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Made in us
Dakka Veteran

Tsagualsa wrote:
By that logic, nothing they say is really relevant until they show models in production, finished printed material and boxes. Everything before that could be changed again.

I mean, that's exactly where I'm sitting. From my perspective, this is a lot of excitement and waiting for something that could very well end up being tabletop vaporware.

No real sense in waiting and hoping when there's tons of good fantasy rank n' flank on the market now Nevermind that WHFB veterans have 8 editions to can pick from, as long as they didn't toss or sell their books when the editions changed or the End Times hit.

You can put your minis on the table now, if you have a WHFB army. If you don't, there are other companies making fantastic fantasy minis suitable for rank n' flank, and about a ker-billion STL creators if you own or have access to a resin printer.
Made in gb
Dakka Veteran

Tsagualsa wrote:
 triplegrim wrote:
So, the latest releaae mentions Avasar Kull. Can he co exist with Louen the Orc Slayer? Different wikis say they lived a century apart?

Yeah, Louen Orcslayer started his reign in 2201 iirc and was noted to have personannly lead the cleansing of Bretonnia from Orks for the next century, and Asavar Kull can easily be centuries old due to chaos shenanigans, and did of course die in 2304 at the culmination of the Great War against Chaos. Kings of Bretonnia are usually also Grail Knights and have much extended lifespans due to the Grail's magic, so it checks out.

There is certainly scope for those two to be contemporaries given Louen could have been around for decades. Assuming they keep to the same lore as previously though, Louen would be dead and buried by the time of the Great War itself, as would his (presumed) successor as Jules was killed by a Chaos Knight on the Northern Coast of Bretonnia some time just prior to 2297 IC, sparking the Affair of the False Grail.
Made in ie
Longtime Dakkanaut


 Psychopomp wrote:
Tsagualsa wrote:
By that logic, nothing they say is really relevant until they show models in production, finished printed material and boxes. Everything before that could be changed again.

I mean, that's exactly where I'm sitting. From my perspective, this is a lot of excitement and waiting for something that could very well end up being tabletop vaporware.

No real sense in waiting and hoping when there's tons of good fantasy rank n' flank on the market now Nevermind that WHFB veterans have 8 editions to can pick from, as long as they didn't toss or sell their books when the editions changed or the End Times hit.

You can put your minis on the table now, if you have a WHFB army. If you don't, there are other companies making fantastic fantasy minis suitable for rank n' flank, and about a ker-billion STL creators if you own or have access to a resin printer.

Also those alternatives to GW work out substantially cheaper, for quality that is on par with the GW Lord of the Rings range. So more suitable for rank and file models.

If the new GW Warhammer Fantasy Battles is a good system adding it to a collection of rules will just add more option. As the setting is even further back in the setting than it was previously, it means that a lot more historical kits will also fit in nicely.

The objective of the game is to win. The point of the game is to have fun. The two should never be confused. 
Made in gb
Villanous Scum

Stick to the news and rumours please.

On parle toujours mal quand on n'a rien à dire. 
Made in gb
Mighty Vampire Count


Nice to see some more square based Wolf boyz on Warhammer Community


"Unimaginably ancient xenos artefact somewhere on the planet, hive fleet poised above our heads, hidden 'stealer broods making an early start....and now a bloody Chaos cult crawling out of the woodwork just in case we were bored. Welcome to my world, Ciaphas."
Inquisitor Amberley Vail, Ordo Xenos

"I will admit that some Primachs like Russ or Horus could have a chance against an unarmed 12 year old novice but, a full Battle Sister??!! One to one? In close combat? Perhaps three Primarchs fighting together... but just one Primarch?" da001


A Bloody Road - my Warhammer Fantasy Fiction 
Made in hu
Armored Iron Breaker

 Mr Morden wrote:
Nice to see some more square based Wolf boyz on Warhammer Community

Tell me wrong, but doesnt it feel a fresh paintjob? Or they just have a photo from a unit, that isnt in production for like 2-3 years.

I mean you guys propebly know the rumour from hastings, that GW have painted up some Orc boar boys. Now this. Do you think they will bring back squatted minis?

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/01/23 20:14:21

Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Biloxi, MS USA

The previous studio examples look very similar but have the banner hair painted red. Could just be they updated the unit they had in storage.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/01/23 21:37:40

You know you're really doing something when you can make strangers hate you over the Internet. - Mauleed
Just remember folks. Panic. Panic all the time. It's the only way to survive, other than just being mindful, of course-but geez, that's so friggin' boring. - Aegis Grimm
Hallowed is the All Pie
The Before Times: A Place That Celebrates The World That Was 
Made in de
Servoarm Flailing Magos


 Platuan4th wrote:
The previous studio examples look very similar but have the banner hair painted red. Could just be they updated the unit they had in storage.

Who knows, it need not mean a lot, there's always the possibility that the OOP miniatures are just touched up for a showcase for the 40th anniversary celebration, or that some limited made to order runs will be made available for that.
Made in hu
Armored Iron Breaker

 Platuan4th wrote:
The previous studio examples look very similar but have the banner hair painted red. Could just be they updated the unit they had in storage.

Last time I saw the Warhammer worlds exibition models on video, they all where on ovals and rounds. Why would you store old models?
Also what are people going buy for the game, when it starts. Do you think they updated all minis for all of the factions?

Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Biloxi, MS USA

 herjan1987 wrote:
Why would you store old models?

Because GWHQ has a literal GW museum that they the rotate game history displays for. Someone even noted that the Tomb King models were on display during the summer in the last thread.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2023/01/24 01:53:20

You know you're really doing something when you can make strangers hate you over the Internet. - Mauleed
Just remember folks. Panic. Panic all the time. It's the only way to survive, other than just being mindful, of course-but geez, that's so friggin' boring. - Aegis Grimm
Hallowed is the All Pie
The Before Times: A Place That Celebrates The World That Was 
Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


Also don't forget GW models are paid to be painted, its an investment. Why throw that away when the amount of space to store them is tiny. As long as they've a sensible inventory system they can store up loads of models. Especially as they typically only paint up one squad per model box; so they aren't sitting on vast armies each time they make a model.

A Blog in Miniature

3D Printing, hobbying and model fun! 
Made in us
Keeper of the Flame

Monticello, IN

 herjan1987 wrote:
 Mr Morden wrote:
Nice to see some more square based Wolf boyz on Warhammer Community

Tell me wrong, but doesnt it feel a fresh paintjob? Or they just have a photo from a unit, that isnt in production for like 2-3 years.

I mean you guys propebly know the rumour from hastings, that GW have painted up some Orc boar boys. Now this. Do you think they will bring back squatted minis?

Honestly? It would take them zero effort to bust out some boxed sets like the old Battalion boxes from older molds. Take up a bit of space on shelves, but all contained and away you go. Maybe supplement boxes with the elite units. It'd give them plenty of kit to hit the ground running when TOW launches.


For 4-6th WFB, 2-5th 40k, and similar timeframe gaming

Looking for dice from the new AOS boxed set and Dark Imperium on the cheap. Let me know if you can help.
 CthuluIsSpy wrote:
Its AoS, it doesn't have to make sense.
Made in fi
Locked in the Tower of Amareo

 herjan1987 wrote:
 Platuan4th wrote:
The previous studio examples look very similar but have the banner hair painted red. Could just be they updated the unit they had in storage.

Last time I saw the Warhammer worlds exibition models on video, they all where on ovals and rounds. Why would you store old models?
Also what are people going buy for the game, when it starts. Do you think they updated all minis for all of the factions?

They buy new models? Do you think they will release multiple armies all at once? Would be nice but not hoping for getting loads of old kits back on sale.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/01/24 07:44:15

2024 painted/bought: 109/109 
Made in hu
Armored Iron Breaker

tneva82 wrote:

They buy new models? Do you think they will release multiple armies all at once? Would be nice but not hoping for getting loads of old kits back on sale.

Okay, but let's say they put out Kislev,Chaos and Empire at first, thats whats the rumours say. What, if I am a new player and into Dwarfs or Tomb Kings or Orcs and Goblins? What do they sell to me then?

Made in se
Rookie Pilot


 herjan1987 wrote:
Okay, but let's say they put out Kislev,Chaos and Empire at first, thats whats the rumours say. What, if I am a new player and into Dwarfs or Tomb Kings or Orcs and Goblins? What do they sell to me then?

We don't know how GW will handle this, perhaps they haven't decided yet? But I agree that all those WHFB models still on sale with AOS-packaging is looking more and more like an elephant in the room.

It makes a lot of sense for GW to repackage or re-release the old WHFB-models but It's not how they usually operate. One could also argue that it doesn't make sense to support a new game with old models.

Time will tell, I'm very curious about this myself! I also dream of MTO for Perry Empire and Kevin Adams O&G!
Made in fi
Locked in the Tower of Amareo

 herjan1987 wrote:
tneva82 wrote:

They buy new models? Do you think they will release multiple armies all at once? Would be nice but not hoping for getting loads of old kits back on sale.

Okay, but let's say they put out Kislev,Chaos and Empire at first, thats whats the rumours say. What, if I am a new player and into Dwarfs or Tomb Kings or Orcs and Goblins? What do they sell to me then?


What does GW sell for xenos players in adeptus titanicus? Nothing.

They would in this case wait for new orcs&goblin models etc to come out.

Or rather they aim to get you buy new models. Not put out old models on sale you MAYBE don't have already.

GW would also find it tricky to put up new model price to old models.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2023/01/24 09:57:39

2024 painted/bought: 109/109 
Made in se
Rookie Pilot


tneva82 wrote:
They would in this case wait for new orcs&goblin models etc to come out.

Not impossible at all, I could see GW doing it this way. But I really do wonder where that would leave the 20+ boxes of old WHFB O&G models that are currently on sale under the AOS-brand?

Night Goblins, Savage Orcs, Spider Riders, River Trolls etc are all there right now! Would GW just pretend that they are not WHFB-models? Again, not impossible, I can see GW doing exactly that too.
Made in gb
Mighty Vampire Count


GW tends to hate cross -selling - they vaguely do it with Underworlds and AOS but its all super minimum effort. They could do a lot more with things like Daemons, beastmen etc across ranges.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/01/24 12:59:17


"Unimaginably ancient xenos artefact somewhere on the planet, hive fleet poised above our heads, hidden 'stealer broods making an early start....and now a bloody Chaos cult crawling out of the woodwork just in case we were bored. Welcome to my world, Ciaphas."
Inquisitor Amberley Vail, Ordo Xenos

"I will admit that some Primachs like Russ or Horus could have a chance against an unarmed 12 year old novice but, a full Battle Sister??!! One to one? In close combat? Perhaps three Primarchs fighting together... but just one Primarch?" da001


A Bloody Road - my Warhammer Fantasy Fiction 
Made in gb
Ancient Space Wolves Venerable Dreadnought

On the army lists; I feel like they’re going to follow the HH pattern and release fewer but larger compilations of related models with separate lists. It would certainly work for the Empire factions at least; the basic human troopers with all the specific elements in appendices.
Same for chaos, vampires.
Less so for O&G and the rest though but then HH has things like liber imperium that houses 3 completely unrelated lists.

"Three months? I'm going to go crazy …and I'm taking you with me!"
— Vala Mal Doran
Made in ca
Longtime Dakkanaut

Im really excited for the OW, but drawing of models and concepts we've arleady seen decades before, isnt really building up on that excitement. Would be fun to see at least one model, even if it wont be release untilll a few years (they've done it for sob)

lost and damned log
Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Biloxi, MS USA

 streetsamurai wrote:
Im really excited for the OW, but drawing of models and concepts we've arleady seen decades before, isnt really building up on that excitement. Would be fun to see at least one model, even if it wont be release untilll a few years (they've done it for sob)

They already talked about that essentially every Kislev unit in TWW3 is a potential new Kislev model since the designs originated in the GW design studio.

You know you're really doing something when you can make strangers hate you over the Internet. - Mauleed
Just remember folks. Panic. Panic all the time. It's the only way to survive, other than just being mindful, of course-but geez, that's so friggin' boring. - Aegis Grimm
Hallowed is the All Pie
The Before Times: A Place That Celebrates The World That Was 
Made in au
Grizzled Space Wolves Great Wolf

Tsagualsa wrote:
 Platuan4th wrote:
The previous studio examples look very similar but have the banner hair painted red. Could just be they updated the unit they had in storage.

Who knows, it need not mean a lot, there's always the possibility that the OOP miniatures are just touched up for a showcase for the 40th anniversary celebration, or that some limited made to order runs will be made available for that.

That exact picture is in the 8th edition O&G army book, page 85. So, no, it's not an updated unit, they just recycled an old image.

GW has/had at least 2 studio painted Wolf Rider units, one with spears (the one with the red banner) and one with bows (this one with the grey banner).
Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Biloxi, MS USA

AllSeeingSkink wrote:
Tsagualsa wrote:
 Platuan4th wrote:
The previous studio examples look very similar but have the banner hair painted red. Could just be they updated the unit they had in storage.

Who knows, it need not mean a lot, there's always the possibility that the OOP miniatures are just touched up for a showcase for the 40th anniversary celebration, or that some limited made to order runs will be made available for that.

That exact picture is in the 8th edition O&G army book, page 85. So, no, it's not an updated unit, they just recycled an old image.

GW has/had at least 2 studio painted Wolf Rider units, one with spears (the one with the red banner) and one with bows (this one with the grey banner).

There's an old studio version with bows that also has a red banner:

This message was edited 4 times. Last update was at 2023/01/25 02:52:09

You know you're really doing something when you can make strangers hate you over the Internet. - Mauleed
Just remember folks. Panic. Panic all the time. It's the only way to survive, other than just being mindful, of course-but geez, that's so friggin' boring. - Aegis Grimm
Hallowed is the All Pie
The Before Times: A Place That Celebrates The World That Was 
Made in au
Grizzled Space Wolves Great Wolf

Okay, they probably have a few studio units of them then I guess.

But the pic they just posted on WHC is definitely an old pic that dates back to at least the 8th ed army book.
Made in us
Stealthy Warhound Titan Princeps

I can confirm that the image, with the black tassles, is from the 8th ed army book - not a new image.

I'm on a podcast about (video) game design:

And I also stream tabletop painting/playing Mon&Thurs 8PM EST
And make YouTube videos for that sometimes!
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

All I want to know is one thing....

Round bases or squares?

"Iz got a plan. We line up. Yell Waaagh, den krump them in the face. Den when we're done, we might yell Waagh one more time." Warboss Gutstompa 
Made in fi
Locked in the Tower of Amareo

Seeing gw answered that years ago,..

Now size of bases they haven't commented

2024 painted/bought: 109/109 
Made in us
Keeper of the Flame

Monticello, IN

 Dekskull wrote:
All I want to know is one thing....

Round bases or squares?


From the first freaking page of this thread.


For 4-6th WFB, 2-5th 40k, and similar timeframe gaming

Looking for dice from the new AOS boxed set and Dark Imperium on the cheap. Let me know if you can help.
 CthuluIsSpy wrote:
Its AoS, it doesn't have to make sense.
Made in hu
Armored Iron Breaker

 Rihgu wrote:
I can confirm that the image, with the black tassles, is from the 8th ed army book - not a new image.

Okay, why keep a ten year old image around?

Also I said, that hastings was rumoring that they painted up some Orc boar boys recently and old Tomb Kings and Bretonnian plastics went back to production to recieve fancy paintjobs.



Look at 1:34

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2023/01/25 12:25:59

Made in de
Servoarm Flailing Magos


 herjan1987 wrote:

Okay, why keep a ten year old image around?

Why not? GW constantly reuses artwork, and i some cases photographs, that are years or even decades old. Producing photographs or other reproductions costs money, reusing assets that you already acquired or produced just makes sense from an economic perspective, especially if you need to pad out a lot of filler articles and social media chaff at all times.
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