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Made in us
Ultramarine Land Raider Pilot on Cruise Control


 Some_Call_Me_Tim wrote:
Granted, but you enjoy it too much, with all the side effects of eating too much…

I wish wargames Atlantic kits were in stock in the U.S. apart from when the planets align, casting a shadow on their warehouse.

Granted. However, Wargames Atlantic is bought out immediately by a company known as Games Workshop. Overnight the prices triple, the number of models-per-box is halved, and several of your favorite model lines are "rotated out" of production. However, those boxes that do remain are well stocked at all retailers.

I wish I could sleep...

Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon


After a lovely warm bath, a cup of hot Horlicks and a cookie, you drift off to the land of nod.

So deep is your sleep you fail to notice your bed was on fire the whole time, and you never wake up again.

I wish those in power that claim the answer to rising cost of living is just to live frugally had any idea of what poverty is actually like in the world they created solely to enrich themselves.

Made in us
Ultramarine Land Raider Pilot on Cruise Control


Granted. The sudden epiphany leads to a utopian age where greed and violence become things of the past. At the apex of the Golden era humanity makes contact with an alien race intent on conquest. Our descendants naively welcome them with open arms and a spirit of brotherhood. The ensuing invasion and colonization wipes out the majority of humans with the unhappy few who remain taken back to the alien homeworld as indentured servants...

I wish GW would get rid of the awful new flying stands...

Made in us
Dwarf Runelord Banging an Anvil

Way on back in the deep caves

Granted. Now they provide only the expensive flying stand conversion kit, which contains parts for every possible flying model, but only one of the central support bit, making all the extra bits useless.

I wish for more game time.

Trust in Iron and Stone  
Made in us
Veteran Knight Baron in a Crusader

Albuquerque,, NM

GRANTED! You are retired and have nothing but free time. Unfortunately all your gaming buds still have regular jobs & life obligations and therefore have almost no time to play games with you.

I wish gamers weren't so flaky.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2022/07/25 15:54:53

Made in us
Dwarf Runelord Banging an Anvil

Way on back in the deep caves

Granted. Gamers are now chewy and taste good with marinara sauce.

I wish the games would never end.

Trust in Iron and Stone  
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

On a surly Warboar, leading the Waaagh!

Granted! Your only opponent, for some reason, is Bill Murray.

I wish I would have bought more FW Fantasy models when they had a decent range.
Made in us
Dwarf Runelord Banging an Anvil

Way on back in the deep caves

Granted. You still haven't painted them.

I wish for GW to retcon AOS out of existence and return to the Olde World.

Trust in Iron and Stone  
Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

Granted. However as AoS was removed from existence, GW just do the same thing again, having learned nothing from the whole affair.

I wish for an infinitely scaleable, renewable energy source which causes no harm to the environment the equipment for which is easily assembled without skill from everyday household items, with the information on how to make that and hook it up safely, permanently and irrevocably to your home, vehicle, and even space ships (and when applied to a space ship allows us to experience true faster than light speeds in contravention of conventional physics) to be invented and freely distributed to the world’s population.

Made in gb
Roaring Reaver Rider


Granted, but now household items are thousands of times more expensive to make up for this.

I wish for more 40k Squats.
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

On a surly Warboar, leading the Waaagh!

Granted! Now, with all the extra squats, the models in 40K have absurd, comical, disproportionately huge thighs and look ridiculous on the tabletop.

I wish the USA would win a World Cup in my lifetime.
Made in us
Dwarf Runelord Banging an Anvil

Way on back in the deep caves

Granted! Too bad it's stolen on the way home.

I wish for some new colors.

Trust in Iron and Stone  
Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon


Unfortunately they’re of such dazzling hues everyone that sees them suffers a fatal brain embolism as human minds just aren’t evolved to view such things. You’re the first.

No. Wait, I’m changing my wish.

I wish that Baddiel, Skinner and the Lightning Seeds were legally and contractually bound to slightly rework that insufferable, jingoistic “most people who bought it weren’t alive when the event it refers to occurred” song and re-release it for every major international football tournament, specifically the line about how many “years of hurt” it’s been since that one time, even well beyond the point they start feeling silly, and even including the compulsory reanimation by whatever animatronic technology exists at the time in case of death, until England’s Men’s Team win one of said major international football tournaments. With each and every penny accrued from sales of said song, and whatever else their other careers bring in, being paid to a Charity supporting Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish Weans Who Want A Bag Of Sweets.

Maybe that’ll learn them. Because right now? It’d be fifty eight years of hurt.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2024/08/27 20:49:16

Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut


Granted. You hear it every time you open an outside window, turn on the radio, see a ricksaw go past, wander through a shopping centre, step into a lift... you get the idea.
Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut


Obviously I would wish for world peace.
Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon


The world comes together, realising “hey, war and fighting is all self defeating”.

For all of five minutes. Before jingoistic maniacs remember they really, really enjoyed sending other people’s sons off to die, and so start a really big war.

I wish woo peddlers, anti-vaxxers and assorted conspiracy theorists came with a very loud, very embarrassing Bullpoo Alarm, triggered whenever they spout some form of nonsense, which then takes over their brain and vocal chords to force correction, and confirm whether or not they really are just a bit special, or a vicious grifter only in it for money and notoriety.

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