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Made in au
Owns Whole Set of Skullz Techpriests

Versteckt in den Schatten deines Geistes.

WarCom wrote:In addition to a brand new scenario, War in the Wastes, in this month’s article you will find rules for playing mass battles during the Age of the Gang Kings, where scores of fighters, vehicles, and brutes face off against each other in savage inter-hive warfare!

Ever wanted to fight bigger battles using Necromunda rules? Now you can – albeit with a few simplifications. To find out how, you can download Hive of Blood below.
I do so hope that Necromunda: Apocralypse isn't the next expansion for this game...

Industrial Insanity - My Terrain Blog
"GW really needs to understand 'Less is more' when it comes to AoS." - Wha-Mu-077

Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

 H.B.M.C. wrote:
WarCom wrote:In addition to a brand new scenario, War in the Wastes, in this month’s article you will find rules for playing mass battles during the Age of the Gang Kings, where scores of fighters, vehicles, and brutes face off against each other in savage inter-hive warfare!

Ever wanted to fight bigger battles using Necromunda rules? Now you can – albeit with a few simplifications. To find out how, you can download Hive of Blood below.
I do so hope that Necromunda: Apocralypse isn't the next expansion for this game...

Now with the Strategems you have always wanted and free wargear upgrades!
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Richmond, VA

leopard wrote:
 H.B.M.C. wrote:
WarCom wrote:In addition to a brand new scenario, War in the Wastes, in this month’s article you will find rules for playing mass battles during the Age of the Gang Kings, where scores of fighters, vehicles, and brutes face off against each other in savage inter-hive warfare!

Ever wanted to fight bigger battles using Necromunda rules? Now you can – albeit with a few simplifications. To find out how, you can download Hive of Blood below.
I do so hope that Necromunda: Apocralypse isn't the next expansion for this game...

Now with the Strategems you have always wanted and free wargear upgrades!

Don't you put that hex on us!
Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

If hazy memory serves, Necromunda previews like yesterday’s usually go to pre-order quite swiftly? Same for Blood Bowl.

Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

 Scottywan82 wrote:
leopard wrote:
 H.B.M.C. wrote:
WarCom wrote:In addition to a brand new scenario, War in the Wastes, in this month’s article you will find rules for playing mass battles during the Age of the Gang Kings, where scores of fighters, vehicles, and brutes face off against each other in savage inter-hive warfare!

Ever wanted to fight bigger battles using Necromunda rules? Now you can – albeit with a few simplifications. To find out how, you can download Hive of Blood below.
I do so hope that Necromunda: Apocralypse isn't the next expansion for this game...

Now with the Strategems you have always wanted and free wargear upgrades!

Don't you put that hex on us!

*runs away cackling madly*
Made in us
Shadowy Grot Kommittee Memba

The Great State of New Jersey

Big format necromunda seems cool, but also seems like something nobody asked for and nobody really wanted. Its pushing the game too far into the direction of small scale 40k rather than keeping it to true to skirmish gaming.

CoALabaer wrote:
Wargamers hate two things: the state of the game and change.
Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


chaos0xomega wrote:
Big format necromunda seems cool, but also seems like something nobody asked for and nobody really wanted. Its pushing the game too far into the direction of small scale 40k rather than keeping it to true to skirmish gaming.

It's one of those cases where the more models GW adds to each faction and the more weapon options and such - ergo the bigger each gang gets - the more they will have customers who are long term fans and who are new interested fans who will have big collections. They don't want to wait 5 weeks of campaign to afford to buy that one brute model they just painted up; and have a mission where it would work only to then see it die and vanish. Allowing bigger format games is something that is bound to happen and often does to most skirmisher games as they mature and remain popular and as the model lines expand.

The BEST is if GW keeps both formats - the regular Ganger level that's a handful of models on both sides that people love and what started the game; and then an expanded rules set released alongside that allows for many more models on the table. Indeed you could end up with Necromunda featuring as many models as a 1K 40K army; just as its own game mode alongside the skirmisher. Much like how 40K and Killteam are side by side. With the exception that Necromunda might have fewer bigger game players than skirmisher because of its history.

Catering to both crowds is a win win for all involved. Plus in the end everyone who has a gang wants to see new models for that Gang; new leaders; characters; weapons; vehicles; upgrades; parts stuff.

A Blog in Miniature

3D Printing, hobbying and model fun! 
Made in in
Otiose in a Niche

Hyderabad, India

A small squad car might be doable on a half sprue, it's less intricate than the Orlock trike and they don't have to do visible crew.

I can hope!

Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

 Kid_Kyoto wrote:
A small squad car might be doable on a half sprue, it's less intricate than the Orlock trike and they don't have to do visible crew.

I can hope!

Last of the V8’s?

Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

The Battle Barge Buffet Line

 Overread wrote:
chaos0xomega wrote:
Big format necromunda seems cool, but also seems like something nobody asked for and nobody really wanted. Its pushing the game too far into the direction of small scale 40k rather than keeping it to true to skirmish gaming.

*snip* Catering to both crowds is a win win for all involved. Plus in the end everyone who has a gang wants to see new models for that Gang; new leaders; characters; weapons; vehicles; upgrades; parts stuff.

It seems like it only ever goes one way and never back. One reason I stopped playing 40k was the apocalypsification of the base game and I say that as someone who enjoyed playing Apoc back in 5e for a change of pace every couple of months. The increase in gameplay scale/scope kept inching forward until what I actually preferred to play became the exception that I had to ask for rather than expect. I hope the same doesn't happen to Necromunda. And, just to be clear, I'm not advocating for a return in base 40k as it wouldn't be fair to the legions of players that bought hundreds of dollars/GBP/etc worth of those specific models who have been playing.

We Munch for Macragge! FOR THE EMPRUH! Cheesesticks and Humus!
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

chaos0xomega wrote:
Big format necromunda seems cool, but also seems like something nobody asked for and nobody really wanted. Its pushing the game too far into the direction of small scale 40k rather than keeping it to true to skirmish gaming.

I don't really see an issue. A bigger format (NOT 40k big) might be cool. And it would just be an alternative way to play, nothing forcing you away from traditional games.

And for GW its all about sales. How do you get players to buy more? Bigger games perhaps?

Made in us
Veteran Knight Baron in a Crusader

Oakland, CA

 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
Last of the V8 Interceptors?

There. Fixed that for you...
Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

 warboss wrote:
 Shakalooloo wrote:
 warboss wrote:
Being plastic, this should be available through normal outlets and not special order from the UK, correct? Obviously initial sellout and ebay scalping notwithstanding...

The Enforcer robots were plastic and yet direct only, so the material seems to be no guarantee.

Well crap... Thanks for the info though.

But equally, every factions ‘vehicle choice’ has been plastic and everywhere. So if it is one of those then it will be.
So hopefully should be.
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut


I've said it before, but IMNSHO the old Marine bike makes a really great Enforcer vehicle. They would just need to make a new rider.

It would also fit more into the theme of the other vehicles being 1 or 2 person light vehicles, not transports like the Rhino.

F - is the Fire that rains from the skies.
U - for Uranium Bomb!
N - is for No Survivors... 
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

 SgtEeveell wrote:
I've said it before, but IMNSHO the old Marine bike makes a really great Enforcer vehicle. They would just need to make a new rider.

It would also fit more into the theme of the other vehicles being 1 or 2 person light vehicles, not transports like the Rhino.

I like the way you think.

Lawmaster, 2.0!!! Get a couple of bikes, and a Rhino/ Chimera.

At Games Workshop, we believe that how you behave does matter. We believe this so strongly that we have written it down in the Games Workshop Book. There is a section in the book where we talk about the values we expect all staff to demonstrate in their working lives. These values are Lawyers, Guns and Money. 
Made in us
Numberless Necron Warrior

 schoon wrote:
 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
Last of the V8 Interceptors?

There. Fixed that for you...

Made in in
Otiose in a Niche

Hyderabad, India

 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
 Kid_Kyoto wrote:
A small squad car might be doable on a half sprue, it's less intricate than the Orlock trike and they don't have to do visible crew.

I can hope!

Last of the V8’s?

I could have had a V-8!


Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Grot 6 wrote:
 SgtEeveell wrote:
I've said it before, but IMNSHO the old Marine bike makes a really great Enforcer vehicle. They would just need to make a new rider.

It would also fit more into the theme of the other vehicles being 1 or 2 person light vehicles, not transports like the Rhino.

I like the way you think.

Lawmaster, 2.0!!! Get a couple of bikes, and a Rhino/ Chimera.

We already have plenty of bikes, I want my grimdark squad car!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/09/29 10:53:54

Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut


I remain baffled at how a company that wants to make money leaves stuff on the table. Hell they could run fan competitions to design and playtest stuff.

Necro vehicles for example.
Stuff in 40k that should make the transition with rules you could get the community to design and write up. Free vehicle for the winner, collect from GW.

RH1-N0 Tracked Exploration and Multi-Purpose Defence Vehicle - honestly the Squats should have this. Make it an relatively rare trading post vehicle with problems that aren't quite as severe as jury rigged to represent their cast offs and extreme age and use the Heresy kit.

Goliath truck - stock option for all gangs, though perhaps with gang specific quirks showing how they are used and maintained.

Taurox for enforcers.

Generic jury rigged truck using Ork kit.

Necromunda Apoc - isn't that just 40k second edition...
Made in gb
Calculating Commissar


To be honest, Rhinos and Chimeras should be (expensive) options for gangs anyway. They are highly durable and adaptable vehicles that can cope with the toxic environment of the ash wastes. A rich gang would be able to maintain them.

There is also the Achilles Ridgerunner for low hanging fruit. Bikes like the Atalan Jackals are another obvious choice.

 ChargerIIC wrote:
If algae farm paste with a little bit of your grandfather in it isn't Grimdark I don't know what is.
Made in us
Ollanius Pius - Savior of the Emperor

Gathering the Informations.

 Kanluwen wrote:
I wouldn't be shocked if the Enforcer stuff was split out this way because they opted to do it via expansion books rather than giving them an updated faction splatbook.

I'm kinda/sorta expecting bikers for them though. The Ash Wastes rulebook had a quote from a biker patrol.

To throw a little bit more out there:
Ash Wastes Core Book wrote:Cinderak City and the Great Crater are not without a little law and order though. Precinct-Fortress 99 looms over the centre of the city sprawl, while watchstations dot the wastelands along the great north/south highway to Hive Primus. Proctor-Captain Harlin Gin is the hard-bitten overseer of the Enforcers of the Great Equatorial Wastes and her patrols, in their dust-covered armour and storm-coats, are the thin black line that keeps the peace in Cinderak City. Gin and her troopers mostly concern themselves with protecting the Mercator Gelt convoys and their crews while they are resting in Cinderak City, but have been known to range out into the wilds on jobs for the Imperial House. Most wasters and clanners know better than to mess with the armoured vehicles of the Palanite Enforcers, their black hulls bearing the skull and eagle of Lord Helmawr and promisting swift reprisals to anyone who messes with them.

Maybe, just maybe, whatever the Enforcers are getting is going to include some crew/"tie-in" foot models?
Made in si
Foxy Wildborne

The surprising absence of 40k light vehicle kits translating into Ash Wastes certainly isn't based in a reluctance towards conversions, given that about 5% of the trading post has official Necromunda bits... so I have to assume it's stemming from something stupid like office infighting.

Posters on ignore list: 36

40k Potica Edition - 40k patch with reactions, suppression and all that good stuff. Feedback thread here.

Gangs of Nu Ork - Necromunda / Gorkamorka expansion supporting all faction. Feedback thread here
Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


It might also just be a creative choice and a marketing one. Adding 40K models into Necromunda can be the "steady sliding slope" because GW gets inundated with "well if I can take my chimera I can take a leman russ and that means I should be able to field space marines and Tyranids and and and..." And then the game loses its thematic and visual identity.

It doesn't help that Genstealer Cults are basically the only faction who could do this with so it would be "unfair" for non cult players.

I also get the feeling that storywise they don't want to have Necromunda head toward having the kind of big setup for a Cult - they want it super small in the early stages so that the Gangs are not overwhelmed and soforth.

A Blog in Miniature

3D Printing, hobbying and model fun! 
Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut


Fair enough - but Rhinos were the standard squat transport and fit in with their 'not heathkin' approach, being old school squats. By all means limit them for other gangs.
Chimera and military vehicles I see your point and wouldn't actually include them, the jury rigged rules are fine for that. Because as you say the gangs look militarised then and while that kinda fits enforcers I can't see it fitting the gangs.
Made in gb
Moustache-twirling Princeps

United Kingdom

The Ridgerunner & Rockgrinder have rules in Book of The Outlands, as do bikes & quads (plus there's custom rules for everything else) - or are you wanting 'GW Official' stamped rules & conversion kits for them?
Made in gb
Calculating Commissar


The_Real_Chris wrote:Fair enough - but Rhinos were the standard squat transport and fit in with their 'not heathkin' approach, being old school squats. By all means limit them for other gangs.
Chimera and military vehicles I see your point and wouldn't actually include them, the jury rigged rules are fine for that. Because as you say the gangs look militarised then and while that kinda fits enforcers I can't see it fitting the gangs.

The gangs are already heavily militarised, they are proxy forces for powerful industrial conglomerates. You can play a model with a plasma cannon or a twin-linked lascannon. A Chimera is not particularly exciting in that context. I do think it should be expensive to buy and expensive to run though, as an offset. However, other vehicles released so far have weapons capable of taking down a Chimera.

Lore-wise Chimeras are common as dirt and reliable, so seem logical for a wealthy gang. Ooh, on further thought, could be a great opportunity to release a plastic Trojan, these are normally civilian vehicles found all over the Imperium.

Vehicles beyond transports don't really make sense for a gang in most contexts, the logistics become too challenging. I don't think this becomes a slippery slope any more than introducing anything else to the game.
beast_gts wrote:The Ridgerunner & Rockgrinder have rules in Book of The Outlands, as do bikes & quads (plus there's custom rules for everything else) - or are you wanting 'GW Official' stamped rules & conversion kits for them?

Fair, I didn't know that. This covers them.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/09/29 16:01:14

 ChargerIIC wrote:
If algae farm paste with a little bit of your grandfather in it isn't Grimdark I don't know what is.
Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

I could also see something a bit more close to the old Land Train theme for necromunda squats.
Made in gb
Stalwart Veteran Guard Sergeant

North-East England

I think a lot of people would like to see more new kits for Outland vehicles.
Necromunda should have it's own vehicles to give it the right look.
It does seem weird how lots of people are going on-about the likes of Chimera's and such costing lots to run/maintain.Just imagine how hard it must be for the Arachno rig walkers.You would need a mobile workshop to keep things going.
I could see different conversion kits being done for the kits out already that would give the vehicle more of a look to the faction using it.

Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut


Kid_Kyoto wrote:

We already have plenty of bikes, I want my grimdark squad car!

Car 55 maybe?

We already have the Ridgerunner for a grimdark squad car.

The_Real_Chris wrote:Fair enough - but Rhinos were the standard squat transport and fit in with their 'not heathkin' approach, being old school squats. By all means limit them for other gangs.
Chimera and military vehicles I see your point and wouldn't actually include them, the jury rigged rules are fine for that. Because as you say the gangs look militarised then and while that kinda fits enforcers I can't see it fitting the gangs.

I'm planning on doing my Chimera conversion as 'counts as Ironcrawler'. You gain an all-around turret and one more fire point, but lose the transport bed, so points are probably a wash.

F - is the Fire that rains from the skies.
U - for Uranium Bomb!
N - is for No Survivors... 
Made in au
Speed Drybrushing

Newcastle NSW

I loved the original Necromunda rules that changed 40k points into Necro gold so you could buy any vehicle (had two SoB Immolators for my Escher), but I think they should have more of their own style vehicles, bikes, dune buggies, gyrocopters

Not a GW apologist  
Made in ca
Dakka Veteran

 manic _miner wrote:

It does seem weird how lots of people are going on-about the likes of Chimera's and such costing lots to run/maintain.Just imagine how hard it must be for the Arachno rig walkers.You would need a mobile workshop to keep things going.

Every house has workshops for them, it just that Van Saar put armour and weapons on their "fork lifts", which are dead common in industrial environments. I have yet to see a single business rocking an M113 or M2 Bradley though.

And speaking of Van Saar, I guess grav sleds will become vehicles or buyable wargear for the whole gang?
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