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40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/11/17 16:26:17

Post by: crazysaneman

Alright mighty warriors, tales spun in the dark corners of the barracks behind the commissars back tell of a mystical xenos machine that you insert any random item into and it warps it into something else. The game works like this. You take the item inserted by the post above you, twist it as the chaos gods see fit and it comes out of the machine. Then you insert an item of your own and pray.

For example.

Guardsman one:
I insert my Ilo stick.

Guardsman two:
You recieve a old-terran corncob pipe.
I insert my copy of the Guardsman's Primer.

Now bear in mind, we do have to keep this within DakkaDakka's forum post requirements. Nothing too explicit or illegal please.

May Tzeentch have mercy on the result, and may the Emperor have mercy on us for this heresy.

I will go first.

I insert the human in baroque power armour from Trazyn the Infinate's collection.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/11/17 22:15:08

Post by: snurl

You recieve a bag 'o bases.

I insert a pumpkin.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/11/18 12:21:33

Post by: thenoobbomb

You recieve a small warptoken.

I insert a pot of superglue. Opened.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/11/18 23:33:40

Post by: snurl

You recieve a roll of tape, unwound.

I insert a small warptoken.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/11/19 13:26:05

Post by: master of ordinance

You recieve a SOBs corset

I insert a Space Marine

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/11/19 15:50:18

Post by: thenoobbomb

You recieve a pauldron.

I insert a gun.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/11/19 15:54:09

Post by: dakkajet

You get a pot of paint.
I insert a dead ork.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/11/19 15:59:25

Post by: thenoobbomb

You get mushroom soup.

I insert a playstation 4.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/11/19 16:26:54

Post by: Wilytank

You get a Necron Monolith model painted black with streaks of dark blue.

I insert 3D6.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/11/19 21:06:29

Post by: crazysaneman

You get a 36 point buy array, you lucky devil you

i insert the avatar of khaine

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/11/20 00:04:54

Post by: snurl

You get a topless witch elf.

I insert a ChibiHawk.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/11/20 10:48:02

Post by: master of ordinance

You get a chubby bird of prey.

I insert a foot

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/11/20 13:09:27

Post by: snurl

You recieve a yardstick.

I insert some miscast finecast.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/11/20 14:04:26

Post by: crazysaneman

You get a small baggie of that fine warp dust. You hear the sound of a wailing Grey Knight off in the distance.

I insert a melta bomb. Primed for detonation.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/11/20 14:52:42

Post by: thenoobbomb

You recieve a charred body.

I insert some green stuff.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/11/21 00:03:55

Post by: snurl

You get a baggie full of different green stuff. You are promptly arrested for posession.

I insert a flying stand.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/11/21 14:08:49

Post by: master of ordinance

You get a Thunderhawk. Life size. Dropping right on top of you.


I insert myself

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/11/21 21:39:31

Post by: Wilytank

You come out as a bloody bucket of body parts.

I insert a tape measure.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/11/22 00:26:09

Post by: snurl

You recieve a red whippy stick ruler.

I insert a forgeworld Grot.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/11/22 11:42:48

Post by: thenoobbomb

You recieve a Skavenslave. Huzzah!

I insert your mother. (HAHA! #SWAG)

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/11/22 12:25:01

Post by: rayphoton

You get a GW store employee who tells you to buy something or get out.

I insert a old bloodbowl pitch board

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/11/22 13:03:06

Post by: scarletsquig

You get a rubber latex Dreadball pitch.

I insert an Emporer-class battleship.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/11/22 20:34:23

Post by: Azza007

You get a golden tooth.

I insert a chunk of ceramite.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/11/22 21:10:26

Post by: crazysaneman

You get a 1:16th light up scale replica of the Golden Throne

I insert a skeleton warrior injured in bloodbowl.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/11/22 21:12:28

Post by: master of ordinance

You recieve a bloodbowl ball, injured in a skeleton.

I insert Justin Bieber

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/11/23 12:39:14

Post by: snurl

You recieve a useless Fimir.

I insert some Squats.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/11/23 14:03:44

Post by: Wilytank

You receive a DVD on how to do squat thrusts.

I insert a computer keyboard.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/11/23 15:38:16

Post by: master of ordinance

You receive a live mouse

I insert the Fimir

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/11/23 18:18:16

Post by: thenoobbomb

You recieve a Wood Elf.

I insert... Phil Kelly's severed head.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/11/23 22:56:57

Post by: master of ordinance

You recieve Phil Kellys body, minus its head.

I insert my cat

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/11/24 00:02:30

Post by: snurl

You recieve kitty litter.

I insert Skull Pass.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/11/24 05:14:55

Post by: Wilytank

You receive a hall pass.

I insert Phil Kelly's binders filled with pictures of naked elf women.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/11/24 08:54:03

Post by: snurl

You recieve metal Daemonettes.

I insert a tomb king.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/11/24 17:14:49

Post by: master of ordinance

You revieve a small scroll telling of the meaning of ll things. Upon reading it, your mind is blown as you realise your tiny place in the universe. Unable to form a tangible sentence, you are locked in a psych ward for the rest of your days.

I insert a rubber man wand

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/11/25 01:15:08

Post by: snurl

You recieve a rubber.

I insert a Necron Monolith

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/11/25 09:47:29

Post by: master of ordinance

You receive a crossaint that appears to defy gravity.

I insert Matt Ward

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/11/25 10:06:37

Post by: thenoobbomb

You recieve a bottle of balanced rules.

I insert an apple.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/11/25 10:57:39

Post by: snurl

You recieve an i-Pod.

I insert a Chaos Dwarf.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/11/25 12:52:42

Post by: thenoobbomb

You recieve a shovel, that you may dig a hole!

I insert a very annoying orange.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/11/25 20:09:32

Post by: master of ordinance

You receive a foxy lady

I insert a biscuit. Bourbon cream. Slightly nibbled at the edge.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/11/25 23:02:17

Post by: snurl

You recieve a dog-ear'd rulebook.

I insert some dice.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/11/26 12:06:33

Post by: master of ordinance

You receive the very first dice ever created. Keep it safe and use it wisely for with such great power comes great responsibility.

I insert a PGI staff member.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/11/26 14:35:08

Post by: snurl

You recieve a red shirt.

I insert Sicarius.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/11/26 15:05:33

Post by: master of ordinance

You receive a great dane puppy

I insert a balloon

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/11/27 00:25:17

Post by: snurl

You receive a Drop Pod.

I insert Tzeench.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/11/27 03:07:06

Post by: Wilytank

You receive a ball of silly putty.

I insert a 12 gauge shotgun shell.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/11/27 03:49:14

Post by: snurl

You recieve some jingle bells.

I insert a space marine.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/11/27 09:46:07

Post by: master of ordinance

You receive a GW issue porn mag, featuring a space marine posing in his armour. This is all there is through the entire mag.

I insert a frisbee

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/11/28 00:44:28

Post by: snurl

You recieve a Cease & Desist letter from GW.

I insert a deck of Magic cards.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/11/28 03:09:33

Post by: Wilytank

You receive an index card that has "What the feth is a tarmogoyf?" written on it.

I insert some jingle bells.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/11/28 03:42:05

Post by: snurl

You recieve some bolter shells.

I insert some flock.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/11/28 16:47:04

Post by: crazysaneman

You recieve some Goff Rokaz.

I insert Creeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed!

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/11/28 18:56:15

Post by: master of ordinance

You recieve pure win

I insert a sister of battle

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/11/28 19:44:32

Post by: scarletsquig

You receive a faceful of promethium (lit).

I insert tree fiddy.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/11/29 04:53:04

Post by: snurl

You recieve a box of jetbikes.


40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/11/29 16:52:33

Post by: master of ordinance


I insert a Battlecannon shell

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/11/30 00:07:28

Post by: snurl

You recieve a tub of GW sand.

I insert a pile of unused bits.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/12/01 00:56:21

Post by: master of ordinance

You receive a pile of used cod pieces.

I insert a gold coin

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/12/01 01:13:22

Post by: liquidjoshi

You receive Shining Gold Paint. Use it wisely...

I insert GW's business model.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/12/01 01:16:14

Post by: Guardsmen Bob

You receive a nurgling

I insert my hand.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/12/01 07:51:57

Post by: Somedude593

You recieve your own severed hand

I insert a small child's hopes and dreams

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/12/01 08:18:27

Post by: snurl

You recieve a GW price increase.

I insert some sprue.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/12/01 15:43:46

Post by: master of ordinance

You recieve a model kit of Phil Kelly

I insert a troll

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/12/02 08:11:39

Post by: snurl

You recieve a wisecracking servo skull.

I insert Jervis.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/12/02 09:59:41

Post by: master of ordinance

You receive a BFG Battlefleet, thanks to GW worth Ā£942816


I insert a small rabbit

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/12/02 12:07:19

Post by: thenoobbomb

You recieve a FineHole (TM).

I insert a gaming board.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/12/02 20:34:51

Post by: snurl

You recieve a Manufactorum.

I insert Mordheim Buildings.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/12/03 01:27:53

Post by: master of ordinance

You revieve a small chunk of Warpstone.

I insert a copy of the Infantrymans Uplifting Primer

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/12/03 08:49:26

Post by: snurl

You get a can of primer.

I insert a grot.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/12/03 11:30:12

Post by: master of ordinance

You receive a pot of snot green

I insert a pot of purple paint

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/12/03 14:56:47

Post by: snurl

You recieve a Lich. It is not amused.

I insert Phil Kelley.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/12/03 20:28:10

Post by: Wilytank

You receive a binder of naked elves with dried body fluid on them.

I insert my finger.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/12/03 20:32:15

Post by: sing your life

You a receive a 10m long tentacle where your finger was.

I insert some of my excrement wrapped in tissue paper.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/12/03 21:34:09

Post by: Wilytank

The machine spews blood at you.

I insert my flashdrive.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/12/03 22:57:17

Post by: snurl

You recieve a digital WD magazine.

I insert a bomb.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/12/04 13:27:34

Post by: master of ordinance

You recieve a small volcanoe

I insert a Diaz Deamonnette model

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/12/04 14:29:20

Post by: thenoobbomb

You recieve a Playboy magazine made of metal.

I insert my homework.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/12/04 16:59:04

Post by: sing your life

You receive a sheet with random logics printed on it.

I pee in vending machine.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/12/05 13:21:09

Post by: master of ordinance

You receive your own pee. In your face.

I insert a small dog

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/12/05 13:25:10

Post by: snurl

You get a box of Kroot.

I insert 100 gnoblars.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/12/05 16:53:04

Post by: sing your life

You receive a load of nurselings

I insert my new airbrush.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/12/06 02:09:29

Post by: snurl

You recieve a whistle.

I insert a cat.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/12/06 08:00:31

Post by: thenoobbomb

You recieve an exclusive Felinid miniature!

I pour in liquid green stuff.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/12/06 20:51:48

Post by: master of ordinance

You receive a failcast minature

I insert a map

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/12/07 00:45:03

Post by: snurl

You recieve a Drop Pod.

I insert an exclusive WD subscriber only miniature.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/12/09 10:10:33

Post by: master of ordinance

You receive a tacky GW propaganda leaflet

I insert a small slappyfish.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/12/09 13:17:01

Post by: snurl


I insert a white rabbit.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/12/10 09:58:17

Post by: master of ordinance

You receive a white bunny/tyranid hybrid. Have fun with your new friend.

I insert a GW IP police officer.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/12/10 10:50:52

Post by: snurl

You get an Inquisitor.

I insert a slottabase.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/12/10 15:47:04

Post by: Wilytank

You receive a base with no slot.

I insert ur mom.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/12/10 18:45:40

Post by: thenoobbomb

You recieve Swag, lolz!!1

I insert a bycicle.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/12/11 00:25:36

Post by: snurl

You recieve a spelling lesson.

I insert artillery dice.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/12/11 10:08:58

Post by: master of ordinance

You receive a super heavy artillery battery.

I insert a grammar book (to undo any harm caused by that terrible grammar above)

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/12/11 11:49:09

Post by: snurl

You receive an ORK codex, Orkish language edition.

I insert an old Slann.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/12/11 19:49:58

Post by: master of ordinance

You receive a psychic frog and a large stone altar.

I insert a kitten

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/12/11 22:46:46

Post by: snurl

You receive kitty litter.

I insert Margaret Thatcher.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/12/12 13:20:57

Post by: Wilytank

The machine spews fecal matter at you.

I insert a fishhook.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/12/12 21:25:42

Post by: master of ordinance

You receive a slappyfish. It keeps slapping you.

I insert the house of parliment.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/12/12 22:16:26

Post by: FirePainter

You receive the US congress. They defund you.

I insert the Codex Astartes

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/12/13 02:26:07

Post by: snurl

You receive an Epic scale space marine legion.

I insert a Russ.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/12/14 16:19:03

Post by: sing your life

You receive a metal box.

I insert Elton John.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/12/14 22:32:47

Post by: snurl

You recieve either: A- a grey knight, or B- a candle in the wind.

I insert One Direction.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/12/15 00:20:47

Post by: Wilytank

You receive another direction.

I insert a Snickers bar.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/12/15 15:52:56

Post by: master of ordinance

You receive an angry, ripped black man demanding to know where he is.

I insert a mars bar.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/12/16 00:39:51

Post by: snurl

You recieve a Titan.

I insert a chipmonk.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/12/17 14:04:26

Post by: master of ordinance

You recieve an Adeptus Soritas flaming a vat full of oil and potato fragments.

I insert my hand and have a rummage around.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/12/17 16:32:17

Post by: snurl

You receive a bloody stump and a visit from GW legal inquisition.

I insert David Bowie.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/12/17 21:51:56

Post by: master of ordinance

You receive a giant cod piece and a pair of crystal baubles.

I insert the GW legal inquisitor.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/12/18 03:51:29

Post by: snurl

You receive a Fleshound of Khorne.

I insert a figure case.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/12/18 23:24:45

Post by: Guardsmen Bob

You receive Doom II for the computer.

I insert snurl.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/12/20 14:02:37

Post by: snurl

You receive a Pumpkin full of pure awesome and a bonus fish-slap.

I insert a slappyfish.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2617/10/23 05:30:27

Post by: Dheneb

You receive a Monty Python skit.
I insert an Infinity miniature.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/12/23 06:37:54

Post by: snurl

You receive an infinite amount of miniatures. (well not infinite per se, but a few boxes full at least)

I insert Morathi on her dark pegasus.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/12/23 17:05:13

Post by: Rory1432

You receive a pair of socks. That are on fire

I insert a politician

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/12/23 18:04:40

Post by: snurl

You receive A Jervis Johnson Servo Skull.

I insert Skullvane Manse.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/12/23 18:06:58

Post by: Rory1432

You receive a copy of "monkey island"

I insert a vending machine

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/12/23 22:45:06

Post by: snurl

You receive a C&D from GW legal, who have a copyright on "Vending Machine".

I insert a WAAC player.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/12/26 02:15:54

Post by: zman111

You receive a metal killa kan moulded in solid gold

I insert a bag of Cheetos

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/12/26 14:06:56

Post by: snurl

You receive thousands of greasy fingerprints.

I insert Games Day tickets.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/12/27 12:39:43

Post by: sing your life

You receive a bunch of FW models.

I insert a packet of Jaffa cakes.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/12/28 15:43:35

Post by: snurl

You get Jaffa crumbs.

I insert Selym.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/12/29 00:01:04

Post by: Wilytank

You receive a handful of dog crap.

I insert my composition book that I use to write my army lists.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/12/29 01:20:56

Post by: Fervor

You receive the collected works of Mahatma Gandhi.

I insert a Tyranid Warrior.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/12/29 04:43:01

Post by: snurl

You receive a can of RAID.

I insert a Matt Ward codex.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/12/29 05:52:22

Post by: ace101

You receive a angry Furioso Dreadnaught, and its from the Death Company.

I insert a Grav-Centruion.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/12/29 11:30:19

Post by: sing your life

You get a baneblade.

I insert a pen.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/12/29 13:19:50

Post by: scarletsquig

You get a sword.

I insert the observable universe.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/12/29 20:26:13

Post by: thenoobbomb

You get a mini-Golden Throne.

I insert myself.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/12/29 22:44:33

Post by: snurl

You need glasses if you keep that up too often.

I insert an Ork Trukk.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/12/13 12:06:02

Post by: Fervor

You receive a red trike.

I insert a Chainaxe.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/12/31 14:21:33

Post by: thenoobbomb

You recieve a black chainsaw. It looks rater grim. Hurr, grimdark!

I insert all those damned fireworks.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2013/12/31 15:47:18

Post by: snurl

You receive a Hellstrom Rocket Battery.

I insert a monkey.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/01/02 02:03:07

Post by: Guardsmen Bob

You receive a barrel.

I insert a vending machine.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/01/02 06:08:52

Post by: snurl

You receive a power claw.
I insert the thing in the woods.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/01/02 16:14:46

Post by: Fervor

You receive a plate of pasta.

I insert a snow globe.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/01/02 16:38:48

Post by: snurl

You receive a company of Valhallans.

I insert Witch Elves.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/01/03 23:05:27

Post by: Fervor

You receive an autographed picture of Khaine.

I insert a Forgefiend.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/01/05 00:35:30

Post by: snurl

You receive a forgery.

I insert pure lead ingots.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/01/05 00:39:37

Post by: Big Mek Dattrukk

You receive Commisar Yarick's arm. The Orky one.

I insert a bag of trail mix

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/01/05 21:38:01

Post by: snurl

You receive Bugman's Rangers.

I insert A Warmahordes figure.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/01/07 05:00:40

Post by: Fervor

You receive a very angry otter.

I insert a cup of tea.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/01/07 12:33:34

Post by: snurl

You get a pot of Delvan Mud.
I insert a Squat Trike.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/01/07 14:31:53

Post by: sing your life

You reactive a boxing glove to the face.

I inserted Peregrine.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/01/07 22:08:59

Post by: snurl

You receive a Millenium Falcon.

I insert a Rules Lawyer.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/01/08 00:30:59

Post by: Fervor

You receive an objection.

I insert a Splinter Rifle.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/01/08 00:44:38

Post by: Sparkadia

You receive a concerned letter from a Tervigon mother.

I insert a novelty bobble-head Abaddon.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/01/08 09:17:47

Post by: snurl

You receive a novelty Bobble-head Necron.

I insert a GW Battleboard.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/01/08 13:04:44

Post by: Ashiraya

You recieve a bunch of plastic bottles, books, and a large flat piece of wood.

I insert a Riptide Battlesuit.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/01/08 22:40:29

Post by: Fervor

You receive a very smug looking Tom Selleck.

I insert an old pocket watch.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/01/09 03:42:33

Post by: snurl

You get that silly Empire wagon thingy.

I insert some Lego blocks.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/01/18 05:41:36

Post by: Guardsmen Bob

You receive a movie.

I insert a homeless man and/or woman.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/01/18 07:29:00

Post by: snurl

You get a new GW games designer.

I insert the Mighty Fortress.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/01/18 11:54:36

Post by: thenoobbomb

You get a cinematic scenery kit.

I insert a new Warhammer 40K collector.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/01/18 11:57:52

Post by: snurl

You get empty pockets.

I insert Rick Priestley.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/01/18 15:06:10

Post by: sing your life

You received NMM British.

I insert snurl.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/01/19 01:19:03

Post by: snurl

You get a Courageous Slayer.

I insert beer.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/01/19 15:28:13

Post by: the shrouded lord

You get a box of kidney cancer.
I insert... CTHULHU.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/01/19 15:43:03

Post by: Ashiraya

You get a crappy superexpensive failcast kit that does not even look remotely intimidating and is, in its essence, a lot of work that will just get your friends to laugh at you.

I insert Canis Wolfborn.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/01/19 15:52:39

Post by: the shrouded lord

You receive master of ordanance's cat.

I insert a trygOn

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/01/20 03:11:36

Post by: snurl

You get a polygon.

I insert a tape measure.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/01/20 05:24:06

Post by: Guardsmen Bob

You get a restraining order.

I insert that thing you hate.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/01/20 08:19:10

Post by: snurl

You get a Kirby Codex Collection.

I insert a bolter.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/01/20 08:20:39

Post by: the shrouded lord

You receive nut.

I insert... My pe... Chneg.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/01/20 16:26:36

Post by: thenoobbomb

You recieve a really small (2cm) ruler.

I insert a pot of Blood for the Blood God!.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/01/20 16:38:48

Post by: the shrouded lord

You receive tamp ons.

I insert Horus rising.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/01/20 17:52:05

Post by: Guardsmen Bob

You receive a chibi Tzeench

I insert your chibi Tzeench, cuz I stole it.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/01/20 17:57:28

Post by: the shrouded lord

You receive a punch to the face.
I receive my chibi tzeentch
I put in A nurgling.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/01/20 19:56:52

Post by: Guardsmen Bob

You receive a flood of vomit from the vending machine.

I insert a Brail edition of Lord of the Rings the first book.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/01/20 23:42:11

Post by: snurl

You get dangerous terrain.

I insert a cat.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/01/21 22:41:42

Post by: Guardsmen Bob

You get a meme.

I insert my faith in GW.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/01/21 23:13:00

Post by: snurl

You get a screw.

I insert my last dollar.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/01/23 19:43:38

Post by: Fervor

You receive a billion Swedish kronor.

I insert a physics textbook.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/01/24 06:21:37

Post by: snurl

You get a big bang.

I insert the last issue of White Dwarf.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/01/24 06:34:34

Post by: Kelly502

You recieve some pocket lint...

I insert a Cadian Platoon...

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/01/24 06:58:58

Post by: snurl

You receive a Valhallan Platoon.

I insert A Thunderhawk.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/01/24 11:08:22

Post by: Kelly502

You receive an Epic scale Thunderhawk.

I insert Sgt. Centurius, (regretfully?)

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/01/24 11:30:14

Post by: Ashiraya

You get a Centurion.

I insert C.S. Goto.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/01/24 12:54:36

Post by: 3rdGen

 snurl wrote:
You recieve a useless Fimir.

I insert some Squats.

Abit late but he should've recieved nothing a fimir is more useful than Justin bieber

Anyways you get a graham mcneil un assembled and unpainted

I insert a dwarven dreadfleet

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/01/24 19:32:54

Post by: the shrouded lord

You receive a bronze bowling ball.

I cuddle my chibi tzeench.
I insert Bob's glasses, revealing another underneath.

Justin beiber's music (some of it, NOT ALL) was not that bad.
The person himself however is uselesser (I don't think that is a word) than a pile of sticks.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/01/24 21:45:14

Post by: Guardsmen Bob

You get a STC that can revive the Emperor.

I insert a restraining order.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/01/25 06:02:02

Post by: 3rdGen

You receive a set of ankle restraints inscribed with runes

I insert a talos

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/01/25 10:40:43

Post by: snurl

You get a Talon. StormTalon that is.

I insert some metal Praetorians.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/01/25 20:29:05

Post by: ChaoticMind

You receive metal Predators. (The rhino variant.)

I insert an ipad.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/01/25 22:44:50

Post by: Sgt_Smudge

You receive a bloody human eyeball.

I insert a drop of blood.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/01/25 22:51:17

Post by: the shrouded lord

Youreceive a pool full of shiny brass coins.
Insert... My dignity.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/01/25 23:14:09

Post by: 3rdGen

You receive nothing... What happened there? Haha

I insert a drunken dwarf (with great difficulty)

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/01/25 23:25:49

Post by: Guardsmen Bob

You get vomit and blood, and beard hair.

I insert a miniature vending machine.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/01/25 23:36:56

Post by: the shrouded lord

You receive a paradox that chops you in half.
I insert my dignity again. Wait didn't I already put it in?

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/01/26 00:00:13

Post by: Imnewherewheresthebathroom

You receive a WAAAAAAAGGHH.

I insert my lucky nipple tassels.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/01/26 04:21:32

Post by: ChaoticMind

You recive two yarn puffballs.

I insert a bloodthirsty cinder block.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/01/26 05:00:06

Post by: the shrouded lord

you receive a hungry block of cement.
I insert the shrouded lord (my space marine chapter master).

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/01/26 05:48:05

Post by: Grey Templar

you receive a Q-tip

I insert my pencil

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/01/26 05:53:47

Post by: the shrouded lord

a space marine jumps out and yells "for the emperor!" and then looks around confused.
I insert sven from "frozen" (a reindeer)

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/01/26 06:44:32

Post by: snurl

You get a box of Bestigors.

I insert some snow.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/01/26 07:09:37

Post by: the shrouded lord

you receive a letter written by christain westorn chandler.
I insert christain westorn chandler.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/01/26 19:30:38

Post by: snurl

You get some snow.

I insert a movement tray.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/01/26 19:36:49

Post by: Grey Templar

You receive a plate of cookies.

I insert a grot.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/01/26 20:38:21

Post by: snurl

You get a gnobblar.

I insert a Ravenwing chapter.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/01/27 03:16:57

Post by: Guardsmen Bob

You a bunch of riderless bikes.

I insert a yo-mama-joke.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/01/27 07:52:44

Post by: rayphoton

you get a your so fat joke

I insert my list of miniatures I need to paint before ordering more....

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/01/27 08:02:11

Post by: snurl

You get an invoice and a ransome note.

I insert some broken skeletons.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/01/27 08:13:05

Post by: Ashiraya

You get Warhammer Armies: Vampires Can't Count.

I insert Sword of Developer Slaying +14.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/01/27 08:50:39

Post by: the shrouded lord

You receive boots of +6 terror.
I insert matt ward's adress.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/01/27 11:59:06

Post by: crazysaneman

You get a handwritten note, in the old script that simply reads "Just as planned... It is time, you know what you must do poppet!"
Well that explains a lot XD

I insert the still-beating heart of Ollanius Pius

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/01/27 12:09:18

Post by: Ashiraya

You recieve rage cries from the entire internet and a healthy Pius.

I insert Shas'O Vior'la Shovah Kais Mont'yr.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/01/27 12:29:23

Post by: the shrouded lord

You receive a giraffe. Full sized.
I insert matt's head, still dripping blood.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/01/27 16:01:19

Post by: Guardsmen Bob

You receive a real functioning Dreadknight, piloted by Matt.

I insert my hopes and dreams.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/01/27 16:07:45

Post by: the shrouded lord

You receive a bucket of lambs blood and a letter:
Dear human, please try again next time
Lots of love

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/01/28 00:19:29

Post by: Fervor

Your refusal to put something into the machine has angered the machine spirit. You receive a strongly worded (numbered?) letter, written in binary.

I insert a Husk Blade.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/01/28 03:52:28

Post by: Guardsmen Bob

You receive a glass of water.

I insert Mork.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/01/28 03:54:25

Post by: Grey Templar

You get a dork.

I insert a paper clip

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/01/28 03:57:50

Post by: Squidmanlolz

You receive a length of barbed wire

I insert my glasses

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/01/28 04:07:01

Post by: thepowerfulwill


I insert Creed.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/01/28 08:27:31

Post by: snurl

You get Metal Boxes.

I insert Styrofoam.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/01/28 11:03:42

Post by: 3rdGen

You get a box of plasticard

I enter a bolter shell

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/01/28 19:59:07

Post by: Sgt_Smudge

You receive a bolter shell... In your face.

I insert the Internet.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/01/29 01:18:55

Post by: snurl

You get a voxcaster.

I insert useless leftover bits.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/01/29 02:53:50

Post by: Guardsmen Bob

You get a Stompa

I insert a Metal Bawk

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/01/29 05:39:50

Post by: snurl

You get a GW Figure Case.

I insert fuzzy dice.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/01/29 05:44:23

Post by: BewareOfTom

you get shaved dice

I inset monies

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/01/29 05:53:57

Post by: snurl

You receive the undying gratitude of Mr. Kirby. And a free Night Goblin to paint.

I insert Skullvane Manse

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/01/29 14:00:02

Post by: Guardsmen Bob

You get a CONDEMNED sign.

I insert my dice that are awaiting execution.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/01/29 14:18:14

Post by: ChaoticMind

You recive dice that always roll the best possible result, then flip to the worst one.

I insert a killer monkey.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/01/30 21:12:39

Post by: Fervor

You receive Jane Goodall.

I insert a pair of diving fins.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/01/30 23:41:51

Post by: Guardsmen Bob

You get a a hungry shark.

I insert a D&D Cleric.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/01/31 00:02:29

Post by: ChaoticMind

You recive the Pope.

I insert the Pope.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/01/31 00:50:20

Post by: snurl

You get the 40k rulebook.

I insert Warhammer Visions.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/01/31 01:02:23

Post by: psychadelicmime

You get a piece of paper that has the url of Games Workshop's Flickr.

I insert a Snotling

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/01/31 01:32:56

Post by: snurl

You get a Kleenex.

I insert Artillery Dice.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/01/31 03:12:17

Post by: Guardsmen Bob

You get a lit firecracker.

The entire Angry Marines Chapter.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/01/31 08:20:09

Post by: snurl

You get credit for a free Battleforce Box.

I insert a blast template.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/01/31 17:15:58

Post by: Guardsmen Bob

You get a scatter dice.

I send in an entire ant army, one by one.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/02/01 00:23:25

Post by: snurl

You get a picnic basket.

I insert Warhammer Visions.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/02/01 01:00:57

Post by: Guardsmen Bob

You get your monies back.

I insert snurl's Trust in Iron and Stone.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/02/01 01:11:27

Post by: the shrouded lord

you receive a duck.
I insert a note:
[i]dear machine, I hate you. you are stupid and are probably matt ward's toilet.
you are full of mat ward's anal fudge.[i]

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/02/01 02:51:29

Post by: snurl

You receive a copy of Warhammer Visions.

I insert Battlefleet Gothic.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/02/01 16:00:40

Post by: ChaoticMind

You receive Firestorm Armada.

I insert Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band. (The band, not the albums or movie.)

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/02/01 16:06:58

Post by: the shrouded lord

You receive half of a love heart cookie, of which trazn owns the other half.
I insert a Zelociraptor. Real size. Still Alive. And a goat. AKA brunch.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/02/02 19:54:45

Post by: snurl

You get a Carnosaur.
I insert MaCragge.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/02/02 20:17:59

Post by: Guardsmen Bob

An Ork WAAAGH spills out of the Vending Machine.

I insert half of Australia.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/02/02 20:22:09

Post by: Warboss Fleshbull

Out come half a Kangaroo.

I insert a lock of Matt wards hair.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/02/02 22:43:16

Post by: snurl

You get Medusa V.

I insert Abaddon.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/02/03 01:57:21

Post by: Fervor

You get a sleeveless t-shirt.

I insert a guitar amp.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/02/04 10:14:55

Post by: snurl

You get an ear bud.

I insert some 'nids.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/02/04 10:20:05

Post by: the shrouded lord

You receive a facehugger, in the face.
I insert the dead facehugger.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/02/04 14:10:29

Post by: snurl

You recieve a Ripperjack.

I insert cardstock buildings.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/02/04 14:56:11

Post by: ChaoticMind

You get a ream of light weight printer paper.

I insert a small child.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/02/04 15:04:16

Post by: the shrouded lord

You receive an imperator class Titan (game scale).
I insert a pen. And paper. And an eraser, and a ruler, protractor, compass, pencil, USB, high lighters, sharpener, and a sawn off shotgun. Oh wait that's my pencil case, mehh.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/02/05 00:22:29

Post by: snurl

You get a full set of classic Citadel AD&D miniatures.

I insert coffee.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/02/05 00:49:36

Post by: Imnewherewheresthebathroom

You get a booger.

I insert my finger.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/02/05 02:17:10

Post by: Grey Templar

You get a bloody stump

I insert something I scraped off my shoe

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/02/05 02:26:26

Post by: ChaoticMind

You get a otyugh (trash/refuse monster)

I insert a cat-guy.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/02/05 04:15:30

Post by: the shrouded lord

you receive furry porn,not just chicks with ears and tail either...
i insert a jirrafe.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/02/05 04:22:58

Post by: Grey Templar

You receive a jaffa cake.

I insert an empty paint pot.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/02/05 04:30:52

Post by: the shrouded lord

you receive a killa kan.
i insert tomato sauce. inthose little fast food packet things.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/02/05 05:07:36

Post by: Guardsmen Bob

You get fries.

I insert some nerf stairs. (random thing heard on tv)

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/02/05 05:25:21

Post by: Grey Templar

You get a fern.

I insert a nickle.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/02/05 08:29:38

Post by: snurl

You get a slottabase.

I insert a Gundam.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/02/10 08:59:44

Post by: SkinCarver

You receive a Subjugator of Slaanesh.

I insert Cultist-Chan.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/02/10 09:40:56

Post by: snurl

You get four chan.
I insert lesbians.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/02/10 23:06:19

Post by: Guardsmen Bob

You get a cup.

I insert snurl, once more!

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/02/11 05:22:42

Post by: Grey Templar

You get him back.

I insert an empty soda bottle.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/02/11 07:49:31

Post by: snurl

You get a Baneblade in a bottle.

I insert old metal dwarves.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/02/11 15:17:19

Post by: ChaoticMind

You get fincast ones with more bubbles than a gallon of foam.

I insert a strange little idol.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/02/11 21:07:50

Post by: the shrouded lord

You receive a turtle.
I insert an ankle style nose bleed.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/02/12 00:06:15

Post by: snurl

You get a fine cast.

I insert Codex Tau.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/02/12 03:58:37

Post by: Guardsmen Bob

A plasma bolt flies out of the vending machine, bypasses the tree you're hiding behind and kills you.

I insert myself into the machine, to find out it's secrets!

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/02/12 04:52:56

Post by: Grey Templar

It turns you into a jock strap and spits you back out. You are picked up by an overweight minor league baseball player named Bubba.

I insert a piece of lint.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/02/12 07:04:43

Post by: snurl

You get a bag of quality CitadelĖ‡ Modeling Flock

I insert Cheerios.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/02/12 19:54:20

Post by: ChaoticMind

You get a pack of lifesaver gummies.

I insert a chocolate eclair.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/02/12 23:14:54

Post by: Guardsmen Bob

You get a rude burp.

I insert a Katamari.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/02/13 00:32:55

Post by: snurl

You get a Katana.

I insert a battle mat.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/02/13 01:14:45

Post by: Grey Templar

You get Mat Ward.

I insert a booger.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/02/13 03:04:59

Post by: Guardsmen Bob

You get a Diamond pickax.

I clone the vending machine, and insert the real one into the clone!!!

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/02/13 06:14:37

Post by: the shrouded lord

You realise your cloning machine has gone terribly wrong and a zombie vending machine jump from the vending machine.
I insehorus rising and flight of the Eisenstein.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/02/13 07:40:59

Post by: snurl

You get Gotrek and Felix and the Blustery Day.

I insert Gandalf.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/02/13 14:56:22

Post by: ChaoticMind

You get Sauramon.

I insert 4 of the Marx brothers: Harpo, Chico, Groucho, and Zeppo.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/02/14 00:48:58

Post by: snurl

You get Larry, Moe, Curly, and Shemp.
I insert a Martini-Henry.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/02/15 05:13:21

Post by: Guardsmen Bob

You get a pawn shop.

I insert that thing you wanted me to put into a mail box, but I got lazy/drunk and put it into a vending machine.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/02/15 06:19:20

Post by: snurl

You get magazines from Publisher's Clearing House.

I insert a valentine.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/02/16 03:32:50

Post by: Guardsmen Bob

You receive a bloody, beating heart.

I insert my old laptop computer.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/02/16 04:19:21

Post by: the shrouded lord

Your grandmother receives your Internet history.
I inset a tomato bomb.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/02/16 04:30:46

Post by: Guardsmen Bob

You get a shotgun blast of french fries to the face.

I insert the shrouded lord's entire hive fleet.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/02/16 07:48:33

Post by: snurl

You get Hives.

I insert blood, for the blood god.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/02/17 22:04:29

Post by: ChaoticMind

You get pus from Nurgle.

I insert a mug of tea.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/02/17 22:16:34

Post by: thepowerfulwill

You receive a large sack of dry leaves.

I insert Minecraft. Somehow. And brace for explosion.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/02/17 22:26:27

Post by: Grey Templar

You get a carrot on a stick.

I insert a piece of paper.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/02/18 03:04:14

Post by: snurl

You get an official GW army roster sheet.
I insert the new gyrocopter.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/02/18 03:32:33

Post by: thepowerfulwill

You get a gyroscope.

I insert a broad sword.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/02/18 05:30:57

Post by: snurl

You get a Great Weapon.
I insert the new Dwarf Book

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/02/19 15:39:00

Post by: ChaoticMind

You recive a compilation of evreything mantic has on their abyssal dwarves.

I insert my Physics class. Room, professor, classmates, me, EVREYTHING.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/02/19 15:43:07

Post by: Greenwingf_ftw

You get Matt wards latest codex

I insert a handfull of bolter shells

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/02/19 16:59:03

Post by: Archie The Death Rider

You get a Lazgun

I insert a mark of the Inquisition

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/02/19 18:23:11

Post by: Strombones

You receive a cease and desist.

I insert a box of plastic Sisters.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/02/19 20:32:12

Post by: thepowerfulwill

You receive nothing. as you inserted nothing.

I insert gazgul.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/02/20 00:34:08

Post by: snurl

You get a block of cheese.

I insert a box of gnoblars.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/02/20 02:02:51

Post by: thepowerfulwill

You receive grots.

I insert the previous poster.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/02/20 08:04:15

Post by: snurl

You get slapped with a fish.

I insert a blast template.

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/02/20 13:34:00

Post by: Nevie

You receive a flame template.

I insert the Chaos Space Marines codex

40k Vending Machine I: Just As Planned @ 2014/02/20 14:27:32

Post by: snurl

You get nerfed.

I insert a Citadel Realm of Battle.