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Made in us
Quick-fingered Warlord Moderatus

The tradeoff is this (+ being pros, - being cons):

+Cawl can be Warlord
+Choice of Arcana on one Enginseer
-104 dead points

+Crawlers are virtually unkillable between -1 to hit and two repairmen
-Less consistent; no rerolls for Neutron Lasers
Made in gr
Stalwart Tribune


Suzuteo wrote:
Much obliged.

I think I am going with this:

Mars Spearhead Detachment - 950

HQ - 250
1x Belisarius Cawl

Heavy Support - 700
1x Onager Dunecrawler - Icarus Array, Broad-Spectrum Data Tether
1x Onager Dunecrawler - Icarus Array, Broad-Spectrum Data Tether
4x Kastelan Robots - Heavy Phosphor Blasters, Twin Heavy Phosphor Blasters

Stygies VIII Battalion Detachment - 1048

HQ - 104
1x Tech-Priest Enginseer - Warlord: Necromechanic
1x Tech-Priest Enginseer - Autocaduceus of Arkhan Land

Troop - 120
5x Skitarii Ranger - 5x Galvanic Rifle
5x Skitarii Ranger - 5x Galvanic Rifle
5x Skitarii Ranger - 5x Galvanic Rifle

Fast Attack - 544
2x Sydonian Dragoon - Taser Lance
2x Sydonian Dragoon - Taser Lance
4x Sydonian Dragoon - Taser Lance

Heavy Support - 280
1x Onager Dunecrawler - Neutron Laser, Cognis Heavy Stubber, Broad-Spectrum Data Tether
1x Onager Dunecrawler - Neutron Laser, Cognis Heavy Stubber, Broad-Spectrum Data Tether

Total: 1998 points
7 Command Points

After realizing the Conqueror Doctrina Imperative is only 1 CP and that a unit of 4 produces an average of 24 S8 AP-1 D2 attacks at WS2+... yeah, you can see what I did. I mean, I didn't realize how strong it was until I saw the math. These things just absolutely total transports and medium toughness units. I think 2x2 and 1x4 are the optimal concentrations. 2x2 for coverage and 1x4 for infiltration. In a really desperate situation, I can double wrap my artillery.

And yes, I do own 8 of these things. I just have to build another 2... sigh...

One burning question though: Do I move the Crawlers into the Mars detachment or divide them? Hmm...

What a solid list. Nice. Will definetly work wonders and i woould like to see it in the field. Dont have 8 of those.
What i would change if you decide to test options.
3 onagers neutron you can buff any if need to hit air. The 4th id make a 5th robot. Since you dont use wrath to none other than roots and they are your only mortal source vs high invu armies.
One group of 4 dragoons for inflotrate keep. Switch 2*2 dragoons for a battalion. 3-4 extra cps can really help you wih options. Like explode all 4 dragoons inside enemy lines =4cp. I know its not the same having 17 troops instead of 4 dragoons but cps are extremely important. And as you said if need dragoons can defend and use dual advance afterwards.
Both lists valid i might try the one as i said it here. Its what i panned to test after infiltrators

Onagers 2* for detachment rest stygia for back line.

If we buff dragoon unit with +2 hit (got spectrum) means taser activates on 4+ correct?

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2017/09/21 08:53:22

Made in lt
Mysterious Techpriest

I'd much rather have Enginseer as a warlord with no artifacts. So my opponent has to choose what to kill:
Cawl because of the aura
Warlord enginseer because of the VP and aura
Artifact enginseer because of the artifact.

This way I can use Cawl much more aggressively

Automatically Appended Next Post:
GAH, I want to play a game so baaaaad.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2017/09/21 09:07:00

Mathammer(primarily Chaos Daemons, Adeptus Mechanicus, Necrons and Orks) https://drive.google.com/open?id=1mhwa-d77ztppXP9ZUQxur9HewqDTFZ6k
12k pts Daemons
5k pts Orks
5k pts AdMech
3k pts Necrons  
Made in us
Quick-fingered Warlord Moderatus

 rvd1ofakind wrote:
I'd much rather have Enginseer as a warlord with no artifacts. So my opponent has to choose what to kill:
Cawl because of the aura
Warlord enginseer because of the VP and aura
Artifact enginseer because of the artifact.

This was I can use Cawl much more aggressively

Yes, this was my thinking as well.

I'm waiting for so much stuff in the mail. And I got to make 2 Dragoons and 15 Rangers. Ugh.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/09/21 08:54:16

Made in de
Dakka Veteran

Suzuteo wrote:

I think I am going with this:

Mars Spearhead Detachment - 950

HQ - 250
1x Belisarius Cawl

Heavy Support - 700
1x Onager Dunecrawler - Icarus Array, Broad-Spectrum Data Tether
1x Onager Dunecrawler - Icarus Array, Broad-Spectrum Data Tether
4x Kastelan Robots - Heavy Phosphor Blasters, Twin Heavy Phosphor Blasters

Stygies VIII Battalion Detachment - 1048

HQ - 104
1x Tech-Priest Enginseer - Warlord: Necromechanic
1x Tech-Priest Enginseer - Autocaduceus of Arkhan Land

Troop - 120
5x Skitarii Ranger - 5x Galvanic Rifle
5x Skitarii Ranger - 5x Galvanic Rifle
5x Skitarii Ranger - 5x Galvanic Rifle

Fast Attack - 544
2x Sydonian Dragoon - Taser Lance
2x Sydonian Dragoon - Taser Lance
4x Sydonian Dragoon - Taser Lance

Heavy Support - 280
1x Onager Dunecrawler - Neutron Laser, Cognis Heavy Stubber, Broad-Spectrum Data Tether
1x Onager Dunecrawler - Neutron Laser, Cognis Heavy Stubber, Broad-Spectrum Data Tether

Total: 1998 points
7 Command Points

So trying to build this list with 1850. kicking out 1 icarus dunecrawler but still 18 points above. maybe getting rid of one of the dragoons from a 2 walker unit and spending it on...yeah on what exactly?

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/09/21 09:12:41

Made in us
Quick-fingered Warlord Moderatus

Add two Arquebuses? Going to have to do a Mars Battalion with a Stygies Outrider too. One dead HQ with 3x1 Dragoons, 1x4 Dragoons.

Here's the list, 1850 on the dot:

Mars Battalion Detachment - 1322

HQ - 302
1x Belisarius Cawl
1x Tech-Priest Enginseer - Warlord: Necromechanic, Autocaduceus of Arkhan Land

Troop - 170
5x Skitarii Ranger - 3x Galvanic Rifle, 2x Transuranic Arquebus
5x Skitarii Ranger - 5x Galvanic Rifle
5x Skitarii Ranger - 5x Galvanic Rifle

Heavy Support - 850
1x Onager Dunecrawler - Neutron Laser, Cognis Heavy Stubber, Broad-Spectrum Data Tether
1x Onager Dunecrawler - Neutron Laser, Cognis Heavy Stubber, Broad-Spectrum Data Tether
1x Onager Dunecrawler - Icarus Array, Broad-Spectrum Data Tether
4x Kastelan Robots - Heavy Phosphor Blasters, Twin Heavy Phosphor Blasters

Stygies VIII Battalion Detachment - 528

HQ - 52
1x Tech-Priest Enginseer

Fast Attack - 476
1x Sydonian Dragoon - Taser Lance
1x Sydonian Dragoon - Taser Lance
1x Sydonian Dragoon - Taser Lance
4x Sydonian Dragoon - Taser Lance

Total: 1850 points
7 Command Points

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2017/09/21 09:52:44

Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

On the frontline stream today Reese said he and Frankie prefer the fist Kastelans to the shooty ones. Any opinions on why?
Made in au
Speed Drybrushing

Newcastle NSW

Just ordered my first Dragoon thanks to the recommendation of this page, will get a second soon I hope.

Not a GW apologist  
Made in lt
Mysterious Techpriest

Msolve wrote:
On the frontline stream today Reese said he and Frankie prefer the fist Kastelans to the shooty ones. Any opinions on why?

He's wrong. That's it. Phosphor won a GT. Punchy ones are nowhere to be seen. Coincidence?

Also all they got from the codex is insta switch to punch twice, while Phosphor got: insta switch, mars stratagem, kataphron+kastelan stratagem.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/09/21 10:11:24

Mathammer(primarily Chaos Daemons, Adeptus Mechanicus, Necrons and Orks) https://drive.google.com/open?id=1mhwa-d77ztppXP9ZUQxur9HewqDTFZ6k
12k pts Daemons
5k pts Orks
5k pts AdMech
3k pts Necrons  
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Msolve wrote:
On the frontline stream today Reese said he and Frankie prefer the fist Kastelans to the shooty ones. Any opinions on why?

anti tank maybe? terminators? Shooty kastelans are IMO better but i can see certain metas fisty ones being good. close combat can really feth over certain armies and if you were to deepstrike a couple 2 man fisty kastelans behind enemy lines that could give them a bad day.... say like other mechanicus armies. but i'd still prefer the shooty kastelans.

Automatically Appended Next Post:

huh replace those rangers and cawl with grey knights and you have my 2000 point list

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/09/21 10:31:34

011000100111010101110100001000000110100 100100000011101000110010101101100011011 000010000001111001011011110111010100100 000011101110110010100100000011101110110 010101110010011001010010000001100111011 011110110010001110011001000000110111101 101110011000110110010100100000011000010 110111001100100001000000111011101100101 001000000111001101101000011000010110110 001101100001000000110001001100101001000 000110011101101111011001000111001100100 000011000010110011101100001011010010110 1110  
Made in gr
Stalwart Tribune


I was using fist robots in front of my army in my first games. They where feared and almost all games focused fire upon since not only screened my font but also pushed all turns towards enemy lines. Unf their cost and effect is not extremely good since yes i wanted them even now to form a 2 * detachments but srill seems not so effective. Yes they impoved with gem fast switch protocol but there is major issues with them first of all their cost and ws 4+ .

Dont know could be a nice inflitration -1 to hit with onagers forming spearhead bla bla but... they need fixing. 240 is a battalion better or worse screener cant have gems spend on 4+ melee even with 6 superb attacks. Good weapon stats flamer not co op with protocol well and i love the flamer great defence. Atm with so limited stratgems i don t think they worth it. Still an option if you dont go heavy mars but why would you not. Mortal wounds dont compare even to the great fists.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/09/21 10:35:45

Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut


 rvd1ofakind wrote:
Msolve wrote:
On the frontline stream today Reese said he and Frankie prefer the fist Kastelans to the shooty ones. Any opinions on why?

He's wrong. That's it. Phosphor won a GT. Punchy ones are nowhere to be seen. Coincidence?

Also all they got from the codex is insta switch to punch twice, while Phosphor got: insta switch, mars stratagem, kataphron+kastelan stratagem.

The range ones indeed outperform overall when they go into double shooty, but as someone who almost always plays robots with fists and flamers, I can tell you they are mean SOBs in melee. They are effectivly one of the best CC melee robots/walkers in the game. Excellent save, invul save, can be repaired and can double attacks. That S10 AP-3 D3 hitting on 4 (maybe rerolls based on canticles or double the attacks based on protocals) make them better than most others of their type and even cheaper.

8th Overhaul!
Over 18,000 SM
Over 7000 Tyranids
About 3000 Genestealer cult
About 6000 IG
About 2500 Chaos
About 5000 Skitarii/Admech *Current focus
About 3000 Deamons
2 Imperial Knigts... Soon to be a third

Made in au
Fresh-Faced New User

 Tsol wrote:
 rvd1ofakind wrote:
Msolve wrote:
On the frontline stream today Reese said he and Frankie prefer the fist Kastelans to the shooty ones. Any opinions on why?

He's wrong. That's it. Phosphor won a GT. Punchy ones are nowhere to be seen. Coincidence?

Also all they got from the codex is insta switch to punch twice, while Phosphor got: insta switch, mars stratagem, kataphron+kastelan stratagem.

The range ones indeed outperform overall when they go into double shooty, but as someone who almost always plays robots with fists and flamers, I can tell you they are mean SOBs in melee. They are effectivly one of the best CC melee robots/walkers in the game. Excellent save, invul save, can be repaired and can double attacks. That S10 AP-3 D3 hitting on 4 (maybe rerolls based on canticles or double the attacks based on protocals) make them better than most others of their type and even cheaper.

I know it's probably going to be bad...but I am really, really looking forward to infiltrating a 6 strong squad of flame fist kastelans and a datasmith with the Stygies stratagem.
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

interviglium wrote:
 Tsol wrote:
 rvd1ofakind wrote:
Msolve wrote:
On the frontline stream today Reese said he and Frankie prefer the fist Kastelans to the shooty ones. Any opinions on why?

He's wrong. That's it. Phosphor won a GT. Punchy ones are nowhere to be seen. Coincidence?

Also all they got from the codex is insta switch to punch twice, while Phosphor got: insta switch, mars stratagem, kataphron+kastelan stratagem.

The range ones indeed outperform overall when they go into double shooty, but as someone who almost always plays robots with fists and flamers, I can tell you they are mean SOBs in melee. They are effectivly one of the best CC melee robots/walkers in the game. Excellent save, invul save, can be repaired and can double attacks. That S10 AP-3 D3 hitting on 4 (maybe rerolls based on canticles or double the attacks based on protocals) make them better than most others of their type and even cheaper.

I know it's probably going to be bad...but I am really, really looking forward to infiltrating a 6 strong squad of flame fist kastelans and a datasmith with the Stygies stratagem.
interesting thing to note here is that the flamers have range of 12" which means unlike other flamersyou can DS and instantly flame.

011000100111010101110100001000000110100 100100000011101000110010101101100011011 000010000001111001011011110111010100100 000011101110110010100100000011101110110 010101110010011001010010000001100111011 011110110010001110011001000000110111101 101110011000110110010100100000011000010 110111001100100001000000111011101100101 001000000111001101101000011000010110110 001101100001000000110001001100101001000 000110011101101111011001000111001100100 000011000010110011101100001011010010110 1110  
Made in lt
Mysterious Techpriest

The last time I played them I got charged by Genestealers + broodlord (they're faster so that'll usually happen)and fistellans died before doing anything.

Meanwhile, every time I've used DakKastelans, I thought "I'm so sad I can't bring more as I have to protect them all"

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2017/09/21 10:58:37

Mathammer(primarily Chaos Daemons, Adeptus Mechanicus, Necrons and Orks) https://drive.google.com/open?id=1mhwa-d77ztppXP9ZUQxur9HewqDTFZ6k
12k pts Daemons
5k pts Orks
5k pts AdMech
3k pts Necrons  
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut


 rvd1ofakind wrote:
The last time I played them I got charged by Genestealers + broodlord (they're faster so that'll usually happen)and fistellans died before doing anything.

Meanwhile, every time I've used DakKastelans, I thought "I'm so sad I can't bring more as I have to protect them all"

I can agree here. Don't ever try o melee genestealers, just shoot and run away....

I may own about 40 genestealers....

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/09/21 11:30:11

8th Overhaul!
Over 18,000 SM
Over 7000 Tyranids
About 3000 Genestealer cult
About 6000 IG
About 2500 Chaos
About 5000 Skitarii/Admech *Current focus
About 3000 Deamons
2 Imperial Knigts... Soon to be a third

Made in gr
Stalwart Tribune


I really hope they will put datasmith inside hq options and make engiseer less than 52 since he is not good. Then maybe then some nice lists might be fielded.

We cutting all gear all options we taking 5 man 3*5 120 while you could take 2*60 conscr. And other armies got cheap as well and hq options to go along.

Wengetting 2 * engiseer 2*52 while you ll take commander that actually order twice and commisar for 52 that makes them kinda fearless and ld them. Why would we still not take 2* ig battalios and max our Mars. Dont really understand army has no comoetitive feeling yet . I hope for more. Maybe we should have ig in front maybe we got our troops as elite options maybe still i dont know how competitive this will look away from wrath . Propably it wont.
Made in de
Dakka Veteran

After my test yesterday its save to say that without wrath of mars the damn genestealer and murlocs would have killed me turn 2. yes, its that good. It is a must have.
Comparison between our troops and conscripts is well and all but they will get nerfed. Probably only getting the ld of their commisar or something. Have to wait till their codex drops and the following FAQ.
The sad thing is that our troops are barely doing anything. they got good guns, they got -1, they are well on their feet...but we cant use them for anything other than screening.
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Goddamn....just did the math on cawl+kastelans +wrath of mars holy emperor son of a.... that's insane. I knew it was insane but that's just damn. I don't want to have to need cawl. If I get cawl I'm converting an Arkhan land stand in

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/09/21 12:18:13

011000100111010101110100001000000110100 100100000011101000110010101101100011011 000010000001111001011011110111010100100 000011101110110010100100000011101110110 010101110010011001010010000001100111011 011110110010001110011001000000110111101 101110011000110110010100100000011000010 110111001100100001000000111011101100101 001000000111001101101000011000010110110 001101100001000000110001001100101001000 000110011101101111011001000111001100100 000011000010110011101100001011010010110 1110  
Made in us
Moustache-twirling Princeps


gendoikari87 wrote:
Goddamn....just did the math on cawl+kastelans +wrath of mars holy emperor son of a.... that's insane. I knew it was insane but that's just damn. I don't want to have to need cawl. If I get cawl I'm converting an Arkhan land stand in

Welcome to the party. Wrathbots are going to be a staple of AdMech unless something gets changed in the FAQ. Knowing we can knock out Magnus in a single round of shooting on average rolls is very comforting.

Made in lt
Mysterious Techpriest

It does feel like Mars is too good not to take. EVER.

Mathammer(primarily Chaos Daemons, Adeptus Mechanicus, Necrons and Orks) https://drive.google.com/open?id=1mhwa-d77ztppXP9ZUQxur9HewqDTFZ6k
12k pts Daemons
5k pts Orks
5k pts AdMech
3k pts Necrons  
Made in de
Dakka Veteran

 rvd1ofakind wrote:
It does feel like Mars is too good not to take. EVER.
up until the FAQ drops I think its not a feeling, its a fact
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Now if only the FAQ drops and erratas servitors to be able to be able to have all models replace their servo arms for heavy weapons I'll say this was a good dex.

011000100111010101110100001000000110100 100100000011101000110010101101100011011 000010000001111001011011110111010100100 000011101110110010100100000011101110110 010101110010011001010010000001100111011 011110110010001110011001000000110111101 101110011000110110010100100000011000010 110111001100100001000000111011101100101 001000000111001101101000011000010110110 001101100001000000110001001100101001000 000110011101101111011001000111001100100 000011000010110011101100001011010010110 1110  
Made in gr
Stalwart Tribune


Great dex take wrath for mortals priests for mortals and 2-3 onagers. Great dex. So well designed superb result. Exactly what we wanted a broken robot gem. What else. Pff

If they said robots mortal 6+ on wounding with 52-100 points increase and electeopr. Same 52 increase for inf or deep strike we would not really need the dex sorry but.

Not to mention when they sell their desired robots and priests. Then they will nerf it for popular demand and there we go again. About not having serious options nor proper units to make detachments when all detachments got 3 slots and we utilise two units bla bla same o same o. How hard to take so nice suggestions from community apply what you can and get on making something new . Same old problems still.

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2017/09/21 13:36:17

Made in gb
Ork-Hunting Inquisitorial Xenokiller

Scenario: Mars Dogma with Cawl Warlord in a mixed Forge World army.

Roll canticles twice. Each roll can have + or - 1 modifier.
Only the first canticle applies to the whole army. Both die rolls apply to the Mars detachment.

Is it fair to roll 2 dice of different colours, specifying which is the Mars only one, then decide on modifiers having seen both rolls?

Or do you think the player has to roll 1 dice, apply modifiers, then roll the 2nd?

Very different situations and rolling them one at a time seems much more of a gamble/much more likely to result in a duplicate.


TO of Death Before Dishonour - A Warhammer 40k Tournament with a focus on great battles between well painted, thematic armies on tables with full terrain.

Read the blog at:
Made in lt
Mysterious Techpriest

I think it is fair because of how the rules are worded. I think that is actually RAW.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/09/21 14:38:08

Mathammer(primarily Chaos Daemons, Adeptus Mechanicus, Necrons and Orks) https://drive.google.com/open?id=1mhwa-d77ztppXP9ZUQxur9HewqDTFZ6k
12k pts Daemons
5k pts Orks
5k pts AdMech
3k pts Necrons  
Made in us
Moustache-twirling Princeps


 Silentz wrote:
Scenario: Mars Dogma with Cawl Warlord in a mixed Forge World army.

Roll canticles twice. Each roll can have + or - 1 modifier.
Only the first canticle applies to the whole army. Both die rolls apply to the Mars detachment.

Is it fair to roll 2 dice of different colours, specifying which is the Mars only one, then decide on modifiers having seen both rolls?

Or do you think the player has to roll 1 dice, apply modifiers, then roll the 2nd?

Very different situations and rolling them one at a time seems much more of a gamble/much more likely to result in a duplicate.


I will be rolling a red die (Mars) and a black die (Stygies) just so no one can complain... well, about that at least. Most likely they will be like "Your army is Metalica though!" and I will weep and weep for my poor Forge World.

Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Anyone know perlias colors?

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Also here's a weird idea, screening with flamed equipped kataphrons for your kastelans if your going to use the kataphrons/kastelan strategem.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2017/09/21 16:00:18

011000100111010101110100001000000110100 100100000011101000110010101101100011011 000010000001111001011011110111010100100 000011101110110010100100000011101110110 010101110010011001010010000001100111011 011110110010001110011001000000110111101 101110011000110110010100100000011000010 110111001100100001000000111011101100101 001000000111001101101000011000010110110 001101100001000000110001001100101001000 000110011101101111011001000111001100100 000011000010110011101100001011010010110 1110  
Made in gr
Stalwart Tribune


Every single time i read this crap codex i get more and more frusturated.

So lets see melee priests +1 cause they can move 6??
Robots dual nerf same points. So the unit that we spend one more gem to change protocol and remains stationary will (protocol nerf) double shoot not attack twice wich obviusly even more sto spliting shots on different targets . And heavy los tables will give us a pain. So even if you get a clear shot wont be able to multi down spamm armies as effective.

And the mortal wounding we did with grid became natural 6 no benefit from aegis. So let me get this straight. The unit thats was our best making us different from other our cheat unit all armies got one got nerfed because ?? It was not stationary enougn did not had 6 wounds like a walker did not have basic toughn. Was not bs ws 4+ or what? Cause we had all that so the unit would not be left out of lists like 7th. The great index rview of robots return motprtals on 5+ . A serius defence for melee robots and a way to compensafe for the lack of mortal psyck and mortals overall our army. Point remain for melee and range same why????

Now you got wrath of mars now so more Mars for you.

So great was the copy paste that as been seen ongers stat line still miss the 6 wound remaining typo of the index. We tlking for some serious work in this codex. Who is in charge for ad mech can we learn so we can phone him to praise his work.

Two years for a codex skitarii get a nice gem spread and not even a single hq sergent. A liutenant if you like. No earrata and faq in hands again codex for the shelves. Dont want to curse. The further i check this codex the more disapointed i am.

The engiseer stat line for 52 points is hilarious. Trash it.

Tip: my army looks all the same and tranfer sheets or dogma marks like an L for lucius is enough for any tour...

This message was edited 4 times. Last update was at 2017/09/21 16:06:47

Made in us
Preacher of the Emperor

Hanford, CA, AKA The Eye of Terror

 em_en_oh_pee wrote:
 Silentz wrote:
Scenario: Mars Dogma with Cawl Warlord in a mixed Forge World army.

Roll canticles twice. Each roll can have + or - 1 modifier.
Only the first canticle applies to the whole army. Both die rolls apply to the Mars detachment.

Is it fair to roll 2 dice of different colours, specifying which is the Mars only one, then decide on modifiers having seen both rolls?

Or do you think the player has to roll 1 dice, apply modifiers, then roll the 2nd?

Very different situations and rolling them one at a time seems much more of a gamble/much more likely to result in a duplicate.


I will be rolling a red die (Mars) and a black die (Stygies) just so no one can complain... well, about that at least. Most likely they will be like "Your army is Metalica though!" and I will weep and weep for my poor Forge World.

Most Tournaments will want you to have your different forge worlds easily differentiated, I.E. painted differently. As your opponent I want to know what im shooting at and that Dragoon #1 is different than #2 depsite having the same paint job.

17,000 points (Valhallan)
10,000 points
6,000 points (Order of Our Martyred Lady)
Proud Countess of House Terryn hosting 7 Knights, 2 Dominus Knights, and 8 Armigers
Stormcast Eternals: 7,000 points
"Remember, Orks are weak and cowardly, they are easily beat in close combat and their tusks, while menacing, can easily be pulled out with a sharp tug"

-Imperial Guard Uplifting Primer 
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