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Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

I like parts of the Shield Captain, but I also think it looks like if you told an AI to take the LE Votaan character and make it Custodes instead
Made in us
Terrifying Doombull

Wildly underwhelmed.

Orks could've gotten at least a new loota/burna update since they're featured in the box o' random stuff.

Custards could've gotten new stuff of any kind.

Just one overdesigned character model each isn't a surprise, but still disappointing.

Darkoaths are a neat preview, I guess? Hopefully of a real range to come- there's definitely something solid here, but a handful of pseudo-character models aren't my cup of tea.

Gnomes just seem like a waste of resources. I don't think there's enough nostalgia bait for a long-forgotten unit (last seen in 3rd edition fantasy) to draw many sales.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2024/03/02 18:30:34

Efficiency is the highest virtue. 
Made in au
Longtime Dakkanaut

I don’t like the shield captain at all, and I got no hope for any good on the sisters of silence side.
Brings me down a bit, will just save money I think.
Made in us
Stern Iron Priest with Thrall Bodyguard

Would be great to use an actual votann head on the shield captain, and make it a thing.

I dont think the shield captain is particulary bad to be honest. They need to show more bulk and pomp than primaris marines, so what to expect?

Trolls n Robots, battle reports på svenska https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbeiubugFqIO9IWf_FV9q7A 
Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


Voss wrote:

Gnomes just seem like a waste of resources. I don't think there's enough nostalgia bait for a long-forgotten unit (last seen in 3rd edition fantasy) to draw many sales.

The Gnomes aren't a unit; they are a Bloodblow team. So slightly different markets and honestly I think they are great designs for that game. Quirky and fun and its honestly the kind of design space that BB likely needs to go into as they've got teams for most of the core major races and, unlike a wargame, there isn't quite as much room to just keep adding models to the rosters.

A Blog in Miniature

3D Printing, hobbying and model fun! 
Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

Of the teams of yesteryear, I’m thinking it’s just Khemri and Slaan to go? With the Slaan being a non-starter due to Lizardmen.

Oh, and Chaos Dwarfs. Am I missing others?

Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

High elves
Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
Of the teams of yesteryear, I’m thinking it’s just Khemri and Slaan to go? With the Slaan being a non-starter due to Lizardmen.

Oh, and Chaos Dwarfs. Am I missing others?

Slaan had been re-evisioned as a Kislev circus team, but they never got models.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/03/02 19:08:55

Made in de
Battlefield Tourist


Those Gnomes are adorable. It really looks like the sculptor was having loads of fun making them. Probably the GW release that's impressed me the most in the last five years!

Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


Gnomes were in the very early GW miniature catalogue and mentioned in passing in the 1st edition WFRP

and were brought in as player characters (with a bunch more background) in white Dwarf 86 (later reprinted in Apocrypha Now). There was even a Gnome PC in the Rought Night in the Three Feathers which i suspect most WHFR players will have come across

but by 2nd WHFR the minis were gone, the gnome references were gone and the gnome in the Three Feathers had turned into a halfling


Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

 Da Boss wrote:
Those Gnomes are adorable. It really looks like the sculptor was having loads of fun making them. Probably the GW release that's impressed me the most in the last five years!

Part of me wonders if they were a pet or persona project that caught the right person’s eye?

Whilst the evidence in the Link Tank thread shows Citadel always had oversight, some of the best stuff they’ve churned out started as passion projects the sculptor fought for.

Made in de
Oozing Plague Marine Terminator

Orks would have needed a tankbusta kit more than another mek with big gun, but he's okay. He'll be far too expensive for my taste but all GW characters are these days.
Made in gb
Mighty Vampire Count


The detail and sculpting on the Gnomes and friends is so impressive and a big contrast to the Custodes - its as bad as the one from the novels.....


"Unimaginably ancient xenos artefact somewhere on the planet, hive fleet poised above our heads, hidden 'stealer broods making an early start....and now a bloody Chaos cult crawling out of the woodwork just in case we were bored. Welcome to my world, Ciaphas."
Inquisitor Amberley Vail, Ordo Xenos

"I will admit that some Primachs like Russ or Horus could have a chance against an unarmed 12 year old novice but, a full Battle Sister??!! One to one? In close combat? Perhaps three Primarchs fighting together... but just one Primarch?" da001


A Bloody Road - my Warhammer Fantasy Fiction 
Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

The Battle Barge Buffet Line

 OrlandotheTechnicoloured wrote:
Gnomes were in the very early GW miniature catalogue and mentioned in passing in the 1st edition WFRP

and were brought in as player characters (with a bunch more background) in white Dwarf 86 (later reprinted in Apocrypha Now). There was even a Gnome PC in the Rought Night in the Three Feathers which i suspect most WHFR players will have come across

but by 2nd WHFR the minis were gone, the gnome references were gone and the gnome in the Three Feathers had turned into a halfling


Thanks for the link and clarification! I wonder how much of that early gnome work was left over from when they held the exclusive minis license for D&D minis in the UK and screwed over TSR by not doing anything with it so as not to have competition with their own WH brand.

We Munch for Macragge! FOR THE EMPRUH! Cheesesticks and Humus!
Made in gb
Dakka Veteran

Gnomes are awesome. I always wanted an antipode to my whfb Night Goblins army (dwarves are not fun enough).
But I think I’m the odd one out- I’m a bit indifferent towards all the petting zoo comrades they have brought - I like the gnomes themselves.

Best mini of the release - has to be the marauder shaman.

Ork Mek - I haven’t liked a 40k ork release since plastic Meganobz. This sculpt continues to suffer from gw digital sculpting- too clean(works for eldar, ect), too cartoony (not Orky, but generic fantasy cartoony). And they can’t sculpt ork faces anymore for some reason. Old boyz > new boyz.

Custodies spear bro - just no.
Made in gb
Mighty Vampire Count


 warboss wrote:
 OrlandotheTechnicoloured wrote:
Gnomes were in the very early GW miniature catalogue and mentioned in passing in the 1st edition WFRP

and were brought in as player characters (with a bunch more background) in white Dwarf 86 (later reprinted in Apocrypha Now). There was even a Gnome PC in the Rought Night in the Three Feathers which i suspect most WHFR players will have come across

but by 2nd WHFR the minis were gone, the gnome references were gone and the gnome in the Three Feathers had turned into a halfling


Thanks for the link and clarification! I wonder how much of that early gnome work was left over from when they held the exclusive minis license for D&D minis in the UK and screwed over TSR by not doing anything with it so as not to have competition with their own WH brand.

Lot of stuff in WFRP 4th ed about Gnomes


"Unimaginably ancient xenos artefact somewhere on the planet, hive fleet poised above our heads, hidden 'stealer broods making an early start....and now a bloody Chaos cult crawling out of the woodwork just in case we were bored. Welcome to my world, Ciaphas."
Inquisitor Amberley Vail, Ordo Xenos

"I will admit that some Primachs like Russ or Horus could have a chance against an unarmed 12 year old novice but, a full Battle Sister??!! One to one? In close combat? Perhaps three Primarchs fighting together... but just one Primarch?" da001


A Bloody Road - my Warhammer Fantasy Fiction 
Made in in
Otiose in a Niche

Hyderabad, India

 Lord Damocles wrote:
Golden Boy's proportions look like he was designed in a funhouse mirror.

You are not alone.

Frankly, they all look like that.

Made in us
Brainy Biophagus Brewing Potent Chemicals

 Kid_Kyoto wrote:
 Lord Damocles wrote:
Golden Boy's proportions look like he was designed in a funhouse mirror.

You are not alone.

Frankly, they all look like that.

I said this earlier in the thread (or maybe one of the other threads on the topic), but the range really shows its age of being from right before GW updated their scale. if they had been just a year or so later it probably wouldn't be so bad. but the original models look fine for the most part, while this guy accents all the worst parts of the scale. I don't hate the model like others do but it's a case where it isn't flattering to itself

i have played games of the current edition 
Made in in
Otiose in a Niche

Hyderabad, India

The Gnomes made me smile. Not nearly as much as Cathay would have made me smile, but it's still a smile.

Made in us
Stern Iron Priest with Thrall Bodyguard

 Kid_Kyoto wrote:
The Gnomes made me smile. Not nearly as much as Cathay would have made me smile, but it's still a smile.

Yeah, a Cathay blood bowl team at this point would have given me a good chuckle

Trolls n Robots, battle reports på svenska https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbeiubugFqIO9IWf_FV9q7A 
Made in de
Longtime Dakkanaut

Gnomes were part of the WHFB canon before 4th Edition in 1992 happened.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/03/03 10:49:52

Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

Head on that Mek barely even looks like an Ork. Awful. Where's Brian Nelson when you need him? And where are plastic Tankbustas/Weirdboy?

Custodes guy doing nothing to disabuse me of the view they should never have been an army in the first place.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/03/03 11:03:36

Made in fi
Locked in the Tower of Amareo

Voss wrote:

Gnomes just seem like a waste of resources. I don't think there's enough nostalgia bait for a long-forgotten unit (last seen in 3rd edition fantasy) to draw many sales.

Umm. It's bloodbowl team. Many bb players have multiple teams. These provide new team to buy.

It's not unit inside army. Blood bowl doesn't have armies. The team is all there is.

Box or two, big guy or two. Your team complete.

No need to draw on nostalgia. Just provide interestlng team for bb players to get.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/03/03 14:47:32

2024 painted/bought: 109/109 
Made in us
Terrifying Doombull

tneva82 wrote:
Voss wrote:

Gnomes just seem like a waste of resources. I don't think there's enough nostalgia bait for a long-forgotten unit (last seen in 3rd edition fantasy) to draw many sales.

Umm. It's bloodbowl team. Many bb players have multiple teams. These provide new team to buy.

It's not unit inside army. Blood bowl doesn't have armies. The team is all there is.

Box or two, big guy or two. Your team complete.

I'm aware its a blood bowl team. But its based on a unit that used to exist in WFB, but hasn't since third edition.
Its not a hard concept. Nostalgia for things people don't even remember doesn't drive sales, even (or especially) in a new format.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/03/03 14:48:02

Efficiency is the highest virtue. 
Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


Maybe its a product that isn't aimed at Nostalgia?

You can argue the game tapped into that market initially, but one hopes its grown beyond that and new teams like this are just the kind of thing you'd expect.

A Blog in Miniature

3D Printing, hobbying and model fun! 
Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

Indeed, i have zero interest in blood bowl or ancient fantasy. But i'm very tempted by these just because they're very characterful and look fun to paint up.
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

 Inquisitor Gideon wrote:
Indeed, i have zero interest in blood bowl or ancient fantasy. But i'm very tempted by these just because they're very characterful and look fun to paint up.

Same. I could care less about blood bowl but if I have the budget I want that goose. For Untitled War Game purposes.
Made in gb
Using Object Source Lighting

I think GW noticed a gap in a popular race on other companies and took the dip to take those sales too.

With all that said if you take away the GW logo/ packaging these concepts and minis dont have anything in particular that would distinguish them from other companies.

Gnome is a gnome and GW gnomes are as generic as gnomes go.


Made in us
Stern Iron Priest with Thrall Bodyguard

I bet the goose or badger goes right up on top 3, model of the year -24.

Trolls n Robots, battle reports på svenska https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbeiubugFqIO9IWf_FV9q7A 
Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

 Fayric wrote:
I bet the goose or badger goes right up on top 3, model of the year -24.

Only reason they wouldn't is the vote spilt between badger/fox/goose.
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