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Made in gb
Dakka Veteran

Yeah I like the look of these, although the characters are a little busy the little robots are very cool and the vehicle is nice but resin... definite no .. Which is curious as the other gangs expansions have been plastic by in large?
Made in si
Foxy Wildborne

chaos0xomega wrote:
Yeah, huge missed opportunity for that to be a resin kit it seems. The response is almost universal that it looks cool as hell and people want one, until they see its resin.

Same story with the previous crawler

Posters on ignore list: 36

40k Potica Edition - 40k patch with reactions, suppression and all that good stuff. Feedback thread here.

Gangs of Nu Ork - Necromunda / Gorkamorka expansion supporting all faction. Feedback thread here
Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


chaos0xomega wrote:
Yeah, huge missed opportunity for that to be a resin kit it seems. The response is almost universal that it looks cool as hell and people want one, until they see its resin.

Sad thing is that the FW resin I've got looks pretty darn good. I think FW has a long legacy of some older kits/moulds that are not up to the standard they can achieve now.

Of course there's also price, esp for overseas

A Blog in Miniature

3D Printing, hobbying and model fun! 
Made in au
Owns Whole Set of Skullz Techpriests

Versteckt in den Schatten deines Geistes.

chaos0xomega wrote:
Yeah, huge missed opportunity for that to be a resin kit it seems.
Well you know who loves missing opportunities?

Industrial Insanity - My Terrain Blog
"GW really needs to understand 'Less is more' when it comes to AoS." - Wha-Mu-077

Made in be
Regular Dakkanaut

I still am of the belief that the Squats will get Trikes as their "proper" vehicle.
Made in ch
Primered White


chaos0xomega wrote:

Also, I noticed that the forgeworld arachni-rig is listed as no longer available, which is a shame because it was supposed to be a "heavy" arachni-rig vs the "light" arachni-rigs that were coming in plastic (and also IMO looks cooler). Wonder if its going through a resculpt or something.

My hopes that this kit builds both variants are fading; they surely would have said something by now. It still does seem a bit strange to remove the other one from sale right this minute though? Maybe it's just one of those online stock blips and it will be back.
Made in si
Foxy Wildborne

 H.B.M.C. wrote:
chaos0xomega wrote:
Yeah, huge missed opportunity for that to be a resin kit it seems.
Well you know who loves missing opportunities?

Is it... Mantic?

(I kid, I kid!)

Posters on ignore list: 36

40k Potica Edition - 40k patch with reactions, suppression and all that good stuff. Feedback thread here.

Gangs of Nu Ork - Necromunda / Gorkamorka expansion supporting all faction. Feedback thread here
Made in ie
Gangly Grot Rebel


 Overread wrote:
chaos0xomega wrote:
Yeah, huge missed opportunity for that to be a resin kit it seems. The response is almost universal that it looks cool as hell and people want one, until they see its resin.

Sad thing is that the FW resin I've got looks pretty darn good. I think FW has a long legacy of some older kits/moulds that are not up to the standard they can achieve now.

Of course there's also price, esp for overseas

I took a dip in to forgeworld for the first time this year. I was brought 8 models as presents, and out of the 8 2 arrived with broken parts. One easily fixable, one fixable but will take some work.

For the cost I just don't think they are worth it at all after that. They don't even bother to put a bit of foam in the blisters any more.

The fact you have to order direct and GW have their own magic currency convertor (which is never even close to the real conversion) makes it worse.

Made in us
Most Glorious Grey Seer

Everett, WA

I can understand the characters being produced in resin, but why the Explorator? Were sales of the Ridgehauler really that dismal?

Made in gb
Stalwart Veteran Guard Sergeant

North-East England

Do people think that having Necromunda being sold in plastic and resin could be putting people off getting into the game?
I am sure that plastic kits for all of the range would sell well and also get more people to buy into the range/game.
Love the design of the vehicle and like others i think the robots are really cool.
Looks like one of the characters has a robot on his back and one flying.
It will be interesting to read this new book and see how and why the Nomads attacked the Squats.

Made in pl
Longtime Dakkanaut

Every new Necromunda Squat release is a stark reminded of how much more fitting their aesthetic is for 40k, compared to the Votann.
Made in de
Dakka Veteran

I really like the Explorator vehicle but will not be buying one if in resin. Excellent nasa-punk vibe. Looks like something that could be in Starfield.

Rick, the Grumpy Gnome

Made in us
Shadowy Grot Kommittee Memba

The Great State of New Jersey

Yeah dunno. My recollection when they announced the new plastic arachni-rigs was that they said they were lighter counterparts to the forgeworld one, less offensively and defensively capable but more maneuverable and faster, etc. To me they seemed to be different units with complimentary abilities, so it doesn't make sense to me that they would remove the forgeworld one.

CoALabaer wrote:
Wargamers hate two things: the state of the game and change.
Made in in
Otiose in a Niche

Hyderabad, India

Gorgeous kit, I'll have to pick it up in 10 years when it comes out in plastic.

Or in 3 weeks when someone makes an STL

Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

The Battle Barge Buffet Line

It's a very nice looking vehicle but for some reason I can't clearly elaborate doesn't actually look squat-ish to me personally other than the tracks.

We Munch for Macragge! FOR THE EMPRUH! Cheesesticks and Humus!
Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


 Breotan wrote:
I can understand the characters being produced in resin, but why the Explorator? Were sales of the Ridgehauler really that dismal?

It could be several things
1) The FW team has sculptors who only work for resin and if they pull or do a vehicle from the roster list this means it ends up being sculpted/designed and then made in resin. It might even just be a "wow that's cool but it will never work in plastic; lets do it in resin instead" kind of thing.

2) FW has X number of plastic slots and has to balance that out with resin to meet their full quota. So they might well want to do things like that in plastic and know it will sell better, but they don't have enough slots to get plastic moulds so they have to compromise.

3) Necromunda's budget as a whole might be limited so they have to do more resin because its cheaper; whilst saving budget for the plastic moulds. So we end up with vehicles in resin because FW wants to make sure they've got a slot for the next gang in plastic.

A Blog in Miniature

3D Printing, hobbying and model fun! 
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut


endlesswaltz123 wrote:
ListenToMeWarriors wrote:
That vehicle is lovely, just struggling to get a sense of the size of it.

Fairly certain the tracks are a variation of the chronos pattern ironcrawler tracks, so the length of that, or there abouts.

I think the track links are probably the same, but the internal hardware has quite a few differences if you look at them side-by-side(-ish). I'm picking up a slightly smaller than the Ironcrawler vibe.

ETA: On second thought, the individual links on the Ironcrawler have a sort of chevron on them and the new one is more plain.


silverstu wrote:Yeah I like the look of these, although the characters are a little busy the little robots are very cool and the vehicle is nice but resin... definite no .. Which is curious as the other gangs expansions have been plastic by in large?

The other gang's vehicles have also mostly been smaller 1 or 2 person vehicles, this seems to be bigger.

I've bought a lot of Necromunda & Blood Bowl characters from Forge World and haven't had any major problems so far, so <shrug>?
I'm probably not going to buy the vehicle, maybe buy a Sagitaur or Hekaton and say it "counts as" one of these.
If I get around to painting my Squats gang, I'll probably buy the new characters though.

I'm got a concern about the Van Saar Arachna-rig though. Previously they've been showing a pair of them so I was assuming 2 to a box. But the latest article shows 1 rig and 3 grav cutters. Are those going to come in the box with the rig, so 1 rig and 3 cutters? 2 rigs and 6 cutters?
Just intellectual curiosity though, I don't plan on running Van Saar any time soon.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/10/17 00:02:01

F - is the Fire that rains from the skies.
U - for Uranium Bomb!
N - is for No Survivors... 
Made in ca
Dakka Veteran

“You get a Gravcutter. You get a gravcutter…everyone is getting Gravcutter!!”/oprah

…but only in the ash wastes…?!? Asking for a friend who is me.

I expect 2 arachni-rigs per box. The Gravcutters are shown with resin parts. And this Gravcutter=bike thing should sell a few more boxes of Neoteks.
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

I'm willing to bet Squats will get more goodies, I'm sure there is a smaller vehicle kit coming for them.

I don't understand the FW hate. I never had an issue with resin, it's 100% better than metal and Finecast. And arguing the price is a joke of the past. Many plastic GW kits are outrageously priced making some FW kits look reasonable. Some, not all.
Made in gb
Mad Gyrocopter Pilot


That's a bloody delicious kit, but resin is just such a heap of crap.

One and a half feet in the hobby

My Painting Log of various minis:
# Olthannon's Oscillating Orchard of Opportunity #

Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Those pipes are such a nice character touch.

The vehicle feels like something that would be featured in an imperial holodrama where an unlikely team of squats have to race against time to land on, mine and shatter a massive ork rok hurtling through the Armageddon system.

Made in us
Shadowy Grot Kommittee Memba

The Great State of New Jersey

zombie_sky_diver wrote:
I'm willing to bet Squats will get more goodies, I'm sure there is a smaller vehicle kit coming for them.

I don't understand the FW hate. I never had an issue with resin, it's 100% better than metal and Finecast. And arguing the price is a joke of the past. Many plastic GW kits are outrageously priced making some FW kits look reasonable. Some, not all.

For me its that I don't like dealing with resin when it comes to larger kits (and especially vehicles which are expected to have a "precision" design). Its fine for characters and monsters, but the impact of warping, mold slip, and thermal expansion/contraction is more pronounced with larger models that have larger pieces, and it becomes significantly harder to work the kit so that it assembles as it is intended to as a result.

CoALabaer wrote:
Wargamers hate two things: the state of the game and change.
Made in si
Foxy Wildborne

 PondaNagura wrote:
Those pipes are such a nice character touch.

The vehicle feels like something that would be featured in an imperial holodrama where an unlikely team of squats have to race against time to land on, mine and shatter a massive ork rok hurtling through the Armageddon system.

That sounds like something that would definitely exist in the 40k world if civvies were allowed to know that things like squats, orks, spacefaring, or the Armageddon system exist

Posters on ignore list: 36

40k Potica Edition - 40k patch with reactions, suppression and all that good stuff. Feedback thread here.

Gangs of Nu Ork - Necromunda / Gorkamorka expansion supporting all faction. Feedback thread here
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut


That's a respectful answer. For the larger kits you definitely need some years of experience with resin. Building the Ironcrawler was NOT easy.

The individual Necro characters are fine, I don't see any issues with them. Even the price is in line with GW plastic clam packs and characters. Heck, the new Sigmar Orc is $45 and buying the Cadian characters was more expensive.
Made in au
Resentful Grot With a Plan

I'm loving that vehicle and will defintiely be picking one up. Its everything I love about the Chronos, but ins Squat!

 Overread wrote:
 Breotan wrote:
I can understand the characters being produced in resin, but why the Explorator? Were sales of the Ridgehauler really that dismal?

It could be several things
1) The FW team has sculptors who only work for resin and if they pull or do a vehicle from the roster list this means it ends up being sculpted/designed and then made in resin. It might even just be a "wow that's cool but it will never work in plastic; lets do it in resin instead" kind of thing.

2) FW has X number of plastic slots and has to balance that out with resin to meet their full quota. So they might well want to do things like that in plastic and know it will sell better, but they don't have enough slots to get plastic moulds so they have to compromise.

3) Necromunda's budget as a whole might be limited so they have to do more resin because its cheaper; whilst saving budget for the plastic moulds. So we end up with vehicles in resin because FW wants to make sure they've got a slot for the next gang in plastic.

The problem I have with the thinking that there's a plastic budget, is that when you look at the mini of the month, thats an individual sprue of a miniature generally taken from another existing sprue (eg this months Sternguard is a one for one match to one of the Sternguard from the Leviathan box sprue). So if they can tool up for individual molds for one shot minis, which they can produce sufficient quantity of to ship 100's of to each store in the network, surely they can run off more Necromunda plastic than they are currently - even if they used a quicker wearing mold trechnology, the volumes of necromunda demand (and scale of required plastic) cant be much more than is used for the mini of the month runs. I understand it is all machine time, but they've stated in their own reporting they run their machines/factories near 24/7.

Those damn monkeys keep stealing my saving throws

Azrael13: Conversions should be a choice, not a necessity to make a "premium" product acceptable. 
Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


 FrothingMuppet wrote:

The problem I have with the thinking that there's a plastic budget, is that when you look at the mini of the month, thats an individual sprue of a miniature generally taken from another existing sprue (eg this months Sternguard is a one for one match to one of the Sternguard from the Leviathan box sprue). So if they can tool up for individual molds for one shot minis, which they can produce sufficient quantity of to ship 100's of to each store in the network, surely they can run off more Necromunda plastic than they are currently - even if they used a quicker wearing mold trechnology, the volumes of necromunda demand (and scale of required plastic) cant be much more than is used for the mini of the month runs. I understand it is all machine time, but they've stated in their own reporting they run their machines/factories near 24/7.

The "model of the month" isn't just similar to the Strengaurd from the Leviathan Sprue. It's 100% the exact same model from the same sprue.
The model of the month is just a regular sprue/box split up by the store owner. So when its something like infantry you might get one of the various poses that are on the whole sprue. GW aren't tooling up a whole model each month and just giving away all the stock - that would be nuts.

Model of the month is nothing more than them taking existing stock off production and having the store owner clip them off to give away as a promotional item. Something GW has been doing for decades (many painting days/tutorials would have a model or two that you'd paint up and take home)

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/10/16 22:02:21

A Blog in Miniature

3D Printing, hobbying and model fun! 
Made in gb
Sadistic Inquisitorial Excruciator

Exeter, UK

 Overread wrote:
The "model of the month" isn't just similar to the Strengaurd from the Leviathan Sprue. It's 100% the exact same model from the same sprue.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/10/16 22:07:07

Made in ie
Gangly Grot Rebel


 FrothingMuppet wrote:

I'm loving that vehicle and will defintiely be picking one up. Its everything I love about the Chronos, but ins Squat!

 Overread wrote:
 Breotan wrote:
I can understand the characters being produced in resin, but why the Explorator? Were sales of the Ridgehauler really that dismal?

It could be several things
1) The FW team has sculptors who only work for resin and if they pull or do a vehicle from the roster list this means it ends up being sculpted/designed and then made in resin. It might even just be a "wow that's cool but it will never work in plastic; lets do it in resin instead" kind of thing.

2) FW has X number of plastic slots and has to balance that out with resin to meet their full quota. So they might well want to do things like that in plastic and know it will sell better, but they don't have enough slots to get plastic moulds so they have to compromise.

3) Necromunda's budget as a whole might be limited so they have to do more resin because its cheaper; whilst saving budget for the plastic moulds. So we end up with vehicles in resin because FW wants to make sure they've got a slot for the next gang in plastic.

The problem I have with the thinking that there's a plastic budget, is that when you look at the mini of the month, thats an individual sprue of a miniature generally taken from another existing sprue (eg this months Sternguard is a one for one match to one of the Sternguard from the Leviathan box sprue). So if they can tool up for individual molds for one shot minis, which they can produce sufficient quantity of to ship 100's of to each store in the network, surely they can run off more Necromunda plastic than they are currently - even if they used a quicker wearing mold trechnology, the volumes of necromunda demand (and scale of required plastic) cant be much more than is used for the mini of the month runs. I understand it is all machine time, but they've stated in their own reporting they run their machines/factories near 24/7.

Thats why I never understand their one shot minis they put out around christmas. They can find the tooling time/cost to make a one off ork that is only available for a week and it makes back enough money at a time that most people are burnt out with spending, but a new necromunda character/vehicle that could be sold for the next 20 years nah got to be resin! Especially strange for a warband vehicle that could actually be thrown into 40k to increase sales, unlike most of the other gangs.

I wonder if they do have a imposed budget on plastics, but have more free reign with what gets put out as resin.

Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


 Shakalooloo wrote:
 Overread wrote:
The "model of the month" isn't just similar to the Strengaurd from the Leviathan Sprue. It's 100% the exact same model from the same sprue.

Huh -- that's - that's unique. I can fathom quite why GW would do that unless they have some plan for individual sale of that model later. Perhaps as some planned side game or boxed game for book/toy shops or such.

A Blog in Miniature

3D Printing, hobbying and model fun! 
Made in us
Ollanius Pius - Savior of the Emperor

Gathering the Informations.

They have done it with quite a few items. The Saurus Warrior and Cadian Shock Trooper immediately spring to mind.

From what I've heard, these are the "initial design" models produced in a larger run.
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