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Taarnak's Projects (Updates June 18th, Fantasy, Fallout, 3d Sculpt WIPs)  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Willing Inquisitorial Excruciator

 ghosty wrote:
I lvoe your Arbite, very nicely done, and the Death cult Assassin is progressing nicely too. As for the Minotaur, there more work going into his mohawk and hair I presume, but i love his giant sword!

Sorry Ghosty, I thought I replied to you. Yes, lots more work will go into the Mino's hair! Basically what you see above is just the supports built for the details.

Here is an update with paint:


Templar(no paint yet):

Thanks everyone for looking.


Made in au
Mutilatin' Mad Dok


i dont know what ur trying to pull; mordheim or inquisition but good damn do they look sweet
keep it up

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Made in us
Apprehensive Inquisitorial Apprentice


The skin tone on that soldier is interesting...

Pustulus is suitably disgusting/awesome, well done!

Made in us
Willing Inquisitorial Excruciator

Novelist47 wrote:i dont know what ur trying to pull; mordheim or inquisition but good damn do they look sweet
keep it up

I will be doing both! The figures in my latest update are all for Inquisitor though. Thanks for the compliment and for stopping by to take a look.

xeno99 wrote:The skin tone on that soldier is interesting...

Pustulus is suitably disgusting/awesome, well done!


The Soldier's skin tone has turned quite a bit more yellow in this photo than it is in reality. I was doing an albino skin tone (or trying anyway) and I will likely make this guy one of the Afriel Strain and write up some bad luck rules for him or something.

Thanks again everyone for stopping by.


Made in us
Apprehensive Inquisitorial Apprentice


 Taarnak wrote:
I was doing an albino skin tone (or trying anyway)

Ah, well that makes a bit more sense then. It is indeed a bit off from the picture, but I may have missed the post about him having an albino skin tone- totally makes sense to me now
Made in de
Slaanesh Chosen Marine Riding a Fiend

Babenhausen, Germany

Amazing work. You have created some very characterfull models. And i can clearly see on your sculpts that you have good experience with anatomy. (I still can't seem to get the hang of it, but at least i'm getting better.)

And as an superhero fan I'd like to see what your Hyperion will turn into. His exaggerated superhero musculature looks very promising.

Made in us
Willing Inquisitorial Excruciator

xeno99 wrote:
 Taarnak wrote:
I was doing an albino skin tone (or trying anyway)

Ah, well that makes a bit more sense then. It is indeed a bit off from the picture, but I may have missed the post about him having an albino skin tone- totally makes sense to me now

I don't think that I actually posted that info before... Which, combined with sub-par pictures, may have led to your confusion. Lol. Sorry.

btldoomhammer wrote:Amazing work. You have created some very characterfull models. And i can clearly see on your sculpts that you have good experience with anatomy. (I still can't seem to get the hang of it, but at least i'm getting better.)

And as an superhero fan I'd like to see what your Hyperion will turn into. His exaggerated superhero musculature looks very promising.

Thanks! Not sure if I will finish him or not. :( Not soon, anyway. There is not anyone here interested in Superhero miniature gaming at the moment.

Remember this guy?

He now looks like this:

Very much a WIP obviously.

I decided to do the Disciples of Caliban for this squad. I envision them as a mixture of Dark Angels and Black Templars. Sort of the Questing Knight idea, since they were created to hunt for the Fallen and Cypher in particular. I'm looking forward to pushing that aesthetic, and the lion motif a bit on these guys.

That's it for now. Hopefully some more soon.


Made in gb
Troubled By Non-Compliant Worlds


your work is absolutely amazing. however, your space marines feet might be a bit small

only joking. i really cant wait until it is finished. it is one of the best truscales i have seen.

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Made in de
Slaanesh Chosen Marine Riding a Fiend

Babenhausen, Germany

Nice work on him. But something looks off of his propotion. I think his torso is to long.. (Or my knowledge of propotion is already warped by the strange heroic scale of GW)
But he might get some more leg length when you add his feet.

Made in ca
Lieutenant Colonel

very awesome, this is some grade A stuff man,
the arbites and minotaur are my favorites

are you just building the sculptures with just green stuff?

Made in us
Willing Inquisitorial Excruciator

tarar2d2 wrote:your work is absolutely amazing. however, your space marines feet might be a bit small

only joking. i really cant wait until it is finished. it is one of the best truscales i have seen.

Thank you!

He is still awaiting his replacement feet. Damned Techpriests keep getting distracted and working on other projects...

btldoomhammer wrote:Nice work on him. But something looks off of his propotion. I think his torso is to long.. (Or my knowledge of propotion is already warped by the strange heroic scale of GW)
But he might get some more leg length when you add his feet.


I think once his feet go on and his torso gets bulked out more it will look more correct. Hope to have something to show on that front later today, actually.

easysauce wrote:very awesome, this is some grade A stuff man,
the arbites and minotaur are my favorites

are you just building the sculptures with just green stuff?

Thank you very much!

I use several different sculpting materials: ProCreate, Green Stuff (Kneadatite), and a couple different Polymer Clays. I seem to be using the GS more than anything else lately though. Not really sure why since I prefer ProCreate. I think I just want to get the hang of GS better than I had. It has several issues to deal with, and they can take some practice to get used to.

Thanks for taking the time to comment guys. And thanks everyone for looking.


Made in it
Growlin' Guntrukk Driver with Killacannon

That's a load of amazing sculpts!

How do You do such a clean lines (like the helm on the Minotaur shield ) with GS?

Subbed of course

Welcome to the Krazy Pak. P&M Blog http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/420957.page
The Inquisimunda World of Saky http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/534593.page
The Mantis Warrior Challenge (by Gitsplitta) http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/11550/289929.page#5776853

May Gork and Mork drive your WAAAAAAAAAGH! 
Made in us
Willing Inquisitorial Excruciator

 SelvaggioSaky wrote:
That's a load of amazing sculpts!

How do You do such a clean lines (like the helm on the Minotaur shield ) with GS?

Subbed of course

Wow, long time since I did anything in this thread...

To answer your question, SS: Basically, by planning ahead where I want bits, then using very sharp x-acto blades and very fine sandpaper to finish them off.

Finished a new figure:
Fallout Vault 3 Survivor

I will post the WIP shots when I get back to my home computer. He is an heavily modified Wargames Factory Male Survivor figure.

I also have some shots of my Deadzone Plague that I will post when I can. I will be modifying them quite a bit, since they are extremely disjointed looking in my opinion.

What I have been doing the past few months and the reason I haven't been doing much painting and modelling is because I have been trying to learn digital sculpting.

Here are a few of my early attempts, all still very WIP, working towards being able to eventually print them. (Low res/jaggy edges because I am editing these and screenshotting them on a netbook...):

Vault Suit (Survivor)

Head/Face Practice

As always, thanks for looking and comments/critique welcome.


This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/01/25 00:18:25

Made in gb
Fixture of Dakka

Glasgow, Scotland

I need to trawl this blog section more often. I didn't even realise there was another Fallout 3 thread going.

That's a pretty accurate looking set of combat armour (well the armour parts). Those Survivor models are a great basis for conversions. And with BrookM looking for just such a model now too... ^^

How're you planning on printing out those designs? Shapeways? Based on a similar endeavor to create a Deathclaw model, but a total lack of knowledge about this kind of production, I'm not sure how such a large model would work out (the spindly bits like horns and fingers could be a problem).
Made in us
Willing Inquisitorial Excruciator

 Wyrmalla wrote:
I need to trawl this blog section more often. I didn't even realise there was another Fallout 3 thread going.

That's a pretty accurate looking set of combat armour (well the armour parts). Those Survivor models are a great basis for conversions. And with BrookM looking for just such a model now too... ^^

How're you planning on printing out those designs? Shapeways? Based on a similar endeavor to create a Deathclaw model, but a total lack of knowledge about this kind of production, I'm not sure how such a large model would work out (the spindly bits like horns and fingers could be a problem).

I just put that Fallout model up. I hurried him to finish in time for the LAF Post Apocalypse painting club, and am just now getting around to uploading him to Dakka.

I wanted to be relatively accurate for the parts. I left off one of the hip plates, the helmet, and the shinguards. I wanted it to look scavenged and somewhat piecemeal, but be easily identifiable as Combat Armor.

I am a good long way from printing but when I do it will definitely not be Shapeways. They are in no way, shape, or form suitable for making castable masters. It'll be from someone with a Perfactory machine (like I believe Ownage has) or a wax printing machine (like MaxMini).

I have also started turning my Werewolf into a Deathclaw. He was just coming out too large for what I wanted in a Werewolf, but he is perfectly sized for a Deathclaw Male. I follow MessyArt's threads too, so I can refer back to his issues when I need to check on that sort of stuff. Also, I have the parts for a pressure-casting system that will help avoid a lot of his problems.


Made in us
Willing Inquisitorial Excruciator


Vault Survivor

Sots taken before the painted ones. Just to show what was done, conversion-wise.


Werewolf sculpt from before n this thread being turned into a Deathclaw.

Deadzone Plague 3rd Gen

Lots and lots of changes. I think I am ok with their look with some modifications. I really didn't like it before.

Deep One

Reaper Bones fishman. Converted and painted for the Lovecraft Painters Club on the Lead Adventure Forum.

Thanks for looking. As always, comments and criticism welcome.


This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/02/08 01:17:07

Made in us
Willing Inquisitorial Excruciator

Arise my zombie minion...

Some of my recent work:
Fantasy stuff for Frostgrave, SoBH, Brink of Battle, and other figure neutral skirmish games.

"You merely adapted to the Ice. We were born to it, molded by it."

The idea for these guys was totally inspired by the Frostgrave setting, hence my adapted quote above.

She is a Red Box Games figure from the first KS that RBG ran. Heavily modified because of some casting issues and to suit what I wanted. He is a Reaper Bones figure from Bones 2 KS, with RBG weapon (modified) and shield.

Next is a group that I was originally looking to make into Mormonts from A Song of Ice and Fire, but it felt a bit wrong since they were inspired by HVM's excellent rendition of the same over at LAF. Instead, I am going to come up with some heraldry and colors for them that is not tied to any particular setting.

RBG figures again, modified with Perry Miniatures parts and in his case, weapons from Fireforge.

The 2 gents to the left are RBG modified with Perry and the one to the right is a Fireforge figure that I have started modifying.

Gent on the left is a Perry figure modified by me, and the one on the right is another RBG with Perry parts.

These two are straight RBG figures.

For Frostgrave, these two will be my Wizard (right) and Apprentice (left). He is a Reaper Bones figure modified with Perry parts, and she is a modified Bones figure.

Updated Fallout figures for use with the excellent "This Is Not A Test" rule set.

This guy will serve as the group's Heavy Gunner. Armed with an LMG and wearing Vault Security armor. Modified Wargames Factory male survivor, with bits from and a SAW made from Dreamforge Eisenkern parts.

She will serve as the group's Lieutenant and Sniper. Modified Wargames Factory female survivor.

This guy is a Vault survivor turned Supermutant. He is a modified Bones figure, and will be armed with the giant sledgehammer from the Brother Vinni sculpt. I was intending to use the BV figure in it's entirety, but it's too large to be a basic Supermutant in my opinion.

At one point, I began contemplating a scale change for the Fallout figures, because the GW style "heroic" figures are way more prevalent than the more "True Scale" stuff. This guy was the result of that. Still not sure I'm going to switch, we'll see.

Updates of my 3D sculpting attempts:

New run at a Deathclaw sculpt since my last was lost to a corrupt file.

Very early start on a Lakelurk.

As always, comments, criticism, and questions welcome.

Thanks everyone for looking.


Made in us
Dakka Veteran

You are absolutely relentless! how many separate projects is at this point? like five?

Good job to you sir!

Your sculpting skills are incredible! For someone who is mediocre at best and wants to improve, what advice can you give? I'm especially Interested in how you get it to be so smooth.

I went to Hershey Park in central PA this year, and I have to say I was more than a little disappointed. I fully expected the entire theme park to be make entirely of chocolate, but no. Here in America, we have "building codes," and some other nonsense about chocolate melting if don't store it someplace kept below room temperature. 
Made in us
Willing Inquisitorial Excruciator

 Powerfisting wrote:
You are absolutely relentless! how many separate projects is at this point? like five?

Good job to you sir!

Your sculpting skills are incredible! For someone who is mediocre at best and wants to improve, what advice can you give? I'm especially Interested in how you get it to be so smooth.

Too many projects, PF, too many. Lol. I bounce around a lot because I don't get to game that often, and so I am mostly just modelling for it's own sake.

Thanks. Honestly, the best way to improve is just by practicing. Also, look at references, preferably real world ones, for whatever you are working on. Try to find videos of people sculpting. Tom Mason has some on YouTube, and Miniature Mentor has a few good ones. Watch how those folks go through the process, how they build the sculpt up, and how they use their tools. Don't worry about style or anything like that right away. Lastly, take time to get the armature right. It can make or break a sculpt. I still have miles to go myself, and don't practice nearly as much as I would like to.

As far as getting the putty smooth, I have clay/color shaper tools and use Vaseline as a lubricant. That's the extent of my secrets on that.

Thanks for stopping by and commenting. Hope something I've said has been helpful to you.


Made in gb
Been Around the Block

This is absolutely astonishing stuff.

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