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Made in au
Fixture of Dakka


Hello all, welcome to what I hope will be a picture packed thread about my delving into the wonderful world of Lord of the Rings minis.

This all started many years ago when GW teamed up with DeAgostini to produce a LotR part works, I quickly subscribed to. Sadly I didn't make it through the entire run of the part works, but because of it, I had a reasonable collection of Middle Earth miniatures.
It's been quite a long time since i've painted any of my LotR models but I was recently in need of a change so I grabbed a few warriors of Rohan to paint up.

These blokes are all but done, just need to be based. I haven't found a shade of green that i'm quite happy with yet for the cloaks, so that's why there's four greens for four warriors.
Really simple models to paint. All done in lovely big blocks of colour with no need for any fancy techniques. Drybrushing and highlights was as advanced as I went with these guys.

I had forgotten how enjoyable this fantastic sculpts are to paint. They aren't overly detailed, but they don't lack because of it. I'm not sure how long they took me to paint, but the time flew by.

Buoyed by these initial warriors, I quickly jumped up a few steps in the chain of command and grabbed the good Theoden King, himself. Which you can see primed and ready to go in the above picture (you can actually see three of him )

Another days worth of painting and I'm really happy with the finished results. This was such a beautiful model to paint. Captured the detail of the movie character almost perfectly.

I decided not to put any green on this model, even though the undershirt under his red tunic is green in the movie. I just felt like the model itself didn't need it.
The only painful part about painting Theoden was highlighting each of the scales on his mail coat, which was the last part that I painted. That took longer then I would have liked. And even though I know I could have saved myself a bit of hassle if I had drybrushed it first off, that's just not how this model came together for me.
In total, at a guess, I think Theoden probably took me about 4 hours to paint. But again, I wasn't really keeping track.

That's all I have done at the moment but I've got another 3 warriors half painted. So stay tuned for them in a day or two.

Thanks for looking! I appreciate any comments and critiques. Any feedback in general, fire away!

My Blogs -
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Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut


I need to get my Rohan primed but I want to convert any characters or special models I need from plastic guys first.

Why do you have 3 Theodens?
Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut


Looking good!

Are you planning to pick one green to rule them all for the cloaks, or keep using a mixture?

Made in ca
Damsel of the Lady

drinking tea in the snow

Great work! I think he works well without the green, and the expression is captured perfectly.

realism is a lie
Made in au
Fixture of Dakka


Fajita Fan wrote:Why do you have 3 Theodens?
One is the battle from Helms deep Theoden (the one i've painted), the other two are the foot/mounted Theodens from the Battle for Pelennor box set.

Slinky wrote:Are you planning to pick one green to rule them all for the cloaks, or keep using a mixture?
Thanks! 1 Green to rule them all. Having vastly different shades would irritate me a little. As it is, once i've hit upon one I like, the others will be getting repainted.

amazingturtles wrote:Great work! I think he works well without the green, and the expression is captured perfectly.
Cheers, mate. Whoever sculpted this model (one of the Perry brothers, maybe?) utterly nailed the actors (Bernard Hill) facial expression.

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Liberated Grot Land Raida

Northern Ireland

Hail Theoden King! Top job on that mini. It can indeed go now to the halls of its father's in whose mighty company it will not be ashamed.

Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut


Theoden really does look great, his plate armour is wonderful

Made in au
Fixture of Dakka


Got to remember to post here more.

-I've been busily stripping all my old paint jobs. Only have half my goblins and my rohirrim left to go.
-All my Mordor orcs are ready for painting. Just have a fellbeast and a troll to finish building and prime.

Painted up a quick test orc, just to get the feel for them.

Pretty please with him, although the skin tone is a bit naff. Didn't turn out as orange as I wanted.
Tried to keep a minimal palette with him. Browns, yellow, metal. A spot of red on the shield. Some washes. It's quick and dirty, probably spent about ~2 hours on him including drying times.

Thanks for looking. Always appreciate any C&C!

My Blogs -
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Made in ca
Damsel of the Lady

drinking tea in the snow

I like him, the shield is simple but effective. I think that the orcs don't really go in much for adornment anyhow, so it works

realism is a lie
Made in gb
Fresh-Faced New User

Good work on the orc I think the skin tone is fine personally. Now he just needs some friends!
Made in au
Fixture of Dakka


Completed some terrain today.

Used the old OoP Middle Earth ruins. It's nice and open so you can get a good melee going in the middle, but it should (hopefully) provide some cover from those pesky archers.

Theoden leads his warriors in defense of the ancient ruins.

The white horse vs the red eye.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2019/12/13 05:41:29

My Blogs -
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Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut


Very nice! I think I have a sprue of those somewhere

Made in au
Fixture of Dakka


Some pictures of my Rohirrim force to date.
I found a colour I was happy with for the base rims, which is catachan flesh. And I discovered that the motif on the back of Théodens armour is actually red. Not black/gold like the rest of his armour. So i've updated that too.

Théoden King of Rohan.

Warriors of Rohan

The photos are a little washed out, but i'm sure there's a setting on my camera that I can adjust to fix that. Just gotta play around with it a bit.

10 Warriors down, another like 38 or something to go...

My Blogs -
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Made in us
Damsel of the Lady

drinking tea in the snow

The ruins look amazing, and i like the warriors a lot so far. The shields look very neat and cleanly done.

realism is a lie
Made in au
Fixture of Dakka


Painted up a few Men of Minas Tirith to start the year out.

The work on these chaps is not nearly up to the standard of the Rohirrim. The silver just did not want to play nice. And I used the tail end of an old pot of black wash rather then use the new pot I have sitting there, which gave the wash some weird results.
I have to say though these guys suit my minimalist palette style. Black, silver, brown, and a touch of both brown and flesh.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2020/01/08 11:14:04

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Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut


I think they do the job nicely, and the basing is nice too

Made in au
Fixture of Dakka


Thanks, Slinky! I was aiming for an Osgiliath style base. That way I can get a more cohesive look if/when I add some rangers to the force. And makes more sense to have them in Osgiliath, rather then say Minas Tirith.

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Storm Trooper with Maglight

United Kingdom

I do much the same with my Gondorians. After years of being unhappy with them not looking like they do in the film, I realised that if you watch the movie - whether through prop design or post production - they are essentially just black, silver and a touch of gold. So, from that day on all my Gondorians have nothing but pure black, silver armour, flesh and gold details on swords.

And they look absolutely bang-on to the movie and far better for it than elaborate painting.
Made in ca
Damsel of the Lady

drinking tea in the snow

I like them, i think that gondor soldiers look good a bit weathered and worn and rough around the edges

realism is a lie
Made in au
Fixture of Dakka


Oppl - I completely agree. The Gondorians are actually quite deceptive in their simplicity. Especially compared to the likes of the orcs, who are super hapazard and have no unifying points which makes each of them unique. The Rohirrim are similar. Despite being all leather, chainmail and green cloaks, they have a lot of variation among them in the way those parts are combined.
Turtles - Thanks!

Some Uruk-hai.
At first I wondered if the grass tufts were too yellow, but I quickly came around to liking them.
As I explained in my blog, I painted each of these Uruks slightly different as I was trying to nail down a look I liked. One is painted in the traditional layer method and was used as a sort of control group. The others were all drybrushed but each with slightly different colour mixes. In the end it didn't really make much of a difference. Not that you can see on a screen at any rate. And certainly not from arms length.

Gamling the Old.
Really enjoyed painting this model. I love the aggressive pose and all the details. I used a much more vibrant green on his cloak to hint at his position within the Kings Royal Guard. I'd do this with all the Royal Guard. Help them stand out from the Hoi polloi.

Speaking of Hoi polloi, a group shot of all the Rohirrim painted so far (including the extra 5 I painted along side Gamling).
As you can see, a few are missing shields. That would be because i've put them somewhere and can't find them.

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Longtime Dakkanaut

Central Valley, California

That green cloak looks nice! Glad to see more LoTR on dakka -- cheers and keep it going.

~ Shrap

Rolling 1's for five decades.
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Made in ca
Damsel of the Lady

drinking tea in the snow

His eyes came out great! They really add to the intensity of the figure

realism is a lie
Made in au
Fixture of Dakka


So i've been working on Orcs last couple of days.
Like the test orc I did a while back, i've tried to keep the colour palette minimal and muted. Browns, Yellows, various shades there of. I only got a bit crazy with the skin. Browns, greens, bluegreys and some orangy flesh colours.

And the captain to lead them.

In the movies orcs tend to have a bit more red splashed around, but I decided that i'd save this for symbols (on banners, shields, etc) and to help highlight the heroes a bit better. So the captain was given red clothes.

Also painted up some Walls and Fences the other day. Real quick job this was. All told about 20 minutes worth of drybrushing. I love drybrushing

I'm thinking I might have a crack at making a rohan house to go along with the terrain i've done so far. Make a nice little farm scape.

C&C always welcome. Thanks for looking!

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Made in ca
Damsel of the Lady

drinking tea in the snow

I like the range of flesh colors, it's neat to see some variety.

realism is a lie
Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut


Some tasty orcs there - I like the muted palette, it's appropriate for the hordes of Mordor

Made in au
Fixture of Dakka


So I realised I'd not updated this thread in a while.

Pleased to say I've finished off all of my Rohirrim infantry.
48 Warriors, 3 Royal Guard, Théoden, Gamling, Háma and Éowyn.

Rohirrim Warriors.

Royal Guard

Éowyn, Shield Maiden of Rohan.

Háma, Doorward of Meduseld, Captain of the King's Guard.

Also took this opportunity to re-shoot both Théoden and Gamling with the black background.

Protect the King!

Only missing an Éomer on foot now to round out the characters.
Going to move on to another force now before I tackle the mounted side of the Rohan, as I need a change from painting all those browns, greens and reds.

Thanks for looking! C&C always welcome.

My Blogs -
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Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut


That's quite the achievement, well done! Love the Royal Guard models especially.

Made in ca
Damsel of the Lady

drinking tea in the snow

Much congratulations! Eowyn in particular turned out great

realism is a lie
Made in gb
Liberated Grot Land Raida

Northern Ireland

That's a great achievement and you've done a great job on them all. A sight to behold. Thanks for putting all the work in to photograph and share.

Made in de
Dakka Veteran

Brilliant work, you have achieved quite a lot.

Rick, the Grumpy Gnome

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