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Made in us
Wise Ethereal with Bodyguard

Catskills in NYS

Just that, what little things annoy you?

For me, it's fluff army and population sizes (much too low) and when people say railcannon. There is not such weapon. There is the railgun, rail rifle, heavy rail rifle, and heavy railgun.

Homosexuality is the #1 cause of gay marriage.
 kronk wrote:
Every pizza is a personal sized pizza if you try hard enough and believe in yourself.
 sebster wrote:
Yes, indeed. What a terrible piece of cultural imperialism it is for me to say that a country shouldn't murder its own citizens
 BaronIveagh wrote:
Basically they went from a carrot and stick to a smaller carrot and flanged mace.
Made in us
Ultramarine Librarian with Freaky Familiar

Southern California, USA

1) Too many skulls. We get it, GW, skulls are the aesthetically pleasing representation of death.

2) How Land Raiders and Rhinos go together. Gaps, gaps everywhere.

3) That the modern Tac squad box lacks a bolter that isn't already attached to a hand.

4) The lack of accessories in the Leman Russ box. I would love to deck my tanks out in baggage, crates and barrels.

Thought for the day: Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment.
30k Ultramarines: 2000 pts
Bolt Action Germans: ~1200 pts
AOS Stormcast: Just starting.
The Empire : ~60-70 models.
1500 pts
: My Salamanders painting blog 16 Infantry and 2 Vehicles done so far!  
Made in dk
Infiltrating Prowler

1) Eldar codex (all of them except 5th)
2) Eldar special rules
3) Eldar
4) Random wound allocation
5) Random warlord traits
6) Random psychic powers
7) Mysterius objectives
8) Eldar
Made in us
Shadowy Grot Kommittee Memba

1) Hmmm what am i going to be outfitting my special weapon squad with...will it be rocket launchers, or lascannons, or...

Or one of each kind of special weapon. Thanks, GW.

And then of course the ONLY TIME they don't just put one of each special weapon in the kit...is the only time it might not absolutely explode all hope of having a decently balanced game against the new eldar. GW why can't you even reliably be a money grubbing dick? Why does every unit except the most busted one in the game force you to grub around your bitz box and ebay to outfit a single special weapon focused squad?

2) Super uncustomizable troops you're going to want a whole bunch of. Especially when the kit feths you over with its pricing. Can I at least get modular grot crewmen for my Mek Gun please? maybe a couple different options for how the guns look? No? My full unit of five has to be five sets of absolute clones that cost nearly 200$ for 150 points? Okay GW.

3) Pretty much everything to do with the general playstyle of Eldar and Tau. If your army's drawback is "the troops are squishy" then you shouldn't get to hide everything behind magic super dodgy ultra tanky floating vehicles that absorb more fire than a freaking IK.

4) While we're on the subject, IKs and superheavies in general. There should be A) ABSOLUTELY ONE lord of war allowed in any given army list, and B) it must not compose more than 25% of your total army points. Also get these stupid HQ choices out of the LOW slot gw that's just hamfisted.

5) Anything flying. Handled absolutely awfully in this game. Skyfire should not snapfire at ground targets, flying monstrous creatures should lose a bunch of wounds compared to ground-based equivalents (wings come packaged with hollow bones)

6) Invisibility should not stop blast and template weapons. That's how you'd fight an invisible enemy anyway. "Sir, they've disappeared" "Hand me that flame thrower, I'll find 'em"

7) Jink Save: starts at 4+, Reduced by a value of 1 for each point above 10 in your vehicles' front armor to a minimum of "your vehicle cannot jink". Same thing with Jetbike and FMC units, instead using their Armor Value for every point above 5+.

8) redraw a new maelstrom of war objective card if the objective you drew was impossible due to army composition. THERE, THAT WAS HARD. THAT TOOK A LOT OF EFFORT TO COME UP WITH.

"Got you, Yugi! Your Rubric Marines can't fall back because I have declared the tertiary kaptaris ka'tah stance two, after the secondary dacatarai ka'tah last turn!"

"So you think, Kaiba! I declared my Thousand Sons the cult of Duplicity, which means all my psykers have access to the Sorcerous Facade power! Furthermore I will spend 8 Cabal Points to invoke Cabbalistic Focus, causing the rubrics to appear behind your custodes! The Vengeance for the Wronged and Sorcerous Fullisade stratagems along with the Malefic Maelstrom infernal pact evoked earlier in the command phase allows me to double their firepower, letting me wound on 2s and 3s!"

"you think it is you who has gotten me, yugi, but it is I who have gotten you! I declare the ever-vigilant stratagem to attack your rubrics with my custodes' ranged weapons, which with the new codex are now DAMAGE 2!!"

"...which leads you straight into my trap, Kaiba, you see I now declare the stratagem Implacable Automata, reducing all damage from your attacks by 1 and triggering my All is Dust special rule!"  
Made in us
Powerful Phoenix Lord

Buffalo, NY

Current Psychic rules
GW not issuing FAQs for all the rules problems that currently exist
Serpent Shield
Super-heavies in non-Apocalypse

Greebo had spent an irritating two minutes in that box. Technically, a cat locked in a box may be alive or it may be dead. You never know until you look. In fact, the mere act of opening the box will determine the state of the cat, although in this case there were three determinate states the cat could be in: these being Alive, Dead, and Bloody Furious.
Orks always ride in single file to hide their strength and numbers.
Gozer the Gozerian, Gozer the Destructor, Volguus Zildrohar, Gozer the Traveler, and Lord of the Sebouillia 
Made in us
Angry Blood Angel Assault marine


For me I think maybe just alot of the current random rolly stuff, like rolling for charge range and such. Rolling for reserves too. Just don't like that aspect very much. I'd like more consistency there.

Other than that just a few aesthetics issues. I kinda wish the various space marine tanks were a little larger and tankier. I feel like the IG tanks really look like tanks, while the ones used by space marines really just look like rolling sponson mounts. They feel more like toys than true tanks I guess.

I'd also like to see some various rules written better and a few streamlined, but well.... yeah. You know. Like wishing on an unlit birthday cake.

ALL HAIL THE ORKISSIAH, TRINARY SPEAKING GOD OF ORK TECHNOLOGY. (Unlike wimpy old Binary, Orks have commands for Yes, No AND "Maybe")

 Agent_Tremolo wrote:
In my personal scale for rating unlikely prophecies it scored two Millenium Bugs and one Mayan Apocalypse.

Made in es
Growlin' Guntrukk Driver with Killacannon

Imperial tank treads - I know wargaming models should be sturdy, functional and easy to assemble but come on, there must be a way to make realistic looking tracks that doesn't involve dozens of small fiddly bits.

War does not determine who is right - only who is left. 
Made in gb
Dakka Veteran

Here are mine:

- Necron Codex. The lore is surprisingly good, with much focus on civil war between Necron dynasties and war between them and the C'tan. But it's a broken, game-breaking mess.

- Flying Monstrous Creatures.

- When people don't know how to play, misuse rules blatantly or play in a campaign and SUCKS on purpose. Except in beginner games, which I don't play.

- Rhinos. Metal Boxes. I never use these units and whenever I see them,, I just want to crack them open.

- The fact that Land Raiders are not Heavy. Look at the size of them. Look at the armor values.

- Eldar lore. They are like the punching bag of Warhammer 40k. I hope the new Codex will make them look better, as in they gain more victories or admit their ultimate extinction, but not before helping Mankind (and maybe the Tau too) find its true way and win the galaxy.

- Random Warlord Traits and random Psychic Power generating.

- Ungodly amount of Space Marine spam across all facets of Warhammer 40k. And also Orks treated as, in many cases, nothing more than a generic enemy, ready to be slaughtered. I want to see more Tau and Necron as main enemies in video games and other brands of 40k.

- You cannot assault after your non-assault vehicle is killed. These units are stuck out in the open eating bullets like morons.

- Tau lore. feth Games Workshop and colonialism. Tau is exactly the grand and pretty image people in Europe have when they hear about colonialism: those savages don't know what is good for them, so we invade them with our army, kill anyone who oppose and set up a new government that we control. I live in Vietnam and I can't stand colonialism.

- The loss of many great characters from codice, including Vect, Marbo and Thawn.

This message was edited 7 times. Last update was at 2015/04/16 23:39:15

Made in us
Wise Ethereal with Bodyguard

Catskills in NYS

I think it might be on purporse with tau. They aren't supposed to be nice. In any other setting they would be the bad guys.

Homosexuality is the #1 cause of gay marriage.
 kronk wrote:
Every pizza is a personal sized pizza if you try hard enough and believe in yourself.
 sebster wrote:
Yes, indeed. What a terrible piece of cultural imperialism it is for me to say that a country shouldn't murder its own citizens
 BaronIveagh wrote:
Basically they went from a carrot and stick to a smaller carrot and flanged mace.
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Grand Forks, ND, USA

The manner in which the rules are written. They seem a bit wordy and not so clear, although the page numbers and index helps.

Dire Avengers have too many parts for my taste. I like that they are available for those who want to do different poses. I'm ok with chunks of metal too.

The frequency of rule changes or modifications vs. miniature releases. I would like to see far more miniature variations than rule variations. I think mission changes over rule changes would be preferable.

Skulls were mentioned, but then I thought, perhaps this is an Emperor thing. I still don't care for skulls but maybe it's a little more clear, as a lot of them seem to be used by Imperial forces.


Figures available only in resin and not metal or plastic at present.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2015/04/17 00:12:34

"They don't know us. Robot tanks are no match for space marines." Sergeant Knox from Star Blazers

Jesus Christ is the Resurrection and the Life 
Made in us
Stubborn Dark Angels Veteran Sergeant


 Wyzilla wrote:

Because Plague Marines have the evasion abilities of a drunk elephant.

Burn the Heretic
Kill the mutant
Purge the Unclean 
Made in us
Veteran Knight Baron in a Crusader

The vast majority of the 7E BRB.
1. Wound allocation is tedious and makes no sense
2. Cover should modify BS, not this stupid either/or system
3. Random run/charge distance
4. Dreadnought - walking vehicle w a pilot = walker
Dreadknight - walking vehicle w a pilot = monstrous creature
5. Blast/flamer templates hit all floors of a ruin
6. Maelstrom missions played RAW, auto win if 1 player draws impossible cards and the other player draws objectives they're already sitting on
7. Assault armies being inferior to gunlines in virtually every possible way
8. Summon spam, nothing more fun than playing 1850 against 3000 points and having every psychic power you manifest get denied
9. 2++ re rollable on a unit with 24" move, 3 wounds per model and AP2 melee attacks at iniative
10. Riptide with 3++, FNP and JSJ for a stupidly low amount of points
Made in us
Thane of Dol Guldur

1. Challenges - the mechanic is clumsy unless the 2 charachters are already in base contact after the charge.

2. The Psychic Phase - it feels like I am taking a break from the real game to play Yahtzee. The new rules also make the game feel more like the individual opponent John Doe is casting spells, rather than Ahriman or whoever.

3. Proclivity for mismatches.

4. Blasts pulling wounded models from the front of the unit vs. the blast center.

Made in eu
Been Around the Block

1) BRB: Written with little logic on the layout. Everything is in different places, not in the order you need it. And it likes to say 'discussed later', but it doesn't say on what page.

2) Psychic Powers: I'd gladly pay more for reliable casting of psychic powers, or even letting me at least choose ONE power, every discipline has at least one completely useless power. After my psykers letting me down in every single game I've played so far I'm just cutting them out.

3) Balance: It seems all the armies that needed a nerf aren't getting one, while the ones who didn't are. Space Wolves have to pay for an extra hand weapon, but necrons always get their Reanimation Protocols now.

4) New FoC: After failing with special codex detachments, Wolves Unleashed Detachment for example (6 HQ's lol wut), these new detachments are infinitely better, but there's this power gap that can only be closed by a codex update.

5) Finnicky Rules: When you ignore them the game runs smoother, but including them has no real benefit.

5) Eldar and Crons Codex's: Who wrote these. You have two hopes when facing these armies. Your first is your opponent went with something fun and not optimized, or second, that he makes a bunch of mistakes and you make none.

6) SM vehicles: If you look at them when compared other armies, they're actually pretty terrible.

7) Heavy Bolters: They're useless. You're always paying to replace them. Always.

8) Dreadnoughts: You're telling me an ancient and brave warrior in a giant machine does nothing to inspire or improve the marines around him.

9) Flyers: They have less of a place in 40k than artillery does. Hovering craft sure, but actual flying ones would spend all of their time turning. Oh but they fly slowly! Then why are they impossible to hit.

10) Snap Firing: Having BS 10 should give you SOME kind of benefit right?

11) Scout Marines: In every single army in history, scouting has been a specialist job. Always elite. Why do marines start there, it makes no sense.

12) Assault Marines: They always always die gruesome deaths. The only why for them to survive is for them to not do anything.
Made in us
Dark Angels Librarian with Book of Secrets

The fact that a Drop Pod is the same points as it is MSRP.

Successful Trades: Ashrog (1), Iron35 (1), Rathryan (3), Leth (1), Eshm (1), Zeke48 (1), Gorkamorka12345 (1),
Melevolence (2), Ascalam (1), Swanny318, (1) ScootyPuffJunior, (1) LValx (1), Jim Solo (1), xSoulgrinderx (1), Reese (1), Pretre (1) 
Made in gb
Shas'ui with Bonding Knife

1) The stupid IoM ally shenanigans!

2) Everything about the Grey Knights.

3) Space Marines ignoring too many rules.


5) Drop pods

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2015/04/17 13:22:10

Made in gb
Black Templar Recruit Undergoing Surgeries

York, UK

1) Assault being a vehicle rule as opposed to a Unit Rule. Seeing your Assault Unit of Awesome gunned down as they stand there with their pants down after disembarking is painful. For a Point Cost i'd like to give various Units the ability to assault from transports.

2) Rolling Charge Distances. At least provide a minimum - If I can get within 6 inches of a unit then a charge should be a no brainer.

3) Cover Saves. No no no. Have cover alter the firers BS.

4) Blasts taking casualties from the front and not the models hit... it just gimps charging further.

5) Necrons glacing Land Raiders on 6s. Seriously, the first move advantage is painful.

6) HQs taking up a Transport vehicle slot. It makes it awkward when building standard troops with a HQ attached.

Made in us
Irked Necron Immortal

1) Fear

2) USR that almost nothing uses. Seriously, what uses Strikedown?

3) GW's poor rules writing skills.

4) Metal SoB. (friends army, not mine) Lets throw in all the fine cast stuff as well.

5) The CSM Boon Table
Made in ca
Crazed Spirit of the Defiler

1- Lack of incentive to respect a strict CADS
2- Lack of a strict Ally chart
3- Failure to balance a game in a slots to slots way
4- Some squads that don't have plastic kits (Kommando)
5- Some kits that don't have all the bits you need to do every combo with that squads.
6- Overpriced models like Mek Kannon or Broadside.
7- Super heavy mixed in normal game.

Ahriman + 1 TSons squad: Painting in progress. Will gift them to my bro at Xmas!
2000+ Tau: Painting in progress. http://www.dakkadakka.com/gallery/images-78163-46237_Tau%20Battelforce.html 
Made in us
Latest Wrack in the Pits

I play DE. No good Unique HQs, few options against vehicles, feeling like my codex is a supplement for the Craftworld Eldar.
Made in us
Monstrous Master Moulder

Rust belt

1) the rules...
2) the cost
3 the balance of the game
4) special rule on top of special rule
5) horrible for pick up games
6) horrible for tournament play
7) did I mention the cost?
8) cutting content out of codex just to charge you another $50
9) GW the company enough said
10) random random random everything
Made in us
Cosmic Joe

1. Random tables for everything.
2. Cover save's either or system
3. Unplayable for pick up games
4. Chaos Codex doesn't fit the fluff and performs poorly.
5. Chaos Havocs not having enough autocannons.
6. Obviously weak/near useless models. Mutilators, Penitent Engines, Banshees, half the nid dex, etc.
7. Obviously overpowered/cheap for their performance units, wave serpents, (now scatter laser eldar bikes too) riptides, Knights, etc
8. All or nothing psychic phase
9. Mealstrom
10. Unbound.
11. Super Heavies in normal games.
12. Inclusion of fliers. (wrong scale) And then their unfun rules makes it worse.

Also, check out my history blog: Minimum Wage Historian, a fun place to check out history that often falls between the couch cushions. 
Made in us
Dark Angels Librarian with Book of Secrets

Also the fact that DA gets shafted in terms of cool toys, but we have overpriced stuff to totally compensate for it...

Successful Trades: Ashrog (1), Iron35 (1), Rathryan (3), Leth (1), Eshm (1), Zeke48 (1), Gorkamorka12345 (1),
Melevolence (2), Ascalam (1), Swanny318, (1) ScootyPuffJunior, (1) LValx (1), Jim Solo (1), xSoulgrinderx (1), Reese (1), Pretre (1) 
Made in fi
Andy Hoare

Turku, Finland

Tyranid meat guns and meat ships. Gundam Wing. The retcons upon retcons. Terrible balance and still no attempt to fix it after over a decade. The new crap backstory in everything ('cept the new ork dex), stupid names and the terrible sketch artwork (or worse) in every book. Stacking saves and various survivability tricks making for a frustrating game. Monstrous creatures being better at everything than walkers, while they should be worse.

The models are really nice though.

EDIT : And the new luckstorm missions. I don't think I want to play them again unless to humour somebody who wants to try a new dex objectives.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2015/04/17 15:35:10

"Eagles may soar high, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines." - Lord Borak
Made in gb


Lack of proper Lost and damn.
CSM codex and how bad it is, and especially lack of trasnport options. Even with forge world drop pods.
Chaos Daemons, rules, goofy models, just whole thing is ugh.
Tau and Eldars being top guys.

Flesh forge here. A Model designer for hire!
3D print and modelling of all kinds.
Made in gb
Boosting Space Marine Biker

midlands UK

well, i'd start with removing a lot of phychic stuff. Then make it so you can only have 1 lord of war in a certain percentage or amount of pts. Then i would un-cheese eldar. Then i would make there no s weapons. Then i would slightly buff DA. Then take 20% off model cost. Then i would put an age limit on the game. I don't mind kids, honestly, but i'm tired of little kids not finishing games and being dragged boredly by their parents back to the table. And it makes sense anyway, it's expensive and kids don't care for that stuff and will probably quit right after their parents spend a fortune. Also, make guardsmen worse and less pts and make vets better and more pts. probably more but i cant be bothered.

and omg get rid of maelstrom missions!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2015/04/17 19:09:54

Blood Ravens, 1700pts

Empire 40 wounds

Astra Militarum 2250pts

Khorne 750pts

Space Wolves 1550pts

Orks 500pts

Made in gb
Shas'ui with Bonding Knife

The biggest one is players who think that Tau are still higher tier.
Made in ca
Commander of the Mysterious 2nd Legion

 Co'tor Shas wrote:
I think it might be on purporse with tau. They aren't supposed to be nice. In any other setting they would be the bad guys.

yeah pretty much this re Tau and Colonialism. none of the faction in 40k are supposed to be nice guys. Honestly the comparison of Tau to the worst of European Colonialism makes for an intreasting argument when people say they're too nice

Opinions are not facts please don't confuse the two 
Made in gb
Shas'ui with Bonding Knife

BrianDavion wrote:
 Co'tor Shas wrote:
I think it might be on purporse with tau. They aren't supposed to be nice. In any other setting they would be the bad guys.

yeah pretty much this re Tau and Colonialism. none of the faction in 40k are supposed to be nice guys. Honestly the comparison of Tau to the worst of European Colonialism makes for an intreasting argument when people say they're too nice

I'm pretty sure that the Tau are based on modern day USA.
Made in ca
Commander of the Mysterious 2nd Legion

SGTPozy wrote:
BrianDavion wrote:
 Co'tor Shas wrote:
I think it might be on purporse with tau. They aren't supposed to be nice. In any other setting they would be the bad guys.

yeah pretty much this re Tau and Colonialism. none of the faction in 40k are supposed to be nice guys. Honestly the comparison of Tau to the worst of European Colonialism makes for an intreasting argument when people say they're too nice

I'm pretty sure that the Tau are based on modern day USA.

... And I'm pretty sure you're wrong. they don't really have much in common with the USA

Opinions are not facts please don't confuse the two 
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