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Made in lt
Longtime Dakkanaut

I still think it's going to be new unit for Sisters of Silence with their pets. Oh, I just noticed the Aquila, it's more of 40k than Heresy.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/01/25 22:32:46

Made in in
Otiose in a Niche

Hyderabad, India

This should certainly be reposed here.

Made in au
Owns Whole Set of Skullz Techpriests

Versteckt in den Schatten deines Geistes.

Look at that lil' webber peaking through!

Industrial Insanity - My Terrain Blog
"GW really needs to understand 'Less is more' when it comes to AoS." - Wha-Mu-077

Made in fi
Posts with Authority

Ugh, Reikland Reavers in Space, not killing it. The old metal Arbites were far superior IMO

Soulshackle terrain (and therefore the book) OTOH is a must-have. Damn. This might be the first KT21 box I'll be selling stuff from, none of my mates need the models.. And I don't fancy either team.

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2023/01/27 09:00:50

"The larger point though, is that as players, we have more control over what the game looks and feels like than most of us are willing to use in order to solve our own problems" 
Made in au
Liche Priest Hierophant

 Kid_Kyoto wrote:
This should certainly be reposed here.

Those are some lovely sisters of silence/kasrkin
Made in gb
Martial Arts SAS

United Kingdom

The change to the helmets is.. not doing anything for me. If the Anvil Industries "Gothic Void Trooper" was Anvil's take on the Solar Auxilia, these helmets feel like GW's take on Anvil's take and the end result is a a bit too much Adepta Sororitas and not enough Judge Dredd.

But that's cool, head swaps should be easy enough..

Made in gb
Sadistic Inquisitorial Excruciator

Exeter, UK

 Siygess wrote:
The change to the helmets is.. not doing anything for me. If the Anvil Industries "Gothic Void Trooper" was Anvil's take on the Solar Auxilia, these helmets feel like GW's take on Anvil's take and the end result is a a bit too much Adepta Sororitas and not enough Judge Dredd.

But that's cool, head swaps should be easy enough..

It's like they've added a little Robocop to go with their Dredd, which is fine by me.
Made in de
Servoarm Flailing Magos


 Shakalooloo wrote:
 Siygess wrote:
The change to the helmets is.. not doing anything for me. If the Anvil Industries "Gothic Void Trooper" was Anvil's take on the Solar Auxilia, these helmets feel like GW's take on Anvil's take and the end result is a a bit too much Adepta Sororitas and not enough Judge Dredd.

But that's cool, head swaps should be easy enough..

It's like they've added a little Robocop to go with their Dredd, which is fine by me.

Alternative heads are also among the easiest conversions, and there are several not-Arbites heads available online.
Made in us
Master Engineer with a Brace of Pistols

washington state USA

Well they kind of had to change the helmet....since they stole the original design from judge dread.

GAMES-DUST1947/infinity/B5 wars/epic 40K/5th ed 40K/victory at sea/warmachine/battle tactics/monpoc/battletech/battlefleet gothic/castles in the sky,/heavy gear 
Made in gb
Stealthy Warhound Titan Princeps

They seem okay, a bit overdone but not too bad. Shield looks a bit small, and only one shield shown I think it's a safe bet they'll be duo-pose like most kits are these days

Made in at
Deranged Necron Destroyer

The only real miss is the gimp helmet, the other ones are fine.
Didn't the article say that you'd be able to build a whole riot shield squad for 40k?
Made in gb
Stealthy Warhound Titan Princeps

Dunno I've not read it yet. I like that there's 11 guys included, feels like a bonus.

/Yes article says multiple loadouts (shotguns, shields mentioned, plus these specialists shown).

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/01/27 10:06:07

Made in gb
Moustache-twirling Princeps

United Kingdom

Irdiumstern wrote:
Didn't the article say that you'd be able to build a whole riot shield squad for 40k?
I'm sure the stream said you could build them all as shotguns, maul & shield or specialists.
Made in de
Servoarm Flailing Magos


beast_gts wrote:
Irdiumstern wrote:
Didn't the article say that you'd be able to build a whole riot shield squad for 40k?
I'm sure the stream said you could build them all as shotguns, maul & shield or specialists.

There's also at least one webgun shown in the background shot that is not on the presentation shots, so there's more options in the kit than currently shown.
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Richmond, VA

This kit is just so good. All shotguns, all mauls/shields, or specialists? 10/10. I want at least three of these units and I need to convert up a Judge.
Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

The guy who forgot his proper weapons and boarded the space hulk with only his pistol must feel pretty dumb.
Made in de
Servoarm Flailing Magos


 Lord Damocles wrote:
The guy who forgot his proper weapons and boarded the space hulk with only his pistol must feel pretty dumb.

About as dumb as the guy who packed the standard manacles instead the four-hooped version for genestealers
Made in gb
Using Object Source Lighting

Remind me of stormcast in space.

Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut


 Lord Damocles wrote:
The guy who forgot his proper weapons and boarded the space hulk with only his pistol must feel pretty dumb.

He was already overburdened waddling along with his clearly weighty steel balls.
Made in in
Otiose in a Niche

Hyderabad, India

Full shots.

Note that they're all supposed to have shotgun and shield/maul builds AND 40k rules.

They'd better be available on their own!
[Thumb - 1158723-.jpg]

[Thumb - 1158724-.jpg]

Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

 Kid_Kyoto wrote:

Note that they're all supposed to have shotgun and shield/maul builds AND 40k rules.

Which would be nice, but I'd be concerned about them being abandonware like Servants of the Abyss or the unique Kill Teams.
Made in gb
Sadistic Inquisitorial Excruciator

Exeter, UK

 Lord Damocles wrote:
 Kid_Kyoto wrote:

Note that they're all supposed to have shotgun and shield/maul builds AND 40k rules.

Which would be nice, but I'd be concerned about them being abandonware like Servants of the Abyss or the unique Kill Teams.

Unlikely if they have multiple builds on the sprue. The servants, the Gellarpox and the Starstriders were all very solidly monopose.
Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

Get daaahn Ernie, it’s the filth!

Kind of like these, but they’re oddly skinny.

Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

 aphyon wrote:
Well they kind of had to change the helmet....since they stole the original design from judge dread.

They took inspiration from it, especially as GW used to make Judge Dredd Miniatures.

Neither is the style of helmet owned by Judge Dredd where no one else can use it, that sort of thing was generally been shown on Arbites even this many years after the original miniatures. They did not need to change it.
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

I love these, but the unarmoured bellies are a bit odd. There are squishy bits there, and even a judge needs those bits to function!
Made in gb
Storm Trooper with Maglight

I’m not a fan of these Arbites, They remind me of Sisters of Battle, in a bad way. Not that I dislike Sororitas, I just want my Arbites to look the part.
Made in in
Otiose in a Niche

Hyderabad, India

 Lord Damocles wrote:
 Kid_Kyoto wrote:

Note that they're all supposed to have shotgun and shield/maul builds AND 40k rules.

Which would be nice, but I'd be concerned about them being abandonware like Servants of the Abyss or the unique Kill Teams.

Oh that's a given.

I mean how many weird random units are out there with just PDF rules?

Starstriders, 2 or 3 different Traitor Guard units, Navy Breachers, who knows what else.

Unless GW is planning an 'all the rest' book these guys rules will never survive into 10th.

I'll buy them, later count them as Guard, or Sisters or whatever. It's what I was already doing.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Patriarch wrote:
I love these, but the unarmoured bellies are a bit odd. There are squishy bits there, and even a judge needs those bits to function!

Kevlar tunic and subdermal armor?

Yeah it's a bit of an odd design but I like the glimpse of the formal looking uniform under the armor.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/01/27 13:47:14

Made in de
Servoarm Flailing Magos


 Kid_Kyoto wrote:
 Lord Damocles wrote:
 Kid_Kyoto wrote:

Note that they're all supposed to have shotgun and shield/maul builds AND 40k rules.

Which would be nice, but I'd be concerned about them being abandonware like Servants of the Abyss or the unique Kill Teams.

Oh that's a given.

I mean how many weird random units are out there with just PDF rules?

Starstriders, 2 or 3 different Traitor Guard units, Navy Breachers, who knows what else.

Unless GW is planning an 'all the rest' book these guys rules will never survive into 10th.

I'll buy them, later count them as Guard, or Sisters or whatever. It's what I was already doing.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Patriarch wrote:
I love these, but the unarmoured bellies are a bit odd. There are squishy bits there, and even a judge needs those bits to function!

Kevlar tunic and subdermal armor?

Yeah it's a bit of an odd design but I like the glimpse of the formal looking uniform under the armor.

I sure hope an 'Agents of the Imperium' book will collect all these random dudes - the chances are not that bad for as long as Kill Team plastic sets remain in production, these have to be enough of an investment that furthering their sale via cross-selling them to 40k players seems to be a no-brainer.
Made in us
Terrifying Doombull

El Torro wrote:
I’m not a fan of these Arbites, They remind me of Sisters of Battle, in a bad way. Not that I dislike Sororitas, I just want my Arbites to look the part.

Same. They have the Required Design Elements, but they're not meshed or blended together in a way that feels reasonable or looks good. The armor here is particularly blah.

Efficiency is the highest virtue. 
Made in gb
Calculating Commissar


Arbites uniforms are armoured (probably flak weave) so the abdomen isn't unprotected- sort of the 40k equivalent to mail covering the gaps between plate. Probably should have a second carapace plate over the abdomen though.

 ChargerIIC wrote:
If algae farm paste with a little bit of your grandfather in it isn't Grimdark I don't know what is.
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