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Nevelon’s Workbench: Jump chaplain build, terminators, triumph.  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

Need to do something with the base. Most characters are on 40s, so the peg foot 32 will need to be replaced. Might lean him back a little and mount him on a lifter from the old AM box, slap some extra rubble around. But done with the chaplain himself.

Got the blue down on two terminators, and grey on the triumph base. Need to paint more, build less.

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A little morning progress

Just put together the last inceptor from the 8th ed box as a sarge for the DW squad. Just to get him off the sprue and let me field a second squad if I wanted to. With paint not meaning much anymore I could just toss a squad or two of deathwatch into an otherwise Ultramarine force. Which actually fits my headcannon on how DW would fight anything larger then what a KT could handle. Call for backup from a normal chapter and fight along side, spearheading the fight and lending specialized aid to the already flexible marines.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2024/06/08 16:08:29

Made in us
Walking Dead Wraithlord

Kitbashed Chap/chap looks pretty dang cool. I like the addition of the fins to the pack.
Made in gb
Boosting Ultramarine Biker

Plymouth, England

That's a great looking Jump Chaplain, you thinking of giving him a "Hero Rock" to stand on/jump off?
Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

youwashock wrote:Kitbashed Chap/chap looks pretty dang cool. I like the addition of the fins to the pack.

While a mix of firstborn and primaris parts, I wanted to try to make him match modern aethetics. Part of that is grav vanes on the jump packs. Not 100% match to modern packs, but close enough that he should not be too out of place when I do get some jump intercessors for him to lead. Or they re-do the VV kit. Either one is good.
Adamski Alders wrote:That's a great looking Jump Chaplain, you thinking of giving him a "Hero Rock" to stand on/jump off?

It might be hard to make out in the second pick, but he did get some rocks and ruins on his base to jump from. With all the leaning and swinging around I wanted to add a little bit to the base to help ground the model visually a little.

So some progress today:
With the new AoS 4.0 dropping this summer I figured I’d finish up with the 2.0 Soul Wars box. I think these are the last of the nighthaunt form there (I split the box, so that’s all I got)

And other painting progress:

Started the silvers. Did the arm cables on all of the terminators, and started on the leg tubes things, but needed a break. Also put some work on the triumph base. Not pictured, but also did a little on the spare arms from the Eldar rangers. Not that they need WYSWYG wargear options anymore. Rules don’t even have the trap/projector things anymore. I also edged the frag launchers for the agressors and glued them on.

Made in ca
Fixture of Dakka

Surrey, BC - Canada

I just had to Exalt the history of upgrades on the previous page. Congratulation on painting so much over the twelve years.



Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

 Captain Brown wrote:
I just had to Exalt the history of upgrades on the previous page. Congratulation on painting so much over the twelve years.



At some point I need to break out the lightbox and my old WHFB armies. There are a handful of units in my gallery, but they have not received the systematic photoshoots that my Ultras and Eldar have. It’s almost entirely 5th edition era. I’ve shown some of the new stuff in the blog, AoS era, but need to get out the wayback machine.

In painting new finished the silvers on the terminators. Greys and gold next, almost done with basecoats.

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

Next up are drybrush and washes

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