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Nevelon’s Workbench: Bike chaplain and some more nids  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

And progress continues to crawl forward!

Sponsons are done, bits for the hatches are clipped. Next is cleanup and assembly of those bits.

Also, the mailman brought me a treat today. Box was a little damaged, so I opened it up to check the bits; they seem fine.

My to-build pile is starting to back up a bit. I’ve still got a primarch to do in there!

Rainy miserable day out, and I’m bone tired, so punted on heading down to the FLGS. Plus it’s the week after Adepticon, so I was expecting a low turn out anyway.

Personal news:

While I’ve not received independent verification from my own attorney, according to The Ex, my divorce has been finalized. The long dark nightmare of marriage is over, and I once again join the ranks of the single. So hide your daughters, and warn your sisters, I’m available again! Or more appropriate to the demographics of Dakka, is your mom hot? Do you want a step-dad who understands your hobby? Send pics! I’ve know this was imminent for a while now, but it is a bit of a kick in the head to get the final news. Oh well. Clears things for moving forward. 2017: nowhere to go but up!

Made in us
Tail-spinning Tomb Blade Pilot

My ancient "lab"

Lookin' good Nev! Lotsa building ahead, I see. Depending on the customization options for the model, can be my favorite part of a build. Hopefully that FLGS of yours will fill up soon, post con weeks can be pretty slow I hear.

My Necron Blog! http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/693066.page
My Screw-Around Blog http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/701938.page
My personal favorite YT WH40K channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnHCy9ID33sHp6Quirb1-XA

Made in gb
Steady Space Marine Vet Sergeant

Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom

I've been away from Space Marines for too long... I had to click onto the pic and zoom in to figure out what those sprues were! Lookng forward to seeing the Cents. Also looking forward to the LR. GL brush painting it Hope you have large brushes!

And on your personal note, at least it's all done and overwith. With your new job / place / larger hobby allowance the rest of 2017 will be better! (stay away from my mum - LOL).

Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Madison, WI

LOL Nev!

Anvildude: "Honestly, it's kinda refreshing to see an Ork vehicle that doesn't look like a rainbow threw up on it."

Gitsplitta's Unified Painting Theory
Made in ca
Fixture of Dakka

Surrey, BC - Canada

Just writing to add my high regards for your SM Apothecary.



Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

Thanks guys.

There was a combat patrol tournament last weekend, so not sure how turnout is going to be tomorrow at the FLGS. I’ll still probably try to show up, we’ll see how my day goes. It will be my first “real” week at the job. Formal training is over, now for the integration into normal work flow.

Basically finished up the LR. I left the tracks off, as the rhinos I’ve done recently have been a lot easier to paint that way. I should check the actual layout for the LR and see if it maters here as well. But did up some hatches. I should do up some more spares, just to have on hand.

Went with a Mk. III helmet on the gunner. While the rest of the armor is not era appropriate, he’ll pass a casual glance for 30k, which is good enough for me. And works just fine for 40k.

This month’s theme for the challenge is “primal” so some marauders from the back of the bench are going to get some love. Aiming for at least 4 of them.

Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Hell yeah Nev, good for you. Sorry it had to happen but, your enthusiasm is contagious, lol.

What are those bits there btw? Centurions?

My mostly terrain and Sons of Orar blog:
 whalemusic360 wrote:
Alph, I expect like 90 sets of orange/blue from you.
Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

 Stormwall wrote:
Hell yeah Nev, good for you. Sorry it had to happen but, your enthusiasm is contagious, lol.

What are those bits there btw? Centurions?

6/10/00 to 3/32/17, not a bad run, and longer then the average by quite a bit. And at my age, I can date two women half my age, and they will both be old enough to drink! Got my official papers, new credit card, and a fitbit all in the mail on the same day. Universe trying to tell me something.

The bits are indeed cents. Going to put the building on hold for a bit though to get some paint down. And once I pick up the clippers again, they are not at the top of the list. Primarch trumps them by quite a bit. Maybe Cypher as well. But they are one of those units that if I want to up my game, I should have in my toolbox. And were bought via giftcards, so no guilt. Need to do some research on how to built them. I know the upper leg plates are probably getting trimmed off. I think some of the crap around the head needs to go as well. They can be made to look good, I just need to remember the good ones I’ve seen.

Made in gb
Pious Palatine

Nice job on the LR dude.

Made in gb
Steady Space Marine Vet Sergeant

Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom

The marauders definately fit the primal theme very well. 4 seems higher than your usual pace - I hope you can do it! GL

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

evildrcheese wrote:Nice job on the LR dude.


Now I just need a clear day to prime. And to figure out how to do it. I figure the landlord might be a little irked if I leave white patches of overspray around. Probably carve up a big cardboard box as a backsplash.

Zambro wrote:The marauders definately fit the primal theme very well. 4 seems higher than your usual pace - I hope you can do it! GL

Last year I had two entries that were squads of 4. In theory, it’s a month’s work for me, even at my slower pace. These days I’m closer to 6 minis a month. Of course, I’m still settling into my new space, so we’ll see how doable it is.

Speaking of which, I just put the first layer of skin tone down on 4 of the guys.

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

So if I want to keep that “good blogger” goal, I need to actually post more. Damn job edging into my hobby time.

So I got a game in Tuesday. AoS, 2k Death v. Chaos.

The core of his army was a 30 man chaos warrior squad he stacked buffs on to make it a massive tarpit that I got most of my army stuck into. I was carving away at it, and due to my guys getting back up, would have eventually won the attrition battle. But his knights and demon prince were making an end run to my backfield objective, with only a 20 man unit of skeletons and a necromancer to hold them off. So when we had to call the game due to time, I admitted defeat.

Some lessons learned:
I need more sniper units. I had my carrion, but kinda flubbed using them. If I was able to take out his standard bearer in the backfield that his blob was chained into range of, I could have stopped some of the buffs. Same with the sorcerers. I think next list I might actually keep some points set aside for summoning. Just so I can pop a unit into his backfield to deal with irritations. Might also try to field my skullchuckers, for some shooting support.

Vampire lords on zombie dragons are mean. Last list I put down felt like it lacked any sort of offensive hammer units. He put the pain down. Getting the dragon to the FLGS is the biggest issue here.

Only being able to cast each spell once makes multiple necromancers redundant. I fielded 3, but should probably diversify my characters more.

I really want to field skeletons in blocks of 30. Mostly for the 10 wound buffer for the 20 man cut off for the extra attacks. While 20 guys in a block get that at full strength, once they start taking wounds, their combat potential drops off fast. Also, the extra range of the spears wasn’t that critical. Once they pile in, the 1” of the swords still lets them fight 2 deep. Probably better off hitting easier with the swords.

Grave guard actually did some damage this time. Last time I fielded them they just got cashed out by some flavor of stormcast uber warriors without doing much. But against chaos warriors they actually put some hits in. The -1 rend is a big deal.

The dire wolves didn’t do much. Mostly they just screen units so I can get the charge. Which is important to the black knights, but not much else. Not sure if they are worth the points just to do that.

One thing my opponent had going for him were stacked buffs and re-rolls. Both of these things are very powerful tools. There is not a whole lot that I can do to replicate that with what I have. Some new purchases might help. I’m thinking Mannfred, Mortarch of Night might fix a number of issues. He’s a pretty nasty hammer unit, can snipe out units with a magic attack, and has a nice buff bubble.

I need to put together some spirit hosts. They should help tank vs. rending units (which just eat skeletons) and the ability to put out mortal wounds will help chew up units with decent re-rolling armor saves. While I like the look of the new hosts, I think I’m going to take the old odds and ends of WHFB minis in my pile of shame and give them a ghosty paint job. Just need to get some bases for them.

Anyway, doing some painting. Just getting base coats down when I can.

Sorry for the crappy pic, I just wanted to snap off something quick to prove I’m actually working. Going to see how much I can get done on these guys this weekend.

Hope everyone enjoys their weekend!

Made in ca
Roaring Reaver Rider

Good to see you're still around Nev. Very informative analysis there of your AoS game. I've been thinking of trying out AoS but 40k has kept me so busy I'm not sure when I'll have time to try out a new game.

1500 1000
Please check out my project log on Dakka here  
Made in us
Tail-spinning Tomb Blade Pilot

My ancient "lab"

Nice to see you gettin' games in Nev, I've been meaning to try out AoS myself. I've got some Dryads to compete against your beserkers this time around that i'll run in a game sometime soon. Best of luck to you and your men!

My Necron Blog! http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/693066.page
My Screw-Around Blog http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/701938.page
My personal favorite YT WH40K channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnHCy9ID33sHp6Quirb1-XA

Made in gb
Steady Space Marine Vet Sergeant

Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom

The skin tone on those marauders looks good!

I arranged an AoS game a while back, but had to back out. Still haven't rearranged one yet... The setup looks great for your game!

Made in gb
Pious Palatine

Solid progress on the marauders.

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

Put a few more layers down. Still a ways to go, but this last week was a bit busy. But progress. And I’m starting to hate these guys. They are starting to be a roadblock; I stay away from the paintbench to avoid them. Going to try to push through getting these 4 done this weekend, and then paint something a little more fun. No idea what though. I should probably pick something out and set it up on-deck to inspire me.

AoS is taking up a lot of my mindspace recently. Trying to figure out how to play the army I want, but be a little more effective. And not have to buy a ton of new stuff. I guess the ghoul kings is where all the action is in Death these days, but they don’t have a lot of appeal to me. I’m a vampire and skeleton kinda guy. The more I think about it, the closer I get to picking up the start collecting skeleton horde box. Just trying to source some feedback before pulling the trigger. But the skeletons would let me get a decent sized 3rd block of them. Right now I can do 2x30 men, and then a 11 man unit (or some other combo of 70 skeletons, more likely 1x30, 2x20) but getting another 10 guys would get me closer to my goal of 3x30 blocks. I could re-gear my bolter skelies to bring them back into the warrior fold. Cobble together a unit filler guy or two, and that should get me there. Not sure I need more black knights, but they do look cool.

One trick I forgot to mention in my last battle report is the importance of taking casualties and placing reinforcements. He was able to keep the bulk of my army tarpitted by interspersing his casualties across his line, so it go thin, but remained in contact. I was able to reach out and ensnare his knights briefly by placing my 1d6 back-to-life skeletons from the unit banner in a chain towards him, and then piling in during the combat phase. It’s a trick I also used in my demo game vs. dwarves. He was shooting me as I shambled across the table. I took the casualties from the back of the unit, and replaced them on the front. Just a handy hint for the aspiring necromancers out there.

Hope everyone has a wonderful Easter weekend.

Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

I know what you mean about the marauders; I had a similar problem last month with my honour guard. Think I've finally figured out what it was, so they'll be getting an overhaul to fit my original vision as soon as I can order the bits.

The layers look like solid progress to me, so keep trucking and remember another layer or two, washes and the odd highlight can get the men off your work bench.

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

Almost to the wash stage. Just need to do a cleanup pass.

...Stay on target...

After that it’s just the shields and banner.

I spent a little time this morning procrastinating painting by putting together some AoS cards.

I miss my color printer Oh well, hopefully they will help remind me about what spells I have to cast, and what buffs are on what unit.

On the topic of procrastinating, I need to head out and get some walking done. Spent yesterday playing board games and eating a lot of high quality cheese and drinking a lot of good beer. Those calories are not going to burn themselves. When I get back I’ll put some more work onto the marauders.

Made in us
Tail-spinning Tomb Blade Pilot

My ancient "lab"

I feel you Nev, the Dryads i'm working on are great, but knowing I need to do 16 like that is gonna be a pain. As for those AoS cards, they remind me of old MTG cards from the early days.

My Necron Blog! http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/693066.page
My Screw-Around Blog http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/701938.page
My personal favorite YT WH40K channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnHCy9ID33sHp6Quirb1-XA

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

 JustaerinAtTheWall wrote:
I feel you Nev, the Dryads i'm working on are great, but knowing I need to do 16 like that is gonna be a pain. As for those AoS cards, they remind me of old MTG cards from the early days.

Well I am using a program called Magic Set Editor, and the old templates, so not surprising they look that way. There are other formats included, but I like the classics.

Automatically Appended Next Post:

Wash done. Just a little touch up and accessories left. Still have half the month to go, so looking good.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/04/17 02:21:19

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

And the shields and banner. Need to carefully cut them off the sprue, and then do the touch up work and final assembly. Plus base. Almost there.

Made in us
Sinewy Scourge

Boulder, Colorado

I like how the sigmar stuff is turning out.

Stacking buffs is a huge game mechanic in sigmar, some armies do better at it, and some armies rely on it to be even playable (bloodbound). Also, I like hexwraiths a lot, they are quite durable.

Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

Ooh, I didn't realise the shields would carry a spot colour. That's going to change the whole feel of the marauders (in a good way).

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

gummyofallbears wrote:I like how the sigmar stuff is turning out.

Stacking buffs is a huge game mechanic in sigmar, some armies do better at it, and some armies rely on it to be even playable (bloodbound). Also, I like hexwraiths a lot, they are quite durable.

I need to take a look at the hexwraiths. IIRC they are a duel kit with the black knights. I cashed in some reward points and picked up another amazon gift card. With which I ordered the start collecting deathrattle box. So giant undead dude on monster thing of some flavor, more skellies, and some calvary. I’ll have to read up on the rules to see how to build things. But watch this space!

SmallChanges wrote:Ooh, I didn't realise the shields would carry a spot colour. That's going to change the whole feel of the marauders (in a good way).

I was going to post a few pics of my chaos army to showcase that blue is the primary accent color of my army. But then I realized I didn’t have that many pics in my chaos gallery. I should probably rectify that next time I set up the lightbox. But I used the same pigment rich blue ink I used for the bulk of my Ultras to dye the occasional shoulderpad, shield, or armor plate. If not a force of chaos warriors tends to look like a nondescript blob of browns and dull-steel.

I cut the shields off the sprue and tidied them up with a little silver. Once that dries I might give them a little bit of the wash, or just have a few bright points. Also black rimmed the bases and glued some tufts down. Next step is the flock.

Although now that I think about it, I might BftBG around a bit. Chaos needs some blood splashed around, even for non-Khorne forces.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Fun Fact: I avoid painting while drunk, but will splash some blood around and base things.

Marauders done. Spare shield set aside for when I do the next 3. I’ll grab better pics later, but not this weekend. My folks are visiting and I have The Boy, so not a lot of hobby time.

These guys fill my 4 models done for the month, so I might go back to building a bit. I do have a primarch who needs work, and the weather might get nice any day now to prime!

Enjoy your weekends all.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/04/21 02:07:24

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

Formal shots done. Not to figure what to do next.

Who I am I kidding, going to build a primarch. Or maybe a mortarch. SC:Skeleton Hordes showed up this weekend. And while I’d love to build and paint Guiliman, my Ultras can do fine without him. My Death army could really use a powerful centerpiece.

Decisions decisions...

Made in gb
Steady Space Marine Vet Sergeant

Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom

Marauders look amazing, matey.

I'm excited for what you paint next. Either way, sounds like it'll be a big centre piece model

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York


Started building the mortarch. OMG the skulls! Nagash probably invented those things just to troll Khorne. I think just putting together the first page of the body I’ve cleaned more mould lines off skulls then I have in years.

Waiting for the fist part to set solidly before moving on. This strikes me as a kit that needs to be solid before moving on to the next step.

Made in us
Preacher of the Emperor

Denver, CO, USA

Great marauders... and I appreciated seeing the process. Painting on the sprue... I always intend to do it, and then always ending up needing to clip and glue for a quick game before I get around to it. Well done!

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

 MacPhail wrote:
Great marauders... and I appreciated seeing the process. Painting on the sprue... I always intend to do it, and then always ending up needing to clip and glue for a quick game before I get around to it. Well done!

It’s something I do very little of actually. Normally only for small bits that are going to block a lot of the model. One of the big reasons I don’t do it is that I use a lot of washes/glazes. And no mater how careful you are, the connecting point for the sprue is going to effect the flow. So it’s going to need some touch up work. Cleaning mold lines is also a little odd. Easy to find them, harder to get a tool in. Most people clip and glue to sticks if they want to sub-paint things. I normally just hold things in my hand and paint them carefully; not a good practice.

Thinking back I’ve done shields, shoulderpads, and I think a few guns. Oh, and some imperial guardsmen from when I was young and stupid.

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