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2012/09/25 20:57:01
Subject: Splinter Fleet Stygian WIP Blogg [Ygmarl Final 9-24-12]
Pardon the lag on the response, I received my birthday present: a cavernous Battlefoam 720, and I've been plucking foam feverishly since. So now, on to the pictures and a few tweaks you can easily make.
For one, that is a really big soft box! What material is it made of?
Light has to travel a long way to get to your models. Bring the lamps closer to the model if you can.
The two side lamps look like they're fluorescent so you could possibly press them right up against the side as they don't really get warm and thus won't burn anything.
Your top lamp also looks like it too far but, more importantly, it's practically right over top of the model.
To light the model properly you would want at least one light source to be coming in at about 45-60 degrees in front of the model, so that more light bounces off the model and into your camera. Remember your high school physics classes, light always bounces off an object at the same angle it arrived. To minimise blooming highlights when you take a picture, never place your camera in the direct path of reflected light. Incidentally, that's what soft boxes are designed to do, increase the size of imminent light source so you have less chances of getting super sharp specular highlights.
Now that we've talked about how light bounces around, that gives us a solution to getting lamps closer. Put the lamps inside the soft box! Sounds crazy right?
One technique for softening light if you don't have a soft box is to bounce the light off another surface, say, the ceiling above you or the wall behind you. In your case, since you have a soft box, you could use this technique the same way but bring the scale down. You basically have a miniature room to bounce light in. Bring the lamp inside the box, point them up and to the sides so the light bounce all around inside the box.
You might also consider putting a piece of white paper in front of the model in order to bounce light that's escaping the soft box back onto your model. Many product photographers actually build themselves a cardboard cutout with a hole just big enough to allow the lens through so they through their "front reflector".
So in summary here's what you could start doing:
1. push model a bit further into the box.
2. bring lights inside the box, pointed away from model so light bounces on interior surfaces before hitting model. Doing this might also reduce your required amount of lamps.
3. use a front reflector to bounce escaping light back in towards the model.
4. use blue-tac and some boxes to jury-rig a stable platform for shooting.
Start with this and see how it goes. If your images are still too dark, then we'll discuss camera settings.
I posted up my experiences at Foy Con in Eau Claire back in October in the DCM forum and decided to post them here as well for those who may be interested in how to lose expediantly against Dark Eldar .
Armies at Fires of Battle GT
Dark Eldar x2
Necrons x3
Tyranids x4
Grey Knights x1
Chaos Space Marine x2
Imperial Guard x 1
Chaos Daemons x1
That is cheddar fangs and 4...count it... 4 nid players . One of whom (not me obviously) scored 2nd Overall after losing to Hulksmash...
My List:
Swarm Lord
Dakka Tyrant w/ OA, EC and Toxic Sacs (War Lord)
Tervigon w/ 3 powers, Crushing Claws, TS, and AG Tervigon w/ 3 powers, Crushing Claws, TS, and AG 10 Spine Gaunts
10 Spine Gaunts
20 Gargs w/ TS and AG 20 Gargs w/ TS and AG 2 Hive Guard
2 Hive Guard
3 Zoes
Foy Con Game One:
My opponent, JJ, is running:
Cryptek Orakon
3 Crypteks (One with a chronometer and two with tremor staves)
2 x 3 Spiders (no gloom prisms)
2 small units of warriors
C'tan with Writhing Worldscape
2 x 5 man Wraith units w/ Whips
10 man scarabs
Powers: 2 enfeebles, 3 Iron Arms, 1 Dome, 2 Endurances
Warlord Trait: The one that allows me to reroll 1's to hit in a limmited capacity...and I already have OA
Scenario is 2 Objectives worth 3 VP each; you also get 3 Bonus Points for having more units in the center than your opponent. Deployment is Dawn of War. He places his first in the upper right corner next to some rocky area terrain. I Place mine 13” away near the center of the board and next to area terrain. This way I can focus my army towards his table quarter without worrying about hanging back to guard objectives.
I deploy first. In the center is a gargoyle brood spread out in area terrain. Behind them from left to right is a spine gaunt brood, Tervigon, Swarm Lord, all 4 hive guard, Dakka Tyrant, Tervigon. To the right of this and across from his objective is a second Gargoyle Brood with Gaunt Screen in Front.
He then deploys in the upper left corner of the board as far from my army as possible. C’Tan and 10 wraiths make up the left flank and 10 scarabs in front of spiders make up the right flank. He fails to seize.
Turn 1 Nids: I ask if he has any veil techs. Nadda. I endurance both gargoyle units and cast dome on the right gargoyle unit. Left flank spine guants and Tervie move up. Hive Guard and Dakka Tyrant move up and left, running in my movement phase to the left. Gargoyles in the center jump out and after kindly advising me that to jump into another section of terrain would require two dangerous terrain checks I graciously position my gargs around the second terrain piece and run into it. My second squad jumps towards his objective followed by the right flanks gaunts and tervie. All told I lose 8 gargoyles to dangerous terrain checks.
Turn 1 Necrons: Wraiths and CTan move along the far left board edge. 6 Scarabs are spawned and placed in concentric arcs in front of the original scarab base. Nothing else moves. During the shooting phase, tremor staves hit my central garg unit killing 2. Lightning kills off my Zoes earning him first blood.
Turn 2 Nids: I think I ask again if he has some units in reserve and my opponent patiently says no. I endurance both gargoyles. On my left flank, Tervie spawns guants who along with my spine gaunts start to form a screen around the tervie and swarm lord. My central gargoyles stays put. My second gargoyle squad jumps left and to the right of my central gargoyle squad. Hive Guard and Dakka Tyrant move up and left. Right Tervie moves and runs straight left. Right Spine Gaunts move and run towards his objective.
Turn 2 Necrons: Wraiths and CTan continue moving along the far left board edge. 6 Scarabs are spawned and placed in concentric arcs in front of the previous rings. Nothing else moves. During the shooting phase, he forgets his tremor staves. Lightning kills off 5 gargoyles from the right gargoyle unit.
Turn 3 Nids: I endurance both gargoyles. I enfeeble the wraiths. I continue repositioning my force to block off the center. Most of my MC are now clustered around the center of the table. I have about 25 remaining gargoyles that are forming a wall that extends down towards his deployment edge and facing towards his growing tide of scarabs. I spawn 2 more units of gaunts to increase my lower screen that extends to my table edge. I have some 40+ gaunts. Hive guard fire into Ctan and put a wound on him.
Turn 3 Necrons: Wraiths and CTan move towards my gaunts. 6 Scarabs are spawned and placed in concentric arcs in front of the previous rings. Scarabs move towards my gargoyles. Spyders move up. Lightning kills 5 gaunts on his objective but they roll a 2 and a 1 for morale and stay. Ctan needs a 9” charge, Scarabs need 8”, Wraiths need 7-9”. All fail to charge even after I remind him to reroll his charge ranges for being jump infantry.
Turn 4 Nids: I endurance both gargoyles. I enfeeble the scarabs twice. Guants fire into and assault the wraiths, killing 3. Hive Guard fire into Ctan killing him. Gargoyles move out and surround the scarabs. Gargoyles and Dakka Tyrant fire into scarabs and then gargoyles assault survivors…whiping all but 4 of the bases. He calls the game as this is the last turn and he doesn’t see any way of reaching either of the objectives. I have both objectives. We each have line breaker. He has first blood. I have the bonus for controlling the center. Nids win 7-2 and score 18.
Got to say, he was my favorite opponent and he joked and made pleasant remarks during the whole game. His big mistake was deploying in the corner opposite of his objective. While it did throw me off and took several turns for me to reposition my forces so as to block his late game advance, it gave me uncontested control of his objective.
Foy Con Game 2
I am suppose to be playing a fellow nid player whose name also happens to be Brandon. Unfortunately, we have to make a switch as the table next to us played each other in the last round. My new opponent is Curtis whom I had previously met in January at The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly Tournie, which is held annually in Milwaukee
Curtis is running:
Farseer w/ RoW, Doom and a Ghost Helm
Wraithlord with missle launcher
Lord w/ Incubi Retinue
3 Venoms w/ Dual Splinter Cannons + Stuff
Ravager w/ DL 3 Raiders w/ DL (1 of which was for the Lord and Incubi)
All of his vehicles have 5++ and the wargear that reduces your range by 6" (well except for the bomber)
Powers: Gate, Dome, Mechanicum, 3 Iron Arms, 2 Enfeebles, 2 Endurances, 1 Warp Speed
Warlord Trait: Roll 2d6 and pick highest for run.
Scenario is KP; you get 3 bonus points for scoring Line Breaker. Vanguard Deployment.
He deploys first with most of his units on the line with Talos and Eldar Units back a bit and in cover.
I then deploy my gargoyles far forward one unit in cover and one unit with two intermixed gaunt screens in front. Behind them and in cover are my big bugs and hive guard. There is plenty of cover in the center of the board for me to jump into but sadly none of it is LOS blocking. I fail to seize.
Turn 1 DE: It is night fight but he doesn't care. He shuffles his army a bit and proceeds to kill 5 or so gargoyles, wipes out both hive guard units, puts two wounds on a tervie and attempts to wipe out my Zoes...Zoes pass all thier saves. He has first blood.
Turn 1 Nids: I power up...and fail all but 1 (Iron Arm). I also Peril 4 times thanks to Ghost Helm. Gargoyles each jump and run into terrain, readying for a turn 2 charge. Tervies move up and pump out gaunts for cover...both spawn out (one spawns only 3). Everything else moves up and runs forward.
Turn 2 DE: He moves back a bit into his corner. Bomber comes in. He wipes one gargoyle squad down to 10 men and out of charge range. Swarmlord dies. Two guant squads are wiped. Both Tervigons recieve wounds.
Turn 2 Nids: I power up, peril twice, and only get one endurance on the 15 man gargoyle squad. Gargoyles jump forward. Zoes move back trying to get behind LOS blocking terrain but roll 1 for run. Dakka Tyrant is still out of range. 10 man garg squad is out of charge range but in cover. I try and combi assult into the lord raider and the talos with the second garg squad. I only get the raider and get 2 HP.
Turn 3 DE: He disembarks his lord and retinue to assualt the 15 man gargs. He wipes the 10 man gargaoyle squad, my Zoes, and my Dakka Tyrant earning him warlord. I concede the game as all I have left is 3 gaunt squads and two tervies at 1/2 wounds. He scores 18-5.
Take away: Really? I guess the only thing I could have done differently was sit in my far corner behind some LOS blocking hill and then try and get the Zoes to Gate to his deployment zone on Turn 5. Only problem is that my Tervies weather spines are too damn high to hide and would have drawn Dark Lightning all game. Oh well, there is only 2 DE players out of the 14 participants so what are the odds I will face them again.
I go over and heckle Hulk Smash who is having a hard go against a 5th Edition IG Leaf Blower list. Got to say, it was cool meeting Hulk for the first time.
Foy Con Game 3
I am paired up with Tyler...the other Dark Eldar Player . This is another guy who participated in January at The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly and is a close friend of Curtis. He also had the most beautifully painted army there with significant freehand and a large converted squad of beasts.
Tyler is running:
5 DE JetBikes
Great big Beast Master Pack w/ 3 leaders, bunch of Razor Wings and Khymerae
The Duke w/ Incubi Retinue
3 Venoms w/ Dual Splinter Cannons + Minimal Warrior Squads
Ravager w/ 3xDL
2 Raiders w/ DL (1 of which was for the Duke and Incubi)
All of his vehicles have 5++ and the wargear that reduces your range by 6" (well except for the bomber)
What?!? Farseer! That's right. Tyler hates Matt Ward, hates 6th edition, and hates no Farseer! I want to hug this guy . Well, I can cast powers and therefore have a chance as long as I don't make dumb mistakes...oh, gak! Did I just jinx myself?
Powers: 3 x Gate, Mechanicum, 3 Iron Arms, 1 Enfeeble, 3 Endurances, 2 Warp Speed. Mistake #1: Really stupid to roll on Telekensis given the large ammount of area terrain on the field. I could have used more enfeebles and endurances to offset his firepower and deathstar.
Warlord Trait: Enemy units within 12" of Warlord use lowest leadership. I really need to remember FEAR.
Scenario is 5 Objectives all worth 3 VP, Heavy Units Score; you get 3 bonus points for scoring Slay the Warlord. Dawn of War. There is one objective in the upper right corner of the board in his deployment next to some ruins. There is a second objective in the lower right corner in my deployment next to some ruins. 18" left of second objective is a 3rd objective in some hills. 12+" forward is 4th objective and center of the table in a wrecked Titan is the last objective. Overall, I did a pretty good job in placing my three objectives together and given that he has no farseer, I feel I have a chance.
He deploys first putting the Duke's Raider and the Ravager right of center and behind his deployment line. To the left of this unit is his beast pack and Talos. A venom goes in the far right corner next to his objective. Remainder of the army is in his left corner behind his deployment line.
I then deploy my army in the right half of my deployment zone. Left to Right: Gargoyle Brood w/ spine gaunt screen in front, Swarm Lord, Tervigon, both hive guard units (facing his ravager), Gargoyle Brood, Dakka Tyrant (Warlord), and Tervigon with Guant Screen in front of my corner objective. My deployment was a huge mistake. My Dakka Tyrant was way out of position to threaten the one unit he could actually hurt (the beast pack). In general, my army should have been centered with only a few gaunt squads in the corner. I fail to seize.
Turn 1 DE: It is not night fight. He moves his Talos and Beast Pack onto the wrecked Titan. Bikes Turbo Boost down the left side of the board. The remaining left flank (2 venoms and a raider) shuffles right. His firepower wipes the left most screening guant squad, kills a few gargoyles, puts a wound on the left Tervie and wipes out both hive guard units. He has first blood.
Turn 1 Nids: I power up...enfeebling the beast pack, endurancing both gargoyle squads and the left most Tervie. Dakka Tyrant casts Iron Arm. Zoes with nothing better to do gate over to the upper right hand corner to pick a fight with his lone venom. I make another big mistake and forget to use the other zoes to shoot at the venom (assail and crush). One gargoyle unit jumps forward and runs into the forest where an objective lies; I lose a few to dangerous terrain. The second unit (followed by the Left Tervigon and Swarmie) moves left through the hills towards his beast pack. Dakka Tyrant and Right Tervies move and run up and left. Right Guants move forward and run towards the far right corner objective. Left Tervie throws a pie plate at the beast pack and kills one base thanks to enfeeble. Left tervie regenerates a wound.
Turn 2 DE: Talos moves and runs in front of beast pack. Bikes zip right, towards my gargoyle squad in the hills. Bomber comes in. He wipes the gargoyle squad in the ruins down to 10 men and out of charge range for next turn. He kills one Zoe (the one with Assail). He puts 2 wounds on the Swarm Lord and 1 wound on the left Tervie.
Turn 2 Nids: I power up...enfeebling the beast pack, endurancing the larger gargoyle squad in the hills, left most Tervie, and Swarm Lord. Mechanicum strips a wound off the venom. Left Tervie moves towards bikes and spawns 5 guants before spawning out. Too small to assualt with so I leave them as an assault screen infront of the Tervie. Large Garg squad jumps out of the the hills infront of the Talos, losing a few to difficult terrain. Right Tervie Spawns 7 Guants who move to back to my corner objective and he taps out as well. Remaining 10 man garg squad moves and runs forward into the forest followed by the Dakka Tyrant and right Tervie. Venom 5++ cock blocks my penetrating crush. I try and combi assault into the beast pack and the Talos with my large garg squad but roll low and end up only assaulting the Talos who kills several of my guants without recieving a wound in return. Left tervie regenerates a wound.
Turn 3 DE: He moves his raider 6" and disembarks the Duke and retinue to assualt the remaining gargoyles in combat with Talos. He kills off all the gargoyles in assault. He drops the 10 man gargoyle squad in the forest down to 4, wipes the guant squad screening the left Tervie, puts a wound on a Zoe, kills the Swarm Lord, and puts 1 wounds on a right tervie.
Turn 3 Nids: I power up...Dakka Tyrant cast warpspeed increasing intiative to 7; Warlord gets endurance. Left Tervigon casts Warp Speed Increasing Initiative to 3. Venom's 5++ blocks both Mechanicum and a Pentrating Crush. My two remaining gaunt squads (in the far right side of the table) rush back to secure my corner objective. Left Tervie assaults the Talos slaying it but recieving 2 wounds in return and consolidates back onto the objective in the hills. Right Tervie, 4 Gargoyles and Dakka Tyrant assault into the Duke and Retinue, wiping them out. I get Warlord. They all consolidate back into the forest to claim that objective. Currently I have 3 Objectives and I am contesting his upper right objective with the Zoes.
Turn 4 DE: 15 minute warning and last turn of the game. The venom is his far right upper corner finaly wipes out the zoes contesting his objective and the passengers disembark to claim it. A venom moves 6" up onto the Titan wreck and disembarks a small unit of warrior to claim that objective. His remaining raider with wariors flat out to contest the objective in the forest (yeah I forgot vehicles and embarked units can't contest...another mistake). Bomber zooms onto my corner objective, contesting it. I had left a big enough hole for his plane to fit in (largely because one of the gaunts squads --the spawned one-- had spent the past two turns running between the two corner objectives...SQUIREL!)...yet another mistake. His shooting wipes my Warlord...but it took everything left in his army to bring the dakka tyrant down . His beast pack and bikes positioned themselves to assualt my Tervie. I go ahead and call it. We both scored slay the warlord. Tyler wins 18-8.
Take away: I made a lot of mistakes. However, my poor positioning really put me on the wrong foot. Unlike my last matchup, I could have pulled out a win, especially with how the objectives were fairly well packed... if I had just centered my army better and brought more of my force to bear Turn 2.
Foy Con Game 4
I am paired up with Pat, yet another bloke I hade previously met at The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly, though he has switched from playing Orcs to Deamons.
Pat is running:
Lord of Change with Master of Sorcery and We Are Legion
Soul Grinder w/ Phlem
6 Blood Crushers of Khorn with Instrument and Icon
7 Flamers
14 Deamonettes w/ Chaos Icon
11 Horrors w/ Changeling, Bolt, and Icon
10 Bloodletters
Powers: 3 Iron Arms, 4 Enfeebles, 1 Endurance, 4 Warp Speeds
Warlord Trait: Roll an extra d6 when running and choose the highest.
Scenario is 6 Objectives worth random points (1-4, 1-1, 2-3, and 2-2); you get 3 bonus points for controlling 2 or more quadrants. Hammer and Anvil.
He places the first objective (1 point) in the center of the board within a giant chaos temple hill that counts as Area Terrain. I place my three objectives (4 points, 3 points, 2 points)in my board half fanned out and 12” from the center . He places the other two objectives (3 points, 2 points) in back in his deployment zone. We then reveal the point values.
He chooses to go second and I deploy. I deploy at the line my army centered infront of the chaos hill with one squad of gargoyles fanned out across the left flank and one squad of gargoyles fanned out across the right flank. Mixed into each gargoyles squad is a unit of Hive Guard. In the center are both Tyrants and Tervigons. Behind them is my Zoes and in the back field is both spine guant units. We then reveal the point values. He chooses not to seize.
Turn 1 Nids: I power up casting iron arms and endurancing a unit of gargoyles. The Gargoyles Jump and run up into the Chaos hill, fanning out on the infront and to both sides. I lose only a few to dangerous terrain. I spawn a unit of guants to fill my backfield and don’t tap out. My Tervies and Tyrants move and run into the back of the chaos hill. Zoes and Hive Guard move to fill the vacancies left by the MC.
Turn 1 Deamons: My backfield is blocked off and my gargoyles are spread out and pushed far enough forward that he can’t land close to my Nids. He can only land infront of my griblies. The Bird drops 8” front and center of my army. Blood Crushers drop 12” infront of my right flank. Horrors drop 6” behind the bird. Soul Grinder drops in back of the Horrors into some ruins and is immobilized. Shooting kills a few gargoyles and puts a wound on the Right Tervie.
Turn 2 Nids: I power up...enfeebling the Bird twice, the crushers once , and endurancing my right gargoyle squad. Right Gargoyle Squad moves out of from the hill and prepares to charge the crushers. I spawn 15 guants to fill their place. I then fire into his Bird with my Dakka Tyrant and Hive Guard, wiping the MC. Gargoyles fire and assault into the crushers, killing three crushers and losing 5 gargoyles in return.
Turn 2 Deamons: My backfield is still walled off. He gets only Scar Brand who drops back by the Crushers…accidently giving my gargoyles the ability to reroll misses to hit. He fires into my 4 MC scoring a wound on Swarmie and wounding my Left Tervie. Left Gargoyles lose several to the horrors. Ongoing Assault kills more garges and another crusher.
Turn 3 Nids: I power up...enfeebling the horrors twice (failed a psychic power as I was hoping to wipe the sqaud via T0), endurance the left gargoyle squad. Combined firepower kills the changling and all but 3 horrors. Ongoing Assault wipes the garges and another crusher.
Turn 3 Deamons: My Backfield is still walled off. He gets his bloodletters and flamers. Bloodletters land 12” front and center of my army. Flamers land on my left flank and reduce my gargs down to a 10 man squad. Remaining shooting puts a wound on the Left Tervie and kills a hive guard. 15 minute warning and He calls the game as he can’t get to my backfield and the 9 points held there. Each of us controls only one quadrant. I win 15-5.
Foy Con Game 5:
For the sake of completeness. My opponent was Brandon, the nid player I was originally going to play in round 2.
He has:
Dakka Flyrant w/ OA (He traded but I can't recall what powers he got)
2 Tervigons each with Catalyst and Onslaught (He doesn't trade the powers)
40+ Devourer Gaunts
2 units of 3 Hive Guard
3 Zoes (He trades the powers and get an enfeeble and some shooting attacks)
Trygon (in reserve)
My warlord trait gives all units move through cover within 12"...finally! I also scored a few warspeeds, one enfeeble, and a few endurances.
Dawn of War. The Table features a massive valcano in the center which approprately has Fire Blood rivers running down it. 5 objectives 2 are in my deployment and 3 are in his. You get 3 bonus points for maving more KP.
Turn 1: I go first having centered my army behind the volcano. His army is pretty much grouped up on the left side of the table. I move and then run up into the valcano casting endurance on both gargoyle broods. I leave my two spine gaunt squads, Zoes, and swarmlord behind to guard my objectives.
During his turn, his dakkagaunts advance and shoot into my gargoyles slaying roughly half of them (he onslaughted his central gaunt squad and catalysed the left one). He spawns two medium sized gaunt squads and taps out both times. They go to secure his objectives.
Turn 2: On my second turn, my Tervigons and Dakkarant fire into his dakkagaunts. My hive Guard fire into one of his Hive Guard units slaying 2. A gargoyle brood and warpspead dakkarant assualt one dakka guant squad near the center and a unit of spawned gaunts assault into his other dakkagaunts in his left corner.
During his turn, his flyrant swoops up along the left side and into my backfield, wiping out my spine gaunts on my left objective and granting him first blood. The assaults continue as his tervigon and a unit of spawned gaunts join in the fray on the left and wipe out my spawned gaunts. In the center, my dakkarant and gargoyles finish off the other dakka gaunt squad and consolidates towards his center backfield.
Turn 3: On my third turn, gargoyles and dakka tyrant assault into his Tervigon and spawned gaunts holding his center back objective. One Tervigon spawns gaunts, which charges into his surviving dakka gaunts in the left back corner. My second tervigon spawns gaunts and both units head towards his Flyrant in my left backfield.
During his turn, the Trygon shows up in my left backfield and shoots into the gaunt squad screening my second Tervigon. His Flyrant glides and fires into my advancing Tervigon scoring a couple wounds...the Flyrant then fails to charge. In his center backfield, my Dakka Tyrant finishes off his Tervigon and the psychic back lash wipes out the remaining gaunts. His remaining Tervigon and termigaunts assault into the melee in his left corner. I finish off the last of his dakka gaunts.
Turn 4: On my fourth turn, the dakka tyrant and 2 remaining gargoyles head towards his corner left objective. My Tervigon tries to assault his Zoes in his left corner to get within contesting range of the objective and fails. Also in his left hand corner, his termigaunts plus his Tervigon finally finish off my spawned gaunt squad. In my backfield, my second Tervigon and remaining gaunts assault his Flyrant and slay his warlord. They then consolidate around my objective. The Swarmlord (which has been babysitting my right objective) moves and runs towards his Trygon.
During his turn, Zoes enfeeble my nearby Tervigon. His Tervigon and remaining gaunts charge into my enfeebled Tervigon. He forgets to smash and my Tervigon survives with a single wound. His Trygon shoots and assults into the termigaunts fencing off my objective. 2 survive which keeps him from consolidating to within 3" of my objective. We are out of time. I hold 2 objectives and he holds only the left corner objective. He has first blood, I have slay the warlord, and we both have line breaker. I have more KP and thus score the bonus points. I win 18-5.
Thoughts: Tight game. In the end he had 4 Hive Guard, 3 Zoes, a badly wounded Tervigon, a Trygon and a few gaunts. I had a squad of spine gaunts, a couple termigants, 2 badly wounded Tervies, 3 Zoes, 3 Hive Guard, Swarmie, Dakka Tyrant and 2 gargoyles.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2012/12/12 21:55:29
Dark_Gear wrote: Pardon the lag on the response, I received my birthday present: a cavernous Battlefoam 720, and I've been plucking foam feverishly since. So now, on to the pictures and a few tweaks you can easily make.
For one, that is a really big soft box! What material is it made of?
Light has to travel a long way to get to your models. Bring the lamps closer to the model if you can.
The two side lamps look like they're fluorescent so you could possibly press them right up against the side as they don't really get warm and thus won't burn anything.
Your top lamp also looks like it too far but, more importantly, it's practically right over top of the model.
To light the model properly you would want at least one light source to be coming in at about 45-60 degrees in front of the model, so that more light bounces off the model and into your camera. Remember your high school physics classes, light always bounces off an object at the same angle it arrived. To minimise blooming highlights when you take a picture, never place your camera in the direct path of reflected light. Incidentally, that's what soft boxes are designed to do, increase the size of imminent light source so you have less chances of getting super sharp specular highlights.
Now that we've talked about how light bounces around, that gives us a solution to getting lamps closer. Put the lamps inside the soft box! Sounds crazy right?
One technique for softening light if you don't have a soft box is to bounce the light off another surface, say, the ceiling above you or the wall behind you. In your case, since you have a soft box, you could use this technique the same way but bring the scale down. You basically have a miniature room to bounce light in. Bring the lamp inside the box, point them up and to the sides so the light bounce all around inside the box.
You might also consider putting a piece of white paper in front of the model in order to bounce light that's escaping the soft box back onto your model. Many product photographers actually build themselves a cardboard cutout with a hole just big enough to allow the lens through so they through their "front reflector".
So in summary here's what you could start doing:
1. push model a bit further into the box.
2. bring lights inside the box, pointed away from model so light bounces on interior surfaces before hitting model. Doing this might also reduce your required amount of lamps.
3. use a front reflector to bounce escaping light back in towards the model.
4. use blue-tac and some boxes to jury-rig a stable platform for shooting.
Start with this and see how it goes. If your images are still too dark, then we'll discuss camera settings.
Hope this helps.
Thanks Dark Gear. I finally got around to painting another model and took a picture with your suggestions of moving the lights inside (actually used 4 smaller ones) and using a, recently gifted, tripod. Results can be found here:
Well, been a while. Wanted to post up some progress pictures of my two Flyrants. These are 2-3rd edition Flyrants that have been converted with the new plastic hive tyrant wings. I had to position the wings farther back so that I could keep all 4 arm locations, which have been magnitized. The wing sockets were hollowed out, filled with green stuff and pinned into the carapace. Green stuff was then used to fill in the gaps.
Flyrant #1: WIP shot shows the green stuff work and location of the pins.
Flyrant #2:
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2013/04/15 18:24:24
The centre of a massive brood chamber, heaving and pulsating.
Looking amazing. I love the use of the plastic wings on the 3rd edition Tyrant, it works really well!
Squigsquasher, resident ban magnet, White Knight, and general fethwit.
buddha wrote: I've decided that these GW is dead/dying threads that pop up every-week must be followers and cultists of nurgle perpetuating the need for decay. I therefore declare that that such threads are heresy and subject to exterminatus. So says the Inquisition!
2013/04/15 18:27:45
Subject: Splinter Fleet Stygian WIP Blogg [FOY CON Battle Reports]
Thanks guys, I was pretty happy with how they turned out. The fun part is that my Flyrants actually have 4 arm slots...not two like the FW model or current plastic kit. Originally, I had purchased the first set of wings for $20 to be used with my magnitized walking, metal tyrants, in that I would swap out the upper arms for the wings. Then, upon arrival, I realized that they were too heavy to be magnitized.
So I popped the magnets out of the arm socket in the wings and kind of played around with the location. In doing so, I found that the wings fit into the crevice under the top carapace plate in the back. Just needed to keep the wings far enough back that they didn't obstruct the locations for the 4 weapon arms.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2013/04/15 18:35:52
Model wise, the only thing of interest to me is the Spore Pods and Mucaloids. Spore Pods allow me to run some old 5th edition units like Devil Gants in a pod or DaKKafex in a pod. Also the FW Dino can now go in a pod and deep strike somewhere on the board.
Mucaloids offer some supper cheap troop slots to open up second CADS or just save points on troops in general. You can force your opponent's 100-200 pt unit to shoot at one so as to not get pie plated in assault and they don't give up any victory points/first blood.
They reprinted Skyblight in paper, which is nice as I don't own an Ipad or Cheapreader. The Flyrant Gargoyle Bodyguard is interesting.
The new org chart opens up 3 Flyrants and allows you to reroll the IB result; which to me sounds like it will mesh with Skyblight quite well...4 Flyrants. Unfortunately you give up a fortifications so no venom or mal in a box to help against 1st turn alpha strikes.
Anyways, much greater minds than my own are hashing out the win/fail of the new releases here:
Pictures from the Apocolypse event this past Saturday.
Mission: Valedor: The Mirrored Shield
Scenario: Eldar Deploy in the middle and Tyranids are split up into two armies that deploy on either short edge. 4 Game Turns.
Special Rules: Eldar models get Hit & Run & Furious Charge all game long plus Shrouded 1st Turn. Super Heavies and Gargantuan Creatures use the 6th Edition Apocalypse D Table. The two Tyranid sides treat each other as desperate allies. Eldar side deploys second and gets 1st Turn, no seizing.
Victory Conditions: Their are 6 objectives that give up 1 Strategic Victory Point and are scored at the end of the 2nd and 4th round. Tyranids get 1 Strategic Victory Point for each Tyranid (not GSC) unit that is in the opposite deployment by the end of the 4th round. If no tyranids make it to the opposite deployment then eldar score 1d3+2 Strategic Victory Points. Each SH or GC destroyed gives up a Strategic Victory point. Slaying the general's Warlord gives up a strategic Victory Point.
Gitsplitta: Mechanicum and IK 2800 & 1200SH
Player: Eldar 1500 & 900SH
Player: Eldar 3500 & 1600 SH/GC Player: Eldar 2000 & 650 SH Player: Space Marines and IK 5000 & 1305 SH Player: Mechanicum ???
Total=14,800pts, 5655 SH + ?? Mechanicum