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Made in at
Buttons Should Be Brass, Not Gold!

Vienna, Austria

Cheers. Pretty much exactly 14cm over all, meant to be used along with 40k figures.

Made in jp
Regular Dakkanaut

Can we see some pictures of the gunpla? I'm curious to see what you did with them.

Made in us
Hardened Veteran Guardsman


Man, what an amazingly diverse category of work. How you got the white so sharp on the french (and beyond) is impressive especially at that scale. You may have mentioned this earlier, but what paint system do you use for that?

Guard, Templars, Dungeons & Dragons, Terrain & More. - https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/800909.page

Way too little free time. 
Made in at
Buttons Should Be Brass, Not Gold!

Vienna, Austria

@Turaxa: Yeah, I haven't posted that many pictures of them, because I haven't finished them yet. The RG RX78-02 is painted and for research reasons I applied the stickers that come with the set. That's what I really enjoyed about this gunpa experience - the little differences. Never before I applied stickers (not water-slide transfers, self-adhering stickers) to a model before. And they are pretty impressive, but water-slide transfers are preferable. Another funny thing about that gunpla thing is availability. With wargaming figures I'm used to a range being just available all the time, unless the manufacturer goes under or stops doing them altogether. But with gunpla stuff there's LOADS of kits and additional bits and so on, and not everything is available all the time. Like waterslide transfers for a Gundam. I got a catch-all transfer sheet for 1/144th Origin kits which have fewer, but the most important ones I think for Char's Zaku II and I think the Gundam as well. Oh, and I need new hands for the Gundam. The very early RG hands with the individually-movable fingers are super impressive, but also extremely hard to keep from falling apart and they don't really give a good grip on guns and such. So the Gundam is painted, requires weathering and possibly decals (or I try weathering over these stickers, but maybe I'll tear them off again. They're okay, but not perfect by far.). Now as for the Zaku II - the HG model I got was meant to look very much like in the classic films/show, which means there is very little in terms of details on there. So I added panel lines and little bits and holes here and there and all of that and experimented with new ways of doing red and all of that. So the base colours on the Zaku II are done. I'll still need to apply decals (hope the ones from the aforementioned decal sheet actually fit, mostly these white lines on the leg covers and the skirt). Of course the "eye" on the Zaku is a big thing. I'm not huge on adding LEDs to model kits, so instead I ordered a bunch of self-adhering plastic gemstones and will try if that gives a nice look instead. Then I have to paint the weapons and add some weathering. of course weathering a red (possibly a little too dark red actually) mech isn't quite as striking as on the light grey Gundam, but I'm sure it'll turn out well. For some reason, halfway through painting/customizing the first two [I'll regard the EG Gundam just as a tester] I ordered three more kits and even built one (Chuchu's Demi Trainer. I love a basic and pragmatic looking mobile suit). Let's see when I get to do something with it paintingwise. So yeah, that's the state of things. I really hope to get at least the Gundam and the Zaku done for the autumn shows circuit, the next thing on the to-do list being getting new hands for the Gundam and getting Char's Zaku II decalled-up.

@blockade23: Thanks very much. Yes, I'm very lucky that I get to work on such a wide variety of figures. I use paints from all sorts of companies. These days it's mostly Vallejo, Scalecolor, Schmincke and Coat d'Arms paints I use. Yeah, white crossbelts and such are a pretty important thing on Napoleonics, aren't they. At smaller scales I just use plain white and don't bother with off-whites or cream colors on crossbelts. All they have to do is stick out, no time for subtleties.

Alright, I learned more about the afore-posted Eldar vehicle. A man on the excellent Lead Adventure Forums (up the forums, where actual useful information is conveyed and kept!) explained the origin of the model:
axiom on Lead Adventure Forums wrote:
"Just to help you out on what it is, the cast was by Monolith Games, which was run by Steve Mussared. Steve was a Golden Demon winner who had connections with the studio and was bidding for the rights to sell 40k vehicles. This was a prototype of the Epic scale Eldar Deathstalker. He also did a Falcon. Ultimately, the rights went to Armorcast and Epicast in the US, and only a handful of these prototypes were made. [...]

There's some good info on the various resin licensed and unlicensed kits over at Collecting Citadel Minis Wiki:


Now as for something I painted a while ago, but only did the finishing touches on now, here's something new again - first WW2 figures I painted this year, the very first 1-48 Tactic figures I ever painted:

Four Fallschirmjägers and two Grenadiers, along with some terrain. 1-48 Tactic is an interesting gema. A very small skirmisher, quite abstract (you can see these terrain pieces that have cut-outs for figure bases, so you can put a model in each one). Figures are 1:48 scale, hence the name. All digitally designed, as far as I know, a few years ago. In my opinion, you can see that in the somewhat poorly detailed faces, especially on the earlier figures. Here we have a mixture of grenadiers and paratroopers; the latter are better drawn. Of course, with the scale (here we can really speak of a scale, not a figure size ) you can also use various figures from scale model manufacturers. At least in German-speaking areas I think that 1:48th scale never played a big role in scale models, apart from airplanes. I think diecast is also quite big in this scale; Richard Clarke likes to use vehicles of this scale with 28mm figures.

Anyway, it's an interesting game from Italy, and whenever I've seen it as a demo game at table top events, people really dig it. Partly because it's very quick to learn and everything is pretty clear. The figures are available either as starter sets with some terrain and tokens or as individual figures in a blister pack, each with a unit card with name, equipment and values. https://1-48tactic.com/

...and here's another shot of the X-Men (now featuring Colossus!), all finished and with a white background:

Hope you like them!

Made in at
Buttons Should Be Brass, Not Gold!

Vienna, Austria

Right, one more of the X-Men with stuff around'em:

Hope you like them, and then I'll leave you in peace.

Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Madison, WI

You do tiny things better than I could ever do full sized ones! Love it Sigur!

Anvildude: "Honestly, it's kinda refreshing to see an Ork vehicle that doesn't look like a rainbow threw up on it."

Gitsplitta's Unified Painting Theory
Made in at
Buttons Should Be Brass, Not Gold!

Vienna, Austria

@Gitsplitta: Thanks very much! Well, the Marvel dudes are pretty darned big.

Here's yet another thing - Guildball figures! Haven't painted since before the pandemic, but now they're back. All WIP, all releases from 2019-2020 I think.

(the big red man with the cleaver in the back had some slight mold halves deviation, so I had to fix a few things, mostly the hands.

Hope you like them!

Made in at
Buttons Should Be Brass, Not Gold!

Vienna, Austria

Heyhey, happy weekend. I painted the Marauder Giant to a degree that I'll call him pretty much finished. He's been standing on the sidelines in a half-finished state for long enough.

To me it's just one of the most iconic GW figures ever. I bought him ages ago off a friend who got rid of his WHFB figures. Last christmas I gave him a start, but the very next night I put him aside. This year, to save me from tears, I thought I'd get him finished.

There are tons of things to improve and fix and all, but at least he's in a playable state, and that's always the main thing.

Hope you like him!

Automatically Appended Next Post:

Okay, after two comments I went back and fixed two things on the guy: The green shoulder got a bit of texture, highlights and shading.

...and the back of the left knee (which is a deep hole in the figure I made a bit less dark looking, after a friendly man on a German forum said that this didn't look healthy.

Sill a deep hole, but I think it's a bit better now. At least I'm happier with the guy now. After all: If you're gonna do it, do it right (right). *dances in a Wham!-ly fashion*.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/09/01 17:08:34

Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Madison, WI

I remember that giant! Never seen him that nicely painted however.

Anvildude: "Honestly, it's kinda refreshing to see an Ork vehicle that doesn't look like a rainbow threw up on it."

Gitsplitta's Unified Painting Theory
Made in at
Buttons Should Be Brass, Not Gold!

Vienna, Austria

 Gitsplitta wrote:
I remember that giant! Never seen him that nicely painted however.

Cheers! Yeah, I got him second hand about 15 years ago, and around christmas last year I finally got some paint on him. Underestimating the figure a little But now he's finished, and I got a giant!

Heyhey, I took a bunch of photos of finished things. Guildball:


Navigators Guild:

Here's some Eldar. In fact, the boss of all the Eldar:

...and that finished Deathstalker prototype/concept:

Two Freebooter's Fate legends:

Two major things were born to live for ever more: Exactly, Manowar and Man O'War.

Here's three Dwarf Ironclads. Fun fact: I actually own Man O'War. Full boxed set, unfortunately all still unpunched and on sprue, so I never played it, and I kinda don't dare to. Which is a sorry state of things. Oh well. I'm busy trying to get stuff done. After all these many tiny projects I'm glad to get back to a larger chunk of 28mm Napoleonics again. At least a nice big unit of light infantry and hussars, as well as artillery train wagons. All for the battle of Eylau 1807. Snow bases!

Well, I hope you like the pictures!

Made in ca
Bounding Ultramarine Assault Trooper

I really love that crystal like effect on that Deathstalker.
It stands out very nicely.
Made in at
Buttons Should Be Brass, Not Gold!

Vienna, Austria

 Tommygun1918 wrote:
I really love that crystal like effect on that Deathstalker.
It stands out very nicely.

Thanks muchly! Yeah, that model was a bit of a chore, mostly pre-painting. The cast was very rough, with bubble holes and casting scabs all over. The crystal came in two parts and a LOT of milliput and filing went into it to make it look somewhat even.

Well, we're facing some nasty floods here right now. Luckily I'm living on a hill, but scary stuff happens along the Danube. One week ago we had weeks and weeks of extreme heat (for what we're used to. 33-35°C), from one day to the next temperatures dropped to around 10°C and several days of heavy rainfalls.

Anyway, over the weekend I cheekily dug into my own figures once more, finishing up things. Such as these plastic Corsairs I bought a few months ago:

Those I bought for all the wrong reasons (and one and a half good ones): Out of some sudden FOMO attack I bought them in May or so when I thought that they'd disappear from GW's store. I also was kinda curious about those 'new' Dark Elves. So much for the bad reasons. The one and a half good reasons: These are actually surprisingly reasonably priced. Like EUR 2,50 per figure, something around that. Okay for GW figures. And I wanted two more ranks in my Corsairs unit. So I got them, painted them in the colour scheme of my DE army and off they go to wreak havoc across the shores of the Old World. Arrrrrrr.

The other thing I did was take care of the situation of those skeletons' banner. A few weeks ago, I posted this picture:

Now I finally added a banner to that banner dude.

This actually is my very first banner for skeletons, of course the choice of design was very clear.

I remember seeing this picture even before I had anything to do with Warhammer; pretty sure I saw it in a Heroquest context and I consider this painting to be about as formative for skeleton warriors as Jason and the Argonauts or Army of Darkness.

Hope you like them.

Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Madison, WI

I love it all. But that beautiful, little Eldar vehicle just tugs at my heart-strings!

Anvildude: "Honestly, it's kinda refreshing to see an Ork vehicle that doesn't look like a rainbow threw up on it."

Gitsplitta's Unified Painting Theory
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