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Minecraft @ 2011/01/03 02:11:00

Post by: DA's Forever

Is it worth the money?

It looks pretty awesome but I was wondering if it was. Opinions? Comments?

Adding some links for Minecraft players.. note these are for the PC game only at the moment,

Dakka Server thread Here

Dakka Server FAQ Here

edit by MDS

Minecraft @ 2011/01/03 03:35:23

Post by: Alphapod

Minecraft is awesome. The game itself is almost as addictive as 40k. It's thanks to Minecraft that parts of both my Eldar and Dark Angels remain unpainted. That's how addictive it is. So be warned.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/03 04:08:23

Post by: Grundz

i'll just leave one of my partial creations here

Minecraft @ 2011/01/03 04:16:20

Post by: DA's Forever

Dear... God... Gotta find a way to make a giant Creeper!


Minecraft @ 2011/01/03 04:17:47

Post by: Grundz

gimme a picture

Minecraft @ 2011/01/03 04:34:30

Post by: DA's Forever

How big of a hole would a giant creeper make?!

Minecraft @ 2011/01/03 05:48:20

Post by: Locclo

DA's Forever wrote:How big of a hole would a giant creeper make?!

How far down is bedrock?

And as others have said, Minecraft is an awesome way to spend time - it's a fantastic sandbox game where you can build just about anything you can think of given enough materials + time. It's a bit buggy, but it's just now entering beta, so it's to be expected.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/03 08:37:48

Post by: SagesStone

I'll just leave this here.

Since this picture the statue has been filled up with lava and I have a "space ship" floating behind it. Also on average 5-6 Creepers spawn at it's base each night.
Also I just noticed the face isn't quite right so back to work..

Minecraft @ 2011/01/04 12:08:34

Post by: DA's Forever

Thats the creeper god!

Minecraft @ 2011/01/04 16:53:24

Post by: johnscott10

Yes its woth the money id even have paid full price for it tbh.

Its scarily addictive, more so than Wow.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/09 04:50:02

Post by: Lord-Loss

Bought Minecraft yesterday and loving it! Havn't tried to build anything yet, too busy just minning downwards and generally being a noob.

Can't even imagine the patience that went into making something like a statue or model of those sizes, congrats to N0t_u and Grundz!

Minecraft @ 2011/01/09 07:54:55

Post by: SagesStone

Thank you, LL.

The statue took maybe an hour or two after I had the materials, or at least that's what it felt like. The real annoyance was building where I took the picture from.

The name escapes me, but I'm pretty glad that someone made a decent hookshot (The anchor thing you see in the pics) mod. Too bad it isn't compatible with the newer ones.

Also two texture packs I recommend are Doku's RPG one (I like the one without the flowers on the grass more, but both are good) and the Brown and Bloom pack I was using when I took these pictures.

Haven't built much as I've been exploring the world some more, trying to find the edge (well until I found out it takes an estimated 13 years to reach the edge). Which left me a nice 3 hours away from anything I've built. A tip for exploring is to pay attention to the clouds as they always go north.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/09 15:22:21

Post by: Lord-Loss

Havn't tried any texture stuff yet will try it soon but want to get used to the game first.

I've been doing a staircase mining strategy and it's working pretty well, hit a few magma lakes which are fun and just reached the impentratable bedrock stuff. So i'm just moving in a sideways direction and digging for minerals, it's good fun.

EDIT: Right after writing this I accidently clicked the DakkaDakka bookmark on the browser on my Minecraft tab and lost all the stuff I did when I mined to the side of my shaft. :( So I just made a gigantic magma lake at the bottom of my shaft for fun and it looks very pretty.


If I make a big platform and build a house/shelter on it, will no monsters spawn up there? They scare me and i'm terrible at fighting on this game, I need a mouse.

Should I just make a seperate mineshaft now or improvise with the first one?

Minecraft @ 2011/01/09 17:30:15

Post by: Nick Ellingworth

Lord-Loss wrote:Questions:

If I make a big platform and build a house/shelter on it, will no monsters spawn up there? They scare me and i'm terrible at fighting on this game, I need a mouse.

Should I just make a seperate mineshaft now or improvise with the first one?

It's all about the light if your house/shelter and the are around it is well lit then you shouldn't have any monsters spawn on it, of course they can walk/climb/jump to the area so you can never be entirely monster free unless you build a decent sized wall around your shelter and have a door to allow access.

As for mine shafts I say the more the merrier but I do limit myself to one per 'base.' eg: in my currently world 3 I have two mine shafts one at my spawn base and one at my WIP Saxon style village/fort thing, both go down the the bedrock and both have branches off them. Between them I've gather well over 200 iron, 300 coal, 100 redstone and nearly 10 diamond.

My current goals are to build a tree house and build a portal to the nether. I've found the perfect location for the former, there's a massive clump of trees on top of a hill near my village/fort. As for the latter I'm thinking I might put it in the half finished castle near my spawn. Would give me a decent excuse to finish the damn thing.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/09 18:08:40

Post by: Lord-Loss

Think I shall just remake my house and build a big wall around it covered in torches. I'll make a little cave near my house when it's under construction so I don't get owned every night.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/09 21:12:20

Post by: Nick Ellingworth

Sounds like a plan of course you could always turn the difficulty to peaceful while you're building.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/09 21:17:18

Post by: SilverMK2

This game sounds interesting, what is it?

Minecraft @ 2011/01/09 21:33:29

Post by: Nick Ellingworth

SilverMK2 wrote:This game sounds interesting, what is it?

Basically minecraft is a construction game, you gather resources (stone, dirt wood, iron etc) and build stuff. In order to gather resources more efficiently you must craft tools using the most basic resources. But it's not all building and resource gathering you must find shelter before night falls otherwise the skeletons, zombies, giant spiders and 6 foot tall exploding green penises (creepers) will kill you.

There are as many ways to play the game as there are players (currently approaching 1mil sales). Some just like to build, some like to explore the randomly generated worlds and others just try to survive in the world as a nomad.

If any of that sounds interesting go here and give the free version a go, it is only the construction side of things with unlimited resources but it acts as a nice taster for the main game.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/09 23:30:56

Post by: Lord-Loss

Nick Ellingworth wrote:Sounds like a plan of course you could always turn the difficulty to peaceful while you're building.

And I didn't know there was a peaceful difficulty and now I do.

To work.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/10 08:18:52

Post by: SagesStone

Nick Ellingworth wrote:build a portal to the nether. I've found the perfect location for the former, there's a massive clump of trees on top of a hill near my village/fort. As for the latter I'm thinking I might put it in the half finished castle near my spawn. Would give me a decent excuse to finish the damn thing.

Put one in each of your major bases and make sure they are surrounded properly. Then you need two portals in your Nether base and you should be able to use it for fast travel. Kind of like the warp. While in the Nether grab as much Light Stone as possible, this stuff has been like gold to me; especially for my underwater bases.

I'd recommend building all bases out of stone. Fully enclose the first floor, using glass for windows. The second floor can be open, but it would also be ideal to have a lookout tower as well. Then you can place torches on the tower and use it to find your base if you get lost.

For a door I'd say a metal one (but I do find a lot of Creepers, as in a fair few nights I've had 8+ bouncing outside >_> ), with a pressure plate to open on the inside and a button on the outside. Alternatively just a lever inside will do, the point is only you can open it and not the creeps, thus making the first floor entirely enclosed and safe.

There is also a minimum range the creeps can spawn, I think its about 4-5 blocks away from you. It's also based on light, so if you build on a small island and cover the entire thing with torches none will spawn on it. If you have a wall around it they won't be able to enter.

As for my floating island I purposely left the lighting low enough for creeps to spawn in places. But mostly so they go into my creep trap.

After this picture I made a large circle one running off the same idea of using boosters for perpetual motion. Then above it is a few rows of stone. When a creep touches a minecart they automatically climb into it. Then if it passes under a block that is less than their height (nearly everything including you are height 2), they take damage from hitting it. So it's kind of like a record player, except instead of music it drops items.

For decent Creeper defence, try to get a layer of water to flow on the outside of your base. The explosion will not go through it saving your base from taking any damage.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/10 08:30:53

Post by: Nick Ellingworth

That is an awesome mob trap. Most people just drown, burn or explode them, this is the first time I've seen minecart physics abuse used for a mob trap.

I just use a moat to defend my bases.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/10 08:33:10

Post by: SagesStone

I'll admit I had my huge pit of death lined with torches phase.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/10 13:20:27

Post by: Tyyr

So is this thing single player, multi-player, what? Can you find other people in the world or are you it?

Minecraft @ 2011/01/10 13:39:41

Post by: Nob 'ead

Nick Ellingworth wrote:
I just use a moat to defend my bases.

I hope that moats made from MAGMA

Just got the game a few days ago and thats the pinnacle of my achievment. Only Dakka can stop me from playing

Oh also, the game is both single and multiplayer, if you get the IP of an online server then you can join other worlds and mess around with people.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/10 13:51:43

Post by: Nick Ellingworth

Tyyr wrote:So is this thing single player, multi-player, what? Can you find other people in the world or are you it?

Both, there's single and multi player modes.

Nob 'ead wrote:
Nick Ellingworth wrote:
I just use a moat to defend my bases.

I hope that moats made from MAGMA

Sadly not. It's just water, but it stops creepers from blowing large chunks out of my wall. Which has to be a good thing.

Found a load of diamond (5 in one vein!) in one of my mines today. I like being able to waste diamond on random tools. What I really want though is gold, I want a throne dammit. Oh well I guess I'll just have to console myself with a lovely shower in my newly constructed en-suite bathroom.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/10 13:59:37

Post by: SagesStone

Also if you have a friend that can set it up right you can use Hamachi and the server software to have your own private world.

In terms of my moats:

Fast flowing water changed into fast flowing water to a huge pit. Then it changed to dragging them through cacti. I then abandoned that base. New one had magma moat, because it looks awesome with a long stone bridge over it and can be seen to the right in my picture of the statue (that base is actually a cannon from learning how to make an elevator ). Although now days all my bases just float in the air.

My PC died so currently no minecraft, probably explaining why I've posted so much in this thread. But, I can get my world by turning the hard disk into a usb drive.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/10 14:33:45

Post by: Tyyr

So what's the game cost and what are the system requirements?

Minecraft @ 2011/01/10 14:45:00

Post by: SagesStone


Here's the site. I'm not sure of the requirements, but they'd be pretty low as the game itself is not very taxing. If it helps the Laptop I ran it on had a 2.6ghz dual core processor, 1024mb ram and a 128mb video card. It ran completely fine on the normal render distance and would only lag occasionally with the highest settings. Of course regardless the game is supposed to lag occasionally as only the world within a certain distance to you is created at a time. The more you explore the larger the save will become because of this.

Also the price was about 10 Euros before, but during the Alpha it was half price, so I think it's 15 Euros now.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/10 15:13:54

Post by: Tyyr

I ask because I can't access the site due to work filters.

If the requirements are low that would be good for me, looking for a new laptop game.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/10 15:25:56

Post by: SagesStone

Well the above laptop I mentioned is the Acer Aspire 5710 so can't be too hard to beat. Also I never actually found the specifications on the website, but it has the in browser one which I guess can be used to see how you go with it when not at work.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/10 17:45:23

Post by: avantgarde

Hey n0t_u.

How'd you get grass to grow on your floating island? I'm building a huge one myself.

I know to grow grass you need an existing block of grass. Is building a staircase to connect the island to grass covered dirt the only way?

Minecraft @ 2011/01/10 17:55:57

Post by: SagesStone

I used Invedit for the grass, but only because of the annoyance of doing it normally before. I'd say build a 3 wide staircase of normal dirt up to it and give it time to travel.

The reason is that the growth is apparently accelerated by having multiple grass blocks nearby and after three it will be pretty tedious.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/10 19:12:10

Post by: Locclo

On that note it's worth pointing out you can basically just set it up and ignore it for a while. Even at top speed, it takes several in-game days to get even close. As long as the chunk doesn't unload (which I believe happens around 300 blocks away...though I'm not sure about it) it'll keep going regardless of what you're up to.

Of course, you can always use INVedit if you're in single player, but it doesn't help much if it's a multiplayer server you're talking about.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/10 20:36:24

Post by: Lord-Loss


This is probally the best castle i've seen on YT so far, it's pretty amazing, the gold is espically impressive.

The dude in it is a total Tobuscus wannabe though.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/16 21:19:29

Post by: Lord-Loss

I built a portal to the Nether yesterday, had a quick look around, and all I saw was lots of fire and space; is there any point exploring down there, anything valuable?

Found a gigantic natural cavern thing in my minning shaft, it took me a while to hit below surface level because my base/house is ontop of a large mountain. The cavern is so large, I havn't explored it fully yet, it seems to go down to bedrock and there's lots of still lava at the lowest bit i've explored so far, good for making Obsidian.

Is there a way to stop Farm animals from spawning inside my houses outer wall, they keep bumping into me when I try to build and my lava fall doesn't kill them all.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/16 21:50:37

Post by: johnscott10

Lord-Loss wrote:I built a portal to the Nether yesterday, had a quick look around, and all I saw was lots of fire and space; is there any point exploring down there, anything valuable?

Nah not really imo, just the nether blocks and some glowstone blocks.

Found a gigantic natural cavern thing in my minning shaft, it took me a while to hit below surface level because my base/house is ontop of a large mountain. The cavern is so large, I havn't explored it fully yet, it seems to go down to bedrock and there's lots of still lava at the lowest bit i've explored so far, good for making Obsidian.

Hehe that happens alot

Is there a way to stop Farm animals from spawning inside my houses outer wall, they keep bumping into me when I try to build and my lava fall doesn't kill them all.

not that im aware of :S

Minecraft @ 2011/01/16 22:04:15

Post by: Lord-Loss

Something about those sort-of-cute, blocky animals makes me want to drive a pickaxe through their pixalized heads.

I'm considering starting a very longterm project to rebuild my wooden tower into a completely Obsidian tower. It would look epic and be incredibly tough (bring it on Creepers), could even build a castle around it with the tower at the centre.

Really loving this game so far.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/16 22:13:45

Post by: johnscott10

Lord-Loss wrote:Something about those sort-of-cute, blocky animals makes me want to drive a pickaxe through their pixalized heads.

I'm considering starting a very longterm project to rebuild my wooden tower into a completely Obsidian tower. It would look epic and be incredibly tough (bring it on Creepers), could even build a castle around it with the tower at the centre.

Really loving this game so far.

Hehe, the novelty wears off after a while, yet i cant help but go back every now and then. Its funny how i had only seen very little of it and thought it would be crap but it had me up to 6am and stuff like that its scarily addictive, and the fact it was £6 was a bonus.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/16 23:12:23

Post by: BrookM

I hate that animals spawn inside my greenhouses now. I've specifically built those to keep animals out and stop them from destroying my crops, bah!

Minecraft @ 2011/01/16 23:49:07

Post by: johnscott10

BrookM wrote:I hate that animals spawn inside my greenhouses now. I've specifically built those to keep animals out and stop them from destroying my crops, bah!

Fences around the crops mostly work aslong as it isnt placed near a ledge.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/17 05:56:10

Post by: SagesStone

Also you could remove the grass. Animals only spawn on top of grass with an adequate light source. People sometimes use it for farms as well.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/17 07:58:15

Post by: Lord-Loss

n0t_u wrote:Also you could remove the grass. Animals only spawn on top of grass with an adequate light source. People sometimes use it for farms as well.

Thank you.

Looks like my courtyard/outerbase/inside-of-my-wall is getting a cobblestone floor.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/17 08:34:19

Post by: SagesStone

Just noticed your question about the worth of the Nether. It's actually a pretty interesting place. The normal stone found around the place will stay lit once it catches fire indefinitely allowing interesting torches to be made. The Lightstone, the glowing blocks, have actually replaced all torches in my newer bases as they have the same light rating as the sun does.

They were also quite helpful when building underwater bases as they can be placed and work while underwater.
As I mentioned before in this thread the Nether can actually be used as a sort of warp travel. Build a second gate in both the Nether and the top world and it should let you travel between the two quickly. However this is currently where I am in the game with figuring stuff out so I'm still not completely 100% on how to do it yet. Damn Ghast traps set me back on it as well.

Lastly there's the slow sand. I've seen it used a couple of times as a defensive measure but I don't really see too much value in it myself.

In the free version I actually had an Obsidian tower, they are indeed awesome looking from afar. Just don't forget to have the occasional run off so you can have lava flowing off of it.

Also I remember when I found my first underground cavern in my mineshaft. I was lost for well over an hour trying to find my way out. Not to mention the Zombies and Skeletons. I always play on hard when not building something huge. Makes exploring that much more interesting.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/17 20:45:07

Post by: Lord-Loss

I've started the minning for my Obsidian tower, made about three stacks worth down my deep cavern with a bucket of water.

I used the Obsidian I already had (2 stacks) to replace most of my foundation/floor and 3/4s of the wall of my first floor.

I think my tower is 6x7 for floor and 4 block high walls. I'm thinking I could make a lava fall at the top that runs down the sides, I could then take 4 blocks out the walls on each floor and the lava that flows down would serve as a light source.

EDIT: For those are interested (nobody probally ), here's my tower so far. This was taken after I died, loosing my Diamand pick, three buckets, abit of iron ore and about half a stack of Obsidian. :(

Minecraft @ 2011/01/18 03:37:53

Post by: SagesStone

Looks pretty cool so far. Way bigger than any of the bases I've built.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/18 03:54:27

Post by: Lord-Loss

Thanks. I've had the idea now to extend the tower down into that cliff. This is gonna take alot of Obsidian and patience.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/18 04:05:07

Post by: SagesStone

Well if you want an elevator just run a waterfall from the top into a pool of water at the bottom. Make sure to place the water so that it kind of flows back towards the waterfall. Then just ride a boat into it. This will shoot the boat up to the top, you can get out whenever you want then hold space to get to individual floors. The boat may bump you once or twice depending on the size though.

It'll be interesting to see the base when it's finally completed. Don't forget the windows.
Also if you died from falling hold shift while on a block and you won't fall off.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/18 04:15:03

Post by: Lord-Loss

Will probally use that elevator idea.

I saw a good use for the Nether on Minecraft forums (I lurk there), if you put a portal next to a still lava pool in the Nether and put a portal near your house then it's basically a unlimited supply of lava which is only steps away. I'm defintely doing that.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/18 04:24:57

Post by: SagesStone

So I've been lost for a while.

Finally decided to try my first Nether jump and it worked. I was roughly 4 hours away from all my bases and it was just a 3-4 minute walk in the Nether to my base there and the portal inside.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/18 06:51:06

Post by: Lord-Loss

n0t_u wrote:So I've been lost for a while.

Finally decided to try my first Nether jump and it worked. I was roughly 4 hours away from all my bases and it was just a 3-4 minute walk in the Nether to my base there and the portal inside.

Thats awesome and very useful.

Another question, is their snow terrain on every map or is it a texture pack thingy?

Minecraft @ 2011/01/18 06:56:59

Post by: SagesStone

I'm not sure as every world is randomly generated. But even though my world looks fairly sunny I managed to find a large frozen area while traveling.

I have started new worlds in the snow though.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/18 08:34:55

Post by: Nick Ellingworth

Hows the new update treating everyone? I hope all your defences are now spider proof. There's nothing worse that leaving your house in the morning only to find a spider climbing up the walls.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/18 08:41:26

Post by: Lord-Loss

Nick Ellingworth wrote:Hows the new update treating everyone? I hope all your defences are now spider proof. There's nothing worse that leaving your house in the morning only to find a spider climbing up the walls.

Been playing on Peaceful for a while so I havn't had any spider incidents (yet), will probally add some sort of spider proofness to my wall and tower before I put it back on normal.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/18 08:43:25

Post by: SagesStone

That kind of makes me feel like updating.
I've been using the same one for a while and only then because of how godly the hookshot mod has been.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/18 08:49:42

Post by: Nick Ellingworth

Lord-Loss wrote:
Nick Ellingworth wrote:Hows the new update treating everyone? I hope all your defences are now spider proof. There's nothing worse that leaving your house in the morning only to find a spider climbing up the walls.

Been playing on Peaceful for a while so I havn't had any spider incidents (yet), will probally add some sort of spider proofness to my wall and tower before I put it back on normal.

Make sure you do that. particularly since it has been confirmed that spider jockey's (skelies riding spiders) can also climb walls.

Don't blame you for playing on peaceful, for a while the spawn rates were simply insane and the game spammed loads of hostile mobs. Thankfully that has since been fixed.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/18 08:52:00

Post by: SagesStone

No more Creeper hordes?

Minecraft @ 2011/01/18 09:10:24

Post by: Lord-Loss

Well i've just finished my tower (about ten minutes ago), ofcourse 3/4s of it is still wood but I've got it the right height, just below cloud level.

I'm going to spiderproof my walls, make a moat, of lava and put it back on normal now.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/18 09:10:44

Post by: Nick Ellingworth

n0t_u wrote:No more Creeper hordes?

Well it's possible but unlikely, I have encountered groups of or 5 since the last update (1.2.01) but no more than that unlike 1.2 where I saw in the distance a group of 10 creepers.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/18 09:39:48

Post by: SagesStone

Too bad, kind of made my Creeper statue seem special watching a Creeper horde assemble around it.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/18 10:52:46

Post by: Lord-Loss

I've spent the last half an hour attempting to build a lava moat, this has been quite difficult. I had to go down into my mine, grab some lava, pour it into my hole and repeat.

I got annoyed and decided to try the lava pool Nether idea, so I went into the Nether, dismantled my current portal there, for the Obsidian. I've now realised I have forgotten my flint and steel.

Anyway to get out without dying?

Minecraft @ 2011/01/18 11:59:02

Post by: SagesStone

You need a creative way to start a fire I guess. It's not going to be easy. I guess you could stand in it and see if the fireballs the Ghasts shoot will start it up for you.

I'm not sure they will and that's about all I can think of. Another problem is the fireballs explode so you'd need to get out of the way.

I got stuck once. The portal closed as I went to it for some reason, probably because I saved and quit while I was in there. I'm think this is how I got out of there. Also after it I aways have the flint and steel with me where ever I go.

Edit: This way will probably convince you to forge some armour at the same time.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/18 12:22:26

Post by: Lord-Loss

I'll try the Ghast fireball thingy, it sounds dangerous and fun.

I wouldn't mind dying usually but I've got my diamond pick on me this time and it's the only one I have.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/18 15:28:25

Post by: The Bringer

Lord-Loss wrote:I'll try the Ghast fireball thingy, it sounds dangerous and fun.

I wouldn't mind dying usually but I've got my diamond pick on me this time and it's the only one I have.

There is a program you an use to hack your inventory.

I find it rather funny that you got yourself stuck in the nether. If you kill yourself, you could always go back and pick up your things.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/18 15:54:49

Post by: Lord-Loss

Yes, well I did kill myself, ghast fireball failed.

Today has been full of minecraft fail, I managed to burn my tower down, well the half that isn't obsidian. I'm never making a wooden base again.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/18 15:58:35

Post by: The Bringer

Lord-Loss wrote:Yes, well I did kill myself, ghast fireball failed.

Today has been full of minecraft fail, I managed to burn my tower down, well the half that isn't obsidian. I'm never making a wooden base again.

haha, you should build out of stone... or glass.

Once my bro was mining with TNT, and one of his TNT boxes exploded and launched another box into his huge cathedral, obliterating one of the walls.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/18 15:59:57

Post by: SagesStone

How did you manage to burn it down?

Also yeh, that's why I skipped wood (but eventually came back to it for some reason ). Went from a dirt fort straight to a stone one. Back then I thought the Creepers could start a fire with their explosion.

Edit: I also set my first little wood house on fire. Got a mod that allows me to make elemental arrows and I was shooting at a creeper hiding around it (it's like all of the other monsters don't even bother with me sometimes) it died but I shot one too many, it just happened to be that I was using the fire ones.

I put the fire out after losing a bit of it (just punch the fire out with left click (that's how you solve most problems in Minecraft. )).

Minecraft @ 2011/01/18 16:00:12

Post by: johnscott10

Lord-Loss wrote:Yes, well I did kill myself, ghast fireball failed.

Today has been full of minecraft fail, I managed to burn my tower down, well the half that isn't obsidian. I'm never making a wooden base again.

Hehehe, iv never built a base from wood always stone, but need to rethink how i build em due to spiders crawling up walls :S

Minecraft @ 2011/01/18 16:01:52

Post by: The Bringer

johnscott10 wrote:
Lord-Loss wrote:Yes, well I did kill myself, ghast fireball failed.

Today has been full of minecraft fail, I managed to burn my tower down, well the half that isn't obsidian. I'm never making a wooden base again.

Hehehe, iv never built a base from wood always stone, but need to rethink how i build em due to spiders crawling up walls :S

Its easy, have lave flowing over your walls, excellent pest control.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/18 16:04:36

Post by: johnscott10

The Bringer wrote:
johnscott10 wrote:
Lord-Loss wrote:Yes, well I did kill myself, ghast fireball failed.

Today has been full of minecraft fail, I managed to burn my tower down, well the half that isn't obsidian. I'm never making a wooden base again.

Hehehe, iv never built a base from wood always stone, but need to rethink how i build em due to spiders crawling up walls :S

Its easy, have lave flowing over your walls, excellent pest control.

Suppose thats one way of doing it XD.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/19 00:08:02

Post by: DA's Forever

Wall climbing spiders?! Excellent

Minecraft @ 2011/01/19 13:38:58

Post by: SagesStone

Finally updated to the Beta, only problem is the mod items I have in my world prevents me from loading my world as they are no longer supported. >_>

Luckily I do have it on another machine so might be able to fix it up there so I can load it in the Beta. I had just finished a new base with working plumbing as well.

Time to hunt some squids.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/21 08:31:08

Post by: SagesStone

So world is gone, but kind of fixed it up by giving myself one of each of the diamond tools and some gold with Invedit. As a way of getting myself over the little bump of losing everything and having to consider living in some hole in a cliff for a while.

After having a base underwater, floating in the sky, with a minecart train to pretty much everywhere, actual indoor plumbing (no idea why just thought to give it a go and it's too annoying to consider redoing at some point and it does pretty much nothing, I could throw a useless block into it and it would be swept all the way out of the base but it's not worth it for that purpose alone) it's kind of disappointing to think of.

That castle video LL posted also inspired me to get to work.

So using the stuff I mentioned before I dug down into the ground to get some lava, which I used to make a Cobblestone machine. Which meant I could get started on this.

Thus I completed one of the competitions between me and my brother in this game, I made an entrance room bigger than his base.

This has been nicknamed the Chair of Awesome, though I think it needs a bit added to it to live up to it.

Made an Aquarium for the Squids, then found out that while they were common in Beta 1.2, they are surprisingly rare in the current 1.2_01 >_>

The base is still being built and I've done a bit since I took these pictures earlier.
This empty space here now has my base's forge with a more fancy version of the Cobblestone machine I've been using to fuel this build.

Also some of the older players may have known but I just literally found it out before taking these screenshots. If you hold F1 the Hud will vanish, as long as you're holding it. F2 will make it take a screenshot. To get to it you have to go to the minecraft folder (for windows go to run then type "%appdata%" and it will be the folder called .minecraft) in there will be all the files and saves and a newly created folder called screenshots that is made when you take the first one.

As for the others I'll list them as this post has been pretty pic heavy so it's my way of apologizing for it.
Holding F3 will make the stats show up, current FPS, CPU, MEM usage etc.
F5 toggles to third-person view
F11 toggles to full screen mode, however the interface seems to have some issues with it when it goes back to the normal windowed mode at times.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/21 09:05:36

Post by: Lord-Loss

Thats awesome, love the aquarium.

I've rebuilt part of my wall to make it straight, remade my obsidian tower, it's now 10x10 base and 10 blocks talls, I'll probally make it taller and build my castle around it, so it's a safe room and lookout tower.

I've got another Nether related problem thought. I went back into the Nether earlier (remembered my Flint and Steel this time), I found a giant lake of lava, construsted a portal next to it. Went back into my world and came out in a cave somewhere underground, what the feth?!?!

Kind of concerned as I only made one portal which is in my fort. Went back and forth a few times and keep coming back into this cave. I've also got no idea how to check what layer i'm on so not sure whether to just dig up.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/21 09:24:15

Post by: Nick Ellingworth

Love that mansion/base/sea world thing you've built n0t_u I normally go for smaller size constructions, I really ought to get a cobblestone generator built at some point but like mob grinders it's something I never get round to.

Lord_loss if you make a portal in the Nether the game creates a new one in the main world, apparently it's also possible to find random portals in the main world but they are really rare.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/21 09:27:12

Post by: Lord-Loss

Nick Ellingworth wrote:Lord_loss if you make a portal in the Nether the game creates a new one in the main world, apparently it's also possible to find random portals in the main world but they are really rare.

What a bunch of balls, i'm going to have to destroy the portal in my world, kill myself, invedit my diamond pickaxe back and move on.

Well now I know, thanks.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/21 09:28:18

Post by: SagesStone

Yeh that was happening to me as well. There is some calculation to determine the difference in distance between them, so when you make a new portal in the Nether it makes a new one in the real world the equal distance away.

This is what I was trying to figure out with all those warp jumps I was trying out. I'm not sure but try breaking the portal in the real world then building a new one and going through that. Not entirely sure but it may drop you out of one of your portals in the Nether. Also build a compass as soon as you can you'll likely need it.

When it happened to me I dug myself out of the ground, which first took ages, then I was in some completely new area I hadn't seen before so I needed it to get back to the spawn, which was just a small railway station for me.

Though I had the annoyance of coming out in the exact same cave 3 or 4 times before I dug out, each a new portal.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Here it is, the article that started me off on trying to make a warp system in my world.

This one little line started something that would create so much annoyance.
When re-entering the normal world, any distance covered in The Nether is multiplied by 8, effectively making The Nether a fast travel zone that allows for greater distances to be covered in a short amount of time in the normal world.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/21 14:25:35

Post by: Ediin

I bought it today, and it's honestly the best game I've ever played. (What can I say, the creator is Swedish)

Also, I hate Creepers.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/22 03:34:24

Post by: DA's Forever

I dont ever think ill tire of,

Me: Oh for Feth's sake

Minecraft @ 2011/01/22 06:32:07

Post by: Lord-Loss

I'm trying to remake the rooms in my castle, i've decided i'll prefer several large rooms over like ten small ones, easier to get around and all.

I'll post a picture when it's finished.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/22 07:14:30

Post by: SagesStone

DA's Forever wrote:I dont ever think ill tire of,

Me: Oh for Feth's sake

This reminds me that I have to build a new Creeper statue to appease them. When I had it sure tons still spawned but they left me alone. In this new world however, door opens this small green dot on the horizon bounces towards me...

Minecraft @ 2011/01/22 07:17:10

Post by: Lord-Loss

How do I make a cobblestone generator?

I'm guessing I use lava and water but i'm not sure on the specifics.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/22 07:33:22

Post by: SagesStone

Well you need to shape it so that the lava flows into the water, but the sources will never meet. I'll get a Youtube video as it would make the explanation a bit easier.

However my one is a bit different from a bunch I've seen as I stand in a trench and the water pushes me back and forth to collect the stone so I just have to hold left click and it does the rest.

I'll post the vid in the sec I'm just filtering out the horrid designs.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Alright it was faster than I though, I like this design a bit.
The others had them climb down ladders or climb inside it to gather the stone (all this with the crappiest music produced by man in the last 10ish years), it is far better to have one that sends the stone to you.

Also make sure to turn the volume down for the start, this guys intro is loud.

Note it is a bit big though, mess around with the design a bit because you can make one as compact as 3x3x3 or 4x4x4 if you try hard enough.

Sure its not the best tutorial ever but you'll be able to piece it together mostly just by looking at it.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/22 07:43:15

Post by: DA's Forever

n0t_u wrote:
DA's Forever wrote:I dont ever think ill tire of,

Me: Oh for Feth's sake

This reminds me that I have to build a new Creeper statue to appease them. When I had it sure tons still spawned but they left me alone. In this new world however, door opens this small green dot on the horizon bounces towards me...

They demand appeasment, or next time they may not be so distant

Minecraft @ 2011/01/22 07:46:11

Post by: SagesStone

Might try mossy cobblestone then as it has the same pattern as them. Need to either find a whole ton of dungeons, find out how the normal cobblestone becomes it or just use Invedit.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/22 07:52:42

Post by: Nick Ellingworth

As far as I know regular cobblestone doesn't become mossy in game, you'll either have to dungeon farm or invedit (boo hiss) I reckon.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/22 08:02:17

Post by: DA's Forever

n0t_u wrote:Might try mossy cobblestone then as it has the same pattern as them. Need to either find a whole ton of dungeons, find out how the normal cobblestone becomes it or just use Invedit.

The Creepers demand quality craftsmanship! Get to finding them dungeons!

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Nick Ellingworth wrote:As far as I know regular cobblestone doesn't become mossy in game, you'll either have to dungeon farm or invedit (boo hissssssssSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS) I reckon.

He's a Creeper in disguise run!

Minecraft @ 2011/01/22 08:15:10

Post by: Nick Ellingworth

DA's Forever wrote:
Nick Ellingworth wrote:As far as I know regular cobblestone doesn't become mossy in game, you'll either have to dungeon farm or invedit (boo hissssssssSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS) I reckon.

He's a Creeper in disguise run!

Curssssssssesssssssss foiled again.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/22 08:16:44

Post by: DA's Forever

Green Skin Issssssssssssssssssssssss a Giveaway

Minecraft @ 2011/01/22 08:20:45

Post by: SagesStone

Well looks like it's going to take a fair while to get the materials needed for the statue then. Last one was at least 30-40 blocks tall. How many dungeons is that?

Minecraft @ 2011/01/22 08:22:39

Post by: DA's Forever

Quite alot...

Minecraft @ 2011/01/22 08:27:38

Post by: Nick Ellingworth

Yeah I'd say invedit would be a better choice than trying to find hundreds of dungeons.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/22 08:29:38

Post by: DA's Forever

Yeah, sounds like alot of effort to just build let alone find materials for

Minecraft @ 2011/01/22 08:32:13

Post by: SagesStone

Alright when I get around to it the plan is to build it to the clouds and have lava inside it then.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/22 08:38:21

Post by: DA's Forever

Try not to get lost in the Nether this time, eh?

Minecraft @ 2011/01/22 09:22:54

Post by: SagesStone

I don't get lost I explore

World's gone because the save was incompatible with the new beta. Damn floodgates you make such awesome doors and I can't remember where you all are.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/22 09:28:31

Post by: DA's Forever

AAhhh gotcha

Minecraft @ 2011/01/22 09:31:59

Post by: SagesStone

Just make sure you always have a compass and a flint and steel.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/22 09:35:39

Post by: DA's Forever

Compass is life saver. Fething random hole in the ground made me fall into one of the deepest caves ive been into so far

Minecraft @ 2011/01/22 09:43:18

Post by: SagesStone

That's how I lost my first ever base.

It was night so I started doing some mining and fell, luckily near the morning. It was day when I finally found my way out, searched for ages but never found it so just built a new base.

It was a happy little shack made out of sand for the walls and dirt for the roof with my first ever crafting bench in it, and I never found it again as it was in some random direction from my spawn point.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/22 09:46:53

Post by: DA's Forever

See i wasn't even mining there was just a Fethin hole in the ground!

Minecraft @ 2011/01/22 09:53:47

Post by: SagesStone

Yeh I hate those too, in fact there's one right out the front of my new base. I swear the Creepers fly out it sometimes.

It's just on the other side of the small hill in the first pic, need to really get around to blocking it.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/22 09:58:19

Post by: DA's Forever

ASAP Its sucks getting lost down there

Minecraft @ 2011/01/22 09:58:34

Post by: BrookM

I never go mining without a compass and watch. I love my watch. Call me a pussy, but I tend to only dig up to the surface when it is close to, or plain day.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/22 10:01:07

Post by: DA's Forever

I dont blame you digging back up sometimes at night all i hear is fethin creepers

Minecraft @ 2011/01/22 11:00:32

Post by: Lord-Loss

Does anyone here have a treehouse?

I've spent a few minutes looking up pictures of them on google images, some of them are amazing, can't even imagine the amount of time the giant ones took, espically if they're made without Invedit (I doubt it though). Would love to burn one down, would look awesome.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/22 11:06:17

Post by: SagesStone

I had a treehouse. In the sense that I found a big tree hollowed out the top and turned it into a decent but small base.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/22 11:10:26

Post by: Lord-Loss

People can make them quite big, would love to find a online server with something like this.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/22 11:20:36

Post by: SagesStone

That's pretty cool.

I like this one.

Seems to be a lot of the cool stuff is in videos rather than pictures.

Also found this decent wallpaper I thought I'd post here, clicking it will go to a much larger version of it.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/22 12:03:48

Post by: Lord-Loss

Finished the roof on my base/house and wondering if my lava roof moat will work to keep spiders off my roof?

Minecraft @ 2011/01/22 12:10:07

Post by: SagesStone

They can jump it as it is now, if I remember correctly they can jump about 2-3 squares. I'm still testing but I think I've seen them slip off on glass before.

In my opinion a little further down make sort of like a ridge which with the wall will be able to hold the lava, then have it flow down to it a bit. But unless you're going to have a massive opening up there or go up there heaps I doubt they'd even climb there.

Interesting texture pack by the way. Also hold F1 then press F2 for the screen shots and you won't need to crop out the hud.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/22 14:38:42

Post by: Ediin

Eleven cows, six pigs and a chicken just spawned inside my mining tunnels.

Hilarity ensued.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/22 15:13:27

Post by: Lord-Loss

N0t_u wrote:Interesting texture pack by the way.

It's called Clearcraft. Been using it for a few days and has to be my favourite so far, it's very cartoony.

I've started doing branch mining inorder to get more ore and it's been working fairly well. The main problem is the large amounts of lava you get (or I seem to get) near bedrock, it can be quite troublesome and sometimes you have to seal off whole branches because of one big lava lake.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/22 18:44:52

Post by: Chowderhead

Hey guys, I figured out how to make elevators!

Minecraft @ 2011/01/22 22:24:30

Post by: stompydakka


Minecraft @ 2011/01/22 22:38:05

Post by: DA's Forever

Ediin wrote:Eleven cows, six pigs and a chicken just spawned inside my mining tunnels.

Hilarity ensued.

You sir have grassy mining tunnels?

Minecraft @ 2011/01/22 23:26:54

Post by: Chowderhead

stompydakka wrote:How?

It's quite easy.

They aren't elevators per se, but more of a water-vator.

They are just waterfalls that go from top level to bottom level, with holes where the water hits the next level. I'll try to get a picture up soon.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/23 01:50:03

Post by: SagesStone

I explained it back a bit on page 2, but they're fun aren't they chowderhead?

I'll just quote it because I explained a little bit of how to make it.
n0t_u wrote:Well if you want an elevator just run a waterfall from the top into a pool of water at the bottom. Make sure to place the water so that it kind of flows back towards the waterfall. Then just ride a boat into it. This will shoot the boat up to the top, you can get out whenever you want then hold space to get to individual floors. The boat may bump you once or twice depending on the size though.

I'll agree though they are pretty easy to make and quite fun for the effort needed.

Ediin wrote:Eleven cows, six pigs and a chicken just spawned inside my mining tunnels.

Hilarity ensued.

Was this hilarity a mass rampage of "get off my lawn" inspired rage?

It's good to see more people in this thread though.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/23 08:25:34

Post by: Nick Ellingworth

Watervators are indeed fun and useful yesterday I built a small water slide as proof of concept for a larger one I'm planning. (warning many pics featuring cobblestone ahead)

Here's a few screenshots of it:

I've also been building a few other things, here's my first base in this world, now mostly used as a mine:

My dock/watchtower as it was yesterday morning:

And yesterday evening (note the evil chicken-duck spying on construction):

A WIP bridge to a far off shore:

And just because I was taking loads of screenshots here's a sheep:

Minecraft @ 2011/01/23 09:00:59

Post by: Lord-Loss

I love the mountain behind your slide in the first picture, very cool.

How does everyone organise their mines?

I've decided to do a long shaft (giggitty) and have many long branch mines branching off from there. It's good fun to mine and you get lots of cobblestone!

Minecraft @ 2011/01/23 09:08:01

Post by: Nick Ellingworth

There's an even bigger one out of shot which I'll be using for the big slide. I do think I was lucky with that world the landscape is pretty impressive.

As for my mines I tend to use a strip mining approach. I dig a 4x4 hole all the way to the bedrock then dig another one 2 blocks away. I only do this because I use a simply obscene amount of cobblestone if I were only after the ores I'd branch mine.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/23 09:53:50

Post by: DA's Forever

I have a Large Branch mine in my base, but am also strip mining the heck out of a nearby mountain

Minecraft @ 2011/01/23 10:00:15

Post by: SagesStone

Those are some nice pics, and neat placement for a cactus trap.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/23 10:02:58

Post by: Ediin

DA's Forever wrote:
Ediin wrote:Eleven cows, six pigs and a chicken just spawned inside my mining tunnels.

Hilarity ensued.

You sir have grassy mining tunnels?

No, they spawned inside my house and then climbed down into the tunnels. Needless to say, I now have a huge stockpile of Bacon, Feathers and Leather.


Minecraft @ 2011/01/23 10:04:52

Post by: SagesStone

I was right.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/23 10:05:22

Post by: DA's Forever

Their Spys!!!!11!1eleven!

Minecraft @ 2011/01/23 10:07:45

Post by: SagesStone

Spys for The Creeper. A solid gold indestructable creeper who dragged themselves up from the deepest level of hell, determined to level any and all structures you build in your futile effort to cling to a meaningless existence.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/23 10:07:51

Post by: Ediin

It's very annoying when you're focussing on mining and suddenly a loud MOOOU interrupts you.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/23 10:09:51

Post by: DA's Forever

I was in a cave and all i could hear was 3 cows havin a Mooo conversation! *RAEG*

@Not_U i dont think ill be sleeping tonight, thanks :p

Minecraft @ 2011/01/23 10:18:23

Post by: Lord-Loss

I've decided to make a portal near the base of my mountain, as it seems that it's almost impossible to reach a source lava lake without dying or walking ten miles when I come out my portal near the freakin' ceiling.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/23 10:45:50

Post by: Nick Ellingworth

n0t_u wrote:Those are some nice pics, and neat placement for a cactus trap.

Thanks sadly the trap only seems to kill cows on a regular basis. The hostile mobs seem to be smart enough to get round it.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/23 12:20:48

Post by: Ediin

I just made the coolest discover ever! It is possible to haul in mobs with the fishing rod

Minecraft @ 2011/01/23 17:48:25

Post by: Locclo

Ediin wrote:I just made the coolest discover ever! It is possible to haul in mobs with the fishing rod

Which is great fun until you do it with a creeper

Minecraft @ 2011/01/23 19:33:32

Post by: Ediin

Locclo wrote:
Ediin wrote:I just made the coolest discover ever! It is possible to haul in mobs with the fishing rod

Which is great fun until you do it with a creeper

I tried that too. My roof now has a 8x8 hole in it.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/23 19:35:26

Post by: johnscott10

Ediin wrote:
Locclo wrote:
Ediin wrote:I just made the coolest discover ever! It is possible to haul in mobs with the fishing rod

Which is great fun until you do it with a creeper

I tried that too. My roof now has a 8x8 hole in it.

Hahahah. While great fun, i have never tried to do it with a creeper.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/23 19:40:39

Post by: DA's Forever

Ediin wrote:
Locclo wrote:
Ediin wrote:I just made the coolest discover ever! It is possible to haul in mobs with the fishing rod

Which is great fun until you do it with a creeper

I tried that too. My roof now has a 8x8 hole in it.

Time for sun roof!

Minecraft @ 2011/01/23 19:47:26

Post by: Ediin

DA's Forever wrote:
Ediin wrote:
Locclo wrote:
Ediin wrote:I just made the coolest discover ever! It is possible to haul in mobs with the fishing rod

Which is great fun until you do it with a creeper

I tried that too. My roof now has a 8x8 hole in it.

Time for sun roof!


Minecraft @ 2011/01/23 20:15:15

Post by: DA's Forever

Opened a furnace i hadn't used in ages and found a ton of glass just sitting

Minecraft @ 2011/01/23 23:21:05

Post by: SagesStone

I miss the Hookshot, time to practice with the fishing rod again.

Nothing like reeling in a Creeper with the hookshot, dropping down a level, aiming up, pressing V (reverses it) and launching that sucker into orbit.

Alternatively if you practiced hard enough you could aim down, launch yourself, grab a mob, reel them up with you and slam them into the ground by launching them down again. Died so many times trying it out.

@DA: Time for a sun roof too!

Minecraft @ 2011/01/23 23:22:57

Post by: DA's Forever

Indeed it is time, Hookshot sounds awesome!

Minecraft @ 2011/01/24 02:25:53

Post by: SagesStone

So I just found what must be the scariest minecraft picture ever.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/24 02:30:31

Post by: DA's Forever

what makes it worse is they have ALL spotted him

Minecraft @ 2011/01/24 07:15:45

Post by: Ediin

Oh god I'm going to have nightmares about that picture

Minecraft @ 2011/01/24 08:55:09

Post by: Nick Ellingworth

Looks like someone has been messing around with the single player commands mod.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/24 23:54:21

Post by: DA's Forever

Would 1creeper chain react others? if so thast blowin big hole

Minecraft @ 2011/01/25 02:26:29

Post by: SagesStone

Nope if one blew up it would probably kill a bunch. But they'll all blow up at the exact same time anyway.

He'll think he escapes from them, but as soon as he's safe and looks outside his window.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/25 05:58:36

Post by: DA's Forever

they quite literally destroyed the earth! Where'd the water go?!

Minecraft @ 2011/01/25 06:12:16

Post by: SagesStone

That was one of my pics for my nuke test.

Too bad it destroyed the cannon to launch it. >_>

It quite literaly blasted a hole right though a mountain on launch.
These are the only two pictures of it. I had plans to come back and start building in the crater, but I can't use that world anymore.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/25 06:15:51

Post by: DA's Forever

Jeez! thats a way to start a strip mine operation if ive ever seen it!

Minecraft @ 2011/01/25 18:23:47

Post by: Locclo

I love these pictures, so much.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/25 21:39:33

Post by: BrookM

Heh, found my first proper MineCraft building from back in the day":

Minecraft @ 2011/01/25 21:48:56

Post by: MrDwhitey

And nowadays the spiders can cheerfully climb up those walls and eat you.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/25 21:53:41

Post by: vodo40k

NONE are more devout than me!!!

Minecraft @ 2011/01/26 00:15:55

Post by: DA's Forever

vodo40k wrote:NONE are more devout than me!!!

If you were truly devote you would have meade it out of gold

Minecraft @ 2011/01/26 08:00:16

Post by: vodo40k

DA's Forever wrote:
vodo40k wrote:NONE are more devout than me!!!

If you were truly devote you would have meade it out of gold

I did consider that, unfortunately I dont have enough and its kinda glitchy with my texture pack (maybe in the future though)

Minecraft @ 2011/01/26 08:01:49

Post by: SagesStone

What texture pack are you running?

Minecraft @ 2011/01/26 08:11:30

Post by: Lord-Loss

Havn't played alot of Minecraft last few days. I've bought a DS from Cash Generator for £50 and Pokemon SoulSilver so i'm busy on that.

I'm going to be working on my lawn and the surrounding area of my base, I want it all flat! Then i'm gonna build a dock and expand my base down the mountainside, gonna be overhanging. Gonna need lots of cobblestone.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/26 08:22:55

Post by: SagesStone


It's been too hot for the laptop that I have Minecraft on. >_>

Minecraft @ 2011/01/26 12:10:13

Post by: Lord-Loss

n0t_u wrote:HG > SS

I was gonna get HG but they but they only had SS in Game.

Here's a tour of my little castle.

My hallway:

Library and Fountain, my mine is the doorway to the left:


Minecraft @ 2011/01/26 12:33:57

Post by: vodo40k

n0t_u wrote:What texture pack are you running?

An admittedly outdated version old dokus RPG, which I have since removed. I need to wait until the newer blocks receive a new texture.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/26 14:34:17

Post by: SagesStone

Yeh the HD ones need patching. Dokus is nice but I missed gold, and the nether looked like water.
It's mostly the increased size of the textures which is kind of annoying but there are some nice ones out there now.

Nice castle LL

Minecraft @ 2011/01/26 17:41:46

Post by: Nick Ellingworth

Well it was bound to happen eventually Yahtzee has reviewed Minecraft.

Link (as always with a ZP review NSFW)

Minecraft @ 2011/01/26 20:18:17

Post by: johnscott10

Nick Ellingworth wrote:Well it was bound to happen eventually Yahtzee has reviewed Minecraft.

Link (as always with a ZP review NSFW)

I wouldnt call it a "Review" as such, just some guy talking about both good and bad points on said game while throwing in his own humour, so i dont take his vids seriously.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/26 20:20:53

Post by: Corpsesarefun

So damn addictive...

Minecraft @ 2011/01/26 20:21:38

Post by: Nick Ellingworth

johnscott10 wrote:
Nick Ellingworth wrote:Well it was bound to happen eventually Yahtzee has reviewed Minecraft.

Link (as always with a ZP review NSFW)

I wouldnt call it a "Review" as such, just some guy talking about both good and bad points on said game while throwing in his own humour, so i dont take his vids seriously.

Fair point but I couldn't think of a quick way of saying "some lunatic on the internet humourously talks about the good and bad points of a game," other than review.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/27 04:12:49

Post by: DA's Forever

So glad i bought this game.

Consequentially i just fell into a lake of lava, o welll was looking to restart world anyways

Minecraft @ 2011/01/27 08:22:38

Post by: Nick Ellingworth

I've managed to avoid falling in Lava in my current world but I do keep falling into cave systems with annoying regularity.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/27 09:04:18

Post by: SagesStone

I had a glitch with some armour on my old world making me invincible. Tried to die so many times to change it back. >_>

Lava baths, skydiving, dungeon camping, creeper rodeo, mass deforestation via fire. None worked...

Minecraft @ 2011/01/27 12:12:29

Post by: Melkhiordarkblade

I'd play if only it was free.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/27 12:28:16

Post by: SagesStone

The version on the site (classic) is free. There is no survivor element to it though, just you with infinite blocks to build whatever you want.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/27 21:20:16

Post by: johnscott10

Melkhiordarkblade wrote:I'd play if only it was free.

It like 15 euros, which is probly relatively cheap compared to most games out there.

As for that you deffo get you moneys worth as not only do you get a massive amount of gametime from it but you get every single update aswell.

As for me I have really got my moneys worth from Minecraft and it can only get better.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/27 21:31:20

Post by: Corpsesarefun

It is free if you just download the standard (which is not infinite blocks).

You only have to pay for alternative game modes and multi player.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/28 00:06:34

Post by: Melkhiordarkblade

Actually it turns out that I can never play it,Free or not.

My computer just wouldn't allow java to install.
So no Java,no minecraft,no super happy fun times.

My soul is now dead.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/28 15:08:04

Post by: Avatar 720

My friend got me back into it and I discovered my planned super-world with a basic structure of a castle (i'd flattened a mountain the build it; took bloody ages) which had half of it hanging off the side of half a mountain and put up on large columns to mimic holding it up... then I couldn't be bothered and decided I was glad that minecraft physics can mean half a castle can float on a single layer of dirt.

I'd also found most of my old stuff, such as an experimental railroad that doesn't work going uphill with a passenger, ever. And my first base on that map, which consisted of a small hamlet with a solid gold church, a warehouse, a military tower with a railpath that circuits the outside of the military area; a path down to the Lower Reaches (residential area of the hamlet) and a rail system down to the under-town, which is built in a cavern system that war formed by the creation of the base. And to top it all off, it's surrounded by a flowing wall... of lava.

I made a fatal error of judgement when making the lava wall. In my haste I neglected to take into account the fact that my base would be on a mountain, and lava would flow down it. I'd also neglected to take into account the fact that I was in the middle of a forest. Suffice to say, about half an hour after i'd finished, I glanced over the hamlet walls and found a scene that would've given everyone in Greenpeace a heart attack. The forest was on fire, and I spent the next hour going around, putting it out and cleaning out the remnants.

I've also built a fairly large path system, consisting of raised, covered bridges (bridges are fast becoming a speciality of mine)and last night, i finished the structure of my castle (will post pics tonight) including a huge great hall. The Roof is pyramid-esque, so the great hall has a very high roof, and my aforementioned friend got my thinking. I spent a good few hours lining the walls and roof with glass (not putting it directly onto the wall each time, it had to allow lava to flow down from the top, so they were formed in mid-air) and when it was finished, it took me half an hour to demolish the scaffolding and walkways i'd had to make to access the roof.

Looks bloody good though.

Next thing to do is turning the columns the floating bit if held up on into a large dungeon complex.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/31 19:56:08

Post by: stompydakka

Sorry to be off topic, but should I buy this game?

Minecraft @ 2011/01/31 19:57:28

Post by: DA's Forever

stompydakka wrote:Sorry to be off topic, but should I buy this game?

You will not regret it, i sure didn't

Minecraft @ 2011/01/31 20:15:16

Post by: Corpsesarefun

There is little point in buying it unless you want to set up a server and play with other people as you can just download it and play the full game on survival from your desktop.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/31 20:23:20

Post by: stompydakka

for free? how?

Minecraft @ 2011/01/31 20:25:55

Post by: johnscott10

corpsesarefun wrote:There is little point in buying it unless you want to set up a server and play with other people as you can just download it and play the full game on survival from your desktop.

Actually thats probly not true as even the download requires you to log in once online to be able to play it offline.

Unless some1 gives you their account details then ur set to play it for free, but meh its worth the 20 Euros or so.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/31 20:27:00

Post by: Corpsesarefun

johnscott10 wrote:
corpsesarefun wrote:There is little point in buying it unless you want to set up a server and play with other people as you can just download it and play the full game on survival from your desktop.

Actually thats probly not true as even the download requires you to log in once online to be able to play it offline.

Unless some1 gives you their account details then ur set to play it for free, but meh its worth the 20 Euros or so.

You can register an account without buying the online... I played for a week before paying.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/31 20:29:42

Post by: Melkhiordarkblade

I just got my java working and I got Minecraft.
It's a great game. Okay,I'll admit it can get fustrating when monsters blow-up your house,but if you play it on Easy it won't be so bad.

Or even play on peaceful if the monsters get annoying.

My one problem is that my land has very little flat open ground.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/31 20:31:12

Post by: Corpsesarefun

Melkhiordarkblade wrote:I just got my java working and I got Minecraft.
It's a great game. Okay,I'll admit it can get fustrating when monsters blow-up your house,but if you play it on Easy it won't be so bad.

Or even play on peaceful if the monsters get annoying.

My one problem is that my land has very little flat open ground.

yeah its a pain, you have to either fill in valleys or just mine away mountains most of the time.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/31 21:12:20

Post by: Lord-Loss

I invedited myself some tnt and blasted away the bottom of the mountain that my base is on so I can build in that space.

Twas a bad idea, the tnt made alot of problems, alot more work.

It was fun though.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/31 23:23:42

Post by: SagesStone

Did you make a cluster bomb? They're pretty fun.

Minecraft @ 2011/01/31 23:58:23

Post by: DA's Forever

Remember always be on the lookout for...... Him

Minecraft @ 2011/02/01 00:26:21

Post by: SagesStone

Parody of a parody.

Minecraft @ 2011/02/01 00:29:12

Post by: DA's Forever


Minecraft @ 2011/02/01 01:17:17

Post by: CrashUSAR

So, me and a friend are trying to set up a server, can't figure it out. Does anyone have a server we can play on or help us figure this out? No griefing here, just lookin to see what we can construct together.

Minecraft @ 2011/02/01 06:49:22

Post by: Nick Ellingworth

corpsesarefun wrote:yeah its a pain, you have to either fill in valleys or just mine away mountains most of the time.

Working with the confines of the scenery can be an interesting challenge, I don't do it often but when I do I seem to enjoy building more (possibly because I don't have to spend an hour flattening an area). Still blasting the top of a mountain off is always worth while. Only ever been able to use at most 3 or 4 tnt but even that produces a pretty big boom.

Minecraft @ 2011/02/01 13:54:22

Post by: Drk_Oblitr8r

Just can't help but watch this piggy splash..

Minecraft @ 2011/02/01 15:30:50

Post by: SagesStone

I think your avatar only makes that creepier.

Minecraft @ 2011/02/01 15:32:30

Post by: Drk_Oblitr8r


It didn't work out...

Minecraft @ 2011/02/01 19:23:31

Post by: Melkhiordarkblade

Drk_Oblitr8r wrote:


It didn't work out...


I think Khorne is pleased

Minecraft @ 2011/02/01 23:02:40

Post by: Drk_Oblitr8r

As is Slaneesh

Minecraft @ 2011/02/01 23:36:39

Post by: Avatar 720

Khorne is more pleased ¬.¬ All it's missing is a few skulls, maybe a bloodfall instead of a waterfall...

Minecraft @ 2011/02/02 06:53:27

Post by: SagesStone

So I noticed something odd while clearing a mountain on the island that is to be my base.

I would have been less surprised (if the trees are in the way of construction flint and steel to the rescue), but that was a new area I hadn't been to yet.

So I walk through the "forest" for a while and find the source.

There were also quite a few flaming pigs, chickens and cows on the way as well.
But, I've never actually come across any lava like this before.

Minecraft @ 2011/02/02 07:25:49

Post by: johnscott10

Hehe its awesome when that happens

I had it last night on a new world i started, used the lava as a basis for my new house

Minecraft @ 2011/02/02 08:20:43

Post by: Nick Ellingworth

Yeah it's quite common now to get lava lakes, I've got 3 on my world which gave the surrounding trees and wildlife problems until I came along with a bucket of water.

Minecraft @ 2011/02/02 08:47:32

Post by: SagesStone

So I finally finished that Creeper statue. The problem being that the feet look a little big. >_>
Soon as I get around to it I'm just going to build a decent wall around the stone area I've got the statue on and keep it as a courtyard.

I guess he looks better when you're further away though.

Just not from a low angle.

It also doubles as a second watch tower.

Here's the new additions to my base since the last pictures of it I posted, looking down from my watch tower.

From the Creeper's perspective.

All that I've really added on are the "forge" room, with a cobblestone machine.

And a mine, which luckily enough ended up connecting to a cavern system that I got lost in for an hour or so.

Plan is to add a mine cart track in the middle there later on.

So far I've been connecting the small buildings that make up my base with bridges like this small one.

Not sure but I may end up joining all the buildings together in the end.

Minecraft @ 2011/02/02 08:57:54

Post by: Nick Ellingworth

Nice work, I really ought to get some screenshots of my nearly finished farm at some point. It's not much but it looks quite nice.

Minecraft @ 2011/02/02 09:39:25

Post by: SagesStone


I wanted to get a good look at that forest from a little earlier when I found the lava lake so I built some observation pillars in the lake. I thought it looked cool so took some pics.

No more pics for a while after this, I think I'm putting up too many.

Looking from left to right.

Not every day you see a forest burn itself down like this. Cool thing is it gives out lots of free stuff though.

Minecraft @ 2011/02/02 10:57:59

Post by: Nick Ellingworth

That's a pretty good forest fire, I've not seen one that size for quite some time. (note to self set something on fire)

Here's the screenshots of my farm:

Minecraft @ 2011/02/02 11:02:31

Post by: SagesStone

Nice I like it.
I still haven't gotten around to ever trying to farm in this game.

Also should use that mountain to the left looks like it would make a cool base.

Minecraft @ 2011/02/02 11:09:18

Post by: Nick Ellingworth

If I were to build a base on every cool mountain in my current world I'd have about 20 of the damn things all within 100 blocks or so of another one. My map has so many cool mountains I don't know what to do with them all.

Minecraft @ 2011/02/02 11:19:38

Post by: SagesStone

Lucky, mine is all normal hills and crap.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Actually maybe it's not so bad. I was walking along one of the beaches next to my base and saw a hole with sand at the bottom. It also had two block high cobblestone walls so I dug the sand out and found my first above ground dungeon.

Literally a 30 second walk from my front door in the opposite direction of the burning forest.

Minecraft @ 2011/02/02 21:32:10

Post by: metallifan

I've got a singleplayer map going that I'm going to Import to a server once I'm happy with it. I've got a few small villages built, and I think once I get an extensive enough (foot) highway network built, I'll start on a few major cities with walls, giant castles, cathedrals, and all the good stuff that make medieval cities awesome.

Minecraft @ 2011/02/03 02:21:50

Post by: Chowderhead

n0t_u wrote:Lucky, mine is all normal hills and crap.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Actually maybe it's not so bad. I was walking along one of the beaches next to my base and saw a hole with sand at the bottom. It also had two block high cobblestone walls so I dug the sand out and found my first above ground dungeon.

Literally a 30 second walk from my front door in the opposite direction of the burning forest.

I accidentally lit my entire forest on fire... Over 300 trees on fire...

Minecraft @ 2011/02/03 05:28:35

Post by: SagesStone

Well it is the fastest and most fun way to clear out some space for construction.

Minecraft @ 2011/02/03 07:39:24

Post by: Ediin

n0t_u wrote:

Well it is the fastest and most fun way to clear out some space for construction.

Except TNT. Nothing beats TNT

Minecraft @ 2011/02/03 07:40:34

Post by: SagesStone

Almost forgot about the fun of watching an entire mountain disappear.

Minecraft @ 2011/02/03 07:43:46

Post by: Nick Ellingworth

Ediin wrote:
n0t_u wrote:

Well it is the fastest and most fun way to clear out some space for construction.

Except TNT. Nothing beats TNT

Real men use creepers.

Minecraft @ 2011/02/03 15:36:33

Post by: vaatbak

n0t_u wrote:So I finally finished that Creeper statue. The problem being that the feet look a little big. >_>
Soon as I get around to it I'm just going to build a decent wall around the stone area I've got the statue on and keep it as a courtyard.

I guess he looks better when you're further away though.

Just not from a low angle.

lol penis

Yes, I hath to do that.

Minecraft @ 2011/02/03 15:47:27

Post by: SagesStone

And now I rip down the legs and start again... >_>

Edit: Too much work to be bothered. So using plan B, which is I fill the creeper statues with TNT for realism.
Maybe a solid gold creeper or something else entirely...

Minecraft @ 2011/02/03 18:39:51

Post by: Avatar 720

First two have white bits because i'm a lazy editor and just snipped off some stuff in Paint and slapped them on photobucket.

Anywho, I promised pics and I give you pics (because I saw this thread and remembered that i'd forgotten to post pics )

Minecraft @ 2011/02/03 20:22:32

Post by: Melkhiordarkblade

n0t_u wrote:So I finally finished that Creeper statue. The problem being that the feet look a little big. >_>
Soon as I get around to it I'm just going to build a decent wall around the stone area I've got the statue on and keep it as a courtyard.

I guess he looks better when you're further away though.

Just not from a low angle.

Minecraft Bible Book 1 verse 17.

"Build not in the image of the Great Undoer,
for He sees only to destroy.
Invite Him not to your home,your fort nor your castles,
for He shall make prey of your edifices,and make folly of your labour."

Minecraft @ 2011/02/03 23:49:10

Post by: SagesStone

Well after a little crater cleaning it's going to be a roller coaster now.

Avatar that lava room is awesome.

Minecraft @ 2011/02/04 01:13:51

Post by: Jaon

I built a castle and a farm and some stuff, its pretty cool.

I also made an obsidian farm, in the last picture. Pretty much, get lava, and put it in the bottom section, then open the top section of water by digging the block in the centre away, the water poors over the lava (The lava must be still, so it will take 6 lava buckets retrieved from the bottom of the map or the origin of a lava inflow to replicate what is on screen. My obsidian farm can hold up to still lava blocks) and cools it into obsidian, which you will then need a diamond pick axe to mine (will take 15 seconds). Warning: You will create useless cobblestone if the lava is in motion!

Another way to create an infinite water source, no matter how many buckets you take out of it is make a 2x2 basin, and fill all 4 empty blocks with water (this should only be 1 deep). The 3 water blocks will always fill the last water block, it will have no where to go, and become still. It is a VERY good idea to keep 3 waterbuckets on your quickmenu so if your in a deep mine, and fall into lava (will almost always happen after finding diamond) you can throw out a water bucket and turn it to obsidian / cobblestone. Beware, if you are completely under lava, and throw water, it turns the top of the lava...into obsidian. You will have entombed yourself in the most deadly and impossible to escape trap available in minecraft thus far!

More survival tactics are creating a tower and placing a lava bucket on top, creating a lava tower that can be seen for miles, and marks where your base is. Creating a redstone compass to find your spawn point, then making a path of crumbs torches back to your spawn from your house, so if you should ever die, you will be able to follow the "yellow fire road" back to your house. Create chests and store valuable resources top side before going down into a mine, so as to not die and lose it.

If anyone has any questions just pm me

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Also a super easy way to make a minefield is mark out a flat space (make sure to tread with extreme care) and in random locations but at least 5 blocks away from each other, dig a single dirt block out, and put some TNT on it.

AFTER. I REPEAT. AFTER you have chosen all your places for mines, start placing wooden pressure plates on the TNT. Now any mobs or animals or players who walk on these will be killed. Once again, place 5 away to stop a chain reaction.

Minecraft @ 2011/02/04 03:18:47

Post by: DA's Forever

n0t_u wrote:So I noticed something odd while clearing a mountain on the island that is to be my base.

I would have been less surprised (if the trees are in the way of construction flint and steel to the rescue), but that was a new area I hadn't been to yet.

So I walk through the "forest" for a while and find the source.

There were also quite a few flaming pigs, chickens and cows on the way as well.
But, I've never actually come across any lava like this before.

Dont you know?! Its HEROBRINE

HEROBRINE made the lakes dear god hes going to kill us all!

Minecraft @ 2011/02/04 05:59:12

Post by: SagesStone

What that blind guy?

Be more afraid of Rana.

See if you can spot her. She appears twice by the way.
No need to watch past 1:30 though.

Minecraft @ 2011/02/04 06:15:07

Post by: DA's Forever

I saw her at 1 18 but then se was gone like two seconds later!

And eh i still like herobrine even though if notch did put him in, Hero would be a @#$% and destroy your stuff probably

Minecraft @ 2011/02/04 06:23:21

Post by: SagesStone

She showed up before that as well over on the cliff then vanished half a sec later (at the very end of 1:16 just before 1:17 as he jumps up the ledge), before showing up where she was at 1:18.

Yeh it would be sort of like an AI griefer by the sounds of it. Just a smarter version of the Creeper.

Minecraft @ 2011/02/04 06:25:39

Post by: DA's Forever

n0t_u wrote:She showed up before that as well over on the cliff then vanished half a sec later (at the very end of 1:16 just before 1:17 as he jumps up the ledge), before showing up where she was at 1:18.

Yeh it would be sort of like an AI griefer by the sounds of it. Just a smarter version of the Creeper.

Oh god no!

Or mabye he could just pal around with you, I seem to remember a mod that did that...

Minecraft @ 2011/02/04 07:03:50

Post by: SagesStone

Yeh pal around by doing stuff like opening up walls for the enemy.

Though I'd actually like it if he did eventually implement the NPC neutral villages. Would make the game a little more interesting.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
So anyone mess around with the new note blocks yet?

Minecraft @ 2011/02/04 11:47:33

Post by: Murray


essentially a lot of hard work. music box's for the win! (by the way i didn't make this)

Minecraft @ 2011/02/04 18:24:14

Post by: metallifan

n0t_u wrote:Yeh pal around by doing stuff like opening up walls for the enemy.

Though I'd actually like it if he did eventually implement the NPC neutral villages. Would make the game a little more interesting.

Personally, I'd like to see NPCs placeable in peaceful/creative mode for the purpose of making multiplayer Roleplaying maps as I'm doing. Villages and cities are nothing without populations, and considering each player takes up about 100MB of RAM on a server, that's not a sufficient number of people for your average player's server running off of 6-8GB. At least, not if you want to have large-scale settings. It would be nice to be able to use NPCs to fill up villages and act as soldiers for players wishing to build armies. It is a sandbox game after all - it should be able to be used for several genres.

Minecraft @ 2011/02/04 20:19:10

Post by: Lord-Loss

I think someone made a 'Minecraft art of war' thread on the offical forums, I only skimmed through but it was huge.

I'm thinking of downloading some mods, i've heard about ones where you get unicorns, horses and it's possible to breed them.

Minecraft @ 2011/02/05 04:07:38

Post by: SagesStone

Might have to wait a bit a lot of the mods became incompatible when the it was upgraded to the Beta. Though I haven't been keeping track. Best to check the version compatibility. I'm waiting for the hookshot, sign tags and the cart mods to be updated.

Precisely what I was thinking of Metallifan. It's sort of boring to build a huge city only for it to remain empty.

Would add a great deal more to those adventure maps that some people upload. Rather than build in them you just explore the hidden dungeons in search of treasure.

I'd kind of like a more mechanical aspect to it as well, stuff like building wheels and turning them into vehicles kind of like in Banjo Kazooie: Nuts and bolts. Hinges and such, but I'm fine with what's in it so far, it is just a beta after all.

Minecraft @ 2011/02/05 15:47:07

Post by: metallifan

Yea it's only been in Beta since what? mid-October? Lots of time left still for additions. I do hope that Notch adds some sort of NPC-maker though, and lets you plop down NPCs in like a "Populator mode" where all you'd do is place NPCs assign them homes, skins/clothing, inventory, alignment, jobs, etc...

Minecraft @ 2011/02/05 15:55:25

Post by: Nick Ellingworth

I think I've finally flipped, my current project is making an artificial lake and dam. The dam is built but the lake could take some time.

Here's the valley I chose to flood:

Here's what it looked like a couple of game days later:

I've done quite a lot more work since I took those screenshots but don't have any more recent ones.

Minecraft @ 2011/02/05 17:59:46

Post by: Ediin

Makes me laugh every time...hehe.

Minecraft @ 2011/02/06 04:02:10

Post by: DA's Forever

Ediin wrote:

Makes me laugh every time...hehe.

*egg pops out*

Oh whoa there

Minecraft @ 2011/02/06 04:04:31

Post by: Footsloggin

I need to find diamond, i've been searching for 6 hours today and still cannot find a single block. Am I doing something wrong? I'm mining in layers 1-16 from bedrock...

Minecraft @ 2011/02/06 05:28:22

Post by: Melissia

I really want to try this game, but apparently you need to pay 24 bucks to get in? I'm a bit low on funds :(

Minecraft @ 2011/02/06 08:12:33

Post by: Nick Ellingworth

Melissia wrote:I really want to try this game, but apparently you need to pay 24 bucks to get in? I'm a bit low on funds :(

Well if you can't afford the full game at the moment there is always Minecraft Classic.

Sadly that only offers the construction aspect of the game, so there's no mining for resources, no crafting and no survival element but it does act as a nice taster for the full game.

Minecraft @ 2011/02/06 14:00:21

Post by: Melissia

That will work as a demo, thanks.

Minecraft @ 2011/02/06 14:31:17

Post by: stompydakka

It is not even CLOSE to as good as the full.

Minecraft @ 2011/02/06 15:41:52

Post by: Melissia

Mn, I would hope not. It's fun building stuff and all, but the game should have more than just that. And hopefully a way to get out of lava without regenerating the whole map

Still won't be able to get the game for a while though...

Minecraft @ 2011/02/06 20:01:37

Post by: Footsloggin

Just got it a few days ago, and I have to say, it was worth my money.

Lava has killed me more times than I can count, then again, I can't count...

Minecraft @ 2011/02/06 20:10:37

Post by: Corpsesarefun

Melissia wrote:Mn, I would hope not. It's fun building stuff and all, but the game should have more than just that. And hopefully a way to get out of lava without regenerating the whole map

Still won't be able to get the game for a while though...

If you go on the main site, register an account then download the EXE version instead of the browser version then click play offline when it complains you don't have a premium account you can play the full game for free but singleplayer only.

I have attempted to say this way too many times.

Minecraft @ 2011/02/06 20:23:19

Post by: Melissia

It won't let me. Says play online once in order to unlock offline mode.

Minecraft @ 2011/02/06 21:16:14

Post by: Corpsesarefun

Melissia wrote:It won't let me. Says play online once in order to unlock offline mode.

The hell?

How did I manage it then?

Minecraft @ 2011/02/07 03:23:14

Post by: Melissia

Maybe you played it before they implemented this.

Minecraft @ 2011/02/07 03:34:01

Post by: SagesStone

It has been implemented for a while, it was there when I started.

Also you don't need to actually play online, if I remember correctly logging in is enough for it.

Minecraft @ 2011/02/07 03:37:40

Post by: Melissia

Dunno, it says user not premium, so I assume I have to pay to join the beta.

Minecraft @ 2011/02/07 05:24:24

Post by: Karon

I've seen whole clans/communities collapse because of this game, like, TF2 communites.

An admin blew up the owner of this communities house with an absolute gakload of TNT he planted underneath his house.

He dug these underground caverns from far away, that encompassed the whole landmass of the owner.

Blew it straight to hell, both the house and the long-standing community.

Minecraft @ 2011/02/07 05:25:25

Post by: SagesStone

I guess I could lend you my account if you really wanted to try it out, provided you don't steal it.

Minecraft @ 2011/02/07 05:29:46

Post by: Melissia

Naw, it's okay. I'm sure I'll be able to afford it eventually. For me at the moment, Homefront is a higher priority anyway, and it's coming out soon enough. Until then I have the DoW2 beta.

Minecraft @ 2012/06/07 19:02:46

Post by: Tyyr

I was getting ready to head out on a business trip for a week and being that the hotel was in the middle of no where I'd need something to do for six plus hours every night where I'd be stuck in a hotel with no car and no where to go to do anything.

I got Minecraft.

I got addicted fast.

Frankly the classic version is just boring to me. Yeah the construction part is fun but what's more fun is building a castle out of stone you've mined and constructed in such a way that the baddies that inhabit the map can't get to me and kill me.

After a few stops and starts getting going I finally got my bearings and started working. My first mine was of the strip variety and I didn't segregate it from my house. I essentially lived in the mine which was in a hole in the side of a hill. Never saw any iron (was way over the sea level +5 limit for iron, and couldn't figure out why the damn monsters kept spawning in my base. Nothing like going out to harvest wood then coming home to find a creeper waiting on the other side of my door. Cannot tell you how many times I had to rebuild the entrance to my cave.

Did some reading, did some experimenting and my second attempt at making a life out of it went much better. I'll get pics later but my base is a castle with a footprint of 20x20 surrounded by a 3 wide and 3 deep moat. The lower part of the base is three floors high then there's an 8x8 tower about 30 meters tall with a 16x16 two story high "house" sitting on top of it. That one was a bit of ridiculousness as it also represents my "feth your random terrain," impulses at full swing. I had to clear away an entire hill to get the open area for that castle and I leveled most of a second to get it away from my front door and to stop ruining my view. I should mention that this was a savanna biome but thanks to my forestry habits I collected enough saplings (300+) to turn the area around me into a forest.

That one is sort of behind me as the terrain nearby really isn't that attractive and given the work I need to do to get everything perfect it's not worth it with a fairly ugly landscape to build in.

I really hate the savanna biome.

My next big go of it got off to a great start as I've gotten some very cool hills and terrain around my area. I've got my first base built and I've decided to start building satellite bases near points of interest. This place also has the first surface lava waterfall I've ever seen that I have been gleefully doing my best to enlarge. It makes for a fun landmark and a great sight at night. I'm in the process of building my first satellite fort (only the keep is stone, the walls are unrefined wood which is taking a long time to harvest since I don't want to deforest the snowy biome the fort sits in the middle of. Next up is finishing this fort which will be greatly aided by the tree farm I've started nearby.* Then I'm going to go build a spawn shelter. Really tempted to try and build a tunnel all the way back to my spawn point then enclosing the point in a building for safe respawns. That and a big sign that will read, "Stop Dying Dumbass!" Then I'm going to dig out the source of that surface lava flow and see if I can't dig out around it to get a lava lake I can harvest from. If I do I'm going to make a mob grinder to see if I can farm up some sulfur because I'd like to start moving some mountains explosively.

*Why do you only get the generic tree type when you plant? Why can't I get big fir trees when I plant saplings in a winter biome? Very disappointing. I can't cut down trees in a winter biome because if I replant all I get are generics.

Minecraft @ 2011/02/07 20:03:05

Post by: Lord-Loss

Giant creeper mod fun.

My laptop charger broke so now i'm using another laptop until I order anther charger, not going to bother making a new world when i'll just ditch it in a week or two.

Minecraft @ 2011/02/07 20:32:48

Post by: Tyyr

Is there a way to migrate worlds? I play on three different computers and I'd like to be able to keep the same worlds even if it takes me swapping files to and from a flash drive.

Minecraft @ 2011/02/08 00:07:24

Post by: Footsloggin

I'd assume you could simply take a flash-drive from Computer 1, and copy the contents of your Minecraft folder into that, place those files on Computer 2 and Computer 3, then log into your account and play.

UNLESS, Minecraft works by storing your information online in a manner much like an MMO, where you simply Download the game, log into your account and play...

Minecraft @ 2011/02/08 02:15:16

Post by: SagesStone

It saves it offline in the Application Data folder, Minecraft has it's own one there called .minecraft.

I haven't tried it but you may be able to play it from the USB. Easiest way to try it is to put the folder on it, open the game from there and make a new world. Then find where that save goes.

Saves are completely transferable this way. I could copy my world 2 upload it and you could download it place it in the saves folder and be able to play it. It does replace whatever world happens to be in that slot but that is as simple to fix as changing that worlds folder from "world 2" to "world 3" or whatever happens to be unused.

There is no need to even log into the game more than once unless you're doing multi-player.

My favorite biome is the one I seem to always get, Taiga. Has a fair amount of variety to it to keep it interesting.

Minecraft @ 2011/02/08 02:17:25

Post by: DA's Forever

I get deserts (or what at least feels like deserts) always deserts... so much sand

Minecraft @ 2011/02/08 12:52:03

Post by: Tyyr

Ugh, built a wooden satellite fort and it was painful. I dunno why but this one attracts creepers like the plague and being wood they tend to take out big sections of the walls when they blow. I may have to dig out the front entrance like I did with my main castle. Leave only a long walled in set of stairs to and from the front door to screen if from creepers and dig the ground around the doors down a few levels. It keeps me from setting off creepers every time I leave my front door but it's more work than I want to put into a satellite base.

Minecraft @ 2011/02/08 13:27:20

Post by: Nick Ellingworth

Tyyr wrote:Ugh, built a wooden satellite fort and it was painful. I dunno why but this one attracts creepers like the plague and being wood they tend to take out big sections of the walls when they blow. I may have to dig out the front entrance like I did with my main castle. Leave only a long walled in set of stairs to and from the front door to screen if from creepers and dig the ground around the doors down a few levels. It keeps me from setting off creepers every time I leave my front door but it's more work than I want to put into a satellite base.

Sounds like you need a watch tower, a bow and enough arrows to blot out the sun.

Minecraft @ 2011/02/08 13:46:06

Post by: Ifalna

Made an absolutely massive mob trap in survival single player, spanned across the entire island my base is on and takes around 5 mobs per minute during day and 10 at night.

Climbed inside to alter the lava trap slightly and managed to fall in in such a stupid way that my items all also fell in after I died, losing the entire contents of my inventory including all my diamond gear.

Feth. Still love the game to bits.

Minecraft @ 2011/02/08 13:53:54

Post by: Melissia

I'm playing the single player version right now in offline mode-- all you need to do is load the proper files and you can log-in and play as you wish.


Holy gak is this game addictive. And I only have the single player version. I went about one game making a lot of shelters all over the place simply because if the time before I kept getting caught in the dark. I marked them with jack-o-lanterns because I found a bunch of pumpkins near where I played, and I finally found out how to make doors so that I don't have to keep removing the same piece of dirt every time it gets dark... I need to make an iron door for my main mine entrance to set it apart. And there's just nothing creepier in this game than coming across an underground cave... you KNOW there's gonna be something bad inside...

And once I found this:
The game became SO much more fun.

edit: I hope Guild Wars 2 comes along this year and breaks my Minecraft addiction.

Minecraft @ 2011/02/08 14:32:26

Post by: Lord Scythican

Ok I admit, you have peeked my interest in this game. It seems to have one heck of a following. The graphics of the game seem to bother me, but I am thinking there is a point somewhere to them.

Minecraft @ 2011/02/08 14:34:38

Post by: Ifalna

The graphics mean absolutely huge gameworlds that nearly any computer can run, and they have their own charm in that they are easily modified and there are some really cool skins available now

The block aspect will also grow on you, as it makes preplanning a construct nice and simple.

Minecraft @ 2011/02/08 14:38:22

Post by: Lord Scythican

Ifalna wrote:The graphics mean absolutely huge gameworlds that nearly any computer can run, and they have their own charm in that they are easily modified and there are some really cool skins available now

The block aspect will also grow on you, as it makes preplanning a construct nice and simple.

So the capabilities of what you can do and create in the game make the graphics not so bad? See I was thinking this was similar to legos, and no matter what age you are you can fun with legos. A lot of the links are blocked at my workplace, so would anyone care to explain to me what a creeper is?

Minecraft @ 2011/02/08 14:44:56

Post by: Ifalna

One of the aggressive mobs that spawn. It will wander towards your spot if you are within range and has a habit of coming from out of your line of sight. They are silent untill they are within range of you at which point they let out a hiss and explode, taking out a giant chunk of whereever you were standing regardless of it was an empty field or a carefully cultivated produce garden

Minecraft @ 2011/02/08 14:49:24

Post by: Lord Scythican

Ifalna wrote:One of the aggressive mobs that spawn. It will wander towards your spot if you are within range and has a habit of coming from out of your line of sight. They are silent untill they are within range of you at which point they let out a hiss and explode, taking out a giant chunk of whereever you were standing regardless of it was an empty field or a carefully cultivated produce garden

So is it like a Tower Defense game?

Minecraft @ 2011/02/08 14:50:40

Post by: Ifalna

No, it's first person view for most of the time in an open game world.

Minecraft @ 2011/02/08 14:56:09

Post by: Lord Scythican

Well I mean does it function like one? Do you build motes, walls, etc. to keep the creepers out? Are you able to build offensive stuff in the game?

I see a lot of people growing plants, grass etc and coming up with elaborate ways to grow the grass in odd places. It seems like a game where you are trying to build a garden paradise and creepers keep showing up to mess it all up.

Minecraft @ 2011/02/08 15:00:39

Post by: Melissia

You can build whatever you want. I just built a wooden house ontop of the highest cliff I could find and stuck braziers on it so I'd be able to find my location regardless of the time of day.

I just need to remember to keep fire away from it.

Moats are fun, but it's hard to make them unless you have a bucket, which takes three iron ingots, and that's not quit an early game type item (not hard to find, but rare enough that you've probably established your first shelter by the time you find some. You can have an infinite spring of water using a bucket and a 2x2x1 hole in the ground, which makes making a moat very useful. Whenever you use a bucket that has water in it, it creates a water spawn point-- the wiki explains it better than I would.


Also, monsters die from sunlight and do not spawn in areas that are lit by torches, which is how you prevent them from spawning in your shelters or mines. You need looots of torches to not be overwhelmed by monsters if you have a huge mineshaft or cave.

And lava moats are much more effective than water moats...

Minecraft @ 2011/02/08 15:05:19

Post by: Lord Scythican

Melissia wrote:You can build whatever you want. I just built a wooden house ontop of the highest cliff I could find and stuck braziers on it so I'd be able to find my location regardless of the time of day.

I just need to remember to keep fire away from it.

Once I get home and their main website isn't blocked I will check it out. How much does it cost?

Minecraft @ 2011/02/08 15:05:23

Post by: legoburner

ok, here is my shame and why dakka does not have a full ebay clone, 3d renderings of every model, etc etc. Minecraft has stolen my only bits of spare time since it came out. I'm still tinkering away on my first world. Here is my current main project beginning:

My old base. Wanted to just build a big tower. Each floor has a different thing like water/lava storage, tool storage, portal to the nether, etc.

The pyramid takes on a faster construction technique instead of scaffolding I build down using scaffolds, then demolish them and start building out from the one path to the base on the right.

I have a massive quarry for the stone for this, but I ran out here and needed to get more. Total stone that this will require if I dont redo the ground as well will be just under 32000 blocks, all mined honestly are with great effort!

This is the view inside. All light was blocked by the size so it became very dangerous and had to get lighting everywhere. Only about 300 torches though, not too extreme.

This is the view from the outside as of yesterday. Still need about 10000 more blocks to complete the other sides and edges:

This is the cartograph view of the map so you can get some idea of the scale involved:

Minecraft @ 2011/02/08 15:07:16

Post by: Phototoxin

No you dig stuff you build stuff and at night monsters come to eat you.

Minecraft @ 2011/02/08 15:09:23

Post by: Melissia

Damnit legoburner, I can't see your awesome stuff :(

Minecraft @ 2011/02/08 15:10:50

Post by: legoburner

They are png screenshots right from the game. Internet Explorer might not be able to see them, but firefox and chrome should have no problem. The images are hosted here on dakka too so shouldnt be blocked.

Minecraft @ 2011/02/08 15:12:50

Post by: Ifalna

Ahh lego, how do you get the world sized map view? Would love to see my world from that far

Minecraft @ 2011/02/08 15:15:23

Post by: Melissia

legoburner wrote:They are png screenshots right from the game. Internet Explorer might not be able to see them, but firefox and chrome should have no problem. The images are hosted here on dakka too so shouldnt be blocked.
Opera can view PNG just fine, but I get internal server error when trying to view them.

Minecraft @ 2011/02/08 15:16:03

Post by: legoburner

download and use this:

to get the same view. Mine is heavily heavily cropped there as I've explored a long way to the east.

Minecraft @ 2011/02/08 16:54:15

Post by: Nick Ellingworth

My god legoburner that is a lot of cobblestone.

Minecraft @ 2011/02/08 17:49:02

Post by: Ediin

The pyramid is pure sex for the mind, nice work.

Minecraft @ 2011/02/08 17:56:59

Post by: Lord Scythican

Ediin wrote:The pyramid is pure sex for the mind, nice work.

He needs to add some more bricks inside. Maybe some catecombs and hallways? Is that possible? Also maybe a few air vents aligned with the orion's belt.

Minecraft @ 2011/02/08 17:58:15

Post by: Lord-Loss

I think I may have to download Invedit and just improve my building skills. This way I get to play Minecraft and get better at making stuff (I'm pretty crappy currently ).

Minecraft @ 2011/02/08 18:13:53

Post by: legoburner

I'm going to replace the top of the pyramid with neverstone and set it on fire once I'm done. The inside will be my main base with a couple of massive mob traps feeding in to a single loot room. Some sort of throne would be nifty as well, perhaps in the dead centre.

Minecraft @ 2011/02/08 18:26:34

Post by: Chowderhead


Legoburner, shouldn't you be doing something constructive for Dakka, and not wasting your life away on Minecraft, like Dakka?

Minecraft @ 2011/02/08 18:47:05

Post by: sillyboy

Tried to download Beta,
I doesn't work, there only appear a text that says:

Could not create the java virtual machine.

What should i do?

Minecraft @ 2011/02/08 19:04:00

Post by: Ifalna

Update Java?

Minecraft @ 2011/02/08 19:09:48

Post by: sillyboy

I already have the latest version, even reinstalled it to be sure.
But still the same text.

Minecraft @ 2011/02/08 19:38:43

Post by: legoburner

chowderhead13 wrote:Legoburner, shouldn't you be doing something constructive for Dakka, and not wasting your life away on Minecraft, like Dakka?

Yes. Yes I should.

Minecraft @ 2011/02/08 19:50:45

Post by: Melissia

After playing Minecraft, I can't blame Legoburner for taking some time off and just enjoying this great game.
Lord-Loss wrote:I think I may have to download Invedit and just improve my building skills. This way I get to play Minecraft and get better at making stuff (I'm pretty crappy currently ).
Good idea.

I have done the same on my second map (my first and primary map is completely untouched by any third party program) so that I can toy around with things when I'm feeling like building something unique and new.

Minecraft @ 2011/02/08 19:55:13

Post by: Tyyr

That pyramid is awesome. Almost like some sort of alien artifact plopped down in the middle of the world.

The volume of mats for it reminds me of what I need to excavate for my underground cavern, ~33,000 m^3 for the full size. I think I'm at about 10,000 excavated right now. I need to expand my mine down instead of out and see if I can find some lava so I can make a trash disposal for all the damn dirt and gravel.

Iron's not too hard to find. Remind yourself that it's never going to be over 5 levels over sea level so when you go looking for a spot to mine don't start too high. Then it occurs at the rate of about one block per 200. If you do and optimal mine that means you'll come across a block on average every 15 to 30 meters in shaft distance. When I'm working in my mine I can generate a full stack of iron for about every hour of work... and a freaking mountain of cobblestone.

Minecraft @ 2011/02/08 20:01:52

Post by: Melissia

Yeah, iron is easy to find once you get below sea level. Not as easy as coal which I find in ridiculous quantities, but still, very easy.

Minecraft @ 2011/02/08 20:06:46

Post by: Corpsesarefun

I am a magnet on minecraft I find so much iron it becomes annoying as iron takes too long to mine.

Minecraft @ 2011/02/08 20:13:01

Post by: Melissia

Lucky bastard. I find it in segments of four to eight, one cache of iron probably every half hour if I'm lucky. Depends on if I run into a cavern full of monsters or not...

Minecraft @ 2011/02/08 20:23:00

Post by: Lord-Loss

I think I may start a new world when I get my laptop back, then i'll create a island and underwater base. My standard above ground base is pretty much complete and i'm too lazy to bother building it down into the mountain it's placed ontop of.

And starting new worlds is exciting.

Minecraft @ 2011/02/08 20:46:16

Post by: Footsloggin

Melissia wrote:Also, monsters die from sunlight and do not spawn in areas that are lit by torches, which is how you prevent them from spawning in your shelters or mines. You need looots of torches to not be overwhelmed by monsters if you have a huge mineshaft or cave.

Not all monsters die from direct sunlight, the notorious creepers do not, and neither do spiders (however, these become neutral), currently there are only a few different mobiles though, so this may change in the future.

But torches may soon be replaced with lanterns... Which may be annoying if the current placed torches aren't replaced by lanterns if Notch decides to do this.

On a side note, the Nether is frightening the first time you venture there, especially with all of the groans and pigmen, but Netherrack is very fun to play with!

Minecraft @ 2011/02/08 21:01:54

Post by: DA's Forever

I went to the nether from the bottom of my mine shaft. BIG MISTAKE, i was far underground listening to screaming trying to dig my way out

Minecraft @ 2011/02/08 21:12:07

Post by: Lord-Loss

I have never spawned in a good place in the Nether. Every portal i've made around my base has resulted in a portal being spawned right next to the ceiling and having to make a lengthy and often dangerous trip down.

Have just given up on the Nether being an unlimited lava source for now, I'll will experiment on other worlds probally.

Minecraft @ 2011/02/08 21:21:19

Post by: BrookM

@Lego: That is just so awesome..

Minecraft @ 2011/02/08 21:35:19

Post by: DA's Forever

BrookM wrote:@Lego: That is just so awesome..


Minecraft @ 2011/02/08 21:56:46

Post by: Nick Ellingworth

corpsesarefun wrote:I am a magnet on minecraft I find so much iron it becomes annoying as iron takes too long to mine.

I'm the same, I've got loads of the damn stuff (got too much coal too).

I might have a decent excuse to start a new world soon, my PC seems to be on it's last legs so I've ordered a whole load of new parts, I reckon getting it's gaming life off to a start with a new minecraft world would be quite suitable since that'll be it's main use for a while.

Minecraft @ 2011/02/09 04:41:52

Post by: Melissia

For me it's the same, except instead of iron it's coal. Dunno.

Annoyingly enough, I FINALLY mined my way to the bottom-- saw the bedrock for the first time-- then died to a spider silently sneaking up and hitting me from behind, knocking all of my stuff off into a lava pit. Or at least enough that I'm glad this was an invedit world instead of the main one.

I should take a screenshot of the remains of the fortress I used to first enter the nether.

It was made of wood save for the roof and somehow caught fire after a creeper explosion. It is now apparently made mostly of air.

Minecraft @ 2011/02/09 06:27:21

Post by: SagesStone

Nice pyramid Lego
I like the building over to the left in the ocean as well. Looks like some sort of arena.

Using boosters on the track?

Make sure you copy the world across though Nick, you may miss it later after a while.

Minecraft @ 2011/02/09 07:17:25

Post by: Nick Ellingworth

Yeah I'm backing everything up today including Minecraft.

Minecraft @ 2011/02/09 08:16:00

Post by: Phototoxin

How do you find the time to harvest all those rescources? i have dificulty finding even iron!

Minecraft @ 2011/02/09 14:04:39

Post by: Corpsesarefun

I built a cottage complete with lawn on the bedrock It took so god damn long for the grass to get there...

feth! the bastard deleted my good world :(