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Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

West Michigan, deep in Whitebread, USA

Just saw Ash do a review of Void Admiral on Guerilla Miniatures Gaming, and as a veteran on BFG, I am intrigued.

You can also get a physical copy from Amazon for 10 bucks US.

"By this point I'm convinced 100% that every single race in the 40k universe have somehow tapped into the ork ability to just have their tech work because they think it should."  
Made in de
Battlefield Tourist


And I can get it here in Europe from Amazon.de...
Well, I'd already printed the rules but now I'm ordering the book as well.

Man, this made my morning! Now to get scratch building some ships!

Made in ca

After all the buzz that was popping up about it, I threw in the ~$3 for the Void Admiral PDF.

I am impressed. Simple, streamlined but still looks like it has a ton of flavour despite all that. It does a lot with very little and the faction-specific orders are a nice way of eking out some extra flavour without throwing in some kind of card mechanic (ala FSA).

It being mini agnostic is also pretty great as not many of my mates have BFG fleets (and my own remaining BFG collection is pretty sparse), but we have a ton of generic Full Thrust or Firestorm stuff we can throw together for it. I'll need to give this a go and see if it will go in to regular rotation.That said, wouldn't mind grabbing some of the !BFG stuff that's being produced these days to do it proper justice.
Made in de
Battlefield Tourist


So, somewhat uncharacteristically, I actually did go and scratch build a bunch of ships. Just finished two Battleships and I need to paint them. I had a bag of 9 Imperial and 6 Chaos Escorts from BFG that I've put together at last, and I made 3 cruisers and 5 light cruisers for an Imperial fleet. Planning on scratch building 3 Iconoclast escorts and doing 4 cruisers, 3 light cruisers and 2 battleships for Chaos.

That should be plenty of depth to allow for interesting games between the two sides!
Was actually really fun doing the scratch building once I let myself unclench and accept that having flawed scratch builds was a lot better than no ships at all.

They look a lot better from tabletop distance than up close, but overall I'm happy with the outcome. Chipboard silhouette, foamboard to build it up, then clad in various sizes of cable ties. Final details from the Dropfleet Commander Space Station kit that I got for half price when my local shop was having a clear out. I'll be using the bits from that to make the chaos fleet as well, and maybe a Tau fleet down the line.

I've got some Dropfleet Scourge I'm going to use for Ancients (Eldar) and am thinking about how to scratch build some Brute (Ork) ships. I don't like the BFG designs for Orks so if anyone has any examples of different designs for them, I'd love to see them!

Made in us
Legendary Master of the Chapter


Those look great. Excellent use of zip ties.

Made in de
Battlefield Tourist


Cheers, yeah they're pretty effective at giving the impression of detail from a distance.
I added 5 light cruisers and 2 battleships to the fleet, now it's finished:

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