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The Strengths of the NEW Tyranids - Foundation for Competitive Tyranids (Eldar Tactica p.318 & 319)  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Wichita, KS

 PrinceRaven wrote:
The answer to the question "Tervigon + Termagants or Warriors?" is "Tervigon, Termagants and Warriors".

Tervigon + 30 Gaunts < 3 Warriors + 3 Warriors + 10 Gaunts + 10 Gaunts + 10 Gaunts < 3 Warriors + Zoey + Zoey + 10 Gaunts + 10 Gaunts + 10 Gaunts unless you are playing kill points.

The Tervigon has 3 main flaws:
1) Force Concentration: You are putting all your eggs in one basket. Lose that Tervigon on turn 1 or 2 and you are screwed. Lose it turn 4 and you are still probably losing that game.
2) Unreliability: Your tervigon's bonus is spawning gaunts, but some games he will spawn 40 Gaunts, and some games he will spawn 5.
3) Inability to contribute: The Tervigon being your backfield synapse, and slow means that it can't do much more than hold back and maybe buff a bit. Contrast warriors + 2 zoeys. You can keep your warriors back contributing with a barbed strangler while you zoeys advance with some of your Gaunts. The zoeys are also more effective buffers because there are 2 squads of them.
Made in us
Huge Hierodule


Ran skyblight swarm tonight at 1500. 2 flyrants, 2 crones, 2 harpies, 3x10 gargoyles, a venomthrope, 1 warrior brood and 10 termagants. My opponent was using a scaled down flying circus list copied from the adepticon winner - fate weaver, 2 tzeench princes, pink horrors, daemonettes, csm sorc, 10x cultists and a heldrake.

It was barely a contest. While her DPs seemingly were infallible with their armor saves in the first couple of turns. The rest of the pieces of the army fell to templates, blast markers, and vector strikes. By game turn 5 all that was left was a single daemon prince while all I had lost was a harpy the venomthrope and a warrior. The gargoyles that died (2 broods) both came back.

Jy2 had it right - there's nothing "casual" about skyblight tyranids.

Been out of the game for awhile, trying to find time to get back into it. 
Made in nz
Tough Tyrant Guard

Auckland, NZ

Hi all,

I have read this thread from start to finish and there is some awesome info and thoughts in here.

I have a question to those that are running MCs with a HVC or STC, have any of you tried running either of these with the Miasma Cannon? It is a way of making the old school gun beast that could fire both a Venom cannon and a Barbed strangler at the same time (older edition).

I know the 2x TL devourers are the king of load outs currently, but is there a place for a Miasma Cannon/HVC or STC wielding BS4 tyrant?

Hive Fleet Ngaro 4800 points
Cult of the Red Saviour 1700 points
Zerg Infested Terrans 2300 points

P&M thread http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/592277.page 
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

TN/AL/MS state line.

Mad.. wrote:
Hi all,

I have read this thread from start to finish and there is some awesome info and thoughts in here.

I have a question to those that are running MCs with a HVC or STC, have any of you tried running either of these with the Miasma Cannon? It is a way of making the old school gun beast that could fire both a Venom cannon and a Barbed strangler at the same time (older edition).

I know the 2x TL devourers are the king of load outs currently, but is there a place for a Miasma Cannon/HVC or STC wielding BS4 tyrant?

The problem with the Miasma cannon, except for a few MCs, the HVC wounds everything on a 2+ anyway, so you don't really gain anything other than the template, which Desiccator Larvae can do the same thing for cheaper. If you wanted both on your Tyrant, it saves you a little bit, but for a little extra you could fire both- and the HVC can ping vehicles to boot. The twin-devourers can do most of the same things the HVC or STC can do better- hitting light tanks, or hitting infantry units. HVC can pen Monoliths and Landraiders with lucky dice, but it would be more likely to go down if you just charged and Smashed.

Black Bases and Grey Plastic Forever:My quaint little hobby blog.

40k- The Kumunga Swarm (more)
Count Mortimer’s Private Security Force/Excavation Team (building)
Kabal of the Grieving Widow (less)

Plus other games- miniature and cardboard both. 
Made in us
Hungry Little Ripper

tag8833 wrote:
 PrinceRaven wrote:
The answer to the question "Tervigon + Termagants or Warriors?" is "Tervigon, Termagants and Warriors".

Tervigon + 30 Gaunts < 3 Warriors + 3 Warriors + 10 Gaunts + 10 Gaunts + 10 Gaunts < 3 Warriors + Zoey + Zoey + 10 Gaunts + 10 Gaunts + 10 Gaunts unless you are playing kill points.

The Tervigon has 3 main flaws:
1) Force Concentration: You are putting all your eggs in one basket. Lose that Tervigon on turn 1 or 2 and you are screwed. Lose it turn 4 and you are still probably losing that game.
2) Unreliability: Your tervigon's bonus is spawning gaunts, but some games he will spawn 40 Gaunts, and some games he will spawn 5.
3) Inability to contribute: The Tervigon being your backfield synapse, and slow means that it can't do much more than hold back and maybe buff a bit. Contrast warriors + 2 zoeys. You can keep your warriors back contributing with a barbed strangler while you zoeys advance with some of your Gaunts. The zoeys are also more effective buffers because there are 2 squads of them.

I'm not disagreeing that I'd much rather play groups of 10 gaunts with a Tervigon that cost 20% less, but that was last edition. Here, if you try and push anything more, you're strapped down trying to get solid anti air.
The issue with all of the other troops choices is that they counter their actual purpose, which is to sit on and/or claim objectives.
Troops should be:
A) Tough (Strength in numbers counts)
B) Fast
C) Shooty
Tough and shooty troops sit on an objective with as much cover as possible. Fast ones move to objectives on the last round and claim/contest.
The Tervigon fits this role as a tough troop choice. Unfortunately, unless you're playing Skyblight with claiming Jump Infantry (So much win), 'Nids don't really have a set of troops that is either of the other two qualities OTHER than the Tervigon and her kids. The fact she has synapse and a secondary role is icing on the cake.

tetrisphreak wrote:Ran skyblight swarm tonight at 1500. 2 flyrants, 2 crones, 2 harpies, 3x10 gargoyles, a venomthrope, 1 warrior brood and 10 termagants. My opponent was using a scaled down flying circus list copied from the adepticon winner - fate weaver, 2 tzeench princes, pink horrors, daemonettes, csm sorc, 10x cultists and a heldrake.

It was barely a contest. While her DPs seemingly were infallible with their armor saves in the first couple of turns. The rest of the pieces of the army fell to templates, blast markers, and vector strikes. By game turn 5 all that was left was a single daemon prince while all I had lost was a harpy the venomthrope and a warrior. The gargoyles that died (2 broods) both came back.

Jy2 had it right - there's nothing "casual" about skyblight tyranids.

Yay for the bugs! Personally, I would have like to have seen a second crone over the second harpy, but that's just because of my meta. So many flying croissants. Gargoyles as recurring troops is fantastic.

Sinful Hero wrote:
Mad.. wrote:
Hi all,

I have read this thread from start to finish and there is some awesome info and thoughts in here.

I have a question to those that are running MCs with a HVC or STC, have any of you tried running either of these with the Miasma Cannon? It is a way of making the old school gun beast that could fire both a Venom cannon and a Barbed strangler at the same time (older edition).

I know the 2x TL devourers are the king of load outs currently, but is there a place for a Miasma Cannon/HVC or STC wielding BS4 tyrant?

The problem with the Miasma cannon, except for a few MCs, the HVC wounds everything on a 2+ anyway, so you don't really gain anything other than the template, which Desiccator Larvae can do the same thing for cheaper. If you wanted both on your Tyrant, it saves you a little bit, but for a little extra you could fire both- and the HVC can ping vehicles to boot. The twin-devourers can do most of the same things the HVC or STC can do better- hitting light tanks, or hitting infantry units. HVC can pen Monoliths and Landraiders with lucky dice, but it would be more likely to go down if you just charged and Smashed.

Pretty much this. The Miasma is just a hair more expensive than useful. It's tolerable on a Trygon Prime or a Prime warrior, as they usually don't have access to additional ranged firepower.
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Cheyenne WY

 captnobvious wrote:
If they had specializing gear, I'd agree. Give them something with skyfire/flamer/ T5 or make them cheaper and I'd start fielding them as primary troops. As it stands the main reason to take them is due to the fact they're probably the most efficient synapse. 100 points for a squad with a strangler.

100 Points for a group of 3 with a strangler
124 For 4 stealers and a Broodlord
315 for a gant brood + Tervigon

The last option is start floating zoeys. Elites are looking less and less impressive, and so they may start popping up more and more often. Warp blast is rough to use, and at this point I'd legitimately just use them as psychic rolls.

For me, Zoeys are durable Synapse, and a roll on Powers of the Hive Mind!, Warp Blast/Lance is just gravy.

One popular use for the 30 Gants/or the Terv is to Outflank with Hive Commander. The Gants will need Synapse though. I usually recommend the Terv. It can spawn Troops to grab Victory points in the enemies backfield And it can provide Synapse to other Deepstrikers if you have them.
An unspoken part of this is it keeps the two far apart, so no backlash

I agree that 3 Warriors with a Strangle cannon is a very good buy, but I like a little extra kit. 2 Deathspitters only costs 10 more, likewise 2x Rending Claws. Either one can boost your effectiveness, I often use both (I built them that way )

If you're running Formations you can also try a Endless Tunnel Assault to add speed. Respawning troops can pop out of tunnels in the enemies side of the table

Though the only reason to use Endless Tunnel is that you don't have the figs to run Skyblight

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2014/04/15 05:06:57

The will of the hive is always the same: HUNGER 
Made in us
Hungry Little Ripper

Terv still rolls on powers right? Or am i just crazy? And they do have a gun. It's just a very mediocre one. And to be honest, I'd rather walk/run and smash with a Terv than try and Lance a tank. 50 points purely for synapse feels.....meh....

The warriors provide a lot of utility. They're synapse. They're much better than average at melee. 3 wounds per model is nothing atrocious. And they can get decked out if needed. I think they are fantastic babysitters for MC's and artillery pieces, providing a 3 ft snipe and coverage from deep strikers.

Interesting thinking of the tunneling swarm as a poor man's Skyblight. It has it's own applications.
Made in nz
Tough Tyrant Guard

Auckland, NZ

 Sinful Hero wrote:
Mad.. wrote:
Hi all,

I have read this thread from start to finish and there is some awesome info and thoughts in here.

I have a question to those that are running MCs with a HVC or STC, have any of you tried running either of these with the Miasma Cannon? It is a way of making the old school gun beast that could fire both a Venom cannon and a Barbed strangler at the same time (older edition).

I know the 2x TL devourers are the king of load outs currently, but is there a place for a Miasma Cannon/HVC or STC wielding BS4 tyrant?

The problem with the Miasma cannon, except for a few MCs, the HVC wounds everything on a 2+ anyway, so you don't really gain anything other than the template, which Desiccator Larvae can do the same thing for cheaper. If you wanted both on your Tyrant, it saves you a little bit, but for a little extra you could fire both- and the HVC can ping vehicles to boot. The twin-devourers can do most of the same things the HVC or STC can do better- hitting light tanks, or hitting infantry units. HVC can pen Monoliths and Landraiders with lucky dice, but it would be more likely to go down if you just charged and Smashed.

Ah right. All good points. Thank you for clarifying... That clears up my thoughts now. No walkrant, flyrant with devourers it is!

Just getting back into 40k after a bit of a lay off with kids being born and stuff, so haven't played at all in 6th. Trying to catch up really fast

Hive Fleet Ngaro 4800 points
Cult of the Red Saviour 1700 points
Zerg Infested Terrans 2300 points

P&M thread http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/592277.page 
Made in gb
Ancient Chaos Terminator

Surfing the Tervigon Wave...on a baby.

 captnobvious wrote:

However, if you're using zoey for tank killing, 2 individuals is a low chance of killing high armor with deny the witch. Might think about grouping them.

If you're going for synapse and you're allying yourself, go for broke and get a Prime with Miasma Cannon instead of those two or you might think about a Malanthrope if you have cash money.

To be perfectly fair here? I can see your suggestion but I'm ignoring it. Never take Zoeys to go tank hunting. Take individual Zoeys to act as buffers. With 2 individual zoeys that's a healthy 8 rolls for psychic powers at the start of the game increasing my chances for Catalyst and Onslaught as well as a further spread out synapse bubble. Tanks? Well, I'm a Tyranid. We either glance the things to death with twin devourers or we hit it in the face.

But I'll definately not take your suggestion of a Prime with a Miasma Cannon. Seriously, replacing a Flyrant with its threat potential, mobility, larger synapse radius (due to its base) and its psychic abilities with that? Ew. No. Keep it over there please.

Now only a CSM player. 
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

I'd have loved to see Zoanthropes with a "Booster brain" option, where you get to roll twice for psychic powers instead of automatically getting the blast. The lance is great, but boosters that I could take singly, hide behind things, and make my forces better or their forces weaker? Way cooler.
Made in za
Fixture of Dakka

Temple Prime

 captnobvious wrote:

[edit] Whoops, electrogrubs are cheaper than I remember. As I was.

However, if you're using zoey for tank killing, 2 individuals is a low chance of killing high armor with deny the witch. Might think about grouping them.

If you're going for synapse and you're allying yourself, go for broke and get a Prime with Miasma Cannon instead of those two or you might think about a Malanthrope if you have cash money.

If you're going to have Miasma cannons on something, put them on a Trygon prime so it can do a bit more when it pops out.

As for the T-fex: The T-fex offers you a glorified and overpriced Hellhound, a baby's first Leman Russ Punisher, and a "Wish I was a godhammer land raider".

All the weapons on a T-Fex are a resounding "Meh".

A torrent that can't kill MEQs, a two shot S10 gun with only BS3 and AP4 and no special effects, and 20 fleshborers taped together and rather piddly thorax swarms and spines that you can no longer use all of at once.

Oh and using all of it's firepower means getting into assault range.

With a model that's very, very easily tarpitted.

But hey, it's durable!

Except everyone knows shooting it is a waste of time so it's not even a good meatshield.

 Midnightdeathblade wrote:
Think of a daemon incursion like a fart you don't quite trust... you could either toot a little puff of air, bellow a great effluvium, or utterly sh*t your pants and cry as it floods down your leg.

Made in gb
Ancient Chaos Terminator

Surfing the Tervigon Wave...on a baby.

 Kain wrote:

Except everyone knows shooting it is a waste of time so it's not even a good meatshield.

Thing is though? With all those templates if it gets to the enemy lines unscathed it will start to FORCE wounds on squads. It's the same way IG and Ork players have dealt with Terminators and the same way we can do as well - volume of fire or in the case of the T-fex, wounding hits. It's not fantastic. It's certainly not a Riptide or Wraithknight but it certainly isn't to be sniffed at for what it does with other units.

Now only a CSM player. 
Made in za
Fixture of Dakka

Temple Prime

 DarkStarSabre wrote:
 Kain wrote:

Except everyone knows shooting it is a waste of time so it's not even a good meatshield.

Thing is though? With all those templates if it gets to the enemy lines unscathed it will start to FORCE wounds on squads. It's the same way IG and Ork players have dealt with Terminators and the same way we can do as well - volume of fire or in the case of the T-fex, wounding hits. It's not fantastic. It's certainly not a Riptide or Wraithknight but it certainly isn't to be sniffed at for what it does with other units.

Still, the thought of paying so much for what amounts for a more durable but slower hellhound that can't be squadronned with a heavy flamer rankles.

Especially when say Orks just charge the thing and ensure it's going to be stuck in assault with chaff all game long.

It's better against Xenos and Guard armies (except for Immortal using Necrons) to be sure though.

 Midnightdeathblade wrote:
Think of a daemon incursion like a fart you don't quite trust... you could either toot a little puff of air, bellow a great effluvium, or utterly sh*t your pants and cry as it floods down your leg.

Made in us
Hungry Little Ripper

DarkStarSabre wrote:

To be perfectly fair here? I can see your suggestion but I'm ignoring it. Never take Zoeys to go tank hunting. Take individual Zoeys to act as buffers. With 2 individual zoeys that's a healthy 8 rolls for psychic powers at the start of the game increasing my chances for Catalyst and Onslaught as well as a further spread out synapse bubble. Tanks? Well, I'm a Tyranid. We either glance the things to death with twin devourers or we hit it in the face.

Couple of things. DtW effects both blasts, and the 24" version is still a solid MEQ killer, though, again BS3 makes it meh, that was more what I was referring to. Having them group blast MEQ squads with one DtW roll is subjective call. If you're using them for synapse nodes, a warrior pack does the same thing with a usable gun.
If you're using them for psychic rolls, I gotcha, but at no point was that considered a cost factor.

DarkStarSabre wrote:

But I'll definately not take your suggestion of a Prime with a Miasma Cannon. Seriously, replacing a Flyrant with its threat potential, mobility, larger synapse radius (due to its base) and its psychic abilities with that? Ew. No. Keep it over there please.

DarkStarSabre wrote:
Back to the 1800 point tournament. Formations were told no, but in return the TOs did state Tyranids could ally with themselves (huzzah!). This is mainly after I pointed out where every other army could ally with something Tyranids got formations - so they evened that up for the sake of fairness (because to be fair I'm expecting to see Taudar, Deldar and anything Inquisition cropping up with 3 HQs).

If you're allying with yourself, your "ally" has an empty HQ slot. Hence the suggestion. Dropping a flyrant for it IS bad. That's why I didn't suggest it. It does on the other hand give a solid 3rd man to your group of 'Fexes stomping up the board, lets you "look out sir" and the cannon's large blast and flamer template do as you posted about the T-fex later......

DarkStarSabre wrote:

Thing is though? With all those templates if it gets to the enemy lines unscathed it will start to FORCE wounds on squads......

Made in za
Fixture of Dakka

Temple Prime

I've come to the conclusion that a properly run Mechanized Dark Eldar (especially a Venom heavy one) list is just not possible for a Tyranid list to beat without hard-core list tailoring/dumb luck. Especially since their fliers are so murderous to anything with a toughness value; easily blasting skyblights out of the sky. But honestly, even with BRB powers back they'd still hack us apart like they always have since they got their latest book. Our poor range for shooting makes that range reducing bit of war gear especially brutal, while their speed makes catching them in assault next to impossible and they have the dakka to cut down hordes and the kit to gun down MCs. And even if you do catch them in assault; Dark Eldar units tend to be quite nasty in chopping distance.

Grey Knights are also a brutal match-up. While the loss of BRB powers pending a FAQ has killed off most psychic choir lists (which were the ones that the Grey Knights really screwed over), it turns out that being an army tailored against daemons also makes them very good against us as we're also an army with generally poor saves and AP/short ranged shooting, a mix of fragile cheap units and monstrous creatures, and a lot of psykers.

I'd avoid assaulting Dreadknights with any monstrous creature as they'll probably survive to punch back and instant death it, while their flamers are also nasty to hordes. Tie these up with cheap, fearless cannon fodder, but don't think you can ignore them, they're good against anything in the army. Storm ravens are a pain to bring down, and always try to get the guy with the nemesis thunder hammer out of the squad before assaulting them with a monstrous creature unless you want to watch your Trygon explode with the first hit.

Overall all our problems with these two armies remain from the last book and they remain abysmal match-ups. If their lists are tailored to kill Tyranids (not even your list, just tyranids in general), you may as well not play.

 Midnightdeathblade wrote:
Think of a daemon incursion like a fart you don't quite trust... you could either toot a little puff of air, bellow a great effluvium, or utterly sh*t your pants and cry as it floods down your leg.

Made in us
Hungry Little Ripper

Wakshaani wrote:
I'd have loved to see Zoanthropes with a "Booster brain" option, where you get to roll twice for psychic powers instead of automatically getting the blast. The lance is great, but boosters that I could take singly, hide behind things, and make my forces better or their forces weaker? Way cooler.

Completely agreed. But at this point, that seems to be the most relevant use of them nowadays. Cheapest synapse and psychic rolls we got.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Kain wrote:
I've come to the conclusion that a properly run Mechanized Dark Eldar (especially a Venom heavy one) list is just not possible for a Tyranid list to beat without hard-core list tailoring/dumb luck. Especially since their fliers are so murderous to anything with a toughness value; easily blasting skyblights out of the sky. But honestly, even with BRB powers back they'd still hack us apart like they always have since they got their latest book. Our poor range for shooting makes that range reducing bit of war gear especially brutal, while their speed makes catching them in assault next to impossible and they have the dakka to cut down hordes and the kit to gun down MCs. And even if you do catch them in assault; Dark Eldar units tend to be quite nasty in chopping distance.

Grey Knights are also a brutal match-up. While the loss of BRB powers pending a FAQ has killed off most psychic choir lists (which were the ones that the Grey Knights really screwed over), it turns out that being an army tailored against daemons also makes them very good against us as we're also an army with generally poor saves and AP/short ranged shooting, a mix of fragile cheap units and monstrous creatures, and a lot of psykers.

I'd avoid assaulting Dreadknights with any monstrous creature as they'll probably survive to punch back and instant death it, while their flamers are also nasty to hordes. Tie these up with cheap, fearless cannon fodder, but don't think you can ignore them, they're good against anything in the army. Storm ravens are a pain to bring down, and always try to get the guy with the nemesis thunder hammer out of the squad before assaulting them with a monstrous creature unless you want to watch your Trygon explode with the first hit.

Overall all our problems with these two armies remain from the last book and they remain abysmal match-ups. If their lists are tailored to kill Tyranids (not even your list, just tyranids in general), you may as well not play.

I have been having trouble vs Grey Knights as well, I'm still kinda stuck as to what to do.

DE I have less of a problem with as brittle as they are, our blasts actually make a good dent in them. A mess of cover and Biovores are usually what saved the day for me, personally.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/04/15 08:17:21

Made in gb
Dakka Veteran

Reading - UK

bodazoka wrote:
What do you all do with the Tervigon + 30 gaunts?

I understand that the Tervigon sits there for backfield synapse but does it actually cause any pain to the enemy?

If you have a lot going forward that's hard to kill that will take your opponent multiple turns to deal with, when it comes to late game a Tervigon is very difficult to shift.
Just scoring one objective can mean a win.

For me the Tervigon is used to score my home objective.
I tend to send my 30 Gants forward to sit on a midfield objective, take the relic or otherwise put pressure on the opponents objectives.
30 Gaunts are hard to shift. They can also be a great tarpit or meatshield for things like Zoanthropes so they can continue to buff or shoot.

Tervigon's and large units of fearless Gaunts worked very well under the previous dex, the same still applies.

I would add that some things are extremely important for the Nids to do well.
Cover is huge especially if you are running things like Tyranofex's, Charging towards plasma/lascannon fire is not good so make use of cover as much as possible.
Yes it slows you down a touch but that can be rectified somewhat with Adrenal Glands.
Buffs are clearly hugely important also.
Having FNP and Cover on your T'fex gives you decent odds to save some wounds thus making it difficult to bring things like Fex's down before its too late.
Cover is also massive in the respect of going first in combat against things like Imperial Knights or something similar, getting to hit first is therefore hugely important.
Onslaught is also massive, it can turn a Tfex into being a primary target first turn when you run/shoot your torrent flamer into the enemy lines.

Make use of cover, make use of the buffs gained from powers, make it difficult for the opponent to decide what the priority target should be.
That's enough ramblings from me as I'm sure most of you guys know this already

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2014/04/15 11:00:46

Made in gb
Tunneling Trygon

Hive commander on the flyrant means a troop can outflank. Depending on opponent I will outflank either 30 gants with a bunch of devourers or the tervigon. Link this with a comms relay and you have a high chance of all reserves including mawlocs dropping in turn two as the FMCs dive forward. If they have squishy troops then outflank the gants - if they have lots of tin cans then outflank the tervigon with haywire template.

"We didn't underestimate them but they were a lot better than we thought."
Sir Bobby Robson 
Made in gb
Dakka Veteran

Reading - UK

 ruminator wrote:
Hive commander on the flyrant means a troop can outflank. Depending on opponent I will outflank either 30 gants with a bunch of devourers or the tervigon. Link this with a comms relay and you have a high chance of all reserves including mawlocs dropping in turn two as the FMCs dive forward. If they have squishy troops then outflank the gants - if they have lots of tin cans then outflank the tervigon with haywire template.

I have trouble finding room for these extra niceities in 1650 or under.
Certainly do add to the list though and create additional problems for your opponent.
Relay/Bastion is certainly useful for higher point games/lists.
Made in gb
Steadfast Ultramarine Sergeant

Looky Likey

While I mostly play big games (3000+) I have found a pair of outflanking Tervis are a right pain for my opponent as they will spit out a least a couple of turns of termies and clog up their back line just as everything else from my army is hitting their back line.
Made in us
Monster-Slaying Daemonhunter

Grand Rapids Metro

tag8833 wrote:
1) Force Concentration: You are putting all your eggs in one basket. Lose that Tervigon on turn 1 or 2 and you are screwed. Lose it turn 4 and you are still probably losing that game.

Who kills Tervigons? I have had like 3 or 4 Tervigons die since the 5th Edition codex dropped. If you lost your Tervigon you played him wrong, or Iron Arm failed you in 5th Ed.
Mad.. wrote:
Hi all, I have read this thread from start to finish and there is some awesome info and thoughts in here.

Props to you!

Come play games in West Michigan at https://www.facebook.com/tcpgrwarroom 
Made in gb
Dakka Veteran

Reading - UK

Mad.. wrote:
Hi all,

I have read this thread from start to finish and there is some awesome info and thoughts in here.

I have a question to those that are running MCs with a HVC or STC, have any of you tried running either of these with the Miasma Cannon? It is a way of making the old school gun beast that could fire both a Venom cannon and a Barbed strangler at the same time (older edition).

I know the 2x TL devourers are the king of load outs currently, but is there a place for a Miasma Cannon/HVC or STC wielding BS4 tyrant?

I only looked at the Miasma Canon to put on my backfield Tervigon so he could add something additional to the game.
For me it didn't work and the points could be spent better elsewhere.
But its all dependant on your list and use.
I don't think there's a defined top tier list yet although we seem to be potentially getting close to a "NID top tier list".

It really is a matter of testing and what works for you might not work for someone else's play style or in someone else's meta.
Made in us
Huge Hierodule


I don't like the Miasma Cannon on a Trygon Prime, because it reduces the number of attacks it gets in CC.

I like it on a flyrant, coupled with a thorax swarm, to get a double-template (templant) flying MC.

On a Tervigon, it doesn't really hurt but I'd rather just spend the points for Regeneration instead on that one.

Overall though unless i'm going for a Templant i don't particularly mess with the Miasma Cannon. I've got a nice one converted up from leftover harpy bits, though, so the option is there for me.

Been out of the game for awhile, trying to find time to get back into it. 
Made in us
Monster-Slaying Daemonhunter

Grand Rapids Metro

I'm not understanding how the Miasma Cannon reduces attacks?

Unless you mean because it's killing charge distance.

Come play games in West Michigan at https://www.facebook.com/tcpgrwarroom 
Made in fi
Longtime Dakkanaut

 jy2 wrote:
BTW, it might not be pure RAW, but most of the larger tournaments, including the LVO, BAO, Adepticon and Nova have or will have it in the FAQ's that yes, you can charge a walker that you can't hurt.

Quite amusing that they are not slowed by terrain, but can be stopped by critters who can't hurt them. The logic?
Made in au
Tea-Kettle of Blood

Adelaide, South Australia

 ductvader wrote:
I'm not understanding how the Miasma Cannon reduces attacks?

You lose the bonus from having 2 CCWs.

Naw wrote:
 jy2 wrote:
BTW, it might not be pure RAW, but most of the larger tournaments, including the LVO, BAO, Adepticon and Nova have or will have it in the FAQ's that yes, you can charge a walker that you can't hurt.

Quite amusing that they are not slowed by terrain, but can be stopped by critters who can't hurt them. The logic?

Shush, just go with it. If enough tournaments ignore the rules we might get the entire community to do so and be able to charge Knights as well.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/04/15 13:57:02

 Ailaros wrote:
You know what really bugs me? When my opponent, before they show up at the FLGS smears themselves in peanut butter and then makes blood sacrifices to Ashterai by slitting the throat of three male chickens and then smears the spatter pattern into the peanut butter to engrave sacred symbols into their chest and upper arms.
I have a peanut allergy. It's really inconsiderate.

"Long ago in a distant land, I, M'kar, the shape-shifting Master of Chaos, unleashed an unspeakable evil! But a foolish Grey Knight warrior wielding a magic sword stepped forth to oppose me. Before the final blow was struck, I tore open a portal in space and flung him into the Warp, where my evil is law! Now the fool seeks to return to real-space, and undo the evil that is Chaos!" 
Made in us
Monster-Slaying Daemonhunter

Grand Rapids Metro

 PrinceRaven wrote:
 ductvader wrote:
I'm not understanding how the Miasma Cannon reduces attacks?

You lose the bonus from having 2 CCWs.

Does the cannon take up a weapon? I don't have my book on me...I thought it was like shreddershards beetles for "weapon mounting"

Come play games in West Michigan at https://www.facebook.com/tcpgrwarroom 
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The Hive Mind

Naw wrote:
 jy2 wrote:
BTW, it might not be pure RAW, but most of the larger tournaments, including the LVO, BAO, Adepticon and Nova have or will have it in the FAQ's that yes, you can charge a walker that you can't hurt.

Quite amusing that they are not slowed by terrain, but can be stopped by critters who can't hurt them. The logic?

... But they are slowed by terrain...

My beautiful wife wrote:Trucks = Carnifex snack, Tanks = meals.
Made in au
Tea-Kettle of Blood

Adelaide, South Australia

 ductvader wrote:
 PrinceRaven wrote:
 ductvader wrote:
I'm not understanding how the Miasma Cannon reduces attacks?

You lose the bonus from having 2 CCWs.

Does the cannon take up a weapon? I don't have my book on me...I thought it was like shreddershards beetles for "weapon mounting"

You have to trade a set of Scything Talons for it, just like the Reaper or Maw-Claws.

 Ailaros wrote:
You know what really bugs me? When my opponent, before they show up at the FLGS smears themselves in peanut butter and then makes blood sacrifices to Ashterai by slitting the throat of three male chickens and then smears the spatter pattern into the peanut butter to engrave sacred symbols into their chest and upper arms.
I have a peanut allergy. It's really inconsiderate.

"Long ago in a distant land, I, M'kar, the shape-shifting Master of Chaos, unleashed an unspeakable evil! But a foolish Grey Knight warrior wielding a magic sword stepped forth to oppose me. Before the final blow was struck, I tore open a portal in space and flung him into the Warp, where my evil is law! Now the fool seeks to return to real-space, and undo the evil that is Chaos!" 
Made in us
Monster-Slaying Daemonhunter

Grand Rapids Metro


Thanks, I've yet to use it past Theoryhammer!

I knew about the other two.

EDIT: I'm definitely not taking it on anything other than Tervigons then.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/04/15 14:00:56

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