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Made in au
Yellin' Yoof


I built and painted a def dred in 7 hours. follow this link if ya want to look at it.

So what do you think.


Stuff is good

4000 Orks and climbing

Wins: 9
Draws: 6
Lost: 10 
Made in us
Shas'o Commanding the Hunter Kadre

Richmond, VA

Not a fan of the blue/purple, but the rest looks good.

Desert Hunters of Vior'la The Purge Iron Hands Adepts of Pestilence Tallaran Desert Raiders Grey Knight Teleport Assault Force
Lt. Coldfire wrote:Seems to me that you should be refereeing and handing out red cards--like a boss.

 Peregrine wrote:
Made in ca
Nasty Nob


Why's it all purply?


To Be Stomped
No One
My vision of how 40k ends: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5937830/1/Time-of-Ending-the-40k-Finale  
Made in us
Battleship Captain

USA-Illinois- the Chi

Looks good!

Made in gb
Agile Revenant Titan


The purple is looking a little flat to be honest, perhaps try to highlight it with something like Warlock purple?

I love the weapons though, they look really hot... (in the temperature term )


Made in de
Regular Dakkanaut

Frankfurt (Germany)

I aint even gonna click on that link.

Go and post the pictures on here, or the Dakka-gallery.

This is imho not the place to advertise your blog.

I don't want to be human! I want to see gamma rays! I want to hear X-rays! And I want to - I want to smell dark matter! Do you see the absurdity of what I am? I can't even express these things properly because I have to conceptualize complex ideas in this stupid limiting spoken language! But I know I want to reach out with something other than these prehensile paws! And feel the wind of a supernova flowing over me! And I can know much more! I can experience so much more. But I'm trapped in this absurd body! 
Made in us
Wicked Ghast

Lake Charles, Louisiana

I like it good to see Orks in different colors maybe try mixing your purple with a little metallic silver might make it look less flat then give a wash of black. Paint the bottom rim of the base it looks odd purple is my biggest gripe. Good Job
Made in us
Battlefortress Driver with Krusha Wheel

Boulder, CO

I'm going to have to be blunt here. Mostly because I've had plenty of blunt comments on my work, and they have improved my painting 10 fold over the last year.
You said you did it in 7 hours, and it looks more like you did it in two.

Here is what I would change.

The color combinations are really bad.
Not that I think you couldn't pull off purple and blue as foundation colors with high visibility green and orange as secondaries, but your particular shades are eyesores all mixed together like that. You need more composition in your palette.

The colors are flat.
With no obvious effort put towards adding any depth (meaning shadows and highlighting) everything looks cartoony (in a bad way).

Details have been ignored.
You more or less just painted right over most of the details that make a Deff Dred look awesome. That kit is amazing, and it deserves at lease a nod to all it's worky bits when you are slapping it like a whore with your biggest foundation brush.

Blood on the DCCW looks painted on.
Now this may just be a personal peeve, maybe not, but the blood on the CCWs looks incredibly silly and really fake. I think it's one of those things that really detracts from a lot of models.

The whole thing looks haphazardly done.
With little though as to what the outcome would be, It doesn't look like something someone who is looking to "Showcase" their work would have done.

Take what I say with a grain of salt. I've only been painting for a year now, so I'm still a noob too.

I do like your bluish metal. It's a nice change from the standard boltgun metal.
Made in au
Yellin' Yoof


CuddlySquig wrote:Why's it all purply?

Because the army is called Brak's Purple Def Eatas.


Stuff is good

4000 Orks and climbing

Wins: 9
Draws: 6
Lost: 10 
Made in no
Regular Dakkanaut

Oslo, Norway

I like it just because of the same reasons that others don't. Its fun to see something different. Something that hasn't been done a hundred times before.

However I agree that you should have posted it on dakka if you want dakka to see it.

More orks and Dark Angels in the P&M section. Feel free to leave a comment, trash it, cheer me up, lurk or : http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/423220.page#3790852
Check out my pictures on the gallery: http://www.dakkadakka.com/core/gallery-search.jsp?dq=tawaaagh 
Made in gb
Thinking of Joining a Davinite Loge

Nottingham, England

Gotta agree with matphat ...
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

Washes sir, they would make this look much better. Nice bit of devlan mud would create a bit of depth. It's very flat at the moment.

Base isn't bad, but I'd put some more work into the dread itself. Use some highlights to pick out the cooler details.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Washes sir, they would make this look much better. Nice bit of devlan mud would create a bit of depth. It's very flat at the moment.

Base isn't bad, but I'd put some more work into the dread itself. Use some highlights to pick out the cooler details.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2012/01/24 12:52:26

Made in us
Deadly Dark Eldar Warrior


Yes post it on Dakka so we can all comment on it or these guys will have to rip that purple dred apart.
[Thumb - 316538_md-Nob,%20Orks,%20The%20mob.jpg]

Made in us
Nasty Nob on a Boar


I like it, not the best color choices, but I like it

 angel of ecstasy wrote:

You take a dump, you flip through the Dark Eldar codex, the concept art for Lelith Hesperax shows up and you pee on the floor.

Made in au
Yellin' Yoof


Thanks for the frank and open feed back folks.

I have taken on board some of what has been said. especaily about highlighting and washing and will endevour to try and do more in this regard.

Here is a reworking of the Def Dred. I hope it pleases.

There is more to look at if you go to:
if you are that way inclined.
[Thumb - ndd1.jpg]

[Thumb - ndd4.jpg]


Stuff is good

4000 Orks and climbing

Wins: 9
Draws: 6
Lost: 10 
Made in us
Battlefortress Driver with Krusha Wheel

Boulder, CO

Applying the washes have already taken this whole model up a notch. It's got a ton more depth now, and that's honestly half your battle right there.
I think it also muted the color scheme enough to make it believable as well. Like I said before, I didn't think the scheme was impossible to pull off, just a bit overstated. Looks much better now.
This leaves you with just one very important aspect to address. Details. Worky bits. Models like this live or die by the attention paid to those bits. Specifically, I'd point out a few seemingly obvious areas.

Detail the banner. It's all purple, and though that "Does the job" that particular piece of gear looks tons better with some contrasting color, battle damage, etc...

Dial in the face plate. The eyes look pretty bad right now.

Hoses, bands around the exhaust, and wiring. You got started on all of it, but seemed to have forgotten to finish it. Get a nice opaque coat of paint on them all and then give them a wash to pull out the detail a little more. Remember going a little brighter on the color here should be OK because the wash will tone it down, but not enough to lose the POP that your contrasting bits should have.

Lastly, if you insist on putting blood on your DCCW, then maybe spend some more time spattering the effect. There are tutorials on the web to show how this is done. Currently it just looks too painted on.

Anyway, I know you probably think I'm just here to rail on your efforts, but keep in mind, if someone isn't invested in your getting better, they wouldn't take the time to make suggestions. They would most likely tell you, "You suck" and leave it at that.

So, take my advice, as always, with a grain of salt, I'm just repeating all the things that have been said to me as I went through exactly what you are going through now.
Made in us
Power-Hungry Cultist of Tzeentch

Pittsburgh, pa

I used to put blood on the bases of my bloodletters, and probably the easiest way to do fake blood is just grab some pva glue/white glue, mix it with a little bit of red wash til its a dark pink or red, maybe some devlan mud if you want it to look darker or like drying blood. and use that to do your blood effects, but still you have to apply it in a realistic way. Try to make it look like its spattered, keep in mind the angle the blood would be flying from the weapon and where it would land. too much blood will litteraly ruin a model. And painted on blood really is just... It takes so much off a model, UNLESS it is dried blood done right. Thats just my tip for blood. I'm not the best painter out there though so I'm sure better methods exist, but this ones simple.

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