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Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/01/05 21:40:04

Post by: insaniak

After ten years of meandering aimlessly about from project to project over just shy of 50 pages, I decided it was time to retire my previous blog and start with a clean page on which I can meander aimlessly about from project to project once more without the distraction of a whole bunch of unfinished 10 year old projects that have taken on a life of their own and are now hiding in the laundry telling each other stories about how the creator will one day return and anoint the worthy with sacred pigment ...

I'm largely focused on Maelstrom's Edge these days, so a lot of what I am working on will obviously be related to that, but I also have a bunch of 40K projects in various stages of completion that I'd like to get finished off even if I have no intention of playing that game again, and a couple of boxes full of assorted minis from a whole slew of manufacturers that I've collected over the years just because I liked them and wanted to do something with them. So to kick things off, here's what I am currently working on:

It seems appropriate to kick the new thread off with the same miniature that started the last one. Although you could probably replace 'appropriate' with 'kind of sad'... But there it is. This was a conversion started a little over 10 years ago, back when Wazdakka had rules. Before the Dark Times...

Somewhere in the intervening time, he appears to have lost his power claw. I have a vague recollection of putting it somewhere safe to reattach it when I had time, so it's probably lost for good. So still to do - find or rebuild the power claw, rework the right arm a little to fix the dodgy musculature, finish sculpting detail around his waist, and finish off the detailing on the bike's guns. And paint it, obviously. But I felt that now that I'm no longer playing 40K, and he no longer has rules, it was the right time to get him finished!

Terra Firma Pattern Repulsor
A conversion I started back when the Repulsor kit was released, as I really didn't like it as a grav tank. I got busy halfway through painting it, so it's been sitting unfinished in the cabinet since then.

Mostly just detailing work to go at this point. It's being added to my Iron Wolves (Space Wolf) army.

Yi Ling, from Guild of Harmony
One of the afore-mentioned miniatures picked up just because I liked it. This is a mini from the (apparently now OOP) Guild of Harmony range, sculpted by Sebastian Archer. Bought a long time ago and left sitting in my to-paint pile until I felt I could do her justice.

Still a lot of work to do.

As-yet Un-named Goblin Pirate Boat
1:50 scale Revell Viking Ship, bought for me by my wife a few years back, after I had been trying to convince her that we should replace our car with a long boat (it seemed like a good idea at the time), and being converted for a crew of OOP Rackham pirate goblins bought back when Rackham went out of business.

A couple of minor details still to add (like a railing of some kind on the crow's nest) and then paint and rigging (which I will leave until after painting to make getting a brush in there easier).

And finally (for now):
Jet Pa'ku
Converted Pa'ku artillery model from Maelstrom's Edge. Converted the giant artillery weapon to a jetpack because, really, why wouldn't you?

Jet plumes added with shredded cardboard soaked in PVA glue. Rather experimental, but we'll see how they turn out...

As a completely out-there experiment, I'm going to try to keep the number of things I'm working on to a manageable number, and wherever possible finish something off completely before starting the next (which sounds like crazy talk, but seems like the only way to get the to-be-painted mountain down to a sensible level). We'll see how that goes...

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/01/05 22:52:25

Post by: tzurk

Woohoo! Glad to be on the first page of the new blog. I always found your Maelstrom's Edge terrain inspiring, so it'll be good to be able to follow along with your miniature endeavours as well.

I saw the Pa'ku conversion in one of the Medge rumour threads, and straight away fell in love. I think it's great that you're able to show what players can do with the medge kits and a bit of time and effort.

just recently got back into the hobby myself - I played Orks in 3rd and always wanted to convert myself a Wazzdakka but never got around to it. Sad to hear that he no longer has rules, but excited to see him get a bit of love.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/01/05 23:32:51

Post by: Meer_Cat

Whew- I'm glad the Inter-regnum was short and sweet- glad to see what's first up on the workbench this time! Love the Yi Ling figure- nice sense of balance and grace to it, marvelous.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/01/05 23:55:14

Post by: monkeytroll

Good luck with the dual themes of minimum projects and finishing old before new

Not seen the terra firma repulsor before, I like that (obviously that was in my wilderness years, as I recall being shocked when I saw a marine grav-tank in someone's thread)

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/01/07 19:41:49

Post by: insaniak

Cheers, everybody

One of the good things about the Maelstrom's Edge gig is that it means I'm constantly actually finishing stuff off... This week, it's the Jet Pa'ku:

More pics, and an assembly walkthrough for the curious is here: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/0/769527.page#10300178

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/01/07 21:28:17

Post by: DV8

Subscribing, so I can get more involved, and so I can jibber jabber more online!

Love the Repulsor conversion! So much better than the grav version.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/01/07 23:20:13

Post by: Captain Brown

Nice Jet Pa'ku insaniak.



Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/01/08 06:44:04

Post by: insaniak

Cracking right on... New project:

Still a ways to go...

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/01/10 06:02:17

Post by: insaniak

Coming together...

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/01/10 13:04:26

Post by: Theophony

Subbing because flying Pa’ku and tracked grav vehicle .

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/01/10 16:06:22

Post by: DV8

OOH that's a cool looking display board. And multi-levels! I love multi-levels!

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/01/10 17:41:41

Post by: youwashock

Flying frog is glorious. Bringing the Repulsor down to earth is another inspired move. Love them.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/01/10 18:20:23

Post by: StormX

Nice man, im going to try making terrain eventaully also, this is good.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/01/11 02:31:04

Post by: insaniak

Cheers, guys

Moving right along...

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/01/14 20:38:41

Post by: insaniak

For this week's Comm Guild modeling article, I had a play with the new Epirian Boostpack models:

More pics and the full article here: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/769944.page

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/01/14 20:42:17

Post by: Theophony

All I can see is a bunch of finger pointing on who let one rip

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/01/14 21:03:59

Post by: insaniak

"Nah, nah, it's just jet fuel, dude!"

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/01/15 05:06:58

Post by: insaniak

There's nothing quite like a good pipe...

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/01/15 09:06:15

Post by: mcmattila

Your terrain work is always so inspiring! What will you be using this latest one for? Seems a little small for a game board, unless it's only a part..

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/01/15 20:44:17

Post by: insaniak

It's intended as a display board, to provide some different backdrops for photographing miniatures.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/01/17 05:23:46

Post by: insaniak

And some more...

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/01/17 18:53:23

Post by: Sgt. Oddball

This is going to be an amazing piece

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/01/20 09:09:24

Post by: insaniak

I hope so...

A little more... The end is in sight. Well, for building, at least. Still need to get it painted

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/01/20 10:47:29

Post by: JoeRugby

Great stuff Insaniak

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/01/21 19:50:41

Post by: insaniak

The first part of the display board completed and article-ised:

Article here, or spoilered below:


- by Iain Wilson

This week, I'm kicking off something a little different for the new year. It's a bigger project than normal, so I'll be spacing it out over a couple of articles, with the aim being to build a detailed display board to use as a backdrop for photographing miniatures. I wanted something that would have plenty of open areas for placing miniatures, and a few different contrasting areas to allow some variety in backdrops with just the one piece. And so 'Landing Pad 16' was born:

Normally when I'm building terrain, I have a rough idea in my head of what I'm going to build, and I just wing it from that. Because this one was a little more complicated, I started by sketching out a rough design, and then translated that into a 1:1 plan on a sheet of cardboard.

For the bulk of the structure, I chose to use foamed PVC sheet. This is a lightweight, but strong plastic material that is easy to cut and shape, and takes extremely well to superglue, which allows it to be used to build solid, detailed structures.

I took my plan and drew up a neater version on the PVC, and then used an exacto knife and steel ruler to cut it out.

I had a slight measuring mishap when scribing some panel lines on the floor piece. Rather than starting over, I just flipped the floor over, making the build a mirror image of my original design. The floor was layered, to allow for some depth in the detailing. With the floor marking out the basic shape for the structure, I could start adding the walls, shaping the PVC to the outline of the building.

The foamed PVC is quite flexible, but I added a curve to the landing pad wall by heating the PVC in boiling water, curving it around a biscuit tin and letting it cool. This wasn't super-effective, but gave it enough of a lasting curve to let it bend more easily to the required shape. Having the natural bend in there means that the PVC isn't trying to spring back as hard against the glue line, giving a more solid joint.

As with all of my Maelstrom's Edge buildings so far, detailing on this one is added courtesy of the Maelstrom's Edge terrain sprue. I created two hexagonal windows for the landing bay freight access corridor by gluing together pairs of trapezoid windows along their long edges.

As I built up the structure, the plan changed a little from the original sketch. I added extra access between the two sides of the board, and brought the detail on the 'reverse' side down from the roof to a first-level courtyard.

The courtyard needed some depth to allow for some staggered model positioning, so I added a couple of descending platforms on the rear, using layers of PVC to create the steps between levels.

I had planned for a groove to run around the top of the landing pad wall, which would theoretically serve as a runner for a retractable roof - I'm not building the roof, but wanted it to be implied for completeness. For the roof groove to have depth, this needed to protrude into the back facing of the wall, so I built up a box structure using layers of PVC.

The doors on the terrain sprue have detail on both sides, but as they're intended to be used on external structures they only have the framework on the one side. I created a double sided doorway by removing the frame from the rest of the door using a razor saw. On a second door, I cut the door itself out leaving the frame intact, so I could have an open doorway for the freight access.

However carefully you cut and glue, you wind up with some gaps and rough edges. I used some putty to fill in wherever necessary, and once set used some fine sandpaper to smooth it down.

To give the walls some structural detail, I built up a recurring pattern using the support struts from the terrain sprue, and glued this on along the top and bottom of each wall. For curved walls, I carefully bent the strut to shape before gluing it in place.

Rather than having bare cement floors everywhere, I added tiles to the courtyard area using textured plasticard. By cutting out squares of tiles in a regular pattern, I inserted some decorative areas of smaller tiles - these will be painted up with the Epirian Foundation logo.

Using ladders from the terrain sprue, and posts cut from sections of the sprue itself, I added a handrail around the courtyard.

I left the handrail open in a couple of places, to allow some avenues for displaying models and show where the terrain would theoretically continue past the confines of the display board. I did extend the rail part of the way down the stairs, by cutting a piece of 2mm plasticard in a pattern matching the rungs of the ladder.

Down the other end of the board, behind the landing pad, I built some nice, hefty pipes using the large pipe fitting from the terrain sprue and some 13mm garden drip irrigation fittings.

I scattered some smaller pipes around the place using the small pipe fitting, some plastic tubing, and some more scrap sprue from the terrain sprue.

With all of that done, this side of the board is more or less done. There is still a little more gap filling and sanding to be done, and probably some more small details to add here and there. I'll need to add some sort of trim around the bottom edge to neaten everything up, but that will wait until the other side is finished so I can make it consistent.

Stay tuned for part two, detailing the landing pad side of the board!

You can pick them up the Maelstrom's Edge terrain sprue, along with the rest of the Maelstrom's Edge model range from the webstore here.

As always, feel free to pop along and share your work, or ask any Maelstrom's Edge- or hobby-related questions on the Comm Guild Facebook page!

For other Maelstrom's Edge modeling articles, including tutorials and walkthroughs of a wide range of different building and miniature projects, check out the article roundup here.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/01/22 06:58:56

Post by: Sgt. Oddball

Now thát is cinematic.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/01/22 23:10:13

Post by: insaniak

I'm champing at the bit to get some paint on it... Other side is about 90 percent finished, so should hopefully be able to start painting by the end of the week.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/01/22 23:45:56

Post by: kestral

That terrain piece is REALLY nice. Great playability combined with making it look like an actual building rather than a playing piece.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/01/25 04:08:18

Post by: insaniak

Playing around with some final details...

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/01/25 04:23:20

Post by: ingtaer

Wow, you don't do displays by halfs do you? Spectacular work. Looking forward to seeing you slap some paint on it (and posters, got to have posters).

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/01/25 06:59:25

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Stunning work. Really inspiring.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/01/28 19:56:06

Post by: insaniak

Slight break from other projects to whip up this week's modeling article for the Comm Guild - a quick and easy sculpting tutorial for making your cultists even more culty!

Tutorial (usual pictorial style, and a video just as a bonus!) is here: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/0/770650.page#10326457

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/02/02 04:39:17

Post by: insaniak

Here's a thing:

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/02/02 14:19:53

Post by: mcmattila

The landing pad just keeps on getting better and better! Can't wait to see it finished.

Btw, where do you get that grating that you use on the walkways?

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/02/02 21:51:07

Post by: insaniak

 mcmattila wrote:
The landing pad just keeps on getting better and better! Can't wait to see it finished.

Me too!

Btw, where do you get that grating that you use on the walkways?

The stuff I used here was found on Ali Express, but it's horrible - really hard and springy aluminium, and had a massive curve in it which I had to try to flatten out before I could use it. These guys were recommended by someone elsewhere, but I haven't tried them out yet: http://modelshop.co.uk/Shop/Raw-Materials/Mesh?orderby=1&top=120

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/02/04 08:07:03

Post by: insaniak


Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/02/05 00:19:44

Post by: insaniak

Part two of the display board walkthrough:

Full article here, and spoilered below:


- by Iain Wilson

Time to check back in on my landing pad display board build! (If you missed part one, you can find it here)

In the first instalment, I ran through the construction of the 'back' side of the display, so this time around I'm working on the landing pad area.

When I cut the foamed PVC for the floor, I left out a curved area that would form the main section of the actual landing pad itself. To fill this in, I cut a piece of 2mm thick cardboard.

On the top surface of the card, I painted a layer of superglue, and then laid a piece of fibreglass flyscreen flat over the card. Once the glue set, I trimmed the screen around the edges.

I wanted a section of the pad to have visible pipes under the mesh, and had cut a cavity into the cardboard for this purpose. Painting this with everything glued in place would be problematic, so I cut the screen neatly down one edge of the cavity so that it can be lifted up out of the way to paint the pipes. The pipes were made from sections of an assortment of plastic rods. Once the pipes and the rest of the pad are painted, I'll glue the screen back down and add a little trim over the top to disguise the joint.

As detailed last week, I built up the walls using foamed PVC. I left a recess around the top of the landing pad wall, along with the pad's retractable roof would slide.

I added support struts from the Maelstrom's Edge terrain sprue along the top and bottom of the walls, with an extra row of reinforcing

As I had pipes running into the wall from the back side of the board, I needed something on the pad side to match up to them. The first became a heat vent, using a trimmed down large pipe fitting from the terrain sprue and a pipe end from a 13mm drip irrigation setup. I shortened the pipe fitting by cutting across it with a razor saw.

For the second large pipe, I built a fuel storage tank using another drip irrigation piece, a piece of plastic packaging that I think came from a laser printer component, and a clear plastic cap - I don't recall exactly where this piece came from, but I think it was some piece of toddler-feeding paraphernalia. I added some connection ports to the front using the small pipe fitting from the terrain sprue and some plasticard.

For the smaller pipe, I ran a matching piece of pipe cut from the side of the terrain sprue, and fed this into an air conditioning unit built from foamed PVC and an assortment of gubbinz from the terrain sprue.

To the left of the pipe I had added a square hatch, just for a little detail, with the intention of this turning into a conveyor feeding into the pad area from elsewhere. For the conveyor belt, I glued in a bunch of plastic tubes to create rollers.

I broke up the vast expanse of flyscreen on the pad with a couple of strips of plasticard, and added a curved strip around the edges to conceal the join between the screen section and the solid floor.

The rectangle cut into the pad floor was intended to turn into a cargo lift. I built the lift platform using a piece of PVC, some support struts from the terrain sprue and a piece of chequer plate plasticard.

To allow for some variation in the display, I wanted to be able to reposition the lift. To this end, I built a hydraulic lift to go under the middle of the platform using some pieces of plastic tube and a couple of pipe fittings. Thanks to the magic of magnets, this all slots together when needed. Alternatively it can be left out, allowing the lift to sit on the floor.

Ships need to recharge as well as refuel. I built a charging port using a shutter window with most of the shutters cut out. Into the resultant opening, I glued a piece of plasticard and some assorted bits and pieces. The charging cable was made from a couple of pieces of plastic tube and the chain from a fob watch I had sitting in my bits box.

At the other end of the board, I wanted some stairs and decking platforms to create some vertical detail. I cut the shape of the platforms out of 1mm plasticard, and glued on some aluminium mesh cut to the same size.

On the bottom of the mesh, I glued matching pieces of plasticard, and then added some diagonal supports using I-beam plastic rod.

The supports for the platforms we made from foamed PVC, doubled-up to give it some extra thickness.

With the legs in place, I added some extra supports for staircases, cut from more PVC. I used strips of textured plasticard for the stair treads. For the moment, I left the platforms and the treads on the lower staircase unglued, to make it a little easier to paint underneath them.

I added some more support struts around the edges of the platforms and on the ends of the legs. I also glued on some posts for handrails, cut from the energy fence piece on the terrain sprue.

Some final small details:

- I added a spray gun (for vermin control) onto the wall using a chemtech sprayer from the Epirian Scarecrow kit with a pistol grip from a Guardian pistol added. For the mounting clips, I used a couple of leftover sections from the energy fence posts.

- I pillaged a clingfire sprayer and a leg from the Scarecrow kit, and a trimmed down Spider Drone head to create a security remote.

- And I made a billboard screen using sections cut from a garage door.

And with that, assembly is more or less complete!

The handrails are just a placeholder for the moment - I'm planning on using 1.6mm aluminium rods for these, so that they can be bent to shape to go down the stairs, but these won't be glued in until the platforms are painted.

Stay tuned for part three, where we get some paint on this little construction!

You can pick them up the Maelstrom's Edge terrain sprue, along with the rest of the Maelstrom's Edge model range from the webstore here.

As always, feel free to pop along and share your work, or ask any Maelstrom's Edge- or hobby-related questions on the Comm Guild Facebook page!

For other Maelstrom's Edge modeling articles, including tutorials and walkthroughs of a wide range of different building and miniature projects, check out the article roundup here.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/02/05 00:32:46

Post by: Ezki

Stunning work on that display board!
Offers a great deal of inspiration for all sorts of terrain projects that I have planned for the future.

Edit: Glad you posted the full article also. Great stuff!

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/02/05 19:26:58

Post by: Gitsplitta

Oh, I like that!

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/02/07 03:57:37

Post by: insaniak

Here's a thing... because why should Orks get all the cool kit?

Still very WIP.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/02/07 12:12:09

Post by: Dysartes

That's a really cool display board, insaniak - nice work!

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/02/11 02:47:01

Post by: insaniak

When you're waiting for that parcel, and then four come all at once... Some WIP shipping crates. Because every board needs some random stuff to hide behind.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/02/11 18:20:06

Post by: Sgt. Oddball

I recognise the terrain sprue parts :p Nice work!

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/02/11 19:31:29

Post by: insaniak


The finished crates:

And this week's tutorial:

- by Iain Wilson

Time for another quick and easy build!

The Maelstrom's Edge terrain sprue includes a nifty corner bracing piece, which would normally be used on the roof corners of flat-roof buildings to pretty them up a little. Because a lot of my buildings have angled buttresses or ballustraded roofs, I collect a lot of spares of this part. Looking for something easy and effective to do with them, I hit on the idea of turning them into shipping crates!

To replicate these, for each crate you will need some 1mm thick plasticard or cardboard - two pieces 21mm square, two pieces 21mm x 12mm, and two pieces 19mm by 12mm, and you will also need eight corner braces.

Start by placing the corner braces flat side down, and gluing them together in sets of four along the flat edges, as below:

Glue your large squares into the two resultant boxwork shapes. If you're using plasticard, you can use polystyrene cement for this. Use superglue if you have gone with cardboard.

Next, take the 21mm long strips, and glue them along the inside of one of the boxes, along opposite sides. It doesn't matter which two sides you go with, so long as they are opposite each other.

The 19mm strips should then fit neatly in on the other two sides. It's a good idea to check them for fit, and trim up if necessary before gluing them in. If you wind up with the corners of the strips not all meeting up exactly, it's not a problem, as they'll be hidden by the boxwork when you put the other side on.

Speaking of the other side, you can now glue this on by sliding it on over the strips, until it butts up neatly against the first side.

And that's it. They're really easy to put together, so (assuming you have enough corner braces knocking around) you can quickly assemble a few of them to stack up and scatter around the table for a bit of low cover.

They're fairly light, so while they sit neatly on top of each other, you may find it beneficial to glue the stacks together so that they don't get knocked awry mid-game. This also gives you less surface to paint, since you won't need to paint the faces that are touching other crates!

Keen to give it a go? You can pick up the Maelstrom's Edge terrain sprue, along with the rest of the Maelstrom's Edge model range from the webstore here.

As always, feel free to pop along and share your work, or ask any Maelstrom's Edge- or hobby-related questions on the Comm Guild Facebook page!

For other Maelstrom's Edge modeling articles, including tutorials and walkthroughs of a wide range of different building and miniature projects, check out the article roundup here.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/02/14 02:47:57

Post by: insaniak

Truck almost finished...

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/02/14 05:37:06

Post by: Theophony

 insaniak wrote:

The finished crates:

And this week's tutorial:

- by Iain Wilson

Time for another quick and easy build!

The Maelstrom's Edge terrain sprue includes a nifty corner bracing piece, which would normally be used on the roof corners of flat-roof buildings to pretty them up a little. Because a lot of my buildings have angled buttresses or ballustraded roofs, I collect a lot of spares of this part. Looking for something easy and effective to do with them, I hit on the idea of turning them into shipping crates!

To replicate these, for each crate you will need some 1mm thick plasticard or cardboard - two pieces 21mm square, two pieces 21mm x 12mm, and two pieces 19mm by 12mm, and you will also need eight corner braces.

Start by placing the corner braces flat side down, and gluing them together in sets of four along the flat edges, as below:

Glue your large squares into the two resultant boxwork shapes. If you're using plasticard, you can use polystyrene cement for this. Use superglue if you have gone with cardboard.

Next, take the 21mm long strips, and glue them along the inside of one of the boxes, along opposite sides. It doesn't matter which two sides you go with, so long as they are opposite each other.

The 19mm strips should then fit neatly in on the other two sides. It's a good idea to check them for fit, and trim up if necessary before gluing them in. If you wind up with the corners of the strips not all meeting up exactly, it's not a problem, as they'll be hidden by the boxwork when you put the other side on.

Speaking of the other side, you can now glue this on by sliding it on over the strips, until it butts up neatly against the first side.

And that's it. They're really easy to put together, so (assuming you have enough corner braces knocking around) you can quickly assemble a few of them to stack up and scatter around the table for a bit of low cover.

They're fairly light, so while they sit neatly on top of each other, you may find it beneficial to glue the stacks together so that they don't get knocked awry mid-game. This also gives you less surface to paint, since you won't need to paint the faces that are touching other crates!

Keen to give it a go? You can pick up the Maelstrom's Edge terrain sprue, along with the rest of the Maelstrom's Edge model range from the webstore here.

As always, feel free to pop along and share your work, or ask any Maelstrom's Edge- or hobby-related questions on the Comm Guild Facebook page!

For other Maelstrom's Edge modeling articles, including tutorials and walkthroughs of a wide range of different building and miniature projects, check out the article roundup here.

You should print Kickstarter logos to put on those, maybe some of the old delayed ones will ship by that time in the ME timeline

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/02/14 09:48:38

Post by: Flinty

Oh man... I wish I had unlimited access to terrain sprue

The one I have has been most useful, but there is always more terrain to make!

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/02/16 04:12:23

Post by: insaniak

Getting some paint on...

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/02/17 11:21:27

Post by: JoeRugby

Great stuff dude

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/02/18 19:16:36

Post by: insaniak


Finished Contractor Truck:

More pics and a walkthrough here: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/0/771708.page#10351678

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/02/18 20:27:28

Post by: Sgt. Oddball

Very cool!

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/02/20 03:22:13

Post by: Gitsplitta

Wow, excellent work!

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/02/21 13:05:14

Post by: Snrub

Your knack for conversions is beyond the pale, Insaniak. Really clever and inspiring stuff.

The more I see your stuff, the more i'm tempted to get some MEdge stuff. A full Epirian Robot force looks like it'd be heaps cool.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/02/25 20:03:42

Post by: insaniak

Thanks! And yes, everybody needs more robots!

Meanwhile, a bunker happened - built from a plastic plant pot.

You can see how it was built in the walkthrough here: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/0/772039.page#10359581

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/02/25 23:26:30

Post by: Gitsplitta

Wow, what a difference the paint makes! Something about that white stripe...

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/02/26 09:52:31

Post by: insaniak

Yeah, it just needed something to break up the big expanse of wall...

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/03/02 04:32:34

Post by: insaniak

Getting some more paint on the GoH lady, and a converted Forsaken Chieftain for MEdge.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/03/02 12:24:49

Post by: Gitsplitta

Figures are coming along beautifully. Appreciate you posting your steps on the base insaniak, thank you.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/03/04 19:15:03

Post by: insaniak

Thanks! Turns out I had to go back and modify the base, as the top wasn't flat enough for the dress to sit right. So now I need to repaint the top of it :(

Meanwhile, finished the Broken Chieftain:

With some friends:

For the curious, there's a painting walkthrough over in the Showcase thread here: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/0/772372.page#10367865

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/03/06 00:11:56

Post by: insaniak

Getting some paint on the display board...

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2021/09/01 07:28:45

Post by: Dysartes

That hand-bell is looking nice and worn, insaniak - I hadn't realised you were a campanologist...

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/03/06 21:24:33

Post by: insaniak

Now I want to make something with a cathedral bell... Hmmm...

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2021/12/20 01:43:34

Post by: Dysartes

A cathedral, maybe?

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/03/09 12:30:02

Post by: JoeRugby

I second Dysartes motion

Next project sorted for you

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/03/09 19:46:29

Post by: insaniak

Probably not until after Salute, at this point, but we'll see...

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/03/11 19:42:48

Post by: insaniak

So, speaking of things that aren't cathedral bells... finished the fuel tank, and wrote up a quick tutorial on using photo paper to create weathered and faded signs like this:

or this:

Tutorial is here: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/0/772685.page#10376271

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/03/13 13:15:32

Post by: Gitsplitta

Excellent work, and thanks for the tutorial!

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/03/16 12:54:21

Post by: JoeRugby

Looks awesome

Cheers for the tutorial

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/03/18 19:59:30

Post by: insaniak

New week, new modeling article... This time a bunker made from an air conditioner fitting that I found while I was at the hardware store looking for something else entirely...

Build article is here: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/0/772988.page#10384758

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/03/19 08:31:30

Post by: Sgt. Oddball

I really like the style of that one. I'm sure its inhabitants will appreciate the AC :p

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/03/19 13:32:32

Post by: Gitsplitta

Very clever idea!

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/03/21 03:59:37

Post by: insaniak


New WIP:

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/03/21 07:13:32

Post by: Sgt. Oddball

I'm hoping for Broken squig hoppers.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/03/21 07:38:53

Post by: Dysartes

Alien fauna is always a nice thing to add - I remember the WD article with the ball cacti with red spikes, from back in t'day.

Are those artificial aquarium plants, by any chance?

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/03/21 19:55:38

Post by: insaniak

 Dysartes wrote:
Alien fauna is always a nice thing to add - I remember the WD article with the ball cacti with red spikes, from back in t'day.

I did a slightly updated version of those for a tutorial a while back - https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/750744.page

Are those artificial aquarium plants, by any chance?

Yup, spiffy, alien-looking silicon plants

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/03/24 13:26:11

Post by: Theophony

 insaniak wrote:

New WIP:

That’s not one of the new race for MEdge is it?

Also cool looking alien plants, did a bunch for Gates of Antares myself.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/03/25 09:43:01

Post by: insaniak

The model is a modified Epirian Bot Handler, not a new model... Was just the nearest thing to hand (that I could show, at least ) for scale.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/03/26 00:09:09

Post by: insaniak

Finished the forest... Silicon aquarium plants on masonite bases with some gravel and a little paint.

Full article for anyone curious - https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/0/773314.page#10393656

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/03/26 15:18:29

Post by: Gitsplitta

That looks excellent!

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/03/26 17:31:09

Post by: Dysartes

Interesting - I was going to ask how you going the paint to stick to the silicon, but the simple answer was that you didn't!

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/03/26 19:28:31

Post by: insaniak

Yeah, they're not going to win any awards - there are slight mould lines in places and the colouring is mostly good but a little messy in places, but it's good enough at table height to pass muster for gaming.

There are paints out there that will stick to silicon, but it just didn't really seem like a worthwhile use of time

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/03/26 19:47:48

Post by: Theophony

Saw this cross posted over in the Gates of Antares Facebook group. This sort of set up is great for hard SciFi games. GW is so stuck with ruins and buildings it’s kind of sad.

Great job.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/03/26 22:36:03

Post by: insaniak

To be fair, GW do have their alien plant sets... They're just really ugly. And expensive.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/03/26 22:40:22

Post by: Theophony

 insaniak wrote:
To be fair, GW do have their alien plant sets... They're just really ugly. And expensive.

Like I said “Ruins” and buildings

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/03/29 20:50:56

Post by: insaniak


Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/03/29 22:28:30

Post by: kestral

I LOVE that sea anemone forest combined with the unusual building. I might copy it wholesale someday.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/04/01 19:54:02

Post by: insaniak

Copy away!

New tutorial this week, on painting aged copper:

You can find the tutorial here: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/0/773595.page#10401551

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/04/08 05:49:28

Post by: insaniak

So, here's a thing...

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/04/08 17:07:11

Post by: Gitsplitta


Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/04/08 19:56:35

Post by: BobtheInquisitor

Is painting old bronze similar to painting old copper, as in all the same steps but start with a bronze paint?

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/04/09 05:26:07

Post by: insaniak

Pretty much, although you could also start with a copper paint and use a darker wash.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/04/12 03:08:34

Post by: insaniak

Painted Remnant Militus suit for Maelstrom's Edge:

I'm having so much fun with this kit...

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/04/12 06:33:44

Post by: Dysartes

They're looking good, insaniak - and it was nice to meet you at Salute. How'd you get on with the big terrain piece you were working on?

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/04/12 13:15:00

Post by: Gitsplitta

Very intimidating.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/04/14 02:43:43

Post by: insaniak

Another colour scheme for the Militus:

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Dysartes wrote:
They're looking good, insaniak - and it was nice to meet you at Salute. How'd you get on with the big terrain piece you were working on?

It's always fun to run into fellow Dakkanauts!

Didn't get very much done on the display board - too much else happening! More progress on that soon, although I have a couple of repairs to do after lugging it all the way to the UK and back again in my suitcase...

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/04/15 20:37:03

Post by: insaniak

More Militus, from this week's Comm Guild article:

- by Iain Wilson

This month saw the release of a new faction, and a fantastic new multi-part, plastic kit for Maelstrom's Edge, in the form of the Artarian Remnant's Militus battlesuit. For this week's modeling article, I thought I would take a closer look at this kit and see what I could make with it.

The Militus kit comes with a single plastic frame, which includes one battlesuit, two each of the different ranged weapon options, fist and reflex shield options, two different shoulder pad options, two different backpack options, and more heads than you can poke a shock baton at, to allow for some very easy customisation between your different suits.

The Militus is fully articulated, with ball joints at ankles, knees, hips, elbows and shoulders, which allows for a wide range of posing options. The ranged weapons also have a multi-part gimble arrangement which allows both arm-mounted and shoulder-rig weapons to be positioned just how you want them.

As an alternative to the standard shoulder rig, you can leave the vertical arm off and flip the weapon over, attaching the gimbal directly to the shoulder pad.

As a handy extra, the connection point for the weapons onto the gimbal is a very snug fit, which actually allows you to leave the weapon unglued and just push them into place, so that you can switch between weapons as desired between games. Likewise, while the forearm-and-hand option uses a different upper arm to the ranged weapons, the shoulder joint is a tightly fitting ball and socket joint, so if you glue the shoulder pad on to the torso without gluing the arm, you can carefully wiggle the arms in and out of the shoulder socket to swap them.

The saw blades on the above suit are not from this kit, but came from a Warhammer 40000 ork vehicle, used here just because I thought it looked awesome!

The backpack options (a field generator and a jump pack) also slot on, fitting neatly over the suit's back. These aren't quite as snug as the shoulders, but you could easily leave them unglued and attach them when you want them with a little blue-tac or similar poster adhesive.

The fantastic thing about plastic, of course, is that it is simple to modify. So if the already wide range of posing available to the suit doesn't quite get it where you want it, it's an easy job to trim the joints a little to push them out even further. The below suit was posed by removing the top edges of the thigh armour plates, trimming the edges of the hip socket and leaving off the triangular piece that fits into the back of the shin.

Lorican Champions are highly individual souls, and love to customise their suits. For this reason, the frame includes a bunch of different heads, and we will be releasing a resin upgrade pack to add some extra options in the near future. You can also look at other 28mm resin add-ons for more distinctive customisation - the heads on the suits are more or less human-sized, although you may need to fill the neck socket with some putty. The below suit was customised with an assortment of resin parts I had laying around from an old grab bag. His weapon drone (representing a shoulder mounted weapo, rules-wise) was made from a chopped up jump pack.

Finally, you're likely to wind up with a bunch of extra heads after you have finished building your suits. As mentioned above, these are human-sized, so that opens up all sorts of potential for customising your troops from other factions!

What do you have planned for your Militus suits? Feel free to pop along and share your work, or ask any Maelstrom's Edge- or hobby-related questions on the Comm Guild Facebook page!

You can pick up the Militus suit along with the rest of the Maelstrom's Edge model range from the webstore here.

For other Maelstrom's Edge modeling articles, including tutorials and walkthroughs of a wide range of different building and miniature projects, check out the Hobby section of the Maelstrom's Edge website here.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/04/23 19:51:36

Post by: insaniak

This week's modeling article is a quick and easy 'illuminated' viewscreen...

Full article is here: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/0/774552.page#10423848

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/04/23 22:12:26

Post by: Gitsplitta

Sweet. I'll take 20.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/04/26 21:44:37

Post by: insaniak

Progressy thing...

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/04/30 06:14:18

Post by: Sgt. Oddball

That is all kinds of awesome.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/04/30 08:37:56

Post by: Flinty

What he said. Simple and super effective. Thanks for sharing.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/04/30 09:14:46

Post by: StormX

Wow that's excellent, love the colors used aswell, looks so simple and neat. And amazing looking ware aswell.

edit - Referring to the purple flyer or hover craft. ( looks like a hover craft )

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/04/30 21:32:15

Post by: Gitsplitta

I love that. I can see it being a real vehicle.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/05/01 23:33:14

Post by: insaniak

Thanks, guys - I had a lot of fun putting that one together

Meanwhile, here's a pic of me throwing some dice down with yakface!

From the battle report here!

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/05/02 00:07:58

Post by: Meer_Cat

Very neat little hovercraft and a very nice game set up!

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/05/02 11:52:05

Post by: Theophony

The hovercraft is excellent, as well as that board .

Am I the only one who gets so used to people’s avatars that when I see an actual shot of the person that they are let down by it not being a cat throwing dice against a robot or cartoon character?

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/05/02 23:20:12

Post by: insaniak

Less so for people with non-human avatars, but yes, it still catches me by surprise that yakface doesn't actually look anything like Sean Connery...

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/05/03 04:17:35

Post by: Briancj

I like the fact that you appear to be gaming in a shed built in the early 14th century.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/05/03 05:57:30

Post by: yakface

insaniak wrote:Less so for people with non-human avatars, but yes, it still catches me by surprise that yakface doesn't actually look anything like Sean Connery...

I'm quite disappointed myself everytime I look into the mirror! Also, that picture is particularly not flattering, either!

Briancj wrote:I like the fact that you appear to be gaming in a shed built in the early 14th century.

You actually have no idea. We were playtesting in a proper British Manor, built some odd 800 years ago. The hows and whys that occurred I'm not quite at liberty to say, but it was quite the interesting atmosphere to be sequestered in to play war-games.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/05/03 13:25:40

Post by: Briancj


Off by a century!


Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/05/04 09:06:58

Post by: insaniak

 Briancj wrote:

Off by a century!


To be fair, so were bits of the manor

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/05/04 12:49:07

Post by: Briancj

I guess "identify the rough time period of a structure by a single interior photograph and only be off by a century" is a reasonable skillset. I'll take it.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/05/06 20:57:42

Post by: insaniak

Painted this guy:

Step-by-step painting walkthrough here: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/0/775102.page#10438292

Not sure if I've mentioned it, but I really love this kit...

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/05/06 22:39:30

Post by: Gitsplitta

Wow... that's a really awesome model/paint job.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/05/07 05:52:57

Post by: Sgt. Oddball

It is, and a very successful white paint job, I always respect that.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/05/13 04:13:44

Post by: insaniak

Getting in some last-minute wash painting, before it was cool...

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/05/13 13:02:09

Post by: Gitsplitta

That's really vibrant... love it!

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/05/13 20:01:14

Post by: insaniak

Finished. Aside from the base and the white eye dots, painted entirely with one or two layers of Army Painter Quickshades over a white basecoat:

And a step-by-step, for the curious: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/0/775393.page#10446830

It's a little rough here and there, because that's largely unavoidable with this wash technique, but really quick and easy to do.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/05/14 09:52:28

Post by: Sgt. Oddball

Love it.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/05/15 20:40:58

Post by: insaniak

Turns out the guys at Army Painter liked it, too - https://www.facebook.com/TheArmyPainter/posts/2200273170058040

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/05/16 00:40:12

Post by: Theophony

Just shows they have good taste .

But according to the Contrast thread that isn’t how your supposed to paint models .

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/05/19 04:33:24

Post by: insaniak

Hmm, this should work nicely...

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/05/20 19:38:55

Post by: insaniak

And finished:

Full build article is here.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/05/20 21:55:43

Post by: Meer_Cat

Holy. Freakin. Cow. That's awesome.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/05/21 00:18:10

Post by: Gitsplitta

Awesome is the right word...

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/05/21 00:40:12

Post by: Theophony

It’s even cooler that my reflection isn’t in it .

Neat little build, good article.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/05/27 20:00:14

Post by: insaniak

Still on a terrain kick, this week I had a play with an MDF kit from Uncertain Scenery that I picked up at Salute...

Build article here: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/0/775982.page#10459657

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/05/28 10:08:41

Post by: Sgt. Oddball

That's an impressive centre-piece. Good thing it doesn't have much of that typical laser-cut mdf look.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/06/03 10:19:21

Post by: OldMate

Nice coms tower, I can see that being an important link to off-world assets to fight over!

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/06/03 20:51:28

Post by: insaniak

Thanks, guys! That one was a heck of a lot of fun to build.

This week, I got all environmentally-friendly:

Made from an old electric toothbrush head, a little plasticard, a piece from the Maelstrom's Edge terrain sprue, and a piece off the end of a superglue lid.

Full build article here: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/0/776270.page#10466049

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/06/05 01:00:38

Post by: Meer_Cat

If you hadn't ID'd it I'd have never twigged that was an electric toothbrush- what a great build! Nice addition to the diorama.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/06/05 19:13:29

Post by: Gitsplitta

Fine work... and hygienic too!

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/06/06 03:37:02

Post by: Snrub

I'm sure I've said it before, but you are an absolute wizard at bitz-bashing terrain together.

Any idea how many MEdge terrain sprues you've gone through up to this point?

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/06/06 06:16:46

Post by: insaniak

No idea. Probably more than 10...

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/06/10 10:11:21

Post by: insaniak

A friend and I recently talking about dusting off the original Necromunda rules for a bash has me feeling a little inspired. WIP Cawdor gang, using various assorted old 40K and Necromunda weapons and @maelstromsedge Broken Infantry for bodies. Two more gangers and a couple of juves still to build, and then I can get some paint on. \

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/06/10 20:27:17

Post by: insaniak

Playing with some resin, for this week's modeling article:

- by Iain Wilson

The Epirian SecDef received a boost right in the Command slot last month with the release of a resin Lieutenant model. This fleshes the SecDef out into a fieldable Epirian sub-faction in their own right, as you can now build a detachment solely from SecDef units. This week, I'm taking a closer look at this fantastic model, and some of the modeling options available to it.

The SecDef Lieutenant comes in five pieces (ok, six, if you count the base!) - body, head, targeter, and two different hand options equipped with maglock pistol or carbine.

The head and targeter both have ball joints for full movement range, so you can position the targeter lined up with whichever way the Lieutenant is facing.

The head is also compatible with the SecDef plastics, so you can use a regular helmeted head for a slightly more safety-conscious leader. On the below model, I've used a regular SecDef Tactical head, and also clipped the helmet off his belt and glued on a plastic pouch from the Epirian Handler sprue to cover over the clipped detail.

You can also easily swap in alternate heads from elsewhere in the range. Here's a commander with a little more facial hair, for example, with a head lifted from the Broken Infantry sprue.

Carefully sawing through the waist with a razor saw allows you to swap in alternate legs to switch up the posing. Here, I've used a set of legs removed from a SecDef Boostpack Infantry model, and also given him a capped head from the Epirian Contractor sprue.

Of course, the compatible heads work both ways, so you can also swap in the Lieutenant's venerable pate for a regular SecDef Sergeant.

To get some of your own super-soldier action happening, you can pick up the SecDef Lieutenant, along with the rest of the Maelstrom's Edge model range in the webstore here.

As always, feel free to pop along and share your creations, or ask any Maelstrom's Edge- or hobby-related questions on the Comm Guild Facebook page!

For other Maelstrom's Edge modeling articles, including tutorials and walkthroughs of a wide range of different building and miniature projects, check out the Hobby section of the Maelstrom's Edge website here.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/06/12 08:45:00

Post by: Snrub

 insaniak wrote:
No idea. Probably more than 10...

I was honestly expecting you to say like 30 or something. How very restrained of you!

Really nice command pose on that SecDef Lt.
The more I see of them the more I'm liking the Epirian aesthetic.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/06/13 23:00:39

Post by: insaniak

Progress on the Necromunda gang... Leader, two heavies, five gangers and two juves. Just need to do a little minor sculpting on the Leader, and then ready for paint.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/06/16 01:03:57

Post by: insaniak

Getting some paint on the Necromunda gang. I actually quite like the sepia-Sin-City thing that they have going on at the moment... it's tempting to just paint the bases and call them done

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/06/17 06:17:07

Post by: Sgt. Oddball

You'd have to build a Necromunda board to match though

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/06/17 20:07:30

Post by: insaniak

Good point. Maybe a project for a different time, then...

Meanwhile, quick paintjob on an Epirian SecDef Lieutenant - Army Painter Quickshades over a pale cream basecoat:

Tutorial for the curious here.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/06/18 07:15:25

Post by: Sgt. Oddball

That looks great actually. Very gritty veteran-like.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/06/21 02:04:29

Post by: insaniak

Painting the things...

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/06/21 23:52:01

Post by: Snrub

The gangers are coming along nicely.

Just looking at the Militus warsuit. Just how poseable are they?

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/06/23 01:10:08

Post by: insaniak

They're very poseable. This particular guy needed a little trimming on some of the joints to make the pose work, and the shoulder pads can be problematic for poses with the arms raised, but everything being a ball joint gives you an awful lof of freedom.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/06/24 19:02:25

Post by: insaniak

Finished the battlesuit:

For the curious, there's a step-by-step here: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/0/777075.page#10484566

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/06/24 20:17:20

Post by: Briancj

Very Tony.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/06/25 00:04:27

Post by: Meer_Cat

Marvel Super Hero Extreme Landing Pose Number One- GO!!!!

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/06/25 01:16:40

Post by: insaniak

Indeed. The pose did kind of dictate the paint scheme...

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/06/27 02:52:12

Post by: Snrub

Haha wow. I didn't even make the Iron Man reference from the paint job. I really am quite dense sometimes....

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/07/08 19:29:29

Post by: insaniak

Finished Not-Cawdor gang for classic Necromunda... Painted mostly with washes to get it done quickly. Pretty happy with how they turned out.

(Click for embiggened pics in the Gallery!)

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/07/08 19:44:37

Post by: Theophony

Cool Not-Cawdor gang .

While it does look like the landing pose I almost think tony had one too many drinks and just fell over .

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/07/11 21:08:39

Post by: insaniak

Venturing back inside the (cardboard) box...

Embiggened pics:

Full build article here: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/0/777775.page#10500727

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/07/12 13:43:40

Post by: Theophony

Just needs a dumpster out back for the bots that couldn’t pay.

After useful parts have been scavenged of course .

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/07/12 14:24:34

Post by: shasolenzabi

Just a suggestion, some sort of support columns for those outer corners of the over hang also would work beside the suggestion by Theo for a dumpster.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/07/12 20:37:48

Post by: insaniak

I did consider supports under the awning, but decided against for simplicity and to allow for easier model movement under there. Floating awnings aren't too impractical, provided they're built from strong enough materials.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/07/12 23:44:23

Post by: Meer_Cat

Nice piece of kit! It needs one of those air hose bells that ring when you drive over it....

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/07/18 20:08:41

Post by: insaniak

Playing with Contrast paints some more, this time trying for a layered shading effect rather than just glopping it on. Mixed results, but seems to work.

Full article here: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/0/778069.page#10508284

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/07/18 21:42:11

Post by: Briancj

How much 'faster' do you feel you are getting good-enough-results with contrast paints, in comparison?

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/07/19 21:09:55

Post by: insaniak

The 'just slop it on' approach is obviously faster than traditional blending or layering, and I was actually fairly happy with the results - for normal gaming, it would be more than adequate.

The layered shading above obviously took longer than that. It was a little faster than the same technique using Quickshades, but at the expense of a little less control due to the heavier pigment, but I think I need to experiment a little more to decide whether or not it's worth it.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/07/20 03:20:25

Post by: The Riddle of Steel

Oily Joe’s looks great. I agree support posts might look a bit more realistic but the model is cleaner and more practical for gaming without them. I love that terrain sprue. So simple and fun for turning junk into cool terrain. I really like your extra touches of detail with the posters and graffiti.


Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/07/25 20:19:44

Post by: insaniak

New building - lifting the lid on removable roofs...

Full build article here: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/0/778319.page#10515280

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/07/25 22:50:52

Post by: Meer_Cat

Oh- so you've been working under (the) cover!

Nice job, and playable.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/07/25 23:09:07

Post by: Captain Brown

Lovely city fight terrain.

Simple, but effective.



Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/07/26 02:24:30

Post by: ingtaer

Nice stuff, can you go back and do the Bot repair place with removable roof and full workshop inside? Would love to see that!

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/07/28 20:27:29

Post by: insaniak

Trying my hand at something slightly different, because I've had these canvas boards floating around in the storage room for years and wanted to do something with them...

Very WIP, obviously...

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/07/29 04:32:14

Post by: StormX

Wow great idea, i have thought about trying to paint on a canvas ( to learn more about painting for 3d models ), but im not too sure its necessary, but im sure it would teach me alot about painting in general. But i cant draw at all. You are very good at drawing.

EDit - I have been watching alot of oil painting videos though, don't know why i just found it interesting. And this guy wyou probably already know called Bob Ross, i have been randomly watching his videos aswell, pretty interesting stuff if you are learning how to paint models aswell ( even though its a way way different method ).

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/08/01 19:15:02

Post by: insaniak

Militus Dominator battlesuit conversion:

Build article here: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/0/778593.page#10522295

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/08/04 08:30:37

Post by: insaniak

So apparently I'm a visionary, or something. I built this back in 2007:

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/08/04 16:13:11

Post by: Theophony

I like it even better than the preview one too , I do like the preview one’s hip holstered gun though.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/08/08 19:46:39

Post by: insaniak

New Militus suit, slowly building up to a 120-point force in the gold scheme:

And a tutorial on painting the gold armour is here.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/08/15 23:42:56

Post by: insaniak

Finished 120 point fire team: The Aurum Blade.

More pics here: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/0/779122.page#10539035

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/08/16 18:24:39

Post by: Sgt. Oddball

Cool to see a full team! Definitely helps to get a feel for this faction as an army on the table. I really need to continue building my own...

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/08/20 20:25:29

Post by: insaniak

Yup, get on it!

Meanwhile, in the city...

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/08/20 22:12:16

Post by: JoeRugby

Love the table pic

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/08/21 00:18:51

Post by: StormX

Nice man, love your terrain building and painting skills.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/08/21 02:34:37

Post by: The Riddle of Steel

Wow, the battlefield looks really good with all the scratch build terrain all done in a consistent style. That will make for some epic games. Very nice work!

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/08/22 20:37:16

Post by: insaniak

New building, with a bit of a sneak peek at a new terrain sprue coming up for release very soon...

More pics and a build walkthrough here.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/08/23 00:12:36

Post by: The Riddle of Steel

I’m looking forward to the new terrain sprue. It looks like fun! I’m a huge fan of the current sprue.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/08/23 05:00:32

Post by: insaniak

And now for something completely different... In my spare time, I'm working on 'updating' my 'Iron Wolves' Space Wolf army to be 2nd Edition compliant. They were originally put together in 5th edition, where Space Wolves had variable squad sizes, amongst other differences collected over the editions.

One of the other big differences is that back in 2nd edition, Space Marine armies of any flavour needed to include a Techmarine (or equivalent) in order to field most of their support options, including Dreadnoughts and any vehicles not bought as unit transports. In 5th edition, taking an Iron Priest had never been a particularly exciting option in my already character-heavy list, so I never bothered building one.

As not taking my Dreadnought was just not an option, and with 2nd edition also offering all sorts of other fun stuff like Rapiers and Tarantulas, I went for a rummage in the bits box and turned up an old, metal Iron Warriors Warpsmith that I bought way back in the day to do something clever with it. I promptly hacked off his head and shaved down the Iron Warriors-ish skull on his chest, added some Space Wolfy bits and voila! Iron Priest ready for painting:

...although I may wind up puttying on a bionic eye or something, as I just realised as I was uploading the pic to Dakka that I used that same head for one of my two Rune Priests. Or maybe they're twins...

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/08/24 20:21:55

Post by: Sgt. Oddball

A. Cool
B. Like you don't want to drop him

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/08/29 03:11:02

Post by: insaniak

Building ALL the terrain...

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/08/29 09:48:14

Post by: LavuranGuard

Given the great work you did on that last building, looking forward to see the paint job on these.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/08/29 21:00:28

Post by: Not Online!!!

Question, have you worked with clay for terrain building?
(especially in regards to fortifications?)

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/09/03 16:54:21

Post by: Gitsplitta

The garden plot is very cool and the new building is spot on.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/09/05 19:52:19

Post by: insaniak

New building painted up for a painting tutorial, which you can find here:

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Not Online!!! wrote:
Question, have you worked with clay for terrain building?
(especially in regards to fortifications?)

I've played with clay a little, mostly for craters and ruins, but it's a bit of a hassle unless you can find one that doesn't shrink as it dries. And it's heavy, which can be a pain if you want your terrain to be portable.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/09/07 00:26:47

Post by: Theophony

looks like a great little dive to grab a beer in

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/09/08 17:14:37

Post by: The Turnip Master

Very nice. The rust streaks over the plaster walls turned out really great.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/09/12 19:54:05

Post by: insaniak

This week, I rocked out...

There's a tutorial up here: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/0/780225.page#10569078

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/09/12 20:03:06

Post by: Sgt. Oddball

I need to do a couple of those, very handy and they look neat.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/09/14 05:27:16

Post by: insaniak

Getting some paint on the Iron Priest...

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/09/14 06:23:47

Post by: JohnnyHell

That firepoint is beautiful, and the classic rock stacks are mint. Loving this stuff!

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/09/17 16:07:54

Post by: Gitsplitta

That Iron Priest is looking great Insaniak. Nice work on the blond beard... I've always found a convincing blond difficult to make.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/09/19 04:08:04

Post by: insaniak

On the workbench... These two things may be unrelated.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/09/19 13:00:01

Post by: Gitsplitta

LOL! Well played.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/09/19 18:48:20

Post by: insaniak

Finished Tactical Response Vehicle - which I'm calling an 'Ironhide' transport vehicle, for my Maelstrom's Edge SecDef force.

This is an awesome kit, and it's really easy to overlook that it's MDF once it has paint on... More pics here.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/09/20 21:52:00

Post by: Yorkright

Very nice vehicle, would have never guessed it was MDF. Does it soak up the paint?

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/09/20 22:49:32

Post by: insaniak

Surprisingly not. I did give it a very light spray with matte sealer before the basecoat of Army Painter Army Green spray, but I'm not sure it was actually necessary.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/09/20 23:20:20

Post by: Gitsplitta

Would have never guessed that was MDF... wow.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/09/24 20:25:05

Post by: insaniak

So, now that I'm starting to get to grips with the new camera, I thought it was time to sort out some better pics of this fellow:

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/09/24 20:25:59

Post by: Briancj

Now that's nice. Both the mini and the photo work!

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/09/24 21:21:20

Post by: Yorkright

Looks good!

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/09/25 17:47:11

Post by: inmygravenimage

Glorious. Lovely splash.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/09/25 18:45:02

Post by: Gitsplitta

Very nice photos... though the white is a bit blinding.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/09/26 20:01:58

Post by: insaniak

An experiment in making rocky outcrops out of layers of foamed PVC, distressed with a wire brush...

Not 100% successful, but something worth exploring further, I think. Here's how it was done:


From the Comm Guild blog -

- by Iain Wilson

I came across a tutorial online a little while ago for making eroded rocky outcrops using stacks of corrugated cardboard coated in filling plaster, and then distressed with a wire brush. It was really effective, but I'm not a huge fan of using plaster on gaming terrain as it tends to chip easily. So I thought I'd have a go at making something similar, using foamed PVC.

From putting together buildings, I tend to wind up with a lot of small off-cuts of foamed PVC sheet. This would potentially work with any thickness of sheet, but the thicker the better. Here, I'm using 3mm sheet as that's what I had to hand.

I cut a series of roughly oval shapes from the sheet, slowly decreasing in size so that they would stack up to form the shape of the outcrop.

Using superglue, I glued the layers together, trying to not get glue right out to the edges of the PVC pieces as this would interfere with the texturing later on.

Next, I used a hobby knife to smooth down the layers, more or less. These didn't have to be perfectly blended, but enough to disguise the separate layers of PVC once the texturing was applied.

To apply the rock texture, I scraped horizontally around the edge of the outcrop with a wire brush. The aim here was to vary the depth and length of the scrapes to give a random, rock texture, without cutting in too deep and making it all too flimsy.

With a spray coat of black, and a drybrush of a mix of brown and grey paints, the outcrop was ready for the table.

It's not perfect - it could use some more defined layers running around the circumference, level with the flat areas. This would give it more of a stacked-rock effect and look less like a single lump. But it was an interesting experiment, and a fun way to use up some scraps. I'll have to tinker with the idea a little more and see where I can take it!

Do you have terrain creations you'd like to share? You can get feedback on your work, or ask any Maelstrom's Edge- or hobby-related questions on the Comm Guild Facebook page!

You can pick up the entire Maelstrom's Edge model range, including our plastic urban terrain detail sprue in the webstore here.

For other Maelstrom's Edge modeling articles, including tutorials and walkthroughs of a wide range of different building and miniature projects, check out the Hobby section of the Maelstrom's Edge website here.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/09/26 21:09:03

Post by: Briancj

Why do you feel it isn't successful?

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/09/26 21:16:55

Post by: insaniak

A little too 'lumpish' - needs some more defined layers. My first prototype (at the back in the pic) had more layering, but the edges were a little too sharp, so it looked to artificial. I think something in between the two, with more defined layers but without the sharp top edges of the first one would be the way to go.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/09/27 01:18:03

Post by: Briancj

Makes sense. Here in the us, those kind of wind-carved striations show up mostly in the Southwest. You could also search for 'hoodoo' which are a form of wind-carved spires, large and small.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/09/28 01:36:41

Post by: insaniak

While I'm prepping some more terrain for the release of the new sprue ( [happy dance!] ) I'm also having a tinker with this peculiar blend of plastic, resin and metal parts from Beyond the Gates of Antares:

Converting it into a transport for my Maelstrom's Edge Karists.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/10/01 12:45:40

Post by: Gitsplitta


Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/10/01 20:02:22

Post by: insaniak

Thanks - it's a nice little kit, if slightly too basic in some areas (like the gunner just being a head sticking up out of a flat space). Super-easy to assemble, though.

Meanwhile, I made a thing:


And then made these things:

...amongst others More to come!

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/10/01 20:09:38

Post by: Briancj

Are all of these building sprues available ala carte? If so, website/storefront please?



Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/10/01 20:20:08

Post by: insaniak

These sprues are just detail components, rather than full buildings - the idea is you use whatever you want to make the main structure, and then use the sprues to detail them up.

The first sprue is available through the Maelstrom's Edge website

The new sprue above is available from next monday.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/10/01 20:30:19

Post by: Briancj

Yeah, that's what I meant, thank you kindly! I'd like to pick some up, they're good generic sprues, mad props for sending these out into the world.


Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/10/01 22:53:48

Post by: Meer_Cat

Dang it, just finally got my order in of the original sprues, now I have to order again! (These are good problems to have.)

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/10/03 00:11:23

Post by: insaniak

 Meer_Cat wrote:
Dang it, just finally got my order in of the original sprues, now I have to order again! (These are good problems to have.)


Another look at the dome:

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/10/03 20:29:57

Post by: insaniak

And another building, playing with height -

Walkthrough - https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/0/781001.page#10588915

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/10/03 23:02:37

Post by: Gitsplitta

Very grimy... I like it!

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/10/10 19:51:44

Post by: insaniak

Playing with some parts, and wound up with a heavy drone using Hunter Warmech bits and some fans from the new terrain sprue:

For the curious, there's a walkthrough here.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/10/10 20:23:41

Post by: Sgt. Oddball

Hah, cool!

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/10/11 13:27:56

Post by: Sherrypie

Dang, those detail sprues look useful! I want me some

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/10/13 06:59:43

Post by: insaniak

 Sherrypie wrote:
Dang, those detail sprues look useful! I want me some

Well, they're easy enough to get!

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/10/13 18:28:58

Post by: inmygravenimage

Oooooh, neat. They'd be fun for Gaslands.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/10/17 19:57:41

Post by: insaniak

New building - a slightly sci fi take on the humble Quonset hut:

Walkthrough here: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/0/781510.page#10601838

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/10/17 20:08:36

Post by: Captain Brown

Now that is a neat idea for a quick line of sight terrain piece.



Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/10/24 01:44:05

Post by: insaniak

New Work in Progress stuff being all work in progressy.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/10/24 08:37:04

Post by: Sgt. Oddball

Now that promises all kinds of awesome!

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/10/24 19:30:04

Post by: CommissarKhaine

Lovely work! Looks like I'm going to be building a whole bunch of quonset-inspired stuff, thanks!

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/10/24 23:42:45

Post by: insaniak

Finished BtGoA skimmer to Karist Assault Skimmer kitbash...

Brief walkthrough article here.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/10/26 18:10:17

Post by: Gitsplitta

Love that... beautiful work!

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/10/27 11:23:35

Post by: insaniak


Spent a chunk of this afternoon slapping some new paint on some very old terrain, with some help from my small humans.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/10/31 01:00:39

Post by: insaniak

Making stencils... because those shipping containers aren't going to paint themselves...

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/11/01 09:46:24

Post by: inmygravenimage

All ace. Rusty Spoon is my favourite

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/11/01 13:32:34

Post by: CommissarKhaine

Always love dropping by here, your creativity is a joy to watch (not mention your painting skills ).

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/11/03 19:41:22

Post by: Gitsplitta

Sweet work! Love the stencils!

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/11/06 09:35:33

Post by: insaniak

Cheers, guys!

Still plugging away at the boat, slowly, as I figure out what I'm doing with it. And a new article WIP...

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/11/06 15:05:46

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Nice boat. Looking forward to seeing what that turns into.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/11/07 19:02:01

Post by: insaniak

Me too!

Meanwhile, I put an angel in a jar:

Walkthrough here.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/11/08 10:41:05

Post by: shasolenzabi

Nice effects on the tube/container

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/11/11 19:38:41

Post by: insaniak

Bits for the Bits God! Grab bag of 'reject' parts received from Victoria Miniatures. Lots of useful bits in here...

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/11/14 19:54:53

Post by: insaniak

Epirian 'Pathfinder' unit, kitbashed from MEdge Contractors and bits from the aforementioned Vic Minis grab bag:

Walkthrough here.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/11/15 16:37:38

Post by: Sgt. Oddball

I really like those! But then I'm a pretty big fan of the Contractor sprues

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/11/17 19:32:10

Post by: insaniak

Some family terrain painting time, refurbishing some very old 40K terrain... Can you pick which one was painted by the 3-year-old?

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/11/18 18:15:52

Post by: Gitsplitta

Ahhhh... but it's very grim-dark!

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/11/20 06:32:49

Post by: insaniak

Old school...

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/11/20 09:55:29

Post by: JohnnyHell

Yessssssss. Love this!

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/11/21 19:53:21

Post by: insaniak

All finished assembly, although some parts are unglued until it is painted:

Walkthrough here.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/11/28 20:13:22

Post by: insaniak

Watch tower to go with the trash unit.

Walkthrough here.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/12/02 12:14:25

Post by: OldMate

Those Epirian pathfinders are looking nice, and that latest structure is looking really good, looking forwards to seeing it in the wild

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/12/05 19:49:44

Post by: insaniak

Carrying right on with the Necromunda rebuild - this week I took the general design of the hex platform and built a generator tower.

More pics and walkthrough here!

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/12/06 11:19:04

Post by: inmygravenimage

I'm just in absolute awe of how good these are.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/12/06 20:54:01

Post by: Gitsplitta

That brings back fond memories of the original plastic and cardboard buildings. Beautiful work.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/12/08 20:59:33

Post by: shasolenzabi

Oh to be sure longer lasting, and so much more durable than the old card stock panels.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/12/13 19:57:14

Post by: insaniak

Structure #4: two platforms that can be used as single level junctions for catwalks, or stacked up for something taller.

Walkthrough here.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/12/14 18:09:41

Post by: BobtheInquisitor

How does the foamed PVC work with spray-primer? Is it easier to work with than styrofoam foam board?

Those structures are very impressive.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/12/15 03:45:44

Post by: Gitsplitta

They look really sturdy too.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/12/15 06:23:22

Post by: insaniak

 BobtheInquisitor wrote:
How does the foamed PVC work with spray-primer? Is it easier to work with than styrofoam foam board?

Very much so. Unlike polystyrene, the spray doesn't bother PVC, so no need to seal it first.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/12/15 07:43:42

Post by: Viterbi

That‘s some impressive structures, excited to see them painted up.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/12/20 20:53:22

Post by: insaniak

WIP shot of the lift from the next underhive building:

And my now-traditional, annual Christmas Ornament build - a 'reindeer' made from a couple of Epirian Scarecrow kits.

Walkthrough here.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/12/21 07:21:11

Post by: Sgt. Oddball

Cool! Both the lift and the deer

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/12/21 07:53:32

Post by: inmygravenimage

I love your techno baubles

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/12/21 09:37:13

Post by: insaniak

 inmygravenimage wrote:
I love your techno baubles

That's what she said...

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/12/21 14:36:26

Post by: inmygravenimage


I'm really looking forward to making myself some Mega-City style buildings with Xmas boxes and the MEdge sprues, that's on my to-do list.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2019/12/22 03:25:40

Post by: The Riddle of Steel

Superb pieces of terrain. Modular and stackable, as well as very playable in games. Pro move.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2020/01/09 19:55:54

Post by: insaniak

New year, new building! Kicking off with a reimagined version of the Outlanders lift building!

The lift is magnetised, so can be moved between floors.

Full walkthrough here.

And the collection so far:

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2020/01/09 20:15:57

Post by: Briancj

Looking great!


Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2020/01/09 20:32:02

Post by: inmygravenimage

That's seriously good going. I really need to try getting on this.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2020/01/16 00:11:06

Post by: Fango

VERY inspiring work Iain, I'm really looking forward to seeing how you paint these up. Are you going to go with those oldschool Munda colors like the blue-grey and green...with loads of rivets and hazard stripes?

The lift is REALLY cool, btw.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2020/01/16 06:16:45

Post by: insaniak


And yes, aiming for similar tones to the old cardboard buildings, although they're somewhat lighter on the rivets!

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2020/01/16 07:43:49

Post by: Ezki

Lot's of inspiration to gain from here!
Really liking the lift!

Are you using foam core or some other material for the walls? I might have missed something there.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2020/01/16 08:49:36

Post by: insaniak

I'm using foamed PVC rather than Foamcore. More durable, and can handle superglue, so much easier to work with.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2020/01/16 20:06:44

Post by: insaniak

This week, I came up with a solution for catwalks slipping when they're placed on an angle between floors of differing heights...

Walkthrough and more pics here.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2020/01/17 07:17:24

Post by: inmygravenimage

you are a mad wizard, Sir. Outstanding.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2020/01/21 18:13:33

Post by: Gitsplitta

Man that's good!

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2020/01/22 23:42:24

Post by: insaniak

Getting some paint on the Necro terrain...

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2020/01/23 01:38:22

Post by: Gitsplitta

Lookin' good insaniak! Nice work on the tags.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2020/01/23 11:16:52

Post by: Snrub

I'll echo Gits sentiments. The tags are looking very nice.

And as if you haven't doodled on a little Under the Couch logo on there somewhere? Perfect retro-cross promotion!

How much of this terrain have you assembled so far? Any chance of seeing a shot of it all set up?

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2020/01/23 19:31:05

Post by: insaniak

Cheers, guys!

 Snrub wrote:
How much of this terrain have you assembled so far? Any chance of seeing a shot of it all set up?

There was a shot in this post of the lot together. That's in a fairly tight cluster, and obviously the flat-top platforms can be split into two pieces, but I think I still want another 3-4 decent sized pieces (and a minehead!) to flesh out a full table. Thinking of adding a water reclamation pool and possibly a modular canal, just because water features always look cool...

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2020/01/23 19:43:50

Post by: insaniak

Finished watch tower!

More pics and painting walkthrough here!

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2020/01/23 21:30:23

Post by: inmygravenimage

Beautiful weathering

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2020/01/31 00:06:51

Post by: insaniak

Next up - Generator tower painted:

Walkthrough article here.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2020/02/05 04:24:49

Post by: insaniak

WIP - getting some graffiti sketched on before colouring and weathering.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2020/02/05 06:47:31

Post by: inmygravenimage

Very nice indeed. The Hellcats especially.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2020/02/05 06:55:24

Post by: Gordy2000

Lovely stuff indeed - could you share your recipe for that great rust with the crowd?

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2020/02/05 10:32:43

Post by: Fifty

Nice colour contrasts.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2020/02/05 19:39:23

Post by: insaniak

 Gordy2000 wrote:
Lovely stuff indeed - could you share your recipe for that great rust with the crowd?

It's a dark brown (AK Interactive Rust Base spray, or Game Colour Charred Brown brushed on, then a drybrush of P3 Ember Orange, a light drybrush of P3 Pig Iron for travelled bits like ladder rungs and steps, and then Army Painter Dry Rust dabbed messily on to upwards-facing surfaces.

Although the specific colours don't actually matter that much, since rust comes in such a wide range of shades...

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2020/02/06 05:11:44

Post by: insaniak

Sneaky peek at tomorrow's article, just because I'm excited about it...

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2020/02/06 06:57:20

Post by: MacPhail

Wow... even better than I'd pictured them pre-paint. That shade of blue is right on, and I really like your rust effects. I'll second Gordy's request for a quick recipe.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2020/02/06 06:59:24

Post by: Ouze

Thank came out really terrific.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2020/02/06 12:58:31

Post by: inmygravenimage

Hot damn.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2020/02/06 19:04:13

Post by: insaniak

And finished...

Painting walkthrough here.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2020/02/06 21:08:33

Post by: inmygravenimage

You've made me start pulling stuff out the garage. Damn you!

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2020/02/07 08:53:02

Post by: Viterbi

That terrain is insane (no pun intended). Amazin level of detail on the graffiti and really nice weathering!

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2020/02/08 03:31:01

Post by: MegaDave


Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2020/02/08 10:31:23

Post by: Snrub

Good work on the generator tower, Insaniak. Personally I feel it's a little sparse for something like a generator, but it's a fine piece of terrain never the less!

Your tagging is also top notch. Complemented fantastically by the weathering.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2020/02/11 01:54:32

Post by: insaniak

 Snrub wrote:
Personally I feel it's a little sparse for something like a generator, ...

Actually, I agree that the generator piece could have stood to be bulkier, but it was really just an excuse to have something in the central shaft. My old cardboard version, I used to have a Pringles can that I shoved down the middle of it, but that was a bit too bulky for the look I was going for here.

Insaniak's workbench - now working on the Backlog of Doom! @ 2020/02/11 02:24:01

Post by: The Riddle of Steel

I just want to say that hinged catwalk support is a great idea! Well done. Someone needs to mass produce those.