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Made in ca
Enigmatic Chaos Sorcerer

British Columbia

I'm thinking there will be a Chaotic Horde combined list akin to the Undead Legion.

I've been waiting since 6th for that to come back. Finally get to play my Chaos again

 BlaxicanX wrote:
A young business man named Tom Kirby, who was a pupil of mine until he turned greedy, helped the capitalists hunt down and destroy the wargamers. He betrayed and murdered Games Workshop.

Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Biloxi, MS USA

 unmercifulconker wrote:
Does it sound like we will be able to mix all chaos then? Since these guys can be taken in a Beastmen list? Would be a bit wierd to just see this group of nurgle fanatics with beastmen.

I'd be very surprised if there isn't a unified Chaos list in this release like the Undead Legions from the last one.

You know you're really doing something when you can make strangers hate you over the Internet. - Mauleed
Just remember folks. Panic. Panic all the time. It's the only way to survive, other than just being mindful, of course-but geez, that's so friggin' boring. - Aegis Grimm
Hallowed is the All Pie
The Before Times: A Place That Celebrates The World That Was 
Made in ca
Fresh-Faced New User

Montreal, Canadia

Such a shame they were (mistakenly?) marked as Infantry instead of MI, that has really reduced their efficiency (5-wide minimum for a full rank and only 1 attack from the back rank? thanks but no thanks...).

That is a real shame, 'cuzz I liked 'em a lot; they'd make great Nurgle Ogres, however, so they're thankfully not totally useless.

Bless thee Onogal, seventh lord of despair!
Made in gb
Stone Bonkers Fabricator General

We'll find out soon enough eh.

Yeah, I don't think those are Ogre-sized. They may be on 40mm bases, but it looks very much like GW just loaded up the 3D model for the Nurgle Champion clampack and told one of the sculptors to "make 'em even Nurglier" - the Champion is chunky, but no Ogre.

I need to acquire plastic Skavenslaves, can you help?
I have a blog now, evidently. Featuring the Alternative Mordheim Model Megalist.

"Your society's broken, so who should we blame? Should we blame the rich, powerful people who caused it? No, lets blame the people with no power and no money and those immigrants who don't even have the vote. Yea, it must be their fething fault." - Iain M Banks
"The language of modern British politics is meant to sound benign. But words do not mean what they seem to mean. 'Reform' actually means 'cut' or 'end'. 'Flexibility' really means 'exploit'. 'Prudence' really means 'don't invest'. And 'efficient'? That means whatever you want it to mean, usually 'cut'. All really mean 'keep wages low for the masses, taxes low for the rich, profits high for the corporations, and accept the decline in public services and amenities this will cause'." - Robin McAlpine from Common Weal 
Made in ca

Am I the only one who finds the set hugely underwhelming?

The actual models appear to be pretty cool. However, making warriors of chaos 1.5 times larger, cramming them on a 40mm base and then charging almost 4 times as much for them is a pretty meh move. It's also a pretty boring concept considering the rest of the army. WoC already have ogres, dragon ogres and trolls--why make another large infantry model?

Made in us
Enigmatic Chaos Sorcerer

Tampa, FL

Oh if I played again, I'd definitely prostrate myself at the putrid feet of Grandfather Nurgle. In both games. But not at that price for any of them. Maybe I'll reconsider when (if?) plastic Plague Marines come.

- Wayne
Formerly WayneTheGame 
Made in ca
Regular Dakkanaut

Rules wise making them Infantry is fine. Tzeentch Flamers are multi wound infantry models too. 40pt Monstrous Infantry with those stats/gear would be bananas (compare them to Trolls or Ironguts.) Making them Infantry means you won't ever see them more than 5 or 6 at a time (due to expensive ranks and crappy support attacks.) They are durable, but slow. Bountiful blades gives them some nice options in combat. Overall, I like the way they are designed.
Made in gb
Rotting Sorcerer of Nurgle

Portsmouth UK

Re the original pictures posted - I still believe that these are leaked by GW to start threads like this & here's why:
Every time the first images from WD are of the same quality - bent pages, flashed & blurry. It must be the same photographer & I reckon even a 3 year old would quickly revise the way they took the photos by now.
Therefore I conclude these must be 'leaked' by them.

Check out my gallery here
Also I've started taking photos to use as reference for weathering which can be found here. Please send me your photos so they can be found all in one place!! 
Made in de
Fresh-Faced New User

I am pretty certain that they are supposed to be monstrous infantry and that this is a misprint or something. Therefore I will buy a pack of them and use the new SC as their champion. Looks nice and makes for a good backup unit at 250ish points.
Made in us
Enigmatic Sorcerer of Chaos

Buena Park, CA

I'm torn on the Monstrous Infantry vs Infantry debate. So many variables that argue it one way or the other. That said, I don't believe I saw this picture posted here (perhaps I missed it), but they're definitely on 40mm bases.

Made in gb
Rotting Sorcerer of Nurgle

Portsmouth UK

 Buttlerthepug wrote:
I'm torn on the Monstrous Infantry vs Infantry debate. So many variables that argue it one way or the other. That said, I don't believe I saw this picture posted here (perhaps I missed it), but they're definitely on 40mm bases.

Is that the new monster in the middle? If so, from this picture, I'm a bit underwhelmed.

Check out my gallery here
Also I've started taking photos to use as reference for weathering which can be found here. Please send me your photos so they can be found all in one place!! 
Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Biloxi, MS USA

bubber wrote:

Is that the new monster in the middle? If so, from this picture, I'm a bit underwhelmed.

That's a Warshrine.

You know you're really doing something when you can make strangers hate you over the Internet. - Mauleed
Just remember folks. Panic. Panic all the time. It's the only way to survive, other than just being mindful, of course-but geez, that's so friggin' boring. - Aegis Grimm
Hallowed is the All Pie
The Before Times: A Place That Celebrates The World That Was 
Made in gb
Fixture of Dakka

Wiltshire, UK

bubber wrote:

Is that the new monster in the middle? If so, from this picture, I'm a bit underwhelmed.

That looks like the Chaos Warshrine


Made in gb
Fixture of Dakka


So now we have the answer to "What do you get the Warriors of Chaos player who has everything?"

Aquatic Nurgle Ogres apparently

Made in ca
Monstrous Master Moulder

Space Cowboy Cruising Around Olympus Mons

I really like the look of those models. Now I don't play Warriors of Chaos but the rules seem pretty good I like WS6 and I5 is nice. Also nice that you can use these for beastmen....gives them a nice boost.

I didn't read anything about a book though? Possibly coming the week after this? Also no new Archeon kit yet either but hopefully that comes.

I am still waiting for the Skaven End Times release. I want some new models and the rumoured plastic vermin lord has me excited
Made in us
Experienced Saurus Scar-Veteran

California the Southern

So for one who doesn't follow the GW stuff as closely these days, are every faction going to get an end times release?

Skaven and lizards would be mighty nice...

I must say, I've been quite tempted to pick up some of the new models, and it's been some time since I've bought GW product.

Poorly lit photos of my ever- growing collection of completely unrelated models!

Watch and listen to me ramble about these minis before ruining them with paint!
Made in us
Warning From Magnus? Not Listening!


I think these look great. I am hoping they have plenty of extra bits and bobs. Have we seen any pictures of the actual sprues yet?

Check out my Deadzone/40k/necromunda blog here! 
Made in gb
Rotting Sorcerer of Nurgle

Portsmouth UK

 GiraffeX wrote:
bubber wrote:

Is that the new monster in the middle? If so, from this picture, I'm a bit underwhelmed.

That looks like the Chaos Warshrine


So it is! Still underwhelmed!

Check out my gallery here
Also I've started taking photos to use as reference for weathering which can be found here. Please send me your photos so they can be found all in one place!! 
Made in us
Crazed Spirit of the Defiler

Nashville/Hendersonville, TN

So, Empires of Rot. Seems interesting.

Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Biloxi, MS USA

 highlord tamburlaine wrote:
So for one who doesn't follow the GW stuff as closely these days, are every faction going to get an end times release?

From what I've heard from others, there's supposedly going to be 4 End Times books, 2 focused on villains(Undead and Chaos) and 2 focused on not-Villains. But, I take that with a grain of salt.

You know you're really doing something when you can make strangers hate you over the Internet. - Mauleed
Just remember folks. Panic. Panic all the time. It's the only way to survive, other than just being mindful, of course-but geez, that's so friggin' boring. - Aegis Grimm
Hallowed is the All Pie
The Before Times: A Place That Celebrates The World That Was 
Made in ca
Monstrous Master Moulder

Space Cowboy Cruising Around Olympus Mons

 Platuan4th wrote:
 highlord tamburlaine wrote:
So for one who doesn't follow the GW stuff as closely these days, are every faction going to get an end times release?

From what I've heard from others, there's supposedly going to be 4 End Times books, 2 focused on villains(Undead and Chaos) and 2 focused on not-Villains. But, I take that with a grain of salt.

If there's not skaven book....boy oh boy IMA be piiiiiiisssed.

Looks like from the video that elves, dwarves and men are/must unite so does that hint at a book for all them? Not sure...because wouldn't make sense to have those 4 in 1
Made in de
Longtime Dakkanaut

 chiefbigredman wrote:

If there's not skaven book....boy oh boy IMA be piiiiiiisssed.

Didn't they have a malfunctioning/broken doomsday device under some imperial city, or something like that? I mean the topic is Re:WFB end times wave II so that would be an easy choice to include for something end of times-ish.
Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Biloxi, MS USA

Mario wrote:
 chiefbigredman wrote:

If there's not skaven book....boy oh boy IMA be piiiiiiisssed.

Didn't they have a malfunctioning/broken doomsday device under some imperial city, or something like that? I mean the topic is Re:WFB end times wave II so that would be an easy choice to include for something end of times-ish.

The Nagash book mentions the Skaven conquering Estalia and Tilea.

You know you're really doing something when you can make strangers hate you over the Internet. - Mauleed
Just remember folks. Panic. Panic all the time. It's the only way to survive, other than just being mindful, of course-but geez, that's so friggin' boring. - Aegis Grimm
Hallowed is the All Pie
The Before Times: A Place That Celebrates The World That Was 
Made in ca
Monstrous Master Moulder

Space Cowboy Cruising Around Olympus Mons

I don't own the new end times book so not sure about all the history and stuff that is contained in it. If any faction has the numbers to overrun the entire world its skaven. End times is fitting for them.
Made in us
Shrieking Traitor Sentinel Pilot

Burbank, CA

Hmm... This is definitely made to cash in on how popular that WoC plastic clamshell nurgle lord is. I don't think they're going to be made for 40k, cause I think they're human, not demons (completely at least). The parting shot at the end of Warhammer visions this month was a bunch of (Khorne) WoC attacking, so this would make sense as a future launch. Anxious to see what other griblys they have up their sleeves.

, , , , , , ,

Made in us
Stalwart Veteran Guard Sergeant

SF Bay Area

 H.B.M.C. wrote:
 reds8n wrote:
.. these would appear to WFB specific.

Which is a terrible idea, so completely plausible.

Games Workshop: Why make more money when you can make less?

Maybe the logic is that if they make models compatible for both 40k and fantasy it won't support fantasy they way they want it to. The emphasis in the end times seems to be to reinvigorate the game for fantasy. If models can only be used for the fantasy line then it may promote the game. I'm not sure how effective this strategy is, but that is my best guess as to the rationale.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Platuan4th wrote:
 unmercifulconker wrote:

I'd be very surprised if there isn't a unified Chaos list in this release like the Undead Legions from the last one.

Yeah, and I'd be suprised if now it wasn't that everyone is affected by chaotic instability due to the inflow of winds of magic, like how undeath allows all wizards to raise dead....

The increase in new release playability using a bigger variety of armies makes me somewhat skeptical that the whole system is about to break.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/10/07 01:16:29


Made in us
Nurgle Chosen Marine on a Palanquin

WayneTheGame wrote:
Oh if I played again, I'd definitely prostrate myself at the putrid feet of Grandfather Nurgle. In both games. But not at that price for any of them. Maybe I'll reconsider when (if?) plastic Plague Marines come.

Might work as true scale Nurgle Plague Marines (with mods)?
Made in ca
Evasive Pleasureseeker

Lost in a blizzard, somewhere near Toronto

 chiefbigredman wrote:
 Platuan4th wrote:
 highlord tamburlaine wrote:
So for one who doesn't follow the GW stuff as closely these days, are every faction going to get an end times release?

From what I've heard from others, there's supposedly going to be 4 End Times books, 2 focused on villains(Undead and Chaos) and 2 focused on not-Villains. But, I take that with a grain of salt.

If there's not skaven book....boy oh boy IMA be piiiiiiisssed.

Looks like from the video that elves, dwarves and men are/must unite so does that hint at a book for all them? Not sure...because wouldn't make sense to have those 4 in 1

Just breath, and remember these five letters; R.E.L.A.X.
The original rumors about all the End Times releases said that one of the 4 books would be at least semi-Skaven focused, and that a new plastic Vermin Lord would be part of the release.

As for the Chaos release, if a couple Nurgle kits is all we get, then feth it. I play Tzeentch so I don't give a flying warpfart about Nurgle.

Not to mention that no plastic Greater Daemons is also a huge miss on GW's part.

Made in us
Tzeentch Aspiring Sorcerer Riding a Disc

Southern New Hampshire

Mario wrote:
 chiefbigredman wrote:

If there's not skaven book....boy oh boy IMA be piiiiiiisssed.

Didn't they have a malfunctioning/broken doomsday device under some imperial city, or something like that? I mean the topic is Re:WFB end times wave II so that would be an easy choice to include for something end of times-ish.

During the Storm of Chaos campaign, the Skaven players came up with the idea of the Doom Hemisphere, basically a nuke buried under Middenheim. GW kinda ran with it and, during the campaign's epilogue, said that the device partially detonated, killing everyone on both sides fighting in the tunnels under the city.

But, since the Storm of Chaos campaign has been ret-conned out of existence (otherwise they'd have to make Archaon a chaos spawn for his epic fail), it's safe to assume this was also ret-conned away.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Experiment 626 wrote:
 chiefbigredman wrote:
 Platuan4th wrote:
 highlord tamburlaine wrote:
So for one who doesn't follow the GW stuff as closely these days, are every faction going to get an end times release?

From what I've heard from others, there's supposedly going to be 4 End Times books, 2 focused on villains(Undead and Chaos) and 2 focused on not-Villains. But, I take that with a grain of salt.

If there's not skaven book....boy oh boy IMA be piiiiiiisssed.

Looks like from the video that elves, dwarves and men are/must unite so does that hint at a book for all them? Not sure...because wouldn't make sense to have those 4 in 1

Just breath, and remember these five letters; R.E.L.A.X.
The original rumors about all the End Times releases said that one of the 4 books would be at least semi-Skaven focused, and that a new plastic Vermin Lord would be part of the release.

As for the Chaos release, if a couple Nurgle kits is all we get, then feth it. I play Tzeentch so I don't give a flying warpfart about Nurgle.

Not to mention that no plastic Greater Daemons is also a huge miss on GW's part.

Seconded, on all parts. Though, I've heard that either there would four Chaos books, each focusing on a different god, or it would still be one book and each wave would focus on a different god.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/10/07 02:38:24


"There are no problems that cannot be solved with cannons." - Chief Engineer Boris Krauss of Nuln

Kid_Kyoto wrote:"Don't be a dick" and "This is a family wargame" are good rules of thumb.

Made in ca
Inspiring Icon Bearer


Looks like a bit more credence to a combined chaos list out of the next End Times book? Time to see how many pink horrors I can get dancing around a herdstone.
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