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Melta-gun replacement!! With castings to follow.  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us

The paint dungeon, Arizona

In the grim darkness of the future....

theres a slowed shortage of melta guns!!!

So, first, theres not a single piece of GW on my sculpt, its all card and square rod stock with some procreate for the sculpted portion. I got the idea this morning with all the 'casters are evil!!' threads and just started puttin together a lil gun.

I think officially its a Microwave Blaster MkI.

Dont mind the white fuzz on the pics, its styrene dust from my micro saw. Stuff is a nuisance because it gets staticy and sticks to everything. The fit on the side pieces is alot tighter than it appears, the seams are smooth but the glue in the joints is making it look like there are gaps.

Thoughts, criticisms?

Im probly gonna line up a single shot mold to make enough of these for my own armies. If theres significant interest maybe more.....
Made in us
Wrack Sufferer

Bat Country

I liked your boxxy barrel as opposed to the round GW one. Looks cooler, but might make less sense reality (lolwut!?) wise.

Once upon a time, I told myself it's better to be smart than lucky. Every day, the world proves me wrong a little more. 
Made in us
Rough Rider with Boomstick

New York city

looks good nice little conversion .

The Warmonger Club

Made in us

The paint dungeon, Arizona

Typeline wrote:I liked your boxxy barrel as opposed to the round GW one. Looks cooler, but might make less sense reality (lolwut!?) wise.

Mine shoots sQuArE beams of ouchiness. It leaves square holes in tanks too [] >>> O
Made in gb
Leader of the Sept

That does look neat, although I do rather like the GW melta gun ammo pod type thingy hanging off all their versions. Could you whomp something up from plastic rod if you were so inclined?

Please excuse any spelling errors. I use a tablet frequently and software keyboards are a pain!

Terranwing - w3;d1;l1
51st Dunedinw2;d0;l0
Cadre Coronal Afterglow w1;d0;l0 
Made in us
Enginseer with a Wrench

Salt Lake City, UT

I dig it.
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Everett, wa

That could be a "Pre-heresy" microwave blaster mk.I. Whatever you call it, I think it looks great, my only suggestion would be that I'd like to see it with the barrell elongated a little more.
Made in us

The paint dungeon, Arizona

Flinty, the 'fuel cell' look on the GW ones is pretty easy, but I was deliberately avoiding any direct existing melta- type bitz.

But, addin some lil bits that are 'optional' wouldnt be too hard I think

Simon, while making it I had the barrel longer, but it didnt look at all right. too front heavy.

If I ever do a MkII I may do a thinner barrel that could be a bit longer.

The one seam I did leave a gap on is the one between the body and the muzzle- in case I wanted to play with some different muzzle designs after I cast a few to work with.
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

I like it, but if I were to see it on the table, my first thought would be that it was a custom plasma gun.

Made in us
Rampaging Furioso Blood Angel Dreadnought


Yeah, it does have more of a plasma gun cast to it than anything else. But it's a sturdy build based on a solid idea with very nice execution. Bravo Zulu.

Oh, I like the square holes as well. Nice outlook!
Made in cn
Bounding Assault Marine

Naples, Fl

neat design.
Looks closer to my idea of a microwave emitter

.. Black Forest .. Red Sea .. 
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Long Beach, CA

I would not know what it was and get pissed when you get close to my tank and I find out its a melta gun.

"Do NOT ask me if you can fire the squad you forgot to shoot once we are in the assault phase, EVER!!!"

Made in au
Morphing Obliterator


I would ask what it was before the game, and then compliment you on your scratch buildyness!

Seriously - I like the build, and its a nice looking gun - well done.
Made in us
Crazed Spirit of the Defiler

Durango, Colorado

I like it, but I agree with the guys above me, it does look a bit like a plasma gun. Maybe add the
tubing beneath it or something. Any pics with guardsmen?

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Made in us

The paint dungeon, Arizona

Ok, I did some supa-sloppy photo editing and came up with this adjsutment- does it have a more melta like feel?

The hose probly wont be that long and I can jsut sculpt a connector on the section of unused foregrip, that will make the muzzle section look longer as well.

And is anyone aware of a pic editor thats a shareware type deal? paint kinda sucks

[Thumb - Micro Wava MkII.jpg]

Made in fi
Calculating Commissar

I use GIMP, it's free software


The supply does not get to make the demands. 
Made in us

The paint dungeon, Arizona

Ok- heres a simpler version without the hose- hoses are very fiddly to cast since the ribbing traps bubbles :(

Ths is elongatin the nozzle a little, and sculpting the ubiquitous melta-type cel into the magazine well rather than the odd-ball side mount on the Imperial Melta.

Automatically Appended Next Post:

thanks for that Agamemnon,
[Thumb - MKII-1.jpg]

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2009/07/29 07:28:27

Made in us
Rough Rider with Boomstick

New York city

The cable does make it look more melta like .

The Warmonger Club

Made in us

The paint dungeon, Arizona

It also doesnt make any sense why its there It would just get tangled up in stuff . I dont have a presure pot yet anyway- so making a sculpt that I know would have casting problems would just lead to frustration.

And I cant make it look just like a Melta- that could anger the GW gods of IP O.o

And its a Microwave blaster!

But, I could make an old school 'green stuff' press mold for a hose bit until I get a pressure pot....

Made in dk
Stormin' Stompa

Good work, but I really think the "meltagunness" of a meltagun is defined by the round barrel.

I find most people will look at the round barrel painted in a bronze colour and say; thats a meltagun".

I think painting the current barrel in the same iconic bronze colour will make people think; "ornate bolter" as opposed to "meltagun".

I think this is most clearly shown in the neo-classic "IG-flamer-made-into-meltagun-by-replacing-flamer-nozzle-with-round-COD-bit".


This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2009/07/29 07:48:24

"He died because he had no honor. He had no honor and the Emperor was watching."

18.000 3.500 8.200 3.300 2.400 3.100 5.500 2.500 3.200 3.000

Made in us
Servoarm Flailing Magos


Steelmage has a good point.... when I am looking through my substantial guard footsloggers for the meltagun carrier I typically look for the round barrel. Really that and a hose is all that sets a meltagun apart from a bolter at first glance, especially at table-top distance. I applaud your creative sculpting though, I usually wimp out and try to buy the bits on ebay

Yes, the GS mold sounds like a good idea... or alternatively you can use guitar string of an appropriate size... I use it for tubing quite frequently.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2009/07/29 09:16:12

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Foxphoenix135: Successful Trades: 21
With: romulus571, hisdudeness, Old Man Ultramarine, JHall, carldooley, Kav122, chriachris, gmpoto, Jhall, Nurglitch, steamdragon, DispatchDave, Gavin Thorne, Shenra, RustyKnight, rodt777, DeathReaper, LittleCizur, fett14622, syypher, Maxstreel 
Made in gb
Member of the Malleus


I wouldn't bother changing it to be honest, it would be the opponents fault for not asking what it is; its much more obvious than most orc weapons anyway

If you're really bothered, then put on the round thingy on the side (I think of it as the battery) as that is another hall-mark of the meltagun rather than fiddle about with cables.

In a world gone mad, who is left to fight for truth, justice and all that gets you smashed for under a fiver....

First played 40k during 2nd edition, missed out 3rd and 4th, and haven't played 40k since 5th edition - but still read and occasionally paint  
Made in us

The paint dungeon, Arizona

Well, if someone cant think 'Gee, that one dude there with that gun thats bigger than the other 8 guys...whats he packing?'

They either need better glasses or an eye exam

But, as I am considering sculpting/casting for bitz sales being able to provide bitz that people want, rather than the GW method of just getting what they decide goes on the sprues, it seems a better idea to put out a product people want

I just have to get better at my sculpt prototyping. So it doesnt taake most of a day to make a single gun ^_^
Made in se
Regular Dakkanaut

I hade some ideas of some changes to the "meltagun" and if i might be so bold i cut it upp a bit whit my crazy MS Paint skills.

- Shortend the gun a bit
- Some changes on the nozzle (Cut away a bit on its lower part)
- Added fuel to the back
- Cable from fuel cable (The purple thingy)
- Small fire selector below the cable (Handguard)

What do you think about those changes?


This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2009/07/29 12:13:30

Made in gb
Morphing Obliterator

Bedfordshire, UK

I like it. I think if people are too bothered about the droopy cable at the bottom, drill two 2mm holes in the bottom the gun, and suggest they buy a low E string from a guitar shop and install their own!

Made in us
Servoarm Flailing Magos


Mistress of minis wrote:Well, if someone cant think 'Gee, that one dude there with that gun thats bigger than the other 8 guys...whats he packing?'

They either need better glasses or an eye exam

But, as I am considering sculpting/casting for bitz sales being able to provide bitz that people want, rather than the GW method of just getting what they decide goes on the sprues, it seems a better idea to put out a product people want

I just have to get better at my sculpt prototyping. So it doesnt taake most of a day to make a single gun ^_^

Yes you are quite right.... I do need new glasses because I won't wear the BCG's I received in basic training, but they are my only glasses! I think you are doing a fine job though. Being able to sell them just means you walk a fine line between GW's good graces and the demands of the public. You will find your niche between the two, eventually.

http://www.teun135miniaturewargaming.blogspot.com/ https://www.instagram.com/teun135/
Foxphoenix135: Successful Trades: 21
With: romulus571, hisdudeness, Old Man Ultramarine, JHall, carldooley, Kav122, chriachris, gmpoto, Jhall, Nurglitch, steamdragon, DispatchDave, Gavin Thorne, Shenra, RustyKnight, rodt777, DeathReaper, LittleCizur, fett14622, syypher, Maxstreel 
Made in gb
Been Around the Block

i hope to see more progress on this new melta, concept is great...
i like the boxy barrel its the best bit

though the magazine/fuel cell does look like a lasgun powerpack a little

so far it looks like it'l cast nicely

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2009/07/29 19:35:41

it aint over till the last dice rolls off the table and dissappears under the sofa
WIP Thread: http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/243461.page 
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

The land of cotton.

Very creative and original work. I like 'em.

Personally I would have no problem with this "counts as" Meltagun. It's a good idea to discuss with your opponent pre-game... but that's always a good idea anyway.
Made in us

The paint dungeon, Arizona

So, between here and my blog Im probly just going to change out the sculpt on the fuel cel section for the time being.

There are a few that seem to think 'melta=round' but there are more that seem to like a fresh look with the squared off muzzle.
Made in us
Rampaging Furioso Blood Angel Dreadnought


Yeah, agree that casting the tubing wont be worht the time. Guitar string FTW.
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