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ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2020/11/23 22:10:36

Post by: ManSizedTarget

So I've been building, painting and playing Warhammer of various flavours for the best part of 25 years, and over that time I've collected a range of armies that are in various states of completed-ness. With the current lack of ability to get out and about to show them off and get advice on them, I thought it was about time I stopped lurking and actually contributed to Dakka!

I'll be the first to say that my painting isn't top notch, and I've got some limitations, but I try to be a decent table top level painter, and any comments and criticism is greatly appreciated.

I've got a range of armies that are in various states of finished I'll be documenting throughout this, whilst I continue working on a couple of armies that are much more in "in progress".

My current list of armies to document are in no particular order:
  • Deathwatch (Following a rather radical inquisitor)

  • Inquisition (of various flavours, with various hangers on)

  • Astra Militarum/GSC (the Desert Rats, a rag tag bunch of mechanised guard)

  • Gluttonous Emperor's Children

  • Sisters of Battle / Ecclesiarchy force

  • A small second edition Eldar Biel-Tan force finished off here

  • Space Wolves Combat Patrol

  • 2nd Ed Blood Angels started here and a final group army shot here

  • Rogue Trader Grey Knights

  • Necrons (from Indomitus)

  • World Eaters

  • Assassins (based off of a Van Saar gang)

  • 2nd Ed. Space Orks

  • Thousand Sons Start here and finish here

  • Some Chaos Knights here and more here

  • Ultramarines

  • Tyranids

  • Adeptus Custodes

  • Drukhari (Kabal followed by Wych Kult)

  • 2nd Ed. Imperial Guard (Mordian)

  • Adeptus Mechanicus (Lead by a rather radical Magos Biologis)

  • Renegade Guard (an Astra Militarum force to support the death guard)

  • Renegade Sisters of Battle (who's hymns will make ears bleed)

  • Dark Angels (3 Companies and Counting...)

  • Horus Heresy:
  • Death Guard (a mid heresy army starting to turn to Nurgle)

  • A small Emperor's Children force

  • Age of Sigmar:
  • Stormcast Eternals (Celestial Vindicators that got lost in a Silver Tower)

  • Maggotkin (Alice in Nurgle-land)

  • Goblin Sky Pirates (With flying Orruk support)

  • Legion of Grief (What happened to Bretonnia...)

  • If anyone has any particular requests for which to get to sooner rather than later, I'm all ears, and I'll try to update this with page links when I do get around to each army.

    (I decided to tidy up this first post so moved the Deathwatch that were here to my next post.)

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2020/11/23 22:21:36

    Post by: youwashock


    Quite the characterful batch of models. The Librarian works particularly well.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2020/11/24 09:42:18

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

    (original bit from first post

    First up here's one of my more recent "completions", my Deathwatch.

    Seconded to a rather radical (cough *heretical* cough) Inquisitor (we'll no doubt see him later), they've taken to the use of some questionable weapons in order to purge the aliens.

    It all started with this guy: A Black Shield Librarian that turned up at the Watch Fortress:

    Not long after I completed him, he was swiftly joined by a Chaplain, from the Aurora Chapter:

    And a Apothecary from the Exorcists:

    Ably backed by brother Ismael, the Redemptor dreadnought seconded from the blood angels (he does love his dakka):

    I've recently finished up two small kill-teams for them to lead, so they'll be joining in soon!

    (and now onto the second post)

    Thanks youwashock, I've worked on some bigger armies, but I'm trying to spend more time on individuals in this army to make them more characterful, so I'm glad to see it's working. I've been raiding my bitz box to try and make their chapter recognisable even without the shoulder pads, with mixed success.

    Here's the first kill-team, Fortis Kill Team Vega, kitted out for close range fire-fights:

    Lead by veteran Telamon Vega from the Crimson Fists, with his trusty plasma pistol and massive axe:

    Intercessor Zakeal Astelan, from the Dark Angels, a rather stoic battle brother, and second in command of the kill team:

    Intercessor Olaf Orksbane, from the Space Wolves, who regularly runs through all of his ammunition in any fire-fight:

    Intercessor Marius Belmont, from the Black Templars, who definitely prefers his sword to his auto bolt rifle:

    Intercessor Claudio Moriar, from the Knights of the Chalice, Marius's regular sparring partner:

    With some additional fire support provided by Hellblaster Decimus Castus, from the Angels of Fury:

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2020/11/24 17:42:23

    Post by: youwashock

    Nice group. Big fan of all the rusty blades.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2020/11/24 19:56:53

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

    Thanks, I wanted to try and tie them all together, so everyone gets a rusty blade of some kind. I haven't yet worked out how to fit one to the Redemptor in a useful way. I think I'll either add some rust to him directly, or he may get a rusty bayonet on his cannon. Although a thought just occurred to me that I may be able to give him some rusty claws instead of his fingers...

    Anyway, onto more pictures!

    Here's the second (and final until heavy Intercessors are released) kill-team, Fortis Kill Team Drusus, kitted out for longer range fire-fights, but have gained the rather morbid (and deserved) nickname of "The Skull-Takers":

    Lead by veteran Ollonius Drusus from the Scythes of the Emperor:

    Intercessor Aelius Otho, from the Mortifactors, who collects rather a lot of trophies, including skulls:

    Which puts him in direct competition with Intercessor Tiberius Acastian, from the Silver Skulls, who also collects...well skulls..

    And then there is Intercessor Kaljyk Gal, from the White Scars, who currently only has a couple of skulls.

    The only non-skull obsessed (at least in public) Intercessor in the squad is Solaro Kaed, of the Raven Guard.

    Their fire support is adeptly handled handled by Hellblaster Cato Vertus, from the Ultramarines, who doesn't really know what to make of all the skull taking:

    As that's currently the whole of the Deathwatch patrol I've got done at the moment, I think I'll be digging out the Inquisitor and lackeys that have lead these guys down a rather dangerous road...

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2020/11/25 19:22:24

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

    Just a quick update to Introduce the humble Inquisitor Skaldir. An ordo Xenos inquisitor that's gone a bit off the deep end in using any means at his disposal to purge the alien...

    This guy was originally built at least 5 years ago for a weekend event one of my friends runs each year. The event is Inquisition themed, so everyone brings along an inquisitor of any flavour, from strict puritan to... well Skaldir. There's a range of acolytes, bodyguards and other hangers on, to build a small, squad sized inquisition warband, and then you bring an army to back them up so they could carry out their task.

    Skaldir had the misfortune to try and bring along a Death Guard force and swiftly became a puppet of Grandfather Nurgle. It didn't end well for him, or the Death Guard, funnily enough.

    Next up will probably either be the Death Guard that he brought along with him, or my latest endeavour in the inquisition event: a new inquisitor and the Desert Rats, her rag tag bunch of mechanised guard, which unfortunately haven't seen play due to the current circumstances.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2020/11/25 19:50:56

    Post by: youwashock

    Yeah. That guy probably has a few infectious bats in his belfry. Great stuff, though. Anything =][= related really breeds creativity.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2020/11/25 20:09:53

    Post by: gobert

    That’s a characterful bunch, their inquisitor seems to have brought some intriguing afflictions with him! Great idea

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2020/11/26 19:35:29

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

    Thanks for the nice comments! As the inquisition seems to have taken people's fancy, I'll continue down that path. Here's the group that I assembled for the 2019 Event:

    Inquisitor Lord Exorcizandis. A significantly less radical inquisitor than Skaldir.

    The conversion is based off of one of the images in some stunning Ecclesiarchy conversion ideas by John Blanche from way back in White Dwarf 212, which is from 1997, now I feel old :(.
    I had been really keen to do the conversion at some point, and it had always sat on the back burner of something I would get around to do. So I finally bit the bullet over 20 years after first seeing the ideas and I think he turned out okay, although obviously not as well as the artwork

    Working under him was his interrogator Gunther Rendlsen, a sanctioned abhuman, but I advise against telling him that to his face:

    They were both aided and often patched up by the chief Medicae, Dr. Mirea (using slightly modified rules for a sister of battle hospitaller):

    And their trusty Ad-mech robot Rho-27 (who stood in for UR-025 from Blackstone Fortress):

    And then a small gang of their general grunts (Using the rules for Nitsch's voidsmen squad, from Kill Team: Rogue Trader)

    So that was the gang for 2019. They did moderately well achieved most of their objectives, and didn't die horribly, unlike Skaldir, which is always a plus.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2020/11/27 00:09:35

    Post by: youwashock

    The Inquisitor is so Blanchian. Great job bringing your inspiration to life. The syringe is a wonderful touch. The grunt with the assault cannon is awesome.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2020/11/27 17:11:44

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

    Thanks for the nice words. I realised I had so much fun making that inquisitor, that I've just snagged a couple more bodies off ebay to make some more of the ecclesiarchy conversions, which I found a picture of here:https://gothicpunk.tumblr.com/image/8644549267(I hope linking to tumblr is okay, if not let me know and I'll remove it)

    I'll have to do some work in progress shots once they arrive and I start work on them.

    On the other hand, I currently have my 2020 Inquisitorial warband sat and ready to go, so may I introduce Inquisitor Helenya Phorio, a modestly radical Inquisitor by most measures, one of the members of the newly reformed Ordo Chronos, and a member of the Ocularians, a faction that is obsessed with prophecy and divination. Much about her recent past is shrouded in mystery, and the more someone digs into it, the less there seems to be...

    With her familiar, carrying her "Book of Prophecy":

    Magos Douglass, and his two servitors, who joined Inquistor Phorio under questionable circumstances, when Douglass realised it would be better if he did not hang around his current location. Neither of the servitors are named, as Magos Douglass goes through that at an alarmingly fast rate. He sees them entirely as disposable tools, and why would someone bother naming a wrench?

    The Corpuscarius Electropriest, who arrived with the Magos. He has never mentioned a name, only continuously chanting litanies to the motive force:

    The medic Zuri Wyrick, not approved by any form of official training, but has fixed up plenty of people regardless:

    The Astropath Valeris, the less anyone knows about what's in the box the better:

    And (my favourite) Truck the Ogryn Bodyguard, who may have earned his name because that is what he hits like:

    Inquisitor Phorio also 'acquired' these two guys for her team, Krast and Mahrke, through some dubious Inquisition contacts. Neither will admit to where exactly they originated from, and they've moved through so many inquisitorial retinues tracking it down would be impossible, but they are both extremely competent and have helped Inquisitor Phorio out of a couple of tricky situations.

    As that's the current end of my Inquisition warbands, I'll be moving onto the Desert Rats, the army to go with Inquisitor Phorio.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2020/12/03 19:21:43

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

    So whilst I was waiting for the parts to arrive to make more conversions, I decided I needed to update my current model to more closely match the artwork.
    The plasma pistol is in fact about three different space marine pistols cut down and glued together in various ways, but I think the end result was worth the hassle.
    I've tried attaching the images to this post this time, so lets see how that works.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2020/12/03 20:28:23

    Post by: youwashock

    Phorio's band is fantastic. The medic is a personal favorite. Always glad to see old Escher minis.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2020/12/04 20:39:33

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

     youwashock wrote:
    Phorio's band is fantastic. The medic is a personal favorite. Always glad to see old Escher minis.

    Glad you like them. The old necromunda minis have so much character, so I've mixed the rest of the gang into one of my guard armies. The juves were just a bit small and only had pistols, so I was at a loss what to do with them as they didn't fit into the army, and this just jumped out at me.

    If you like the old escher mini's then you should like the next one, Sister Sabine. She's not completely finished, but can sit in the "done for now" pile whilst I work on some more and decide how much more highlighting/shading I want to do:

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2020/12/04 21:16:26

    Post by: youwashock

    There's a direct translation if I've ever seen one. Sideways seals and all. Love it.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2020/12/05 08:07:42

    Post by: gobert

    Cool inquisition conversions, great job replicating the inspiration!

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2020/12/05 22:06:29

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

    youwashock wrote:There's a direct translation if I've ever seen one. Sideways seals and all. Love it.

    I couldn't possibly make it and miss off the sideways seals, they were about the only thing that needed added

    gobert wrote:Cool inquisition conversions, great job replicating the inspiration!

    Thanks, I'm going to try and keep as close to the original artwork as I can, however nearly all of parts are out of production, so whilst I've managed to source the main bodies, some of the smaller bits will be switched with the closest I have.

    So onto the next member of the team.

    Brignadius the Pious, based on an Eldar Warlock. He's going to get a Storm Shield strapped to his back so that he can be used as a Crusader and I've just ordered one of the other poses of warlock with sword to give him a buddy.
    For anyone that struggles with purity seals in future, I can strongly recommend the Staedtler pigment liner 0.05mm in black. No way I could have done the book and the seals with a brush. I picked it up a while ago for under £3, and it meant I could do the writing on the book and purity seals in about 5 minutes.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2020/12/06 07:51:10

    Post by: Kid_Kyoto

    Loving this blog and especially the Blanche-SoB project. Great homage!

    My only comment would be can anything be done about the little hairs (cat hair?) that are very visable in the close ups?

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2020/12/06 12:52:55

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

     Kid_Kyoto wrote:
    Loving this blog and especially the Blanche-SoB project. Great homage!

    My only comment would be can anything be done about the little hairs (cat hair?) that are very visable in the close ups?

    Ah, that would be the puppy. I'll try and clean off the models and replace the photos over the next couple of days. So far I've manged to keep her from eating any of them, so at least that's a positive.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2020/12/07 15:37:11

    Post by: mcmattila

    I've seen one or two other renditions of that Blanche Inquisitor concept page, and I've loved them every time. Your models are no exception! Brignadius is my favorite, makes me really want to get a Warlock model of my own..

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2020/12/07 15:52:27

    Post by: Tyranid Horde

    Deathwatch are looking great! I like your additions to make them feel like their own chapters and the Blachitsu styled inquistor models are looking awesome. Keep it up.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2020/12/07 19:10:24

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

    mcmattila wrote:I've seen one or two other renditions of that Blanche Inquisitor concept page, and I've loved them every time. Your models are no exception! Brignadius is my favorite, makes me really want to get a Warlock model of my own..

    I do like Brignadius, it's a relatively simple conversion that works really well. You should definitely give it a go!

    Tyranid Horde wrote:Deathwatch are looking great! I like your additions to make them feel like their own chapters and the Blachitsu styled inquistor models are looking awesome. Keep it up.

    Thanks very much, I tried very hard to make the Deathwatch members match their chapters, even without their shoulder pads giving it away.

    Next up is Guido Noctula. He's a fairly easy conversion, however rather than replace his torso as recommended I just filed away his waistcoat. I've tried to photo him several times, but can't get a good image. The paint is a lot let streaky/brush marked, but it's the best I can do for the evening.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2020/12/07 19:31:59

    Post by: youwashock

    Keep 'em coming! This is an awesome stroll down memory lane. Great style.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2020/12/08 07:13:06

    Post by: Kid_Kyoto

    LOL a priest named Guido... I am shocked they resisted the temptation to give him the last name Sarducci.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2020/12/08 21:49:11

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

     Kid_Kyoto wrote:
    LOL a priest named Guido... I am shocked they resisted the temptation to give him the last name Sarducci.

    I had never seen that. I'm not sure it was intentional, but considering some of the other tongue in cheek naming conventions we can't really rule it out.

    Next up is Tortus Bubonicus, a priest with a flamer. I'm pretty sure I'm going to stick a sheathed chainsword on the offside (if I can find one, anyone know if a kit has one?), and run him as Pious Vorne from Blackstone Fortress.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2020/12/09 06:47:32

    Post by: Kid_Kyoto

     ManSizedTarget wrote:
     Kid_Kyoto wrote:
    LOL a priest named Guido... I am shocked they resisted the temptation to give him the last name Sarducci.

    I had never seen that. I'm not sure it was intentional, but considering some of the other tongue in cheek naming conventions we can't really rule it out.

    Next up is Tortus Bubonicus, a priest with a flamer. I'm pretty sure I'm going to stick a sheathed chainsword on the offside (if I can find one, anyone know if a kit has one?), and run him as Pious Vorne from Blackstone Fortress.

    I guess it depends how popular SNL was in the UK circa 1997.

    Tortus is looking great, I just worry he's gonna get bonked on the head by his own spiky incense burner

    Automatically Appended Next Post:
    Oh you might want to post some pics, here:


    FB group dedicated to Blanche-inspired minis

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2020/12/09 19:43:45

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

     Kid_Kyoto wrote:

    I guess it depends how popular SNL was in the UK circa 1997.

    Tortus is looking great, I just worry he's gonna get bonked on the head by his own spiky incense burner

    Automatically Appended Next Post:
    Oh you might want to post some pics, here:


    FB group dedicated to Blanche-inspired minis

    I'm young enough (but only just) that I've no idea how popular SNL was back in the 90s And thanks for the link to the group, I'm taking a break from mainstream social media (hence coming and joining Dakka), but I'll make sure to keep it in mind when I go back on.

    Regarding the incense burner, I'm pretty sure he'll have been smacked round the head by it a couple of times, but I doubt it's knocked any sense into him

    I've been working on the last three members, but they've required a significant amount of conversion work, so none of them are finished yet, but here's a (very rough) WIP:

    And the art for them is here:

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2020/12/09 20:39:22

    Post by: Kid_Kyoto

    Bishop of Metallica...

    Remember kids this is a GRIMDARK game, serious business! No room for frivolity here!

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2020/12/10 20:42:09

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

     Kid_Kyoto wrote:
    Bishop of Metallica...

    Remember kids this is a GRIMDARK game, serious business! No room for frivolity here!

    Now I'm really tempted to make the original Inquisitor, Obiwan Sherlock Clousseau, wearing his skin tight power armour that looks suspiciously like jeans and a t-shirt...

    Next up on the Ecclesiarchy conversions is Heironymous Vulcanis, based on the old Fabius Bile model. The amount of greenstuff required on him was a challenge, as I'm not great, but I think his furry shoulders worked ok, although they don't show the texture as well in the photos.

    To be completely honest he's actually the first one I've finished and been disappointed at how he came out. He may well get some more work done to him later, but I'm not sure what needs done (apart from improving my painting ) so I'll leave him be until I work out what needs changing, rather than fuss with him and make it worse.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2020/12/11 09:06:52

    Post by: gobert

    Nice! There’s a test amount of heresy in making Imperial Preachers out of Chaos Space Marines. I love it!

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2020/12/11 22:29:42

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

     gobert wrote:
    Nice! There’s a test amount of heresy in making Imperial Preachers out of Chaos Space Marines. I love it!

    It's great, some of the Chaos models have some great character, and now that marines have gotten bigger, the old sculpts work as humans in power armour

    No paint yet, but I think I've managed to finish the greenstuff and modelling, hopefully it'll be dry tomorrow to allow me to get them undercoated and some paint on them.

    [Thumb - IMG_20201211_221953.jpg]

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2020/12/11 22:54:11

    Post by: Fifty

    Hey, I recognise these!

    I've been paying a great deal of attention to them as you've posted them in the Silent War group!

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2020/12/12 22:36:25

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

     Fifty wrote:
    Hey, I recognise these!
    I've been paying a great deal of attention to them as you've posted them in the Silent War group!

    I thought as that group was what inspired them in the first place it would be rude not to post them.

    Not a lot of painting today, managed to get the base coats and a wash onto Bishop Equitius, so he's still waiting to get the highlighting and detailing done, but I am already quite happy with how he's turning out.

    I also started building a companion for Brignadius the Pious, as then I can run the pair of them as a unit of crusaders.
    I honestly can't believe I'm running out of purity seals, but I am, so I've had to green-stuff some, hopefully they won't look to different with a coat of paint.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2020/12/13 18:47:24

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

    Bishop Equitius is finished, and boy did that checkering take several attempts. I made the decision to give him a flaming goblet unlike the artwork, because I'm planning on running him as a Canoness so I can give him a Brazier of Holy Fire (and it looks cool).

    Speaking of army ideas, I was working through what I could run the rest as, I think so far it is:
    Lord Exorcizandis: Inquisitor
    Bishop Equitius: Canoness (with Brazier of Holy Fire)
    Heironymous Vulcanis: Canoness (with Null rod)
    Brignadius (and friend): Crusaders

    Sister Sabine: Lord Commissar
    Barbarosa Malificarum: Commissar
    Guido Noctula: Platoon Commander with Boltgun
    Tortus Bubonicus (and some more Redemptionist friends): Special Weapon Squad with flamers

    Which means if I add a Battle Sister Squad I can run it as an Adepta Sororitas Patrol detachment and a Astra Militarum Vanguard detachment, coming in around 440 points(23 power). I'm thinking of expanding it to make it up to 50 power as a nice little crusade force, so if anyone has any suggestions on what to add (especially if there is more Blanche artwork to base it off ) please feel free to let me know!

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2020/12/13 19:31:35

    Post by: youwashock

    Flaming cup is a cool choice. This one always struck me as some sort of rock-star evangelist. "Cadia! Let me hear you! Are you ready to ROCK?"

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2020/12/14 21:54:30

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

     youwashock wrote:
    Flaming cup is a cool choice. This one always struck me as some sort of rock-star evangelist. "Cadia! Let me hear you! Are you ready to ROCK?"

    The artwork certainly invokes an evangelist, I feel mine evokes a bit more "Who ordered the flaming sambuca?" kind of statement though

    Last and by no means least on the Ecclesiarchy Conversions is Barbarosa Malificarum. I tried to push myself with the freehand on him, and actually used a paintbrush rather than a pen for the writing, with mixed success.

    With that the gang is complete, and I'm working on a simple display base for them, although I may have to change it depending on the basing I decide for them to have long term. Also Brignadius's partner is coming along, so he'll probably appear soon.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2020/12/16 20:56:20

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

    I've finally got a group shot of all of them together on the (simple) display base I made for them. Whilst it'll never win a golden demon, I'm pretty happy with how they've turned out overall.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2020/12/17 20:37:08

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

    So a quick update, got Brignadius the Pious's friend completed, if anyone has any ideas for names then I'm all ears, as I'm terrible at them.

    I also worked on some bases as I'm trying to work out what to do with the whole army as I'm not happy with the current desert scheme. It kind of blends in with the models too much and feel it gets lost with them.
    I've got some necromunda bases which I painted up as a test, which I'm tempted to use, as I think they'll contrast nicely with the red/brown/yellow of the models.
    Alternatively if any one has any idea for other basing that would suit them then please leave a comment!

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2020/12/17 21:57:21

    Post by: Ancestral Hamster

    Odovacar the Faceless. (Odovacar means "wealthy and vigilant"; not necessarily the most apt based on the figure's looks, but I like the sound of the name).

    And for your future needs, this webpage hosts a variety of Name Generators, both fantasy and real world.

    Realm of Plastic hosts many 40k name generators as well as Age of Sigmar ones.

    Behind the Name Meaning of real world names.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2020/12/18 01:40:38

    Post by: youwashock

    That group shot belongs in a codex. Love it.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2020/12/19 21:44:14

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

    Ancestral Hamster wrote:Odovacar the Faceless. (Odovacar means "wealthy and vigilant"; not necessarily the most apt based on the figure's looks, but I like the sound of the name).

    And for your future needs, this webpage hosts a variety of Name Generators, both fantasy and real world.

    Realm of Plastic hosts many 40k name generators as well as Age of Sigmar ones.

    Behind the Name Meaning of real world names.

    Odovacar the Faceless it is!

    Those links are awesome, I'm bookmarking them for later use.

    youwashock wrote:That group shot belongs in a codex. Love it.

    I'm glad you like it so much, I'm really pleased with how they have turned out as a group.

    Not a lot of work done today, but Tortus's gang have turned up and had a couple of quick conversions from shotguns to flamers. It gives me six in total, with three flamers, to run as a special weapon squad. I'm going to add banners or something to the other two flamer carriers, so all the special weapon troopers have some form of banner.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2020/12/20 02:09:48

    Post by: tzurk

    Wow, that group shot is unreal. You have done an awesome job of pulling the character off the page and into miniature form! Absolutely a retinue to be proud of. Bishop Equitius and Heironymous Vulcanis are the stand outs for me, but you've produced fantastic work all around.

    Really looking forward to where you take the new guys with a bit of paint.

    Thanks for sharing!

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2020/12/20 06:36:36

    Post by: Kid_Kyoto

    Looking good, can't wait to see what you do with the old Redemptionists, they're great models.

    Just one thing is Barbarosa built off of a dwarf, or is it just the funky proportions of older models I'm seeing?

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2020/12/20 09:45:43

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

    tzurk wrote:Wow, that group shot is unreal. You have done an awesome job of pulling the character off the page and into miniature form! Absolutely a retinue to be proud of. Bishop Equitius and Heironymous Vulcanis are the stand outs for me, but you've produced fantastic work all around.

    Really looking forward to where you take the new guys with a bit of paint.

    Thanks for sharing!

    Equitius is probably my favourite, and Heironymous has grown on me since I finished him, although I might go back and do some neatening up and highlights.

    Kid_Kyoto wrote:Looking good, can't wait to see what you do with the old Redemptionists, they're great models.

    Just one thing is Barbarosa built off of a dwarf, or is it just the funky proportions of older models I'm seeing?

    Barbarosa Is based off of the old (1992 I think) Empire Jade wizard, so whilst he isn't based off of a dwarf, he is noticeably shorter than the rest. As the base models are from a variety of ranges (fantasy, 40k, Necromunda) and ages, I have found it quite nice that they all vary in height by a bit, giving it a more realistic view, rather than everyone being the same height.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2020/12/20 09:53:14

    Post by: Kid_Kyoto

    Got it, and looking at the others a couple are based on Marines which makes sense that they're taller.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2020/12/20 10:05:19

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

     Kid_Kyoto wrote:
    Got it, and looking at the others a couple are based on Marines which makes sense that they're taller.

    Yes, Equitius, Exorcizandis and Heironymous are all based on marines (Ahriman, Mephiston and Fabius Bile respectively), and Guido has a marines legs (Ezekiel), so is a little taller too.
    I felt that Equitius and Heironymous are big enough that I've left them in power armour and given them the smaller sisters of battle back packs which I had floating around, whilst Exorcizandis has the fur from his shoulders sculpted to run around the back to cover the original mounting point.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2020/12/20 19:03:16

    Post by: gobert

    Wow! They look a pious bunch, the display tower is a great idea and works really well. The Necromunda bases look really great too, but I feel the sand bases match the era better imho.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2020/12/20 19:04:33

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

    So a couple of banners from left over cawdor parts and replacing all of the nooses with bells from a couple of plague monk sprues I had kicking around, and the special weapon squad was ready for paint.

    It's a quick(ish) paint job, basecoating each section and then a liberal application of nuln oil, but it does the job.

    I decided to put them on the necromunda bases I had painted, and I am much happier with them as it provides much more of a contrast than the sand scheme I had before.

    Automatically Appended Next Post:
     gobert wrote:
    Wow! They look a pious bunch, the display tower is a great idea and works really well. The Necromunda bases look really great too, but I feel the sand bases match the era better imho.

    The sand bases do fit the era, and match the artwork more, so I might end up magnetising the models to fit on them or on necromunda bases. I've realised that I'll need to rebase a couple of them anyway as the models I want to count them as are on 32mm bases anyway.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2020/12/21 23:46:50

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

    Not a lot of work today, managed to get basecoats and a quick wash on the first (and possibly only) unit of sisters of battle.
    I went with the Order of the Bloody Rose to tie in with all of the red on the other models. A quick WIP will be at the end, however...

    With a little bit of planning ahead, I want to turn these from a page of 8 random characters into a full crusade army, however I'm not sure on what to do for some of the units.

    I'm looking at the following army, with the things in red I'm still mostly missing ideas for, whilst the oranges I'm open to changing, and green I'm pretty sure:

    Inquistor: Lord Exorcizandis here

    Lord Commissar: Sister Sabine here
    Primaris Psyker: Barbarosa Malificarum (it's a fancy laspistol, honest) here
    Infantry Squad: The steel legion squad are still available online, so they're tempting, as are the cawdor (both new and old if I can source them from ebay)
    Scions squad: No idea, possibly something based on Cities of sigmar greatswords, or even the human noble blood bowl team, but it seems a bit out of place considering pretty much the rest of the army is metal.
    Platoon Commander: Guido Noctula here
    Special Weapons squad: Tortus Bubonicus (and his Redemptionist friends) here
    Taurox/Chimera x 2: I'm thinking the goliath truck would make a pretty good taurox stand in, and I've seen some nice conversions of chimeras moving the turret back.

    Canoness: Bishop Equitius here
    Canoness: Heironymous Vulcanis here
    Battle Sister Squad: WIP using the metal Sisters of Battle (this post)
    Crusaders: Brignadius the Pious and Odovacar the Faceless (thanks Ancestral Hamster) here and here
    Death cult assassins:I've managed to pick up a couple of metal 6th ed witch elves, which I'm going to have a go at converting...
    Preacher: Using the current model seems a bit of a cop out...
    Mortifier/Anchorite: the actual Anchorite model, as it's pretty awesome, although I could try and use the old metal one and squeeze it onto a 50mm base...
    Sororitas Rhino: Possibly converted from an Exorcist/Immolator for all the cool flaming exhausts

    So I'm hoping I can steal some of Dakka's creative drive. If anyone has any ideas about anything in the list, either model options/conversions or even about changing the list, please feel free to add them. If there's artwork I can use to base conversions off, that's even better.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2020/12/22 08:22:49

    Post by: Kid_Kyoto

    Does it have to be GW? Victoria Miniatures does some fantastic updated models in the style of the old IG, and then there's tons of great stuff from Mad Robot, Anvil etc. Actually Mad Robot does some really cool models in the style of the 1988 Archadian Spiders if you really want to go retro.

    Frost Grave has some cultists and a Sci Fi upgrade sprue if you want some really culty IG.

    From the GW side the Chaos Cultists are not all that Chaosy and can be any sort of factory worker or whatever. The problem is only 5 of the 20 are in production now so it's hard to make real units. The 2 sets of Blackstone cultists could also work but come in groups of 7... GS cultists I think have enough non-mutant bits to work.

    The new Necromunda models can make great IG but are a bit taller than current Cadians and a lot taller than older metals. The Delaques are good models but head and shoulders taller than any other GW humans.

    Older metal guard and Necromunda is getting harder to find on ebay, more and more folks are selling a singly model for $10-$15

    So of the options I would recommend Frostgrave cultists, with GW cultists as a second choice.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2020/12/22 11:15:45

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

    I'm trying to keep it GW as both my local stores are GW, and I might take it up to warhammer world for an event.

    The chaos cultists are a good shout, I've already incorporated some into another guard army I have. Whilst I love the new blackstone fortress traitor guard, looking on ebay they're more expensive than getting a new squad of steel legion direct from GW

    If I'm only doing one squad then with the 5 man box I can hopefully make the duplicates look a bit different, but I might scout around ebay and see if I can find any reasonably priced metal guard or necromunda before I settle on that.

    I suppose the other option is to not make the squad too uniform, and basically turn them into a collection of ten individuals (with appropriate equipment between them), which would allow me more flexibility and possibly some more fun conversions.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2020/12/22 12:11:47

    Post by: Kid_Kyoto

    Another option is Empire Handgunners, relatively cheap, easy to convert and in scale with older metals.

    You could do a pretty ragtag Blanchesque army with the remaining Empire kits. Handgunners as riflemen, greatsword scions, the organ gun thing or cannon as FW field artillery. And outriders of course, one of my favorite sources of bits.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2020/12/23 21:05:01

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

     Kid_Kyoto wrote:
    Another option is Empire Handgunners, relatively cheap, easy to convert and in scale with older metals.

    You could do a pretty ragtag Blanchesque army with the remaining Empire kits. Handgunners as riflemen, greatsword scions, the organ gun thing or cannon as FW field artillery. And outriders of course, one of my favorite sources of bits.

    I had a bit more of a think about it, and I'm probably going to run two squads of scions instead of the infantry squad. There's two reasons for this. One is that narratively, the Ecclesiarchy aren't allowed any "men under arms", so having inquisitorial stormtroopers is easier to justify from a background perspective than a random guard squad. The other reason is that greatswords come in packs of ten, and there are ten scions in the "Start Collecting! Militarum Tempestus" which would also give me a taurox, so it makes sense to me to use them all . Also only having ten to do allows me to spend a bit more time on each of them.

    I had a trip to my local GW to try and pick up bits and pieces to work on, but unsurprisingly with it being this close to Christmas, the shop looked like it had been looted, and it turns out half the stuff I wanted is direct order only as well. So work on the Ecclesiarchy is going to be on hold until other stuff for it arrives, and with the current postage situation, I'm not sure when that will be

    Whilst I was at GW I did manage to get a Boomdakka Snazzwagon (what a name!), which I had been meaning to pick up for (one of) my other guard(ish) armies: "The Desert Rats", so I'm going to try and get some photos of the army up and work on the snazzwagon (to become an Achilles Ridgerunner).

    I've tried my hand at some background for the force, which is a fully mechanised guard force (technically genestealer cults rules wise) using de-orked ork vehicles:

    The Desert Rats

    The survivors of Eidius Tertiary, calling themselves the "Dust walkers" in low gothic, but often referred to by others as "The Desert Rats", come from a planet that was lost to the Imperium for the best part of a thousand years. It wasn't lost due to nefarious means, or even the capricious nature of the warp...

    It was lost through simple bureaucracy. Some clerk buried in the Administratum incorrectly entered one of the numerous codes for the planet, and it effectively disappeared from the Administratum's view. When this silence became noticed planet side, several astropathic messages were sent, which were all received, copied in triplicate, forwarded to the appropriate departments, filed into the now incorrect folders, and never looked at again...

    It was only through sheer luck, fate, or the Emperor's grace, that the planet was rediscovered. An imperial vessel by the name of "His Implacable Majesty" had to make an emergency transition from the warp into real space due to issues with it's Gellar field. The transition left it worrying close to several astronomical bodies as it ended up within the Eidius system. Unable to enter the warp from the centre of the system and noticing signals from some barely functioning satellites, a trawl through the ships databanks was conducted to try and work out where they were.

    This resulted in the original data for Eidius Tertiary being found, alongside the current incorrect data, which put it in a different segmentum altogether. It was the only inhabitable world in the system and had been given over to be largely an Agri-world focussed on the farming of several native livestock, mostly large and vicious, but nutritious when processed correctly. There was the required heavy industry in order to support the farming, but the population was sparse, with only a few major cities.

    Upon hearing this information, an Inquisitor travelling on the vessel "suggested" that they conduct a review before feeding back the information to the Administratum. When "His Implacable Majesty" entered the orbit of the planet, it was clear that it no longer resembled the data that had been drawn from the databanks. It was now largely desert, with slow moving sandstorms hundreds of miles wide roaming the globe. The signs of civilisation were sparse, as any city that had been hit by one of the marauding sandstorms was scoured down to it's foundations.

    The population had spread out into several nomadic tribes, avoiding the sandstorms and hunting the native wildlife, all pretence of organised farming and cohesive industry had been lost.

    It had transpired that over the years whilst the planet had been lost to the Imperium that significant overgrazing of the grasslands had left them barren, and the pollution from the industrial plants spewing radioactive smoke had slowly clogged the atmosphere, turning the entire planet into a barren dust filled wasteland where the air is scarcely breathable even with a respirator.

    Contact was made with several of the nomadic tribes, with varying degrees of success. Some were openly hostile, immediately opening fire upon any shuttle that came near with the hopes of downing it and stealing whatever survived the crash. Other groups had drifted too far from the human baseline, inbreeding and radiation causing mutations that rendered the group unredeemable to the imperium, and they were dealt with accordingly.

    Finally contact was made with the Dust Walkers. An Aquila Lander swept around the tribe in a wide arc, flanked by half a dozen Arvus lighters, allowing reconnaissance of the area, and ensuring an ambush was impossible. They had come upon the tribe in motion, an assortment of wildly different motor vehicles forming a caravan of sorts, which haphazardly came to a stop upon seeing the shuttles. As they descended a single vehicle made it's way out towards what would evidently be the landing zone. As the craft touched down, a lone figure slowly lowered themselves from the vehicle to cover the remaining distance on foot. Hunched over, using a staff to help him, he methodically made his way forward.

    The Arvus Lighters disgorged their complements of soldiers, fanning across the area, whilst one squad kept their gun's trained on the figure, who halted a short distance from them. As the Aquila's fuselage slowly opened and the Inquisitor stepped out, the old man stood straighter, and slowly raised his hands. With great care he interlocked his thumbs and placed his hands flat across his chest and raised his voice: "Welcome honoured brothers and sisters from the Imperium in the stars. I am 'He Who Breathes The Air', the Pharm'r of this tribe. We try to still hunt the great beasts as our ancestors were instructed, but with each generation it grows harder, and resources scarcer. Are you here to relieve us of our duty, or to bring vengeance for our failure?"

    Inquisitor Phorio looked at the man, and past him at the rest of his caravan, a small smile playing at the corner of her lips. "Whilst your duty here has ended, I believe there is greatness for you among the stars."

    And here is the man in question, 'He Who Breathes The Air', the only person in the force that isn't wearing a gas mask (he can get away with it, because he's a witch!). And a WIP shot of one of the "Chimeras", as I happen to have it on my computer.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2020/12/23 21:50:48

    Post by: PaddyMick

    Great stuff, you have really captured everything that makes 40k such a unique setting and what got me hooked as a kid (for me anyway, makes me want to reach for the Rogue Trader rulebook).

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2020/12/24 14:54:25

    Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

    De-orking! Now that's a super fun and unique idea. I can't wait to see more!

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2020/12/24 19:57:06

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

    PaddyMick wrote:Great stuff, you have really captured everything that makes 40k such a unique setting and what got me hooked as a kid (for me anyway, makes me want to reach for the Rogue Trader rulebook).

    I got into 40k at the tail end of second edition, so never had the joy of Rogue Trader But I still love exploring the edges of the setting, and finding those little bits of uniqueness and weirdness that I feel truly make the setting shine.

    Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll wrote:De-orking! Now that's a super fun and unique idea. I can't wait to see more!

    More there shall be!

    The ideas for the Desert Rats as a project began many (probably close to ten) years ago, when I spotted the ork flakka-dakka gun. This was before there was the new plastic hydra, and the old one was resin, and had the horrible tendency to warp and be horrible, so I thought it would be cool to convert the flakka dakka gun on a trukk into a hydra, for a rag-tag bunch of guard. I bought the flakka dakka gun on a visit to Warhammer World, and then it sat in my pile of shame as an unfinished project for far too long.

    Earlier this year I decided to change that, so the first de-orkifying began, with a trukk and the flakka dakka gun, to make a counts-as Hydra:

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2020/12/27 23:23:39

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

    Here's the Desert Rats Biker Squad. They get run as Atalan Jackals from the GSC, but I felt they needed something a bit bigger and more orky to ride. around the deserts, rather than the little dirt bikes.

    The riders are a massive mix of parts, from all three flavours of aeldari, ad mech, cawdor gangers, genestealer cults, some wood elf and dark elf bits, and even the legs from one of the godsworn hunt's warcry warband members. It was literally a rummage through my bits box to see if there was anything that would fit.

    PS. Just so people don't think I've forgotten about the Inquisition, I've got some WIP of my arco flagellants, still need to work on what heads they are getting...

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2020/12/29 18:21:30

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

    The de-ork-ification of the snazzwagon has begun. I had to file off a couple of ork glyphs, and switch out the driver.

    Replacing the driver was relatively easy. I glued the normal driver together, then sawed through his waist just above the belt. Did the same to a spare orlock I had lying around (from another conversion that didn't work out), and that sorted the body. I cut the ork hand out of the steering wheel and replaced it with a spare orlock one, and then lined up all of the bits together and glued them. The fiddliest bit was getting them all in the right place at once for the gluing, so there are actually small pins in the steering column (between the wheel and the car) and the wrist joint, so I could spin them around to get them right whilst they still held together.

    Due to the height gained by the driver (by having his head above his shoulders, unlike an ork), I've had to remove a bar that ran along that side, but I think it looks fine without it.

    It still needs the exhausts and the gunner (I might have to get a box of goliaths), but I'll probably keep them separate for ease of painting.

    I'm thinking of using the Kustom Boosta-Blasta as the other Ridgerunner, assuming it can be massaged onto a 120mm oval base. If anyone has one that could check that would be a great help!

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2020/12/29 18:50:51

    Post by: Ancestral Hamster

    Witness Me!
    How very Mad Max! The Orlock works well. You could use an ork as a blood bag if you're going for a Fury Road theme, although this seems like it was just meant as desert scavenger.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2020/12/29 19:28:03

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

    I keep meaning to watch Mad Max (both old and new) but I've never got around to actually watching any of them, so any resemblance is down to a similar theme plus whatever pictures and images have made their way around the internet... I just had to watch the "Witness me" scene to understand it

    When I started building the army I themed it more along the lines of desert scavengers, more akin to Jawas from star wars than War Boys from Mad Max, but that might change as I add more units.

    Speaking of jawas...
    Here's one of the three infantry squads. These are the normal members of the caravan, who band together for their own safety, in case any big game decide to attack whilst they're being hunted. With the failing technology across the planet they've come to rely on more primitive las-locks, often temperamental and rarely very effective, but they're betting than going unarmed when you are hunting big game...

    One brave (or foolish...) guy has decided that a flamethrower is obviously a better option to hunt with, which is probably more of use to frighten the game away if they get too close, or to help barbeque it afterwards

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2020/12/30 10:09:33

    Post by: gobert

    You should definitely watch Mad Max, they’re great movies. The Snazzwagon is very much in keeping with the Fury Road aesthetic . The Mechanicus heads on the infantry works really well. A strong wasteland scavengers vibe that’s for sure

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2020/12/30 14:51:08

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

     gobert wrote:
    You should definitely watch Mad Max, they’re great movies. The Snazzwagon is very much in keeping with the Fury Road aesthetic . The Mechanicus heads on the infantry works really well. A strong wasteland scavengers vibe that’s for sure

    I'll definitely give them a go when I can find them on a streaming site.
    I like the mechaicus heads, and I had them leftover after making a load of skitarii vanguard. As an added bonus the mechanicus heads fit pretty easily, just the odd bit of clipping and filing to get them to fit on all the bodies, however getting the weapons to fit was another issue altogether. There was a lot of cutting the arms off flush with the sides of the body and then green-stuffing the cowl bits back in to match...

    Here's squad 2 and 3, which round out the normal infantry. I'm tempted to remove the fuel bottle from squad 2's flamer to make it look like he's switching over to the one in his hand to make the pose less awkward, as I can't rotate the head, anyone got any opinions?

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/01/01 21:02:57

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

    And the last of the infantry for the army, a small squad of of proper hunters. They've got a different way of getting around, and often head off ahead of the rest of the caravan to down some of the biggest game with their pair of more esoteric weapons, but it's not without it's own risks as they've got to get close to make proper use of them...

    These guys are run as scions with a pair of meltaguns, and whilst the rest of the caravan makes do with (mostly) wheeled transports, these guys have got something a bit better to drop them off where they can do some serious damage.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/01/06 19:41:11

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

    So my box of Goliaths and the bases I ordered both arrived today.
    I'm not sure if it was the designers intention that a Boomdakka Snazzwagon could be an Achilles Ridgerunner, but I think they switch over pretty well and even have approximately the right weapons (2 heavy stubbers and a big laser)!

    The question is do I do another Snazzwagon as the other Ridgerunner, or do I use a Kustom Boosta-blasta to switch it up?

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/01/31 15:34:54

    Post by: PaddyMick

    I would vote for the Kustom Boosta Blasta, for more even more non-uniformity.

    Your De-orkification is inspired and has given me a couple of ideas for a chaos cultist project I am planning.

    Keep up the good work!

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/01/31 18:31:15

    Post by: Kid_Kyoto

    Oh that is nice, I have to give the ork buggies another look.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/07/08 22:06:31

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

    First up: an apology.

    So I got side-tracked by life and kind of forgot about this blog. I had all the good intentions of trying to update it most days and... didn't. I'm going to try and update it once a week, as that feels more manageable, and hopefully it means I can stick to it.

    On a more positive note, I've made quite a lot of progress since my last post, The chimera has been painted:

    As has my snazzwagon/ridgerunner:

    And it has a twin:

    And they got a bigger brother (leman russ) to back them up:

    Which almost didn't fit in my lightbox...

    So that's the Desert Rat's pretty much done, I think there is another two chimeras, and a Jackal Alphus that I haven't photographed, so that'll be my next update.

    After that it's onto another project.
    Does anyone have a preference? I've got the following mostly sorted:

  • 30k Death Guard

  • 40k Adeptus Mechanicus

  • 40k 2nd Edition Eldar

  • Maggotkin of Nurgle (with a literary twist )

  • And I need to revisit some of the Inquisition...

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/07/11 20:14:09

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

    So I decided that I don't think anyone really wants to see two (nearly) identical trukk/chimeras and one biker, so I'm going to move onto the next army.

    Age of Sigmar Nurgle Maggotkin
    So this army started when I saw the Horticulous Slimux model. At first I was all "It's cool, it's a plague bearer riding a snail (called Mulch), that's odd but I like it".
    Then I realised that Mulch had legs...
    Mulch isn't a snail, it's a caterpillar with a shell...
    And my mind took a sudden left turn at Albuquerque and went "There's a caterpillar in Alice in Wonderland!"
    And I had the spare parts from Khalida when I build Mannfred, so....
    Here she is:
    Alice and the caterpillar (run as Horticulous Slimux)

    and as I feel I can't leave it at that, we'll have the first character she meets.
    The White Rabbit (based on a Warpgnaw Verminlord, but run as a Verminlord Corruptor with Witherstave)

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/07/11 20:56:20

    Post by: Ancestral Hamster

    Alice and the White Rabbit are clever. The White Rabbit looks dangerous though.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/07/12 17:57:25

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

     Ancestral Hamster wrote:
    Alice and the White Rabbit are clever. The White Rabbit looks dangerous though.

    Thanks, and I certainly wouldn't want to make the White Rabbit Late...

    With Maggotkin having so many similar characters (Lord of...) I was kind of spoilt for choice when doing the next pair of memorable characters, the Tweedles.

    I already had the Lord of Plagues (and it's an awesome model) and decided Gutrot Spume had a bit more character than the Lord of Blights. I liked the way these two have similar helmets, axes and shoulder armour. You can't really see it in this photo, but they both have matching striped trousers.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/07/15 08:36:20

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

    Anyone remember the scene in "Alice in Wonderland" where they have tea party?

    I decided that it needed to be on the table, and the Warshrine seemed an ideal model to base it on:

    It's a pretty simple conversion, there is a 25mm base glued onto the Warshrine's altar with a greenstuff tablecloth, and the grey seer from the screaming bell got greenstuff ears to be the March Hare.
    I decided that the tablecloth needed to be gingham so used some 3mm masking tape to create the pattern. It hasn't come out as well in the photos as it looks in real life, but I hope you get the idea.

    I'm still looking for a 28mm tea set to go on the table, but it seems they aren't very popular, or are a fortune to get them 3d printed from somewhere like shapeways, as I'm in the UK. If anyone has any ideas on where to get some, I would love to know!

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/07/19 14:35:26

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

    A couple of the more interesting characters to fit in with the theme, the Walrus and the Carpenter:

    The Walrus is a beast of Nurgle with Tusks added, whilst the Carpenter started off as A rat ogre, with a river troll head and a custom Hammer made from plasticard and is run as a Chaos spawn.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/07/21 09:25:34

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

    And on to the Jabberwock:

    This is run as a Jabberslythe, but I didn't feel fighting with that much finecast. I had some spare Plague Drones from the "Blightwar" box that I wasn't going to get around to building as I'm not a massive fan of how they look with the riders, so I decided to repurpose one of them.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/07/21 21:59:18

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

    I thought I would change it up with a quick WIP shot of one (of my too many) ongoing projects, to hopefully give me the drive to actually get it finished.

    I got Dark Imperium a while ago (which tells you how long this project has been going on...) and decided the new Death Guard models didn't match up with current 30K Death Guard, so they went into a storage box. A little while later I realised that you can just about make a combat patrol out of it, so I worked one out and then just had to come up with a non-death guard way to do it.

    So a lot of clipping and filing later I've got rid of the Nurgle marks...

    And here's a hint for their new allegiance:

    Still a lot of white and gold to go...

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/07/22 15:09:26

    Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

    Plague Marines into Emperor's Children? I'm excited to see how this turns out!

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/07/22 21:04:48

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

     Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll wrote:
    Plague Marines into Emperor's Children? I'm excited to see how this turns out!

    I'm exited to see how they turn out too! They've been sat in the "To do" pile for far too long, simply because I wasn't sure I can make them look how I want, but we'll never know if I don't try.

    I've got some of the main colours blocked in on a few of them, just to see how they're going to look, and I think they're heading in the right direction:

    I'm a clumsy person, so the way I tend to pain is to do the base colours, with a highlight on some of them, then typically a nuln or agrax wash over all of the model, and another set of highlights. This is the first set of base colours, the blue will be highlighted with white, and after that I'll give them a wash. I'm debating between using druuchi violet or nuln oil. I think the violet will work better on the armour and gold, but the nuln oil on the white and silver. Which means I may have to try and be neat and use both

    I realised in painting them that whilst I might have been able to get rid of pretty much all of the tri-lobe nurgle symbols, there's no way to get rid of all of the flies and bells on these guys. So I figure why not embrace it? I've written a bit of background to try and make sense of it. I'm no black library author, but I figure I won't get better without trying, so if anyone has any comments on it, I'm all ears! I'm going to spoiler it as otherwise it's a wall of text, I I'm pretty sure people are mainly here for the pictures


    Even before their fall from grace, Captain Vaust Emmat had always been a bit of an oddity within the Emperor’s Children. A jovial man, large even for an astartes, he should have been the picture of a prefect Captain, his combat prowess was great, he had a sharp and inquisitive mind and he was an inspiration to the men that served under him. He should, but he...
    Well, to put it simply, he cooked.
    Whilst most men of the legion were happy to eat what was prepared by the chapter serfs, many of whose sole tasks was to ensure that battle brothers never went hungry, Vaust took it upon himself to learn how every dish that they ever ate was prepared. In his spare time he had between deployments, he was as likely to be found cooking as he was in the sparring cages. At the end of his companies training sessions, he would vanish and then reappear with his latest creation, eager to share it amongst his men to see what they thought of it, and how he could improve it. It happened so often that some of his men went so far as to get a bell, and sneak it into his quarters with a note that read "Please ring when food is available".

    Whilst his men were happy to put up with his idiosyncrasies, including the dinner bell that he had taken to carrying with him most of the time, many others of the legion were less keen. Jokes were made elsewhere in the legion that he only fought so hard on the battlefield, so that he could get back the kitchen faster. Or that no matter what planet they landed on, he would always gravitate to anything edible, like a fly. And just like that the nickname stuck, Vaust "The Fly". Although at first no-one would speak it to his face, it was just references made in passing by other's outside the company about "The Fly's Company" being deployed, or "The Fly's latest exploits".

    Eventually two of the other Captains of the legion mentioned this without realising Vaust was in earshot. Vaust, rather than be offended as the captains had worried, and perhaps intended, laughed it off instead. He proudly declared to them "At least the men care enough to give me a nickname. It is of no issue to me, feel free to keep using it." And with that Captain Vaust "The Fly" Emmat, came to be. To show that there was no ill will held about the nickname, he ordered small metal flies to be created and used them as badges of honour among his Company.
    Members of his company slowly began cooking as well, for Vaust’s food tasted better than the standard rations. After a while, to only those that proved themselves capable of producing a truly good meal, a bell would appear in their quarters, along with a small, handwritten note.

    As the crusade went on, and Vaust deployed to more worlds, he was always eager to try the local delicacies. He found it always helped improve relations on planets they had arrived on peacefully, and even those that they had to use force. I helped to disarm his opponents. Meeting an astartes was a shocking enough proposition for most people, but sitting down to a meal with one helped to "humanise" him. He was seen less as an armoured warrior from across the stars, and more as just another traveller, and when he showed obvious joy in their food, it helped build a bond.

    But as we all know, this era of prosperity didn't last. As the Emperor’s children found themselves drive to perfection pushed further and further, so was Vausts. He has his men had developed a taste for the better things in life, and so they started searching for the next thing that could please their palate.

    And now, they still search, bells ringing as they enter battle to hunt down prey to be ingredients in their next meal.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/07/24 22:06:01

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

    So, just a quick update. Got the base coats on the normal marines. I'm going to try and get them done before the characters so I can try out some different bits and pieces.

    [Thumb - IMG_20210724_225950_edit_2855209090694014.jpg]

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/07/26 05:56:39

    Post by: gobert

    Great work on here lately ManSizedTarget. The Alice in Wonderland themed army is fantastic, so much character. It’s amazing how they started off from one little idea! The Emperors Children seem to be heading in the right direction, Nurgle and Slaanesh share some traits with the bloat easily representing excess. Good luck being neat with the washes

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/07/27 20:41:52

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

     gobert wrote:
    Great work on here lately ManSizedTarget. The Alice in Wonderland themed army is fantastic, so much character. It’s amazing how they started off from one little idea! The Emperors Children seem to be heading in the right direction, Nurgle and Slaanesh share some traits with the bloat easily representing excess. Good luck being neat with the washes

    Glad you like the Alice in Nurgle-land, there's a couple of models left and I think I've managed to work out my camera settings, so these are hopefully a bit better.

    The Mad Hatter, a fairly standard Rotbringer sorcerer with a slightly modified hat. When I was looking for a mad hatter model he just seemed to fit :

    The Queen of Hearts:

    Who could it be apart from Valkia? Her shield got modified into a heart shape, and I replaced both her spear and wings with plastic ones from the Drukhari Scourge kit, as I was struggling to get pins into the finecast parts she came with without deforming them. she's got a little crown nestled between her horns, as is only fitting for a queen.

    Progress has been made on the Emperor's Children!
    I was definitely leaning into the gluttony side of Slaanesh Excess when I started putting them together, as I always felt that it was a side of Slaanesh we could see more of, and then GW released "Glutos Orscollion, Lord of Gluttony", I'm not sure if there is anything I can run him as in 40k, but it's tempting...
    Anyway I got the washes done on the Emperor's Children, I did the purple first as I didn't need it to be too neat as it went over the purple, gold and skin. I tried to keep the worst off of the white, but even so I had to go back and repaint a couple of bits before I washed them with nuln oil.
    I've also got the white highlights done, the skin sections, and some of the gold. I'm debating if I edge highlight the purple up with genestealer purple, or leave it a more muted tone. I still need to pick out some details (paint the fly, squad markings etc), but if anyone's got any suggestions to improve them I'm all ears.

    They're on temporary bases to help with painting, I'm probably going to use more of my zone mortalis bases but haven't got them painted up at the moment.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/07/29 12:57:25

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

    So just a quick update, I was looking at finishing off the details and decided I would try and free hand the chapter symbol, three circles shouldn't be too difficult, I might even be able to make them look a bit like skulls at a push. Then I remembered, these aren't Death Guard. They're Emperor's Children...
    No way I can freehand the wing and make it look decent.

    So I raided the bits-box, and as I happen to have a dark angels army I had a load of the helmet wings left over. a little filing, some green-stuff to make claws and no need to free hand chapter symbols
    There was a couple of bare shoulder pads left once everyone got a chapter symbol (one on the wrong shoulder but oh well), so they got the good old tactical arrow on them as I can just about free hand that.
    I also got the bases done!

    Still a couple of bits to do, as I realised I missed a decapitated head (which is getting removed and the paintjob around it fixed) and I'm sure I missed some more, but I think they're looking good.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/07/29 13:10:41

    Post by: MobileSuitRandom

    Oooh, these are really interesting projects, both the Alice conversions and the Emperor's Children! The chequered tablecloth on the warshrine is genius, walrus is also wonderfully disturbing. Thanks for sharing!

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/07/30 18:53:14

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

     MobileSuitRandom wrote:
    Oooh, these are really interesting projects, both the Alice conversions and the Emperor's Children! The chequered tablecloth on the warshrine is genius, walrus is also wonderfully disturbing. Thanks for sharing!

    I did have a plain tablecloth on the warshrine and it just didn't look right, so I felt it had to get a pattern, and it reminded me of a gingham picnic blanket. Now I've (mostly) worked out how to take better pictures with my camera here's a close up:

    I've started on the Putrid Blightspawn for the Emperor's Children and got most of the base colours done and then decided that I needed to tear off the shoulder pad (that's part of the arm ) and replace it with one that has the legion badge on it.

    But I guess at least it's progress!

    The real question is what colour I paint the ooze? I feel it should be food related so something like ketchup, mustard or cream. Anyone with a better knowledge of colour theory know what would work?

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/08/01 00:57:42

    Post by: tzurk

    Hey mate,

    Feels like this blog isn't getting the love it deserves!

    Mad Maxamunda was great from start to finish (and I for one would love to see the second nearly identical chimera and a biker) - really fun to see somebody go the other way and appropriate vehicles FROM the orks.

    I also really loved following the Alice project - one of the most inspired armies I've ever seen and the execution of the concept is just brilliant. It's also probably the best use for the monogrammed baseplates I've seen as it really hammers home the concept and ties them all together while retaining a bit of that gothic fairytale vibe. Really creative stuff, great use of bits, and a lovely dingy palette. Must be proud to see them all on the shelf together!

    Excited to see this take on Slaanesh too. I am always interested in seeing people take Chaos in a different direction, and this is a lovely fresh take. I am tempted to say cream for the ooze - I think it's unsettling and gross and matches the palette, although it may get lost in the whites you're already using for shoulderpads and cloth.

    Excited to see the results whatever you choose.

    Thanks for sharing!

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/08/01 19:11:37

    Post by: gobert

    Great work on the Emperors Children, the plague marines work equally as well as Gluttony Marines! as for ooze, yellow works well with purple, but it might get lost against the gold. I’m partial to a bright green to go against purple, though I don’t know of many right green sauces, so perhaps a light mayonnaise?

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/08/02 22:06:37

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

    tzurk wrote:Hey mate,

    Feels like this blog isn't getting the love it deserves!

    Mad Maxamunda was great from start to finish (and I for one would love to see the second nearly identical chimera and a biker) - really fun to see somebody go the other way and appropriate vehicles FROM the orks.

    I also really loved following the Alice project - one of the most inspired armies I've ever seen and the execution of the concept is just brilliant. It's also probably the best use for the monogrammed baseplates I've seen as it really hammers home the concept and ties them all together while retaining a bit of that gothic fairytale vibe. Really creative stuff, great use of bits, and a lovely dingy palette. Must be proud to see them all on the shelf together!

    Excited to see this take on Slaanesh too. I am always interested in seeing people take Chaos in a different direction, and this is a lovely fresh take. I am tempted to say cream for the ooze - I think it's unsettling and gross and matches the palette, although it may get lost in the whites you're already using for shoulderpads and cloth.

    Excited to see the results whatever you choose.

    Thanks for sharing!

    I'm glad you like the Alice army. It's one of my armies that I've actually got displayed on a shelf:

    There's some Blightkings (the clubs) and plaguebearers (the spades) hiding at the back to fill in my Battline requirements (some older not so good photos):

    The big gap on the right is there for a reason, but I've not got the model yet:

    It should be a fun one!

    As you wanted to see more of my mad maxamunda and I've just about found the right settings on my camera here's a load of photos:
    The Jackal Alphus:

    The three Chimeras as I can't remember which I posted before (and these photos should be better):

    And some more of the Hydra (because I really like it ):

    gobert wrote:Great work on the Emperors Children, the plague marines work equally as well as Gluttony Marines! as for ooze, yellow works well with purple, but it might get lost against the gold. I’m partial to a bright green to go against purple, though I don’t know of many right green sauces, so perhaps a light mayonnaise?

    I think I'll do a slightly green mayonnaise colour, although I do quite like the idea of bright green, and I can imagine gluttonous marines carrying around a tank full of wasabi to hose on anything without enough flavour!

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/08/03 02:02:32

    Post by: Ancestral Hamster

     gobert wrote:
    Great work on the Emperors Children, the plague marines work equally as well as Gluttony Marines! as for ooze, yellow works well with purple, but it might get lost against the gold. I’m partial to a bright green to go against purple, though I don’t know of many right green sauces, so perhaps a light mayonnaise?
    Salsa verde from the New World, and green sauce from the Old. I'm partial to Salsa verde myself. Regardless of which one you choose, the green is bright enough to provide contrast.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/08/03 20:16:10

    Post by: gobert

    I think I need to broaden my condiment horizons! . All the talk of gluttony and Glutos got me to remembering tarar2d2’s Glutonous marine warband

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/08/03 20:30:12

    Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

    This is an excellent use of ork parts...and also like a million other parts. Cool conversions!

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/08/03 21:46:53

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

    Ancestral Hamster wrote:
     gobert wrote:
    Great work on the Emperors Children, the plague marines work equally as well as Gluttony Marines! as for ooze, yellow works well with purple, but it might get lost against the gold. I’m partial to a bright green to go against purple, though I don’t know of many right green sauces, so perhaps a light mayonnaise?
    Salsa verde from the New World, and green sauce from the Old. I'm partial to Salsa verde myself. Regardless of which one you choose, the green is bright enough to provide contrast.

    Green it is, although I'm not going to ask what these marines specifically put into their "Green Sauce"...

    gobert wrote:I think I need to broaden my condiment horizons! . All the talk of gluttony and Glutos got me to remembering tarar2d2’s Glutonous marine warband

    Those marines are awesome, and huge! and where did the last hour go? That thread is well worth a read, and the freehand on the knight is stunning.

    Warboss_Waaazag wrote:This is an excellent use of ork parts...and also like a million other parts. Cool conversions!

    Thanks, it was about time someone stole something back from the orks!

    Now a quick update the Foul Blightspawn is done!

    I've still got two more Emperor's Children to go, the Noxious Blightbringer and the Lord of Contagion, but I'm just not feeling them at the moment, so I might switch out for a squad of something else but I'm not sure what.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/08/04 07:02:39

    Post by: gobert

    Yeah tarar2d2’s marines are awesome, not just the sculpting but some of the freehand too!

    Lovely work on the latest glutton marine, the tank with the liquid inside is really cool!

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/08/04 19:10:29

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

     gobert wrote:
    Yeah tarar2d2’s marines are awesome, not just the sculpting but some of the freehand too!

    Lovely work on the latest glutton marine, the tank with the liquid inside is really cool!

    I'm really happy with how the tank came out, I was worried at first and nearly just repainted it as a metal hatch, but I'm glad I kept at it.

    The last two Emperor's children have been sat staring at me, so I felt I should finish them off, rather than put them off and never get around to them. They still need some neatening up, but here's them mostly done:
    Lord of Contagion:

    Noxious Blightbringer:

    And apart from tidying them up, that's the Emperor's children combat patrol done.
    The list is:
  • Lord of Contagion

  • Foul Blightspawn

  • Noxious Blightbringer

  • 2 units of 5 plague marines.

  • I doubt it's competitive, but as I don't really get the chance to play it'll do.

    Now I've got to work out what my next half finished project to complete is...

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/08/05 08:41:46

    Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

    Oh nice! That lord of Contagion looks so happy!

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/08/06 08:54:46

    Post by: gobert

    Great work, the glow on the goo is really nicely done. It makes me want to get my Black Legion Plague Marines painted up

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/08/09 07:23:11

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

    Warboss_Waaazag wrote:Oh nice! That lord of Contagion looks so happy!

    I love how happy he looks, there's not enough ridiculous grins in the 40k universe.

    gobert wrote:Great work, the glow on the goo is really nicely done. It makes me want to get my Black Legion Plague Marines painted up

    It's just moot green with a bit of white mixed in for highlights, and an 'Ardcoat varnish on top, I was suprised at how easy it was.

    So I've not painted anything since the last update as I got distracted by a new toy:

    I decided I needed some scenery to use as backdrops for my pictures, and having got some surprise amazon vouchers through work, decided to splash out on and Ender 3 pro. It's been busy chugging away printing out some zone mortalis tiles for the last several days. I need to get some spray that will hopefully fill in the worst of the build lines before I get onto painting them.

    But whilst I'm waiting on that and procrastinating on what to paint next, here's some pictures from an army I've worked on on and off for the past couple of years.

    I took quite a hiatus from AOS after fantasy met it death. One of the things that tempted me in was after a chat with the manager at the local GW. We got talking and he commented there was a force that had:

  • Warriors infused with their God's strength

  • Units of birds

  • Rode Bird-horses

  • Accompanied by Bird-lions

  • Crossbows that shoot ammo made of lightning

  • And I was like "Cool, they've taken Tzeentch in a new direction"...
    But it wasn't Tzeentch... it was the Stormcast Vanguard chamber
    And Stormcast's souls belong to Sigmar, so no Chaos Stormcast for me....

    But then I listened to the Plague Garden audiobook (which is awesome), and spoilers:

    One of them gets turned into a spawn and attacks other stormcast until he is killed and then his soul goes back. Another ends up with the soul of a Nurgle warrior trapped in his body.

    So I thought, what if you don't need to take their soul if you can just take over their body? Leaving them alive and aware, just trapped within it. Having played a lot of RPGs over the years, cursed items crop up from time to time, so what about a mask with a Tzeentchian soul trapped in it? Just waiting to take over whoever puts it on?

    A group of friends were doing an escalation league, so it finally gave me the kick I needed to try and get something done.

    Which meant this happened to a poor unsuspecting Knight Zephyros:

    Using swords and head from the Kairic Acolytes, and a tiny tzeentch icon from the old Forsaken kit, I thought it worked quite well.

    And once I've done that conversion, I had a load of other acolyte bits left, so Captain Moon-face happened:

    And you can't have Tzeentch without a magic user:

    So after that I decided I needed some battleline to actually use these guys, so vanguard hunters got done:

    and then BIRD-HORSES!

    and Bird-Lions:

    and just birds:

    And a bloke with a bird (and some more without):

    And some guys with wings (to make them like a bird):

    and to fill in the remaining points to make it a 2k list, a prismatic pallisade:

    because nothing annoys the opponents more when fighting a mobile shooty list that suddenly having some immovable line of sight blocking scenery appear.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/08/09 23:13:15

    Post by: Ancestral Hamster

    Once again, clever, and attractively painted and converted. If I played Chaos, I'd play Tzeentch. Tzeentch always felt the most truly chaotic to me.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/08/10 19:06:39

    Post by: gobert

    That’s a great looking Army, the Tzentch theme worked really well on them!

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/08/12 18:49:05

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

    I've just realised I got sidetracked before finishing off (and photographing) my Inquisitor/Adepta Sororitas Combat Patrol. With their new Codex it looks like you can run huge numbers of units without really having to worry about the limits of the force org chart as long as you take certain characters/units.
    Assuming that BattleScribe is correct, I can take the following in 25 power:

  • Inquisitor (Agents of the Imperium)

  • Canoness (HQ)

  • Palantine (HQ)

  • Battle Sister Squad (Troops)

  • Preacher (Elites)

  • Sister Repentia (Elites)

  • Arco Flagellants (No Force Org due to Preacher)

  • Crusaders (No Force Org due to Preacher)

  • Death cult Assassins (No Force Org due to Preacher)

  • Repentia Superior (No Force Org due to Repentia)

  • Which gives me 5 characters and 5 units, so everyone get's their own bodyguard!
    Inquisitor Lord Exorcizandis gets the two crusaders, Brignadius the Pious and Odovacar the Faceless

    Heironymous Vulcanis, (Counts as Canoness with Null rod because what's better than a psykers skull on a stick), and the Battle Sister Squad:

    Bishop Equitus (Counts as Palantine with plasma Pistol) and a pair of Death Cult Assassins

    And as yet un-named Repentia Superior with her repentia:

    And an un-named priest leading some arco-flagellants:

    I have no idea if running so many small units is going to be any good, but as I mostly convert and paint I'm going with the rule of cool. Might have to try and make a battle report against my Emperor's children when I've got enough scenery printed/painted if anyone would be interested?

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/08/14 09:25:56

    Post by: gobert

    Looking good! The addition of helmets on the henchmen change their look quite a bit. I’d like to see them facing off against the gluttony of slaanesh

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/08/17 16:33:30

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

    So my new 3d printer has been running pretty solidly creating me terrain, but I've run out of filament to finish the board off, so I'm waiting for more to ship.

    In the meantime I've broken out some (really) old Catachans to try and slowly paint my pile of shame. I've got enough for a command squad and an infantry squad, as well as 5 ratlings and a psyker, which is a nice start to a small force. I can't quite believe how poor the plastic catachan squad looks compared to the old metal ones.

    [Thumb - IMG_20210817_171224_edit_303811742928641.jpg]

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/08/22 19:05:15

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

    I've not done very much this week as work has been extra busy, but got some more base colours down on the Catachans:

    So to distract for the lack of progress, here's one I painted earlier, and 2nd Edition Eldar army!
    This army came about from a couple of ideas. I was given an art print of a Biel-Tan guardian many years ago, and have always meant to get around to doing an army to go with it. I've also been looking at getting back into 40k 2nd Ed. (hence the previous catachans) as that was what I started with, and I'm much more into the painting and modelling than gaming, so not really needing to keep up with the constant rules changes and model releases to play games is nice.

    And I had always wanted an all metal Eldar army when I was a kid...

    So I looked through the 2nd ed. Eldar codex to work out a 1000 point army, and it turns out it's pretty much a modern 25 power/500 point Combat patrol force, so it can pull double duty.
    Technically a 2nd ed army has to be lead by a Farseer or Avatar no matter the points, but that seemed a bit excessive to me, so I brought along a pair of warlocks instead (one upgraded to a Champion for 2nd ed):

    I suppose one of them could fill in as a Farseer if needed, and the pair of them work out almost the same points.

    To tie in with the Artwork I worked on two guardian squads, one with shuriken catapults, and one with close combat weapons:

    I manager to source a load of metal guardian bodies, but unfortunately the arms are much harder to come by, so most of these are either the modern plastic guardian arms or the "finecast" storm guardian upgrade pack.

    I then added a pair of support weapons to go with the guardian squads, a "Heavy Plasma Gun" (aka Starcannon) and a scatter laser:

    I'm not entirely happy with the thorns on the platform, but it looks better in person than it does on camera.

    The last guardian is driving a war walker:

    The standard static pose (that makes it look like it's going to topple forward) of the metal war walkers wasn't doing it for me, so I did a little bit of sawing and some greenstuff to repose one leg so that it is actually walking. This does mean it's on a 60mm base rather than the original 40mm (square I think) base, but it fits modern games and I don't think it'll be a big issue in 2nd ed.

    It wouldn't be Biel-Tan without aspect warriors, so I've got six dire avengers:

    Look at the lunging on two of them...

    Five Striking Scorpions, and yes the yellow is that bright in real life:

    Wrapping it up with three Dark reapers:

    I think their helmets are a bit plain, so I might try and freehand some icons on there.

    Overall I think it's a nice little force:

    Dropping one of the warlocks and one dire avenger (and a support weapon platform as storm guardians can't take one) it comes out at exactly 25 power. I'm not sure how it'll do against the 13 man death guard, but it'll hopefully make the marines feel suitable heroic, trying to cut a swathe through the foul xenos....

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/08/27 23:05:52

    Post by: Ragsta

    Oh man, I just read through your excellent project efforts here - just great stuff! I LOVE the Wonderland influenced models, as did my wife. Desert Rats excellent too, and the Blanchesque inquisition efforts are just straight fire.

    Do you play 2nd Ed then? I really like this Eldar force - total nonsense that your painting is anything less than great! Nice mod on the War Walker - whenever I start my horde if 2nd Ed Pointie Ears I’ll need to remember that

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/08/28 01:13:17

    Post by: CaptainWaffle

    Wonderful stuff, particularly the old school Eldar. What's your freehand idea for the Dark Reapers? Their shrine rune\symbol?

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/08/29 06:10:51

    Post by: youwashock

    Truly a beautiful sight, those old Eldar.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/08/30 10:27:27

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

    Ragsta wrote:Oh man, I just read through your excellent project efforts here - just great stuff! I LOVE the Wonderland influenced models, as did my wife. Desert Rats excellent too, and the Blanchesque inquisition efforts are just straight fire.

    Do you play 2nd Ed then? I really like this Eldar force - total nonsense that your painting is anything less than great! Nice mod on the War Walker - whenever I start my horde if 2nd Ed Pointie Ears I’ll need to remember that

    I'm glad you like my projects! I don't play second edition at the moment, to be honest I don't play much of anything at the moment, but it was what I first started with way back when so there is the nostalgia factor. I figured it would be good to get two armies together, and then I can always have a game with them with whoever is available even if they don't have their own second edition army.

    CaptainWaffle wrote:Wonderful stuff, particularly the old school Eldar. What's your freehand idea for the Dark Reapers? Their shrine rune\symbol?

    Yep the plan is the shrine symbol on the helmets to match the second edition 'Eavy Metal models. I've managed to freehand the dark reapers, whihc you might be able to just about make out in the shine from the lights:

    But I don't think I'll be able to freehand the rest. Fortunately I think I've got some old transfers for the other aspect warriors, so I'll be giving those a go soon

    youwashock wrote:Truly a beautiful sight, those old Eldar.

    The old metal eldar models are absolutely classic.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/09/02 19:09:23

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

    As people seem to be enjoying the Eldar, I thought I would do some work on another model for it. I picked up a Eldar dreadnought (now Wraithlord) as it was cheap and came with a spare heavy weapon that I needed for one of the support weapon platforms. I'm not very happy with the static pose (similar to the war walker), so thought I should change it up, and whilst looking for inspiration found this lovely art (I think it's by Mark Gibbons) in the 2nd ed codex:

    so I've started to try and recreate it with the old metal dreadnought.

    It was just a couple of cuts, one just behind the kneecap to separate it from the upper leg, and then two to cut a wedge out the back of the knee. After that I just bent the upper leg back and added a little bit of green-stuff to fill the new gap behind the knee.
    I couldn't quite get the legs to align to the hips correctly, so I got them to mostly fit and then green-stuffed a couple of extra bits on the joint. Overall I'm pretty happy with how it's going so far

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/09/03 20:59:26

    Post by: Ragsta

    Yesss I like this mod, shaping up lovely! I often see the old Eldar walkers at refreshingly low prices, eventually I fear I’ll splurge and buy a squadron or something! :O

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/09/04 20:37:34

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

     Ragsta wrote:
    Yesss I like this mod, shaping up lovely! I often see the old Eldar walkers at refreshingly low prices, eventually I fear I’ll splurge and buy a squadron or something! :O

    I'm shocked by how cheap these tend to go, I got this one for just over £6 including postage (most of which was postage...), and it came with two spare guns which is what I was actually after. I really don't need more wraithlords, but a squadron sounds tempting...

    But for this guy, he now has arms:

    The head is only blu-tacked on to check how it looks. I'll paint it separately, as it's going to be green whilst most of the rest will be white. I've managed to steal a tabard for it from one of the newer wraithlords, but again as it'll be green I'll add it afterwards. I'm not sure how to do the banner off of the power pack, but I'll think of something, I might even have one of the old jetbike banners lying around.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/09/05 08:44:37

    Post by: gobert

    Great job reposing the Dreadnought, it looks pretty close to the inspiration. Will you be matching the markings on the armour?

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/09/05 09:47:22

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

     gobert wrote:
    Great job reposing the Dreadnought, it looks pretty close to the inspiration. Will you be matching the markings on the armour?

    I won't be matching them exactly, as the artwork is an Alaitoc wraithlord and I'm painting it in Birl-tan, but I'll be basing the markings on the artwork. It will be getting things like thorns on the right leg where the zig zags are, and I'll be attempting the heart and y rune instead of the sword and crescent.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/09/05 10:46:03

    Post by: Ragsta

    Y’know, looking at that pose makes me want to swap the arm guns out for heavy shurikens (pretty sure that’s not even rules legal) and add muzzle blast effects so he looks like he’s screaming Git Some!!! in Eldari

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/09/06 00:51:49

    Post by: The Riddle of Steel

    Very cool to see that classic metal Eldar dreadnought. I am a sucker for the old metal models that defined the 40k universe for me. Definitely looking forward to seeing it based and painted.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/09/06 14:00:35

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

    Ragsta wrote:Y’know, looking at that pose makes me want to swap the arm guns out for heavy shurikens (pretty sure that’s not even rules legal) and add muzzle blast effects so he looks like he’s screaming Git Some!!! in Eldari

    I've got a feeling that you can take two heavy weapons on a wraithlord now, so you can!

    The Riddle of Steel wrote:Very cool to see that classic metal Eldar dreadnought. I am a sucker for the old metal models that defined the 40k universe for me. Definitely looking forward to seeing it based and painted.

    I know what you are saying about the metal models. I can appreciate the more modern plastics, but the old metals was where I started and certainly have a lot of character. As you are looking forward to it, here's a sneak peak of the wraitlord blu-tacked together and some base coats done:

    There's still a lot to do, and oh so many gems...

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/09/07 20:45:14

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

    So I managed to get some good painting time in this evening and got though the 60ish gems that are on the wraithlord, switched out the lascannon/brightlance for a scatterlaser stolen from the war walker (it's now got two brightlances woo!), even got some of the freehand done, and I was thinking I'm most of the way there, so I took a photo:

    And I realised I had got some of the gold from the crate onto his foot,
    And I've not finished the crate, but that's not a big deal...
    And then I saw the moldlines that I had missed on the head, both near the gem on the top left, and in front of the silver bit...

    So, I got the file out, and now need to repaint the head (although I've managed to save the freehand), but otherwise he's looking closer to what I wanted.

    So apart from that frustrating little escapade, I think he's getting closer to the artwork. Any C&C on it would be really welcome.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/09/07 20:56:12

    Post by: youwashock

    Great work bringing the inspiration to the table. It looks awesome!

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/09/10 14:56:59

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

    So I got the head redone and added a banner from the old jetbikes, so I'm going to call it done. He's not quite as dynamic and cool as the art, but I'm pretty pleased with how he's turned out.

    That's the end of my current stock of Eldar, so I'm going to rummage around and see what other half finished projects I've got sat around in boxes.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/09/11 19:34:26

    Post by: gobert

    Great work MST, especially on all of those gems! They must’ve taken some real patience! Whilst it sucks about spotting the mould line so far down the project, I think the second go looks eve better than the first. Looking forward to seeing where you go next!

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/09/13 00:28:48

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

     gobert wrote:
    Great work MST, especially on all of those gems! They must’ve taken some real patience! Whilst it sucks about spotting the mould line so far down the project, I think the second go looks eve better than the first. Looking forward to seeing where you go next!

    Thanks gobert, the gems weren't too bad, the first bit is the worst trying to make sure you find all of them to give them a coat of red paint, after that I just kind of went on autopilot for the rest of the steps as they stood out enough to spot. Spotting the mould line sucked, but I agree, it actually looks better now I've redone it, so I suppose that it was a good thing overall.

    I've been pottering around some of my projects that have fallen a bit by the wayside and ended in my pile of shame, doing little bits here and there but nothing has really grabbed my attention.
    Although I did realise that the last few projects (Eldar, Emperor's children, Sister's of Battle) all work out to Combat Patrol size. Which got me thinking, how many factions are there in 40K?(spoiler: it's lots) could I feasibly create a combat patrol for each?

    Turns out there is a lot (20+), even before the different Space Marine Chapters show up.
    I came up with a list of about 27, which breaks down to:
  • 5 Imperium (guard, ad mech, SoB, Custodes, knights)

  • 6 Space Marine Chapters (based on older books, Ultramarines, Blood angels, dark angels, Space Wolves, Grey Knights and Deathwatch)

  • 5 Chaos (CSM, Death Guard, Thousand sons, Daemons and knights)

  • 6 Aeldari,(3 Drukhari flavours (Cult, Kabal and Coven), Craftworlds, Harlequins and Ynarri)

  • 5 Other Xenos(Necrons, Orks, Tyranids, GSC, Tau)

  • And that got me thinking, if I take it up to 32 I could do a knockout competition. If I add in:
  • Militarum Tempestus for Imperium

  • Emperor's children and World Eaters on the Chaos Side

  • Farsight Enclaves(Tau) and another Necron army(as I've got enough for one) to xenos

  • That would round out my 32, with 7 armies in Chaos and Xenos, and 6 in Imperium, Space Marines and Aeldari, which seems a fair split, and almost every xenos faction is represented at twice (poor orks).

    I'm mad aren't I...

    (beware terrible, quickly taken photos from here on...)

    On the plus side I'm not starting from scratch. I've already shown:
  • My GSC army, the Desert Rats are earlier in this thread, I'll try and work out a combat patrol and get a photo.

  • My sisters of battle are also earlier in the thread, I'll see if I can get an army shot.

  • The Eldar that I just finished

  • And the Emperor's Children/Deathguard that were before the Eldar (why do I never take army shots)

  • A Deathwatch combat patrol that kicked off the whole thread

  • I also have:
  • 3 companies of Dark angels to take my pick from, so here's my first plan

  • I've got a renegade Sisters of Battle force I made many years ago, that will be getting the paint touched up (or maybe stripped) and make an appearance here later and fill in the CSM combat patrol

  • I've got an Adeptus Mechanicus Combat Patrol, which I need to get better photos of, but here's one as a teaser

  • A renegade guard army to fill in for the Astra Militarum combat patrol (no photos yet)

  • And in the more WIP bucket
  • I've got the Necrons from Indomitus in various stages of painting, so they'll form Necron combat patrol 1 (below) and Necron Patrol 2: Electric Boogaloo

  • I've got most of a Drukhari Wych Cult compat patrol

  • They need painting and a succubus to lead them. I raided my bitsbox and made this one, but I may just replace it with a normal one:

  • The Space Marines from Dark Imperium as Space Wolves (although I need to grab some fenrisian wolves to fill out the last 2 power)(no pics yet)

  • and old 1500 point ork army (full of shootas) that I never finished painting, but did shoot a guard army off the table... (they're stashed in a box somewhere)

  • So I make that about 9 done, and another 4 on the way, which puts me at the halfway line, maybe I'm not that mad after all

    Is this genius or crazy? Any particular factions you would like to see me try and do? All opinions welcome!

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/09/15 13:39:57

    Post by: gobert

    I’d say it a crazy kind of genius . It’s a pretty impressive head start to the project too. The Ad-Mech crawler is really cool. I guess the key will be to keep new buys within the plan!

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/09/16 19:21:31

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

     gobert wrote:
    I’d say it a crazy kind of genius . It’s a pretty impressive head start to the project too. The Ad-Mech crawler is really cool. I guess the key will be to keep new buys within the plan!

    I'm pretty proud of the dunecrawler, I had a spare warp lightning cannon lying around (as you do...) and decided it needed a bit of an upgrade. I think this project will actually help me regulate my spending better, as I'm a bit of a hobby pixie, flying from one project to the next. At least this way I'll have a set of projects to flit between...

    Although speaking of spending, these guys showed up:

    Which will complete this combat patrol of Space Wolves, which feel about 80% done, so I really should finish them:

    The wolves also brought along some friends in the post:

    I already have the limited edition blood angels character that I picked up from Games Day 2012, so felt that some old school devastators would go well with him to help recreate the artwork he's from. I've also got a squad of the 2nd ed starter box plastic tactical marines, so they're all getting stripped and ready to paint bright red/orange with green bases!

    I also dug out my Orks:

    20 shoota boys, 5 tankbustas, a shokk attack gun and a weirdboy sounds like a fun Combat patrol, so that's what I' m going with. I'm suprised by how much of it has been started. The characters and boyz need highlights, but that's about it...and then I remembered they need new bases
    Oh well, it shouldn't be too bad to rebase them all.

    I'm also not sure how I made 9+4 = 16 in my previous post

    Fortunately with the devastators turning up I can complete a Blood angels Combat patrol. I've also got an Inquisitor in the post to fill out a Grey Knights Combat patrol, and I forgot to count the second Necron one, so I am actually up to the half way mark!

    It occurred to me that once I finish 16 I could do half of my crazy knock out competition, seeing which of these combat patrol wins. Whilst this would be time consuming to do myself (15 games in all) I thought it would be fun if I can grab a few (ideally 7) others and do this. Between 8 we can do the first round in 2 games each, then all the second round games at the same time, just leaving the semi finals and finals.

    Having not actually played a game of 40k in the new(ish) edition, does 5 games of Combat patrol sound doable in a day?

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/09/16 21:41:52

    Post by: youwashock

    Wow! Quite a spread going on. Great project idea.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/09/17 10:36:39

    Post by: gobert

    Can’t wait to see the classic BAs, maybe it’ll be the inspiration I need to do more work on mine! Or some of the hundred other things I’d like to do!

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/09/18 20:06:13

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

     gobert wrote:
    Can’t wait to see the classic BAs, maybe it’ll be the inspiration I need to do more work on mine! Or some of the hundred other things I’d like to do!

    That's kind of my idea with doing all these combat patrols, if I don't feel like painting space marines, I've got something else to do, and vice versa.

    For the Blood Angels I'm following Duncan's 2nd ed Blood Angels painting guide on YouTube and boy are they going to be bright!

    I'm on paint 2 out of the 19 paints he uses (and I'm missing about 5), so we'll so how long it takes me to get through them.
    I'm trying to be disciplined and saving the character till last, as I am pretty sure if I even open the package I'll end up doing him first, then getting bored with red and the tactical squad won't get finished.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/09/18 20:52:25

    Post by: Ragsta

    Good grief sir, you’re threatening us with a lot of models!

    I like the idea very much - there would be lots of variety to prevent you getting bored at least!

    Lovely looking shots of previous work, man.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/09/19 09:42:07

    Post by: gobert

    That is one bright red! Really hits you in the nostalgias! Still on the 25mm bases too

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/09/19 21:42:48

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

    Ragsta wrote:Good grief sir, you’re threatening us with a lot of models!

    I like the idea very much - there would be lots of variety to prevent you getting bored at least!

    Lovely looking shots of previous work, man.

    I have no idea how many models this is going to end up, but a lot certainly sounds right
    The Combat Patrols vary so much, I've got one with 7 models (Grey Knights, all Terminators) and the guard one is 40 (9 of which are heavy weapon teams....)
    I've crunched some numbers on 16 I've got and it looks like the average is around 20 models. Anything in power armour drags it down (Dark Angels, Death Guard , Deathwatch, Blood Angels and CSM are 12-16) but Guard are at 40, Craftworlds at 33 and Ad mech at 28 (including an Onager...) are the current highest. Whilst most of the power armour is accounted for, Imperial and Chaos Knights ought to bring the average down too, so if 20 is the average, then that's only... 640 models.

    Okay, yes, I'm threatening people with a lot of models...

    gobert wrote:That is one bright red! Really hits you in the nostalgias! Still on the 25mm bases too

    If you think they're bright now, wait for the two (yes two!) layers of edge highlighting!
    They are going to be staying on (bright green) 25mm bases. I'll get spare bases or adapters to blu-tac them into for when they need to be on 32mm bases.

    Now onto progress!

    The guide I'm following has the all the red getting a recess wash and then two edge highlights, before blocking out and highlighting the other colours.

    I don't know about anyone else, but I'm far too clumsy to work in that manner (yay for dyslexia/dyspraxia). So I've decided to rearrange the order and do the recess wash, tidy up the red a bit, and then block out my other base colours. After that I'll neaten anything that I mess up, and then highlight. This way I hopefully don't mess up too much and end up obliterating finished areas with big black blobs when I miss the boltgun casing or something.
    So these aren't any brighter, but progress is being made:

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/09/20 08:15:35

    Post by: gobert

    Looking good! I tend to get all the base colours done before going in with a wash, as you say, fixing mistakes is easier that way. Brave going for the yellow chest eagles, they were always a PITA. The Devs look cool with their blue helmets

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/09/21 20:42:06

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

     gobert wrote:
    Looking good! I tend to get all the base colours done before going in with a wash, as you say, fixing mistakes is easier that way. Brave going for the yellow chest eagles, they were always a PITA. The Devs look cool with their blue helmets

    I'm hoping the yellow chest eagles won't be too bad, as yellow paint has improved massively over the years. Averland Sunset seems to cover over the red no problem, but still needs two or three coats to cover over black.

    I've managed to finish blocking in the main colours, and attached the devastator weapons, which necessitated removing the backpacks, as the arms don't fit amazingly well. I'm pretty sure the arms are going to come off and I'll need to pin them back on, but that's future-me's problem.

    Even without any highlighting I think they look pretty good, so I'm really happy with how they're going.

    Don't panic about the sandy bases, they will be getting a coat of warboss green paint when they've dried. I've run out of basing sand and can't be bothered with the hassle of it, so I got some texture paint when I was in my local GW on the weekend. I do think that GW are missing a trick for not doing a goblin green texture paint, and a yellow/green dry paint for drybushing it. You would still need a green for the base rims I suppose, but it would make it really easy to do some old bases, without resorting to PVA glue and sand.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/09/21 21:16:06

    Post by: gobert

    Nice! I ended up having to trim the HB guys backpack on my old hammer BAs, and yes, future gobert had to pin the arm! If you’re after the full 2nd Ed vibe I think one of the battle brothers needs black shoulder pads with red rims to act as the combat squad leader. Looking fabulous either way!

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/09/21 21:33:45

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

     gobert wrote:
    Nice! I ended up having to trim the HB guys backpack on my old hammer BAs, and yes, future gobert had to pin the arm! If you’re after the full 2nd Ed vibe I think one of the battle brothers needs black shoulder pads with red rims to act as the combat squad leader. Looking fabulous either way!

    I realised I had missed the squad leader after I had painted the shoulder-pads However I also realised that for true 2nd ed all devastator squads have to be 10 man, so I've just raided my bits box and managed to cobble together another 5 of the plastic bolter guys (from the remnants of about 8...) so I think one of the current guys is going to get a blue helmet, and then two of the new guys will be squad leaders, one for the tactical squad, and one for the devastators.

    I've got a bit of a dilemma for them though. Looking at the codex the squad leaders sometimes had back banners in the same way the sergeants did. I don't have the 2nd ed backpacks with banners poles for them, like the ones on the sergeants, but I've got some of the slightly newer one piece plastic banner poles with banners that should be close. Do I add the newer banners, or leave the squad leaders banner-less for the moment and try to get some of the correct backpacks at a later date?

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/09/22 12:12:25

    Post by: gobert

    Ha! Yeah, they were all 10 man squads back in the day. Since I was the one that pointed out the historical inaccuracy I checked my bits box and have a couple of old school banner poles minis backpacks. PM me your address and I’ll bring them in the post if you like

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/09/22 19:53:06

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

     gobert wrote:
    Ha! Yeah, they were all 10 man squads back in the day. Since I was the one that pointed out the historical inaccuracy I checked my bits box and have a couple of old school banner poles minis backpacks. PM me your address and I’ll bring them in the post if you like

    Thanks very much for the offer, it'll save me hunting ebay and the likes and no doubt buying far more than I need.

    I've got the bases done, and some of the highlights, they're starting to look like a proper 2nd ed army:

    I've not done the red highlights yet, as there's so much of it I'm a little bit intimidated, and I'm struggling to get the black looking good, but I'm sure as I work through them it'll get better. I also thought that I might as well repaint the shoulderpads of one of them to be the squad leader, rather than doing his helmet, as then I just have to paint 5 (mostly) identical bolter guys.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/09/23 20:38:01

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

    So I sat down to do some painting tonight, and really didn't feel like highlighting the blood angels. I'm sure we've all had that feeling where it just felt like it was going to be a chore, rather than a fun hobby. So I almost packed my stuff away and played a computer game. Almost. Then I remembered I had other combat patrols that weren't blood angels I could work on, so I painted my space wolves combat patrol bases:

    And whilst they were drying from the nuln oil, I decided to go about making the bases for another kill team:

    They're a combination of aquarium bark (for pet lizards), little stones from the garden, and ready mix wall filler. I used the filler to give a bit more texture to the surface as these are going to be green like the blood angels bases, and the 40mm bases look a bit boring when they're just flat.
    It's quite a difference in numbers, 21 in the Space Wolves (only 16 marines) but only 7 in the other.
    To be fair that's because the 7 guys are all psykers in terminator armour:

    I'm getting some base colours down on them. One of the grey knights is going to be getting one of the two fancy bases with a tactical rock to stand on to be a Brother-Captain, and the other fancy base will be the Inquisitor.

    I bought the Inquisitor recently and the paint job is quite nice (and pretty 90s), but I didn't paint it. My initial plan was to strip it and redo it, but I'm not sure, as I don't know what colour-scheme to redo it in. Maybe red to match the cover of the original Inquisitor book by Ian Watson (and White Dwarf 129), as either the model was based on the art, or the other way around, or do I just leave it as it is?

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/09/23 21:46:40

    Post by: youwashock

    That squad of Grey Knights is a beautiful thing to see. Impressive work on the Blood Angels, as well.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/09/24 22:04:05

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

     youwashock wrote:
    That squad of Grey Knights is a beautiful thing to see. Impressive work on the Blood Angels, as well.

    I'm glad I managed to patch together the squad, I had to replace the haft on one of the spears, and acquire a few more arms, but I hope it will be worth it in the end.

    I've managed to avoid the Blood Angels a bit longer, and instead worked on the Space Wolves. They're not going to win any painting competitions, and I need to go through and neaten them up, but I'm calling them table top ready, so that's 10/32 Combat patrols ready for gaming.

    We've got Captain Muttonchops:

    A pair of Intercessor squads:

    A hellblaster squad:

    And where would a Space Wolves army be without some Wolves:

    And an army shot:

    I really need to work out a better way of taking army photos, as they won't fit in my little lightbox. I might get back to the Blood Angels next, or the Grey Knights, or something else that grabs my attention

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/09/26 17:56:22

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

    So I made some progress over the weekend, although not on the blood angels

    Instead I got my Grey Knights Combat Patrol painted!

    An Ordo Malleus Inquisitor in Terminator armour, with a psycannon and force stave, A Brother Captain (with sword on big rock), and a 5 man Brotherhood Terminator Squad.
    Unfortunately I don't have the little shields that would go on their shoulders, however I might raid my bitzbox and see what I can find. I've got some plasticard sat around, so I could always cut some out.
    Also the Inquisitor isn't glued to it's base, as I'm still in two minds as to if I strip him and repaint, or leave him as he is. Maybe I'll redo him after I've finished the other combat patrols.

    I don't know how to differentiate the Brother-Captain from the squad members (if I need to?) in a way that would be in keeping with the Rogue Trader/2nd ed aesthetic, maybe a back banner? Anyone got any other ideas?

    So that's me up to 11/32 so far. I've done some more work on the Necrons, so they may be next, or I'll suck it up and actually highlight the Blood Angels.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/09/27 21:46:21

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

    So apparently having edge highlighting to do on Blood Angels makes me really productive... but not on the Blood Angels. I did get the 5 extra guys base coated, but I also got the Necrons from Indomitus done:
    Necron Combat Patrol 1

    And Necron Combat Patrol 2: Electric Boogaloo

    I apologise for the poor photos, neither group really want to fit in my lightbox. I tried out the new(ish) Tesseract Glow, and I'm not sure about the finish, I might go back and tidy it up with some moot green and white.

    Anyway, I'm getting through my backlog, up to 13/32 now!

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/09/27 22:31:06

    Post by: youwashock

    You're tearing through these guys. The GK squad looks super good and quite old school.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/10/02 20:22:42

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

    So I've not really got too much done this week, but I did rummage through my boxes of stuff. My parents have just moved house so I rescued the remains of some old models and tried to see what was salvageable.
    Out of what must have once been about 30 Khorne bezerkers I've salvaged 20 complete ones, and with a Chaos lord filling is as a Dark Apostle, that's enough to fill a combat patrol
    I've given them a brown drybrush as a base for the red/brass/bone coloured parts, but it does make them look quite a lot like chocolate...

    I've also got a selection of tyranids which are just about salvageable, I'm going to have to break out the greenstuff to sort some joints with the replacement weapons.

    And then I've got myself a new project:

    This is going to be probably my most ambitious conversion, and will involve a lot of greenstuff as I'm going to replace the hands and feet with paws. I'm aiming for a hairless look similar to a Sphynx cat, so he's probably going to be done in a more normal skin tone, rather than green. Wish me luck!

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/10/03 06:53:24

    Post by: gobert

    I can see why you called the Necrons Electric Boogaloo! They look shockingly good!

    Nice find on the Khorne Lads, I quite like them in brown

    I finally remembered to post the banner poles the other day, hopefully they make them to you safe and sound!

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/10/04 21:31:13

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

     gobert wrote:
    I can see why you called the Necrons Electric Boogaloo! They look shockingly good!

    Nice find on the Khorne Lads, I quite like them in brown

    I finally remembered to post the banner poles the other day, hopefully they make them to you safe and sound!

    Thanks Gobert, the banner poles did make it safe and sound!

    I've managed to carefully pin them on the two Blood Angels Squad Leaders. I've got some of the old sticker banners in the post for the Sergeants, and I'll trace and paint the inverse colours for the squad leaders.

    I managed to salvage most of the Tyranids for the combat patrol, although I had to convert a spare right arm for the zoanthrope to a left arm as it was missing.

    The Carnifexes need a bit more work, and I've been distracted by this:

    My first thoughts on how to make him cat like was to remove the horns and add ears, which was easy enough. Then I thought his face wasn't cat-like enough. and after that I realised that he had human feet, not paws, so I've attempted to remedy that.

    Does it look cat-like enough for everyone, or does anyone have ideas to improve it?

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/10/05 18:56:15

    Post by: gobert

    I’m glad the banner poles made it safe and sound. Their new owners look very proud of the Bolters and poles! They’ll look even better with their OG sticker banners

    Zoanthropes hand swap seems to have been successful to me, you’ll hardly notice with a lick of paint.

    Loving the Cheshire Cat, he certainly has a feline look about him, especially the head. A tail would probably help sell the image, perhaps pointing up and backwards at the tip?

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/10/06 01:15:24

    Post by: youwashock

    That Cheshire conversion is brilliant. Definitely comes across as feline. I bet if he could talk he would sound just like Fat Cat from Rescue Rangers.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/10/08 18:43:28

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

    gobert wrote:I’m glad the banner poles made it safe and sound. Their new owners look very proud of the Bolters and poles! They’ll look even better with their OG sticker banners

    Zoanthropes hand swap seems to have been successful to me, you’ll hardly notice with a lick of paint.

    Loving the Cheshire Cat, he certainly has a feline look about him, especially the head. A tail would probably help sell the image, perhaps pointing up and backwards at the tip?

    I'm happy with the hand swap, it was just a quick cut at the wrist to flip it over and then moving the thumb to the other side, you need to look closely to see what's been done, so should be fine. The Cheshire Cat has a tail, you can just see the tip of it poking round the side on the left of the photo.

    youwashock wrote:That Cheshire conversion is brilliant. Definitely comes across as feline. I bet if he could talk he would sound just like Fat Cat from Rescue Rangers.

    I think Fat Cat is a quite fitting voice for it, although now that I realise that was Jim Cummings, I can't get Winnie the Pooh out of my head "Oh bother."

    I've decided to go with a more... normal... colour scheme for the Cheshire Cat, and it's a bit...well... disturbing...

    I've also been bouncing between my other projects, so I got some red and gold on the Bezerkers. I need to do the silver on the bodies, and their weapons, but I'm going with a quick and easy paintjob on these guys, as I may have another World Eaters Combat Patrol in the works that's a bit more fun:

    I've also decided to go for Hive Fleet Behemoth for the Tyranids (as I had some Mephiston red spray):

    And on the theme of red things, I finally opened the Blood Angels Captain:

    The model came with a modern backpack and bolter, so I dug an old bolter out of my bits box to match the artwork and I bought another backpack with banner, as if the squad sergeants and leaders were going to have them the captain will too. I'm still working up the nerve to do the black flames on his greaves to match the artwork. After that it's banners and shoulder/knee markings for the squads and I think it's pretty much the Blood Angels done.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/10/08 19:16:21

    Post by: youwashock

    The LE Captain looks like he jumped off the 2nd Ed. box cover. Good call on getting the era-appropriate accessories. Fat Cat is looking awesome!

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/07/09 22:21:08

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

     youwashock wrote:
    The LE Captain looks like he jumped off the 2nd Ed. box cover. Good call on getting the era-appropriate accessories. Fat Cat is looking awesome!

    Thanks for the compliments, I've tried to push myself for the Captain, and I'm really pleased with how he came out.

    I've had some time to hobby today, and I think the banners I ordered may have been lost in the post, and as I was going to have to make my own squad leader banners, I decided to make some paper banners for everyone instead:

    I've gone with 4th squad and 9th squad, and decided on 3rd company, some point after the third war for Armageddon (post Captain Tycho, although I might add him at some point...).
    I'm just finishing off the chapter symbols on the shoulder pads, but still need the company markings and kneepads sorted before I call these guys done.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/10/10 06:01:15

    Post by: Insectum7

    Aww, love those Blood Angels, especially the Captain. I have my own Games Day '95 Captain waiting for paint sometime soon.

    But of all of it, I really, really, really like those Grey Knights! I have a huge soft spot for those models.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/10/11 14:58:18

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

     Insectum7 wrote:
    Aww, love those Blood Angels, especially the Captain. I have my own Games Day '95 Captain waiting for paint sometime soon.

    But of all of it, I really, really, really like those Grey Knights! I have a huge soft spot for those models.

    As you mentioned them, here's a shot with the tilting shields I decided to add to the Sergeant and Brother Champion:

    And because I obviously don't have enough projects on the go, I dug this guy out of my paint stripping pile to give him some paint:

    I forgot how heavy these guys are...

    But to be fair I managed to get him pretty much done yesterday, complete with second edition waterslide transfers:

    So at least he's out of the way and I can try and get back to the combat patrols.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/10/11 16:39:33

    Post by: youwashock

    Man, you are pulling out all the old-school stops. Love the old Dread. I expect to see the old ninja assassin any minute.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/10/11 21:14:52

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

     youwashock wrote:
    Man, you are pulling out all the old-school stops. Love the old Dread. I expect to see the old ninja assassin any minute.

    Unfortunately I don't have one of the ninja assassins

    But I did have this guy who was released towards the end of 2nd edition, and has been sat on my shelf of shame for the last couple of weeks as he doesn't fit into any Combat Patrol:

    I spent a couple of hours getting him done this evening, I went with the reds to try and tie him into the Blood Angles and Grey Knights. He is on a new 32mm base, as he fits better, and it will save me using an adapter if I want to use him in a real game.

    Fat Cat also got a bit of an update, I feel he's looking even more disgusting than a normal GUO dur to his non-diseased skin tone:

    I must say I'm quite enjoying bouncing between different paintjobs, Still got:
  • The silver, weapons and bases on the World Eaters

  • Lots to do on the Tyranids

  • A raider for the Drukhari (although I want to play with the list to replace it)

  • The squad markings on the Blood Angels.

  • Fat Cat needs finishing

  • Plus whatever I get distracted by in the process

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/10/12 16:49:10

    Post by: youwashock

    Never sad to see an assassin painted.

    Fat Cat's skin is giving naked mole rat vibes. Works great.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/10/13 17:21:20

    Post by: gobert

    Lot of winning going on here! The poles look great with their banner, definitely the right choice to give the Captain one too. I’d be all nerves with the flames on his gear, but it’s best just to go for it, yellow is easy to fix right?!? If you want a banner pole for the Dread I might have a spare one of those too, but i can’t recall whether I was going to use it or not. I’ll check tomorrow if I think on.

    The Cheshire Cat really is looking creepy, he’d work well in the Halloween theme monthly comp!

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/10/13 19:08:26

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

     gobert wrote:
    Lot of winning going on here! The poles look great with their banner, definitely the right choice to give the Captain one too. I’d be all nerves with the flames on his gear, but it’s best just to go for it, yellow is easy to fix right?!? If you want a banner pole for the Dread I might have a spare one of those too, but i can’t recall whether I was going to use it or not. I’ll check tomorrow if I think on.

    The Cheshire Cat really is looking creepy, he’d work well in the Halloween theme monthly comp!

    I'll give the flames a go either tonight or tomorrow, and actually the yellow isn't too bad to fix. I basecoat with Averland Sunset which seems to actually cover, unlike a lot of yellow paints. Thanks for the offer of the banner, I've got a banner top in the post already and some brass rod to make the upright.

    So I seem to have been busy the last few days, so this is quite a long (and eclectic) update.

    I think I've finished the Cheshire Cat, or at least for now:

    There's probably some tidying up to be done on him, but he's going to make his way into the cabinet for the moment as I'm happy with how he looks.

    I also finished up the World Eaters, with their very quick and dirty paint job:

    My aim was to get them to a table-top standard as I've got something else in the works for World Eaters, and with rumours of new Chaos next year, I didn't want to spend too much time on these guys. I might try and hide the worst of my crimes by drowning them in Agrax Earthshade and a quick highlight, but they look okay from table-top distance at the moment.

    And as I was painting some Chaos anyway, I decided to paint this guy who was standing around in my "he's awesome but I don't have an army for him" pile:

    He was really fun, so I might look at getting him some mates to be the CSM combat patrol.

    I also got back to work on my 3D printer, to make some 32mm base adapters for the Blood Angels so that they can be used in 9th:

    Having started as a modern combat patrol the oldhammer bug has bitten me so I've got some more reinforcements for my Blood Angels. I've got 9 death company marines who are currently being stripped, and these guys:

    There is actually a plan behind the madness of getting more Blood angles, as there is a very specific target I'm looking at, which all of these (bar the limited ed. captain) work into. I wonder if anyone can figure it out

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/10/13 19:30:38

    Post by: youwashock

    Recreating the old GW studio army?

    Cheshire rules. Love seeing those ancient scouts, too.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/10/13 21:20:06

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

     youwashock wrote:
    Recreating the old GW studio army?

    Cheshire rules. Love seeing those ancient scouts, too.

    Close, but not quite. I'm not sure exactly what was in the studio army, whilst my project has a definite list. I'm guessing my project is going to be a part of the studio army though. Certainly their was a painted version of everything for an official photo.

    I gave the flames a go:

    Not only on the captain, but on the flamer and missile launcher based on the 2nd edition main box artwork (which CthulhuDawg uploaded a really good quality a while ago):

    I've also done the company markings. I didn't have any third company (White teardrop) transfers, but I had loads of second company (yellow teardrop), so I put the second company ones on, and then painted them white. You can see the result on the devastator. I think it works well, and really helps me when I can't get the shape right freehanding (as I wanted the 20 I've had to do to match). Just the squad markings on the kneepads and then they're done.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/10/14 22:04:53

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

    So I got the scouts mostly done, but as always when I take a photo and see the model 5 inches tall I find bits that need tidying up

    Apparently 2 bolt pistols on the sergeant was a legal loadout in 2nd ed, but I'm not sure he can fire them both at the same time .
    Also the guy second from the right supposedly has a "bolter" according to the catalogues I've found him in, but I've never seen a bolter with plasma coils, so as far as I'm concerned he's got a plasma gun, which whilst legal in 2nd ed, isn't in 9th . I do have a sixth (unpainted) scout, and an old plastic scout heavy bolter, so he may be getting his arm taken off so that I can swap out the plasma gunner for modern games.

    I got the Death Company stripped, and think I have enough arms and era appropriate weapons, but then realised my super glue has died so I've ordered some more which should be here on the weekend. At least it might give me the push to work on one of the other combat patrols instead of more Blood Angels...

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/10/16 18:56:55

    Post by: gobert

    Good job you found a banner, as mines gone AWOL! I’m not sure what the plan is, maybe to recreate an army used in the BatRep that Tycho first appeared in? That Captain is such a cool model, I might have to look him up on eBay and hope the cost put me off! The flames came out great and love that you’ve matched the other guys in the art work. Will your Devs be getting helmet markings too?

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/10/17 21:25:43

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

     gobert wrote:
    Good job you found a banner, as mines gone AWOL! I’m not sure what the plan is, maybe to recreate an army used in the BatRep that Tycho first appeared in? That Captain is such a cool model, I might have to look him up on eBay and hope the cost put me off! The flames came out great and love that you’ve matched the other guys in the art work. Will your Devs be getting helmet markings too?

    It's always annoying when bitz go AWOL. I was lucky enough to get the captain at games day, so paid retail price. I've tried not to look online for him as then I might have decided to sell him rather than do this army...
    I might go back and give the devastators helmet (and shoulder trim) markings like the artwork, I just need to find more designs so it's not just three of them.

    I wasn't aiming at the batrep for Tycho, although it looks like I'll only be a rhino short of that list, so there may be a tank in my future...
    What I'm aiming for is this:

    When I started as a kid these were epic boxes that I couldn't hope to afford, and after I realised that a tactical squad, devastator squad and dreadnought make up about half the models, I felt it was too good a target for me to pass up. (I've also noticed there was an eldar one, and my current force makes up a good chunk of that too...)

    As such I've done a bit of work over the weekend, although not managed to get anything finished
    My Dreadnought has a banner pole (but no banner yet):

    The scout with heavy bolter is mostly done, a bit of tidying and the base needs finished:

    Tycho and the death company have both been started:

    And base adapters for them and the final 5 guys have been created and mostly painted:

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/10/17 21:54:57

    Post by: brushcommando

    Just found this project. You're doing great on those blood angels! I like the captain and the dreadnought especially. Excited to see more.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/10/19 21:20:55

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

     brushcommando wrote:
    Just found this project. You're doing great on those blood angels! I like the captain and the dreadnought especially. Excited to see more.

    Glad you like them! As you want to see more, here's Tycho:

    And some Death Company to accompany him:

    That just leaves the terminators (which are currently getting their paint stripped) to finish up the original box! I might have to see if I can work out some similar terrain for a photo.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/10/19 21:27:14

    Post by: brushcommando

    Death Company and Tycho turned out great! How are you doing the banners? Are they hand-painted or some kind of print outs? Either way, I love the character they add to the models.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/10/19 22:31:01

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

    I did quite a few different ways to get the different banners, all are painted to an extent, with the numbers and most of the black lining is done with a Staedler 0.05 pigment liner.
    A quick breakdown:
  • Squad leaders (red with black symbol) are just painted red with a black transfer from the vehicle transfer sheet.

  • Sergeants (black with red symbol) were traced from an actual banner and painted

  • Captain was free-handed to match his shoulder pad

  • Tycho and Death Company are print outs that I've then had to paint and outline, as my printer is terrible

  • Like this terrible:

    The banners I've done are not perfect, especially if you look closely in the photos (the skull on Tychos banner is questionable, and don't zoom in on the death company one ). I think they've turned out okay, even if they are a bit rough in places. I'm never going to be an 'Eavy Metal painter, but they stand up from table-top distance, which is the important thing for me, and also they're mine

    Now I've just got the dreadnought's banner, and the terminator squad (plus banner).

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/10/20 01:57:53

    Post by: youwashock

    This continues to be a delightful trip down memory lane. Bring on those Terminators!

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/10/20 21:19:20

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

     youwashock wrote:
    This continues to be a delightful trip down memory lane. Bring on those Terminators!

    Glad you are enjoying it! I've managed to get the old paint off the terminators, the base coat sprayed on and some texture paint for basing done:

    I would have got more done however I got a little side-tracked because if I really want to make the photo work, and with the deadline for Armies on Parade finishing in under two weeks, then I kind of need some scenery:

    And yes, I currently have rainbow filament in my printer so there is a nice colour change as it builds My wife said it looks like Elsa's castle from Frozen...
    The only slight problem is I got my measurements wrong, and it's just over half the scale I need it
    Fortunately it should be easy enough to scale it up, and if gives me a change to go back and change some details.

    The good news is if I don't get it finished for this year's Armies on Parade, they'll only become more classic for next year!

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/10/20 21:44:46

    Post by: youwashock

    What you are saying is, if you don't make it in time you are willing to...let it go?

    Awesome idea to replicate even the terrain from old picture.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/10/21 00:07:31

    Post by: brushcommando

    You can do it! You're making great progress on those minis. I don't think I realized before that this was for armies on parade. I sort of skimmed and thought that the army box was a random collection goal you chose. But given how fast you're cranking those out I think you can still make the deadline.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/10/21 18:28:30

    Post by: gobert

    youwashock wrote:What you are saying is, if you don't make it in time you are willing to...let it go?

    Awesome idea to replicate even the terrain from old picture.

    Groan! . But you’re wife is right MST, it is a bit frozen-esque! The idea is absolutely fantastic and it’s awesome that you’re nearly there, looking at it I probably have most of the minis for my BAs too… I’m just nowhere near as fast at painting as you! Keep the nostalgias coming, especially with those Terminators!

    Don’t suppose you have the stl for the building?

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/10/21 21:15:38

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

    youwashock wrote:What you are saying is, if you don't make it in time you are willing to...let it go?

    Awesome idea to replicate even the terrain from old picture.

    I'm glad you like the idea, and I do enjoy a good pun!

    brushcommando wrote:You can do it! You're making great progress on those minis. I don't think I realized before that this was for armies on parade. I sort of skimmed and thought that the army box was a random collection goal you chose. But given how fast you're cranking those out I think you can still make the deadline.

    It wasn't planned for armies on parade, but as it's close to done and if I can get it finished by the end of the month I can get it entered online, although I doubt I'll win anything with the frankly amazing entries I see. There's also one of my local GW stores running an event in the middle of November, so I might take it in for that as there'll be a lot fewer people.

    gobert wrote:
    youwashock wrote:What you are saying is, if you don't make it in time you are willing to...let it go?

    Awesome idea to replicate even the terrain from old picture.

    Groan! . But you’re wife is right MST, it is a bit frozen-esque! The idea is absolutely fantastic and it’s awesome that you’re nearly there, looking at it I probably have most of the minis for my BAs too… I’m just nowhere near as fast at painting as you! Keep the nostalgias coming, especially with those Terminators!

    Don’t suppose you have the stl for the building?

    As I built it myself in tinkercad I do have the STL
    I've just made it public, so you should be able to access it here (please can someone let me know if linking to it isn't allowed, I think it should be fine as I made it):
    I've done some tinkering with it. but it'll probably still need rescaling to get it the right size, I haven't had a chance to finish it, I've been too busy painting some terminators

    They're still a WIP, the weapons and chapter markings need working on, as does the banner pole (and banner...) but I think the bodies are pretty much done, as I did them before I attached the arms to let me get at the details more easily.
    Hopefully I can get them done on Friday and Saturday and that'll leave Sunday for terrain! I'm pretty sure I'll need to head to a DIY store to pick up some foam to make the hill for the photo, and I've got some barrels and crates kicking around and that'll be it done. Nothing like a mad rush to enter competitions at the last minute

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/10/21 21:40:24

    Post by: brushcommando

    The Terminators looks great.Classic blood angels scheme is one of my favorites especially on TDA. Excited to see the final army shot.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/10/22 21:52:40

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

     brushcommando wrote:
    The Terminators looks great.Classic blood angels scheme is one of my favorites especially on TDA. Excited to see the final army shot.

    The blood angels scheme really does suit them, I think they've turned out quite nicely:

    Still got the shield for the sergeant, and the banner.
    I've got an original(ish) banner (cut out of a white dwarf or codex, not a sticker), however it's seen better days, and as all the other banners are hand painted, I'm going to try this:

    Although I'm a bit sceptical as it's a lot more detailed than previous ones. I may have to simplify it.
    I've also got the outline of the dreadnought banner:

    As he's going to be third company (so white squad number rather than yellow) I've decided he's not going to be "Furioso" as that's the second company dread, so I need a something else to go on the banner. I'm tempted to try and fit Sanguinius, but I'm not sure It'll squeeze in, (and S's are hard to paint...). Anyone got a better idea?

    Also I've been working on an upgrade for the building, and it's printing away now, so if anyone is planning on printing one (gobert) then if you hold off I'll see how well the new one comes out and update the STL.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/10/22 22:31:28

    Post by: ValhallanWinter

    I'm really enjoying your work, the mixture of old and new models plus your modeling creativity is extremely fun. The way you used the space wolves backpack posts to denote squads is a great touch and that Blood angel captain exactly captures the box art, impressive work.

    If you're looking for back banner suggestions that don't tread on already printed ones I'd suggest Gehenna or Tartarus to keep in the hell/damnation themes.

    Are you planning to run an old verse new fight club kind of tournament? That would be kind fun to see best of the old vs best of the new in a series of mini matches, plus seeing those storm guardians match against primaris space wolves would be a great picture

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/10/23 06:11:36

    Post by: brushcommando

    For the banner title, I'd suggest something short, like Baal or Hades. The blood angels were at Armageddon I think, so you could draw some kind of connection to an action near Hades hive or somesuch...

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/10/23 10:08:06

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

    ValhallanWinter wrote:I'm really enjoying your work, the mixture of old and new models plus your modeling creativity is extremely fun. The way you used the space wolves backpack posts to denote squads is a great touch and that Blood angel captain exactly captures the box art, impressive work.

    If you're looking for back banner suggestions that don't tread on already printed ones I'd suggest Gehenna or Tartarus to keep in the hell/damnation themes.

    Are you planning to run an old verse new fight club kind of tournament? That would be kind fun to see best of the old vs best of the new in a series of mini matches, plus seeing those storm guardians match against primaris space wolves would be a great picture

    Tartarus sounds good, and doesn't have too many letters with curves in, so I may well give that a go!
    My plan wasn't so much a old vs new, I was just going to do a knock out tournament of the 32 (if I finish them) Combat Patrols, although I could probably set it up so that none of the older armies fight each other in the first round. I'll make sure the Space Wolves and Eldar are paired up in the first round so that I can get some photos!

    brushcommando wrote:For the banner title, I'd suggest something short, like Baal or Hades. The blood angels were at Armageddon I think, so you could draw some kind of connection to an action near Hades hive or somesuch...

    With the dimensions of the scroll I think Baal and Hades might be a bit short, Furioso is 7 letters, so I think 6-7 is probably the sweet spot.

    So I left my 3d printer going overnight, and had my first print failure
    The Bowden tube managed to detach itself during the night, so the filament instead of getting fed into the extruder, just fed out into the enclosure for my printer, so I had quite a mess to clean up. Fortunately I could feed the filament back through the extruder to reuse it, but I got the joy of spending 20 minutes carefully rerolling the filament, before working out where the print failed to be able to restart it. Fingers crossed it's not going to be too bad when I put the parts together at the end, but it's looking much better scale wise already:

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/10/24 10:03:00

    Post by: gobert

    I hate it when the printer fails, but at least it didn’t waste filament by extruding it all in to a big blob!

    The DC and Terminators look great, and the banners are looking great even before their paint.

    Good luck restarting the print

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/10/24 19:10:15

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

     gobert wrote:
    I hate it when the printer fails, but at least it didn’t waste filament by extruding it all in to a big blob!

    The DC and Terminators look great, and the banners are looking great even before their paint.

    Good luck restarting the print

    I must admit I'm glad it didn't waste filament or gum up the printer, it could have been much worse.
    So I tried restarting the print. I measured the height, checked the layer number, made sure it looked okay on the STL. I edited the gcode following some instructions on the internet to start at the right level, made sure I left the heat settings in, removed the homing/leveling...
    Or so I thought. The printer didn't home the X or Y axis, but then decided to rehome the Z axis through the existing print, making some horrible grinding noises and melting/bending bits of the print before I could get it turned off.
    So I've cut up the STL at the appropriate level and have it printing the top half, and I'll just glue it together. Might not be as neat in the end, but I should be able to cover some of the worst of it when adding texture. Fortunately it didn't seems to damage the printer.

    On a happier note, I got the banners done, and that means my Blood Angels army is done! Or as done as any army ever is (I might have another 15 tactical marines waiting a paint strip to make a legitimate 9th ed Battalions...).

    To give people a better view on my process for the banners, I took step by step photos. I last left everyone with these images that I had traced out:

    After that I go and block in the main colours, much like painting models. I find I need to keep the first layer of paint thicker as the paper is absorbent, and if you water your paints appropriately for models it can waterlog the paper. The main aim is to get the colours in the right places, you don't need to be perfect about the neatness.

    After that take a fine pigment pen (as they are waterproof(ish...)) and go around and do the outlines. This is where you can neaten up any sloppyness.

    You can also go back and paint over the pen if you make a mistake and then reline it.
    The last step is to glue it to the model. I find it easiest to lay the model on their back so the banner pole hangs off the edge of the table (careful not to knock them off ), and then attach the banner, as that lets me get easier access to the banner pole and saves me holding the model whilst I try and do it. The old model of citadel painting handles (the angular ones) are great for holding the smaller models when it's laying down as they don't roll, and give it some extra weight and length on the table.
    The end result is:

    Once I get an army shot, that'll be 15 Combat Patrols done. I've got Tyranids and Orks awaiting a painting, and a squad for Chaos Space Marines (although I still need to add 10 raptors).
    I might cheat a bit with one of the imperial Combat Patrols though. I'm not a massive fan of Tempestus Scions, who I added to fill out the Imperium team of the 32, so I might switch their combat patrol out for a (not officially valid) Officio Assassinorum Combat Patrol, because to be honest, I think it would be a lot more fun seeing what 5 assassins could do to a normal combat patrol army that some fancy guardsmen...

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/10/24 20:28:32

    Post by: brushcommando

    Wow. Those banners turned out great. Thanks for the step by step, although I doubt I'll be confident enough to ever try that.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/10/24 22:21:45

    Post by: ValhallanWinter

    That dread and terminator look great! Glad the banner suggested worked, freehanding curves must be a nightmare, lol. The old blood angels color scheme is looking excellent, I always liked the terminators with red shoulder pads. You never saw Blood angel terminators much in later additions, outside of the Space Hulk ones, I guess the Sang guard, Death company and various assault marines pushed them into the shadows.

    Glad it wasn't to much of a hassle with the 3d printer and you could salvage the material. That Cathedral corner was such a common and iconic terrain piece in 40k history, I'd like to see how it comes out in the end.

    If those old storm guardians beat the space wolves it would be like a Model T winning the Daytona 500, excellent stuff

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/10/24 22:32:52

    Post by: youwashock

    Great banners! The Terminators turned out awesome, too!

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/10/25 18:12:02

    Post by: gobert

    100% win right there! The banners came out great, and strong in the nostalgias. Shame the printer tried to ruin itself, but hopefully you can rescue the materials, even if they have added battle damage

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/10/25 18:27:40

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

    brushcommando wrote:Wow. Those banners turned out great. Thanks for the step by step, although I doubt I'll be confident enough to ever try that.

    I would honestly recommend giving them a go, the worst that happens is you mess up a sheet of paper. If there are particularly fine details you can even add transfers rather than paint them
    ValhallanWinter wrote:That dread and terminator look great! Glad the banner suggested worked, freehanding curves must be a nightmare, lol. The old blood angels color scheme is looking excellent, I always liked the terminators with red shoulder pads. You never saw Blood angel terminators much in later additions, outside of the Space Hulk ones, I guess the Sang guard, Death company and various assault marines pushed them into the shadows.

    Glad it wasn't to much of a hassle with the 3d printer and you could salvage the material. That Cathedral corner was such a common and iconic terrain piece in 40k history, I'd like to see how it comes out in the end.

    If those old storm guardians beat the space wolves it would be like a Model T winning the Daytona 500, excellent stuff

    I doubt the storm guardians will do much either But the dark reapers and war walker are more likely to put some holes in the Space Wolves whilst the Storm Guardians draw some fire.
    youwashock wrote:Great banners! The Terminators turned out awesome, too!

    Glad you like them, I'm quite pleased with how the terminators turned out.

    I managed to get the top of the scenery printed. I gave the entire model a coat of ready mixed filler to cover the layer lines and give it a more rock like texture, and then a couple of drybrushes of grey:

    And with terminators for scale:

    I think it's pretty close to the original
    If anyone wants to print one (hopefully without printer issues) you can download it from here: https://www.tinkercad.com/things/ce8S1spQTDJ

    I need to pick up some foamboard to give it a proper base, but it'll survive without one.
    I've also got some barrels and crates that I've based for scatter terrain, and my wife is picking me up some foam insulation tonight to make a hill from, so I should be pretty close to getting the scene accurate. Lets see if I can get them done before Sunday!

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/10/25 18:34:42

    Post by: brushcommando

    Wow. That came out great! I'm excited to see if you make it across the finish line in time.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/10/27 21:37:10

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

     brushcommando wrote:
    Wow. That came out great! I'm excited to see if you make it across the finish line in time.

    Assuming nothing turns up to delay me, I should get it finished. The army is done, and I've finished off the scatter terrain today, although I might add some rust, and deal with the joints on the barrels:

    And the hill has been cut to shape and had a coat of filler:

    It's going to get a lot of sanding tomorrow, and more filler or PVA glue to seal it. Then it's just spray painting and a small bucket of static grass!

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/10/29 07:53:18

    Post by: gobert

    It’s all coming together now Man Sized Target! The cathedral came out great especially with the Terminators dominating the lower ground!

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/10/29 09:36:15

    Post by: Cap'n Facebeard

    Wow, the nostalgia off those Blood Angels, I may get misty eyed

    The Death Company Chaplain was my favourite model as a young 'un.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/10/29 23:39:10

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

    gobert wrote:It’s all coming together now Man Sized Target! The cathedral came out great especially with the Terminators dominating the lower ground!

    I'm pretty happy with it, it's my first 3d sculpt, so I'm mildly amazed it turned out so close to the original given it didn't take very long.

    Cap'n Facebeard wrote:Wow, the nostalgia off those Blood Angels, I may get misty eyed

    The Death Company Chaplain was my favourite model as a young 'un.

    The nostalgia of 2nd ed certainly isn't lost on me, and I hope I've done the chaplain justice.

    The hill is now green and fuzzy (along with my desk because I'm messy ):

    I'll try and get some decent army shots over the weekend.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/10/30 00:03:37

    Post by: brushcommando

    So is that it then? Did you make the the deadline?

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/10/30 18:39:40

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

     brushcommando wrote:
    So is that it then? Did you make the the deadline?

    So the army and scenery is complete, I just need to get some decent photos to submit before 23:59 tomorrow to officially submit it.

    I was going to take them in daylight today, however instead I spent most of the day in the loft boarding the floor, and then when it was finished it was raining, so no joy, hopefully there's some sunlight tomorrow.

    Just to remind everyone this was what I'm aiming for:

    And here is the (potato camera quality) best shot I've managed to get in my office so far:

    The quality of the photo's not going to win any prizes (and I need a better backdrop), but I think it's pretty close to what I was aiming for.

    With the Blood Angels Done that brings me up to 15/32 Combat Patrols. I'll try photographing the assassins with the Blood Angels tomorrow, and that'll bring me to the half way mark!

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/10/30 19:18:52

    Post by: ValhallanWinter

    Amazing work recapturing the old photo! The models and terrain are spot on, that ruined church looks great, good luck in Armies on Parade!

    I'd like to see all the assassins together, are you painting them in the standard styles or as a variant color scheme?

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/10/30 19:18:53

    Post by: brushcommando

    Wow. It's really cool seeing you recreate that shot almost pose for pose. Hopefully you get that ideal photography weather tomorrow.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/10/30 19:56:17

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

    ValhallanWinter wrote:Amazing work recapturing the old photo! The models and terrain are spot on, that ruined church looks great, good luck in Armies on Parade!

    I'd like to see all the assassins together, are you painting them in the standard styles or as a variant color scheme?

    So apart from chuckles here:

    I've not got any of the metal assassins but now I'm really tempted to try and track them down!

    brushcommando wrote:Wow. It's really cool seeing you recreate that shot almost pose for pose. Hopefully you get that ideal photography weather tomorrow.

    Fingers crossed with the weather, if not I'll steal every lamp in the house and make my office bright enough!

    A mild break in the oldhammer Blood Angels: the Assassins

    I picked up the Van Saar Necromunda gang box a long time ago with the idea of converting them up and using them for Tau breachers (because of course I did ) . I got one done and decided I wasn't a fan, and tucked the box away on my shelf to "do something with it later". Then the rules for taking 4 assassins as a detachment came out and I thought it would be cool to run it with an inquisitor, as their personal murder troupe. However I looked at the price GW is charging for the assassins, and decided that although it's cool, I'm not spending that much on the idea. Then I realised that the "do something with it later", could well be "turn them into assassins"...

    So here we go

    "Operative 81": for when you absolutely need to ensure something, and everything remotely near it, is dead:

    "Operative 19", "Operative 50" and "Operative 72": kitted out with woodland camo-cloaks. For when you need to ensure something far away is dead:

    "Operative 2" and "Operative 5": For when you need to sneak in somewhere, before making sure something is dead:


    "Operative 26" and "Operative <redacted>": For when you need to ensure a psyker is dead:

    And the group shot:

    Hopefully your regularly scheduled Oldhammer Blood Angles photos will resume tomorrow

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/10/31 14:09:50

    Post by: Kid_Kyoto

    Love the Van Saar assassins!

    Makes me want to paint more Van Saar Arbites!

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/10/31 16:37:36

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

     Kid_Kyoto wrote:
    Love the Van Saar assassins!

    Makes me want to paint more Van Saar Arbites!

    Van Saar Arbites, sounds cool, have you got any images/links?

    I managed to get some photos in the 15 minutes of sunshine I've had all day, and got them emailed in. I doubt I'll win anything, but I definitely won't if I don't enter it

    So here are the photos:
    The full army shot (side by side with the inspiration):

    I'm really happy with how it's turned out. I'm no 'Eavy metal painter, and I probably should have given myself more time for the scenery, but it's pretty close, and it's done! Until I go through and add more flames/patterns/battle honours to the various marines...

    Here are some closeups of the various squads.

    The Captains:

    The Dreadnought:

    Tactical Squad

    Devastator Squad

    Terminator Squad

    Scout Squad

    So that's my 2nd Ed Blood angles done (ish...). Back onto Combat Patrols!

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/10/31 17:26:19

    Post by: brushcommando

    Congrats on making the deadline!

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/10/31 20:19:29

    Post by: youwashock

    That's an amazing bit of hobby glory, there. Well done. Huge fan of the Assassin conversions, too.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/11/04 20:49:30

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

    Slinky wrote:Wonderful stuff, bravo!

    brushcommando wrote:Congrats on making the deadline!

    youwashock wrote:That's an amazing bit of hobby glory, there. Well done. Huge fan of the Assassin conversions, too.

    Cap'n Facebeard wrote:Worthy of Mike McVey himself!

    Thanks for the kind words all!

    Now that I've finished the Blood Angels I've pottered around a bit on the other projects, but nothing really worth showing off on most of them. I've got 10 Mk IV marines base coated Kantor Blue for the CSM, done some highlighting on bits of the Tyranids and got texture paint on the bases, that sort of thing.

    Something that's probably more interesting (at least it is to me) is that I remembered I had a 5 man squad of thousand sons I bought to make a kill team, so I dug them out, and the remainders from my pile of sprues (which is looking much smaller due to this project) to make two 5 man squads, one with flamers and one with bolters (and a rotor cannon).

    I'm going with the pre-heresy colour scheme, red, white and gold as something about the blue and yellow just doesn't do it for me, and it gives me a chance to mess with the gem paints.

    Those two squads make up half a combat patrol, so I was trying to work out what I had kicking around that could help fill it out. I had used a load of kairic acolyte heads and swords previously for the Tzeentch-cast ( here back on page 4)and as it worked out cheaper to buy the full boxes than bits order the heads and weapons, I still had the bodies spare, and could probably rustle up enough heads for 10. Adding pistols from the cawdor gangers that got used in the Desert rats back on page 2 I can put together a small cultist squad.
    But I still need a leader, so I had a rummage and turned up a Morghast, still on sprue. It's been done before, and hopefully I can make it look okay:

    It doesn't really show up in the photo but I've swapped his face out for a Tzaangor one (that fit almost perfectly), and I added extra armour on his thighs to hopefully break up all of the bone. Now to see if I've got a sepia wash to do the bone nice and easily...

    Whilst I've been thinking about my craziness with the whole "32 Combat Patrols for a knock out tournament" thing, I decided that I should probably do some form of planning, as I'm actually nearing the end of building everything I've got spare. I've gone through and planned out 32 different Combat Patrols (battlescribe has saved me so much time), mostly from what I have, but also trying to be characterful where I can.
    The current breakdown is:
  • 16 Combat Patrols fully painted

  • 6 Combat Patrols I own all of, and are part painted or unpainted

  • 5 Combat patrols I own part of, varying from about only missing a 2 troupe members and a solitaire for the harlequins, to owning a whole 4 Vespid for Tau...

  • 5 Combat Patrols I own nothing for, (Imperial/Chaos Knights, Custodes, Ynnari and Farsight Enclaves)

  • To help me keep track of progress I made a spreadsheet. The chart below has the armies grouped by faction (Chaos, Eldar, Imperium, Space Marines and Non-Eldar Xenos).

    I think it's quite interesting to see the massive differences in model count between some of the factions.

    There looks to be 564 models all told in the 32 Combat Patrols, which averages out at about 18 models a force, which seems a reasonable size.
    Looking at the numbers I've got 351 models Painted, leaving me with 213 to buy/paint, so if I can average 1 a day that would put me finishing on the 5th of June 2022. Even just painting the ones I have will run me through to about March...assuming I don't get side-tracked by anything else...

    The Combat Patrols that I don't have the models for may change depending on what I can find cheap to fill them out (and the Custodes and Farsight/Tau one's will probably change with the new codexes), but at least this gives me an idea of where I'm at roughly.
    Hopefully this will give me a bit of a kick to get some more of these finished off.

    If people are interested I can post up the Army Lists, and I really need to get around to getting proper photos of the completed Combat Patrols.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/11/04 21:09:12

    Post by: Cap'n Facebeard

    You must have a lot of storage space...

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/11/04 22:49:10

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

     Cap'n Facebeard wrote:
    You must have a lot of storage space...

    Not really, I just cram as much stuff as I can into my little box room

    I'm lucky enough to have been able to take over the smallest bedroom (just over 7 foot square) in the house as my office and hobby room, partly as I work from home, and partly because it helps keep all my mess in one place. I've got an IKEA Klingsbo cabinet in the living room to display some models, but the rest is all in my office.

    I've found over the years that I need to try and keep things organised (not necessarily neat), or I'll get frustrated.
    I've got one of the 5x5 Kallax's from IKEA that takes up most of one wall, and fitted 8 glass shelves to further divide the units in half, and then crammed them full of models. There's just enough room at the end to fit a KR case, and I've got 5 of them down the end to hold models, but most of mine live on display.
    To give you an idea of how crammed they are:

    And for those interested in what's on them, from left to right:
    On upper glass shelves:
  • Inquisitor warband, assassins and some trolls hiding in the back

  • WHFB Chaos army

  • HH Death guard army

  • Misc WIP bits that I'm trying to clear for when I finish more combat patrols

  • On upper white shelving
  • Renegade guard army

  • Goblin sky pirate army (Counts as Khardrons and Stormcast)

  • Space Wolves and Emperor's children Combat Patrols

  • More misc stuff, including some finished that don't fit elsewhere

  • On the lower glass shelves:
  • Dark Angels 4th Company, All Primaris (A full company without dreads just fits in 33cm x 38cm)

  • Ad mech and Wych Cult Combat Patrol (minus a raider)

  • Renegade Sisters of Battle and Deathwatch armies

  • AOS Death Army (based on Bretonnians)

  • On the lower white shelves:
  • Eldar and Sisters Of Battle Combat Patrols

  • Blood Angels army

  • 2 Necron Combat Patrols, World Eaters Combat Patrol, Grey Knights combat patrol, and the eversor assassin.

  • A gap for my "WIP tray" which currently looks like this:

  • I've got three of the tubs for the Kallax, one with 40k sprues/bits, one AOS bits, and one other hobby stuff such as basing bits. Another one of the Kallax spaces is dedicated to GW codexes/rulebooks. And there is one for "Random hobby stuff that doesn't have a home right now, which is currently full of dice, static grass (which should go in the basing tub), transfers, and other bits. So just over half the Kallax is GW stuff, although it occasionally spreads a bit before I tidy it back up.
    I've got one of the GW "Citadel Hobby Project Box" to store my paint and tools that lives under my desk during the work day, and helps keep me somewhat organised in painting. I actually quite like the paint racks that it holds as I can set it up with my paints for a particular project (like the Blood Angels), and just need to grab that rack out to start painting.
    There's just enough room at the end of the Kallax to fit a KR case lying down, so I've got a small stack of them down the end to hold models, but most of my models live on display (and get dusty).

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/11/04 23:36:24

    Post by: SergentSilver

     ManSizedTarget wrote:

    Just to remind everyone this was what I'm aiming for:

    And here is the (potato camera quality) best shot I've managed to get in my office so far:

    The quality of the photo's not going to win any prizes (and I need a better backdrop), but I think it's pretty close to what I was aiming for.

    With the Blood Angels Done that brings me up to 15/32 Combat Patrols. I'll try photographing the assassins with the Blood Angels tomorrow, and that'll bring me to the half way mark!

    That's super cool!

    The only way I can think of to make it even cooler would be to get all 2nd Ed models and the same models that were in those boxes with the same loadouts. A true recreation, but that starts getting expensive quick. Nice job on the old scouts btw, those are very rare if hardly seeing them for sale is any indication.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/11/05 02:30:13

    Post by: brushcommando

    I like the pre-heresy scheme on the new thousands sons models. I agree it makes for a better scheme than the blue/turquoise and yellow one. Of course I play Ultramarines, so it could be that I just don't like people encroaching on our turf in terms of color schemes...

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/11/05 04:07:54

    Post by: Cap'n Facebeard

    Goblin Sky Pirates would have been so much better than Dwarf ones...

    The setup is cool. If I had to work in a room with hobby stuff tho, I'd never get any work done.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/11/05 13:36:32

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

    SergentSilver wrote:
     ManSizedTarget wrote:

    Just to remind everyone this was what I'm aiming for: <snip>

    That's super cool!

    The only way I can think of to make it even cooler would be to get all 2nd Ed models and the same models that were in those boxes with the same loadouts. A true recreation, but that starts getting expensive quick. Nice job on the old scouts btw, those are very rare if hardly seeing them for sale is any indication.

    Yeah, I looked at trying to get the exact models, but didn't want to spend that much so it was more a matter of getting what was close enough and was cheap. I think it worked out well enough. I didn't pay more than current retail for the equivalent units, as I kept an eye for things mislabelled, or in one case just listed as "Warhammer" with no description.

    brushcommando wrote:I like the pre-heresy scheme on the new thousands sons models. I agree it makes for a better scheme than the blue/turquoise and yellow one. Of course I play Ultramarines, so it could be that I just don't like people encroaching on our turf in terms of color schemes...

    Funnily enough I don't mind the blue and yellow in Ultramarines, and I'm tempted to do an old school paintjob of bright blue and yellow when I get around to their Combat Patrol...

    Cap'n Facebeard wrote:Goblin Sky Pirates would have been so much better than Dwarf ones...

    The setup is cool. If I had to work in a room with hobby stuff tho, I'd never get any work done.

    Yeah, it takes a lot of effort not to get distracted, but it's nice to be able to break something out on my lunch break.

    For example today I decided to take photos of my Goblin Sky Pirates.
    This army is from back when there was a Mixed Kharadron/Stormcast Warscroll Battalion (Aetherstrike Force). If anyone can work out how I can run it in the new rules, that would be awesome.
    For the Kharadron Side There is:

    Kharadron Admiral and Navigator

    Three Arkanaut Companies one with Volley Guns:

    One with Skypikes:

    One With Light Skyhooks

    Two units of Skywardens (yellow)

    and Blue:

    And the Endrinriggers

    Backed up by a Gunhauler

    On the Stormcast side there's:
    Knight Venator and Knight Azyros

    Stormcast Prosecutors with Celestial Hammers (or Axes...)

    and two units of Stormcast Prosecutors with Stormcall Javelins

    And then for allies I had three gyrocopters with steam guns:

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/11/05 23:19:13

    Post by: SergentSilver

     ManSizedTarget wrote:
    SergentSilver wrote:
     ManSizedTarget wrote:

    Just to remind everyone this was what I'm aiming for: <snip>

    That's super cool!

    The only way I can think of to make it even cooler would be to get all 2nd Ed models and the same models that were in those boxes with the same loadouts. A true recreation, but that starts getting expensive quick. Nice job on the old scouts btw, those are very rare if hardly seeing them for sale is any indication.

    Yeah, I looked at trying to get the exact models, but didn't want to spend that much so it was more a matter of getting what was close enough and was cheap. I think it worked out well enough. I didn't pay more than current retail for the equivalent units, as I kept an eye for things mislabelled, or in one case just listed as "Warhammer" with no description.

    That's the best way to do it! But yeah, getting those 2nd Ed terminators for a fair price is really hard. I've been lucky to collect the handful I have out of large lot buys. Still, it shouldn't be too hard to find the Meltagun special weapon guy for the Tac squad. I've managed two or three myself, but I think they're all the Damned version. Old metal shoulder carry HB are surprisingly hard to find though. It always seems to be Lascannons for some reason. Except the Damned version, then it's nothing but HB since the squad box came with one.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/11/06 03:56:42

    Post by: Cap'n Facebeard

    Age of Zogmar! Now that would've been a Stormcast army I could get behind.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/11/08 14:54:08

    Post by: gobert

    Woah, you’ve been busy with posts MST! The Blood Angels came out magnificently, plenty of nostalgia and some great photos on the terrain. Deserving of an honourable mention at least on Warhammer Community?!

    The display and storage area is awesome. I have grand designs for similar one day, but the diy and hobby projects lists keep growing and competing. I like the idea of a paint rack for a project, I might have to steal that to make it easier for the panthers.

    Love all the character in the gobbo pirates, such a cool theme, well executed!

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/11/09 21:11:03

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

    So not much hobby done over the last few days, but managed to get the cultists done (excluding basing, as I'm not sure what to do):

    Although I might have to go back and neaten up some of the skin where the washes have leaked a bit...

    To go with them I got the base coats on the daemon prince:

    I'm getting some strong "Where's Wally/Waldo" vibes from him, so might need to rethink the colour scheme, although I can probably break it up with the spooky bits.

    Several years ago I converted some kabalite warriors out of scourges and dark elf corsairs, although I never got around to fully painting them:

    And a pair of venoms for them, which did get painted (and need dusted):

    I have managed to snag the Khainite Shadowstalkers (from Warcry) for a reasonable price, and they're going to make up the rest of the Drukhari Kabal Combat Patrol.
    I've converted two of them into Archons:

    Partially because I hate the pose of the GW one, although the lunging "look at me, I have a sword" isn't ideal, I might see if I can carry out a leg swap before I finish painting it.
    Then 5 more of them are going to make up a unit of mandrakes:

    One got a simple headswap, but I think the rest fit as is. I might see if I can convert a few more into fireball slingers, but I'm not sure I've got anything in the bits box that would work

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/11/09 22:47:05

    Post by: youwashock

    Daemon Prince is going to be awesome. Those Dark Eldar are really cool. Great job working with the other kits.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/11/10 18:35:28

    Post by: gobert

    Loving how the cultists and daemon Prince are coming together. The heads on the cultists certainly fit the Tzentch theme really well.

    Lovely conversions on the Dark Eldar too

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/11/10 22:58:53

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

    Thanks all for the kind words.

    So no pictures in this post, as I've just been tidying up/highlighting the daemon prince, but it threw up a question, so I thought I would ask other people's advice.

    There are ethereal flames and spirits on the wings (and potentially within the stomach). What colour should I go with to work with the red/gold/bone colour scheme?
    My colour theory isn't great, but If I take red as the primary, then the complementary colour would be green, so I could go for that, although if you look at the gold/bone colour as more orange than red the complementary colour is blue, which would be a nice nod to the newer Thousand Sons more.

    Or I could just throw colour theory out and slap a coat of tesseract glow over it and be done

    Anyone with a better grasp on colours got any thoughts?

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/11/11 01:24:10

    Post by: Cap'n Facebeard

    Beware too much red and green and you'll have a Daemon Prince of Christmas...

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/11/11 20:54:21

    Post by: gobert

    Facebeard makes a good point! A really pale blue might work well

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/11/12 01:08:24

    Post by: youwashock

    Blue would be my suggestion, as well. Or purple, which also goes nicely with gold.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/11/12 17:02:49

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

    Blue it is!

    I went with a bit of a muted blue/grey, as it turns out I don't actually own that many blue paints
    I went with blue gems to tie it in and not have too many different colours on the model.

    The base isn't staying deserty, I'm thinking I might go with a black/grey base so the red pops more.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/11/13 01:45:48

    Post by: Cap'n Facebeard

    Cool, kind of looks like electricity to me.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/11/13 03:12:27

    Post by: brushcommando

    Looks pretty cool. I don't recognize that model, is it a kitbash?

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/11/13 09:24:09

    Post by: gobert

    Nice! The blue worked well. Will the base be getting any bits to add interest? A severed Space Wolf arm perhaps?

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/11/14 16:52:54

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

    brushcommando wrote:Looks pretty cool. I don't recognize that model, is it a kitbash?

    It's one of the Morghast Archai: https://www.games-workshop.com/en-GB/Morghast-Archai-2018
    I replace the bone face with one from the Tzaangors, and added the shoulder armour from the second one onto the thighs, but otherwise it's used as is.
    gobert wrote:Nice! The blue worked well. Will the base be getting any bits to add interest? A severed Space Wolf arm perhaps?

    The base is definitely too plain, and I was trying to work out what to do with it, and then I noticed my 3d printer next to me so...

    You can see his base taking shape in the bottom right (or possibly top left, as there are two on it), and there are some 25mm bases on it too for the acolytes, hopefully this comes out well.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/11/18 19:31:21

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

    So a bit slow on the hobby front at the moment, work is keeping me busy. I've got a bit more red on the thousand sons, but nothing worth photographing.
    However the bases got printed! I threw some filler onto the roads section to try and cover up the obvious 3d print marking, sprayed it silver and started painting.

    I need to be a bit neater with the filler in future, but I think it'll work. I've still got a lot of painting to go, but I'm liking how it's starting. I've got some more printing to do to extend it out for the rubric marines, but the current one will cover the cultists and daemon prince.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/11/18 20:09:03

    Post by: gobert

    I wondered why the printer was filling in the bits between the bases, and now it makes complete sense! They look fantastic, I was wanting to do something like that for my Marines, but couldn’t figure out how to do it. I’ll have to borrow it for another Army at some point. Did you design it yourself? Will they fit the ikea shelving unit you have?

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/11/18 22:50:23

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

     gobert wrote:
    I wondered why the printer was filling in the bits between the bases, and now it makes complete sense! They look fantastic, I was wanting to do something like that for my Marines, but couldn’t figure out how to do it. I’ll have to borrow it for another Army at some point. Did you design it yourself? Will they fit the ikea shelving unit you have?

    I wish I could have done them myself and will push myself to learn how to do it, but these are all purchased from:https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/game/40k-industrial-bases-full-set-tablewar-magnetic-tray-insert-with-bases-z-axis_hobbies They do three different designs that fit beside each other to make one display, cut in various ways, from 20 x 25mm bases up to a single 100mm. They sell individual STLs for about £4, or the full set of their designs (which is what I bought) for £20. They're roughly 120mm wide by 150mm deep as they're meant to fit tablewar magnetic cases, but they'll fit two rows of three facing each other in the IKEA KALLAX, so I should be able to fit two armies facing off against each other per shelf, or more if they don't take up all three slots (7 Custodes can fit on a single one ).

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/11/21 17:22:51

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

    So one side is mostly complete!

    I've got a couple of things to I need to finish up:
  • the metals on the bases,

  • where the wings meet the base,

  • redo the spawn in a matching colour scheme

  • But otherwise I think it looks pretty good. I've got another base section drying for the rubric marines.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/11/22 15:43:39

    Post by: gobert

    That came out really awesome! Inspiring 3d printing and a great paint job on the minis too

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/11/22 20:59:47

    Post by: youwashock

    That makes for a great display. Sets the models off very well. Having the spawn stand out like that sort of works. What would you do to change it?

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/11/22 21:31:05

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

    gobert wrote:That came out really awesome! Inspiring 3d printing and a great paint job on the minis too

    Thanks, I think it's coming along really well.
    youwashock wrote:That makes for a great display. Sets the models off very well. Having the spawn stand out like that sort of works. What would you do to change it?

    I'm tempted to redo the teal bits red to tie in with the colour scheme, and possibly try and highlight up to the same skintone as the cultists, but I'm open to other suggestions (and leaving him as is would be easier ).

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/11/23 16:52:06

    Post by: gobert

    Sadly I think the spawn would look much more part of the force if he was repainted as you suggest, he seems out of place in an otherwise very coherent force. Maybe if his blue bits looked like the morghasts blue bits it might fit better without a complete repaint?

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/12/01 19:24:31

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

     gobert wrote:
    Sadly I think the spawn would look much more part of the force if he was repainted as you suggest, he seems out of place in an otherwise very coherent force. Maybe if his blue bits looked like the morghasts blue bits it might fit better without a complete repaint?

    I took your advice and repainted the entire thing, it a bit quick and dirty (mainly Gulliman Flesh Contrast paint):

    But it certainly fits in a lot more:

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/12/01 21:13:44

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

    On a different topic, I realised I am not really interested in painting the Ork combat patrol I worked out, but as people enjoyed my oldhammer Blood Angels, and I did collect Orks in 2nd edition, I think I might do them if people are interested. Do you think these guys would make good squighog riders now that boarboyz aren't a thing?

    [Thumb - IMG_20211201_210535_edit_829603267244245.jpg]

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/12/01 23:38:09

    Post by: gobert

    The repainted spawn really does fit the scheme now, great work! The Boar Boyz would definitely fit the squighog theme and I’d definitely enjoy a 2nd Ed Ork army. Those monopose Gretchin are one hell of a slog though!

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/12/11 15:44:44

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

     gobert wrote:
    The repainted spawn really does fit the scheme now, great work! The Boar Boyz would definitely fit the squighog theme and I’d definitely enjoy a 2nd Ed Ork army. Those monopose Gretchin are one hell of a slog though!

    I'm glad you like the spawn, and I'm hoping the gretchin won't be too bad, as I've managed to rescue 40 of them out of my box of old stuff!

    The delay since my last post has been down to a few things, work being busy, the festive season, but also due to me rummaging through a box of stuff I rescued from my parents house, and stripping/rebuilding them.

    And here is the current fruits of my efforts after I've just finished basing them all:

    Which is starting to look suspiciously close to:

    Looks like I'm missing Ghazghkull, 5 Kommandos, 5 Stormboyz and 3 snotling bases.
    I may have another project on the way...

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/12/11 17:30:21

    Post by: youwashock

    Uh-oh. Another retro recreation? Awesome! The new paint on the Spawn does make him fit in with the rest.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/12/12 20:02:42

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

     youwashock wrote:
    Uh-oh. Another retro recreation? Awesome! The new paint on the Spawn does make him fit in with the rest.

    Yep, definitely another retro-recreation!

    I decided I should start off with the 40 gretchin... and slowly lost the will to live... so switched to painting something fun, the big mek (minus shokk attack gun):

    The only left arm I had was the one meant for holding a bolter, but as I turned it round, I noticed it make it look like he was scratching his bottom, so that had to happen

    I looked at the old Ork Codex for the colour scheme, and noticed a nifty little freehand on the back plate, as he's a Evil Sun (as mek's were back in 2nd ed), so thought I would try and recreate it:

    I think it's turned out rather well
    There's still more highlighting, rivets and other freehand bits to do, but it's coming along nicely.

    I've also got Ghazghkull winging his way to me (thanks to the magic that is eBay), I'll probably be basing him on a 40mm, to stand in as a warboss, but I'm tempted to make a scenic 40mm to 80mm adapter (with some added height) to use him as the current Ghazghkull...

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/12/12 21:10:40

    Post by: Gulgog TufToof

    Looking forward to seeing your orks finished. Boarboys are a fantastic addition. In fact, I wish GW had just revamped them instead of going the squighog route.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/12/13 12:27:54

    Post by: gobert

    40 Gretchin are a real slog, so thanks for switching to such a great model as the Shokk Attack Gun Mek! The shield on his back is sweet. Nice job snagging Ghaz too.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/12/14 20:01:30

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

    So I'm still putting off painting the grots but making some progress. I decided to paint something simple, so got the boars done:

    And then to push myself with a little bit of freehand I got the Splatta Kannon done:

    I think I might focus on the boarboyz themselves next, or possibly the shokk attack gun, but we'll see what grabs my attention.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/12/14 23:05:17

    Post by: Cap'n Facebeard

    Wow love the Evil Sunz symbol freehand. The monopose grotz were boring, the surprisingly big range of metal gretchin were much more fun.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/12/15 22:38:41

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

     Cap'n Facebeard wrote:
    Wow love the Evil Sunz symbol freehand. The monopose grotz were boring, the surprisingly big range of metal gretchin were much more fun.

    I would love to use the metal gretchin as they have lots of character... if they weren't going for £25 each on ebay...

    On the plus side I did get the shokk attack gun done up!

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/12/15 23:53:20

    Post by: gobert

    Nice! You’ve gotta love a SAG, such an iconic model with hilarious concept and rules to boot.. great job getting thin painted.

    Are metal frogs really that pricey!?! That’s max!

    Edit: just checked, they are rather pricey, a few at slightly better prices though
    Not that you need more than 40 grots!

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/12/16 00:46:19

    Post by: theCrowe

    No 2nd ed ork army would be complete without a sizeable pool of box set plastic grots. I love mine. Batch painted with a variety of colours and no uniformity at all in mind.

    Loving your SAG. Looks like he’s putting his free hand to good use too. * scratch scratch

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/12/16 05:12:03

    Post by: Pointer5

    I love the Oldhammer Orks! Nothing beats their style. You have done an excellent job painting them. The boarboyz are a great starting point for their calvary. I have twenty of the Ork boyz done in my collection. I just couldn't get through the gretchin. Maybe someday I'll pick the old metal ones. I don't have any of the original boarboyz. I have used the bonesplitta boarboyz. I have just swapped out a hand weapon for a slugga.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/12/16 22:34:34

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

    Pointer5 wrote:I love the Oldhammer Orks! Nothing beats their style. You have done an excellent job painting them. The boarboyz are a great starting point for their calvary. I have twenty of the Ork boyz done in my collection. I just couldn't get through the gretchin. Maybe someday I'll pick the old metal ones. I don't have any of the original boarboyz. I have used the bonesplitta boarboyz. I have just swapped out a hand weapon for a slugga.

    I was tempted to swap out the boars for the newer ones as the old ones look a bit small on the bases, but with the actual boarboyz on them I hope they'll look okay.

    theCrowe wrote:No 2nd ed ork army would be complete without a sizeable pool of box set plastic grots. I love mine. Batch painted with a variety of colours and no uniformity at all in mind.

    Loving your SAG. Looks like he’s putting his free hand to good use too. * scratch scratch

    I was really happy with the way that hand just fitted, I was worried as it was the only spare, and thought there would be cutting and reposing, but it just fit perfectly

    gobert wrote:Nice! You’ve gotta love a SAG, such an iconic model with hilarious concept and rules to boot.. great job getting thin painted.

    Are metal frogs really that pricey!?! That’s max!

    Edit: just checked, they are rather pricey, a few at slightly better prices though
    Not that you need more than 40 grots!

    Yeah, the gorkamorka grots (mostly naked ones) tend to go for a reasonable price, but the one's that match the plastic 2nd ed ones (like the ones here: http://www.solegends.com/citcat1994orks/c1994orkp0004-00.htm are not cheap.

    I took a second look at the army box and realised I only needed 16 gretchin painted, so I might be able to get through enough, rather than attacking all 40 at once.

    However I decided to paint something else, so here's my Snakebite Runtherd, complete with original paper banner from when I had him ~20 years ago:

    I've also got a good chunk of the boarboyz painted, as they're snakebites too, but I've got some highlighting left to do, so they'll hopefully show up soon.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/12/17 00:11:34

    Post by: theCrowe

    My avatar is gretchin 14! Never knew that.

    Nice runthurd. Very authentic with the paper banner and blue hairsquigs.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/12/17 22:09:26

    Post by: gobert

    Lovely Runtherd, nicely rounded out by the painted paper banner! I’m sad though because it seems I don’t have a Stormboy1 in my collection

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/12/17 22:30:52

    Post by: youwashock

    The Shokk Attack Gun is perfect. Great job!

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/12/18 02:17:50

    Post by: Pointer5

    The Runtherd looks like it came right out of the second edition codex. I wouldn't worry about the boarboyz base size. If you need to ManSized just add some plants and rocks to fill up the space. I need to do that with some of my own models. As always your work has such a great style. Thanks for showing your minis.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/12/18 20:56:33

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

    Thanks all for the kind words. I've done a bit more on the boar boyz, and I think they're pretty much there minus the banner poles (and the paper banners I need to make):

    I think they work okay on their larger bases, with their axes and pistols sticking out.

    Ghazghkull arrived, along with some minions, and they're getting based:

    I think the old Ghazghkull mini works really well on a 40mm base (to be a normal ork warboss), I was worried he would look a bit small. I don't think he would quite fill an 80mm one to match the new model though
    The snotlings used to be much more compacted onto bases (I think 9 to a base), but I realised I wouldn't be able to get in and paint them properly, and as they had 3 wounds and 3 attacks (at strength 1...) I thought it made sense to put 3 on. The Shaman has a slight miscast, in that he is missing an arm, and just has a bit of a tentacle instead where an air bubble obviously filled the mould:

    I'm debating if I:
  • try to perform a hand transplant (if I can find a spare the right size)

  • Try to greenstuff a hand

  • Leave it and paint it up as a tentacle

  • I'm leaning towards just painting it as a tentacle, because magic, but if anyone has any other ideas, feel free to let me know.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/12/21 17:29:10

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

    So I haven't got too much done, but managed to get the snotlings painted up to go with the shokk attack gun:

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/12/22 01:12:03

    Post by: PaddyMick

    1st + 2nd ed orks is my next project, and I want to try and paint them like I remember in 'Eavy Metal... gotta say, you've nailed it - right down to the bases - although I'll be going for gorkamorka sand, it's great to see some green flock!

    Really love the big mek, and the backplate is superb, nice one.

    I always really disliked those monopose grots, but sympathise with you on the cost of the metal ones. I bought 4 for £20, for conversions, and left it at that. My solution has been to use LOTR halflings as Ratling slaves, which kinda fits with my Blood Axes.

    Anyway, looking forward to seeing that Hop-Splat (?) gun and especially interested to see what you do with Gaz. Also do you have the patience for check patterns on those goffs?

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2021/12/22 16:13:17

    Post by: gobert

    Splitting the 9 snot longs in to 3 bases was a great idea, I wish I’d have done that! They look great and ready to be teleported inside a space marine!

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2022/01/06 21:51:36

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

    Sorry for the delay in posting, I was away visiting family over the holiday season and only just got back.

    On the plus side these guys arrived (and got painted):

    I might go back and add the splotchy camouflage to them, but they're red for now.

    When I got them there were two broken axes (the two at the front), one of which was supplied. I managed to source a replacement from the other from a 2nd ed power axe I had spare.

    I decided that I would try and document repairing the axe, for people that haven't had the fun of broken models. I could have tried to pin it using a paperclip, but the joint where it snapped wasn't clean, as you can see below:

    Instead I cut off the existing axe haft, drilled a small pilot hole with my normal pin drill, and then broke out my brass rod and bigger drill bit:

    I think the brass rod is 2mm, and the drill bit is just smaller, probably 1.75mm. This allows for a really snug fit when it's pushed in, it'll probably hold without glue, but I use some superglue anyway. I always find it easier to attach the smaller piece fist, in this case the axe head. This also allows me to work out how much rod I need to leave to fit it, you can just about make out the black mark I've cut through, as the upper one should be the top of the hand.

    And then it's just a case of drilling a small pilot hole in the hand, followed by the 1.75mm drill bit, and fitting it in with a tiny amount of super glue.

    With those done(...ish) I really should get onto some of the normal troops...but Ghazghkull is tempting too....

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2022/01/06 22:10:07

    Post by: youwashock

    Nice save!

    Wouldn't hurt my feelings to see Ghaz next.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2022/01/08 13:10:18

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

     youwashock wrote:
    Nice save!

    Wouldn't hurt my feelings to see Ghaz next.

    As I don't want to hurt your feelings:

    I still need to add banners, but as the banners are so complex I'm probably going to print them rather than try and hand paint them. The checks on his shoulder pads were a pain and took a couple of tries. In the end I painted three vertical grey stripes to give me the spacing, then went in with the white to do the "squares" horizontally, and then painted over the grey that I didn't need with black. I've 3D printed a 40mm to 80mm base adapter so that Ghaz can go onto his new base, and with the large banner he has he might be about the same height

    I also got these guys done (...ish):

    I did them in 4 different designs based on the 2nd edition Ork codex, so there is a bit of variation in the unit. I should probably add some checks to them as well to break up the black and differentiate them a bit more, but I think they look okay.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2022/01/08 13:25:48

    Post by: gobert

    Some more internet winning going on here MST! Ghaz & Makari look amazing! Can’t wait to see them with their banners, you could also try printing them off and painting over them. I’ve done that a few times and it worked well enough. In fact I should do some for my empty banners at some point. The boyz look like they might benefit from a few different check patterns, but they still look cool on their uniformity

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2022/01/10 16:06:42

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

     gobert wrote:
    Some more internet winning going on here MST! Ghaz & Makari look amazing! Can’t wait to see them with their banners, you could also try printing them off and painting over them. I’ve done that a few times and it worked well enough. In fact I should do some for my empty banners at some point. The boyz look like they might benefit from a few different check patterns, but they still look cool on their uniformity

    So I took your advice and printed off some paper banners (from the 2nd eg ork codex), and spent far too long painting them over the weekend, both for Ghazghkull and Makari:

    And for these guys:

    I'm pretty happy with how they've turned out, and now Ghazghkull's about the same size as his new incarnation

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2022/01/10 17:36:37

    Post by: youwashock

    That is superb! They all look great, and I love Ghaz with his base adapter.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2022/01/10 18:39:59

    Post by: gobert

    I pleased it worked out for you, they all look amazing. Well worth the effort if you ask me

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2022/01/11 20:06:57

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

    youwashock wrote:That is superb! They all look great, and I love Ghaz with his base adapter.

    I quite like the base adapter too, at first I thought it was going to be ridiculously large, but I think it makes him just imposing enough
    gobert wrote:I pleased it worked out for you, they all look amazing. Well worth the effort if you ask me

    The banners are definitely worth the effort, and I like them so much I did another!

    This guy has been sat in parts getting little bits done when I had some spare time, and I managed to finish him off today.
    And then to clear off some more of my to-do list, this guy got a quick paint job:

    In the 2nd Ed. codex he was a a Deathskull, but as I've not got any in the army, I've turned him into a goff. He might get a banner at a later date if he's lucky.
    I've still got the gretchin to do, as well as a mek (non-SAG), which I can't field in a 2nd ed. army unless I get a unit of evil sunz, so he's probably going to stay to-do for a quite a while. However, with the Dreadnought I now have enough for a 9th Ed. Combat Patrol! So I thought I would take a group shot:

    The combat Patrol doesn't use everything (No Ghaz or Makari, No Splatta Kannon and only 3 squighog boyz), but that finally brings me up to 17/32!

    I've also decided with the new year I'm going to start keeping track of how many models I've finished painting (19), and how many I've bought (0). Hopefully I can keep the painted pile higher than the bought

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2022/01/11 20:12:56

    Post by: gobert

    Sweet work on the dread! The banners really hit you in the nostalgias, especially set against the green bases. I love how ludicrous Ghaz looks on his fat base . Did you say he’s similar in size to new Ghaz now he has his banner?

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2022/01/11 21:15:55

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

     gobert wrote:
    Sweet work on the dread! The banners really hit you in the nostalgias, especially set against the green bases. I love how ludicrous Ghaz looks on his fat base . Did you say he’s similar in size to new Ghaz now he has his banner?

    Unfortunately I don't have a new Ghaz to compare him to (might try and find if one of the GW's near me has one I could get photos next to), but using the wonderful world of Photoshop (well GIMP) I've tried to align the base with the official GW image, and he looks about right.
    Here they are side by side:

    And overlaid to show that the bases are about the same size/angle:

    I'm going to call it close enough

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2022/01/12 15:35:55

    Post by: youwashock

    The group shot is fantastic. The Dread rules. That size comparison shows the Ghaz has certainly been eating his spinach.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2022/01/14 08:26:09

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

    So I've been off work ill (cold/flu, fortunately not Covid) the last few days, so I've not got much done, but did manage the finishing touches on the Thousand Sons marines:

    They're not perfect, and I think I'll go through and touch up some details when I'm not ill.

    However I think they're good enough to complete the Combat Patrol I started earlier:

    Which brings me up to 18/32 combat patrols!

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2022/01/15 09:55:35

    Post by: gobert

    Wowsers! They look awesome on their display base. Great work, and I can’t really spot where the touch ups are needed. Also I feel you made the correct choice with the red for these guys, it works much better than the blue imho

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2022/01/15 10:23:15

    Post by: theCrowe

    Your vintage orks are wonderful. Love the old printed painted banners. Absolutely how it’s done. All you need now is a cardboard version of that dreadnought and the 90s will be summoned to your tabletop.

    Look at the scale creep on Ghaz! Ok I know that’s not really scale creep, but back in the day characters were bigged up by their stats and a flashy banner was enough to mark them out on the tabletop.

    Your red Thousand Sons are looking spiffy too. Super nice work.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2022/01/15 22:07:01

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

    gobert wrote:Wowsers! They look awesome on their display base. Great work, and I can’t really spot where the touch ups are needed. Also I feel you made the correct choice with the red for these guys, it works much better than the blue imho

    The touch ups aren't major, just little bits where the red got on the white, or I missed it and it's still gold, I'm glad you like the red!

    theCrowe wrote:Your vintage orks are wonderful. Love the old printed painted banners. Absolutely how it’s done. All you need now is a cardboard version of that dreadnought and the 90s will be summoned to your tabletop.

    Look at the scale creep on Ghaz! Ok I know that’s not really scale creep, but back in the day characters were bigged up by their stats and a flashy banner was enough to mark them out on the tabletop.

    Your red Thousand Sons are looking spiffy too. Super nice work.

    When I put Ghaz on the 40mm base (instead of the 25mm he originally came with) I thought he looked better, I'm amazed he just about makes it on the 80mm, and banners should definitely make a comeback!

    I was lucky enough to get a pair of (mini) knights for Christmas, so I've got them together and mostly painted, just free-handing to go
    The two of them are going to lead my two Knight combat patrols (one Imperial one Chaos), can you guess which is which?

    I've tried to go for a bone carapace type look on the bone coloured one, not sure how well it reads, but I think it looks okay in person.
    In bigger games they're both going to be Chaos and the colour scheme is to match the only other Knight I own, this guy:

    Who I picked up years ago from ebay and managed to mostly salvage, until he took a nosedive from the top shelf of a bookcase when his ankle gave out (hence the damaged shinguard).
    I painted him up to match my 30k Deathguard, and turns out GW released a Knight House that fits the scheme "House Herpetrax"
    I got him down to photo and thought "I'm sure he's leaning a lot more than he used to..."
    And yeah...

    That ankle is currently held together by 1 paperclip, and very little else (and you can see the piston I repaired and forgot to paint...)
    Looks like I've got a repair job on my hands before he takes another nosedive...

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2022/01/16 00:33:34

    Post by: youwashock

    Absolutely love the carapace on the Imperial Knight.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2022/01/16 10:55:23

    Post by: gobert

    Nice work on the knights, they could certainly swing both ways with that colour scheme. Good luck fixing that ankle joint

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2022/01/16 14:42:51

    Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

    Ankle repair is tricky business, my condolences! They all look fantastic though.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2022/01/16 20:50:15

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

    Fortunately the repair wasn't too bad, as pretty much the entire joint had given out, it came apart fairly easily, including the hydraulics.
    I ended up drilling a hole from the centre of the foot socket down through the base for a brass rod, as you can just about see here:

    I then lightly glued the foot into position, so that it held long enough that I could start drilling a hole from below the base upwards into the leg. I then took the leg back off, made the hole longer and inserted the 2mm brass rod I've been using. This went through the foot and base, and with a hefty amount of superglue seems to be holding. I then had the joy of refitting the hydraulics around the ankle, and the front one, when I couldn't remove the shin armour, was a pain

    Although the leg is at a bit more of an angle that I was aiming at, it seems to have turned out okay:

    And the cream got updates to bone colouring to match the new knight

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2022/01/18 21:09:59

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

    I've got back on the Combat Patrol wagon. I thought I would rummage through my pile of Sprues and see what I could throw together.

    I got Indomitus when it was on Made to Order, and I've not got around to adding the marines to my Dark Angels, so I thought I would sacrifice them to the Ultramarine Combat Patrol:
    Assault Intercessors:


    And then I had some easy-to-build Aggressors from the old Conquest magazine:

    I dropped in to my local GW to try and pick up a Tigurius to complete the Combat Patrol, and it turns out he's mail order only
    I had the old Gravis Captain from Dark Imperium, that had been added to my Deathwatch, but as he didn't really fit, he's got a new home:

    He's still missing a shoulder pad, and I'll touch up a couple of details when I get around to adding that, but otherwise that's another Combat Patrol done...

    And as I was painting blue, one of my other 2nd ed projects got a basecoat:

    I also got a belated Christmas present thanks to postage delays, a box of Adeptus Custodes Wardens. I'm going to use 3 of them as normal Custodian Guard with spears (as I prefer the look of them to the normal guard), and one as Shield Captain, and that's about half a Combat Patrol on it's own
    I'll be aiming to add 3 terminators to fill out the rest of the patrol (probably Aquilon with firepikes, to recreate this awesome piece of art:

    The question is what Shield Host (and colour scheme) to go for. I'm trying to decide between the standard gold and red to match the artwork, or push my painting ability and try and do them in the Solar Watch scheme which is mostly white?

    That's (one shoulder pad short of) 19/32 Combat Patrols, and 43 models painted so far this year!

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2022/01/18 21:15:34

    Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

    Nice progress. I think I'm almost done painting 12 models so far this year. You are well ahead of my game.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2022/01/19 07:01:18

    Post by: Guardling

    Great start to the year!
    I'd say go with the white for the custodes, be a nice break from all the gold you usually see...
    You may be able to get away with gloss white spray (probably that GW one) with that white contrast paint and some touch ups, should give a nice polished look suitable for them.
    Or just do them the way you did your knights white panels for a grim dark vibe...

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2022/01/19 11:17:33

    Post by: gobert

    Woah! You’ve cranked out the Ultras fast, nice work. The Mordians are already looking good, nice classic scheme so far as well. Guardlings idea for a manageable white sounds good, but I really like a nice dark gold on Custodes (check out tarar2d2’s blog for a good example)

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2022/01/21 19:12:33

    Post by: youwashock

    Those Ultramarines came out of nowhere. Very impressive. I like the head on the Gravis Captain. White Custodes sound very cool.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2022/01/22 22:57:39

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

    Guardling wrote:Great start to the year!
    I'd say go with the white for the custodes, be a nice break from all the gold you usually see...
    You may be able to get away with gloss white spray (probably that GW one) with that white contrast paint and some touch ups, should give a nice polished look suitable for them.
    Or just do them the way you did your knights white panels for a grim dark vibe...

    I think a white spray is definitely the way to go, I haven't tried the white contrast paint, so I'll give it a look, although I might break out some sepia wash and highlight it back it to white as I've done that before.

    gobert wrote:Woah! You’ve cranked out the Ultras fast, nice work. The Mordians are already looking good, nice classic scheme so far as well. Guardlings idea for a manageable white sounds good, but I really like a nice dark gold on Custodes (check out tarar2d2’s blog for a good example)

    Those Custodes are stunning (well done tarar2d2!), although it seems the white is winning the vote (maybe I can just do two combat patrols ).

    youwashock wrote:Those Ultramarines came out of nowhere. Very impressive. I like the head on the Gravis Captain. White Custodes sound very cool.

    The ultramarines were a quick job, I decided to go for a bit of an old school colour scheme and I wanted to see if I could do it nice and quickly. It was pretty much spray blue, base colours, nuln oil wash (which hides so many sins) and then a couple of highlights.

    I was looking at my half finished combat patrols and decided that I really should get one of them finished off before I start on any more, so I built some Tau Fire Warriors for the T'au Empire Combat Patrol

    And then I realised that you get loads of spare bits, almost enough to build a 5 man breacher squad, so some quick bitz shopping resulted in these guys for the Farsight Enclaves combat Patrol:

    And then I actually got around to finishing off a combat patrol, so my tyranids got painted (although I need to finish up the bases):
    Neurothrope and lictor

    Tyranid Warriors

    and a pair of Carnifexes:

    Because who needs little things in a Tyranid Army:

    Although I've just realised as I was writing this that the combat patrol comes out to 23 power, so I can fit in three ripper swarms, so those will get added to the todo list before I can call it done.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2022/01/22 23:09:13

    Post by: Guardling

    Cool idea using Skitarii bits for the Breachers...

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2022/01/23 14:14:44

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

     Guardling wrote:
    Cool idea using Skitarii bits for the Breachers...

    I wish I could claim credit, but I saw some done by @fat_nurgling on instagram with his "Junker Tau". The arms need a little work to fit, but I quite like them.

    I dug through my bits box and it turns out I had some ripper swarms hiding in the bottom, so here they are:

    And with that my Tyranid Combat Patrol is complete! 20/32 Combat Patrols, and 53 models so far this year.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2022/01/23 18:44:37

    Post by: gobert

    Nice work finishing off those Tyranids, especially with the classic scheme! The Tau look great too. I love it when the bits box allows you to make a whole new figure, but a whole squad is just awesome. 53 is an amazing figure, keep this up and you’ll smash a mini a day

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2022/01/24 10:28:28

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

     gobert wrote:
    Nice work finishing off those Tyranids, especially with the classic scheme! The Tau look great too. I love it when the bits box allows you to make a whole new figure, but a whole squad is just awesome. 53 is an amazing figure, keep this up and you’ll smash a mini a day

    I expect I'll be slowing down as I'm finishing off some part done models, but at least I've got a good lead

    And to add to the lead I managed to finish of the Ultramarine Captain's shoulder pad:

    Which completes the Ultramarine Combat Patrol!

    I've also painted these guys last night (green, bone, red, purple and then agrax):

    I've painted them up to match the plague bearers in the Alice in Nurgle-land army, so with the Cheshire Cat (Great Unclean One), the plaguebearers and the nurglings, that's another Combat Patrol done!

    21/32 Combat Patrols, and 59 models so far this year.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2022/01/24 18:43:58

    Post by: gobert

    Those nurglings are nice! Simple and effective!

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2022/01/25 17:36:15

    Post by: youwashock

    Loving the vibrant look for the Tyranids. The long coats do look very cool on the Tau.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2022/01/26 21:51:31

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

    gobert wrote:Those nurglings are nice! Simple and effective!

    The nurglings have so much character and detail that they really don't take much, I'm glad you like them!

    youwashock wrote:Loving the vibrant look for the Tyranids. The long coats do look very cool on the Tau.

    It was a happy co-incidence for the Tyranids, I wasn't sure what scheme and happened to have a red spray can around, so went with that. I like the coats on the tau, however I've seen a rumour floating around that all the tau squads will come in units of ten, so I might need to acquire another five coats...

    Something not intentionally Combat Patrol related (but they might end up being the CSM Combat Patrol):

    I got Betrayal at Calth a long time ago to add the terminators to my Death Guard (with minor conversions into Grave Wardens), and had the Word Bearers half of the box sitting to be done at some point, and as they were in mk4 armour I didn't really want to add them to my Death Guard. I've decided if I do a Word Bearer force it's going to be Gal Vorbak heavy, so probably not a lot of normal marines, so they've been shifted to the Emperor's Children (because who doesn't love purple). I thought I would try and push myself with some edge highlighting, rather than just soaking everything in washes, although I'm still tempted to go over the with a purple wash to tie it together and add more shading...
    I've got the 20 marines mostly done, just waiting on some shoulder pads to finish them off, and then I'll add flowers to their bases too.

    21/32 Combat Patrols, and 61 models so far this year.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2022/01/26 22:16:50

    Post by: Stevefamine

    Good basing colors. I used the same red tufts for my sons of horus.

    Good purple

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2022/01/26 22:47:26

    Post by: youwashock

    That's fabulous. Can't wait to see the rest.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2022/01/28 19:02:14

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

    Stevefamine wrote:Good basing colors. I used the same red tufts for my sons of horus.

    Good purple

    I got the tufts for an unrelated project, but thought they might look good. I'm glad I'm not the only one using them

    youwashock wrote:That's fabulous. Can't wait to see the rest.

    As you asked so nicely:

    The shoulder pads arrived, so a quick gold and white paintjob seems to have done the trick.

    With what I've painted I can run a CSM combat patrol (Dark Apostle, 10 man squad, 5 man squad and a Contemptor), so they'll be filling in as the "normal" Chaos Space Marnie Combat Patrol, as I've already got a plan for someone else to fill in the Emperor's Children Combat Patrol.

    22/32 Combat Patrols, and 81 models so far this year.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2022/01/29 22:56:48

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

    I mentioned in the Emperor's children post above that I had picked up Betrayal at Calth with the aim to add the terminators to my Death Guard force. I got them mostly done and then they got relegated to the pile of shame as I moved house and never got around to finishing them off. As I was on a 30K jaunt, OI thought I might as well get them finished off:

    Not the neatest conversions on the smoke stacks when you blow them up to monitor size, but they look okay on the table top.
    The grenade launchers the heresy tactical squad heavy bolters with grenade launcher barrels from Imperial guard.
    I also finished off a Siege Breaker I converted up.

    Not sure how efficient he is in game, I was aiming to add some phosphex quad launchers (because you've got to make use of the Death Guard rerolling dangerous terrain ), but haven't got round to getting them...

    I did however get the rest of the army done, so without further ado, here is my Mid-heresy Death Guard:
    Calas Typhon, First Captain:

    And a body guard of Death Shroud:

    Primus Medicae (because Death shroud with feel no pain seemed a good idea):

    An Apothecary (I really need a second):

    And a Contemptor Dreadnought:

    And on to the troops, I went with the thematic sizes of 7 or 14, so 2 quads of14 Tactical marines (I used big banners instead of little vexillas because I thought they looked cool):

    2 support squads with flamers (and power fists because I ran out of scythes):

    2 Heavy Support Squads with missile launchers:

    And as I had him lying around when I did the army, they got a daemon prince to go with them, however I'm not sure there are rules for them yet...

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2022/01/31 04:36:12

    Post by: youwashock

    Whoa, these Death Guard look sick! Get it? But seriously, they look very cool. Love Typhon and the Contemptor. Nice work.

    Jumping back a post to praise the EC. That scheme is killer.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2022/01/31 20:35:27

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

     youwashock wrote:
    Whoa, these Death Guard look sick! Get it? But seriously, they look very cool. Love Typhon and the Contemptor. Nice work.

    Jumping back a post to praise the EC. That scheme is killer.

    Glad you liked them!

    I've been trying not to buy too many models this year, and get the ones I had finished instead, so I've spent some time rummaging in my half finshed projects and my biots box to see what I've not got around to finishing (far too much ). With my recent 40k 2nd ed kick I did my Eldar army, but realised that technically it needed a farseer to lead it and I came across this guy looking decidedly worse for wear:

    He's been poorly paint-stripped, and his sword has obviously been donated to a conversion at some time in the distant past, and the staff head is only held on by the cable on the left...
    I could have rummaged through and found another sword, but...to eBay!
    This guy was going cheap, and is also missing bits (his original staff and head-crest), but he did have a sword!

    So with a bit of proper paint stripping (I use some CarPlan paint thinner, it works really well on metal models, but use it outside and rinse the model in IPA afterwards, and it will melt plastics in seconds..) and a bit of trimming I had all the parts:

    A few drill holes, paper clip and super glue and he's back together:

    The sword-less, staff-less and crest-less Eldrad will probably end up being converted another day.

    Whilst I was trawling eBay looking for Eldrad bits I came across someone selling the card bits of a 2nd edition starter box, and they aren't models...
    Well, apart from this guy:

    It turns out that whilst I had lost my original cardboard dread at some point, I miraculously still had the base
    So now he can join his brother:

    Should I do the cardboard dread's base to match?

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2022/01/31 22:05:49

    Post by: youwashock

    Basing the cardboard Dread would be phenomenal.

    Nice rescue on Eldrad, too.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2022/02/01 20:40:18

    Post by: gobert

    I think you’ve got to do the big base for the cardboard dread! . Great rescue job on Eldrad too

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2022/02/01 20:58:03

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

    You're both right, it would be wrong to leave it un-based, so here it is:

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2022/02/04 21:31:15

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

    So I picked up a couple of armigers last month that I thought I should get around to:

    To go with the Moirax with laslocks to give me a shooty knights Combat Patrol:

    These guys are going to be my "Imperial" knights Combat Patrol.

    Through a bit of miscommunication in the lead up to Christmas I actually ended up with an "extra" moirax, so the Green one has a twin:

    I'll pick up a Armiger Warglaive at some point to finish off the green trio for another combat patrol.

    With the Imperial knights combat patrol finished, that puts me up to 23, and a quick tally of what I've got left:
  • 3 Drukhari (Cult missing a beast, Coven missing lots, Kabal just needs painting)

  • 2 Tau (T'au, Farsight)(missing lots although I bitz ordered cloaks to expand the breacher squad)

  • Harlequins (missing a solitaire)

  • Ynarri (No idea what I'm doing...)

  • Custodes (got half of it...)

  • Chaos Knights (missing a warglaive)

  • Depending on the Aeldari codex, I might switch out a combat patrol for a corsairs one, I'll probably drop the Coven Drukhari list.

    23/32 Combat Patrols, and 90 models so far this year.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2022/02/05 19:30:38

    Post by: gobert

    That’s a fantastic horde of knights! You don't see that many too often. The streaked panels and metal work are really effective, it gives the feel they’ve been in use for millennia.

    What’s you’re plan once you’ve got all 32 patrols? Playing a tournament at a club?

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2022/02/05 19:43:27

    Post by: DoctorDanny

    These armigers are sweet. I really like how menacing the one with the twin laslocks looks.

    I realize you're on a timed mission with all the killteams, but when you have these big open bases they just scream for some scenic detailing. Skulls, corpses, wrecks, barbed wire, cowering Tau....

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2022/02/05 20:16:38

    Post by: youwashock

    Absolutely metal. The Machine God smiles on this last batch of models.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2022/02/05 23:26:37

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

    gobert wrote:That’s a fantastic horde of knights! You don't see that many too often. The streaked panels and metal work are really effective, it gives the feel they’ve been in use for millennia.

    What’s you’re plan once you’ve got all 32 patrols? Playing a tournament at a club?

    A knock-out tournament was the plan. I don't have a regular gaming club unfortunately, but I might be able to rope in some friends to help out, or it might be a good way to introduce myself to a new club

    DoctorDanny wrote:These armigers are sweet. I really like how menacing the one with the twin laslocks looks.

    I realize you're on a timed mission with all the killteams, but when you have these big open bases they just scream for some scenic detailing. Skulls, corpses, wrecks, barbed wire, cowering Tau....

    I know what you mean, those 100mm bases look a bit plain. I think I'll revisit them when I've done the last warglaive, and try to tie all of them in together with something, and as it's 40k there will probably be skulls in there somewhere...

    youwashock wrote:Absolutely metal. The Machine God smiles on this last batch of models.

    Glad you like them!

    Not much actual hobbying done since last time, but got these guys glued together:

    I think I'm going to have to disappoint some people as I'm going to go with the gold and red colour scheme, because just look at these guys:

    And if I can add the power correctly, that makes a combat patrol (3 Aquilon, 3 Guard and a Shield Captain comes to 24 I think).
    I know Forgeworld make Aquilon terminators, however the arms are...less than inspiring (I don't know why they decided to go terminator style with a gun on one arm and a claw on the other...)
    The Allarus plastic ones have arms that look like they would work, so I might have to get some and then hack the arms off and add flame-spewing eagle heads to the spears...
    If anyone happens to own both types of the temrinators, can they let me know if an arm swap would be as simple as it sounds?

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2022/02/06 12:47:57

    Post by: Ragsta

    I’m loving those Death Guard - nice basing efforts too. The Armigers are very big pompon’ too!

    Pretty formidable productivity for the new year already, I can tell I’m going to have to send my special task force to your address before you demotivate me entirely!

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2022/02/07 20:12:34

    Post by: gobert

    Gold and Red are classic colours so no disappointment here! The tourney sounds cool, to the point you could even start your own club instead of joining an existing one!

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2022/02/07 22:05:42

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

    Ragsta wrote:I’m loving those Death Guard - nice basing efforts too. The Armigers are very big pompon’ too!

    Pretty formidable productivity for the new year already, I can tell I’m going to have to send my special task force to your address before you demotivate me entirely!

    So a lot of the productivity is actually me finishing off old projects, for example the Emperor's children had the purple done, so the numbers a bit inflated as I'm not painting everything from scratch.

    gobert wrote:Gold and Red are classic colours so no disappointment here! The tourney sounds cool, to the point you could even start your own club instead of joining an existing one!

    It's kind of worrying that I have enough armies to run a tournament, maybe when I finish the combat patrols I'll be finished collecting 40k...

    Yeah right, we all know how this hobby is

    I managed to throw paint at some models:

    They're probably 90% done, there's gems on them and I'm debating between red (using Blood for the blood god) to be in keeping with the colour scheme, or blue (soulstone blue) to complement the colour scheme.
    I'm leaning towards blue to give it a bit more interest, but if anyone has any suggestions I would love to hear either way.

    I also took on board the comments about the knights basing, so hopefully these are a bit more interesting
    I also got this guy mostly done to lead them:

    He's mostly the forgeworld shield captain, had a couple of tweaks to try and make him closer to the artwork. I replaces the Misericordia that he was holding with his helmet (and filled in the back where it used to fit), switched the head for a plastic space marine one, and repositioned his arm and spear.
    Again he needs the gems done, but he's pretty close to finished.

    Unlike these guys:

    I'm still debating what to do with their arms. I've primed the one's they come with, but I'm still really tempted to switch them for the plastic ones to match the artwork...

    23/32 Combat Patrols, and 90 models so far this year.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2022/02/08 20:13:08

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

    So as I couldn't decide between the red and the blue, I thought why not both
    Blue gems, and red shiny shoulder pads. I went with spiritstone red rather than blood for the blood god to try and keep it a bit lighter and closer to the red I had already painted, so here they are:

    Shield Captain

    Aquilon Terminators (with their original arms, I may replace them at a later date):

    And Custodian Wardens (who will stand in as Custodian Guard):

    And then a group shot of the entire combat patrol:

    That puts me at 24 Completed Combat patrols, three quarters of the way there!

    24/32 Combat Patrols, and 97 models so far this year.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2022/02/10 22:29:28

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

    So for I've managed to get some paint on the Drukhari (Kabal) combat patrol. I've been really struggling with these, as I just can't seem to get the motivation to really work on them, not sure why. I think they'll probably do for now, but could do with some touching up or detailing when I get the energy to work on them.

    The two Archons:

    Two Squads of 5 Kabalite Warriors:

    A squad of 5 mandrakes:

    And two venoms to transport everything except the mandrakes:

    The lack of enthusiasm for these is probably partly down to me painting a lot of models (with these it's 114 this year) but also the fact these are a lot more detailed and a bone/dark green colour scheme needs me to be much more careful, rather than just blocking in most of the colours and throwing a wash over it.
    I've got two Tau combat patrols, a warglaive (which I don't have yet), and then more Aeldari (of lots of flavours) to finish off the combat patrols. With the new Codex coming for the Eldar I'm going to hold off doing the Harlequin combat patrol, and depending on what the corsairs get I might switch them for the haemonculous coven Drukhari combat patrol, because those are some nice looking models (imho).

    In the meantime I might get on with some T'au to try and get me out of the hobby funk, I just need to decide on what I'm arming some Farsight enclave's crisis suits with, and what colour scheme I'm doing the other t'au in (that isn't white). I might try and follow some of the eight's loadouts on the crisis suits, as the rule of cool beats efficiency in my book

    With the Kabal done (for now) that puts me at 25 Completed Combat patrols!

    25/32 Combat Patrols, and 114 models so far this year.

    ManSizedTarget's desk: 40K Combat Patrols - 29/32 so far - Currently: Purple! Tau and Harlequins! @ 2022/02/11 16:59:27

    Post by: ManSizedTarget

    So with the thought that I might not do the Haemonculous Coven Combat patrol, I realised that I could repurpose the only finished unit I had for it, a venom:

    So it lost the gunner and got some handles put on instead from the bitsbox, and with a bit of reshuffling (and a minor tweak to add a back banner to a wych) I now have a full 25 power Wych cult combat patrol:
    The succubus (who made a brief appearance back on page 4):

    3 squads of wyches, 2x5 and 1x10 (see if you can spot which leader has the converted banner) They've all got grey helmets, but they vary in shade (dark, mid and light) to differentiate the squads:

    And a pair of beast masters with some razorwing flocks (which are a bit droopy in places due to being finecast ):

    So whilst I've not painted any more models (apart from the handles and back banner thing), that does finish off another combat patrol, so that's 26! Just 6 left, 1 Chaos Knight, 2 Tau and 3 Aeldari.