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What music do Noise Marine sonic weapons use?  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Hurr! Ogryn Bone 'Ead!

In my conversations there seem to be two schools of thought - that Noise Marine sonic weapons play either heavy metal, or dubstep. What are your thoughts?

This -

Or this? -
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka


Lawrence Welk and Bing Crosby.

Made in gb
Servoarm Flailing Magos

Whatever loud and annoying music kids listen to these days.

Ever thought 40k would be a lot better with bears?
Codex: Bears.
Made in au
Frenzied Berserker Terminator

Didnt we have one of these a couple weeks ago?

Veteran Sergeant wrote:In the grim darkness of the far future, the guy with a rifle is the weakest man on the battlefield, left to quake in terror, hoping the two or three shots he gets do the job before somebody runs screaming across the battlefield to hit him with an energized stick.

Made in au
Pulsating Possessed Chaos Marine

In Firenze kicking Templar arse.

PARTY ROCK ANTHEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh, and the drunk ones would sing hangover.

A Wise Ork once said a profound word: WAAAAAAAGH! Then he got trampled in the incoming stampede!
Current Army: Orks (2000+)
Fido198674 wrote:You know, O great dreadlord......who was that first ork to yell WAAGGHH? According to you sig, his name would now be Squishy, or Smooshed, but I wonder.....
Made in us
Mutated Chosen Chaos Marine

This song seems like a good Noise Marine one, mainly because of the lyrics.

Made in au
Frenzied Juggernaut


The sounds produced in dawn of war 2 when you use the noise marine special ability seem pretty spot on.

Its basically a bunch of discordant notes. Something along the lines of microphone feedback.

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Made in gb
Willing Inquisitorial Excruciator


I'll have to think about it, but I'm pretty sure it would be neither dubstep nor kiddy metal.

Perhaps something classic and classy like Deep Purple; if nothing else it would provide the opportunity to model a Noise Marine with a (hur hur) enormous organ.

Red Hunters: 2000 points Grey Knights: 2000 points Black Legion: 600 points and counting 
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

They play music? I just thought they made a big sonicy boom/static and peoples heads exploded.

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Wing Commander

Firehawk 1st Armored Regimental Headquarters

"The Imperium is nothing if not willing to go to any lengths necessary. So the Trekkies are zipping around at warp speed taking small chucks out of an nigh-on infinite amount of ships, with the Imperium being unable to strike back. feth it, says central command, and detonates every vortex warhead in the fleet, plunging the entire sector into the Warp. Enjoy tentacle-rape, Kirk, we know Sulu will." -Terminus

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Terminator with Assault Cannon

OKC, Oklahoma


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:Nilla Marines: 2500
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Legendary Master of the Chapter

Chicago, Illinois


and sometimes this

From whom are unforgiven we bring the mercy of war. 
Made in us
Hurr! Ogryn Bone 'Ead!

This has gone rapidly off-topic. Lol.
@English Assassin, why the hate for progressive metal? "Kiddy metal"? Thay's a bit harsh, don't you think?
I'm not sure how classical music would work unless it pumped WAY up, cuz they require loud volume more than actual musical value (hence the dubstep).
Made in us
Battlewagon Driver with Charged Engine

They play Mussorgsky, of course.

Skip to 0:40 and crank up the volume. You can't tell me that a Blastmaster thundering out "The Great Gate of Kiev" with a few sonic blasters backing it up wouldn't explode a few heads. And the gentler passages are used to lull their enemies into a false sense of security before. . . . BOOOOM.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2012/01/15 04:17:20

Made in ca
Veteran Inquisitorial Tyranid Xenokiller

I would imagine something like dubstep that doesn't so much sound like music as much as a constant barrage of extremely high and low notes to try to liquefy the enemies brains.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2012/01/15 04:24:25

Made in gb

In the belly of the whale.

Freeform Jazz. Obviously.

kestril wrote:The game is only as fun as the people I play it with.

"War is as natural to a man as maternity is to a woman." 
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Ancient Ultramarine Venerable Dreadnought


Iron Warriors 442nd Grand Battalion: 10k points  
Made in ca
Warp-Screaming Noise Marine

Vancouver, BC

Justin Bieber

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Resolute Ultramarine Honor Guard

Holy Terra


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Kanluwen wrote: "I like the Tau. I just don't like people misconstruing things to say that it means that they're somehow a huge galactic threat. They're not. They're a threat to the Imperium of Man like sharks are a threat to the US Army."
"Pain is temporary, honor is forever"
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in your name it shall be done"
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Viersche wrote:
Abadabadoobaddon wrote:
the Emperor might be the greatest psyker that ever lived, but he doesn't have the specialized training that a Grey Knight has. Also he doesn't have a Grey Knight's unshakable faith in the Emperor.

The Emperor doesn't have a GKs unshakable faith in the Emperor which is....basically himself?

Ronin wrote:

"Brother Coa (and the OP Tadashi) is like, the biggest IoM fanboy I can think of here. It's like he IS from the Imperium, sent back in time and across dimensions."

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Lord of the Fleet

Seneca Nation of Indians

Sorry, but only one man has ever played as awesomely as Noise Marines...


This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2012/01/15 07:34:47

Fate is in heaven, armor is on the chest, accomplishment is in the feet. - Nagao Kagetora
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Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

Thousand Sons Battleship wandering the galaxy...

"Rock and roll, duh."
- Doomrider

I should have left him there. He had served his purpose. He owed me nothing - yet he gave himself to me willingly. Why? I know not. He is nothing more than a pathetic human. An inferior race. A mon-keigh. But still I broke off my wings so that I might carry him easier. I took him from that place, into the snowstorm where our tracks will not be found. He is heavy. And he is dying. And he is slowing me down. But I will save him. Why? I know not. He is still warm. I can feel his blood ebbing across me. For every beat of his heart, another, slight spill of heat. The heat blows away on the winter wind. His blood is still warm. But fading. And I have spilled scarlet myself. The snow laps greedily at our footsteps and our lifeblood, covering them without a trace as we fade away.

'She sat on the corner, gulping the soup down, uncaring of the heat of it. They had grown more watery as of late she noted, but she wasn't about to beggar food from the Imperials or the "Bearers of the Word." Tau, despite their faults at least didn't have a kill policy for her race.' 
Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Vallejo, CA

Redbeard wrote: Bing Crosby.



*head explodes*

In all seriousness, the way that the fluff describes it, it sounds like the noises they use are things like frequency sweeps, pink noise, and all those other goodies that you use to burn in headphones and the like. Rock music played loudly is nothing special. It's just loud music. Using a frequency sweep to find and exploit the resonant frequency of a land raider and shatter it to pieces, on the other hand, is something different entirely.

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This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2012/01/15 07:58:16

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Made in us
Drone without a Controller


Slaanesh would approve.

In all seriousness, I believe that Noise Marines do not possess any melody when they perform their "music", I just think of their sonic weapons will sound like this...only 300 times louder.

Made in us
Dark Angels Librarian with Book of Secrets

Either music that is eternally annoying or brain-melting, probably jazz fusion or hip hop.
Made in gb
Sniping Hexa




Inquisitor_Syphonious wrote:All I can say is... thank you vodo40k...

Zweischneid wrote:No way man. A Space Marine in itself is scary. But a Marine WITHOUT helmet wears at least 3-times as much plot-armour as a Marine with helmet. And heaven forbid if the Marine would also happen to have an intimidating looking, vertical scar. Then you're surly boned. Those guys are the worst. Not a chance I'd say.

Made in gb
Fixture of Dakka

Dorset, Southern England

We will rock you!

BlapBlapBlap: bringing idiocy and mischief where it should never set foot since 2011.

BlapBlapBlap wrote:What sort of idiot quotes themselves in their sigs? Who could possibly be that arrogant?
Made in gb
Agile Revenant Titan


They like Sodium.


Made in us
Hurr! Ogryn Bone 'Ead!

Great rwsponses everybody.
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