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[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/08/17 11:17:19

Post by: Jackal90

So this kind of moved more into an epic 30k thread which is always good.

Renamed and repurposed it.

Now for showing off what you’ve done and projects.


[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/08/17 13:26:24

Post by: Pacific

Yep you have found it Jackal90 you are in the right place.

There are links for Astartes units along the bottom (it's not very easy to spot, also have some links to Legion-specific, Titans, Mechanicum etc)

Can I ask what army you are planning on collecting and what minis you are using etc?

I am collecting Crusade-era World Eaters so would be interested to see what you are up to!

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/08/17 21:15:52

Post by: Jackal90

Thanks Pacific.
I clicked the links at the bottom but assumed they were just page links between what I was already viewing.
Apparently not haha.

I already have a salamanders army with Vulkan I’d built ages ago (I use regular SM or NE rules for them) so the army isn’t an issue.
Means I can add proper heresy era stuff though.

Most of it that I add will either be 3D printed or from vanguard/onslaught since they make some ideal stuff.

Also plan on a mechanicum army.
All the robots will be printed, as with tanks.
The basic infantry and characters will be from vanguard though as they are perfect.
Really can’t sing their praises enough.
Think I’ve spent around £400+ with them to now and never had a single issue or bad model.

Onslaught always tends to have a few poor casts so I order extra.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/08/18 05:45:22

Post by: Sherrypie

Just be aware that there are some oddities in the unit entries that are just outright brainfarts (like Leviathan dreadnoughts having weapon options that are straight up worse than others, Basilisks moving faster than jump troops...) as well as bits that look like work in progress writeups that never got finished (most marine superheavies not having critical hit effects, which is... odd).

In general the lists are good fun, my mechanized XIV is in a happy place with them and I'll probably branch out to Mechanicum later on, too. Haven't yet tried their titans, as the EpicUK list seems to have more teeth in it for that purpose.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/08/18 07:56:40

Post by: Pacific

I know what you mean Jackal Vanguard do do some lovely stuff, love that they are doing the different armour types now as well.
I believe there are some other specialised ones coming too (Sherrypie there are some very DG-looking, gas-mask type ones due to be released if they haven't already I believe)

Would love to see some pics of your guys stuff! Then change the title of this thread so it just says (epic) 30k rules

I've got a thread over in P&M, world's slowest blog it's now on about 4 years and counting but I add bits and pieces when I can (usually when Vanguard brings something new out)

Ultimate epic dream is to have a 12ft wide table, tens of thousands of points on the board, a half a dozen titans on each side (so just something not too grand!)

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/08/18 08:04:42

Post by: Jackal90

I just have a huge love for epic.
Got into it around the original SM times and it’s never really left.
For me it just looks like proper battles on a huge scale.

I may start an epic blog soon as I’m also working on my tyranids and some knights, but not really enough yet to show anything of value sadly.

Here’s all I have complete so far:

Got a long way to go yet.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/08/18 10:34:02

Post by: Sherrypie

@Pacific: Ha, I doubt I need more DG infantry for the time being given that the army is already pushing towards 12k+ points and I've got both some two hundred 3d printed footsloggers and yet more ancient plastic marines still waiting to be readied
And since most things have to be converted, even in 6 mm, it's not like that queue is getting shorter too soon.

Some pictures then, click them bigger to actually see something:

Group pictures before the latest additions:

Currently painting Sicarans, too many Basilisks, drop pods and other things...

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/08/18 12:15:59

Post by: Jackal90

I need to pick up some minotaur tanks and a falchion or 2 if I can find one.

Plan is to get my tyranids finished while I gather up the mechanicum stuff I need.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/08/18 12:38:37

Post by: Sherrypie

Minotaurs are interesting, tougher Basilisks with a smaller footprint that can fire pretty much anywhere. I intend to park one or two batteries between two air cover turret packs and try to keep the pressure off them by throwing a wall of robots further up the field when I eventually get around to building a dark horde of tendrite-toting machine lovers.

The Mechanicum list is surprisingly heavy on barrage weapons, with Minotaurs, Thanatars, Karaknos and Ordinatus detachments all spewing forth plates of doom all over the place.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/08/18 15:25:35

Post by: Pacific

Guys, I am lost for words. Those are some absolutely beautiful looking collections, almost brought a tear to my eye

Sherrypie I am guessing that is possibly the biggest pre-heresy Legion force in existence! Certainly the largest I have seen in my travels.
Most impressive.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/08/18 16:06:41

Post by: Sherrypie

Oh I doubt that, Pacific, there are some crazy guys in France putting together huge collections (though I do agree this project is already the size of like three armies and keeps on growing, as small scale minis are just a pleasure to work with).

It is big enough, though, that I could probably have a me vs. rest of the club megabattle one of these days

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Bweh, got some painting on the way (still have to finish the men and put them into the Basilisks as crew):

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/08/18 21:40:57

Post by: Jackal90

3D printing has only made my epic addiction worse.
Plan was to build a small 4K tyranid army and get it painted.

Issue is, printing is faster than my painting and I keep changing my list.
So a 4K tyranid army is now at around 8k and still growing as I find more cool stuff.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/08/19 08:07:56

Post by: Pacific

Those look awesome Sherrypie.
It sounds like there is potential for a massive trans-national get-together of Pre-Heresy once the current madness is over!

Jackal90 - can I ask what service you are using for 3D printing, or do you make your own?
I have found some great designs online but haven't yet taken the plunge.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/08/19 08:37:31

Post by: Jackal90

 Pacific wrote:
Those look awesome Sherrypie.
It sounds like there is potential for a massive trans-national get-together of Pre-Heresy once the current madness is over!

Jackal90 - can I ask what service you are using for 3D printing, or do you make your own?
I have found some great designs online but haven't yet taken the plunge.

Currently I’m just using a friends Elegoo Mars as I helped him get it set up and sorted.
However, I’m still waiting on mine to arrive.

If you love epic then I honestly couldn’t recommend a printer enough.
It makes things so much more simple.
I need some exocrines? Around 20 hours and around £12 in resin and there’s 9 done in 1 go.
If I want the ugly metal slug versions from eBay? £60 for 9 if I can find them at that price.

Only downside to UV curing resin is that once set it’s like glass.
All my cuts and conversions are done with a very fine jewellery saw and a file so it doesn’t break.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/08/19 09:36:28

Post by: Sherrypie

Yeah, resin printing is the way to go unless you really enjoy some specific metal designs like Vanguard's. Cheap and cheerful, as well as bloody crisp nowadays.

Of course it's still a bit of a hassle to do and a hobby of its own, but reaps so much benefits it's not even funny if one is going to invest in multiple / large armies.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/08/19 16:24:53

Post by: Pacific

Thanks guys - I have definitely thought about it. As you say though Sherrypie it does look like a hobby of itself, and time is the one big limiting factor.
So I will have to settle for Vanguard (which I have to say do some fantastic stuff) and helping other designers and people pay off their printer purchase! Are there any good portals for buying minis or places that you would recommend?

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/08/19 17:02:49

Post by: locarno24

 Sherrypie wrote:
@Pacific: Ha, I doubt I need more DG infantry for the time being given that the army is already pushing towards 12k+ points and I've got both some two hundred 3d printed footsloggers and yet more ancient plastic marines still waiting to be readied
And since most things have to be converted, even in 6 mm, it's not like that queue is getting shorter too soon.

Some pictures then, click them bigger to actually see something:

Group pictures before the latest additions:

Currently painting Sicarans, too many Basilisks, drop pods and other things...

I love the Fellblades! Genuinely love those models. Half considering trying some homebrew superheavies as knight analogues in Adeptus Titanicus...

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/08/19 17:10:06

Post by: Sherrypie

Thanks locarno24, they are indeed lovely little blighters, both to look at as well as on the field of battle. Heavy enough to operate on their own instead of packs and absolutely devastating against lighter armour.

...though empirically quite capable of dying to intrepid grenadiers with shovels, to their eternal shame.

My go-to in Titanicus with superheavies would probably be as moving battlefield assets or knights with no shields but proper guns.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/08/19 21:43:13

Post by: Jackal90

Pacific - they pop up on eBay now and then.
Discord servers and forums are the most common place though as ebayers get banned almost instantly at times, so asking on there isn’t a bad idea.

Once I get mine and set it up I’m happy to help out if you need stuff though.

Settled for the mars pro as it’s just a little more tweaked and friendly to use than the regular.

Since you are in the UK too, printing services tend to be a bit of a gamble.
You can’t always guarantee the quality you will get and shipping is where they make their cash, so you get stung heavily for it.

For example, I found a UK service that offered to print my bio titans for me, for £15 plus £10 shipping.
I use about £4-5 of resin to make them myself now.
It honestly does make a drastic change.

It also gives you the freedom.
The setup and cleaning takes a little time but I just check in on my prints every 30 mins or so to make sure they haven’t slipped or died.

I debated buying one for ages.
Using a friends convinced me as it’s just so damn convenient.
So more trawling through eBay for days hunting specific parts, complete customisation etc.

Grab a rhino STL, remix it with a chapter symbol and place it as needed.
Instant chapter specific rhinos at about £1 a go.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/08/20 08:01:49

Post by: Pacific

Thanks Jackal90 I will check those out!

locarno24 wrote:

I love the Fellblades! Genuinely love those models. Half considering trying some homebrew superheavies as knight analogues in Adeptus Titanicus...

Not tempted by going the full hog and getting a Legion to join those superheavies?

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/08/20 09:50:11

Post by: locarno24

 Sherrypie wrote:
Thanks locarno24, they are indeed lovely little blighters, both to look at as well as on the field of battle. Heavy enough to operate on their own instead of packs and absolutely devastating against lighter armour.

...though empirically quite capable of dying to intrepid grenadiers with shovels, to their eternal shame.

My go-to in Titanicus with superheavies would probably be as moving battlefield assets or knights with no shields but proper guns.

I've got some homebrew rules I'm looking at for Imperial Army, Legion, and Mechanicum units. AT is very much a 'big things game, so I'm not bothered about light units at the moment.

Falchion, Glaive and Fellblade is a nice trio of units, each of which plays very differently - Glaive is great at blowing out shields or (if you can catch a conga-line end on) gutting knight banners but does jack to a heavy engine. Falchion has.....I know the description says volcano cannons but a titan moderati would say "yeah, sure.....theyre cute lil' volcano cannons.." - it's basically a twin turbolaser, but the shock capacitors are useful. Finally, the Fellblade has the highest rate of Fire (if the demolished is in range) but AT shells and demo cannons are pretty decent at hurting armour.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/08/20 10:34:33

Post by: Sherrypie

locarno24 wrote:
Falchion has.....I know the description says volcano cannons but a titan moderati would say "yeah, sure.....theyre cute lil' volcano cannons.." - it's basically a twin turbolaser, but the shock capacitors are useful.

One could think so, but traditionally Shadowswords (and Falchions being basically Shadowswords +1) have always been scary to titans as well. From Epic rules to heaps of lore, they are brutal tools even if they can't sustain the same rate of fire or make as big of a mess as a titan carried variant could.

The actual problem even here is the Acastus, with their out of proportion lascannons putting out too much pain when they should be on the level of turbolasers. Bloody murderturtles mess up the relative scaling of other guns ;P

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/08/20 10:46:10

Post by: locarno24

They are, but there are 'grades' of volcano cannon - a reaver's is distinctly less powerful than a warlords, and a shadowswords less powerful than both (true in both HH rules and 40k).

I've no problem with a superheavy's volcano cannon being strength 10 (as per a Reaver volcano cannon) - that's the minimum needed for a luck hit to be able to one-shot a knight, which it should be able to do - but (like the acastus porphyrion) there's no reason for it to get blast, when the turbolaser or gatling doesn't. As a side bonus, not having blast in AT allows you to aim, allowing for 'called shots'

There should definitely be limitations; traditionally (and in Guy Haley's excellent Baneblade/Stormlord/Shadowsword series), volcano-cannon armed superheavies had to stop to charge and fire their guns, which is why they're often shown as ambush predators. Making them only useable on first fire makes them challenging to use but a super-heavy company puts out a lot of anti-titan fire.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/08/20 10:52:29

Post by: Sherrypie

I agree with all of that.

It was interesting that some systems, like Warhound plasma guns or Bombards, in Epic were limited to firing only every other turn even if the game usually only lasts about four turns. Something like that could be pretty fun with powerful titankiller tanks.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/08/20 10:55:35

Post by: Pacific

I can't remember what the old epic rules were for Volcano Cannons and will need to check what they are currently in Epic Armageddon.

I do remember though that one of those things was on the board, you made sure you took it out as quickly as possible! Shot to the head or body and good night sweet titan.

Of course it helped that they weren't protected by void shields and were therefore more vulnerable (makes me think a little of using Tigers or Jadgtigers in some WW2 games, sometimes the 'threat' and fear that those weapons can instil on your opponent is actually worse than the damage the weapon will statistically deliver itself)

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/08/20 14:23:08

Post by: Sherrypie

This time it's time to say hello to my little friends at the Basilisk battery. Everything looks instantly much livelier when the crew is in place.

Also a better look at the Sicarians.

I'll need to play at least 6000 points to get all those Basilisks on the field, one day...

Regarding Volcanos, they're titan-killers (ignore both normal and reinforced saves), D3 damage if memory serves (Falchion's is D3+1). A trio of those can outright kill a titan that has lost its shields, if the dice get a bit hot.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/08/21 05:47:26

Post by: locarno24

...that was about the only thing I never liked about epic Armageddon - not that it's 'wrong' but that it doesn't line up with other portayals - a TK (D3) weapon does D3 damage on a hit, and since voids block damage not hits, one volcano cannon drops multiple shields. (As opposed to dark eldar shadowfields which do stop hits)

It's still a waste not to save it till last because getting past a 4+ refilled armour is huge, but you can just lay into a titan with volcano shots: you don't really need to drop the shields first.

Loving the basilisks. I agree that where you've got open topped tanks, some generic crew helps the look hugely - Ice seen quite a few people add a crewman or tech-priest to the platform at the back of a warlord for that reason.

And yes, shadowswords have a very jagdpanther feel. I think the jagdtiger, by comparison, is probably the Ordinatus Saggitar - that beast is the size of a warhound and trades two 'scout titan' guns for a warlord-calibre 'sweet Jesus my face is melting' calibre bellicosa-pattern volcano cannon, but with its dispersion shields it should last long enough to fire it a few times....

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/08/21 06:41:18

Post by: Sherrypie

Yeah, but that's the price of abstraction when you want the game to incorporate everything from grots to titans while still differentiating between shields that block and shields that make you miss, basically.

If I want titans to feel properly titanic, I'll just play Titanicus. Accept no substitute

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/08/21 08:34:41

Post by: locarno24

Agreed. It still always amused me that epic still had more detail to titan on titan fights than 7th edition 40k.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/08/21 09:45:05

Post by: Sherrypie

locarno24 wrote:
Agreed. It still always amused me that epic still had more detail to titan on titan fights than 7th edition 40k.

Ha. 40k's basic game engine is just utterly unsuitable for representing things that fall outside of its comfort zone, which is a platoon level clash with one or two support pieces. In 7th you at least had to bring the void shields down, in 8th's rushed version those were just another optional save on top of a big pile of hit points. Both felt flat, partly because the turn structure in conjunction with large forces still means the beginner blasts their opposition to smithereens instead of both exchanging punches between them. In Epic and AT there's a better balance of violence with alternating actions, prolicifation of threats around the field with army composition and more meaningful choices to be made than pointing in the relevant direction and letting fly.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/08/21 10:23:40

Post by: Pacific

SherryPie those are amazing! They are almost crying out to be placed on some great looking terrain for some photos
Are the artillery crew printed versions? I have got some of the Vanguard ones which work pretty well.

Agree about the Titan representation in Epic Armageddon. I actually prefer the method in classic Space Marine, with the hit boxes and separate damage tables. Always found it funny that EA has much more complexity to its rules in other regards, but then for Titans you essentially have an HP bar.
I did ask on the Tactical Command forum about using the Space Marine titan rules in EA, a couple of people replied and said they had done it and it worked well. I would need to playtest this myself though and see how much of a difference it makes to points value vs. survivability - as essentially you could go down with one lucky reactor or head hit, or be walking around with no arms but soaking up fire for the rest of the game (perhaps it will balance somewhere down the middle?)

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/08/21 10:30:53

Post by: ingtaer

Awesome thread people, can we change the title though?
Would love to have a crack at epic 30k someday, a Mech. army would be something to see! Anyone here play them?

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/08/21 11:10:02

Post by: Sherrypie

 Pacific wrote:
SherryPie those are amazing! They are almost crying out to be placed on some great looking terrain for some photos
Are the artillery crew printed versions? I have got some of the Vanguard ones which work pretty well.

Got to try and do that when I get to play more Epic again
Yeah, the crew is mostly Galactic Crusaders stuff from Thingiverse. Vanguard stuff works just as well, though as they are metal it might be a bit frustrating to separate them from their bases if you're like me and visually can't stand the chonky blocks at their feet.

 Pacific wrote:

Agree about the Titan representation in Epic Armageddon. I actually prefer the method in classic Space Marine, with the hit boxes and separate damage tables. Always found it funny that EA has much more complexity to its rules in other regards, but then for Titans you essentially have an HP bar.
I did ask on the Tactical Command forum about using the Space Marine titan rules in EA, a couple of people replied and said they had done it and it worked well. I would need to playtest this myself though and see how much of a difference it makes to points value vs. survivability - as essentially you could go down with one lucky reactor or head hit, or be walking around with no arms but soaking up fire for the rest of the game (perhaps it will balance somewhere down the middle?)

Funnily enough, while I hold the representation in Titanicus to be above all else as it comes to titans, I wouldn't want that in a combined arms game. Epic isn't about details, as a commander you're way above such minutiae and a bit more abstract HP bar is just fine (preferring bigger games like 4k+ points might have something to do with this opinion, even if Armageddon is technically full of nitty gritty rules where millimeters matter).

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/08/21 11:53:28

Post by: Pacific

Many thanks for the Thingverse tip - I will take a look.
Know what you mean about the chonky bits on the feet. I have lost a few metal epic minis when trying to separate them from bases to use in dioramas (those became casualties with leg injuries in other dioramas!)

Here are a couple of artillery pieces I have for my World Eaters (not quite up to your God of War numbers yet but will hopefully add to them at some point)

Re. the Titan rules I agree about the level of abstraction. I just have a personal preference (around the imagery) of Titans withering fire and gradually falling to pieces (Gargants becoming burning hulks eventually with gretchin crews desperately trying to put out the fires) which is well represented in Epic Space Marine. I suspect though that there is a cut-off point where tracking individual arm damage for which of the seven Reaver titans on the table becomes a bit difficult in amongst everything else!

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/08/21 13:24:13

Post by: Sherrypie

Nice, are you using them as Medusas (short barrels and all)?

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/08/21 18:16:19

Post by: Formosa

epic 30k would be a licence to print money, GW is stupid for not doing it already.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/08/21 18:20:39

Post by: Pacific

Yes Formosa, if you think Epic was once of the main core games (not a specialist games). But I guess now you have to buy Knights and Superheavies at 28mm scale and pay a massive amount of money for each one.

 Sherrypie wrote:
Nice, are you using them as Medusas (short barrels and all)?

I might well do - they have a ridiculously short range but they might be useful in scenario or narrative type games (I think I do need to get some basilisk as well though for practical purposes).

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/08/21 18:35:54

Post by: Sherrypie

 Pacific wrote:

 Sherrypie wrote:
Nice, are you using them as Medusas (short barrels and all)?

I might well do - they have a ridiculously short range but they might be useful in scenario or narrative type games (I think I do need to get some basilisk as well though for practical purposes).

Yeah, 60 cm while firing indirectly isn't the longest in the world unless your grinding some frontline trenches to pieces. Then again, that's pretty much the exact role for the damn thing in the first place

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/08/21 20:24:36

Post by: Jackal90

Got some work done on the atrapos finally.
Should have printed the parts, would have been far easier lol.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/08/22 14:06:44

Post by: locarno24

 Sherrypie wrote:

Funnily enough, while I hold the representation in Titanicus to be above all else as it comes to titans, I wouldn't want that in a combined arms game. Epic isn't about details, as a commander you're way above such minutiae and a bit more abstract HP bar is just fine (preferring bigger games like 4k+ points might have something to do with this opinion, even if Armageddon is technically full of nitty gritty rules where millimeters matter).

Completely agree. Titans in E:A are fine as shown, and 'light units' In Titanicus are best represented by bonus rules and stratagems (my homebrew imperial army superheavies essentially have the ardex defensive rule for their sponsors, and then the Stormlord's troop deck just increases the number of hits that does).

At this scale, it's all about abstraction - but E:A is fundamentally a command game with initiative checks and blast markers, not just for special effects but to 'do stuff' at a basic level, with turns representing whole games of 40k and big sweeping redeployments, whilst AT is fundamentally a resource management game of who can manage their plasma reactors and shields better and tight movement and arc-of-fire limits you don't get in 'normal' 40k that wouldn't be out of place in a naval or dogfighting game.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/08/22 14:43:05

Post by: Sherrypie

locarno24 wrote:
 Sherrypie wrote:

Funnily enough, while I hold the representation in Titanicus to be above all else as it comes to titans, I wouldn't want that in a combined arms game. Epic isn't about details, as a commander you're way above such minutiae and a bit more abstract HP bar is just fine (preferring bigger games like 4k+ points might have something to do with this opinion, even if Armageddon is technically full of nitty gritty rules where millimeters matter).

Completely agree. Titans in E:A are fine as shown, and 'light units' In Titanicus are best represented by bonus rules and stratagems (my homebrew imperial army superheavies essentially have the ardex defensive rule for their sponsors, and then the Stormlord's troop deck just increases the number of hits that does).

At this scale, it's all about abstraction - but E:A is fundamentally a command game with initiative checks and blast markers, not just for special effects but to 'do stuff' at a basic level, with turns representing whole games of 40k and big sweeping redeployments, whilst AT is fundamentally a resource management game of who can manage their plasma reactors and shields better and tight movement and arc-of-fire limits you don't get in 'normal' 40k that wouldn't be out of place in a naval or dogfighting game.

Yeah, E:A is about fluid lines and breakthrough exploitations with operational friction you'd expect of battalion+ scale games and AT is a game of nuclear battleships on legs. If memory serves, E:A rules remark that your normal 40k game is representative of what happens within a single Engagement action (seems legit, considering a basic Guard detachment might as well have 100 troops and half a dozen tanks in it, as well as support from nearby units). One whole turn is closer to a campaign day of simultaneous 40k matches at the club with everyone participating

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/08/23 10:56:29

Post by: Pacific

Looks good Jackal90 - that's one of the later releases of Knights isn't it?

What colour scheme are you going for?

I have just started on some of the Vanguard heavy weapon squads for my World Eaters. Have run out of Rhinos though so these lucky guys will get a free upgrade (fuel and sat nav included) and get to travel around in Land Raiders instead!

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/08/23 11:38:53

Post by: Jackal90

Yea it has rules in the epic AU lists luckily.
GW currently don’t make it for titanicus so I decided to make my own anyway.

Likely be the typical red and black scheme to fit in with my mechanicum stuff.

I’m hoping they do variants of the heavy squads too.
Be interested in some multi Melta ones for my sallies.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/08/23 12:28:02

Post by: Sherrypie

GW will likely produce Mechanicum knights like the Atropos in 1-2 years, given they've featured in the latest AT expansion book (even if only on colour plates instead of miniatures or rules).

Not that you shouldn't just convert some beforehand, that's what I did with the Acherons

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/08/23 21:09:09

Post by: Jackal90

They just take too long lol.
Couple of cuts here and there and a weapon swap and good to go really.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/08/31 18:17:12

Post by: Sherrypie

With Epic gaining ever more momentum in my repertoire, it seems fitting to have another army at the ready. Something that plays way differently from the XIV but plays nicely along with my existing titans and knights.

Enter the Mechanicum.

Cleaned a few engines today while waiting for the Vanguard Miniatures infantry to arrive along with the priests, should last me a minute to finish

Also bashed a fun little Ordinatus together for that sweet sillyness amidst all the boringly effective barrages.

Quick backhand calculation says I've got maybe 11000 or so points of stuff here with the infantry, so in the same ballpark as the marines before their reinforcements get done.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/08/31 18:38:51

Post by: Pacific

Bloody hell Sherrypie you don't do things by half-measures do you! Very impressive

Which game and army list are you going to be using (is it the Heresy AU lists for Armageddon?)

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/08/31 19:53:14

Post by: Jackal90

Bloody hell haha.
There is a STL for the ordinatus with both volcano and sonic cannons.

I’m still losing my damn mind trying to find an STL that’s useable for firedrake terminators.
Never thought they would be so hard to find given the popularity of salamanders in epic 30k :/

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/08/31 20:15:14

Post by: Sherrypie

Heh, I do like to have a good sized army just in case somebody would like to get apocalyptic with me

Epic Armageddon with EpicAU Heresy lists, yeah. Lots of robots, all the barrage. Less stupid typos than in the Astartes list, even if some baffling decisions have still found their way in (like Fearless bodyguard for non-Fearless commanders, so those tech priests have to die first before the bodyguard if they lose an assault... genius )

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/08/31 22:00:09

Post by: Jackal90

Just started to add to my salamanders again.
While I love the original epic, I’ve decided to kind of move away from the sculpts with the epic 30k.

So just about everything will purely be vanguard or printed.
The original epic stuff just doesn’t look as nice side by side.

Either way, got a couple of fellblades to work on for now and some infantry.
Won’t be using much from my old army, will be a complete rework this time.

Still on the hunt for tiny firedrakes too.
Getting to the stage I’m debating paying someone to get a file together for them as I just can’t find anything suitable or even close.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/09/01 09:57:39

Post by: Pacific

Jackal90 - would you mind updating the thread title to something to cover Epic 30k please? Maybe just "Epic 30k discussion thread" or something more imaginative! If you edit your first post in the the thread you can change the title there.

I know what you mean with the scale issue between old GW Epic and some of the new proxy/vanguard stuff. I tried to have the old-style marines alongside the new ones (on the same bases) and it looked like the Vanguard marines were taking their children marines out for a walk.

I have stuck to the classic GW vehicles (mostly) with the new Vanguard novan elite miniatures. But I have used the old GW marines as Scouts/Recon squadrons, which I guess fits quite well.

Looking forward to seeing what you come up with Jackal90!

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/09/01 16:57:09

Post by: Malika2

Not mine, but perhaps these might inspire you!

Imperial Fists by Netsu: https://www.instagram.com/p/CEBjFkhng_1/

Sons of Horus by Robert McNaught: https://www.instagram.com/p/CB6P5Mun8_7/

Imperial Fists by Luthian Meingoogle: https://www.instagram.com/p/CA2f_AHHEGf/

Iron Hands Strike Cruiser by Dan: https://www.instagram.com/p/CAakR3aHSTm/

White Scars by David Last: https://www.instagram.com/p/B_7CHOtnrvl/

3mm scale Ultramarines by James MacCraggs: https://www.instagram.com/p/B869-S1nFq0/

3mm Mechanicum forces by Adrian Taylor: https://www.instagram.com/p/B5ub6NVHJg9/

Night Lords by Ash Mayhew: https://www.instagram.com/p/B4PbfchHsQH/

Space Wolf armour by: https://www.instagram.com/p/By9yaCJoshb/

Iron Warriors aircraft: https://www.instagram.com/p/ByurxwlIAPH/

Alpha Legion by Simon Watson: https://www.instagram.com/p/ByQW1dZIALt/

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/09/01 17:20:45

Post by: Sherrypie

Those singularily based little marines are pretty bonkers (even if they would make for a nice travel set of, say, magnetized pocket Space Hulk)

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/09/01 17:42:10

Post by: Pacific

It's funny you should say that Sherrypie I do remember seeing a 6mm Space Hulk set that someone had made!
Will need to see if I can find a link.

Some absolutely lovely stuff in the links there on Instagram.
I also like that fact that someone called Macragg has made Ultramarines!

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/09/01 18:30:20

Post by: Albertorius

Oh, nice, an actual Epic 30k thread! Nice

This is what I've done so far of my loyalist IWs (the rulsetet I'm using currently is Epic 40k, which is the one which plays more in line with my wants for the scale, both for regular armies and titans):

HQ detachment with some bodyguards:


Tactical support:

Heavy support:


Scheme test for a Lans Speeder:

And some old school LRs:

I have lots of printe stuff still to paint, but I haven¡'t been able lately. The stuff I painted, I did mostly to have enough stuff to play Epic 40k's first historical scenario, which is most of the above against this big boy:

Honestly, it works just as well for 30k

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/09/01 18:38:44

Post by: Jackal90

Orks do have rules under 30k in epic AU

And title changed.
Sorry for the time it took, stuck at work and internet connection isn’t the best.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/09/01 19:16:38

Post by: Sherrypie

Those Iron Warriors are looking sharp, Albertorius

How does Epic 40k treat titans, out of curiosity? Are they durable, undergunned, otherwise fun to field etc?

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/09/01 21:14:51

Post by: Albertorius

 Sherrypie wrote:
Those Iron Warriors are looking sharp, Albertorius

How does Epic 40k treat titans, out of curiosity? Are they durable, undergunned, otherwise fun to field etc?


I would say that they're much more streamlined than in any other game, for starters.

They mostly work just as any other unit but with an added set of "war engine" rules that they shared with all super heavy stuff, which made them work slightly different from regular units:

- War engines couldn't be given March nor Overwatch orders, but they didn't need Assault orders to move or attack in the assault phase. OTOH, they actually needed to turn when moving, and only could turn up to 45º per movement for free, and any additional turn would cost them movement.
- War Engines have a Damage Capacity value instead of a single "wound". Many also had shields.
- Unlike most units, War engines usually had multiple weapon systems, often multiple super heavy weapons with their own rules and additional weapons that worked as batteries (which work as regular units)
- Each time a war engine is hit, it might suffer critical damage (You roll 1d6 per hit scored on a war engine: on a 6, it's critically damaged and then you roll 2d6 on the critical hit table for that war engine.
- War engines are very dangerous in close combat and firefights, but as they're very big they can get swarmed easily.
- War engines don't retreat or get Broken.

This is the example gargant sheet:


Automatically Appended Next Post:
By way of example, these are arguably the simplest and the most complex war engines in the core Epic 40k ruleset:

The IG superheavy tanks (Baneblades and Shadowswords, in this case) would be the simplest:

(The criticals table got errataed later on)

OTOH, the Warlord would be the most complex:

As you can see they're quite streamlined, as that was the objective of the whole game: the idea was not as much toi model each and every unit perfectly as to model the way armies worked and maneuvered. It is the version of Epic where I most feel like being a general in charge of a whole army, TBH.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/09/02 10:10:03

Post by: Pacific

Glad you have posted your things here Albertorius, I had seen over in the blog section and it's some lovely work! I like the added colour on the rhinos and other things you have done to make them more colourful, it really makes it stand out.

Interesting your comments about Epic 40,000. I have heard similar from other fans of the game that it is really a very neat and streamlined system. I currently use Epic Armageddon but originally came from Epic Space Marine (now Net Epic) and had been planning to go back to that if I play very high points value as I think it's faster to play, although I may give Epic 40,000 a try too.

I personally really like the classic Space Marine Titan/War Engine hit charts and I plan to have a go at shoe-horning these into Armaggedon. I know they are quite clunky and slow to use but I love the random element, where the titans can get taken out by a random lucky hit (full reactor meltdown at a moment when you don't expect it, and it wipes out a company of troops who were stood next to it!) or contrast you can end up with a Reaver walking around with no arms trying to step on stuff. I know the word gets used a lot but it was very cinematic!

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/09/02 10:17:49

Post by: Albertorius

 Pacific wrote:
Glad you have posted your things here Albertorius, I had seen over in the blog section and it's some lovely work! I like the added colour on the rhinos and other things you have done to make them more colourful, it really makes it stand out.


Interesting your comments about Epic 40,000. I have heard similar from other fans of the game that it is really a very neat and streamlined system. I currently use Epic Armageddon but originally came from Epic Space Marine (now Net Epic) and had been planning to go back to that if I play very high points value as I think it's faster to play, although I may give Epic 40,000 a try too.

I personally really like the classic Space Marine Titan/War Engine hit charts and I plan to have a go at shoe-horning these into Armaggedon. I know they are quite clunky and slow to use but I love the random element, where the titans can get taken out by a random lucky hit (full reactor meltdown at a moment when you don't expect it, and it wipes out a company of troops who were stood next to it!) or contrast you can end up with a Reaver walking around with no arms trying to step on stuff. I know the word gets used a lot but it was very cinematic!

I guess it really comes down on what are you expecting to get out of the system, and it's actually a great thing that there's multiple similarly scaled games that cater to almost all options.

Personally, when I play E40k, my main objective is the "great picture", so to speak: I don't want to get bogged down in minutiae. Rather, I want to be able to field full SM chapters and/or IG regiments with war engines support and be able to actually play it out in an afternoon, and for that what I need is to "zoom out", so to speak. That's where E40k shines, IMHO.

OTOH, I like AT for it's "Battletech, but 40k and fething immense" feel. AT or the old Space Marine titan rules that make each engine feel like its own character.

NetEpic, for me, sits in a kind of middle ground of the above approachs, and I like it mostly to play "Regular 40k but bigger" games, ala Armageddon but with minis that make sense.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/09/02 13:10:58

Post by: Malika2

More inspiration:

Blood Angels air support by NoPaintNoGame: https://www.instagram.com/p/BwUIc_mnJCm/

Imperial Army by Dan Wartnaby: https://www.instagram.com/p/BsN3xBznE6M/

White Scars by Benjamin Hayet: https://www.instagram.com/p/BoRZ_ARikf5/

Iron Warriors by Fabulous Fab: https://www.instagram.com/p/Bns5nSqCJfd/

Alpha Legion Land Raider by LeonSix: https://www.instagram.com/p/BnixXdyi6b2/

World Eaters by Ben Morrison: https://www.instagram.com/p/BncS-x_nreE/

3mm Death Guard painting tutorial by Apoc: https://www.instagram.com/p/BnaqKN9ibOB/

3mm Imperial Fists by Sebastian Adamczyk: https://www.instagram.com/p/BnYDG-RChI7/

3mm Alpha Legion: https://www.instagram.com/p/BnQ56HzCw6k/

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/09/03 09:24:48

Post by: Pacific

Those are amazing.. As for the 3mm I don't know how people do it, I'm struggling with the 6mm guys!

I've made some World Eater Heavy Support (these are Great Crusade-era, rather than Heresy, so are still using recognisable tactics etc.). The minis are Vanguard (the new Heavy Support novan elite, which are really lovely) and the tanks are your classic GW Mk1 Rhino from the original plastics sets. I had run out of rhinos so these guys get to drive around in a Land Raider


[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/09/03 09:46:23

Post by: Malika2

Those are amazing.. As for the 3mm I don't know how people do it, I'm struggling with the 6mm guys!

3mm isn't that hard, especially with GW's new contrast paints. Also check the painting tutorial by Apoc. The great thing about 3mm is that you can recycle all your old Epic aircraft and Titans.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/09/04 10:14:49

Post by: Sherrypie

Good looking ranks, Pacific.

On Epic ffront, I tried to rescue some slightly badly printed Thanatars by swapping in some Leviathan arms (they got robo fists and antipersonnel dakka with belt-feeds, why not). Breaks uniformity in the ranks nicely, too.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/09/04 14:41:14

Post by: Pacific

Very nice Sherrypie, those look like a very smooth print.

Converting at 6mm scale! Hurrah!

Malika - that's an interesting point about the 3mm scaling with the original Epic Titans, that's a great idea.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/09/07 07:53:20

Post by: Pacific

Just a pic of everything Epic-related that I have painted over the past few months, effectively 'lockdown edition'

Not my full collection, sadly that's currently with someone that is shielding at the moment so I can't really get hold of it. But these guys are ready to join them (and hopefully get some more terrain done at that point) hopefully before too long.

What has become apparent from looking at that photo is that I need to do some more Orcs!

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/09/08 17:23:53

Post by: Samsonov

These are my 3mm Sons of Horus:

3 Infantry Companies, each with five platoons (each heavy weapon platoon is split across two bases so each company has six infantry bases) and transport.

1 Heavy Infantry Company with three platoons and transport.

1 incomplete Armour Company with two platoons.

1 incomplete Heavy Armour Company with two platoons plus a command vehicle.


Also, someone mentioned 6mm space hulk. I did a bit of that: https://www.dakkadakka.com/gallery/images-110777-56116_Space%20Hulk.html

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/09/08 18:22:33

Post by: Sherrypie

Nice force, Samsonov. I gotta make me some of that sweet pocket Hulk one of these days...

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/09/09 07:58:52

Post by: Pacific

Those are really great Samsonov. I take it are that range the same as the 6mm ones, but mini-fied? (or different sculpts?)

What rules system are you planning to use with them?

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/09/09 08:10:32

Post by: Malika2

Most of Vanguard Miniatures' 3mm range is their 6mm stuff at 50%, some details have been chunked up to make them less fragile of course.

As for rules, you might wanna check Dominion.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/09/10 04:34:59

Post by: Samsonov

Cannot comment on how the 3mm relates to the 6mm as I have no Vanguard 6mm. That said, with the 3mm range there is a lot of different units, each unit has a lot of different poses, the models have a good level of detail, they paint up well, there are very few breakages when I am getting them off the sprue compared to other 3mm manufacturers, so there is much to recommend.

Not sure what rules I will use. I only play solo so I want something with a lot of hidden units, unknown numbers of enemies, reserves, detailed command and control, something which integrates well with a map based campaign. Perhaps something from two hours wargames might be best, or a mod for future war commander perhaps. I am a big fan of strike legion ruleset but they do not have a platoon level rules (they have a squad level and a company level but nothing in between), so modding something there might be possible. That said, having played it solo, I think that Dominion would produce a good game if you want something two player.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/09/11 18:59:34

Post by: Sherrypie

Trying out washer bases, the print supports can be handily used to cover the hole as well as provide a nice direction for the basing style

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/09/13 09:09:08

Post by: Samsonov

Love all those robots Sherrypie. What are those spiky small things on the right hand side?

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/09/13 12:46:03

Post by: Sherrypie

Thanks Samsonov, the taghmata is growing. The spiky things are just bases with 3d printing support tiles on them, soon to be filled with more models.

I got my Vanguard cybershadows in, now to put those together...

Also decided to punish myself and repair a dozen of armlessly printed Castellax with clipped servitor parts

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/09/14 08:23:44

Post by: Sherrypie

Right, so here's about 9000 points before I start putting on the basing splodges.

Add a box or two of Aeronautica fliers and it's a nice, round 10k of stuff that can ally as much again in titans from Favilla as needed

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/09/14 09:29:34

Post by: Pacific

Wow! That is all I will say about that.

Super impressive. Have you thought about colour schemes or themes for basing, anything like that yet?

Really looking forward to seeing how these turn out.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/09/14 09:44:32

Post by: Sherrypie

I'm a bit torn on the scheme, really. I want it to be different than my Death Guard, so no predominantly light colours, and I don't want to go for the ever present red as the main colour.

It'll probably end up somewhat similar to what my titan legio sports so they can easily ally on the tabletop and hail from the same world:

Brown base with red and bone details, with the more vibrant red being reserved for the priesthood to separate them from the rabble could work as a starting point.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/09/14 15:57:32

Post by: Pacific

Very cool! Will be good to see some non-Red Mechanicum (they can't all be Man U supporters..)

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/09/16 09:22:58

Post by: Samsonov

A muddy red brown would be nice compromise for a mechanicus/death guard colour scheme.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/09/16 13:06:43

Post by: Albertorius

So... I found these beauties:

Ordinatus Ullator

Ordinatus Sagittar

I mean, yeah, they're lowly minoris, but still

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/09/16 14:12:06

Post by: Sherrypie

Nice, never too much esoteric weaponry on the field. I still need to convert a couple of those, can't run the minoris in singles

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/09/16 16:23:56

Post by: Pacific

Wow.. I'm guessing those are going to look pretty big at 6mm scale !

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/09/16 17:28:18

Post by: Albertorius

 Pacific wrote:
Wow.. I'm guessing those are going to look pretty big at 6mm scale !

I mean, they're not exactly small...

For reference, the gun socket is the same as the Warbringer's

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/09/16 18:58:25

Post by: Sherrypie

Quick update on the basing front, the force is soon ready to get basecoated

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/10/03 14:32:37

Post by: aphyon

Well it isn't for 30K but it was requested i put up my epic 40K armies here

my salamanders successor air cav themed space marine force.

death corp of krieg armored company, with titan support (warmongers legio crucius)



And my only xenos army-necrons (i am using the BFG escorts as night/doom scythes)

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/10/03 14:44:15

Post by: Malika2


[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/10/03 16:06:51

Post by: RexHavoc

Some sweet looking forces in this thread.

My own 30k Emperors children are my E40k & Inq6 painting thread (in signature)

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/10/04 11:15:16

Post by: Pacific

Some very nice stuff there!

Aphyon - very impressive selection of armies there. I like the little techmarine with dreadnought combinations for the Salamander Successors.
I am afraid to ask what army do you have planned next?

RexHavoc - that's the most imaginative collection of 6mm I have seen in a long time in that blog.
You have even made the trees look interesting!
Will have to spend some time looking through that..

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/10/04 12:24:06

Post by: aphyon

Well my backstory is that the entire first company is venerable dreads the chapter does not have the resources to produce terminator suits or any other ground vehicles-just air power, speeders and dreads to support my infantry.

Technically i have facilitated 3 other armies by getting some friends gift starter sets. our tau player has something like 20K points worth another friend ended up with a 10K point guard artillery company with defense in depth and the guy i played last night used his khorne berserker army i got him started with.

fun times.

As for building anything else....nothing is on the radar at the moment....unless they come out with wraithguard/lords i might think about an alaitoc force.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/10/06 21:29:45

Post by: Albertorius

Some more recruits for the IWs:

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/10/07 07:50:45

Post by: Pacific

Wow fantastic Albertorius - like the way you have mixed up the paint scheme between them and they look good on the round bases.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/10/08 22:30:34

Post by: Albertorius

Scheme test for these guys:

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/10/09 09:50:39

Post by: Sherrypie

Ain't she a beauty, that Fellblade file is great.

It looks somewhat shiny with all those large metal areas, though. Some grime or satin varnish to make it look more in scale, perhaps?

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/10/09 10:26:25

Post by: Albertorius

 Sherrypie wrote:
Ain't she a beauty, that Fellblade file is great.

It looks somewhat shiny with all those large metal areas, though. Some grime or satin varnish to make it look more in scale, perhaps?

It is already grimy as all hell IRL (but I didn't yet hit it with the matt varnish), although when trying to take a pic the ambient light makes it bright af for some reason >_>. I'm thinking the round canopy is playing hell with the camera.

Anyways, did a bit more:

hm... it IS hard to get a good photo of this guy with this paintjob >_>

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/10/09 10:59:09

Post by: aphyon

Hmm i think it looks fantastic.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/10/09 16:13:16

Post by: Pacific

Very nice job Albertorius, that's a great looking mini.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/10/10 06:56:00

Post by: Sherrypie

Now those tracks have seen some use

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/10/10 09:49:59

Post by: Samsonov

That superheavy just looks great. Really brutal.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/10/23 07:50:11

Post by: Albertorius

Some boomers (...because they go "boom", see? ...I'll get my coat) for my Epic Iron Warriors:

Not my best print, not my best paintjob, but they're done ^^

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/10/23 07:52:08

Post by: Pacific

Awesome job Albertorius they look great. Really neat chevron work as well. That must have been some very fine masking tape? (If you say you have free-handed that I will kill myself..)

What are you going to do for their crew option?

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/10/23 08:39:57

Post by: Sherrypie

Some tasty chevrons there, surely they'll get the little crewmen too?

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/10/23 09:14:06

Post by: aphyon

Thats not that hard to do. go over to cammo specs for pain jobs on battletech minis and take a look at some of those paint jobs it is roughly the same scale as epic (1/300)

The bolan jagers scheme with the checkerboard would be a nightmare.


[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/10/23 09:22:39

Post by: Albertorius

 Pacific wrote:
Awesome job Albertorius they look great. Really neat chevron work as well. That must have been some very fine masking tape? (If you say you have free-handed that I will kill myself..)

What are you going to do for their crew option?

..I freehand all the danger marks >_>. But seriously, it's not that hard once you get used to it, and adding some battle damage can hide irregularities (I do that all the time xD)

As for crews I'll probably either print some suitable ones or get some from Vanguard.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/10/24 12:48:40

Post by: RexHavoc

 Albertorius wrote:
Some boomers (...because they go "boom", see? ...I'll get my coat) for my Epic Iron Warriors:

Not my best print, not my best paintjob, but they're done ^^

fantastic work! I've always preferred the more dirty looking Iron warriors at epic scale. Mine came out far too clean looking.

 aphyon wrote:

The bolan jagers scheme with the checkerboard would be a nightmare.


I started adding chequerboard to shoulder pads of my 6mm fantasy infantry. I've a whole bunch of Knights in various stages of completion, that when I finally get back to working on, I'll apply it to them. I'm actually looking forward to doing it on the knights, but the infantry is migraine!

(ork front & centre has both shoulders done, but it's a pain to photograph nicely with my phone!)

You can also get away with very light pencil lines to help with markings, as long as you're using decent heavily pigmented paint the lines vanish. Very light pencil lines are a damn site easier to do on small minis than trying to muck about with tape.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/10/25 11:26:13

Post by: Pacific

Amazing stuff! I need better eyes (+ better hands + ability )

Thanks for the tip Albertorius about battle damage to cover irregularities - that's a good idea

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/10/28 08:39:12

Post by: Albertorius

Finished the three old school plastic dreadnoughts I had


EDIT: Damn, forgot about the purity seals ^^

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/10/28 09:53:41

Post by: Pacific

Really nice Albertorius! Think those minis still look great especially with that paint job, I've got some of the really old 'space crusade' style ones which look much worse by comparison (although I think they fit well as a retcon into my Great Crusade-era force)

I haven't got any close-ups unfortunately, but they are towards the back of this shot

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/10/28 10:18:18

Post by: Albertorius

Yeah, I have some of those too (same sprue, with those and the eldar wraithlords) and IMHO they still look realy cool... but then again I'm a Space Crusade fan

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/10/28 11:19:46

Post by: Pacific

Ah yes I remember that! It was quite an odd boxset wasn't it, I can't remember what it was called. Had Stompas, shokk attack guns, androids on it as well, a really eclectic mix.

I like the idea of one of those Great Crusade Dreadnoughts ending up on a space hulk 10,000 years from then, bossing around gretchin, orks and chaos androids amongst other things. Then when the marines come on board, "Why hello boys"

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/10/29 18:09:56

Post by: Albertorius

Infantry reinforcements for the boys in iron!


[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/10/30 23:11:00

Post by: Albertorius

Batch painting FTW! Managed to paint this in a single afternoon at a decent enough level

Astartes Legion Land Speeder Detachment Special Rule: Must make "whoosh" sounds when moving this detachment.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/10/31 09:36:26

Post by: Pacific

They look really good Albertorius and that's impressive work for a batch paint job, very nice level of detail.

I have probably asked you think before but where do you get the Mark 2 armour from?

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/10/31 16:55:54

Post by: Albertorius

 Pacific wrote:
They look really good Albertorius and that's impressive work for a batch paint job, very nice level of detail.

I have probably asked you think before but where do you get the Mark 2 armour from?


All designs are from Thingiverse, actually. Some real talent there.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/10/31 21:57:23

Post by: aphyon

Don't know if i mentioned this before outside my terrain topic, the thingy verse comment made me think about the company i order most of my epic/battletech scale terrain and my victory at sea micro scale from


Just made an order for some of their new tracks&trains for terrain.

They sell in 3mm, 6mm, 10mm, and 15mm scale. some metal, most in resin

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/11/02 10:42:12

Post by: Pacific

Thanks for that Aphyon - some pretty cool stuff there (I especially like the monorail train) - will put on my list of terrain options, thanks a lot

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/11/03 17:57:55

Post by: Pacific

Hey guys - could anyone suggest a reputable 3D printing service (specifically for some of the 6mm stuff on Thingiverse?)

Most things I have been able to get from Vanguard but there is the odd sculpt (the old Mercedez-long nosed racing car-style jetbikes for instance) where I prefer the Thingiverse versions.

Very grateful if anyone could recommend!

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/11/03 19:20:15

Post by: Sherrypie

 Pacific wrote:
Hey guys - could anyone suggest a reputable 3D printing service (specifically for some of the 6mm stuff on Thingiverse?)

Most things I have been able to get from Vanguard but there is the odd sculpt (the old Mercedez-long nosed racing car-style jetbikes for instance) where I prefer the Thingiverse versions.

Very grateful if anyone could recommend!

Have you tried searching for a maker community in your vicinity? Resin printers are starting to pop up at people's homes more and more, sadly most public institutions like libraries usually offer only filament options.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/11/04 13:34:07

Post by: Samsonov

I would also be interested to know where to get stuff printed out. I have been eyeing up some of this 6mm terrain: https://www.myminifactory.com/users/TheLazyForger/collection/battlefields-of-tomorrow (probably for 6mm Necromunda rather than epic, unless I can print it at 3mm scale).

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/11/04 15:55:35

Post by: Albertorius

 Samsonov wrote:
I would also be interested to know where to get stuff printed out. I have been eyeing up some of this 6mm terrain: https://www.myminifactory.com/users/TheLazyForger/collection/battlefields-of-tomorrow (probably for 6mm Necromunda rather than epic, unless I can print it at 3mm scale).

Well, you can print it, most certainly, that's just moving the scale slider.

But, depending on the actual sculpts, the details might get too slight to be noticeable or to print right, so you need to be aware of that.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/11/04 17:00:55

Post by: Pacific

I've tried approaching a couple of the designers separately to see if they do their own prints but have found a couple of other places online - will post here if I have any luck!

 Samsonov wrote:
I would also be interested to know where to get stuff printed out. I have been eyeing up some of this 6mm terrain: https://www.myminifactory.com/users/TheLazyForger/collection/battlefields-of-tomorrow (probably for 6mm Necromunda rather than epic, unless I can print it at 3mm scale).

Ah that's some really nice looking terrain. I think that shanty town will be great for my Orks, thanks for the link!

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/11/04 17:32:34

Post by: Malika2

 Samsonov wrote:
I would also be interested to know where to get stuff printed out. I have been eyeing up some of this 6mm terrain: https://www.myminifactory.com/users/TheLazyForger/collection/battlefields-of-tomorrow (probably for 6mm Necromunda rather than epic, unless I can print it at 3mm scale).

6mm Necromunda you say...are you already a member of the INQ6 Discord server? Would be cool to see your stuff there too!

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/11/05 17:15:11

Post by: Pacific

I've finished up some World Eater (crusade-era) Terminators - Cyclone Terminator (or Fulmentarus as they were known then?)
Lovely little miniatures from Vanguard - they probably could have done with wider spacing on larger bases, but guess they look like they are walking into position.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/11/05 18:13:43

Post by: Albertorius

Those are looking real sharp. Nice work!

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/11/11 14:42:58

Post by: Pacific

Cheers man! I just need to get the 'Decurion' units painted up for both these and the standard terminators, so that my units are inline for use with Imperium Dominatus ruleset (thankfully don't need to make too many changes for that)

Have finished off a unit of Destroyers (again this is for Imperium Dominatus format, so you have the 5 basic units of destroyers plus one Decurion unit)
Have gone for a mix of miniatures from Vanguard, both the 'tainted' range (which I thought would fit, even for Great Crusade era, considering what those guys are doing in the field) as well as standard Novan Elite guys.
Paint-wise, I have made them look as though they are just painted in that colour (no Legion colours for you!)

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/11/11 14:44:52

Post by: RazorEdge

 Albertorius wrote:
 Pacific wrote:
They look really good Albertorius and that's impressive work for a batch paint job, very nice level of detail.

I have probably asked you think before but where do you get the Mark 2 armour from?


All designs are from Thingiverse, actually. Some real talent there.

Do you have the Vehicles STLs with supports to share? My Trial and Errors are only Errors....

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/11/12 12:06:01

Post by: Albertorius

RazorEdge wrote:
 Albertorius wrote:
 Pacific wrote:
They look really good Albertorius and that's impressive work for a batch paint job, very nice level of detail.

I have probably asked you think before but where do you get the Mark 2 armour from?


All designs are from Thingiverse, actually. Some real talent there.

Do you have the Vehicles STLs with supports to share? My Trial and Errors are only Errors....

I'm afraid not... I didn't really think about saving them >_>

That said, most work well at about 45º upwards form either the back or the front and the supports on the underside.

Don't skimp on the supports, they won't show anyways (they will be in the bottom of the print, so...)

If you want, link a design you want to support and I'll see what I can do.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/11/12 16:42:23

Post by: RazorEdge

 Albertorius wrote:
RazorEdge wrote:
 Albertorius wrote:
 Pacific wrote:
They look really good Albertorius and that's impressive work for a batch paint job, very nice level of detail.

I have probably asked you think before but where do you get the Mark 2 armour from?


All designs are from Thingiverse, actually. Some real talent there.

Do you have the Vehicles STLs with supports to share? My Trial and Errors are only Errors....

I'm afraid not... I didn't really think about saving them >_>

That said, most work well at about 45º upwards form either the back or the front and the supports on the underside.

Don't skimp on the supports, they won't show anyways (they will be in the bottom of the print, so...)

If you want, link a design you want to support and I'll see what I can do.

Have many thanks...

Which Printer do you use? When you use a Anycubic, you could make the .photon data available.

Daimos Rhino with Bolter Turrets

Daimos Predator with Autocanon/Heavy Bolter

Daimos Vindicator


Land Raider Phobos

Would be nice, if you could make them freely available for others.

nice Regards!

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/11/13 08:53:09

Post by: Pacific

Not much of an update, but I've finished some 'Decurion' (command) stands for both a regular Terminator Detachment and the Cyclone-missile dudes. This is to bring them in line with the Imperius Dominatus ruleset and unit cards

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/11/13 09:49:48

Post by: Albertorius

RazorEdge wrote:

Have many thanks...

Which Printer do you use? When you use a Anycubic, you could make the .photon data available.

Deimos Rhino with Bolter Turrets
Would be nice, if you could make them freely available for others.

I'm currently using an Elegoo Mars 2 Pro, but the chitubox project file should work either way:


This is just a quick example of what I meant and a "quite overkill" amount of supports. The Rhino is also hollowed and drilled out to save resin, but it's not really needed.

This example is just angled 45º, but that might lead to some banding. You can avoid it somewhat angling it differently, but you'll need to get fancier with the supports. For example:


[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/11/15 14:06:58

Post by: Samsonov

3mm Imperial Fists (using the Lamenter's Yellow glaze, which is now oop so did the vehicles in a deserty colour).

3mm Knights (these are 6mm Vanguard gladiators). There are four house 'empire' (same paint scheme as my WFB empire army), one house Malinax and four house Paladin.

 Malika2 wrote:
6mm Necromunda you say...are you already a member of the INQ6 Discord server? Would be cool to see your stuff there too!

Do you have a link? I'll take a look.

 Albertorius wrote:

Well, you can print it, most certainly, that's just moving the scale slider.
But, depending on the actual sculpts, the details might get too slight to be noticeable or to print right, so you need to be aware of that.

I might try it at 75% or 66%, might even look acceptable for both 3mm and 6mm!

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/11/16 00:59:36

Post by: Malika2

 Samsonov wrote:

 Malika2 wrote:
6mm Necromunda you say...are you already a member of the INQ6 Discord server? Would be cool to see your stuff there too!

Do you have a link? I'll take a look. !


[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/11/16 11:50:06

Post by: Pacific

Very, very nice job on the 3mm scale Imperial Fist infantry there Samsonov ! Look very cool

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/11/26 15:02:09

Post by: Albertorius

My very first Thunderhawk Gunship

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/11/26 15:18:11

Post by: aphyon

Looks good! i have 2 of the old aeronautica ones and one of the vanguard versions.

Much cheaper in 6mm, where i can actually afford to buy 3 of them

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/11/26 15:59:18

Post by: Pacific

Wowser Albertorius - looks really good

Is that a 3D print or the Vanguard model?

Someone on the 'Bay was selling an Epic Stormeagle but annoyingly it wasn't on sale for long and I missed it :(

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/11/26 16:09:23

Post by: Albertorius

 Pacific wrote:
Wowser Albertorius - looks really good

Is that a 3D print or the Vanguard model?

Someone on the 'Bay was selling an Epic Stormeagle but annoyingly it wasn't on sale for long and I missed it :(

Thanks! It is a 3d print, actually, about 9 hours all told.

I do have lined up Storm Eagles, Fire Raptors and Stormbirds lined up for the future:

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/11/26 18:46:34

Post by: aphyon

 Pacific wrote:
Wowser Albertorius - looks really good

Is that a 3D print or the Vanguard model?

Someone on the 'Bay was selling an Epic Stormeagle but annoyingly it wasn't on sale for long and I missed it :(

The vanguard versions of storm eagles, storm ravens and thunderhawks all have their own stylized "look" to them. you know what they are but the look is slightly different. you can see them in my previous army post.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/11/26 19:04:49

Post by: Albertorius

 aphyon wrote:
 Pacific wrote:
Wowser Albertorius - looks really good

Is that a 3D print or the Vanguard model?

Someone on the 'Bay was selling an Epic Stormeagle but annoyingly it wasn't on sale for long and I missed it :(

The vanguard versions of storm eagles, storm ravens and thunderhawks all have their own stylized "look" to them. you know what they are but the look is slightly different. you can see them in my previous army post.

For reference:

They are absolutely stellar models


[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/11/27 10:54:12

Post by: Malika2

And don't forget to mention the Spiculum fighters: https://vanguardminiatures.co.uk/shop/novan-elites-spiculum-heavy-fighter/

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/12/01 22:01:46

Post by: Sherrypie

Painting train rolls on, today I started on the Epic Mechanicum with some Thanatars. Bases are 20 mm, for reference.

I now have huge robots, big robots and small robots in this scheme, soon also even smaller robots and infantry

Wondering about the bases, though. Should they get a bit of shrub like most others, be more rad-blasted or perhaps burned by the plasma mortars

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/12/01 23:40:48

Post by: Albertorius

So cool!

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/12/02 08:27:50

Post by: Pacific

Very nice Sherrypie! Like the colours and the detail work with the shoulder rims, looks very cool.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/12/02 08:51:33

Post by: Sherrypie

Cheers fellas!

These chonkers at least were large enough that the rim was properly tangible, I'm already dreading the Castellaxii with their barely existant detailing

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/12/03 11:18:56

Post by: Albertorius

Two Predator squadrons added to my loyalists

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/12/03 11:46:08

Post by: aphyon

Funny thing is a buddy of mine has the las pred for his 30K army in full scale before he realized he could not use a pred with a twin linked las turrets because the space wolves hadn't invented it yet during the heresy.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/12/03 12:06:42

Post by: Albertorius

 aphyon wrote:
Funny thing is a buddy of mine has the las pred for his 30K army in full scale before he realized he could not use a pred with a twin linked las turrets because the space wolves hadn't invented it yet during the heresy.

XDDD very true ^^. Mine are retrofitted field variants that happen to use them

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/12/03 17:41:59

Post by: Samsonov

Loving those Thanatars, they are imposing. As for twin-linked Lascannons, could loyalist Iron Warriors commit tech heresy (against the mechanicum) and still be loyalist (to the Imperium)?

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/12/03 18:20:44

Post by: Albertorius

 Samsonov wrote:
Loving those Thanatars, they are imposing. As for twin-linked Lascannons, could loyalist Iron Warriors commit tech heresy (against the mechanicum) and still be loyalist (to the Imperium)?

It really was an enlightened age. All the "heresy" stuff came later

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/12/03 19:16:25

Post by: aphyon

It took what 300 years of debate for the tech priests of mars to give their blessings to the land raider crusader design?

Not that the black templar cared much, they just kept using it because it was effective.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/12/03 21:49:13

Post by: Sherrypie

Cheers, Samsonov.

Some even smaller bots today. The Thallaxii are starting to push the limits of where I could be arsed to paint armour trims

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/12/04 08:41:27

Post by: Pacific

They're really cute! (Although I'm sure wouldn't be if I were only 6mm tall)

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/12/04 15:02:17

Post by: Sherrypie

Thanks Pacific, here's a view of a grunt in the trenches as they come

You know, this was one of those days I realize I am an idiot. Life tends to be easier when you use proper tools and taking pictures of very small models might work out better if using a macro objective in the camera. Derp.

Also, razorwire and dragon's teeth on sticks ready to be thrown around the field.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/12/04 16:36:01

Post by: Pacific

Fantastic - that definitely looks more formidable at that range! And amazing detail work again for that scale.

I love the razorwire and dragon's teeth.

Are you building up a mars/red sand-type battleground for these guys to play on?

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/12/04 18:06:30

Post by: Sherrypie

Not really, I feel the red sand to be rather overused of late and rather specific to particular places. I'm more familiar with pine woods, which can offer a wide variety of browns, greens and reds like here:

The ones shown above are pretty easy to slot onto various brownish battle mats, like the ubiqutous Fallout Zone I also happen to own.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/12/05 14:22:07

Post by: Sherrypie

I promise to paint some actually new models soon, but I had to take a few scale shots for a friend. Who knew, titans look like quite big machines when there's infantry around

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/12/05 14:32:11

Post by: Albertorius

It really makes a great difference. Hence why I like AT, but I like the look of Epic that much more.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/12/05 14:35:47

Post by: Sherrypie

 Albertorius wrote:
It really makes a great difference. Hence why I like AT, but I like the look of Epic that much more.

Sometimes I just have Epic forces on the table while playing AT, it's a visual spectacle after all.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/12/05 21:48:48

Post by: aphyon

We just use our AT and AI minis when we play epic scale using the index 8th ed rules at half ranges so it is just a spectacle all around

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/12/06 12:38:35

Post by: Samsonov

Nice table aphyon. Can I ask where you got the factories and those blade runner style buildings from (the ones with the gold hexagons on)?

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/12/06 13:35:51

Post by: aphyon

i have a load of the old JR miniatures terrain...unfortunately they are no longer around (that would be the ones with gold) one of the guys who used to be with them started novus design studio. he does the factories and ruins among other things.


the gothic 40K buildings are from gregsters lab unfortunately only in 3mm that i could find but they still look close enough


The resin monpoc terrain buildings from privateer press is also nice.


My favorite though is brigade models from the UK-very affordable with a great selection and quality in micro scale, 6mm(epic/battletech scale), 10mm and 15mm


[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/12/08 23:13:36

Post by: Sherrypie

Something big yet tiny today, painted the Ordinatus up finally. Party hard with all the noise!

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/12/09 07:48:46

Post by: Albertorius

Ohohohoh, looking nice

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/12/09 09:00:01

Post by: Pacific

Wow that looks amazing! That's one of the nicest gold rim jobs I have ever seen

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/12/09 09:08:53

Post by: Sherrypie

 Pacific wrote:
Wow that looks amazing! That's one of the nicest gold rim jobs I have ever seen

...I shall get my mind out of the gutter soon, but thanks, the trim really makes the look

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/12/09 11:21:12

Post by: Albertorius

Ahahaha xD

...say, orks were in 30k, right? Would it be a problem if I put here some orky goodness?

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/12/09 11:37:02

Post by: aphyon

Only one of the largest ork WAAAGHS! in history (later compared to the war of the beast and the 3rd war for armageddon) that required the emperor himself and no less than 3 primarchs as i recall to put down on ullanor....then the mechanicus used the telliporter to move the planet and rename it armageddon and the orks have been trying to get it back ever since.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/12/09 11:43:09

Post by: Albertorius

So you're saying that it would be OrK, right?

Well then ^^

I've been starting to experiment with remixing some ork infantry. This is where I'm at, right now:

I'm thinking I should probably try to thicken the legs and the axes' handles, at least. But detail wise, they look incredible, IMHO.

I also made two Battle Fortresses, and I've just painted one:

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/12/09 12:18:56

Post by: Sherrypie

Orks are always fine regardless of when it's supposed to be, the galaxy wasn't all power armour ;P

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/12/09 14:12:37

Post by: Pacific

Wow those are so cute Orks Albertorius - can I ask where you got those from ?

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/12/09 14:17:04

Post by: Albertorius

 Pacific wrote:
Wow those are so cute Orks Albertorius - can I ask where you got those from ?

I'm making them ^^. Or rather, I'm modding some old school ork models I found on Thingiverse to use for Epic.


[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/12/12 21:27:35

Post by: Albertorius

Weeee! The start of my Waaagh!

Pretty standard and old school, plust trying to save some Ebay exiles.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/12/12 22:50:05

Post by: Pacific

Thanks for the info Albertorius

I am still searching for somewhere to print some files (as I don't have a printer myself) - hopefully find somewhere before too long.

Great to see an Ork army in the works! There are a fair few of those tanks about on eBay (I think thanks to the previous Titan Legions boxset) so they are usually pretty reasonably priced.

I've managed to get hold of some more Vanguard 'Novan Elite' special and heavy weapons. Am basically upgrading existing units so they can be used in Imperium Dominatus as well as Epic Armageddon - finally managed to get some of those bloody rectangular bases, which come in and then seem to go out of stock like tickets for a Pink Floyd reunion gig!

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/12/12 23:51:27

Post by: Sherrypie

That's a swanky waaagh of sweet rides, especially loving the little Rhino body with more mass in the roller tacked onto it

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/12/13 00:31:44

Post by: aphyon


I forgot to post this earlier. i picked up this fantastic mars factory map from gamematEU. it is a special propriety map and they only sell it in the 6X4 but the scaling on the roads makes it usable in 6mm scale.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/12/13 00:58:56

Post by: Sherrypie

It is rather nice, yes. I've occasionally used parts of it for photo manipulations, those industrial bases work well for many purposes.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/12/13 19:15:29

Post by: Sherrypie


First Vultaraxii hit the field, as well as one rather tendrite-heavy magos.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/12/13 19:58:34

Post by: Pacific

Very nice!

I don't know what that thing is, but I know I am terrified of it (even at 6mm scale!)

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/12/13 20:09:53

Post by: Albertorius

That looks indeed suitably terrifying

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/12/13 20:37:04

Post by: Sherrypie

Worry not, for everything is under control!

Now put down your guns and let daddy magos experiment on you for a bit...

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/12/13 23:54:52

Post by: aphyon

 Pacific wrote:
Very nice!

I don't know what that thing is, but I know I am terrified of it (even at 6mm scale!)

It's the 6mm scale version of kawl

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/12/14 10:55:05

Post by: Pacific

 aphyon wrote:
 Pacific wrote:
Very nice!

I don't know what that thing is, but I know I am terrified of it (even at 6mm scale!)

It's the 6mm scale version of kawl


Quick! Step on it!!

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/12/14 19:58:57

Post by: Sherrypie

Some Krios. For whatever reason, legit first half a dozen comments were about these looking like gingerbreads...

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/12/15 10:23:45

Post by: Pacific

Hmmm.. yes I kind of get that Although they are fantastically painted (might be the photo?)

There was a photo of a massive gingerbread dreadnought doing the rounds on the Oldhammer social media so perhaps that's why? (And I guess it is that time of year, nothing wrong with Yuletide Adeptus Mechanicus, bringing Christmas cheer in the name of the Omnissiah! )

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/12/15 10:37:46

Post by: Albertorius

Hahahaha, might have to do with your striking highlights, that ^^^. In that photo the golden kinda gets lost among the white and red.

So... merry christmas, I guess?

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/12/16 11:16:59

Post by: Pacific

I have painted up some more Cyclone missile launcher terminators including a command team for my Great Crusade-era World Eaters so that they can be used with Imperius Dominatus.

If anyone is interested this is one of the unit cards for that game, technically this is meant to be an Ultramarines unit, but some enterprising commander of the World Eaters fancied the ideas of cracking walls open before you try and assault them so borrowed the concept.

Really like the cards they remind me of Space Marine 2nd edition cards (should see some of the Grand Company formations, they are ridiculous!)

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/12/16 12:53:55

Post by: Sherrypie

Bah, the Ultramarines just ripped it off the Iron Warriors. Bloody magpies, the lot

Always nice to see a big bunch of termies together, though

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/12/17 07:25:00

Post by: Albertorius

 Sherrypie wrote:
Bah, the Ultramarines just ripped it off the Iron Warriors. Bloody magpies, the lot

What he said

Lovely minis, though, and scary to face xD

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/12/17 07:28:31

Post by: aphyon

Damn..i found somebody on ebay selling old epic wraithguard...but only 30 of them...i need more, looks like iyanden will be my next epic army

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/12/24 15:05:44

Post by: Albertorius

Growing Waaagh: "Thiz Boots Ar Made Fur Stompin'" edition:

And with Papa Gargant:

(the red ones were rescued from Ebay, I've just added a couple washes and highlights to get them more in line with the rest).

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/12/24 18:48:04

Post by: Sherrypie

I just love the little crab claw dreads, the cute little anklebiters.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/12/25 10:21:50

Post by: Pacific

Fantastic stuff! The bases work very well on those Stompas

That is some neat & tidy chequered pattern on them too !

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/12/25 10:50:37

Post by: aphyon

Well my next project is well underway. My iyanden wraith army-

Seriously i should have done this a long time ago, i have now built pretty well all of my dream 40K armies in epic scale that i never could have done otherwise.

So far i have finished

30 wraithguard (5 man teams so they can fit in wave serpents)
X3 fire prisms
X3 fighters

In the mail

revenant titan
.scorpion superheavy tank

Last bits i need-
Waiting for vanguard to re-open ordering so i can finish with the farseer on a bike, wraith seers and the 6 wave serpents i need.


[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/12/25 18:16:36

Post by: Da Boss

This thread is a treasure trove! I had been checking out Vanguard minis. Do they scale well with AT stuff? Seems to look pretty good in the pictures here.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/12/25 18:41:10

Post by: Albertorius

 Da Boss wrote:
This thread is a treasure trove! I had been checking out Vanguard minis. Do they scale well with AT stuff? Seems to look pretty good in the pictures here.

Infantry scales perfectly, although the not orks (skinners) and the not marines (novan elites) are bigger than the Epic equivalents... but then again, they needed to.

Vehicles are generally bigger than Epic, but that's because Epic vehicles are generally too small for the size they were supposed to be.

So yeah, pretty much no problem. They work perfectly well side by side.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/12/25 18:43:09

Post by: Da Boss

Awww man. That is dangerous information for me to have...

Thank you!
*goes to look at AT models*

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/12/25 20:54:10

Post by: aphyon

Yeah go back and look at my pic with the vanguard leman russes/preators/macharius's with the AT reaver titan for scale(i extended the torso a bit on the reaver to fit in a magnet).
for simplicity sake to keep the game moving, our group has been using 8th ed index era lists and pretty well forgo most stratagems aside from re-rolls we down scale to rerpresent the size difference by halving all the ranges for movement and weapons.

But other systems work just as well rather it be the actual epic rules or down scaling the new apocalypse rules.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/12/26 08:22:54

Post by: Malika2

 Da Boss wrote:
This thread is a treasure trove! I had been checking out Vanguard minis. Do they scale well with AT stuff? Seems to look pretty good in the pictures here.

As Albertorius already said, they luckily enough scale perfectly. Thing with the old Epic miniatures was that scale wise they were all over the place. Titans and aircraft were closer to 3mm scale, stuff like the Capitol Imperialis were probably 1-2mm scale. Vehicles such as Rhino's were closer to 4mm scale than 6mm scale. And then there's the typical problem of Space Marines being way too small compared to regular humans. Heck, even the current 40k suffers from this, and if Titanicus is supposed to be 1/4th of 40k, they will most likely suffer the same problem when GW decides to bring back Epic!

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/12/26 13:11:03

Post by: Da Boss

Pretty tempting to do up a Steel Legion and Ork force with a centrepiece titan, not gonna lie!

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/12/26 14:14:58

Post by: aphyon


It is like 1/4 of what it would take to do it cost wise in 28mm, there is very little assembly and painting is easy.

Transport is super easy as well. not to mention between vanguard, onlsaught, trolls under the bridge (for necrons) you get to use all the fancy forgeworld units in epic scale as well.

Combine that with AT and AI and pretty much everything is covered.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/12/26 20:01:17

Post by: Malika2

Or go 3mm scale if youd want to reuse your old school Titans and aircraft models.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/12/26 20:03:43

Post by: Racerguy180

I think I'll bulk out my Salamanders to replicate what I would love to field in 30/40k scale. but no way am I spending FW $€£¥ to do it, so thanks to this thread a SLA printer is gonna be my next hobby purchase.

currently for epic I just have my
AT Metalica
2 Reavers
4 Warhounds
4 Lancers
3 Questoris

10 Land Raiders

Land Train
2 thudd gun batteries

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/12/26 21:27:51

Post by: Da Boss

I think I like the 6mm scale for painting and feel. And those new titans are really lovely models.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/12/28 22:03:24

Post by: Albertorius

The Waaaghhh keeps happily growing:

Mainly a whole load of nobz, much killier than regular boyz, as long as they connect. Assault 4 and Save makes them very fearsome, for 14 points a base.

I do like how the Boss ended up looking:

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/12/29 00:59:41

Post by: Malika2

Can't help but think of a Samurai when seeing that Boss. Awesome!

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/12/29 20:26:40

Post by: Racerguy180

it's the special Daimyo KFF and it costs 100 kaku of teef.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/12/30 00:09:08

Post by: Sherrypie

There's 500 teefryo up for taking for any lone warg and grot who take down that Daimyork. Gitz 'em!

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2020/12/31 16:58:01

Post by: Albertorius

There's still bases to be done, but these are my last minis of the year:

As an aside, I love the kommandoz, always loved the classic 2nd edition ones from 40k.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2021/01/02 10:42:31

Post by: Samsonov

The green comes out very well on those Orks, very striking.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2021/01/02 19:44:37

Post by: aphyon

Since albetorius is showing off his projects, here is a snapshot of some units i have for the Iyanden eldar army i ma building up...just waiting for vanguard to open back up to finish getting the units i need.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2021/01/03 11:52:07

Post by: Malika2

They'll hopefully open up again some time next week. Expect some awesome Eloi units in the coming months!

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2021/01/05 13:56:11

Post by: Albertorius

 aphyon wrote:
Since albetorius is showing off his projects, here is a snapshot of some units i have for the Iyanden eldar army i ma building up...just waiting for vanguard to open back up to finish getting the units i need.

They look boss, hope to see more of them soon

I've finished basing the boyz:

and also finished three weirdboyz stands and three shokk attak guns:

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2021/01/05 14:14:46

Post by: CorwinB

Those are some nice looking Orks!

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2021/01/11 11:04:10

Post by: Pacific

Very nice work on those Orks Albertorius!

Are you planning to use those with Epic 40,000?

I have a pile of the Vanguard Miniatures Orks waiting for paint, but am waiting for the Imperius Dominatus rules update for Orks to come along (hopefully should be published in the next month or so)

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2021/01/11 15:47:57

Post by: Albertorius

 Pacific wrote:
Very nice work on those Orks Albertorius!

Are you planning to use those with Epic 40,000?

I have a pile of the Vanguard Miniatures Orks waiting for paint, but am waiting for the Imperius Dominatus rules update for Orks to come along (hopefully should be published in the next month or so)

So far, yeah, the idea is using them for E:40k as is the ruleset I have and it's in my language (which is a big thing as I need to teach it)

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2021/01/12 16:36:58

Post by: Pacific

Ah that's an important consideration! Did Armageddon ever get published in any language other than English?

I thought that NetEpic was published in other languages but may have misremembered.

Just a short update, I have been working through some units getting them ready for Imperius Dominatus rulesets. This was a simple one, adding a Land Raider (which I added a little retro flag too, kind of like the old Space Marine 2nd ed tanks ) and a couple of stands including a 'Decurion' stand. These are individual command stands (so the rules in Dominatus are different - rather than being subsumed into the unit, command stands are a separate entity). I've tried to differentiate the Decurion stands according to the unit they are leading, so I added a heavy weapons dude in with this squad.

Next am working on getting some Tactical guys up to full Tactical Company status (100 marines and 11 Rhinos!)
Still I am following some guys on social media that have already painted this many minis at 28mm scale this year, hopefully I can match that with 6mm!


[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2021/01/18 18:36:50

Post by: aphyon

Behold the war host of iyanden has risen!

the vanguard wave serpents were a bit larger than i expected but still look fantastic.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2021/01/19 13:09:22

Post by: Pacific

Fantastic job with those Eldar Aphyon.

Agree the Vanguard miniatures look great - very nice shade of bronze/gold too.

Are you going to be adding anything else to the force?

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2021/01/19 19:06:39

Post by: aphyon

Not really anything new per say, i am waiting to see if they release some eldar planes for Aeronautica Imperialis. because the old epic ones are so out of scale (small).

Otherwise i think i have pretty well covered all the armies i wanted to do....it isn't like i don't already have enough gaming minis for all the different games i play. my focus now is more on terrain for making great looking tables.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2021/01/27 11:42:10

Post by: Pacific

I don't suppose you have a Squat force Aphyon? If so what army list are you using for it?

I have been looking at some of the new Onslaught Miniatures for their 'Grudd' range and they just look so cool. Was thinking of getting a basic force of them to represent a race of abhumans encountered during the Great Crusade, thought would be quite interesting to do (complete with some space dwarf-type themed terrain of mining colonies and the like)

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2021/01/28 12:51:37

Post by: aphyon

Nope, not in epic scale. you have to go all the way back to what 2nd ed to get the base rules for squats?

IIRC they were kind of a cross between marines and guard.-tougher and better equiped than humans but not quite as good as marines. as a joke i made a normal scale small squat primaris(cuz we all know the only way for Cawl to make marines better was to make them dwarves ) force for 8th ed 40K using the mantic forge father minis on secret weapon runic bases.

I even made a kitbash fantasy dwarf gyro copter/bomber into a jetbike for my techmarine on a bike with beamer.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2021/01/29 04:22:21

Post by: Hellebore

 Pacific wrote:
I don't suppose you have a Squat force Aphyon? If so what army list are you using for it?

I have been looking at some of the new Onslaught Miniatures for their 'Grudd' range and they just look so cool. Was thinking of getting a basic force of them to represent a race of abhumans encountered during the Great Crusade, thought would be quite interesting to do (complete with some space dwarf-type themed terrain of mining colonies and the like)

NETepic has a squat army list for 2nd ed. I believe they've also got an unofficial squat list for EA as well.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2021/01/29 10:33:44

Post by: Pacific

Thanks Hellebore - I have now found a few lists of EA, a 'Thurgrim (Thungrim?) tournament list. It's nice but not sure if it's got a bit too much focus on tournament activity - I know the guys that do those are razor sharp with power levels and balance for the tournaments so that was probably the priority.
Thanks I will have a look at the NetEpic list and see if that contains some more characterful options.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2021/01/31 15:00:47

Post by: Jackal90

Just updated the thread title a bit.
Seen a lot of people hesitant to post regular epic here.

Since there’s no real one going anyway, it would be good to have it all here so everyone can see it.
There’s plenty of inspiration that can pass over between the 2.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2021/01/31 18:08:46

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Nothing to show at the moment, but just procured Armies of the The Imperium alongside Ork & Squat Warlords from eBay.

Paid around £90 for the pair, as they’re both complete and in good nick. This is important, as I’ll be needing the unit cards!

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2021/01/31 18:13:18

Post by: Jackal90

Don’t speak of original unit cards.

Found my tyranids ones after months of searching.
Seems the pipe work in the garage had a leak.
Had 2 perfect sets and both are destroyed.
Need to hunt some down on eBay again.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2021/01/31 18:24:35

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik


Hive War is definitely one of the pricier ones to obtain from what I’ve seen. Likely due to it being quite a late release, and as a result of limited shelf life.

Never had it, nor any of the associated models as a kid. But was always intrigued by the Hive Synpase web thing rules for army selection.

I’m now wondering if whatever remains of my old Epic stuff is still in Dad’s attic?

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2021/01/31 18:29:22

Post by: Jackal90

Still got lots to go.
Also waiting on another 80mm base to arrive for the second big guy.

The old hive mind rules were pretty decent to be fair.
The only rules I hated were for spore deployment.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2021/02/01 10:51:07

Post by: Pacific

Very nice work Jackal90, they look great!
Looks like you are doing a good job there of going for a full Tyranid swarm.

Jackal90 wrote:Don’t speak of original unit cards.

Found my tyranids ones after months of searching.
Seems the pipe work in the garage had a leak.
Had 2 perfect sets and both are destroyed.
Need to hunt some down on eBay again.

Ouch.. Is any restoration work possible or are they all too far gone?
The worst loss of that nature (nature being the operative word here) was when my cat had pulled my titan data-sheets off my bookshelf, pooped on one, put the other sheet on top of it and mashed it together. It was a magnificent act of vandalism and no restoration possible there

Jackal90 wrote:Just updated the thread title a bit.
Seen a lot of people hesitant to post regular epic here.

Since there’s no real one going anyway, it would be good to have it all here so everyone can see it.
There’s plenty of inspiration that can pass over between the 2.

Great idea and I agree, it makes sense to have everything in the one thread.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
I have finally finished a full Tactical Company - this is 100 marines total: Command Centurion + 2 Veteran squads (these are missing from the photo). then 3 detachments of 1 Decurion, 1 special weapons squad and 20 tactical marines. Meant to be 11 Rhinos in total but one missing from the photo

This is the Command stand, as well as the banner bearer the other guy at the back is an Apothecary (even has the little narthicarium arm tool thing), I really love the Vanguard miniatures they have got so much detail.

Close-up of a Decurion squad. These guys are veteran/squad leader equivalents, I guess it would be fairly easy to use for Epic Armageddon or NetEpic/Space Marine too.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2021/02/01 11:49:39

Post by: Jackal90

It looks as if it had been leaking for a good few weeks, so it really is too far gone to save.
On the flip side, I always scan in old books when I get them, so I do have a digital copy.
Just not really the same as having an old piece of history in your hands.

Currently waiting to get some more priming done.
My spray area is almost constantly full at the moment as I’m trying to push my way through a few armies.
Hopefully start adding more to the swarm this weekend now.

Do however need to invest in some smaller bugs.
I’ve got a few but they are 2nd edition looks wise, so they do look odd near the newer stuff.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2021/02/01 16:37:59

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Chaos & Eldar Renegades procured for £40.00

I’d genuinely intended to leave that one until next month. But again found a complete, boxed copy, which don’t come up terribly often, spesh with all the counters and markers (Eldar Doom Weavers in particular have bespoke templates).

That leaves just Hive War (expensive) and the core box (potentially v expensive if it’s completely complete) to go.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2021/02/02 03:35:48

Post by: Hellebore

 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
Chaos & Eldar Renegades procured for £40.00

I’d genuinely intended to leave that one until next month. But again found a complete, boxed copy, which don’t come up terribly often, spesh with all the counters and markers (Eldar Doom Weavers in particular have bespoke templates).

That leaves just Hive War (expensive) and the core box (potentially v expensive if it’s completely complete) to go.

Nice work. I was turned off by the unit cards. the Netepic rules made it easier to engage with the 2nd ed rules

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2021/02/02 21:33:49

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik


Very much enjoying the Warlords book, as I never had it as a nipper.

[Thumb - 233DF33D-C971-49B3-AC6B-CD48C4EC5E98.jpeg]

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2021/02/02 21:52:26

Post by: Pacific

Very nice!

Those boxes look like they are in good nick too.

Have you decided what force you are going to collect first or going to have a read through the books beforehand?

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2021/02/02 21:59:52

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Honestly no idea. But a friend has a load of Squats he’s getting rid of for free, so will be having that.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2021/02/02 22:52:31

Post by: Jackal90

I’ve got the warlords book sat here.
Dug it out while sorting stuff to move.

Really do love the old artwork.
Shame squats didn’t get continued as they could have looked amazing with current sculpting.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2021/02/02 22:55:56

Post by: Rocinante

Building a space marine army for various games even though I've never played epic before. Hoping to get taught at my local gaming club after lockdown.

[Thumb - PXL_20210202_184211545.jpg]
[Thumb - PXL_20210202_184151788.jpg]
[Thumb - PXL_20210202_184129368.jpg]

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2021/02/03 10:54:57

Post by: Pacific

Awesome stuff Rocinante and welcome to the club!

I love your breacher marines, I may have to copy your idea of the dead guys in the squad there..

Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:Honestly no idea. But a friend has a load of Squats he’s getting rid of for free, so will be having that.

Free is always a good start! I love the war engines with the Squats in Epic, always think that was something that was missed in 28mm scale like Jackal90 says it would have been interesting to see what could have been done with modern GW and the massive plastic kits.

From memory they were a good army in Space Marine although surprisingly not as durable as you would think; things like the Cyclops could get taken out in 1 shot once their void shields were gone (particularly vulnerable to the Gargant belly gun which goes straight through them). So you had to use their long range and try and keep stuff at arms length, while sending in screening melee units (bikes/trikes etc.) to try and hold up assault units that were coming in to get you.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2021/02/03 12:16:11

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Yeah. Going over their rules, their big stuff have a fair amount of one-shot weapons (Missiles, Rad Bomb etc).

Strikes me as quite alpha strikey, as taking out a chunk of your opponent’s army gives double advantage (less stuff to kill you with, secured VPs).

Something that has always stuck out for me is that background wise, Squats really weren’t terribly well developed compared to other races. Makes them feel doomed from the get go, as the writers didn’t seem to have a huge amount of enthusiasm for them.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2021/02/04 15:05:15

Post by: Pacific

Yeah it definitely feels that way. If you think that Ork and Squat Warlords was probably the most background that ever got written about them (as they didn't really get anything in 2nd edition 40k other than a token mention) and then that was it! I know there was that interview with Jervis Johnson where he said that the 2nd edition Squat codex kept getting put on the backburner but that no-one had enthusiasm for it, and then they were allowed to slide into oblivion. He actually said that he loved the Epic representation of them with the war engines though and they had a lot more of an identity in that game than they ever did in 40k.

Have just been listening to the Crown of Command podcast who are incidentally covering Ork and Squat Warlords at the moment. Just done about 2 hours talking about the Ork side of the codex and I have to say it has really made me want to do Orks in Space Marine or NetEpic again - there is just so much character and it really makes the Armageddon rules, which I had been using, seem so stale by comparison. I know tournament, balance yadda-yadda but there are just so many examples in the rules of weapons firing around randomly, madboys, mechboy gadgets, weirdboy towers being either utterly deadly or blowing themselves up. And all of the clans having their own identity (they revert to type if they aren't commanded: evil sunz go racing about, Goffs try and charge the enemy etc.) it just looks like the most 'orky' set of rules and so much fun to play. So think I have got a copy of Ork and Squat Warlords in storage somewhere but if not will get the NetEpic rules, which I think are pretty much identical in all the ways that matter.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2021/02/04 16:38:15

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

And Renegades arrived today.

Finished up work, and a quick read in the Smallest Room.

Had quite forgotten how nasty Eldar could be when wielded effectively. A Warlock stand could do nasty things, including taking down a fully shielded Titan with just a modicum of luck. And them allowing you retroactively place orders for Eldar units within 10cm is Beast Mode for a cunning player.

Oh, and remembered I’ll need to source a copy of Space Marine Battles.....

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2021/02/05 17:51:13

Post by: Albertorius

This week I've been finishing more tactical and assault marines to be able to field a full Battle Company:

So now I can do this, weeee ^^

The Rhinos were a failed print, actually; I didn't do the right times and the print is all layer-y... but as I've been separated from my printers for months now, it's not like I can print more right now, so they'll have to do I guess:

This week I've also painted some close support units of the holy orders of kboom and zchort:

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2021/02/06 13:03:41

Post by: Zenithfleet

So much Epic epicness in this thread! Been lurking here for a bit watching all the armies take shape.

Albertorius, I especially approve of your Epic 40K Orkiness to balance out all these beekeez. (EDIT: Those layer-printed Rhinos were clearly built from local materials while on campaign. Good old STC designs.)

I haven't done much Epic in a couple of years, but here's some pics of the Ork army I did a while ago. I'm not the world's greatest painter, but it looks pretty good on the table. Played a lot of 3rd ed games with it. Many humies were stomped and floaty elf tanks exploded.

(These are flickr photos so they might not work properly--if you can't see them, please let me know.)

Waaagh! Gobsmak (that's him with the black banner there)

As you can see, it all went a bit Mad Max. I started out with limited sprues and barely any wagons, so I had to get creative with kitbashes. The bases are 20mm round boardgame counters.

I put three or four Orks to a base to make the most of my meagre boyz supply.
Please ignore the dodgily painted back banners on the bosses... ahem.

The no. 1 best old-school investment for kitbashing Epic Ork vehicles is an old plastic Mega Gargant. Take it apart and use the bits on EVERYTHING. It's got like a million turrets, for starters.

Jeez, these photos aren't too great... I really should go back and redo them.

Weirdboy Towers in purple on the lower left--both made from Mega Gargant parts on plastic wagons. The clawed fing on the right counts as a Squiggoth.

Big Gunz and Pulsa Rokkitz. (Pulsas were errata'd to a reduced 30cm range in an Epic Magazine from Fanatic, which I recommend as they're too good otherwise.)

Doofwagon (another Squiggoth). Death by sonically amplified rockin' out. Beat dat, Ordinatus!
(I don't think this model has ever actually achieved anything, but it's fun to have.)

Mista Skarbum, wot leads da Soopa Squad of Nobs in wagons. Dead 'ard. Rumour has it he's actually a Blood Axe so kunnin' he changed his clan and became a Bad Moon...

Random wagon boss of going fasta. Vehicles are on plasticard rectangles (I don't think round bases on vehicles looks quite right).

Widjet da big mek who leads da shooty boys. Ugh, the back banners are the weakest part of the army paintjob. I always meant to go back and improve them but never got around to it.

Speedstas with death rays (the catch-all 'volcano cannon' equivalent in Epic 3rd ed). Kitbashed from Micro Machine toys.

Fighta-bommerz wot fight and bomb ya. Classic little tiny 3rd ed planes, but I love them.

Battle Fortresses. More Micro Machine kitbashing. One Fortress for each Orky clan.

The Evil Sunz Fortress is a bit too obviously a toy car in the wrong scale... I should go back and work on it more. The Deathskullz Fortress is just a welding crane they 'borrowed' from a Gargant construction site.

Da big boyz... The cyclops Gargant is a regular one. The one up the back is a Great Gargant. Soopa Squiggoth on da left, counting as a regular Gargant.

Mega Gargant on the left and another bog-standard Garg on the right.

Like I said, not the world's greatest paintjob, but they look OK on the board.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2021/02/06 14:55:26

Post by: aphyon

epic work there Zenithfleet...welcome to the waaaagh!

i've infected so many of my local player group with the 6mm bug.

We have a DKOK player rebuilding his force in epic scale, as well as players for-general imperial guard, tau, thousand sons, khorne berserkers, knights, mechanicus

Now i just need to expand it for the rest of the armies. onslaught has such a nice collection of dark eldar minis. now all i need to do is find a player

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2021/02/06 15:18:58

Post by: Zenithfleet

 aphyon wrote:

Now i just need to expand it for the rest of the armies. onslaught has such a nice collection of dark eldar minis. now all i need to do is find a player

IIRC Onslaught also does some solid not-Tyranids with an old school feel, and not-Genestealer Cults.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2021/02/06 15:57:20

Post by: aphyon

They do both, vanguard also has a nice collection of the larger bugs (15mm).....if you just need to have a hierophant

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2021/02/06 23:56:21

Post by: r_squared

There is an awful lot of Epic awesomeness in this thread.
Very envious of some of the armies that have been showcased here.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2021/02/07 00:47:54

Post by: Malika2

@Zenithfleet: I've got a feeling you might have to expand that Ork army, especially with some Aeronautica Imperialis stuff!

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2021/02/07 03:00:11

Post by: Racerguy180

 Malika2 wrote:
@Zenithfleet: I've got a feeling you might have to expand that Ork army, especially with some Aeronautica Imperialis stuff!

The new Ork aeronautica stuff is amazing! Re-kindled my interest in damn Greenskins both 28mm & 6-8mm.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2021/02/07 10:19:05

Post by: Malika2

There's no such thing as 8mm scale. :p Space Marines are supposed to be 8mm which makes regular humans 6mm I guess. :p

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2021/02/07 14:24:32

Post by: Pacific

Welcome to the thread Zenithfleet - and what an entrance !

Those Orks look absolutely great. Some really cool conversion work going on there and like you say definitely a Mad Max vibe to the collection.

Albertorius the Battle Company look very nice. Think the Rhinos actually look fine! At least their scale is more realistic compared to the old Tardis pattern rhinos, as mine recently got named in one of the FB groups
Love the Vindicators too, you can tell you are looking at an 'Iron Warriors' force that's for sure.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2021/02/08 14:51:01

Post by: Albertorius

 Pacific wrote:
Welcome to the thread Zenithfleet - and what an entrance !

Those Orks look absolutely great. Some really cool conversion work going on there and like you say definitely a Mad Max vibe to the collection.

Albertorius the Battle Company look very nice. Think the Rhinos actually look fine! At least their scale is more realistic compared to the old Tardis pattern rhinos, as mine recently got named in one of the FB groups
Love the Vindicators too, you can tell you are looking at an 'Iron Warriors' force that's for sure.

Oh yeah, I have a load of those, I'll hae to use them for something ^^. Thanks for the kind words

I'm testing color schemes for an astartes opfor for my loyalist IWs. So far I'm testing these ones, one finished, one not:

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2021/02/11 10:24:42

Post by: Albertorius

Well, it took a while, but I finished my Sicaran squad:

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2021/02/11 23:48:05

Post by: Albertorius

I'm almost finished with my Epic loyalist Iron Warriors project: Iron Warriors 27th Garrison Detachment, 34th Grand Company, 102nd Grand Battalion, 51st Expedition Fleet.

From the above there's only two Fellblades and two Storm Eagles to do. Infantry wise, I want to finish these:

Hopefully I'll be able to finish it this month.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2021/02/12 07:42:59

Post by: tauist

 Albertorius wrote:
I'm almost finished with my Epic loyalist Iron Warriors project: Iron Warriors 27th Garrison Detachment, 34th Grand Company, 102nd Grand Battalion, 51st Expedition Fleet.

From the above there's only two Fellblades and two Storm Eagles to do. Infantry wise, I want to finish these:

Hopefully I'll be able to finish it this month.

Looking immaculate! This is exactly how I always imagine a marine army looking like. Your infantry to vehicle ratio is exactly where I always imagine it being if we consider how valuable SM infantry is in the lore.

Now all you need is a few titans

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2021/02/12 07:47:34

Post by: aphyon

Looking immaculate! This is exactly how I always imagine a marine army looking like

Even better since it is in epic scale you can actually afford to build it.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2021/02/12 10:04:57

Post by: Pacific

Looks absolutely awesome Albertorius. Epic in every sense of the word!

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2021/02/12 10:13:35

Post by: Albertorius

Thanks guys ^^

I'm sure it will look better when it's actually finished, though xD

As for titans, I'm painting an allied force of Legio Gryphonicus for it, which is actually historically accurate for loyalist IWs.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2021/02/12 12:13:07

Post by: Pacific

That's quite a cool idea, think the colours of that Titan Legion should go well with your Iron Warrior army.

I'm going for the Warped Dogs for my World Eaters. Really love that the whole Titan Legion is wiped out in one line of text in the old Horus Heresy background book, while they are assaulting Terra. Despite some efforts and research I haven't been able to find any other background or colour scheme for them, so will probably go for the colour scheme of classic epic Space Marine (one on the cover of the 2nd edition box with the marines) as again the scheme should complement white and blue quite nicely.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2021/02/12 17:14:14

Post by: CorwinB

So much Epic goodness in this thread! Keep it coming!

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2021/02/13 16:55:32

Post by: Sherrypie

Great looking forces, Albertorius and Zenithfleet

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2021/02/15 16:17:18

Post by: Albertorius

And... I finished the Fellblade squadron:

(the actual minis I painted this time, the other was already finished):

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2021/02/15 17:19:48

Post by: Pacific

Fantastic stuff - they look bad-ass!

Are those 3D prints I take it?

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2021/02/15 18:18:41

Post by: aphyon

they look very close to the vanguard ones


The slight differences means they are probably 3d prints.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2021/02/15 18:30:50

Post by: Albertorius

 Pacific wrote:
Fantastic stuff - they look bad-ass!

Are those 3D prints I take it?

Everything but the dreadnoughts is 3d printed on the IWs.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2021/02/15 20:01:26

Post by: TangoTwoBravo


That is a magnificent army! Inspired me to get out my old Epic models...

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2021/02/16 09:08:16

Post by: Pacific

What sort of stuff do you have TangoTwoBravo? Welcome to the thread!

Thanks Albertorius. I ask as I have a metal kit of the Fellblade - no idea from where it originated, I guess it was probably a pre-3D printing mould that found it's way onto eBay.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2021/02/18 12:58:24

Post by: Albertorius

I'm prepping a HH opfor for my marines... the idea was a fast paint scheme to try and not spend way too much time with them:

...and also that it would be nice to use all those SM vehicle sprues I have ^^

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2021/02/18 18:24:39

Post by: Pacific

Very nice, think you can mark that one down as a success. Nice shade of colour for the Alpha Legion (or are they Alpha Legion?!?! Dun dun dun dun * twirls moustache* )

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2021/02/19 03:02:56

Post by: TangoTwoBravo

 Pacific wrote:
What sort of stuff do you have TangoTwoBravo? Welcome to the thread!

Thanks Albertorius. I ask as I have a metal kit of the Fellblade - no idea from where it originated, I guess it was probably a pre-3D printing mould that found it's way onto eBay.

Thanks! Cool resource here.

I came to 40K from a WW2 Microarmour gaming community circa 1996. I have a mixture of minis from Space Marine and Epic, mostly Imperial Guard and Dark Angels but some Orks in there. I also have Squats with two Land Trains. I love the scale and kept everything. I'd get back in! Feeling inspired by the thread...

I wonder if a reboot at this scale with HH would work, building on the new FW games?

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2021/02/21 21:06:26

Post by: Albertorius


Some restrictions were lifted and I got to spend the weekend playing a bit with my printers

Firstly, I prepped a full Alpha Legion tactical company, as defined in Imperius Dominatus, just in case ^^:

I also printed a boatload of terminators and MkIV assault troops (I didn't take pics, but you'll see them soon enough

I also finally found some crews for my basilisks:

...and they brought friends xD

Also printed some jetbikes that I'm gonna use for the Alphas:

...using translucent resin!

(OK, it's what I had. But still)

Lastly, I found all my SM sprues and unpainted plastics:

Seeing as the regular plastic SM are ridiculously small (they are smaller than IG, FFS), I'm thinking about using them as squats or something.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2021/02/22 06:05:23

Post by: Sherrypie

They are quite titchy, yeah

Good for casualties or statues, though.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2021/02/22 16:38:51

Post by: Pacific

Lovely stuff Albertorius! Those jet bikes came out great.

Haha I like the idea of using the old SM marines as Squats (they are so small!) Although at least you can imagine them fitting in the old plastic Rhinos

I've used them as recon/scout marines for my force.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2021/02/23 21:24:38

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

It’s payday, and there was a complete set of Epic Space Marine on eBay.

Knocked them down from £150 to £125, and it should be with me soon.\

Friend is likely to be getting a resin printer soon too, so fingers crossed we can get cracking with armies.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2021/02/24 05:20:40

Post by: tauist

 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
It’s payday, and there was a complete set of Epic Space Marine on eBay.

Knocked them down from £150 to £125, and it should be with me soon.\

Friend is likely to be getting a resin printer soon too, so fingers crossed we can get cracking with armies.

Nice! I'm a bit jealous of your purchase tbh - Hope you'll dig it sir!

And Albertorius keeps knocking it out of the park, as usual.. You're really making me want to get into all that 3D printing stuff hehehe

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2021/02/24 09:06:02

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

The right mix of patience, opportunity and the right sized pocket.

Sadly, Titan Legions is a rather different proposition. Complete copies can be had, but not for a small price. And because the Looting ethos runs deep, even if I found a cheapo version, I’d be more likely to tell the seller exactly what it is they’ve got on their hands.

Perhaps June, when I get my annual bonus. Got nothing else planned in terms of spending for it.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2021/02/24 21:31:05

Post by: Gortooh

I got my hands on the 3rd edition of epic 40k and I am struggling to build an army list for imperial guards.
From what I understood the main detachment is 1 to 3 command squads. Then I can choose up to 3 squads per command squad, which can be imperial guards squads, heavy weapons or rough riders.

So for example in the same detachment card, I can have:
Command squad + 3 Imperial guard squads
Command squad + 3 heavy weapons
Command squad + 3 rough riders
After that choose upto 10 support units.
Is this correct?
Any help is appreciated. Thanks

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2021/02/25 06:31:09

Post by: aphyon

That is why we just use index 8th edition instead. it is way easier to set up and play.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2021/02/25 07:39:37

Post by: Albertorius

Gortooh wrote:
I got my hands on the 3rd edition of epic 40k and I am struggling to build an army list for imperial guards.
From what I understood the main detachment is 1 to 3 command squads. Then I can choose up to 3 squads per command squad, which can be imperial guards squads, heavy weapons or rough riders.

So for example in the same detachment card, I can have:
Command squad + 3 Imperial guard squads
Command squad + 3 heavy weapons
Command squad + 3 rough riders
After that choose upto 10 support units.
Is this correct?
Any help is appreciated. Thanks

Well, almost: you can choose up to 3 Main Force units per each Command Squad you purchase, but you can only choose RRs if you select at least one RR Command Squad.

Also, you can'y choose more Support units than the number of Main Force units you chose, so the actual limit is 9 units, not 10.

This might be useful, too:


Automatically Appended Next Post:
 aphyon wrote:
That is why we just use index 8th edition instead. it is way easier to set up and play.

It is easier, yes, but in my experience it's also more limiting.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2021/02/25 08:47:51

Post by: aphyon

Taking a peek at my epic rulebook it seems to be the opposite. the old epic rules were even more abstract compared to 8th, i like that little extra bit of detail of actually doing damage to units rather than just making them "break" and run via blast markers and single rolls for entire units to shoot , fight etc...

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2021/02/25 09:41:17

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

This is why I favour the 2nd Ed card system.

Start with a company card. Each of those allows a Special Card and up to 6 detachments.

Each card shows you the constituent stands/models required. No muss, no fuss. Points value on the card.

I know some might consider the company cards limiting, and fair enough. But it’s a system I adore to this day.

It’s also super useful for planning an army, whether shopping second hand or going down the 3D printed proxy route.

Other opining are valid and available.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2021/02/25 09:56:01

Post by: Albertorius

 aphyon wrote:
Taking a peek at my epic rulebook it seems to be the opposite. the old epic rules were even more abstract compared to 8th, i like that little extra bit of detail of actually doing damage to units rather than just making them "break" and run via blast markers and single rolls for entire units to shoot , fight etc...

Personally I like the extra abstraction on resolution. You are also doing actual damage to units, not just making them break, but for me Epic is all about the "being a general" experience, and I find that micro managing all and every single unit's weapons throws me off that feeling.

Aditionally, that abstraction helps in allowing you you personalize your detachments much more without needing to fuss about much with specific rules on the same detachment. I always loved being able to "port" my 40k armies into Epic detachment, and it helped immensely for campaigns, too.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
This is why I favour the 2nd Ed card system.

Start with a company card. Each of those allows a Special Card and up to 6 detachments.

Each card shows you the constituent stands/models required. No muss, no fuss. Points value on the card.

I know some might consider the company cards limiting, and fair enough. But it’s a system I adore to this day.

It’s also super useful for planning an army, whether shopping second hand or going down the 3D printed proxy route.

Other opining are valid and available.

That is the way used on Imperius Dominatus, although the sheer scale there is kinda imposing.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 aphyon wrote:
That is why we just use index 8th edition instead. it is way easier to set up and play.

I was wondering... when you say "8th" you mean 40k 8th edition, for Epic army building?

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2021/02/25 10:25:52

Post by: aphyon

Yes, our group directly uses index 8th edition for all army builds and rules, just halving all ranges for weapons and movement. we also don't use any stratagems other than the base 3 in the original index rulebook (usually the occasional re-roll for charges etc..)

This allows all the units to retain their feeling and dynamic performance, because the original 8th edition index rules are so streamlined it works well with epic scale.

Take for instance i have a stand of 6 inceptors when i take wounds on the unit (18 wounds total) i keep a tracking dice next the base and every time i loose 3 wounds i have 1 less marine to work with. so instead of firing 36 assault heavy bolter shots at 9" range i only fire 30 with 3 wounds gone since only 5 inceptors are actually left.

That's what is happening when i post battle report pics like these with the dice wound counters.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2021/02/25 10:55:55

Post by: Albertorius

Interesting, I might have to test it sometime

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2021/02/26 10:50:35

Post by: Albertorius

Finishing up the Air Support:

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2021/02/26 11:43:05

Post by: aphyon

I always did love the storm eagle, have one in full scale(what a nightmare kit) and 2 of the vanguard versions in epic scale.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2021/02/26 12:26:57

Post by: lord_blackfang

 aphyon wrote:
I always did love the storm eagle, have one in full scale(what a nightmare kit)

What, you don't enjoy building a straight rectangle out of 4 bananas?

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2021/02/26 12:37:50

Post by: Pacific

Cracking work on those aircraft Albertorius. Nice job on the hazard stripes as well, I looked closely but could see no errors!

I agree with MDG I like the simplicity of SM 2nd edition and the way armies are built, by extension NetEpic and Imperius Dominatus too. ID does have some pretty mental formations available (I forget the Grand Company size in terms of marines - is it something like 300 marine on 60 stands?) but you can do normal marine company sizes.

One thing I think was better in first edition SM was the cool little bit of artwork you had on some of the cards. I have seen a few people in the FG groups converting these for 2nd edition, although I think it works better with the classic minis from that era, as much of the more modern sculpts from Vanguard or 3D prints that look like the Forge World minis don't look like the cool little Beakie minis on the cards.

About to dive in with 2nd edition SM/NetEpic Orks - watch this space

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2021/02/27 07:12:54

Post by: aphyon

 lord_blackfang wrote:
 aphyon wrote:
I always did love the storm eagle, have one in full scale(what a nightmare kit)

What, you don't enjoy building a straight rectangle out of 4 bananas?

Yeah i had to use a literal heat gun for use with shrink wrap at our FLGS to get the sides straight and even then there were places that needed gap filling. i would have been happier if they had just cast it as a solid chunk of resin.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2021/02/27 13:57:05

Post by: Albertorius

FW resin tends to be worse the more expensive the kit is xD

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 0006/03/14 19:51:34

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

And my “about as mint as can be expected” copy of Space Marine has arrived!

Not a single infantryman snapped, dinged or damaged.


[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2021/03/02 10:07:09

Post by: Jackal90

 Albertorius wrote:
FW resin tends to be worse the more expensive the kit is xD

My hound and reaver were fine :p
Hybrid resin and plastic kits are just cursed.
They really are a nightmare as they always need a ton of work.

I always help a friend of mine with his larger FW kits but the eagle was a flat no can do.
Having assembled a few of them already I’m not ready to re-live that trauma again just yet.

Epic wise, I’ll get some pics of my tyranids shortly.
Started work on the swarm again and progress is moving.
Just a shame that the guy who was selling them pushed his luck and got an eBay ban.
Ideally need some epic scale zoanthropes and then I need to work on the smaller bugs.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2021/03/02 10:25:30

Post by: aphyon

Ideally need some epic scale zoanthropes and then I need to work on the smaller bugs.

You rang?



[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2021/03/02 11:10:29

Post by: Jackal90

 aphyon wrote:
Ideally need some epic scale zoanthropes and then I need to work on the smaller bugs.

You rang?



The vicinids I have on order already.
The other though would be a good neurothrope, but I want to try and keep it as close as I can to the current range.
I have someone test sing a few files at the moment.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2021/03/02 11:11:30

Post by: Pacific

Those Onslaught minis are so cool. I've had a Squat (or Grudd as they label them) army in the basket there for ages now, just need to work out which system I will use them with and commit!

Jackal90 wrote:
 Albertorius wrote:
FW resin tends to be worse the more expensive the kit is xD

Epic wise, I’ll get some pics of my tyranids shortly.
Started work on the swarm again and progress is moving.
Just a shame that the guy who was selling them pushed his luck and got an eBay ban.
Ideally need some epic scale zoanthropes and then I need to work on the smaller bugs.

If it's the person I'm aware of, they disappear for a while and then will come back again at some point (think that has happened at least 2 or 3 times now - I don't know how long it will happen before he gets an account ban though!)

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2021/03/02 11:48:32

Post by: Jackal90

 Pacific wrote:
Those Onslaught minis are so cool. I've had a Squat (or Grudd as they label them) army in the basket there for ages now, just need to work out which system I will use them with and commit!

Jackal90 wrote:
 Albertorius wrote:
FW resin tends to be worse the more expensive the kit is xD

Epic wise, I’ll get some pics of my tyranids shortly.
Started work on the swarm again and progress is moving.
Just a shame that the guy who was selling them pushed his luck and got an eBay ban.
Ideally need some epic scale zoanthropes and then I need to work on the smaller bugs.

If it's the person I'm aware of, they disappear for a while and then will come back again at some point (think that has happened at least 2 or 3 times now - I don't know how long it will happen before he gets an account ban though!)

The guy I know was Cornwall based.
He sent me a message in the post as he only had my address to explain he’d been sent a C&D letter for IP infringement.

There are a few others on eBay though.
One guy loads his shop up at 7pm Saturday then removes it all again at midnight, so it’s a 5 hour window each week to see what’s new and grab it.

This is where the swarm is at now.
The harridan is just a place holder though as it’s not a great conversion.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2021/03/02 13:44:08

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Trigger pulled on Hive War.

Across two eBay listings, got a complete set coming.

Other than Titan Legions and anything in White Dwarf (think that includes the Slaaneshi Titans and maybe Nurgle Daemon Engines?) that’s pretty much everything rules wise I need.

Very excited!

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2021/03/02 15:14:29

Post by: Pacific

Awesome - have you put paintbrush to miniature yet ?

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2021/03/02 15:39:38

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Not so far. Gonna blitz my massive, teetering pile of Zone Mortalis gubbins this week.

[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.  @ 2021/03/02 19:23:06

Post by: aphyon

Forgot to add this one, for those who like the classic boxy warlord titan nuclear shrimp from greece sells them in epic scale.
