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7th edition Codex: Adeptus Ministorum  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in gb
Hooded Inquisitorial Interrogator

So I've been a long time lurker, mostly posting my custom codexes on Warseer, but with all the trouble they've been having I figure it's time to post somewhere else that's more active. I've been working on three codexes semi-simultaneously as follows:

Codex: Adeptus Ministorum
This codex has been designed to take the Ministorum units removed from the Adepta Sororitas and put them into a separate release, similar to the two separate Mechanicus releases (Skitarii and Cult Mechanicus). This introduces new units, but does so with a view towards representing a realistic release consisting of; mobs (Frateris Militia and Redemptionists), Preachers (box building 3+ Priests and/or Missionaries), plastic Penitent Engine, plus plastic characters. Battle Conclaves are a little trickier, probably releasing as clam-packs with two or three variations of each type inside? Either that or a box that can build a few of each?

Here's a quick run-down of what the list includes:

  • Zealotry: Unlike the Faith based Sororitas, the Ministorum forces are heavily based around gaining the Zealot rule and attacking in a seething, frenzied mass. To this end, Frateris Militia are an important mainstay; on their own they are pretty terrible, but with numbers and joined by a Priest or led by a Confessor they can become a forced to be reckoned with. A squishy, drop-like-flies but can become surprisingly hard to break and almost threatening in large volumes, force to be reckoned with. Redemptionists provide a faster, harder hitting mob with Scout that is useful for swarming enemy units in close combat.
  • Specialised Conclaves: Battle Conclaves haven't changed much, however they have gained bonuses attained by including five or more of each type of model. Since they are limited to 15 this means you are best served by picking one or two types only to get the best access to these bonuses, allowing Arco-Flagellants to hit harder, Death Cultists to dodge more easily or Crusaders to stand their ground even better.
  • Missionaries: Bad-ass scouts with a range of toys, they're pretty much the Ministorum's swiss army-knife for dealing with stuff if they don't have allies to do it for them. They're also good at holding objectives, and being annoying and stuff. Plus Uriah Jacobus is an extra annoying one ideal for when your enemy just that little bit too smug about their chances against your fragile human army.
  • Custom Detachment and Formations: The list contains a bunch of fluffy, interesting formations that can be composed into a Detachment similarly to the Space Marine Demi-Company, allowing an army of the Ministorum to overcome some of its weaknesses, or focus on its strengths. It is also intended to ally especially well with the Sororitas, allowing many of the otherwise Ministorum-specific rules to apply to them (it's largely okay as the Sororitas still suck pretty hard at combat even with help, so they want all they can get).
  • Tactical Objectives: Emphasising being a major thorn in your enemy's side, and heroic (a.k.a foolish/suicidal) acts, hopefully capturing the fervour of the Ministorum forces compared to the more disciplined Sororitas.

I'll be making this codex available as both a fully interactive iBook (requires iBooks for Mac or iOS) and a PDF. Unfortunately I discovered that when exporting a PDF from iBook Author the clickable links to wargear, rules etc. don't work, so you'll need to use the search feature of your PDF reader to navigate quickly, sorry!

This message was edited 6 times. Last update was at 2017/06/01 15:08:19

Made in gb
Hooded Inquisitorial Interrogator

I've made some minor updates to this, but worth summarising all the same:

  • Frateris Militia gain Fearless at Leadership 10 (not 11+)
  • Lead By Example Warlord Trait was redundant when using Detachment, now gives Ministorum units auto-Wound on 6's if the Confessor is fighting in a challenge (which he must do when able).
  • 10 point Power Weapons (they're Strength 3 Initiative 3 after all).
  • Kyrinov is a little cheaper (he is essentially a 30 point area mob booster with a better than average Power Maul).
  • Priests can take items from the Reliquary Ministorum; not that you're likely to want to spend much on them, but they can be a good vehicle to deliver to Tears of the Emperor or the Book of St. Lucius in cheaper forces.
  • Crusaders now have Frag & Krak grenades; this is to balance their cost a little against the Death Cultists.
  • Uriah Jacobus is much cheaper (50 points) since he's really just a souped up Missionary/Priest hybrid with a brutal Shotgun and a banner that's handy for allied units to arrive at.
  • Penitent Engines have Eviscerators as their weapons rather than Power Fists; these seem like they match the giant buzz-saws a bit better thematically.
  • Sword of Persecution a little more expensive (it's a chance of Instant Death after all).
  • Battle Conclaves in a Congregation of War can take Rhinos at no additional cost.
  • Priests get a free Missionarious Mandate or Eviscerator in the Ministorum Mission and Redemptionist Crusade formations respectively.
  • Battle Conclaves in the Redemptionist Crusade and Penitent Horde formations must include at least five models each.

Some spelling mistakes etc. Also a reminder; while you can field this army on its own, it has significant disadvantages (and not many advantages besides the cheapest infantry ever + effects to make them less bad). However they are especially good when allied with Codex: Adepta Sororitas to form a full Ecclesiarchy force, as their weak chaff can effectively screen the less numerous sisters and take the edges off of enemy combat units (whilst getting slaughtered horribly, yay Ministorum!)

Made in gb
Hooded Inquisitorial Interrogator

Bunch of minor updates including:

  • Battle Conclave:
    • Arco Flagellants may now take Neural Flails, these are AP5 with Concussive, Fleshbane and Rending.
    • Crusaders now have Frag Grenades, and their rule also grants Precision Strikes to get more utility from their smaller number of attacks.
    • Death Cultists may choose to strike with twin Power Swords or a single Power Axe, representing a switch between twin and two-handed fighting styles.

  • Patriarch's War Council gives all Crusaders Precision Strikes (essentially this means they won't lose this ability if they are reduced to less than five).

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2016/05/06 20:00:32

Made in no
Tail-spinning Tomb Blade Pilot

Your page 11 photo describes a valhallan army as vostroyan.

Let the galaxy burn. 
Made in gb
Hooded Inquisitorial Interrogator

Whoops, right you are. Not the first time I've made the mistake, and unlikely to be the last, thanks for letting me know!

Made in gb
Hooded Inquisitorial Interrogator

Long overdue update to this along with my other codexes, and as with them I've been very bad at keeping track of what I've changed! The main things I can remember are:

  • Tweaks to Jacobus, who is now a bit more expensive.
  • Death Cultists now choose between either twin Power Swords or a single Power Axe during each round of close combat to represent different styles of fighting; this makes them more flexible, but switching to the Power Axe to get AP2 means losing their high Initiative for that round, so it's still better usually to add a Crusader or two.
  • Tactical Objective tweaks; this is mainly to make Cleanse the Galaxy a little more rewarding since it's quite difficult to pull off the extra conditions.

Nothing major really, as mostly it's been lots of little tweaks that I've forgotten. I haven't had a chance to play many games with a purely Ministorum force to see how they cope, but then they're not strictly intended to fight on their own anyway, but it'll be interesting to see how well they do.

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