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Made in us
Savage Minotaur

Baltimore, Maryland

I'm going to miss some of the cool bits and bobs in some of these kits, moreso then the kits as a whole.

I'm mauling whether I should get some boxes before they go just to fill out my bitz box.

"Sometimes the only victory possible is to keep your opponent from winning." - The Emperor, from The Outcast Dead.
"Tell your gods we are coming for them, and that their realms will burn as ours did." -Thostos Bladestorm
Made in at
Second Story Man


 Irbis wrote:
Um, no. Just no. Gun with bayonet is no replacement for a proper spear, or better yet, pike. Units of pikemen were used well into Napoleonic wars,
ok, I take it, which one
and I mean not just the honour guard having halberds guarding the regimental flag, which units of pikemen were there during the Napoleonic area?

I mean of course you defend GW's design with the worst possible example, but please show me were they used pikes to defend against cavalry well into the napoleonic wars because the bayonet is not good enough for that

Harry, bring this ring to Narnia or the Sith will take the Enterprise 
Made in gb
Blood-Drenched Death Company Marine

United Kingdom

 Irbis wrote:
 kodos wrote:
also the bayonet is a problem, as in the need for dedicated hand gunners next to melee troops was because there was no 1 weapon that could do both, which changed with the bayonet
if the Cities already have that on hand guns, there would be no need for other infantry (without guns) next to cavalry

Um, no. Just no. Gun with bayonet is no replacement for a proper spear, or better yet, pike. Units of pikemen were used well into Napoleonic wars, despite far better guns, because there was nothing better to tackle cavalry (or indeed, charge gunmen with their silly bayonets). It's only when the artillery weight of fire became too great threat to packed units that can't defend themselves at range these were finally withdrawn.

This is absolute nonsense. The only widespread use of pikes during the Napoleonic wars was by Russian militias who didn't have access to better weaponry. Spontoons, halberds and the odd pike were retained by many armies as rank signifiers for NCOs and as arms for colour parties, but they were not a common weapon during that period. In fact European armies had mostly discarded them by the middle of the previous century

Made in be
Longtime Dakkanaut

You know your little debate about bayonets making sense or not is pointless in Age of Sigmar, where realism isn't the point of the miniatures ?

To me, it's just a question of liking the new style of the free guilds or not. I find it interesting enough, it has a good vibe of Confrontation / Cadwallon miniatures. It's also fitting to some grim fantasy setting if that's your taste (with a less bright paint scheme).

As for some miniatures leaving the AoS range, we knew it was coming. There's no real surprise here, unless you were living under a rock these last months or you simply want to have your daily dose of GW-hating glee. It doesn't really matter so far, since we don't have the full list of the new miniatures...and when we do, we can always play some as "count-as" using the existing profiles (let's be honest, all the leaving elves can be played with the dark elf profiles that will stay).
Made in us
Humming Great Unclean One of Nurgle

I feel like when a Chaos spawn hits your line a spear could be pretty relevant...

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/07/13 22:19:16

Road to Renown! It's like classic Path to Glory, but repaired, remastered, expanded! https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/778170.page

I chose an avatar I feel best represents the quality of my post history.

I try to view Warhammer as more of a toolbox with examples than fully complete games. 
Made in be
Longtime Dakkanaut

 NinthMusketeer wrote:
I feel like when a Chaos spawn hits your line a spear could be pretty relevant...

No, what is relevant in Age of Sigmar is the in-game profile of your weapon. The rest is just aesthetic and story telling.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/07/13 22:28:21

Made in us
Humming Great Unclean One of Nurgle

Sarouan wrote:
 NinthMusketeer wrote:
I feel like when a Chaos spawn hits your line a spear could be pretty relevant...

No, what is relevant in Age of Sigmar is the in-game profile of your weapon. The rest is just aesthetic and story telling.

Road to Renown! It's like classic Path to Glory, but repaired, remastered, expanded! https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/778170.page

I chose an avatar I feel best represents the quality of my post history.

I try to view Warhammer as more of a toolbox with examples than fully complete games. 
Made in us
Boosting Space Marine Biker

God this is really a jumble of like four or five centuries worth of stuff here...
Made in us
Humming Great Unclean One of Nurgle

And a fantastic fething jumble it is!

Road to Renown! It's like classic Path to Glory, but repaired, remastered, expanded! https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/778170.page

I chose an avatar I feel best represents the quality of my post history.

I try to view Warhammer as more of a toolbox with examples than fully complete games. 
Made in gb
Hungry Ork Hunta Lying in Wait

 cole1114 wrote:

God this is really a jumble of like four or five centuries worth of stuff here...

I adore it! It feels like something the empire would of fielded if GW had the modelling skills available to them back in WHFB, empire engineer not-skaven-jazeels unit
Made in us
Stoic Grail Knight

Central Cimmeria

I just can't get over how the wood bends at a sharp angle on their shields. Maybe not impossible with real wood??? But it just sticks in my mind every time I see them.

I wish GW would give collectors a chance to buy kits (meaning having a lot of stock online) before retiring them. Several kits I would have bought off that list but will now never own because I'm not a whale willing to pay premium prices for crappy handme down models off eBay. Makes me sad.
Made in de
Huge Bone Giant

 Gallahad wrote:
I just can't get over how the wood bends at a sharp angle on their shields. Maybe not impossible with real wood??? But it just sticks in my mind every time I see them.

I wish GW would give collectors a chance to buy kits (meaning having a lot of stock online) before retiring them. Several kits I would have bought off that list but will now never own because I'm not a whale willing to pay premium prices for crappy handme down models off eBay. Makes me sad.

I suppose you could start out with a block of wood three or four times the thickness of the pavise and cut it down to get that angle? Seems wasteful and not very sturdy, but the things you do in service to your god, eh? I bet that angle is exactly how Sigmar envisioned it.

Or have a life wizard shake a magic stick at the slab of wood and get it to do funky things.

While better than nothing and definitely positive in principle, I don't think GW's last chance to buy announcements do much good overall. They want to get rid of stuff, so they don't stock up before retiring kits. That just doesn't leave much stock to go around for that last chance. They don't seem willing to couple that last chance to buy with a made to order run either, which is probably too much of a strain on their production even if it's the most certain way of getting as much money out of these kits while at the same time pleasing most customers.

It's not exactly helpful that they say most of the kits will come back for The Old World, but don't say which ones aren't so lucky. Not even sure why they don't do that. I believe they were fairly clear on the Forge World stuff they were dropping when they went into 10th ed 40k. They can't seem to be bothered in this instance, though.

But at least a number of those kits aren't retired for good. so that's something at least.

Nehekhara lives! Sort of!
Why is the rum always gone? 
Made in gb
Ancient Space Wolves Venerable Dreadnought

 Gallahad wrote:
I just can't get over how the wood bends at a sharp angle on their shields. Maybe not impossible with real wood??? But it just sticks in my mind every time I see them.

I wish GW would give collectors a chance to buy kits (meaning having a lot of stock online) before retiring them. Several kits I would have bought off that list but will now never own because I'm not a whale willing to pay premium prices for crappy handme down models off eBay. Makes me sad.

Steam bending is a thing and has been for many, many years.

"Three months? I'm going to go crazy …and I'm taking you with me!"
— Vala Mal Doran
Made in pl
Longtime Dakkanaut

 Mr_Rose wrote:

Steam bending is a thing and has been for many, many years.

Sure, if a curved piece of wood is what you're after.

I'll probably replace those shields with historical kit pavise, or just print some of my own. The wrought iron stuff, table legs and chains are a bit much even for AoS.
Made in us
Stoic Grail Knight

Central Cimmeria

 Mr_Rose wrote:
 Gallahad wrote:
I just can't get over how the wood bends at a sharp angle on their shields. Maybe not impossible with real wood??? But it just sticks in my mind every time I see them.

I wish GW would give collectors a chance to buy kits (meaning having a lot of stock online) before retiring them. Several kits I would have bought off that list but will now never own because I'm not a whale willing to pay premium prices for crappy handme down models off eBay. Makes me sad.

Steam bending is a thing and has been for many, many years.

Isn't that used to make curved bends? It is the sharp angles that bother me as I specified in my original post.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 His Master's Voice wrote:
 Mr_Rose wrote:

Steam bending is a thing and has been for many, many years.

Sure, if a curved piece of wood is what you're after.

I'll probably replace those shields with historical kit pavise, or just print some of my own. The wrought iron stuff, table legs and chains are a bit much even for AoS.

GW kits are so expensive I've decided I have to like the kit 100%. I'm not paying$10 USD per miniature just to spend a bunch of time and money converting them to my tastes.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/07/19 14:41:36

Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

You can Kerf cut wood to get it to 90 degree angles. So it's not an unknown process.
Made in us
Humming Great Unclean One of Nurgle

It always looked to me like separate pieces of wood for the top and bottom bits. Will have to see them in person I think.

Road to Renown! It's like classic Path to Glory, but repaired, remastered, expanded! https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/778170.page

I chose an avatar I feel best represents the quality of my post history.

I try to view Warhammer as more of a toolbox with examples than fully complete games. 
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

New short story:


I really should get around to reading the Callis and Toll stuff at some point.
Made in us
Humming Great Unclean One of Nurgle

 Inquisitor Gideon wrote:
New short story:


I really should get around to reading the Callis and Toll stuff at some point.
I find it uniquely engaging, because the Callis & Toll we have now are the archetype of 'old veteran partners' with untold stories of their past experiences and adventures together. But via the novels we also have their younger selves, where they got their start as a team and a sample of the epic stories they lived.

The events of City of Secrets also directly feed into and are referenced by the Broken Realms campaign books, which I thought was just absolutely great to see.

Road to Renown! It's like classic Path to Glory, but repaired, remastered, expanded! https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/778170.page

I chose an avatar I feel best represents the quality of my post history.

I try to view Warhammer as more of a toolbox with examples than fully complete games. 
Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

Wildercorp Trackers.

Gorgeous models. Potentially good for Mordheim, too.

Made in at
Longtime Dakkanaut

 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
Wildercorp Trackers.

Gorgeous models. Potentially good for Mordheim, too.

Also a Warcry Warband
Not content with scouting duties for larger armies, the Wildercorps Hunters also strike out on their own as a Warcry warband.
Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


If those don't appear in Mordhiem games I'd be shocked.

Great looking models and four loyal dogs!

A Blog in Miniature

3D Printing, hobbying and model fun! 
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

That's the stuff. So this is going to be one of the order warbands then and not part of the main release.
Made in us
Ollanius Pius - Savior of the Emperor

Gathering the Informations.

Loooove them
Made in de
Servoarm Flailing Magos


These are all perfectly serviceable, and i like the weird Hieronymus-Bosch-style homunculi that come with the CoS range
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Richmond, VA

Love these! They are perfect conversion fodder for all sorts of stuff!
Made in us
Ollanius Pius - Savior of the Emperor

Gathering the Informations.

 Inquisitor Gideon wrote:
That's the stuff. So this is going to be one of the order warbands then and not part of the main release.

Or it's part of the main release with Warcry rules.
Made in pl
Dominating Dominatrix

 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
Wildercorp Trackers.

Gorgeous models. Potentially good for Mordheim, too.

First new Cities kit that I really like.
Made in gr

Do we have any idea when this warband will be released?
The main release for CoS is in the summer or later?
Made in gb
Terrifying Wraith

You can't stop me using these guys in Frostgrave. No, you can't.

What's the lore explanation for the weird homonculus?
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