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Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/01/10 18:11:45

Post by: reds8n

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warhammer community hobby bingo 2020


winner(s) scored 23 from 25 last time.



Heads up everyone, we are running a mini Middle-earth campaign in February at Warhammer World. Its totally free to join in and a great chance to meet new people to play Middle-earth

bit of a trek for a lot of people but useful to know maybe.

said genteleman has done some really cracking Hobbit/lotr scenery

see some of his pictures : https://twitter.com/HobbyAsh182

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/01/10 21:14:06

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

We'll throw out an image of Helm to kick the thread off.

 Filename fI55FyA1Rz8k3UmOWWZ71QfwNWWctsEr-Tkn8LRb_68.jpg.webp [Disk] Download
 File size 70 Kbytes

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/01/19 21:21:33

Post by: Papa-Schlumpf

Some models are returning: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2020/01/19/pre-order-preview-warcry-necromunda-middle-earth/?utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=Facebook&utm_campaign=AoS&utm_content=aospreorderpreview19012020&fbclid=IwAR3ED_vWUOpWu048HCRUVFy0WsZXUdRZIaxzQ32Ejo3MukjoBX0ryCrVFKg

It will be the Three Hunters Mounted, Ghân-buri-Ghân and his Woses Warriors, Serpent Riders and Khandish Horsemen.

Also a guide for matched play is announced.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/01/19 21:38:42

Post by: tneva82

Mounted aragorn nice. But gosh that legolas face paint job(?) is lol worthy. Makes him look like old geezer

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/01/19 21:47:35

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

tneva82 wrote:
Mounted aragorn nice. But gosh that legolas face paint job(?) is lol worthy. Makes him look like old geezer

The model is good, (had it for ages). It's just the paint job in that pic that's screwed it. Not sure if i'll pick up the book...the completionist in me wants it, but i don't know if it will get much use. But i kinda hope that's not the main book release for the quarter.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/01/19 22:04:51

Post by: tneva82

6 new scenarios means I'll get it. Could be handy for the next tournament I'll run by the very least. More scenarios always handy!

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/01/19 22:19:47

Post by: Samko

This legolas face made me genuinely laugh

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/01/19 23:20:53

Post by: Elevenses

It's like they tried to paint Legolas' face as a what-if to see his face aging like human.

It IS a great sculpt though, seen plenty of lovely paint jobs for it over the years. Shame it's in a two pack though, already have the Aragorn sculpt.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/01/20 02:00:11

Post by: Chikout

A quick Google finds this which shows its perfectly possible to make Legolas look good. Some of the recent paint jobs from forgeworld have been genuinely good, but the new one really is pretty awful. It's a rare day when I look at an official paint job and think I could do better.

[Thumb - img480cd6033e90e.jpg]

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/01/20 10:46:25

Post by: Snrub

Chikout wrote:
but the new one really is pretty awful.
I don't know that it is a new paintjob to be honest. If memory serves that was the OG paintjob.
That Legolas has been ugly for quite a while now.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/01/21 10:17:40

Post by: Slinky

I'm still hoping for a new Eomer, or at least a re-release of the Knight of the Pelennor version.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/02/06 15:57:56

Post by: tneva82

Allies got good kick in head. Minor effect for me. Shades nerfed but never seen one on table so for me business as usual.

Like changes overall.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/02/06 17:37:16

Post by: Coenus Scaldingus

Shade change seemed a bit much, until I read the last sentence of the rule. Basically the kind of thing the alliance matrix was supposed to accomplish, but this works too. Can be explained fluffwise, and makes for much better games.

I'm not quite sure if the change to allies is meant to combat a specific problem. I'm assuming it is, as it seems an unusual thing to target otherwise.

Pretty relevant clarification to heroic combats too. You can now counter a heroic combat by calling one yourself in the same fight, preventing the enemy hero from moving further if you won the roll-off but died in the fight. Have seen it debated whether this combat should be considered the same heroic combat or not, but now there's an answer. More heroic sacrifice than heroic combat, but I like it.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/02/06 22:55:13

Post by: Baragash

 Coenus Scaldingus wrote:
I'm not quite sure if the change to allies is meant to combat a specific problem. I'm assuming it is, as it seems an unusual thing to target otherwise.

It's too address certain "cheap advisor" heroes being regularly allied in purely for list optimisation eg Cirdan, Alfrid & Lake Town Captain.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/02/07 06:34:39

Post by: Coenus Scaldingus

 Baragash wrote:
 Coenus Scaldingus wrote:
I'm not quite sure if the change to allies is meant to combat a specific problem. I'm assuming it is, as it seems an unusual thing to target otherwise.

It's too address certain "cheap advisor" heroes being regularly allied in purely for list optimisation eg Cirdan, Alfrid & Lake Town Captain.

Thanks, was thinking of Círdan (always felt he should have been a Hero of Valour, but the fact that he isn't comes in handy now), didn't know the Alfrid+Captain combination was "a thing", been out of the competitive loop for a while.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/02/07 19:27:47

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

Looks good. I especially like the foot version of Helm, although something about the beard colour doesn't sit right with me.

Grishnakh is an interesting surprise, prefer it over the original and Snaga looks good.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/02/07 22:08:37

Post by: Coenus Scaldingus

Helm is no doubt going to look a lot better with a different paintjob. Beard indeed very yellow and flat, and they somehow tried to fit in every other colour of paint they had in reach it seems - blue trousers and gloves (latter look weird), red, orange, green... bit much.

Grishnákh does indeed look good.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/02/08 00:50:05

Post by: Snrub

The paintjob on Helm isn't bad per-se. It's just sort of lacklustre. And they've used too many colours.
Sculpts are both excellent though.

Grishnakh and Snaga are both fine sculpts. Seeing Snaga has just made me realise, that despite watching the movies an uncountable amount of times, I don't think i've ever paid attention to what he actually looks like below the head.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/02/08 03:13:32

Post by: Baragash

 Snrub wrote:
The paintjob on Helm isn't bad per-se. It's just sort of lacklustre. And they've used too many colours.
Sculpts are both excellent though.

Grishnakh and Snaga are both fine sculpts. Seeing Snaga has just made me realise, that despite watching the movies an uncountable amount of times, I don't think i've ever paid attention to what he actually looks like below the head.

According to the LotR team he's not fully shown in the movie and WETA actually sent them pictures of the full costume (that they aren't allowed to publish) so they could make it movie-accurate.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/02/08 10:03:32

Post by: Snrub

Well there you go. Guess there's a reason i've never paid attention to the rest of him.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/02/08 13:00:29

Post by: His Master's Voice

Grishnákh & Snaga are both fantastic renditions of the film characters and some of the best LotR minis produced to date. Mad props to whoever did them.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/02/09 21:47:16

Post by: Baragash

Bunch of re-releases coming soon, this isn't the full list, they're showing the full list next week.

[Thumb - LotR Releases.jpg]

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/02/09 23:48:59

Post by: NewTruthNeomaxim

Is there another bunch of card packs coming up, or are the current three + spells all we're expected to get for a while?

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/02/10 00:22:03

Post by: Snrub

Nice to see them bringing these back.
Bummer that it isn't the full set of Mordor Uruks though. It's missing the limited one. But maybe they don't have the mould for that one any more..

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/02/10 09:25:02

Post by: Eiríkr

Great, I've been waiting on that Boromir set for a while now and I can finally give Shagrat some Uruks to lead in my Mordor army instead of stinkin' maggoty Orcs.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/02/11 10:18:47

Post by: LiftForSwift

So glad that Bard with windlance is coming back. He's evaded my clutches forever. Now I can finally complete my Laketown force!

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/02/21 04:51:11

Post by: RazorEdge

I wonder what the next Book will be?

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/02/21 07:52:37

Post by: Coenus Scaldingus

After a bit of an outcry in the community, they've changed some things in allies section of the latest FAQ.


Basically ensuring it mainly influences the cases regarded as problematic, rather than a blanket ruling. In doing so, they did make Círdan a Minor Hero now, which I'm not a big fan of - from the onset, I feel he should have been a more powerful but more expensive character, and now the age-old Lord of the Grey Havens is not even allowed to lead his own army.

Here's hoping a future Last Alliance supplement, which is almost certainly on the agenda, will create a new profile and army list more fitting to the lore.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/02/21 15:26:36

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

Shame. I actually preferred the original change.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/03/07 10:53:48

Post by: Slinky

Potential new Eomer model coming?

The old one is "no longer available" online, and I believe there will be some announcements/reveals at the GT at Warhammer World this evening.

So fingers crossed

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/03/07 11:01:44

Post by: Eiríkr

Yes, Eomer is coming.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/03/07 11:02:23

Post by: Elevenses

I think plastic Eomer is a lock in at this point.

Models for profiles in WoR- Cerbain, resin add ons to the plastic ent kit for the new characters, and probably the title of the next expansion (Angmar? Last Alliance?)

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/03/07 21:20:59

Post by: ImAGeek

These were posted on the Forge World Facebook page:

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/03/07 23:11:28

Post by: Baragash

Whilst the Keeper is a surprise, if it means FW resin instead of FC, and frees up a SKU slot with GW main, I guess it's low key a good thing.

Next MTO is apparently Rohan focussed.

"So. Seminar sneak peeks......
Rohan mto
Uruk battering ram
Ent metal
Unreleased gamling with sword

Best of white dwarf book
Alternate keeper of dungeons
Crebain available Sunday"

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/03/08 16:50:47

Post by: queen_annes_revenge

That keeper of the dungeon is nice. Anyone know how big? I can't tell the base size.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/03/08 17:14:28

Post by: Tim the Biovore

 queen_annes_revenge wrote:
That keeper of the dungeon is nice. Anyone know how big? I can't tell the base size.

Current version is on a 25mm base, can't imagine this one will be different

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/03/08 18:22:01

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

Fun fact, he's actually an unreleased Perry sculpt from 2012.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/03/08 21:53:02

Post by: queen_annes_revenge

Oh so not that big then. Still looks good.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/03/09 03:52:38

Post by: Snrub

The Crebain getting a release is nice. Not something I would have expected them to take the time to do. Nice minis though. Wonder what sort of rules they'll get.

 Inquisitor Gideon wrote:
Fun fact, he's actually an unreleased Perry sculpt from 2012.
When did the Perry's leave GW? Did they sculpt any of the Hobbit range?

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/03/09 05:38:02

Post by: ImAGeek

 Snrub wrote:
The Crebain getting a release is nice. Not something I would have expected them to take the time to do. Nice minis though. Wonder what sort of rules they'll get.

 Inquisitor Gideon wrote:
Fun fact, he's actually an unreleased Perry sculpt from 2012.
When did the Perry's leave GW? Did they sculpt any of the Hobbit range?

The Crebain got rules in the Rohan book I think.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/03/09 05:55:08

Post by: Coenus Scaldingus

 Snrub wrote:
 Inquisitor Gideon wrote:
Fun fact, he's actually an unreleased Perry sculpt from 2012.
When did the Perry's leave GW? Did they sculpt any of the Hobbit range?
Sadly, GW stopped crediting their sculptors around this time, so while we know for near-enough every LotR-era set who sculpted it, that's not the case for those from the Hobbit onwards (though some of the most recent ones have been mentioned informally online). I vaguely remember it being said that the Perry twins probably did most of the plastics, but only some of the characters (resulting in some strange proportions on some of the latter). The only figure I know for sure is Smaug, which was Michael Perry's first digital sculpt, and his last sculpt for the range I believe.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/03/10 10:48:27

Post by: LiftForSwift

 Coenus Scaldingus wrote:
 Snrub wrote:
 Inquisitor Gideon wrote:
Fun fact, he's actually an unreleased Perry sculpt from 2012.
When did the Perry's leave GW? Did they sculpt any of the Hobbit range?
Sadly, GW stopped crediting their sculptors around this time, so while we know for near-enough every LotR-era set who sculpted it, that's not the case for those from the Hobbit onwards (though some of the most recent ones have been mentioned informally online). I vaguely remember it being said that the Perry twins probably did most of the plastics, but only some of the characters (resulting in some strange proportions on some of the latter). The only figure I know for sure is Smaug, which was Michael Perry's first digital sculpt, and his last sculpt for the range I believe.

The Perry's did the Master, Alfrid, Bard on horse, Bolg etc from BotfA as the last minis (before Smaug, who was their last sculpt for GW)

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/03/12 16:16:34

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

New collection of MTO's and the compilation book coming up. Probably grab Theoden, Gamling and the battering ram this time. Not entirely sure why Haldir's elves have come around for a second time already. But i do enjoy a good compilation book, got the original three that i re-read quite often.

[Thumb - fg.JPG]
[Thumb - Capture.PNG]
[Thumb - Captureg.JPG]

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/03/12 16:49:42

Post by: queen_annes_revenge

ooh gimli on dead uruk hai! will these be resin or metal? ill probably pick up that compilation book too.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/03/12 16:50:38

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

They're only done in metal. If you're interested in collecting at all, i'd recommend the Gamling, as that's an unreleased sculpt. And those metal ents are particularly rare as they had a very short release window.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/03/12 16:54:47

Post by: queen_annes_revenge

fair enough. metal is fine too. I'll have to see how I feel when theyre released. I already have a ton of ME to do.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/03/12 17:19:19

Post by: Psychopomp

Do we know if the Crebain bodies are molded onto the tree branches, or if they could be based on flight stands separately?

I have gaming uses for a bunch of single crows and two bonus dead trees, but not so much two crow-filled trees.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/03/12 17:31:27

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

I don't think unbuilt pics are around yet. But i have to imagine the majority would be seperate and stick onto the branches. It would be a casting nightmare otherwise.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/03/12 17:49:40

Post by: Coenus Scaldingus

Had read about the Gamling (great to have him released finally!), but also Gimli and the mounted Legolas? Indeed, they say that this is "a selection of what you’ll be able to order.", so there will be even more figures?! Even if they are priced sensibly, this may become pretty expensive...

Thought they would be up this weekend though, but the wording implies it could be later?

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/03/12 17:58:08

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

It's Sororitas this weekend. So if they're previewing it now, next weekend perhaps? They usually throw in other Specialist Games stuff with them, so maybe it'll be mixed in with the Escher stuff from Necromunda.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/03/12 18:57:55

Post by: Tim the Biovore

They're usually pretty explicit about pre-orders for the coming weekend, so the fact we don't know for sure indicates to me that it'll be next week.

Just as well, too, sounds like I'll need to be putting aside a pretty sum

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/03/12 21:44:44

Post by: Elevenses

As long as the MTO order period coincides with payday I'll be happy!

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/03/13 04:18:11

Post by: Snrub

feth me. I want all of them. I will 100% not be able to swing the budget to get them all though.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/03/22 19:26:06

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

MTO's up next week. Looks like they added the old metal scout uruks, metal warg riders and the defenders of Helms Deep. Nothing overly exciting, but some good choice at least.

[Thumb - assa.JPG]
[Thumb - sdd.JPG]

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/03/22 19:36:29

Post by: Kanluwen

Defenders of Helm's Deep is going to be a "must buy" for me. That Haldir is soooooooooooo superior to the generally available one.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/03/22 20:08:37

Post by: Bobug

 Psychopomp wrote:
Do we know if the Crebain bodies are molded onto the tree branches, or if they could be based on flight stands separately?

I have gaming uses for a bunch of single crows and two bonus dead trees, but not so much two crow-filled trees.

I have them. The birds are all seperate from the trees except from 2 single ones and one set of three who have a bit of branch attached. These could easily be removed though.

The rest of the birds come in a combination of single, doubles and triples.

You could definitely put them on flight stands but they would be very fragile and they are so thin. If youre going to put them in a cabinet or in a magnetic case it would be fine. A foam case would probably cause some breakages

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/03/22 20:29:13

Post by: jullevi

Uh oh. This is going to be expensive Made to Order. I don't even play Lotr but I want Heroes of Helms Deep, couple of metal Ents, Uruk-Hai, Warg Riders. At least.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/03/22 20:49:17

Post by: Snrub

jullevi wrote:
Uh oh. This is going to be expensive Made to Order.
Ain't that the frigging truth. Luckily I stashed a little extra away last pay check. Hopefully it will be enough to cover what I want. (doubting it though)

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/03/22 21:44:08

Post by: ImAGeek

jullevi wrote:
Uh oh. This is going to be expensive Made to Order. I don't even play Lotr but I want Heroes of Helms Deep, couple of metal Ents, Uruk-Hai, Warg Riders. At least.

I’m rather tempted by the Warg Riders and metal Uruk Scouts too.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/03/22 23:00:41

Post by: queen_annes_revenge

Is the book out at the same time?

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/03/22 23:08:51

Post by: bubber

depending on price, i'm probably going for the uruks.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/03/23 16:04:20

Post by: Psychopomp

Bobug wrote:
 Psychopomp wrote:
Do we know if the Crebain bodies are molded onto the tree branches, or if they could be based on flight stands separately?

I have gaming uses for a bunch of single crows and two bonus dead trees, but not so much two crow-filled trees.

I have them. The birds are all seperate from the trees except from 2 single ones and one set of three who have a bit of branch attached. These could easily be removed though.

The rest of the birds come in a combination of single, doubles and triples.

You could definitely put them on flight stands but they would be very fragile and they are so thin. If youre going to put them in a cabinet or in a magnetic case it would be fine. A foam case would probably cause some breakages

Hmmm. Sounds like Crooked Dice's metals would suit my needs better, then. Thanks for the info!

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/03/24 10:35:47

Post by: redbristles

Presuming the new made to order selection for this weekend will be delayed now the factory has closed down...

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/03/24 10:40:55

Post by: Snrub

On one hand. Dammit. I was looking forward to this.
On the other... The wallet stays slightly healthier.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/03/24 10:53:59

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

I mean, strictly speaking they could have kept that one open due to taking around 2 months to ship. But i guess it would mean messing with the site to change the other items for saturday. But annoying timing really.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/03/24 11:36:21

Post by: bubber

At least this gives me time to save up for those Uruks!!

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/03/28 15:56:21

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

Let's pop this lil guy in here. And lets be honest, he was by far the best model in the whole preview. (although the scions of the flame are a close second)

[Thumb - sd.JPG]
[Thumb - sdd.JPG]
[Thumb - ddd.JPG]
[Thumb - sss.JPG]

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/03/28 16:07:29

Post by: Eiríkr

Agreed on that; Eomer was the best preview out of the lot today, what a fantastic figure.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/03/28 16:13:12

Post by: Commander Cain

I want whoever painted that face to do a video tutorial, very impressive considering the size.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/03/28 16:29:18

Post by: Slinky

A must buy.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/03/28 16:36:14

Post by: Scrub

Tied with scions of the flame as the best reveal today, for me. I'll be buying just for the modeling and painting time, he's a fantastic sculpt!

(I did secretly hope the silhouette of him were updated harauder horsemen for AoS but I'm not disappointed given the quality displayed here, bring 'im on!)

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/03/28 16:37:38

Post by: ImAGeek

 Scrub wrote:
Tied with scions of the flame as the best reveal today, for me. I'll be buying just for the modeling and painting time, he's a fantastic sculpt!

(I did secretly hope the silhouette of him were updated harauder horsemen for AoS but I'm not disappointed given the quality displayed here, bring 'im on!)

Foot marauders need doing long before the marauder horsemen.

It would be very tempting to give him the helmet and put it under his arm.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/03/28 20:30:06

Post by: Dysartes

I think he needs a third helmet, to be carried in his weapon arm...

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/03/29 00:12:26

Post by: Snrub

Eomer is a fine looking model. Easily better then both Theoden and Eowyn. Nice to see the option of head variations.

 Dysartes wrote:
I think he needs a third helmet, to be carried in his weapon arm...
I read this and thought you mean so he was carrying both his helmet and shield. Which would be a fantastic look.
But i'm guessing you meant so he was carrying two helmets. Which would also be a fantastic look!

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/03/29 02:40:21

Post by: godswildcard

Yep, a must-buy. Phenomenal model that goes really well with the contents of the new starter set.

Really, it's a great time to be a LoTR player!

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/03/29 03:25:07

Post by: Galas

Specially a Rohan one! I'm really excited for when the turn for other factions comes! I'll patiently wait as a Easterling/Mordor player! (And this is not sarcasm, after so many years just having attention even if in the form of token characters and books with new rules is enough)

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/03/29 06:50:36

Post by: Dysartes

 Snrub wrote:
 Dysartes wrote:
I think he needs a third helmet, to be carried in his weapon arm...
I read this and thought you mean so he was carrying both his helmet and shield. Which would be a fantastic look.
But i'm guessing you meant so he was carrying two helmets. Which would also be a fantastic look!

Carrying two helmets... whilst wearing a third!

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/03/29 09:04:25

Post by: queen_annes_revenge

Very nice. Do want.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/03/29 15:13:18

Post by: godswildcard

 Dysartes wrote:
 Snrub wrote:
 Dysartes wrote:
I think he needs a third helmet, to be carried in his weapon arm...
I read this and thought you mean so he was carrying both his helmet and shield. Which would be a fantastic look.
But i'm guessing you meant so he was carrying two helmets. Which would also be a fantastic look!

Carrying two helmets... whilst wearing a third!

You guys laugh, but it is a true leader of mortal men that takes traumatic brain injury seriously!

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/03/30 00:51:30

Post by: Snrub

 Dysartes wrote:
Carrying two helmets... whilst wearing a third!
I thought that went without saying?!

I don't know about anyone else, but i'm really looking forward to see if they do a plastic Gamling. I want a sculpted banner please!

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/03/30 03:02:18

Post by: Oppl

Can't see it personally. They've done all the major Rohan heroes now and FW have added a bunch more. Surely its time for something else!?

That said, a sculpted banner for him would be ideal. What a nightmare it is.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/03/30 06:04:55

Post by: Eldarain

Some plastic Wraiths and such would be nice. Banish more of Evil's Finecast please.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/03/30 13:06:15

Post by: Fenrir Kitsune

 Oppl wrote:
Can't see it personally. They've done all the major Rohan heroes now and FW have added a bunch more. Surely its time for something else!?

A refresh of the old basic troop boxes would be nice.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/03/30 16:01:32

Post by: Galas

Specially things like Rohan and Uruk Hai infantry. And normal dwarven infantry, they are some of the older boxes and it shows. Things like Morannon, Easterlings, etc... still look ace.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/03/30 17:52:34

Post by: tneva82

Well GW has yet to do any new troop boxes after relaunch. I wouldn't hold breath waiting for redo's of basic troops.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/03/30 17:58:21

Post by: Coenus Scaldingus

 Galas wrote:
Specially things like Rohan and Uruk Hai infantry. And normal dwarven infantry, they are some of the older boxes and it shows. Things like Morannon, Easterlings, etc... still look ace.

Plastic Easterling infantry is actually older than the Dwarves, and the latter are basically from the same period of time as the Morannons. The Dwarves are just part of a series of plastic sets (alongside plastic Wood Elves, Uruk-hai scouts and Corsairs) that somehow lack deeper, finer details that were present on earlier sets, or the sharpness of later kits. Although the Easterling infantry still looks good, the plastic cavalry released 6 years later has much better defined armour, more detail on the swords, etc. Meanwhile, the very first sets (Last Alliance and Goblins) have excellent fine detail on chainmail and faces (but obviously suffer from monotonous poses). No idea what changed in the production process in between.

Not sure if we can expect redone plastics any time soon when there are still quite a few metal and finecast sets in the range that need replacing (which appears more of a priority). One of the most requested candidates would be the Last Alliance set however, and as it happens that would get two birds with one stone as they could also phase out the metal Númenórean archers/spearmen and finecast High Elves with spears. Or they may only do the latter on a shared sprue again, but that would feel like a missed opportunity.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/03/30 18:22:23

Post by: Papa-Schlumpf

Eomer looks awesome and reminds me a lot of Elfhelm.

But the helm under the arm looks strange. Why is there a bar in there in the lower half, for stabilization ? I hope we can get rid of it, without destroying the helm.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/03/30 20:08:28

Post by: Arbitrator

 Galas wrote:
Specially things like Rohan and Uruk Hai infantry. And normal dwarven infantry, they are some of the older boxes and it shows. Things like Morannon, Easterlings, etc... still look ace.

The Dwarf Warriors/Rangers are some of the 'newer' plastics if I remember right. I still think that makes them over a decade old mind you. I also doubt we'll see any revamps whilst Grim Hammers and particularly the Iron Hill Dwarves are so new.

My guess is they'll start looking at Harad and the Easterlings again, since they're pretty popular and they can squeeze another 'movie' book out of them. Not sure if the loicensing of The Hobbit(tm) films would prevent it, but I'd personally love to see a book covering Rhovanion during the War of the Ring. They could slide some Easterling/Khand updates in there too.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/03/30 20:20:06

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

Last time i spoke to a member of the Middle-Earth team, the licence was mentioned to be the same as before. So access to the movies, The Lord of the Rings and Hobbit novels and everything in the appendicies. So there is still a tonnage of material that can be drawn from.

Personally i think something involving Númenor will come soon. As there's already been mention of Anarion in the Armies of Middle-Earth book.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/03/31 02:13:27

Post by: Snrub

 Inquisitor Gideon wrote:
As there's already been mention of Anarion in the Armies of Middle-Earth book.
I was actually wondering about that the other day.
I'd never seen, nor heard of an Anarion model. And yet there he is in the book.

I too hope for some more Numenor stuff. Plastic bow/spear men would be nice. Personally i'd be quite happy if they did another split kit. Elf spearmen with Numenor bow/spearmen. Complements the existing plastic Last Alliance range too. Then maybe some Numenor cavalry to fill out the range.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/03/31 03:13:34

Post by: Kanluwen

I'd suspect that if they were to redo plastics, The Last Alliance's Men of Numenor and High Elves kit would be a top priority.

Would be nice for Rivendell to get some love there too.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/03/31 08:11:16

Post by: queen_annes_revenge

 Papa-Schlumpf wrote:
Eomer looks awesome and reminds me a lot of Elfhelm.

But the helm under the arm looks strange. Why is there a bar in there in the lower half, for stabilization ? I hope we can get rid of it, without destroying the helm.

A little fine scalpel work should be able to remove that I reckon

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/03/31 13:08:05

Post by: tneva82

 Snrub wrote:
 Inquisitor Gideon wrote:
As there's already been mention of Anarion in the Armies of Middle-Earth book.
I was actually wondering about that the other day.
I'd never seen, nor heard of an Anarion model. And yet there he is in the book.

I too hope for some more Numenor stuff. Plastic bow/spear men would be nice. Personally i'd be quite happy if they did another split kit. Elf spearmen with Numenor bow/spearmen. Complements the existing plastic Last Alliance range too. Then maybe some Numenor cavalry to fill out the range.

Could be just future proofing. HH custodians have mention of Emperor of Mankind as lord of war.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/04/01 14:59:56

Post by: Fenrir Kitsune

tneva82 wrote:
 Snrub wrote:
 Inquisitor Gideon wrote:
As there's already been mention of Anarion in the Armies of Middle-Earth book.
I was actually wondering about that the other day.
I'd never seen, nor heard of an Anarion model. And yet there he is in the book.

I too hope for some more Numenor stuff. Plastic bow/spear men would be nice. Personally i'd be quite happy if they did another split kit. Elf spearmen with Numenor bow/spearmen. Complements the existing plastic Last Alliance range too. Then maybe some Numenor cavalry to fill out the range.

Could be just future proofing. HH custodians have mention of Emperor of Mankind as lord of war.

I didn't think GW did future proofing by adding in entries with no model available?

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/04/01 15:45:45

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

Don't suppose it matters too much with Middle-Earth as it's not their IP. And to be fair there's a few entries with profiles with no models already such as the troll catapult and Azog's tower.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/04/01 21:43:45

Post by: Snrub

 Inquisitor Gideon wrote:
Don't suppose it matters too much with Middle-Earth as it's not their IP.
Can you clarify. Do you mean it's not their IP as it belongs to the Tolkien estate, or it's not theirs because they lost/dropped it? And how is it relevant to them having profiles without models?

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/04/01 21:46:15

Post by: tneva82

 Fenrir Kitsune wrote:
tneva82 wrote:
 Snrub wrote:
 Inquisitor Gideon wrote:
As there's already been mention of Anarion in the Armies of Middle-Earth book.
I was actually wondering about that the other day.
I'd never seen, nor heard of an Anarion model. And yet there he is in the book.

I too hope for some more Numenor stuff. Plastic bow/spear men would be nice. Personally i'd be quite happy if they did another split kit. Elf spearmen with Numenor bow/spearmen. Complements the existing plastic Last Alliance range too. Then maybe some Numenor cavalry to fill out the range.

Could be just future proofing. HH custodians have mention of Emperor of Mankind as lord of war.

I didn't think GW did future proofing by adding in entries with no model available?

Not in terms of profiles but mention of entries without actual rules. As said there's mention of Emperor of Mankind as LOW for custodians so if/when Emperor gets model and rules there's no need to update custodian army list. He slots in just fine. ATM there is no rules nor models for Emperor. Just mention that he's LOW choice for custodians.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/04/04 14:15:33

Post by: Papa-Schlumpf

From the new Preview we get a new book and two new rangers, Anborn and Mablung.

I´m glad about the book, it looks like it will bring back a lot of life to the game with alternative scenarios.
And this two minor heroes give me hope that there will be more of their kind and someday even Lugdush, a named Uruk of Uglúks men, will get his own profile.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/04/04 15:19:18

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

The book will probably be a rehash of the old journey books with the some extra stuff in it. I like it.

Ranger characters are very nice too, i've been hoping for a bit of extra ranger stuff.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/04/04 15:20:02

Post by: Kanluwen

I wonder how the rangers will look with the older plastics? Are they still fairly nice for the age?

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/04/04 15:25:29

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

I was never a massive fan of the plastics to be fair. They've got some really obvious flat undercuts, especially on the crouching ones. It's probably one of the few times i prefer the metals over the plastics. These guys will fit in though, the aesthetic is basically identical. Just a bit more detail on the wrist guards and pouches over the plastics.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/04/04 15:37:55

Post by: Papa-Schlumpf

Aren´t the metal ones too big? Back in the day they were bigger than then warriors of MT and they were the same size as the pastic rangers.
Or is Gondor free of the scale creep?

In other words: "Where was Gondor, when the true scale fell?"

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/04/04 15:42:26

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

No, i wouldn't have really said so. Not from my experience anyway.
Here's a pic of them with Faramir and Damrod (not my pic) and i don't notice any real scale issue.

[Thumb - 412e1786d4fc21fb5d5b70f97d8dbed6.jpg]

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/04/04 16:05:08

Post by: Papa-Schlumpf

Thanks for the pic, I jut knew the metal rangers from promotion material.They look fine and don´t stick out.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/04/04 22:43:51

Post by: Snrub

Rangers are nice. Always welcome some additional heroes. Did they say on the twitch whether these were FW or GW? I'm guessing FW judging by the paintjob.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/04/04 22:46:31

Post by: Kanluwen

They were said to be plastic, so GW.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/04/04 22:51:42

Post by: ImAGeek

Well, Middle Earth is part of Forge World, so designed by FW and painted by them but if they’re plastic they’ll be available through GW.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/04/04 22:53:27

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

I didn't hear plastic. But two, lesser known characters i'd guarantee FW as that seems to be standard for hero's like these.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/04/04 23:07:44

Post by: Kanluwen

I can't find a mention of plastic or resin, so I guess it remains to be seen? I've got a few questions out about it--maybe I'll get an answer!

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/04/05 08:45:00

Post by: Coenus Scaldingus

Although the models look great, I'm not too keen on the idea of the book to be honest. I remember some fun fantasy fellowship campaign ideas from the past, but that should be standalone expansion with scenarios and campaign rules. To also include new heroes for Gondor (and perhaps others) in that is just very inconvenient.

They started the new edition with excellent books revising and combining all the current profiles, but the books since have typically contained only a few scattered bits and pieces. While I was pleasantly surprised that Gondor at War contained some new toys for factions other than Gondor, we're already approaching a point now where an army can easily contain profiles spread over three books (e.g. a Gondor army with stuff from the main Armies book, Gondor at War and the new Quest book - and that's before considering allies). Add the core rulebook and that's 4 hardbook books for just one army; not practical to carry around and stupidly expensive to get into for a new player. It feels a bit Necromunda-y, where limited capacity only sees the release of a few miniatures alongside increasingly many books.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/04/05 08:57:23

Post by: Wunzlez

 Arbitrator wrote:
 Galas wrote:
Specially things like Rohan and Uruk Hai infantry. And normal dwarven infantry, they are some of the older boxes and it shows. Things like Morannon, Easterlings, etc... still look ace.

The Dwarf Warriors/Rangers are some of the 'newer' plastics if I remember right. I still think that makes them over a decade old mind you. I also doubt we'll see any revamps whilst Grim Hammers and particularly the Iron Hill Dwarves are so new.

My guess is they'll start looking at Harad and the Easterlings again, since they're pretty popular and they can squeeze another 'movie' book out of them. Not sure if the loicensing of The Hobbit(tm) films would prevent it, but I'd personally love to see a book covering Rhovanion during the War of the Ring. They could slide some Easterling/Khand updates in there too.

One of the aspects I appreciated the most with the original run of LOTR through GW, is that they were able (to a certain extent) to blend the movie adaptations with the broader Tolkien world. Expanding on the peoples who are not that well covered in either, seems like a good move from a creative-liberty standpoint.

Though I can't say much about predicting the quality of any such ideas.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/04/05 10:59:02

Post by: tneva82

 Coenus Scaldingus wrote:
Although the models look great, I'm not too keen on the idea of the book to be honest. I remember some fun fantasy fellowship campaign ideas from the past, but that should be standalone expansion with scenarios and campaign rules. To also include new heroes for Gondor (and perhaps others) in that is just very inconvenient.

Think this is first time in this forum I have read somebody wanting MORE books rather than "there's too much book bloat!"

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/04/05 11:57:13

Post by: Coenus Scaldingus

tneva82 wrote:
 Coenus Scaldingus wrote:
Although the models look great, I'm not too keen on the idea of the book to be honest. I remember some fun fantasy fellowship campaign ideas from the past, but that should be standalone expansion with scenarios and campaign rules. To also include new heroes for Gondor (and perhaps others) in that is just very inconvenient.

Think this is first time in this forum I have read somebody wanting MORE books rather than "there's too much book bloat!"

I don't.
I want fewer books with more contents in each, and more importantly have those contents more concentrated rather than spread out. Releasing a few profiles for various armies in subsequent books serves only to make people require those books (and accompanying profile cards, if using those), while possibly not being interested in most of the other contents. These guys could easily have been in Gondor at War. The profile cards could be included in the miniature pack itself, so that people don't have to 1) purchase and 2) carry around another hardback book just for inluding 1 guy in their army. It's one thing for a normal supplement like the Scouring of the Shire 2.0, where there are a lot of relevant profiles for people collecting Hobbits, there are unlikely to be further books that are relevant to the faction, and the scenarios are all relevant to your army of interest, but another for something like this, which is focussed on narrative scenarios but contains (presumably) just a few new profiles for various different factions for use in matched play.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/04/05 12:15:24

Post by: tneva82

So lf they had to release narrative scenarios separately to new profiles that means splitting book into 2. Narrative and matched play basically. So you would have 1 book with narrative scenarios and another with ll's and new profiles.

You either have them together or separate books. Separate means more books

And if you want all profiles from diffeent supplements together this would mean longer time between new rules and models. Now we get new rules and profiles ever few often with models steadily. If you combine them then books every few year or two and longer gaps between new models

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/04/05 14:55:11

Post by: Zwan1One

To me this really interesting. Didn’t buy into LotR the first time round so the opportunity to buy Frodo’s story in one book is great. Then if I want to expand with the larger battle that run parallel to his journey then there’s the other books for that. Excellent.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/04/05 17:29:52

Post by: Coenus Scaldingus

tneva82 wrote:
So lf they had to release narrative scenarios separately to new profiles that means splitting book into 2. Narrative and matched play basically. So you would have 1 book with narrative scenarios and another with ll's and new profiles.

You either have them together or separate books. Separate means more books

And if you want all profiles from diffeent supplements together this would mean longer time between new rules and models. Now we get new rules and profiles ever few often with models steadily. If you combine them then books every few year or two and longer gaps between new models

No, because for example these Gondorian heroes could have been in Gondor at War. They can furthermore easily release a book and not have all the accompanying models ready immediately. Yes, people claim there is this "no model no rules" idea, but that hasn't applied to Middle-earth in more or less ever. The catapult troll from the Hobbit doesn't yet have a model, nor does Azog's signal tower, nor are there models for countless of equipment options (Forlong on horse, Théodred with any thing but a horse, dismounted Sons of Eorl, and so on). They can either release rules and slowly create the accompanying models, or release models with free rules (as they occasionally did, as with the first Iron Hills release, or the Mûmak War leader) and print them in a relevant publication down the line. Finally, I don't see any need for "my army" to get releases every few months. Indeed, that seems far less of an issue in Middle-earth than for the Warhammers, as many players tend to collect multiple armies and the costs and effort of starting a new one are comparatively low.

Again, there is little benefit to this system for the players. Ideally, you need one book for the core rules and scenarios, and one for your army's profiles. In addition to the book with core rules and recently a separate publication with scenarios, Gondor and Rohan will both already be spread over 3 chunky hardback tomes which you may have to carry around to play a game. And, excluding the scenarios as they're somewhat optional, that's 125€ for the rules for one faction, 170€ including the core rules. While I understand we're past the point where they can print everything in the game in a single book, for a long time it was possible to get by with the core rulebook and a single softcover supplement, after which you could pick up any model in the faction's range and put it on the table.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/04/05 18:01:05

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

You need to apply the licencing rules to that as well. Everything they do, from the profiles to the models themselves need to be approved by both the studio (is Newline still around? or whoever owns it now) and the Tolkien estate. Which slows things up a lot. So it's probably more a case of get some profiles out with books or we wait a damn age between book releases while they get bulk model and rule approval.

Personally i'm happier with quarterly books and occasional profile releases than a drought of nothing for months.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/04/07 12:13:07

Post by: Kanluwen

Had it confirmed via the WHTV Facebook team that the Ranger Captains are resin and coming from Forge World.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/04/07 14:16:31

Post by: queen_annes_revenge

I like resin. Dont like the price tag though..I assume it will be FW resin? hopefully they wont gouge them.. the LOTR resins are quite reasonably priced compared to the heresy stuff.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/04/07 14:19:00

Post by: Kanluwen

Yes, Forge World resin. I'd had it originally saying "from the FW team" because I thought I'd posted it there rather than the WHTV bit.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/04/07 16:36:06

Post by: Eiríkr

Having picked up some of the newer resin releases from FW, I am looking forward to these Rangers. Guritz and Gothmog's Lieutenant were a joy to paint.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/04/08 00:51:46

Post by: Oppl

Every single FW LOTR resin miniature has been absolutely stunning and, as Eirikr said, a joy to paint.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/04/08 07:22:03

Post by: queen_annes_revenge

indeed. I've done thorin vs azog, and I'm currently painting dain ironfoot. they are very nice.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/04/08 07:58:00

Post by: Snrub

Haven't had the chance to paint any of the FW LotRs minis yet, but i'm really looking forward to picking up Elfhelm and Diorwine, as I really like the foot versions of both models

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/07/14 15:26:15

Post by: Cardinal Xaphan

 Inquisitor Gideon wrote:
New collection of MTO's and the compilation book coming up. Probably grab Theoden, Gamling and the battering ram this time. Not entirely sure why Haldir's elves have come around for a second time already. But i do enjoy a good compilation book, got the original three that i re-read quite often.

What ever happened to this batch of Made To Order? Did GW put it on hold, or just cancel it?

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/07/14 15:51:12

Post by: tneva82

On hold most likely. Likely past 9th ed 40k for one. Gw is having enough supply issues as is(just see how in lotr nearly all out of stock) without this too. They could not fulfill it soon anyway so better not to ask money yet either.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/07/15 08:49:35

Post by: Snrub

I'm keenly waiting for them to get that latest MtO up and running. Got a chunk of cash put aside for it.
I want that bloody Gamling, if nothing else.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/07/15 09:49:52

Post by: Slinky

It's the new Eomer I am waiting for!

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/07/15 12:47:01

Post by: queen_annes_revenge

Yeah the new releases from April are lovely. I already have too many models for my lotr shelf, but I'll definitely order those.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/07/15 13:00:32

Post by: D6Damager

Just tried to buy some Far Harad models and there's only the Mumak and Mumak Mahud on the US site. Half Trolls sold out and everything else has been taken down. Impossible to build an army now. Was there any mention of plastics coming soon anywhere?

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/07/15 14:14:57

Post by: Elevenses

I think with Indomitus going onto Made to Order itself, warehouse production will be even more restricted going forward, which will have an impact on how often GW replenishes Middle Earth plastics. And if the metal miniatures are made in the same buildings, and they're still trying to socially distance workers, I can see the MTO being pushed back a long way now.
The reason I think this is because most of the Middle Earth metals I've been after have been continuously OOS since they reopened, which leads me to believe that almost no metal miniatures are being done currently. So GW will want to get the existing MESBG metals back in stock first, before worrying about having to supply a load of MTO metals.

 D6Damager wrote:
Just tried to buy some Far Harad models and there's only the Mumak and Mumak Mahud on the US site. Half Trolls sold out and everything else has been taken down. Impossible to build an army now. Was there any mention of plastics coming soon anywhere?

Plastics for Middle Earth? Not really a thing these days outside of terrain and new hero sculpts sadly.

Far Harad bar a couple of exceptions were rotated off sale last winter. There's every chance that GW bring them back at some stage, but that could be a long way off.
Best bet would be probably third party miniatures- Unreleased Miniatures sell a few sculpts, and then you could look at any ranges that have Zulu or warrior tribe type lines and convert those as proxies.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/07/15 15:05:35

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

I believe what was said about ranges is that if they were pulled, they're in the far distance to get redone. So far-harad and arnor likely aren't even on the radar. In terms of plastics, who knows? But in terms of kits, it seems to be the case of getting rid of as much metal and resin as possible and giving Rohan the initial priority. Presumably because of the starter box.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/07/15 18:17:21

Post by: Coenus Scaldingus

 D6Damager wrote:
Just tried to buy some Far Harad models and there's only the Mumak and Mumak Mahud on the US site. Half Trolls sold out and everything else has been taken down. Impossible to build an army now. Was there any mention of plastics coming soon anywhere?
As Elevenses referred to, there is a bit of a rotation system going on. Apparently, they're limited in how many product codes they can have in production, which is for example why they've been repackaging some kits to combine various blisters into one. They're also switching some kits out of productions and bringing others back in, which is how the Far Harad ones were temporarily dropped some time ago. Doesn't so much mean they will have upcoming new models; more that they're not related to any current supplements or things they're focussing on. They've also done some Made-to-Order models specifically to get them into players hands without fully bringing them back into production. Best bet at the moment is to hope for one of those, or the return of the range when they're rotated back in. Wouldn't hold my breath for either, though...

As for plastics... well, there was a time any new plastics seemed impossible - they only did the Lake-town set because it was almost wholly created earlier. Now, there is more new scenery and new plastic character sculpts. Perhaps they'll do new troops again too... one day. Also not holding my breath for that though!

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/07/15 18:45:43

Post by: Johanxp

GW did a lot of new plastic kit during the last year (mainly heroes and scenery as someone said) while new troop where produced by Forge World. So lot of new products for this line proving in could sell well. Clearly 40k takes precedence but I am sure we will see news soon and maybe far Harad will be available again when a new supplement will see the light.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/07/15 19:10:01

Post by: Elevenses

Tbh, in terms of plastic troop kits, I don't think we are likely to see until any a possible Games Workshop/Amazon 2nd Age Series joint venture.
The most likely plastic troop kits for the current license IMO would be if Games Workshop revisited the Last Alliance- Rivendell & Numenor could really do with fresh sculpts and new options. Plus Anarion is mentioned in the Armies of LOTR book for Isildur's profile IIRC, so I feel like the Middle Earth team would definitely like to make a supplement for it.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/08/16 20:46:26

Post by: queen_annes_revenge

Ooh I'll be picking up the best of book. Not sure about Eomer. Might wait for A born and Mablung instead.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/08/21 14:52:25

Post by: Johanxp

That Eomer miniature is superb.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/08/21 15:02:09

Post by: ImAGeek

One busy sprue

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/09/06 17:20:55

Post by: Dysartes

A pair of new Ranger heroes going to pre-order on FW next week, apparently.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/09/06 17:58:25

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

Cool, cool. Been waiting for these two.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/09/06 19:05:23

Post by: Eiríkr

 Dysartes wrote:
A pair of new Ranger heroes going to pre-order on FW next week, apparently.

Perfect, finally!
I am halfway through a box of Rangers, these may be the capstone to the project.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/09/10 13:22:43

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

Rules up for the rangers.
They seem rather fun and nicely done, should be fun to add to a ranger force.

[Thumb - 119148833_10158567810343718_7766903562732839733_o.jpg]
[Thumb - 119175799_10158567810158718_1241625624302922615_o.jpg]

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2008/09/10 13:29:07

Post by: Kanluwen

I must have those models.

Also, I don't know why but the bit in "Evolution" where Seann William Scott, Orlando Jones, and David Duchovony are hunting a weird alien critter through a mall immediately sprang to mind from the "Birdcalls" rule.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/09/10 14:30:25

Post by: ImAGeek

 Kanluwen wrote:
I must have those models.

Also, I don't know why but the bit in "Evolution" where Seann William Scott, Orlando Jones, and David Duchovony are hunting a weird alien critter through a mall immediately sprang to mind from the "Birdcalls" rule.


Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/09/13 17:24:38

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

Quest up next week:


Also the old Moria scenery getting re-released which is surprising. Was kind of hoping for the MTO to have come back with this however.

[Thumb - UovIhWryWZGhLKPV.jpg]

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/09/13 17:49:44

Post by: Coenus Scaldingus

That sure is a surprise release. Wonder what pricetag they'll put on it; really no idea what to expect there.

By the way, link should be: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2020/09/13/sunday-preview-an-arena-of-death-and-an-epic-quest/

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/09/14 02:58:47

Post by: Snrub

Well poo...

I got all excited for a quick second thinking they'd release some cool new terrain. It is nice to see these available again, but yeah, the price tag will be interesting.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/09/14 07:43:35

Post by: Slinky

I'm really interested to see how the new Quest book compares with the old Journey Books!

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/09/14 15:42:26

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

Hm, the wraith legendary legion strongly suggests that the original mounted wraiths and the witch king could come back soon. That would be nice, i always wanted a complete set of nine.


Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/09/14 17:47:20

Post by: Coenus Scaldingus

Barliman Butterbur and Harry Goatleaf
Now those are some welcome additions to the line!

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/09/15 12:30:37

Post by: Kanluwen

They posted this on Facebook. It's just one of the Legendary Legion bonuses for Lurtz's Scouts.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/09/15 12:56:43

Post by: Eiríkr

I know this is really obtuse and probably can't be answered; but does any one know what sort of foliage those small bushes are made of? I love them.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/09/15 12:59:12

Post by: Kanluwen

Can't answer definitively, but it's likely something along the lines of Woodland Scenic's clump foilage.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/09/15 19:16:28

Post by: Eiríkr

 Kanluwen wrote:
Can't answer definitively, but it's likely something along the lines of Woodland Scenic's clump foilage.

Thanks Kanluwen, I'll take a look tomorrow morning.
Whomever creates the terrain for the Middle-Earth team at GW does a fabulous job.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/09/15 22:11:47

Post by: DaveC

$25, £15 for the Mines of Moria Terrain.

Hopefully it's a general release that can be got for 20% off I'd pick up 2 at £12 each.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/09/15 22:23:50

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

That was a lot cheaper than i was expecting. I was thinking around £25, so that's very nice. But i expect it to be direct being an old kit like that.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/09/15 22:27:43

Post by: Kanluwen

 DaveC wrote:
$25, £15 for the Mines of Moria Terrain.

Hopefully it's a general release that can be got for 20% off I'd pick up 2 at £12 each.

Is the book $50 or $40?

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/09/15 22:54:52

Post by: DaveC

 Kanluwen wrote:
 DaveC wrote:
$25, £15 for the Mines of Moria Terrain.

Hopefully it's a general release that can be got for 20% off I'd pick up 2 at £12 each.

Is the book $50 or $40?


[Thumb - B8F3143D-F4C8-4901-8E74-707F7F4CA914.png]

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/09/16 06:15:23

Post by: Johanxp

Well Moria scenery are quite old... I expected a law price.

Yeah those ME pictures are lovely!

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/09/16 09:37:08

Post by: tneva82

With terrain being in part being grey does that mean it's direct only? Or is grey some other sign?

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/09/16 16:15:18

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

Has no one seen this fine innkeeper yet?

[Thumb - 119662680_1190194774708832_4415848904861335531_o.jpg]

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/09/16 16:20:09

Post by: queen_annes_revenge

Ooh that is a fine miniature! Would have worked perfectly on my prancing pony vignette! Will definitely purchase.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/09/16 16:28:11

Post by: Eiríkr

Oh Lordy, I love it!
I hope Bob and Nob aren't too far off!

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/09/17 13:54:36

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

What's this? A gentleman with a lamp? And some possible new scenery hidden in plain view?

[Thumb - 4efu5iw5oXV5HKLN.jpg]

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/09/17 14:19:53

Post by: Snrub

This is the kinda good gak I want to see for Middle Earth. Unusual, no real use models that just add flavour and look good on a shelf.

We need more peasants!

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/09/17 14:22:22

Post by: tneva82

 Inquisitor Gideon wrote:
What's this? A gentleman with a lamp? And some possible new scenery hidden in plain view?

The guy that got ran over by nazguls in bree. Second character that was unrevealed.

Hoping for terrain!

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/09/17 14:56:40

Post by: queen_annes_revenge

Damn the last thing I need is more middle earth dudes added to my paint queue...

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/09/17 15:47:47

Post by: Eiríkr

tneva82 wrote:
 Inquisitor Gideon wrote:
What's this? A gentleman with a lamp? And some possible new scenery hidden in plain view?

The guy that got ran over by nazguls in bree. Second character that was unrevealed.

Hoping for terrain!

Yes, in the films he was the gatekeeper at Bree who was overrun by the Nazgul.
In the literature, he is Harry Goatleaf and he is also the gatekeeper at the West-gate of Bree. It is heavily implied that he has been coerced by the Nazgul in to acting against the four Hobbits as they pass through Bree. After the destruction of the Ring and the Fellowship's inevitable breakup, he takes up arms against the Men of Bree with the Southrons who are acting on Saruman's petty revenge. I hope Bob and Nob make an appearance too, I quite like this little characters being made available.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/09/17 16:04:58

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

 Eiríkr wrote:
tneva82 wrote:
 Inquisitor Gideon wrote:
What's this? A gentleman with a lamp? And some possible new scenery hidden in plain view?

The guy that got ran over by nazguls in bree. Second character that was unrevealed.

Hoping for terrain!

Yes, in the films he was the gatekeeper at Bree who was overrun by the Nazgul.
In the literature, he is Harry Goatleaf and he is also the gatekeeper at the West-gate of Bree. It is heavily implied that he has been coerced by the Nazgul in to acting against the four Hobbits as they pass through Bree. After the destruction of the Ring and the Fellowship's inevitable breakup, he takes up arms against the Men of Bree with the Southrons who are acting on Saruman's petty revenge. I hope Bob and Nob make an appearance too, I quite like this little characters being made available.

That does bring up an interesting question of which list he'll belong too. Becoming part of the ruffians perhaps?

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/09/17 16:07:53

Post by: ImAGeek

 Inquisitor Gideon wrote:
 Eiríkr wrote:
tneva82 wrote:
 Inquisitor Gideon wrote:
What's this? A gentleman with a lamp? And some possible new scenery hidden in plain view?

The guy that got ran over by nazguls in bree. Second character that was unrevealed.

Hoping for terrain!

Yes, in the films he was the gatekeeper at Bree who was overrun by the Nazgul.
In the literature, he is Harry Goatleaf and he is also the gatekeeper at the West-gate of Bree. It is heavily implied that he has been coerced by the Nazgul in to acting against the four Hobbits as they pass through Bree. After the destruction of the Ring and the Fellowship's inevitable breakup, he takes up arms against the Men of Bree with the Southrons who are acting on Saruman's petty revenge. I hope Bob and Nob make an appearance too, I quite like this little characters being made available.

That does bring up an interesting question of which list he'll belong too. Becoming part of the ruffians perhaps?

The other two characters proved a lot of fun to write – Harry Goatleaf, the gatekeeper of Bree, and the jolly, yet forgetful, Barliman Butterbur! Both of these characters feature in the Nazgûl in Bree Scenario, but are also classed as Wanderers in the Wild for Matched Play. They can be used in many army lists, though both thrive when taken alongside the Fellowship, particularly Barliman Butterbur. Harry Goatleaf can also be taken as an Evil model in the Sharkey’s Rogues army list or The Chief’s Ruffians Legendary Legion – after all, he does side with Saruman in the books.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/09/17 16:46:13

Post by: judgedoug

The inn is the old Forge World terrain piece. Hoping it gets rereleased!

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/09/17 17:00:11

Post by: Slinky

Not sure I've ever seen it before. Would be very tempting if it is re-released!

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/09/25 13:48:02

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

Proper shot of Harry G now. Nice, characterful little piece.

[Thumb - 120156252_1197543917307251_1209582699085294143_o.jpg]

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/09/25 16:31:53

Post by: xKillGorex

I’m in,,,, would love some Bree terrain. Easy enough to scratch build but would happily buy a kit .

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/09/25 21:39:10

Post by: Fenrir Kitsune

Wonder if we’ll ever see that made to order set of releases coming up for sale?

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/09/26 00:52:43

Post by: Snrub

Has there been any word on that MtO? I don't keep up with WarCom, so I don't know if they've mentioned it again at all.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/09/26 06:31:33

Post by: tneva82

Nope. Total silence

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/09/27 17:18:26

Post by: Papa-Schlumpf

Can any of you download the German abridged version of the new quest book?
I just get redirected to the same page: https://www.games-workshop.com/de-DE/Middle-earth-Quest-of-the-Ringbearer-Short-Form-PDF-DE-2020.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/09/27 17:22:43

Post by: Kanluwen

 Snrub wrote:
Has there been any word on that MtO? I don't keep up with WarCom, so I don't know if they've mentioned it again at all.

There has not been...but they haven't outright denied it ever happening.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/09/27 17:47:54

Post by: Aeneades

I would have thought that MTO is a bit more time consuming for the factory than new products or reprints of permanent items so is a low priority while they are still playing catch-up. Hopefully wont be too long now.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/09/27 18:34:10

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

Bit of an odd one, but it looks like there's a new Bill the pony hidden in plain sight in the new book. (Old vs new pic)

[Thumb - 120237119_3333550846759406_4828175143190938171_o.jpg]
[Thumb - 120332266_3333550023426155_4138634361397679529_n.jpg]

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/09/27 19:33:05

Post by: Eiríkr

Nice catch.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/09/29 14:49:24

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

Profile shot of new Bill. Cute little guy.

[Thumb - 120461191_1200767830318193_6669434668206633924_o.jpg]

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/09/29 23:32:00

Post by: Snrub

Have they painted him with contrasts? His hide sure looks like it.

Nice model. Though I think I like his slightly dumpy older sculpt a bit more. (Not that you can ever find it for a reasonable price... )

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/09/30 10:17:09

Post by: Slinky

Nice to see more of these type of things coming out, more for scenario play than battles.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/09/30 10:48:40

Post by: Elevenses

It's nice to see the ME range get back to more profiles & sculpts for characters in the background of the books.

Surprised that they didn't just bring back the Bill the pony & Sam metal blister posted above though!

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/09/30 16:01:27

Post by: RazorEdge

 Papa-Schlumpf wrote:
Can any of you download the German abridged version of the new quest book?
I just get redirected to the same page: https://www.games-workshop.com/de-DE/Middle-earth-Quest-of-the-Ringbearer-Short-Form-PDF-DE-2020.

Same here...

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/10/04 17:07:31

Post by: Kanluwen

The Personalities of Bree box from Forge World. Preorders on the 10th, releasing on the 17th.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/10/04 17:12:47

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

Ah you beat me too it. But as expected, a nice three pack.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/10/04 17:36:57

Post by: xKillGorex

More goodies to go on this years Yule list...

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/10/09 11:48:43

Post by: queen_annes_revenge

I ordered mine. £25 for all three. If anyone wants just the pony pm me! I only want barliman and Harry.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/10/22 10:12:41

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

I do enjoy surprises, don't you? On the flip side, the first time GW have ever produced good looking giant bat creatures?

[Thumb - 122510416_10165241193225643_1147172418644659706_n.jpg]

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/10/22 10:20:32

Post by: Coenus Scaldingus

40mm bases by the looks of it?

They certainly look pretty promising; probably even more so when painted in less fleshy tones (although this certainly makes them look creepier...).

From Facebook somewhere I take it (as I can't find any mention and further info on Warhammer Community)?

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/10/22 12:18:14

Post by: SnotlingPimpWagon

 Inquisitor Gideon wrote:
I do enjoy surprises, don't you? On the flip side, the first time GW have ever produced good looking giant bat creatures?

Vargulf is offended.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/10/22 12:26:30

Post by: OrlandotheTechnicoloured

For those interested they've been sculpted by Keith Robertson.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/10/22 12:37:14

Post by: Coenus Scaldingus

SnotlingPimpWagon wrote:
 Inquisitor Gideon wrote:
I do enjoy surprises, don't you? On the flip side, the first time GW have ever produced good looking giant bat creatures?

Vargulf is offended.
Well, if you're named after a wolf not once, but even twice (if I'm not mistaken, both vargr and úlfr mean wolf in Old Norse, with similar words in modern Norwegian and Swedish), can you really consider yourself a bat? Never understood that name, though it may make more sense following some other etymology.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/10/22 19:24:14

Post by: Johanxp

Just started a Gundabad army, I was wondering how to represent them on the battlefield. Let's hope they are excessively expensive...

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/10/22 20:49:41

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

Same as the Crebain i'd imagine.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/10/22 20:50:57

Post by: Eiríkr

For once, I feel like an offering from ME looks terrible. I'm struggling...

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/10/23 06:12:08

Post by: Snrub

Yeah gotta say, i'm not loving these. I wouldn't go so far as to say they're terrible, but I'd not be sorry to miss out on them. I haven't seen any of the Hobbit movies in full, so I can't comment on how true the likeness is. I'd like different angles though.

The bases however are quite nice.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/10/23 07:49:00

Post by: Slinky

I don't remember them from the films - Are they already in the army list?

I would rate them as "meh", but I like the ruins they are on

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/10/23 10:30:33

Post by: Baragash

 Slinky wrote:
I don't remember them from the films - Are they already in the army list?

Yes and yes. Legolas does some ninjitsu to kill one as part of the finale up in the ice.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/10/23 11:56:37

Post by: LiftForSwift

For anyone wondering they are very accurate to the WETA designs from the movies. Whether you like the design they went with is another question entirely, but still.

I wonder if this means more Hobbit on the horizon? A revisited book like Ringbearer? ''Bilbo's journey'', or ''Mission to Erebor''?
There are still lots of models from those movies to release.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/10/23 12:16:42

Post by: Coenus Scaldingus

Slinky wrote:I don't remember them from the films - Are they already in the army list?
Can't say I remember exactly how they looked in the film and whether they had the same elongated snouts, but there were definitely big bat creatures. But yes, they already have rules, just no models to represent them (until now).
LiftForSwift wrote:I wonder if this means more Hobbit on the horizon? A revisited book like Ringbearer? ''Bilbo's journey'', or ''Mission to Erebor''?
There are still lots of models from those movies to release.
And the above means there is no need for these to necessarily tie in to any new book, as they're still filling in gaps in the range from previous ones. Perhaps there will be more Hobbit things alongside this release, maybe they just make and release these gap-fillers in between other projects. What else is missing? The main ones I can think of are pretty large, and the second of which so much so I'm not even sure what they would do in terms of creating a (vaguely affordable) model: the catapult troll and Azog's signal tower. (Not that being vaguely affordable is necessarily something GW/FW cares about too much, but from a commercial point of view they would still want a niche figure in a niche army in a niche range to make back its cost to produce.)

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/10/23 13:07:52

Post by: Kanluwen

We could see a starter for Hobbit.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/10/23 13:17:38

Post by: gilljoy

 Kanluwen wrote:
We could see a starter for Hobbit.

There already was one so perhaps they could re-release it?

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/10/23 13:27:30

Post by: H.B.M.C.

I'm sure they have plenty of "Limited Edition" Radagasts they still need to offload.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/10/23 13:34:21

Post by: Kanluwen

gilljoy wrote:
 Kanluwen wrote:
We could see a starter for Hobbit.

There already was one so perhaps they could re-release it?

Why would they? Everything that was in it is available.
Also, it supposedly was one of their worst starters for sales. Which kinda makes sense since it was for the Goblintown bit of the movie only. A starter built around the Battle of Moria with the dwarfs and orcs would likely have been more interesting.

Not gonna lie, if I had to hope against hope against hope for anything...it would be a new Battle of the Last Alliance box, with new Numenorean and High Elf models as the centerpiece.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/10/23 14:36:12

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

 H.B.M.C. wrote:
I'm sure they have plenty of "Limited Edition" Radagasts they still need to offload.

You can throw sarcasm around all you want, but that's actually a very sought after model now.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/10/23 14:39:14

Post by: infinite_array

 Kanluwen wrote:

Not gonna lie, if I had to hope against hope against hope for anything...it would be a new Battle of the Last Alliance box, with new Numenorean and High Elf models as the centerpiece.

We're all sitting around waiting to see if GW has anything to do with the new Amazon series. If it's set in the Second Age like Amazon said, it'd be perfect to get new Numenorean and High Elf models.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/11/15 18:15:15

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

Looks like the MTO from before the virus is finally back. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2020/11/15/sunday-preview-half-time-on-the-gridiron/

Although, not sure if it's still an MTO. Can't see any mention of it.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/11/15 18:16:32

Post by: beast_gts

 Inquisitor Gideon wrote:
Looks like the MTO from before the virus is finally back. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2020/11/15/sunday-preview-half-time-on-the-gridiron/

Although, not sure if it's still an MTO. Can't see any mention of it.

Doesn't look like an MTO - "There’s no pre-order window on these kits, they’re available right from next Saturday. Act quickly though, as there are a limited number of each so they’re sure to sell out fast."

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/11/15 18:16:50

Post by: Kanluwen

It's not a Made to Order, the stuff is just available from Saturday onwards but in limited quantities.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/11/15 18:17:56

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

Yeah, just saw that. Touch annoying as it's going to be yet another race for wanting something.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/11/15 18:21:53

Post by: Tim the Biovore

No Ent, so not the MtO. Must just be the ones they'd cast up in advance?

Rather unfortunate. Don't know how it's going to be allocated, hopefully being in Australia gives me a fair chance to get what I wanted.

EDIT: Missed the Ent in the text, apparently I have a very image based reading comprehension.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/11/15 18:50:15

Post by: Elevenses

Damn, I was hoping this bunch of releases would hold off until Christmas!

That said it doesn't appear to be a Made to Order event, so I presume these are just being added back into the range for the time being?
If that's the case, hopefully they don't remove anything from the range at the same time!

Edit: ah, "be sure to get them whilst stocks last" in the preview video. Great....

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/11/15 21:03:54

Post by: Mentlegen324

Am I thinking of a different miniature, or was that Gimli on Uruk-Hai originally a limited edition model?

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/11/15 21:07:34

Post by: Aeneades

Looks like the (tiny) Treebeard model has been discontinued so I wouldn't be surprised to see a new one announced at next Saturdays preview event (they have confirmed the preview includes ME), perhaps along with a new Ent kit.

Disapointed that these are not going MTO as will be a scrabble to get the items before they sell out.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/11/15 21:25:59

Post by: Elevenses

 Mentlegen324 wrote:
Am I thinking of a different miniature, or was that Gimli on Uruk-Hai originally a limited edition model?

It definitely was- IIRC in 2005 when GW released the original big blue rulebook.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/11/15 21:54:36

Post by: Kanluwen

 Elevenses wrote:
 Mentlegen324 wrote:
Am I thinking of a different miniature, or was that Gimli on Uruk-Hai originally a limited edition model?

It definitely was- IIRC in 2005 when GW released the original big blue rulebook.

It was a LE/WD subscriber model.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/11/15 21:58:45

Post by: Coenus Scaldingus

Tim the Biovore wrote:No Ent, so not the MtO. Must just be the ones they'd cast up in advance?

Rather unfortunate. Don't know how it's going to be allocated, hopefully being in Australia gives me a fair chance to get what I wanted.

EDIT: Missed the Ent in the text, apparently I have a very image based reading comprehension.
If you hadn't pointed it out here, I wouldn't have realized the Ent was included either. In fairness, it's the only mini that's not pictured (I think, unless I overlooked another one in the text) and it's a three-letter word, so hey ho. Still, the description does make it sound like they cast up some lot and decided to get rid of them to free storage space - I definitely would have preferred the previously announced MtO. Wonder how long these will take to sell out...

Elevenses wrote:
 Mentlegen324 wrote:
Am I thinking of a different miniature, or was that Gimli on Uruk-Hai originally a limited edition model?

It definitely was- IIRC in 2005 when GW released the original big blue rulebook.
I'm fairly confident it went in and out of production a few times too. It was initially a limited edition, but at some point was regularly available online too for some time, and I seem to recall it returned in production for a while later, then gone for years again...

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/11/15 22:00:35

Post by: Kanluwen

The Ent is shown in the video but not elsewhere.

I think the 'limited quantities' were them having started building up a buffer of stock for the Made to Order release and just going for a bit.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/11/15 22:03:35

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

Probably the key models to go for on the day will be Gamling (as an unreleased piece) the Ent (as available for a really short time originally) and the battering ram, as everyone seems to love that. Those i would expect to be the fastest movers.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/11/15 23:19:44

Post by: Elevenses

 Coenus Scaldingus wrote:
Tim the Biovore wrote:No Ent, so not the MtO. Must just be the ones they'd cast up in advance?

Rather unfortunate. Don't know how it's going to be allocated, hopefully being in Australia gives me a fair chance to get what I wanted.

EDIT: Missed the Ent in the text, apparently I have a very image based reading comprehension.
If you hadn't pointed it out here, I wouldn't have realized the Ent was included either. In fairness, it's the only mini that's not pictured (I think, unless I overlooked another one in the text) and it's a three-letter word, so hey ho. Still, the description does make it sound like they cast up some lot and decided to get rid of them to free storage space - I definitely would have preferred the previously announced MtO. Wonder how long these will take to sell out...

Elevenses wrote:
 Mentlegen324 wrote:
Am I thinking of a different miniature, or was that Gimli on Uruk-Hai originally a limited edition model?

It definitely was- IIRC in 2005 when GW released the original big blue rulebook.
I'm fairly confident it went in and out of production a few times too. It was initially a limited edition, but at some point was regularly available online too for some time, and I seem to recall it returned in production for a while later, then gone for years again...

Agreed about Gimli originally having a large or multiple production runs. I have seen plenty of sealed blisters on Ebay over the years, and got one myself last year for less than £15.

I'd say to hope that GW don't overcharge on Gimli, Gamling and the Ent, but I can already picture typical MTO price mark ups on these and the other lines.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/11/16 07:14:36

Post by: Snrub

About fragging time.

Wish they'd given a precise time on Saturday. Is there a certain time when these sort of things go live?

If nothing else, I want one of those mounted Gamlings. Although if the price is right then i'll have me some of everything.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/11/16 09:31:09

Post by: tneva82

 Snrub wrote:
About fragging time.

Wish they'd given a precise time on Saturday. Is there a certain time when these sort of things go live?

If nothing else, I want one of those mounted Gamlings. Although if the price is right then i'll have me some of everything.

Same time they come in your country every saturday. Depends on country so no idea what it's in your country.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/11/16 11:01:08

Post by: Snrub

 Mentlegen324 wrote:
Am I thinking of a different miniature, or was that Gimli on Uruk-Hai originally a limited edition model?
Not entirely sure about Gimli on the Uruk, but I know Ugluk started out as limited to the Strategy Battle Game magazine and didn't see general release until a few years after.

tneva82 wrote:Same time they come in your country every saturday. Depends on country so no idea what it's in your country.
Yeah, no clue!
For that Gamling though, i'll stay up 24hrs straight to get my hands on him.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/11/16 11:23:22

Post by: tneva82

 Snrub wrote:
 Mentlegen324 wrote:
Am I thinking of a different miniature, or was that Gimli on Uruk-Hai originally a limited edition model?
Not entirely sure about Gimli on the Uruk, but I know Ugluk started out as limited to the Strategy Battle Game magazine and didn't see general release until a few years after.

tneva82 wrote:Same time they come in your country every saturday. Depends on country so no idea what it's in your country.
Yeah, no clue!
For that Gamling though, i'll stay up 24hrs straight to get my hands on him.

No need for 24h 9am-noon ought to be enough. Finland gets at noon sincb wb get them same time as uk which is 10am(finland being 2 hours ahead).

Shouldn't be vastly different. I would start pressing f5 at 9am and if not there wait for next full hour and repeat.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/11/16 11:30:22

Post by: Dysartes

 Kanluwen wrote:
 Elevenses wrote:
 Mentlegen324 wrote:
Am I thinking of a different miniature, or was that Gimli on Uruk-Hai originally a limited edition model?

It definitely was- IIRC in 2005 when GW released the original big blue rulebook.

It was a LE/WD subscriber model.

I wouldn't've described it as a lewd model, Kan - it isn't like he's taking his armour off, or anything like that...

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/11/16 12:42:36

Post by: Tim the Biovore

 Snrub wrote:
Wish they'd given a precise time on Saturday. Is there a certain time when these sort of things go live?

It'll be 1pm in Victoria, so check the store about 5 minutes before then if you're adamant about securing yours

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/11/16 16:27:36

Post by: RazorEdge

I wonder what he get Teased on Saturnday...

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/11/16 17:22:59

Post by: Sabotage!

I really can’t see anything getting previewed that isn’t a new FW resin character or two. It would be nice to see a new plastic kit or even a different starter set of sorts. I like the idea of the battle of Moria as someone mentioned above. I wouldn’t mind getting back into LoTR but I was last playing when it was very hard to get models and you needed a ton of books to play (the small blue book era). It’s nice things have been consolidated, and the game at its core is awesome.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/11/16 17:35:24

Post by: Coenus Scaldingus

RazorEdge wrote:
I wonder what he get Teased on Saturnday...
The team was talking about a Last Alliance supplement years ago already, and there was that teaser when they mentioned Anárion in a special rule in the book LotR-era profiles.

Because of that, Last Alliance has been my expectation with every upcoming release so far. Maybe it will finally be correct this time?

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/11/16 17:40:10

Post by: Kanluwen

It's worth mentioning that they definitely have CAD stuff for Last Alliance era High Elves. The Rivendell Knights are the same design and were done CAD rather than traditional sculpting. Always felt strange that they did not just update the High Elves with The Hobbit.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/11/16 18:04:39

Post by: infinite_array

Battle of Moria box would be awesome, since that's two armies I'd like to play. Goblins also got a boost with the latest Legendary Legion, and I'll play dwarfs in any game.

New elves would be nice, especially since I scored a Cirdan model in one of GW's previous round of MTO minis, and I could replace the First Alliance box minis that are just way too old.

But my natural cynicism says it'll just be another book, or maybe a forgeworld mini or two.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/11/16 18:14:17

Post by: soviet13

Do we have any idea if the set of heroes from the Two Towers (with Eowyn, Theoden, etc) will be metal or resin?

As I understand it MTO stuff is cast in the material it was last available in, and I believe this hasn't been available for quite some time, so I am hopeful it might turn out to be metal.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/11/16 18:26:14

Post by: Kanluwen

Not "last available in", originally available in.

Heroes of Helm's Deep and the others should be metal.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/11/16 18:26:34

Post by: Arbitrator

I think Warriors of the Last Alliance is the oldest LotR plastic kit isn't it? Next to Moria Goblins anyway. Seeing the former updated as part of a new boxset would certainly hit the right notes.

soviet13 wrote:
Do we have any idea if the set of heroes from the Two Towers (with Eowyn, Theoden, etc) will be metal or resin?

As I understand it MTO stuff is cast in the material it was last available in, and I believe this hasn't been available for quite some time, so I am hopeful it might turn out to be metal.

It should be metal, but this isn't MTO like normal so who knows.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/11/16 18:35:55

Post by: Kanluwen

 infinite_array wrote:
Battle of Moria box would be awesome, since that's two armies I'd like to play. Goblins also got a boost with the latest Legendary Legion, and I'll play dwarfs in any game.

New elves would be nice, especially since I scored a Cirdan model in one of GW's previous round of MTO minis, and I could replace the First Alliance box minis that are just way too old.

But my natural cynicism says it'll just be another book, or maybe a forgeworld mini or two.

Let's split the difference and say "Fall of Gondolin".

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/11/16 19:55:49

Post by: Oppl

 Arbitrator wrote:
I think Warriors of the Last Alliance is the oldest LotR plastic kit isn't it? Next to Moria Goblins anyway. Seeing the former updated as part of a new boxset would certainly hit the right notes.

Yup. High Elves/Numenorians and Goblins were the very first plastics.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/11/16 20:15:57

Post by: Kanluwen

 Coenus Scaldingus wrote:
RazorEdge wrote:
I wonder what he get Teased on Saturnday...
The team was talking about a Last Alliance supplement years ago already, and there was that teaser when they mentioned Anárion in a special rule in the book LotR-era profiles.

Because of that, Last Alliance has been my expectation with every upcoming release so far. Maybe it will finally be correct this time?

I didn't realize that it's been twenty years on for Fellowship the game & movie.

Now would be as good of a time as any for a Last Alliance set and I wonder if they've been planning for it?!

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/11/16 20:28:43

Post by: infinite_array

Who knows? I wouldn't get too high of expectations, however. Covid has still disrupted a lot of plans.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/11/16 20:50:54

Post by: Coenus Scaldingus

Kanluwen wrote:Not "last available in", originally available in.

Heroes of Helm's Deep and the others should be metal.
What exactly is your intended difference between "last" and "originally"?
Miniatures that were at first released in metal but then transitioned to Finecast have (almost always?) been released in MtO waves as Finecast.
Miniatures only ever produced in metal have been released in MtO waves as metal. So "last available in" appears the correct version.

In this case, I'm fairly confident all sets were only ever available in metal, so they should indeed be metal.
The only partial exception is the Heroes of Helm's Deep set, of which some figures (Théoden at least) were split into different packs (foot and mounted in this case) and did become Finecast, but since other figures in the set never were re-released in the resin, I expect the full set to be metal.

Kanluwen wrote:Now would be as good of a time as any for a Last Alliance set and I wonder if they've been planning for it?!
Jay (Middle-earth's rules writer) was speculating about a Last Alliance supplement more than 4 years ago, when they only just started the relaunch of the game via Forge World. It sounded as if they were planning to kick off the Middle-earth combined ruleset with either Pelennor Fields or Last Alliance, and the former presumably won out because they had limited opportunities for new plastics at the time, and knew the Last Alliance troops were due an overhaul. At the time (2016), new plastics of any type were not on the agenda (the Lake-town house an exception, since it already existed, but was just never released). Since then, we've seen several new plastic heroes released, and some Rohan scenery that appeared to have sold very well. I do feel that if any plastic troops are to be released for this game in the next 5 years, the classic High Elves and Númenóreans are at the top of the list. Their scale is off with later releases (and contemporary metals...), their combined existence in one set impractical, their poses limited, their wargear options incomplete and, not unimportantly, people have been clamouring for a new set for the last decade. So, who knows? Not sure if it's likely, but certainly not entirely implausible.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/11/16 20:57:48

Post by: Kanluwen

 Coenus Scaldingus wrote:
Kanluwen wrote:Not "last available in", originally available in.

Heroes of Helm's Deep and the others should be metal.
What exactly is your intended difference between "last" and "originally"?
Miniatures that were at first released in metal but then transitioned to Finecast have (almost always?) been released in MtO waves as Finecast.
Miniatures only ever produced in metal have been released in MtO waves as metal. So "last available in" appears the correct version.

In this case, I'm fairly confident all sets were only ever available in metal, so they should indeed be metal.
The only partial exception is the Heroes of Helm's Deep set, of which some figures (Théoden at least) were split into different packs (foot and mounted in this case) and did become Finecast, but since other figures in the set never were re-released in the resin, I expect the full set to be metal.

Maybe it's different for AoS, because some of the items I know went into Finecast from the Wanderers range were metal during the Made to Order.

Kanluwen wrote:Now would be as good of a time as any for a Last Alliance set and I wonder if they've been planning for it?!
Jay (Middle-earth's rules writer) was speculating about a Last Alliance supplement more than 4 years ago, when they only just started the relaunch of the game via Forge World. It sounded as if they were planning to kick off the Middle-earth combined ruleset with either Pelennor Fields or Last Alliance, and the former presumably won out because they had limited opportunities for new plastics at the time, and knew the Last Alliance troops were due an overhaul. At the time (2016), new plastics of any type were not on the agenda (the Lake-town house an exception, since it already existed, but was just never released). Since then, we've seen several new plastic heroes released, and some Rohan scenery that appeared to have sold very well. I do feel that if any plastic troops are to be released for this game in the next 5 years, the classic High Elves and Númenóreans are at the top of the list. Their scale is off with later releases (and contemporary metals...), their combined existence in one set impractical, their poses limited, their wargear options incomplete and, not unimportantly, people have been clamouring for a new set for the last decade. So, who knows? Not sure if it's likely, but certainly not entirely implausible.

Look you, I'm being an optimist!

With the 20th anniversary of the Fellowship of the Ring film & game next year(which doesn't make me feel super-old at all, noooope), it feels like a good time for revisiting them...especially since the High Elf Warriors didn't get a revisit with The Hobbit despite those stunning Rivendell Knight models.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/11/16 21:38:52

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

There's a lot of chit chat going around the facebook groups about Treebeard and the Ents. As Treebeard is going to sold out on the website in a few different countries. I wouldn't mind a new plastic version.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/11/16 22:51:16

Post by: RazorEdge

A Last Alliance Book with new Plastik Sets (and maybe a fitting Starter Set) would be very nice,

In Legions of Middle Earth (2006) there were some nice Unit options for Numenor & the Last Alliance Elves, which never got released...

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/11/17 00:36:19

Post by: infinite_array

It'd be so awesome to get a plastic version of Sauron in a Last Alliance starter.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/11/17 12:35:59

Post by: LiftForSwift

I wonder if they'll announce the next supplement. Bilbos Journey or something similiar would be great, give them an excuse to release or re-release many rare Hobbit era minis.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/11/17 12:38:43

Post by: Gir Spirit Bane

 Inquisitor Gideon wrote:
There's a lot of chit chat going around the facebook groups about Treebeard and the Ents. As Treebeard is going to sold out on the website in a few different countries. I wouldn't mind a new plastic version.

I would buy like 3 boxes if it was 2 ents, new plastic treebeard vs a isenguard force + some plastic isenguardy- terrain!!!

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/11/17 13:15:11

Post by: RazorEdge

New Treebeard & Ents would be mega lame...

Last Alliance would be cool..

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/11/17 15:44:42

Post by: Oppl

The Last Alliance is the safe bet for anyone wanting to know what the next major expansion/start/re-make will be. It is undeniably where they will head.

Between the Amazon series, the 20 year old models and the past knowledge we have about what the ME team were wanting to do, its clearly what they will do when they're able to. But who knows when that will be, as it will be a major expansion the likes of which ME hasn't seen in a good long time.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/11/17 15:53:35

Post by: BertBert

I wonder if they already have signed a deal with Amazon to support the upcoming series, unit designs included.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/11/17 16:33:27

Post by: RazorEdge

I really hope, we will see new Multi-Part Plastik Units, not Characters only...

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/11/17 19:18:12

Post by: judgedoug

almost certainly Treebeard resculpt along with Quickbeam and Beechbone.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/11/17 21:05:48

Post by: Elevenses

I just really hope it's a plastic kit. The Forgeworld resin sculpts are incredible, but the prices are pretty steep for my tastes.

Plus if it were a multi-part plastic ent/Treebeard kit, that would be good sign for support for MESBG going forward.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/11/17 21:08:59

Post by: RazorEdge

Let's hope... the Plastic King of the Dead is one of the worst Designs...

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/11/17 21:22:12

Post by: Elevenses

RazorEdge wrote:
Let's hope... the Plastic King of the Dead is one of the worst Designs...

Are we talking the look of it? Or the way it's put together when assembling?

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/11/17 21:49:09

Post by: RazorEdge

 Elevenses wrote:
RazorEdge wrote:
Let's hope... the Plastic King of the Dead is one of the worst Designs...

Are we talking the look of it? Or the way it's put together when assembling?

How it looks, can't say putting it together makes it even the worst.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/11/18 08:32:21

Post by: LiftForSwift

RazorEdge wrote:
 Elevenses wrote:
RazorEdge wrote:
Let's hope... the Plastic King of the Dead is one of the worst Designs...

Are we talking the look of it? Or the way it's put together when assembling?

How it looks, can't say putting it together makes it even the worst.

I though it looks so much more movie accurate than the metal one...

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/11/18 08:41:51

Post by: RazorEdge

DId they returned some Models from Resin to Metal?


Boromir, Captain of the White Tower was one of the first LotR Models they made and announced as Finecast. Now he is made from Metal again.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/11/18 10:02:27

Post by: Coenus Scaldingus

RazorEdge wrote:
DId they returned some Models from Resin to Metal?


Boromir, Captain of the White Tower was one of the first LotR Models they made and announced as Finecast. Now he is made from Metal again.
The model with banner on foot never switched to Finecast I think (the resin pack had him with sword and shield on foot), so either they switched the other two included poses to metal now, or the product description is simply wrong.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/11/18 11:02:05

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

RazorEdge wrote:
DId they returned some Models from Resin to Metal?


Boromir, Captain of the White Tower was one of the first LotR Models they made and announced as Finecast. Now he is made from Metal again.

They've been doing that for a while. Boromir, Isengard commanders and several others have switched from resin back to metal.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/11/18 11:26:43

Post by: Coenus Scaldingus

 Inquisitor Gideon wrote:
RazorEdge wrote:
DId they returned some Models from Resin to Metal?


Boromir, Captain of the White Tower was one of the first LotR Models they made and announced as Finecast. Now he is made from Metal again.

They've been doing that for a while. Boromir, Isengard commanders and several others have switched from resin back to metal.

Did they re-release the smaller Isengard commanders set (3 figures, without the drummer who was formerly part of the 4-model resin set) when they released the metal Scout commanders? Completely passed me by. When they re-released the Ringwraiths (foot/mounted) in the combined sets, they kept the resin ones and just mixed them with the metal figures of others. Changes only appear to be made when they repackage them in some way, but even that's not a guarantee apparently.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/11/18 12:01:41

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

No, not specifically. I think they're just moving away from resin and back to metal. Probably just cheaper and because the molds were designed with metal originally in mind, probably an easy switch back.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/11/18 17:33:24

Post by: judgedoug

RazorEdge wrote:
 Elevenses wrote:
RazorEdge wrote:
Let's hope... the Plastic King of the Dead is one of the worst Designs...

Are we talking the look of it? Or the way it's put together when assembling?

How it looks, can't say putting it together makes it even the worst.

Nah, that's wrong. He's incredible.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/11/20 03:51:47

Post by: Snrub

 Tim the Biovore wrote:
It'll be 1pm in Victoria, so check the store about 5 minutes before then if you're adamant about securing yours
Oh, excellent. That's good to know.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/11/20 22:07:29

Post by: Kanluwen

They're listed on the NZ webstore. Surprised to see Gimli at $33(meaning 16.5/17USD)NZD. Also the Uruk Scouts are a set of all 8 for $99NZD and Wargs are a set of 3.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/11/20 22:30:39

Post by: Snrub

Not up on the Oz website yet.

I'm ready! I'M READY!!

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/11/21 02:07:12

Post by: Tim the Biovore

Got what I wanted, but blimey, MTO products add up fast, don't they?

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/11/21 02:12:13

Post by: Snrub

Live on Australia and Theoden is already out of Stock.

Nabbed Gamling though! So i'm happy.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Tim the Biovore wrote:
Got what I wanted, but blimey, MTO products add up fast, don't they?
You're not wrong! I'm lucky that I already have 6 out of the 8 Defenders of Helms Deep, so I didn't need that.
Grabbed all the heroes (barring theoden) and the battering ram.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/11/21 02:28:36

Post by: Tim the Biovore

Must have only been a very small pre-production run for Theoden, none of the other sculpts with a 1-per-order sculpt have sold out. Galadrim are a bit surprising too, given that they had a previous MTO run that actually went for the entire planned week.

Gimli just gone now as of this post too, though I'm not as surprised by that.

I'd actually thought I might have been overestimating demand by camping out the ten minutes in advance, but I'm glad I did. The same products are already sold out in New Zealand too, so I guess if you're after any of those three somewhere else in the world, it'll pay to be early.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/11/21 02:54:10

Post by: Snrub

Must have been a very small run for Theoden, as I was refreshing about every 15 seconds towards the end there. So I had them added all to my cart within about 30 seconds and it still wouldn't let me check out with him there.

Gimli lasted about 2 minutes, as did the elves. To be honest i'm quite surprised the ent is still in stock.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/11/21 07:28:44

Post by: Coenus Scaldingus

Ooph, I had preferred a MtO release anyway, but even more so after reading that.
After failing to purchase him several times in the past 15 years, I very much wouldn't want to miss out on that Gimli again.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/11/21 10:02:45

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

Up for the UK now. Just went for the battering ram and ent in the end. Just didn't have enough want for Gamling and Theoden this time.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/11/21 10:09:04

Post by: Elevenses

I purchased Legolas with the Dweller in the Dark using the voucher promotion. Kind of torn by the Ent, but I've left it for now, as I don't intend to actually buy Ents any time soon.

I've already got Gamling with the banner (better sculpt IMO), I've got every other Theoden sculpt anyway, and Haldir's elves seem to come up for ordering on the regular now.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/11/21 10:10:11

Post by: tneva82

Battering ram, mounted legolas and as it was cheaper than expected splurged on gimli sitting on dead uruk.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/11/21 10:11:02

Post by: Coenus Scaldingus

Gimli, mounted Legolas, Gamling and Warg Riders for me.

The Warg Rider with bow (shooting) was my first ever metal LotR miniature, and the metals have always been excellent sculpts, so it's nice to have a little group now. They're also excellently priced, in fact cheaper than when they were released (in € at least). Unlike the Galadhrim, which were ridiculously doubled in price in the previous MtO and unsurprisingly returned at that price point. (They're lovely sculpts, but not 20€ for 3 lovely. Looks especially silly next to the 3 warg riders for 25€.)

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/11/21 10:11:04

Post by: redbristles

UK didn't seem that overwhelmed with orders, managed to get Gamling, Legolas and the Uruk scouts (£30?!). Noice.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/11/21 10:15:27

Post by: Coenus Scaldingus

Honestly surprised the rarest figures haven't sold out already, [since there wasn't a 1-per-order limit from what I could see. Scalpers' paradise, surely. EDIT: there is a limit after all]

All items are listed as being in stock, aside from the Galadhrim which say "Usually ships within 49 days" weirdly enough.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/11/21 10:43:46

Post by: Dysartes

I did see a 1-per-order warning on Gimli at checkout - figured he's a nice little sculpt to pick up and get a commission painter to work him up for me, and £10 is a bit of a steal.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/11/21 10:57:05

Post by: Coenus Scaldingus

Oh, I take it back, several of the figures are indeed 1-per-order, but this information only shows up in the basket.

I expected it to be in the product description somewhere too, which it almost certainly used to do in the past.

The basket was only on my screen for about half a second as I rushed through the purchase process to avoid missing that cute little Gimli, something that clearly wasn't necessary. Galadhrim sold out after about half an hour, but others are still available. So now for the real question: is Théoden just an absolute fan-favourite in Oceania, or were those minis just distributed very unevenly across the globe?

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/11/21 11:13:36

Post by: tneva82

 Coenus Scaldingus wrote:
Oh, I take it back, several of the figures are indeed 1-per-order, but this information only shows up in the basket.

I expected it to be in the product description somewhere too, which it almost certainly used to do in the past.

The basket was only on my screen for about half a second as I rushed through the purchase process to avoid missing that cute little Gimli, something that clearly wasn't necessary. Galadhrim sold out after about half an hour, but others are still available. So now for the real question: is Théoden just an absolute fan-favourite in Oceania, or were those minis just distributed very unevenly across the globe?

Well i could not change quantity on product page either. Bowmen etc were max 3.

Maybe oceania didn't have limit?

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/11/21 11:15:11

Post by: Snrub

Kinda a bit miffed with myself now, that I didn't get the uruk scouts and elves or warg riders. They're all models that I want, but they're easier to lay hands on then the heroes so it felt like the best distribution of funds.

However both uruks and wargs are still available on the Australian site and will continue to tempt me until they go out of stock...

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/11/21 11:53:49

Post by: xKillGorex

Grabbed gimli and the battering ram.... been waiting for those minis all year. Very happy I’ve got them .

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/11/21 12:49:33

Post by: Bago

Pretty okay in Germany, only the Elves with Swords were gone fast. Had another look after an hour or 2 and most was still up. Got myself Theoden, Gamling, Gimli and Warg Riders (the plastic ones are just sooo static).

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/11/21 12:56:03

Post by: Eiríkr

I have been told by a very reliable source of information that this afternoon's reveal stream should be pretty nice for Middle-Earth fans.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/11/21 13:03:25

Post by: Coenus Scaldingus

Gimli's gone now too, no change otherwise.

So for those of you in North America, it appears Gimli and the Galadhrim are the main ones to look out for, while you may not have to break your F5 key for the others. Probably.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/11/21 14:34:45

Post by: Elevenses

Oh wow the New Treebeard on stream looks incredible!

Edit: multi-part plastic kit- really good sign of future support for MESBG!

Comes with another set of Merry & Pippin that can be put onto Treebeard- no need to chose between them.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/11/21 14:48:20

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

Looks masterful. Just a shame he's going to put the old plastic ones to shame.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/11/21 14:49:17

Post by: Eiríkr

He is really, really nice.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/11/21 16:04:09

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

Just found the shot of the alternate build.

[Thumb - 126260408_10217013894212342_3661898118123269102_o.jpg]

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/11/21 16:06:47

Post by: Coenus Scaldingus

The quality of the old sculpt is by no means diminished, but it did need a bit of a size upgrade. Glad to see the new one looks excellent too, although it's a pity there's no word on the other Ent characters.

Still, a large new plastic Middle-earth kit is welcome news in terms of their willingness to invest in the range!

And being plastic, I've finally found a nice new Treeman for my Warhammer Wood Elves too, one that looks like a tree rather than some construct of dead wood or some video game design. Just need to add some sprites and skulls.

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/11/21 16:47:34

Post by: tneva82

So much for last alliance stuff

Middle-Earth SBG news/rumours thread. Battle of Edoras starter set . p.69 @ 2020/11/21 21:12:58

Post by: Snrub

Treebeard looks fantastic.

It'd be nice to get an alternative, rock holding arm, for him as well. But I rather doubt we'll see that. Spoke too soon. Didn't see the picture up above. I'm pleased to stand corrected!

Not overly enamored with the hobbits though. Neither really resemble their respective actors. They just don't have much "life" to them.

What that all that was previewed for Middle Earth?