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Made in us
Auspicious Daemonic Herald

With the 8ed rules more or less out lets get some chatter going for the pure spawn of chaos.

Having gotten a game in with the new rules so far I'm quite impressed with Flamers of Tzeentch. They can do a ton of damage when they get into range they just need to make effective use of the terrain to do it reliably.

I'm looking forward to testing out an Epidemius list as well.

How has your exploration of daemons gone?
Made in us
Dark Angels Librarian with Book of Secrets


I was underwhelmed by soul grinders. Even with a DP near them giving them rerolling 1s, they just did not perform all that great for the points.

Plague drones were OK. I was not overly impressed with their damage output.

I had a hard time keeping the heralds of nurgle within 6" of the other models.

Daemon princes are off the hook.

Flamers are amazing.
Made in tr
Fresh-Faced New User

I played two games with my daemons army, here is my thoughts:

Tzeentch ability the ephemeral form gives +1 bpnus to invul save to all Tzeentch units except Kairos which is very odd at the moment. This ability lets us by pass cover saves and be more flexible wtih positioning and moving with all of our units.

Horrors: Horrors are the definition of "pain in the a$$" unit. They are very flexible with different models in the same unit and the ability to cast smite albeit with only one dice. Speaking of horrors, I must mention the Smite power which deals d3 mortal wounds which can not be saved by any means to the nearest unit and the damage from it can spill to other models in the unit. Smite power can be cast to and from closa combat and even when the casting unit advances. The icing on the cake is the "split" ability. Pink horros can split into 2 blue horrors which can split into furher 1 brimstone horror for each blue horror. Split ability requires summoning points but can take the model count beyond the starting value. Split ability is used right after the removal of the slain model so we can endlessly trap enemy units in combat or control the objective by being more than the enemy models. As blue horrors are 5 points and brimstone are 2 points, i think that 5 blue, 5 brimstone horror is the way to go. Pink horrors are a bit expensive by being 10 points for 1 model. Horror spam is definitly a thing in 8th edition.

Heralds: Heralds help with a lot of different things, such as:
-Giving +1 str bonus to nearby units. This helps our fast close combat unit screamers and even lowly horros unit wound more reliably.
-Casting smite power more reliably. I reccomend the staff as it gives extra range to smite power. The heralds with disc can fly where they need to be and safe behind other units and cast smite power to the targeted unit. I smited down a land raider in my first game with massed smite.
-Summoning. As the summoning character can not move in the movement phase the staff of Tzeentch is useful for the unmoving heralds. Summoning is useful as we can summon units for the specific job without overcrowding our deployment phase where the low number of deployment gives an advantage to choose which player goes first.
Make sure that heralds are always behind your front lines not to be targeted by shooting. Be careful to block LOS from snipers.

Flamers Flamers are awesome units that can fly and shoot auto hitting flamers wihch are -1 rend. No one is safe from them. You can not lock them in combat as with the ability to fly a whopping 12" move you can burn what ever you want to burn. I used two units of 7 flamers dealing 7d6 auothitting -1 rend damage to the units. Do not assault with the flamers , leave them in the open being tempting targets for the enemy assault and fry them when they attempt to charge you. The enemy units shall be out of 8" charge range not to be fried by owerwatch. If they managed to assault, retreat in the next turn and go fry something else. I reccomend units of at least 6 flamers as the enemy concentrate their firepower to eliminate them.

Screamers [b] Screamers are very fast and can often be able to charge at the first turn. Make sure at least one herald escort them within 6" to give the strenth bonus. They are a very fast unit to grab objectives or lock enemy tanks in combat to reduce their shooting ability.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/06/06 10:24:52

Made in lt
Mysterious Techpriest

Here are the rules summaries and the list builder for Daemons (and admech :p)


Mathammer(primarily Chaos Daemons, Adeptus Mechanicus, Necrons and Orks) https://drive.google.com/open?id=1mhwa-d77ztppXP9ZUQxur9HewqDTFZ6k
12k pts Daemons
5k pts Orks
5k pts AdMech
3k pts Necrons  
Made in lt
Mysterious Techpriest

Why are daemons so dead. It's like almost no one plays them anymore. The other threads are bursting with activity... =/

Have they been completelly gutted?
The loss of summoning
The loss of deepstrike
The loss of the Psychic phase...

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/06/07 17:20:40

Mathammer(primarily Chaos Daemons, Adeptus Mechanicus, Necrons and Orks) https://drive.google.com/open?id=1mhwa-d77ztppXP9ZUQxur9HewqDTFZ6k
12k pts Daemons
5k pts Orks
5k pts AdMech
3k pts Necrons  
Made in us
Shas'la with Pulse Carbine


 rvd1ofakind wrote:
Why are daemons so dead. It's like almost no one plays them anymore. The other threads are bursting with activity... =/

Have they been completelly gutted?
The loss of summoning
The loss of deepstrike
The loss of the Psychic phase...

Pretty much.

You can also add:

The loss of any good shooting
The loss of any good units that can take and hold objectives
Summoning requiring a character of the same allegiance, AND forfeiting their movement, AND a dice roll; when other armies can just place their units whenever they feel like it seems unfair when we have no other means of transport.

I play:
40K: Daemons, Tau
AoS: Blades of Khorne, Disciples of Tzeentch
Warmachine: Convergence of Cyriss
Infinity: Haqqislam, Tohaa
Malifaux: Bayou
Star Wars Legion: Republic & Separatists
MESBG: Far Harad, Misty Mountains 
Made in us
Dark Angels Librarian with Book of Secrets


Chaos dameons are still good. They are not the same army as they were in 7th. Let's be honest. In 7th, they were a summoning army. You did not see people playing Nurgle armies, Khorne Armies, or Slaanesh armies at competitive play.
The summoning army has been removed, and now new armies are in their place. What do we have today? Instead of a deep dive into each unit (which would take pages), I'll brush some basic army concepts.

Faction Focus
Just like Imperial armies, Chaos armies share a faction keyword Chaos. This means that you are not playing a CD army, but instead you should think that you are playing a Chaos army. There is nothing keeping you from grabbing some hellbrutes and adding them to your army. Maulerfiends are pretty cool. You can use them over soulgrinders if you like. Nothing is stopping you.
This is a big mental shift from previous editions -- even when being battle brothers. This is why the KDK army is gone -- because it's built into the rule system.

Aura's are the key to really getting nasty units. Take a look at these auras.
You can add 1 to hit rolls made for a friendly Bloodletter unit that are within 8" of Skulltaker

Herald of Khorne
You add 1 to the STR characteristic of friendly Khorne Daemon units within 6" of this ability

Daemon Prince of Khorne
You can re-roll hit rolls of 1 made for friendly Khorne daemon units within 6" of this model.
(If you take the C:SM prince, he cannot be targeted)

Now, we look at some units of bloodletters, and what do they become.
* They are hitting on a 2+
* If they roll a 1, they are rerolling -- so they are hitting 35/36 of the time.
* They have a 6 STR on the charge, with a AP-3 weapon that can do multiple wounds.

Those aura's have made the Khorne Daemons even nastier.
Skulltaker, the Herald, and the Daemon Prince also get the auras from the Herald and the Daemon Prince.
The Herald and Skulltaker also get the aura from Skulltaker.

Shooting vs Assault
Daemons have great assault abilities. If you are playing daemons, you can expect the majority of your battles to be assault.
There are some good shooting units in the daemon army. Flamers of Tzeentch, for example, are off the hook for how much damage they can do for their points cost.

Smite Spam
I learned in my games with daemons that Smite gets to be really effective when you can cast it with multiple psykers per round.
I was playing some games last weekend where I was casting 10 smites a turn, doing ~20 mortal wounds a turn. Entire units were being removed from just smite. My opponent started joking and calling it my 'movement phase'.
Dropping 10 heralds to do this is not impossible. There is a formation that lets you take 5 HQ. You can grab 2 of those formations, then another to fill out the first of your force.

Deck Chair Units
One of the best units in the game for camping on objectives are Plaguebearers. While not as good as a conscript unit with a commissar to back them -- they are a solid way to squat on an objective.
You can also take CSM or chaos cultists for this role. IMHO poxwalkers are a touch pricy for this role.

These upgrades are amazing. This adds an effective 1" to the movement for your daemons. Bloodletters will be moving ~10.5 inches on the first round of combat. Their threat range for turn two is 10.5 + 6" move + 9" assault or 25.5" Fast moving units like BloodCrushers or Plague Drones are even better. That +1 to the charge distance is huge, because the 2d6 rolls work off a bell curve.

Renegade Knights
Remember how all Chaos factions are aligned. You can run three renegade knights and bring Daemons in the same army. IMHO daemons can help to fill some of the gaps left by the knights, such as deck chair units. Alternatively you can just bring a bunch of daemon princes to hang out with your knights to overwhelm your opponent with high toughness targets.
I plan on playing with some knight based armies this weekend.

How to use Summoning
The average dice you will get with summoning is 10.5. You can use a command point in a pinch here.
What this means is that you are limited to summoning smaller units, of a 10 power or less. This means dropping 30 plague bearers onto someones' face will likely not happen.
What you can do, however, is drop 20 lesser daemons 9" away from someone. The daemons, with an instrument, have a 41.66% of making that charge. Without an instrument, they would have a 27.77% chance. If this is a critical charge, you can use a command point here....

This message was edited 7 times. Last update was at 2017/06/07 18:21:43

Made in at
Regular Dakkanaut

I also think that daemons are not quite dead, as some of you think.

It's different now and people have to find new ways of playing them.

There are also some good units left, even without psycic powers and summoning.

Plaguedrones, Plaguebearers, Horrors and their variations, Daemonettes, Flamers, Exalted Flamers, Screamers, Daemonprinces and maybe Bloodletters and Crushers to a lesser extend.

But time will tell and we will see how good which units will perform in 8th edition
Made in lt
Mysterious Techpriest

Damn those 30 blood letters look co- I mean those 15 blood le.. CHARGE 3 blood letters left but they'll do fine right.
How the hell do you get them into combat. Genestealers with move, advance charge are too slow and die on the way there. What hope can bloodletters have?

Mathammer(primarily Chaos Daemons, Adeptus Mechanicus, Necrons and Orks) https://drive.google.com/open?id=1mhwa-d77ztppXP9ZUQxur9HewqDTFZ6k
12k pts Daemons
5k pts Orks
5k pts AdMech
3k pts Necrons  
Made in us
Dark Angels Librarian with Book of Secrets


 rvd1ofakind wrote:
Damn those 30 blood letters look co- I mean those 15 blood le.. CHARGE 3 blood letters left but they'll do fine right.
How the hell do you get them into combat. Genestealers with move, advance charge are too slow and die on the way there. What hope can bloodletters have?
1) You can't expect to play in a vacuum. Yes, it's easy to kill 30 bloodletters if you have 3 tauox' primes. What about the rest of the army?

2) Have you actually played any games of 8th? I was playing last night and my friend was able to get his bezerkers without a transport into assault multiple times. I was playing my IG army with things like Taurox primes throwing 30 STR 4 shots out a turn. He got around the problem by dropping combi-melta terminators by my taurox' and doing lots of damage to them. He engaged my chimeras with his lord on a jugg and tore them apart.
Most importantly, he used LOS blocking terrain to help his advance up the board. If you are playing on boards with no LOS blocking terrain, I suggest you change the way you play.

3) If Genestealers are to slow in your games, you need to re-evaluate how you are playing your games. Do you guys use terrain? Are you playing with objectives, or just rolling dice to kill? Those two features dramatically change the same.

4) I'm not saying bloodletters are awesome. I was illustrating how my stacking their buffs they become much better.
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Seems to me like Daemons are all now "good" and "fair", which is a problem because most other armies got upgraded to "outstanding." Nurgle daemons are...fine. Not great at shooting, assault, or mobility. But there are armies that are brutal at one or more of these things, so it's not really on parity. Lack of good shooting and transports is just lethal to daemons (it was in 7th and 6th too, but was masked by summoning and Tzeentch shenanigans).

I'm going to try an all-Slaanesh list with Belakor. Should be a lot of fun and be different from other armies.

Made in lt
Mysterious Techpriest

 labmouse42 wrote:
 rvd1ofakind wrote:
Damn those 30 blood letters look co- I mean those 15 blood le.. CHARGE 3 blood letters left but they'll do fine right.
How the hell do you get them into combat. Genestealers with move, advance charge are too slow and die on the way there. What hope can bloodletters have?
1) You can't expect to play in a vacuum. Yes, it's easy to kill 30 bloodletters if you have 3 tauox' primes. What about the rest of the army?

2) Have you actually played any games of 8th? I was playing last night and my friend was able to get his bezerkers without a transport into assault multiple times. I was playing my IG army with things like Taurox primes throwing 30 STR 4 shots out a turn. He got around the problem by dropping combi-melta terminators by my taurox' and doing lots of damage to them. He engaged my chimeras with his lord on a jugg and tore them apart.
Most importantly, he used LOS blocking terrain to help his advance up the board. If you are playing on boards with no LOS blocking terrain, I suggest you change the way you play.

3) If Genestealers are to slow in your games, you need to re-evaluate how you are playing your games. Do you guys use terrain? Are you playing with objectives, or just rolling dice to kill? Those two features dramatically change the same.

4) I'm not saying bloodletters are awesome. I was illustrating how my stacking their buffs they become much better.

I've played 1 game so far as AdMech vs Nids, who I feel have WAY more tools to get into melee. And they got into melee with like 25% forces remaining. Then I just retreated and shot the rest to bits. That's: 20 genestealers, 30 gargoyles, 30 hermagauts. They did feth all. They all died and killed like 3 troops. What hopes do daemons have then?

We had a lot more terain than we usually do, 3 multifloor ruins, 2 big rocks that block LoS completelly. and a bunch of pipes, barricades and other stuff. But since if you see 1 model - you see them all - they die. Fast.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/06/07 18:26:42

Mathammer(primarily Chaos Daemons, Adeptus Mechanicus, Necrons and Orks) https://drive.google.com/open?id=1mhwa-d77ztppXP9ZUQxur9HewqDTFZ6k
12k pts Daemons
5k pts Orks
5k pts AdMech
3k pts Necrons  
Made in us
Dark Angels Librarian with Book of Secrets


 Virules wrote:
Seems to me like Daemons are all now "good" and "fair", which is a problem because most other armies got upgraded to "outstanding." Nurgle daemons are...fine. Not great at shooting, assault, or mobility. But there are armies that are brutal at one or more of these things, so it's not really on parity. Lack of good shooting and transports is just lethal to daemons (it was in 7th and 6th too, but was masked by summoning and Tzeentch shenanigans).

I'm going to try an all-Slaanesh list with Belakor. Should be a lot of fun and be different from other armies.
Try 60 seekers and a bunch of chariots.
Slaanesh heralds are great to spam because of the sheer amount of wound they can deliver in assault and it's a cheap way to get tons of 'smites'.
Hysterical Frenzy is also completely off the hook. Those 20 seekers I mentioned earlier all get to pile in and fight.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 rvd1ofakind wrote:
I've played 1 game so far as AdMech vs Nids, who I feel have WAY more tools to get into melee. And they got into melee with like 25% forces remaining. Then I just retreated and shot the rest to bits. That's: 20 genestealers, 30 gargoyles, 30 hermagauts. They did feth all. They all died and killed like 3 troops. What hopes do daemons have then?
Honestly it sounds like your opponent was not a very good player. Where there no objectives? Was there no cover?
If my opponent keeps backing up and shooting, I'll hide on the objectives. He should have placed at least 3 into ruins or by LoS blocking terrain. He should have used his gaunt's which are easy to hide out of LoS to just squat on objectives.
The game is not won by killing the most models. It's won by beating the mission. Even if he had 1 model left, but it had the relic, he would have won.

Last weekend I played 3 games where I bought 10 daemon princes. I tabled one of the top US marine players 3 times in a row. It's not a good army because it does not play missions well. I lost many maelstroms because I could not leave a unit back to deckchair for me. In a tournament setting, especially with an ITC formula, it's not that great. It's still strong though. If you want to try it, it's crazy strong.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2017/06/07 18:31:20

Made in lt
Mysterious Techpriest

 labmouse42 wrote:
 Virules wrote:
Seems to me like Daemons are all now "good" and "fair", which is a problem because most other armies got upgraded to "outstanding." Nurgle daemons are...fine. Not great at shooting, assault, or mobility. But there are armies that are brutal at one or more of these things, so it's not really on parity. Lack of good shooting and transports is just lethal to daemons (it was in 7th and 6th too, but was masked by summoning and Tzeentch shenanigans).

I'm going to try an all-Slaanesh list with Belakor. Should be a lot of fun and be different from other armies.
Try 60 seekers and a bunch of chariots.
Slaanesh heralds are great to spam because of the sheer amount of wound they can deliver in assault and it's a cheap way to get tons of 'smites'.
Hysterical Frenzy is also completely off the hook. Those 20 seekers I mentioned earlier all get to pile in and fight.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 rvd1ofakind wrote:
I've played 1 game so far as AdMech vs Nids, who I feel have WAY more tools to get into melee. And they got into melee with like 25% forces remaining. Then I just retreated and shot the rest to bits. That's: 20 genestealers, 30 gargoyles, 30 hermagauts. They did feth all. They all died and killed like 3 troops. What hopes do daemons have then?
Honestly it sounds like your opponent was not a very good player. Where there no objectives? Was there no cover?
If my opponent keeps backing up and shooting, I'll hide on the objectives. He should have placed at least 3 into ruins or by LoS blocking terrain. He should have used his gaunt's which are easy to hide out of LoS to just squat on objectives.

The game is not won by killing the most models. It's won by beating the mission. Even if he had 1 model left, but it had the relic, he would have won.

We played the heavy support mission. He has won and placed highly in mutiple tournaments. Don't worry, he can play the game. The problem is when you meet 15 bullets in overwatch alone with twin link. Then 36-108 bullets, twinlinked in the back plus a knight. Yeah. gl with that. 5 Infiltrators detroyed 30 gaunts in one attack.

Mathammer(primarily Chaos Daemons, Adeptus Mechanicus, Necrons and Orks) https://drive.google.com/open?id=1mhwa-d77ztppXP9ZUQxur9HewqDTFZ6k
12k pts Daemons
5k pts Orks
5k pts AdMech
3k pts Necrons  
Made in us
Dark Angels Librarian with Book of Secrets


 rvd1ofakind wrote:
We played the heavy support mission. He has won and placed highly in mutiple tournaments. Don't worry, he can play the game. The problem is when you meet 15 bullets in overwatch alone with twin link. Then 36-108 bullets, twinlinked in the back plus a knight. Yeah. gl with that. 5 Infiltrators detroyed 30 gaunts in one attack.
Hey, since you think daemon's now suck, I'll be happy to buy your's off you for 10% of retail.

This was the army I ran last weekend with crazy success. 10 smites a turn. 106 wounds. 70 STR 7, AP-2, 2 damage swings per fight phase. Yea...

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/06/07 18:34:27

Made in lt
Mysterious Techpriest

 labmouse42 wrote:
 rvd1ofakind wrote:
We played the heavy support mission. He has won and placed highly in mutiple tournaments. Don't worry, he can play the game. The problem is when you meet 15 bullets in overwatch alone with twin link. Then 36-108 bullets, twinlinked in the back plus a knight. Yeah. gl with that. 5 Infiltrators detroyed 30 gaunts in one attack.
Hey, since you think daemon's now suck, I'll be happy to buy your's off you for 10% of retail.

This was the army I ran last weekend with crazy success. 10 smites a turn. 106 wounds. 70 STR 7, AP-2, 2 damage swings per fight phase. Yea...

I hate spam though... I hope a codex will fix it since they look great on the table(or shelf in 8th) plus they're unpainted :p

Automatically Appended Next Post:
The problem is that I've only bought daemons recently. I love how they look, I loved the random equipment, the crap ton of psychic BS they can throw arround, the summoning to deal with any situation. And now they are the simplest army to play with almost no special rules. All heralds and all greaters are pretty much the same with different stats...

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/06/07 18:41:03

Mathammer(primarily Chaos Daemons, Adeptus Mechanicus, Necrons and Orks) https://drive.google.com/open?id=1mhwa-d77ztppXP9ZUQxur9HewqDTFZ6k
12k pts Daemons
5k pts Orks
5k pts AdMech
3k pts Necrons  
Made in us
Dark Angels Librarian with Book of Secrets


 rvd1ofakind wrote:
 labmouse42 wrote:
 rvd1ofakind wrote:
We played the heavy support mission. He has won and placed highly in mutiple tournaments. Don't worry, he can play the game. The problem is when you meet 15 bullets in overwatch alone with twin link. Then 36-108 bullets, twinlinked in the back plus a knight. Yeah. gl with that. 5 Infiltrators detroyed 30 gaunts in one attack.
Hey, since you think daemon's now suck, I'll be happy to buy your's off you for 10% of retail.

This was the army I ran last weekend with crazy success. 10 smites a turn. 106 wounds. 70 STR 7, AP-2, 2 damage swings per fight phase. Yea...

I hate spam though... I hope a codex will fix it since they look great on the table(or shelf in 8th) plus they're unpainted :p

Automatically Appended Next Post:
The problem is that I've only bought daemons recently. I love how they look, I loved the random equipment, the crap ton of psychic BS they can throw arround, the summoning to deal with any situation. And now they are the simplest army to play with almost no special rules. All heralds and all greaters are pretty much the same with different stats...
Have you considered using 4 such DPs to fly up and summon in daemons? Just a thought...

What daemons do you own?

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/06/07 18:42:53

Made in lt
Mysterious Techpriest

 labmouse42 wrote:
 rvd1ofakind wrote:
 labmouse42 wrote:
 rvd1ofakind wrote:
We played the heavy support mission. He has won and placed highly in mutiple tournaments. Don't worry, he can play the game. The problem is when you meet 15 bullets in overwatch alone with twin link. Then 36-108 bullets, twinlinked in the back plus a knight. Yeah. gl with that. 5 Infiltrators detroyed 30 gaunts in one attack.
Hey, since you think daemon's now suck, I'll be happy to buy your's off you for 10% of retail.

This was the army I ran last weekend with crazy success. 10 smites a turn. 106 wounds. 70 STR 7, AP-2, 2 damage swings per fight phase. Yea...

I hate spam though... I hope a codex will fix it since they look great on the table(or shelf in 8th) plus they're unpainted :p

Automatically Appended Next Post:
The problem is that I've only bought daemons recently. I love how they look, I loved the random equipment, the crap ton of psychic BS they can throw arround, the summoning to deal with any situation. And now they are the simplest army to play with almost no special rules. All heralds and all greaters are pretty much the same with different stats...
Have you considered using 4 such DPs to fly up and summon in daemons? Just a thought...

What daemons do you own?

Fly up? You can't move if you summon...
I have 1500 pts or so of each god. FW GUO and KoS. Bt and kairos/loc Gw. Some troops of each. 15 dogs. 2 soul grinders, 3 princes, belakor, 2 heldrakes(they're daemon in my heart) and so on

Mathammer(primarily Chaos Daemons, Adeptus Mechanicus, Necrons and Orks) https://drive.google.com/open?id=1mhwa-d77ztppXP9ZUQxur9HewqDTFZ6k
12k pts Daemons
5k pts Orks
5k pts AdMech
3k pts Necrons  
Made in us
Dark Angels Librarian with Book of Secrets


 rvd1ofakind wrote:
Fly up? You can't move if you summon...
I have 1500 pts or so of each god. FW GUO and KoS. Bt and kairos/loc Gw. Some troops of each. 15 dogs. 2 soul grinders, 3 princes, belakor, 2 heldrakes(they're daemon in my heart) and so on
You fly up 13"-18" and on your next turn you summon. On the next turn you assault, or possibly that turn.
Hopefully the summon mechanic will be upgraded with the codex release

Edit : You might be able to use Tzeentch heralds on disks to advance forward and deliver some horrors on objectives. The horrors can easily be placed in spots for shooting.
Honestly though, most of the good tzeentch units (flamers, for example) are fast enough on their own to make summoning less than ideal.

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2017/06/07 19:27:01

Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Northridge, CA

 labmouse42 wrote:

Aura's are the key to really getting nasty units. Take a look at these auras.
You can add 1 to hit rolls made for a friendly Bloodletter unit that are within 8" of Skulltaker

Herald of Khorne
You add 1 to the STR characteristic of friendly Khorne Daemon units within 6" of this ability

Daemon Prince of Khorne
You can re-roll hit rolls of 1 made for friendly Khorne daemon units within 6" of this model.
(If you take the C:SM prince, he cannot be targeted)

Now, we look at some units of bloodletters, and what do they become.
* They are hitting on a 2+
* If they roll a 1, they are rerolling -- so they are hitting 35/36 of the time.
* They have a 6 STR on the charge, with a AP-3 weapon that can do multiple wounds.

Those aura's have made the Khorne Daemons even nastier.
Skulltaker, the Herald, and the Daemon Prince also get the auras from the Herald and the Daemon Prince.
The Herald and Skulltaker also get the aura from Skulltaker.
Just for fun I pointed this out with 30 bloodletters plus icon and instrument, walking herald, and a flying CSM deamon prince with axe and bolter. It'll be around 665, higher or lower depending on your Prince and Herald. Basically, in a 200 point game, this blob will be unavoidable and must be targeted or it will begin tearing units apart. Place it just behind Flesh Hounds and the enemy now has to decide if they want to deal with those or your blob. Not only that, the HQs within the blob are untargetable till you start stripping the blob down. As a distraction carnifex, this is pretty amazing, and only gets better the more screen you give it.
Made in us
Dark Angels Librarian with Book of Secrets


And auras can effect multiple units. The hounds can benefit from the auras just as the 'letters can.
Made in us
Auspicious Daemonic Herald

 labmouse42 wrote:
And auras can effect multiple units. The hounds can benefit from the auras just as the 'letters can.

Depends on the aura. Skulltaker's specifies that it only affects Bloodletter units (which funnily enough includes the Skull Cannon)

But yes these auras will be the best way to maximise Daemons i think

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2017/06/07 19:40:56

Made in us
Dark Angels Librarian with Book of Secrets


 CrownAxe wrote:
 labmouse42 wrote:
And auras can effect multiple units. The hounds can benefit from the auras just as the 'letters can.

Depends on the aura. Skulltaker's specifies that it only affects Bloodletter units (which funnily enough includes the Skull Cannon)

But yes these auras will be the best way to maximise Daemons i think
A bloodletter does ride on top of it. I wish it effected bloodcrushers

There is some good synergy with them. The +1 STR, rerolling 1s and greater daemons giving their LD are very helpful.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2017/06/07 19:51:13

Made in gb
Pyromaniac Hellhound Pilot

Brimstone horrors seem to be a great way to cap objectives. There's just nothing that kills 2pt models with 4+ invulnerable saves efficiently. Even tauroxes will take a while to kill these guys. You can also leave a few blues in the unit to make sure it can't be killed in one turn thanks to split.

Fully Painted Armies: 2200pts Orks 1000pts Space Marines 1200pts Tau 2500pts Blood Angels 3500pts Imperial Guard/Renegades and 1700pts Daemons 450pts Imperial Knights  
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut


 DoomMouse wrote:
Brimstone horrors seem to be a great way to cap objectives. There's just nothing that kills 2pt models with 4+ invulnerable saves efficiently. Even tauroxes will take a while to kill these guys. You can also leave a few blues in the unit to make sure it can't be killed in one turn thanks to split.

Always a good idea to go 1 Pink horror 9 Brimstone, unless you're going for max cheese on the points cost. Having 1 Pink lets you smite "normally" still.

Blood Angels, Custodes, Tzeentch, Alpha Legion, Astra Militarum, Deathwatch, Thousand Sons, Imperial Knights, Tau, Genestealer Cult.

I have a problem.

Being contrary for the sake of being contrary doesn't make you unique, it makes you annoying.

 Purifier wrote:
Using your rules isn't being a dick.
Made in ca
Been Around the Block

 Cephalobeard wrote:
 DoomMouse wrote:
Brimstone horrors seem to be a great way to cap objectives. There's just nothing that kills 2pt models with 4+ invulnerable saves efficiently. Even tauroxes will take a while to kill these guys. You can also leave a few blues in the unit to make sure it can't be killed in one turn thanks to split.

Always a good idea to go 1 Pink horror 9 Brimstone, unless you're going for max cheese on the points cost. Having 1 Pink lets you smite "normally" still.

Pretty sure that rule only affects Brimstones and Blues can therefore still cast without dying. Max cheese is 9 brims and 1 blue for 23 points a squad.
Made in lt
Mysterious Techpriest

 labmouse42 wrote:
 rvd1ofakind wrote:
Fly up? You can't move if you summon...
I have 1500 pts or so of each god. FW GUO and KoS. Bt and kairos/loc Gw. Some troops of each. 15 dogs. 2 soul grinders, 3 princes, belakor, 2 heldrakes(they're daemon in my heart) and so on
You fly up 13"-18" and on your next turn you summon. On the next turn you assault, or possibly that turn.
Hopefully the summon mechanic will be upgraded with the codex release

Edit : You might be able to use Tzeentch heralds on disks to advance forward and deliver some horrors on objectives. The horrors can easily be placed in spots for shooting.
Honestly though, most of the good tzeentch units (flamers, for example) are fast enough on their own to make summoning less than ideal.

You can charge on the third turn without relying on luck to roll to summon and have your DP survive and not skipping his 3rd turn... C'mon man :p

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Here's my army BTW:
Bloodthirster, karanak, herald on juggernaut, 15 hounds, 20 bloodletters
Great Unclean one, herald/epidemius, 3 drones, 10 bearers, 3 nurglings, 3 beasts of nurgle
Kairos/LoC, herald, 2 heralds on disc, 10 pinks,, 20 blues, 20 brims, 3 flamers, 1 chariot
Keeper of Secrets, masque/herald, 20 daemonettes, 1 exalted/normal chariot, 3 fiends
3 daemon princes, be'lakor, 2 soul grinders, 2 heldrakes, 10 furies

I can buy some stuff if that would mean making a bearable army... Or maybe make a deal with my friends so I could bring +500 pts they do...

This message was edited 4 times. Last update was at 2017/06/08 03:52:26

Mathammer(primarily Chaos Daemons, Adeptus Mechanicus, Necrons and Orks) https://drive.google.com/open?id=1mhwa-d77ztppXP9ZUQxur9HewqDTFZ6k
12k pts Daemons
5k pts Orks
5k pts AdMech
3k pts Necrons  
Made in us
Grim Dark Angels Interrogator-Chaplain

A Protoss colony world

I'm curious as to whether wings are mandatory on Daemon Princes or not anymore. I don't think FMC's are a thing anymore, so I'm not sure. I ask because I've got a monopose metal Daemon Prince and I don't know whether to use greenstuff to add some plastic wings to him or not.

My armies (re-counted and updated on 11/1/23, including modeled wargear options):
Dark Angels: ~15000 Astra Militarum: ~1200 | Adeptus Custodes: ~1900 | Imperial Knights: ~2000 | Sisters of Battle: ~3500 | Leagues of Votann: ~1200 | Tyranids: ~2600 | Stormcast Eternals: ~5000
Check out my P&M Blogs: ZergSmasher's P&M Blog | Imperial Knights blog | Board Games blog | Total models painted in 2023: 40 | Total models painted in 2024: 13 | Current main painting project: Dark Angels
 Mr_Rose wrote:
Who doesn’t love crazy mutant squawk-puppies? Eh? Nobody, that’s who.
Made in lt
Mysterious Techpriest

Wings are always cool :p
Also, you think you'll footslog him to the battle? Hah no

Mathammer(primarily Chaos Daemons, Adeptus Mechanicus, Necrons and Orks) https://drive.google.com/open?id=1mhwa-d77ztppXP9ZUQxur9HewqDTFZ6k
12k pts Daemons
5k pts Orks
5k pts AdMech
3k pts Necrons  
Made in us
Auspicious Daemonic Herald

 ZergSmasher wrote:
I'm curious as to whether wings are mandatory on Daemon Princes or not anymore. I don't think FMC's are a thing anymore, so I'm not sure. I ask because I've got a monopose metal Daemon Prince and I don't know whether to use greenstuff to add some plastic wings to him or not.

No matter what, high movement is always important to get as much as you can. It increases both offensive capabilities (get into range quicker, better at engaging ideal targets or from a better position) and defensive capabilities (move out of enemy range, easier to use terrain to reduce damage, avoid enemy units that threaten you).

Pretty much the only time you don't get movement is when it is exorbitantly over costed (such as when 5ed Death company doubled their cost to take jump packs). A mere 24 extra points is a bargain
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