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Made in gb
Dakka Veteran


Unusually for me I betrayed my beloved horsemen armies for Late Republican Romans and their heavy infantry. Went for 15mm from Forged in Battle and Baueda.
Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

New Orleans, LA

I just bought Dorn!!!


Made in kr
Inquisitorial Keeper of the Xenobanks

your mind

Methanol - 99%

Made in us

This Is Where the Fish Lives

A bunch of mid war Italian stuff for FoW.

I had always intended to stick to only playing Allies in my WW2 games, but the new Italian book is awesome and I love their cute little tanks.

 d-usa wrote:
"When the Internet sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're not sending you. They're sending posters that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing strawmen. They're bringing spam. They're trolls. And some, I assume, are good people."
Made in us
Inspiring SDF-1 Bridge Officer


 jeff white wrote:
Methanol - 99%

When you absoulutely, positively have to strip the paint from every miniature you own....

It never ends well 
Made in gb
Stonecold Gimster

Excitement... New Isorian Combat drone went up for sale today.
C'mon postie... :-)

Currently most played: Silent Death, Mars Code Aurora, Battletech and currently trying Warcrow and Infinity. 
Made in us
Beast of Nurgle

Saint Louis, MO

Bought a 4 point Viking warband for Saga, which I hope to start playing. If not I have all kinds of use for 32 Viking minis for 35 bucks.
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

bigern314 wrote:
Bought a 4 point Viking warband for Saga, which I hope to start playing. If not I have all kinds of use for 32 Viking minis for 35 bucks.

What vikings did you end up getting for saga?
Made in us
Legendary Master of the Chapter

Well future me will be getting a preordered skaven shade spire team and some dice.

past me picked up some thornwood green.

 Unit1126PLL wrote:
 Scott-S6 wrote:
And yet another thread is hijacked for Unit to ask for the same advice, receive the same answers and make the same excuses.

Oh my god I'm becoming martel.
Send help!

Made in us
Beast of Nurgle

Saint Louis, MO

 thekingofkings wrote:
bigern314 wrote:
Bought a 4 point Viking warband for Saga, which I hope to start playing. If not I have all kinds of use for 32 Viking minis for 35 bucks.

What vikings did you end up getting for saga?


Its 25 plus 7 bonus models according to the ad. I would have gotten it without the bonus stuff. I can use these guys in Frostgrave as well.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2018/02/16 21:55:40

Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

bigern314 wrote:
 thekingofkings wrote:
bigern314 wrote:
Bought a 4 point Viking warband for Saga, which I hope to start playing. If not I have all kinds of use for 32 Viking minis for 35 bucks.

What vikings did you end up getting for saga?


Its 25 plus 7 bonus models according to the ad. I would have gotten it without the bonus stuff. I can use these guys in Frostgrave as well.

how do those scale with LOTR/Hobbit? always looking for some good northmen
Made in us
Repentia Mistress

I bought 2 more razorwing jets - bringing me up to 4.

Also bought some more mantic stuff, because I have problems. I really like KoW, and want to expand my local interest so building armies of every kind for others to use.

Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Myrtle Creek, OR

Got a box of Kharadron Arkanauts, Fuse card game and the Gal Gathong Romulan ship for Star Trek Attack Wing for my birthday.

Thread Slayer 
Made in si
Camouflaged Zero

I bought several Scibor fantasy and scifi minis.
Infinity Szalamandra (gorgeous mini) and Spektr boarding shotgun for my Tunguska army.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2018/02/18 22:20:07

Made in us
Damsel of the Lady

drinking tea in the snow

I went and got the battle for the glades set for kings of war. I like the trident realms guys! plus they come i am assuming with more tiny otters, which is something i always need, all the time.

Have mercy on me, as a sinner, etc.

realism is a lie
Made in pt
Longtime Dakkanaut


The Malign Portrents dice (they are so pretty!), the battle ruler and another of the Daughters of Khaine "Blood Coven" boxes.

I'm getting ready for some sweet, sweet Snake Girls.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2018/02/18 17:36:56

"Fear is freedom! Subjugation is liberation! Contradiction is truth! These are the truths of this world! Surrender to these truths, you pigs in human clothing!" - Satsuki Kiryuin, Kill la Kill 
Made in us
Krazed Killa Kan

Columbus, Oh

crap-tons of miniature space ships from Star Trek Attack Wing ,at a buck a pop, with cards and tokens..

2+2=5 for sufficiently large values of 2.

Order of St Ursula (Sisters of Battle): W-2, L-1, T-1
Get of Freki (Space Wolves): W-3, L-1, T-1
Hive Fleet Portentosa (Nids/Stealers): W-6, L-4, T-0
Omega Marines (vanilla Space Marine): W-1, L-6, T-2
Waagh Magshak (Orks): W-4, L-0, T-1
A.V.P.D.W.: W-0, L-2, T-0

bringing 40k Events to Origins Game Fair in Columbus, Oh. Ask me for more info! 
Made in us
Repentia Mistress

 amazingturtles wrote:
I went and got the battle for the glades set for kings of war. I like the trident realms guys! plus they come i am assuming with more tiny otters, which is something i always need, all the time.

Have mercy on me, as a sinner, etc.

Good man! Heartpiercers got better in cok18. I still tend to like ensnarers mostly though

Made in gb
Fixture of Dakka

 porkuslime wrote:
crap-tons of miniature space ships from Star Trek Attack Wing ,at a buck a pop, with cards and tokens..

Sounds like you got a good deal there.

My last purchases were yesterday - Jabba the Hutt and Alliance Rangers for Imperial Assault, a couple of paints, a drybrush, and a pre-order for Eisenhorn & the new book (Magos?).

2021-4 Plog - Here we go again... - my fifth attempt at a Dakka PLOG

My Pile of Potential - updates ongoing...

Gamgee on Tau Players wrote:we all kill cats and sell our own families to the devil and eat live puppies.

 Kanluwen wrote:
This is, emphatically, why I will continue suggesting nuking Guard and starting over again. It's a legacy army that needs to be rebooted with a new focal point.

Confirmation of why no-one should listen to Kanluwen when it comes to the IG - he doesn't want the IG, he want's Kan's New Model Army...

tneva82 wrote:
You aren't even trying ty pretend for honest arqument. Open bad faith trolling.
- No reason to keep this here, unless people want to use it for something... 
Made in us
Damsel of the Lady

drinking tea in the snow

 ncshooter426 wrote:
 amazingturtles wrote:
I went and got the battle for the glades set for kings of war. I like the trident realms guys! plus they come i am assuming with more tiny otters, which is something i always need, all the time.

Have mercy on me, as a sinner, etc.

Good man! Heartpiercers got better in cok18. I still tend to like ensnarers mostly though

Heh, well, good woman in this case. But thanks! That is good to know about heartpiercers, i've already got some ensarers and i've been debating whether to make all of the new ones i get heartpiercers or not.

i'm not sure what i'm going to do with the abyss stuff though.

realism is a lie
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut


Most recent thing...probably the dnd 5.0 collection and the Arkham Horror game (I'm such a huge fan).

Model-wise I think I'm gonna order Dorn, because feth it.

Shadowkeepers (4000 points)
3rd Company (3000 points) 
Made in hu
Squishy Squig


A box of Stormboyz, Gretchins, Start Collecting! Orks and a Space Marine Attack Bike - to convert it to a Looted Warbuggy.

Planetary Invasion Campaign: https://aliensandheretics.wordpress.com/  
Made in ca
Fixture of Dakka

Surrey, BC - Canada

I bought a "Suppressor" [Repressor] tank upgrade from Rivetzone Enterprises and a Rhino tank for the chassis. Looks very close to the FW Repressor.



Made in us
Blood-Raging Khorne Berserker

Pittsburgh, PA

Ordered Dorn. Also purchased a Malifaux “Curiosity Killed the Cat” box on eBay. Spent way too much money.
Made in fr
Longtime Dakkanaut

Bought three of the Malign Portents Heralds, the supplement and Death battle tome. Will be getting Morathi and the Daughters of Khaine battle tome. It's a toss up if I get the dice. I love buying dice, but I know damn well they'll end up in the bag with a few hundred others, so I tend to convince myself not too.
Made in us
Posts with Authority

Lots of Mechanicus terrain.

Mob Rule is not a rule. 
Made in gb
Dakka Veteran

I've definitely been overdoing it recently on the hobby spending, perhaps I'm having a mid life crisis. Anyway my most recent purchase is The Great Unclean One, but thinking about it I've bough far too much since Christmas.
And the wargaming/tabletop show season is coming up where I always buy some bits and pieces, and Salute where I buy lots of bits and pieces...

I've been playing a while, my first model was a lead marine and my first White Dwarf was bound with staples 
Made in lt
Longtime Dakkanaut

Malign Portents dice, Nagash Omnibus and Malign Portents supplement book.

Planning on buying a pack of fancy Custodian spears, the FW Shield Captain, Valdor and maybe a second Achillus dread.

Made in gb
Incorporating Wet-Blending

Wales: Where the Men are Men and the sheep are Scared.

Inquisition crusaders.

Made in be
Courageous Beastmaster

Dungeons and dragons stuff mainly for gaming. Some Ecoline and pencil to produce maps for that.

Purple and green paints for 40K , trying to clear some backlog of painting and building.

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