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Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

They did say it was coming last week. But it's just a reprint of the one from like two years ago I think.
Made in ie
Gangly Grot Rebel


 stonehorse wrote:
Well, this one flew right under my radar.

Not heard anything about it, but I am glad to see GW doing more Boardgames.


Wasn't sure about this one- thought about picking it up but it seems quite expensive for a board game which is basically the fellowship sprue and what appears to a slightly more elaborate snakes and ladders board.

The Moria one they did previously felt more like a mini-wargame and whilst I've not got around to painting it felt like it has more playability (at least being able to be pulled out for quick games once a year perhaps at our winters game days or something) and was a lot cheaper in comparison to this one.

It was available previously, so there are probably some reviews out there.

Made in fi
Charging Wild Rider

 Mallo wrote:
 stonehorse wrote:
Well, this one flew right under my radar.

Not heard anything about it, but I am glad to see GW doing more Boardgames.


Wasn't sure about this one- thought about picking it up but it seems quite expensive for a board game which is basically the fellowship sprue and what appears to a slightly more elaborate snakes and ladders board.

The Moria one they did previously felt more like a mini-wargame and whilst I've not got around to painting it felt like it has more playability (at least being able to be pulled out for quick games once a year perhaps at our winters game days or something) and was a lot cheaper in comparison to this one.

It was available previously, so there are probably some reviews out there.
Yup, and it doesn't look promising - mediocre to bad is the general vibe. https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/257324/the-lord-of-the-rings-quest-to-mount-doom/ratings
Game design feels antiquated, and not befitting its theme either. Probably fine to play with younger children, but then, why not play something actually good that everyone can enjoy? Especially when you can purchase multiple games for the price of this single uninspired specimen.
Made in it
Enemy of the DĂșnedain


 stonehorse wrote:
Well, this one flew right under my radar.

Not heard anything about it, but I am glad to see GW doing more Boardgames.


It is a re-release. And it is a terrible game: a sort of a race game where the first player who casts the ring into the fire of Mount doom wins....
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

When I look at the game, just taking it in as a concept, if I were to design it I'd assume you'd do sort of a Runebound/Arkham Horror/Talisman move-around-the-board-and-have-an-adventure type of game. You'd want like a deck of 200 different event cards. And it's GW, they mass produce minis in their own factory for less than a penny each (unless you're a stan, in which case I understand it's times-a-million that much), why not design the game to include some boss orc minis to represent warbands or armies, a few monsters who you have to face if you want through an area, etc.? I paid $60 to get War of the Ring, this game, as it actually is, seems pretty light by comparison.
Made in pl
Horrific Hive Tyrant

Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

New character in question and teaser. This actually feels like it could be building up to be quite a chunky release.
[Thumb - BULnE7o38rfe3BjE.jpg]

[Thumb - qXZw4jwhz3HZPfPJ.jpg]

Made in gb
Sergeant Major

I'm not counting any MESBG release 'chunky' unless it involves new plastic troops.
Made in au
Fixture of Dakka


That's a hilarious rule. I want to see him with Anduril.

What if he steals something like the Royal Standard of Rohan or another item that affects ['X' keyword]? Like in the case of aforementioned standard, does [Rohan Hero] become [Angmar Hero]?
It looks like a fun rule that, while probably not game winning, will certainly open up some wacky situations once in a while when you jag a kill on someone special.

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Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

He's definitely a comedy model. The odds of him ever killing Elessar, Elendil and such is probably next to nil. But on the rare occasion it does happen, it's going to be one of the gaming moment.
Made in gb
Fixture of Dakka

 Dawnbringer wrote:
I'm not counting any MESBG release 'chunky' unless it involves new plastic troops.

There are two new films on the way with the first, The War of the Rohirrim, being released as soon as this Christmas. This might be connected to it...

Casual gaming, mostly solo-coop these days.

Made in it
Enemy of the DĂșnedain


Heroic defense can be very useful.

I like the model.
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