!" - Adam Troke 
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

CL VI Store in at the Cyber Center of Excellence

I’m going to pick up a copy. I can use the terrain, the orcs and will find a use for at least some of the good guys.

Every time a terrorist dies a Paratrooper gets his wings. 
Made in us
Boom! Leman Russ Commander

 judgedoug wrote:
Nope, just the same core rules since the early 2000's, with included faq/errata, much like GW has done since the big blue book of 2005, and no meaningful changes since 2012.

And thank god for that.
Made in us
Ollanius Pius - Savior of the Emperor

Gathering the Informations.

The quick-start PDFs for the Battlehosts are up.

Whatever your leanings, the new Battlehosts are a fantastic way to start or bolster a Middle-earth™ Strategy Battle Game collection, and once you pick your side you’ll want to hit the battlefield running.

For this reason, we’re giving away a Quickstart Rules Guide PDF which can be downloaded right here. The document contains a simplified set of the Core Rules, as well as a selection of scenarios to play through. We’re also giving away four separate Quickstart Booklet PDFs – one for each of the Battlehosts – with profiles for all the miniatures you get in the boxes so you can get started playing as easily as possible.
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