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Grisly Ghost Ark Driver

 insaniak wrote:
 Ancestral Hamster wrote:
Surfboys are used in just one scenario in Last Prospector. It does not strike me as a good investment of time and money to buy single-use figures. {Or single-use terrain even more so.}

I mean, they're only 'single use' if you only intend to play that scenario one single time. And choose to never use them for anything else outside of that scenario.
That's the thing, I don't need surfboys or other flying vehicles. Buying them and painting them would be a waste for me. Now if they could do double duty elsewhere, then it would not be an issue for me. In theory, I could use Tomb Blades and afterwards they'd go into my Necron Army, but I haven't played 40k for at least six years. I'll probably just take Eilif's advice and use Hot Wheels.

Moving forward, I'm trying to assemble a collection of "NPC" minis that can work both in Frostgrave and Stargrave, since Joe Mc requires a cast of dozens. So Reaper Hellhounds for Chronohounds (FG) and Warp Hounds (SG). Need more Giant Rats, and they will be rats in FG, and whatever the equivalent critter is in SG.

Works in Progress: Many. Progress, Ha!
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Brigadier General


 insaniak wrote:
 Ancestral Hamster wrote:
Surfboys are used in just one scenario in Last Prospector. It does not strike me as a good investment of time and money to buy single-use figures. {Or single-use terrain even more so.}

I mean, they're only 'single use' if you only intend to play that scenario one single time. And choose to never use them for anything else outside of that scenario.

I do understand that at first glance this might not seem like a great investment. I respect your self controled approach to a hobby that encourages hoarding.

However, if -like me- you've been into miniatures agnostic gaming (Which Stargrave nearly is) for a long time then your line of thinking is more likely to be that a gang of hover boarders is a cool idea that could find use in allot of scenarios, in various Sci-fi games.

Most of us who play these sorts of games have figures that have been played with several different rulesets over a period of years and also figures that have been painted and seen the table only once, or perhaps not at all. The figures were purchased for a given purpose and then they went into the collection to be reused someday when the need arises.

All this to say, I think if you love the figs and have the cash, buy them and paint them up even if the current use is limited. If you're not wild about then, then Hot Wheels bikes would be a fine stand in.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2022/06/10 10:48:15

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I see a lot of dirt cheap options for hover boards.

Starting with making hover boards out of plastic card and adding bits and widgets.

After that I'd dip into my box of dirt cheap plastic space ships and planes and seeing if there isn't one that can pass for a flying board. A flying saucer or similar shape might work.

Tank hatches with bits might also work

Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


Simply glueing 2 GW style bases together (underside to underside) gives a decent looking flying disc you can jazz up from your bits box thanks to the angles on the edge if you want to go that way

Made in us
Grisly Ghost Ark Driver

Thanks for the suggestions. I do have spare bases, and in addition to my minis bitz box, there's a plastic model kit bitz box from four decades ago that probably has some appropriate bits. [Stopped non-wargame plastic modeling after I started wargaming at 13.]

In a"D'oh" moment, I've remembered I have unassembled Maelstrom's Edge Epirian Drones. As long as no crew needs Drones, the Drones can be Surfboys. Heck, even if a crew needs a drone, they can proxy their drone for 1 game.

Incidentally, I have no problems with proxies, and my fantasy minis have served in many different games be they mini games like WHFB or AD&D. Prior to Eilif's Hot Wheels suggestion, I was just going to cut out 2" x 1" cardboard rectangles and putty SG figures on each for a driver. I may still get the Hot Wheels for scatter.

Works in Progress: Many. Progress, Ha!
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Dakka Veteran

Kid_Kyoto wrote:I see a lot of dirt cheap options for hover boards.

Starting with making hover boards out of plastic card and adding bits and widgets.

After that I'd dip into my box of dirt cheap plastic space ships and planes and seeing if there isn't one that can pass for a flying board. A flying saucer or similar shape might work.

Tank hatches with bits might also work

OrlandotheTechnicoloured wrote:Simply glueing 2 GW style bases together (underside to underside) gives a decent looking flying disc you can jazz up from your bits box thanks to the angles on the edge if you want to go that way

Pulp Alley has some flying vehicles along the lines of pulp-era jet gliders which have a 25mm round dorsal recess incorporated into the design, so they'll fit any miniatures based as such. Combine that and the ideas above, and you could probably end up with some nice hover boards or hover discs useful for a wide variety of games and situations.

I mean, if the live-action Masters of the Universe can pull off* handle-less hover discs, so can we!

*certain liberal interpretations of "pull off" may apply
Made in gb
Leader of the Sept

The Ignis Quadrant stuff is quite fun as well


Please excuse any spelling errors. I use a tablet frequently and software keyboards are a pain!

Terranwing - w3;d1;l1
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Cadre Coronal Afterglow w1;d0;l0 
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Fixture of Dakka

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I'm pretty sure you can use sky surfers in the Judge Dredd game as well.

Every time a terrorist dies a Paratrooper gets his wings. 
Made in pl
Dominating Dominatrix

Rogue captain
[Thumb - 288186387_5810409918987862_5583874116463804830_n.jpg]

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Dominating Dominatrix

Robotic Expert Captain.
[Thumb - 288172540_5813518408677013_3567472534495154753_n.jpg]

Made in gb
Been Around the Block


 Kid_Kyoto wrote:
Next would be female mercs right?

More wimmin folk is always nice but not really ground breaking.

Still hoping for industrial robots, techno barbarians or space pirates (with cyber eye patches and laser blunderbuses and servo peg legs and robo parrots!).

Seem to recall a post when they announced the Female crew saying Female mercenaries and Scavengers were next. The mercenaries should be cool but I have to admit I'm personally more interested in what they do for Scavengers.

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Incorporating Wet-Blending

Amazon "Buy 3 for 2" sale includes Stargrave and Frostgrave Folio. Details on Tabletop Bellhop. From $25 section or search for it. : https://tabletopbellhop.com/tabletop-gaming-deals/amazon-b2g1-sale/#byprice

Crimson Scales and Wildspire Miniatures thread on Reaper! : https://forum.reapermini.com/index.php?/topic/103935-wildspire-miniatures-thread/ 
Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


Lurking amongst the Musket & Tomahawk collection today was a resin copy of the new Stargrave Mining Robot, accompanied by short bearded Miners.
The mining robot will be released as a metal model soon.

from Northstar on Facebook

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Legendary Master of the Chapter


They gotta strike while that iron is …there.

Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

When the saints go over there!

Oh over there!

Oh over there!

Seriously, that mining robot is going to be one heavy chunk of metal. Hence, expensive.

Dakkadakka: Bringing wargamers together, one smile at a time.™ 
Made in us
Incorporating Wet-Blending

(Funagain bundle sold out, but they have a weekend sale: https://funagain.com/collections/flash-sale?mc_cid=103b28aa79&mc_eid=b023c279f6 )

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2022/07/23 08:38:16

Crimson Scales and Wildspire Miniatures thread on Reaper! : https://forum.reapermini.com/index.php?/topic/103935-wildspire-miniatures-thread/ 
Made in pl
Dominating Dominatrix

Female Mercenaries
[Thumb - 1659104991223609.jpg]

Made in us
Legendary Master of the Chapter


The alien heads look good. The proportions make them look really cartoony, and the human heads don’t help.

Made in us
Grisly Ghost Ark Driver

Are these renders or an actual pic of the plastics? Also, I see a flame thrower, so that need is met (EDIT: Never mind. Just saw the ammo belt going into the weapon. The muzzle looks more like a flamethrower spout though.)

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2022/07/29 20:11:58

Works in Progress: Many. Progress, Ha!
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Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Tangentville, New Jersey

@Hamster-That might be ribbing on a fuel hose rather than an ammo belt. They really look like flame throwers to me.

Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Myrtle Creek, OR

Now in Super Marionation

Thread Slayer 
Made in us
Grisly Ghost Ark Driver

 KidCthulhu wrote:
@Hamster-That might be ribbing on a fuel hose rather than an ammo belt. They really look like flame throwers to me.
Hmm ... you may be right. Just have to wait until I get them in hand.

Works in Progress: Many. Progress, Ha!
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Made in gb
Fixture of Dakka

 privateer4hire wrote:
Now in Super Marionation

Stargrave XL5!

Casual gaming, mostly solo-coop these days.

Made in gb
Leader of the Sept

They are totally flamethrowers. They have fuel canisters underneath.

Please excuse any spelling errors. I use a tablet frequently and software keyboards are a pain!

Terranwing - w3;d1;l1
51st Dunedinw2;d0;l0
Cadre Coronal Afterglow w1;d0;l0 
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

I have the same problem with the female mercs as I do their male counterparts - not different enough from the crew set's minis.

They really could have differentiated the crew, mercs, and trooper's uniforms better.

Dakkadakka: Bringing wargamers together, one smile at a time.™ 
Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

Troopers are pretty different I feel.
I have done a soldier crew all from that box and they look pretty good.

My alien heads based crew, that’s 5 merc models and 5 crew models for the bodies.
They blend seamlessly as just different clothed versions of the same guys.
So for me that is good. But yeah quite similar.
Made in pl
Dominating Dominatrix

Mining Robot
[Thumb - 299105621_5977626105599575_7859680702341927756_n.jpg]

Made in gb
Terrifying Wraith

It's true though, if you look at the different Frostgrave plastic sets there's a much more distinct theme to each one. It's not easy to tell at first glance what stargrave set each body/legs piece comes from. It's too late now but personally I'd have made the troopers' armour a little bit more stylised and less generic, or else dropped them entirely and done a "crew" box much as it is now and a more ragged looking space pirate/scavenger box instead of troopers.
Made in gb
Fixture of Dakka

Legs are a bit hmmm...but otherwise not bad.

Casual gaming, mostly solo-coop these days.

Made in gb
Terrifying Wraith

Oh and I'd forgotten about the mercs! That's how samey these kits are. I really like the style but yeah, there's a lack of imagination going on.
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