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2012/04/25 16:43:35
Subject: [Kings of War] Mantic Fantasy News & Rumors
Fixture of Dakka
This is a thread for News and Rumors related to Mantic Games' Kings of War and Dwarf Kings Hold games.
Darsc Zacal on Mantic Games Forums wrote:
-The new Kings of War hardcover rulebook is being planned as a June release. It will feature 8 armies and include rules for sieges, magic items, tournament play and special advanced rules.
-Only 7of the 8 armies will have been produced by the time the rulebook is released.
-3 new armies will be coming in an expansion to the rules in 2014, rather than rushing to get them into the hardback.
-Ronnie expects this version of the KoW rulebook to have no major revisions for the next 5 years.
-With the rules being fixed for the next 5 years, Ronnie expects Mantic to focus on boardgame style releases for 2 months of each year, with miniatures being the focus the remaining 10 months of each year.
-New warhost-style starter sets coming, with rules, dice and wound counters to give people a lower entry point to the game.
-Expect Orcs & Goblins vs Undead in the starter set.
-Mantic will soon be launching their own Podcast. The first episode will focus on the upcoming Pandora boxed game and will feature an interview with games designer Jake Thornton.
-Ronnie has stated that starting in 2012 it's Mantic's intention to alternate monthly releases between their systems, with a few surprises being thrown in of course.
- Ancient Grudge is the latest expansion for the Dwarf Kings Hold series of games.
- Introduces multiplayer rules, warbands, new races, and a couple new rooms to the game series.
- Because it is an expansion, and not a full game on it's own, you will also need one of the previous Dwarf Kings Hold sets to use this set.
No news or rumours for Elves at this time.
-The next miniature undead unit will be 3 "giant wights". no further info on them yet.
-Ronnie has again stated that Dwarven Cavalry will eventually be released. No timeline given however.
-Ronnie also has mentioned them as mounted on Badgers. Although it's unclear as to whether this was a joke or meant to be taken seriously.*
-Ronnie has confirmed restic releases for the Abyssal Dwarves for later this year. They will include restic halfbreeds as well as large mortars, while the other releases will be announced at a later date.
-Slave Orcs will be part of this release. Ronnie has stated they will be based on the current Orc sprues although likely with different arms. Their official Mantic paint scheme will also like be something other than green, to reflect the fact that they have spent a lifetime underground.
-Rumours are that Orcs with bows will be coming out at a later date.
No current news or rumour updates.
-Ronnie has confirmed a plastic(unclear if restic was meant) unit of goblin archers will be released later in the year.
-No release date given, but Ronnie has stated that the archers are currently away being tooled, so it's sounds like maybe a bit sooner than later.
-Ronnie has also stated that the goblin spearmen will be redone plastic (possibly he meant restic). It sounds like this is planned to be done in time for the new KoW starter set.
*Insert howls of delight from gaarew here*
-Confirmed by Ronnie. We can expect werewolfs later this year. Ronnie stated they will be plastic, but again he might have meant restic. No further details yet.
-Trolls are currently in the works and could be released before the end of the year.
-It's a little unclear how big a release this will be, but expect them as supportive units rather than their own army.
-Rumblings of Ogres from Mantic have been going on for quite a while now, and I'm pleased to say that Ronnie has confirmed they will be released as a mercenary unit after the trolls, so we're likely looking at Ogres early in the New Year 2013.
-I have to admit I was hoping for an Ogre army, but a mercenary unit is at least a start.*
-Indications are that Ronnie feels that humans are already well represented in the Fantasy market by other manufacturers plastic ranges. It sounds like there are no immediate plans for Mantic to put out their own.
-Whenever mantic does do them, expect the first human army they do to be of a "good" alignment base.
-Demons were mentioned for the first time at Mantics Open House. No further details on this possible army yet, although they might just exist as possible support units for the Twilight Kin army list.
This message was edited 12 times. Last update was at 2022/10/17 10:17:08
2012/04/28 11:57:46
Subject: [Kings of War][Dwarf Kings Hold] Mantic Games - Fantasy News & Rumors
Pious Warrior Priest
Some snippets of the box art for KoW 3rd edition.
Looks like the box will be Undead vs. Orcs and Goblins, which is good because those are mantic's 2 best-looking model ranges.
As an aside, I think I understand the design behind the orcs and goblins now, it seems like they are inspired by fish with big fangs, it explains the facial shape.
-3 new armies will be coming in an expansion to the rules in 2014, rather than rushing to get them into the hardback.
These 3 new armies are now confirmed to be human-based and "Angels/Paladins", "Nature" and "Evil".
This message was edited 5 times. Last update was at 2012/04/28 12:16:23
2012/04/28 12:12:50
Subject: Re:[Kings of War][Dwarf Kings Hold] Mantic Games - Fantasy News & Rumors
Joined the Military for Authentic Experience
On an Express Elevator to Hell!!
I think they are just meant to look like the classic kind of 'orc' trope? I had some old illustrated Tolkein books, and in some D&D stuff they have more of that kind of cunning, evil look. World of Warcraft as well for that matter.
Thanks for opening this thread though Cyporiean
Just heard the Mantic event in Swindon next weekend has been cancelled, which is a great shame! Was really looking forward to seeing what kind of new stuff was on its way.
2012/05/04 20:55:14
Subject: [Kings of War][Dwarf Kings Hold] Mantic Games - Fantasy News & Rumors
Pious Warrior Priest
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2012/05/04 20:57:49
2012/05/04 20:57:53
Subject: [Kings of War][Dwarf Kings Hold] Mantic Games - Fantasy News & Rumors
Joined the Military for Authentic Experience
On an Express Elevator to Hell!!
Wonderful stuff, was looking forward to these guys!
Are these guys proper plastic do you know?
2012/05/04 21:02:25
Subject: [Kings of War][Dwarf Kings Hold] Mantic Games - Fantasy News & Rumors
Fixture of Dakka
Pacific wrote:Wonderful stuff, was looking forward to these guys!
Are these guys proper plastic do you know?
From what I've heard, yes, they are Plastic and not Restic.
2012/05/04 22:06:48
Subject: [Kings of War][Dwarf Kings Hold] Mantic Games - Fantasy News & Rumors
Pious Warrior Priest
Also, if you look closely at the pic, you'll see 5 different bodies, which means the sprue will at least be a 5-goblin job, with seperate heads and arms... *or* that that picture is a hybrid unit consisting of 3 of the exisiting metal goblin bodies and 2 new plastic ones:
Here's a pic of the metal goblins for reference, you can clearly see 3 different bodies and all of the heads present from the metal kit in the archer pic posted above, the three in the centre of the archer unit are the same bodies and heads as the metal spears, and the 2 at each end appear to have bodies from the new plastics instead.
Only thing we're not sure on at this point is if the spears will move to plastic at the same time as the archers (would be quite easy to do by replacing the bow parts of the sprue with spear and shield parts).
I'm hoping they will, it would be great to have a proper goblin release of plastic bows and spears, people have already said loud and clear that they're not that interested in either restic or hybrids for them, but would go nuts for plastic.
Also, the Warpath box didn't get much in the way of plastic, which wasn't very well received, so I really hope mantic get more than a 2-goblin archer sprue out in time for the new KoW boxset, it would really, really pay off for them to put some real investment into the goblins now that we've confirmed that the sculpts look awesome.
This message was edited 4 times. Last update was at 2012/05/04 22:18:13
2012/05/07 10:32:21
Subject: Re:[Kings of War][Dwarf Kings Hold] Mantic Games - Fantasy News & Rumors
Neophyte Undergoing Surgeries
Can't wait to see how the ogres appear, might be a cheaper alternative to ogre kingdoms.
2012/05/07 12:15:47
Subject: [Kings of War][Dwarf Kings Hold] Mantic Games - Fantasy News & Rumors
Posts with Authority
I'm from the future. The future of space
If mantic makes plastic ogres that are not dumpy mongolians, I'll definitely be happy.
The goblins look awesome.
Balance in pick up games? Two people, each with their own goals for the game, design half a board game on their own without knowing the layout of the board and hope it all works out. Good luck with that. The faster you can find like minded individuals who want the same things from the game as you, the better. |
2012/05/07 13:19:08
Subject: [Kings of War][Dwarf Kings Hold] Mantic Games - Fantasy News & Rumors
Incorporating Wet-Blending
frozenwastes wrote:If mantic makes plastic ogres that are not dumpy mongolians, I'll definitely be happy.
I'd favour a similar approach. GW's monstrous races are less than human, and I'd like to see that done differently. A race of giants that possess a more complex personality than "eat stuff" would be more my thing.
The goblins look awesome.
I like the Mawbeast handler better. The handler looks like it comes from a martial race (think Hobgoblins from D&D) one could imagine with classical-era armies of phalanx or legionnaires, something the actual rank and file fail to live up to.
"When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up."
-C.S. Lewis |
2012/05/08 01:51:08
Subject: [Kings of War][Dwarf Kings Hold] Mantic Games - Fantasy News & Rumors
Posts with Authority
I'm from the future. The future of space
I didn't even really look at their clothing. But yeah, these guys are peasant conscripts compared to the handler's actual martial appearance.
Balance in pick up games? Two people, each with their own goals for the game, design half a board game on their own without knowing the layout of the board and hope it all works out. Good luck with that. The faster you can find like minded individuals who want the same things from the game as you, the better. |
2012/05/08 11:22:11
Subject: Re:[Kings of War][Dwarf Kings Hold] Mantic Games - Fantasy News & Rumors
Et In Arcadia Ego
Mr. Thornton has started something of a "Living FAQ" on his blog, fine fellow that he is t'would seem he's willing to answer queries directly if they're posted as a comment.
Which is nice.
The poor man really has a stake in the country. The rich man hasn't; he can go away to New Guinea in a yacht. The poor have sometimes objected to being governed badly; the rich have always objected to being governed at all
We love our superheroes because they refuse to give up on us. We can analyze them out of existence, kill them, ban them, mock them, and still they return, patiently reminding us of who we are and what we wish we could be.
"the play's the thing wherein I'll catch the conscience of the king, |
2012/05/11 22:19:30
Subject: Re:[Kings of War][Dwarf Kings Hold] Mantic Games - Fantasy News & Rumors
Joined the Military for Authentic Experience
On an Express Elevator to Hell!!
The Kings of War rulebook (hardback) is coming in June
On the Mantic Blog:
Blurb from the website:
A gaming system that is simple, clearly written and innovative.
Written by Alessio Cavatore, Kings of War is an easy-to-learn fantasy battle wargame that is simple, tactical and innovative.
All of the rules have been fine-tuned after thousands of games and hundreds of pieces of feedback from the gaming community – it is a game written for gamers, by gamers that allows you to play large-scale games with lots of miniatures quickly, or fun, competitive games in tournaments.
The new 144-page full colour rulebook also features new expanded rules for Campaigns, Terrain and Siege Warfare, as well as an in-built tournament pack.
An ever-expanding Miniatures range at an affordable price
Six armies are now available with an ever-expanding range of miniatures – from horrifying Undead, brutal Orcs all the way to proud Dwarfs and stoic Elves – Check out the shop to see the full range of fantasy battle miniatures.
A fantasy battle game written for both the Casual and Competitive Player.
With an innovative turn sequence, a built-in tournament pack and the option to play timed games, Kings of War is a fast and simple game that naturally lends itself to competitive events. It’s such a good fit, even our own tournament organizers have been able to play whilst running the event!
A fantasy world brought to life
The Kings of War world has been developing behind-the-scenes for months and the new Rulebook finally lays it to bear. With a detailed map of the new world and the history of the land and its races, this rich fantasy realm is one of war and bloodshed where kingdoms clash in epic battles.
2012/05/12 09:48:13
Subject: [Kings of War][Dwarf Kings Hold] Mantic Games - Fantasy News & Rumors
Pious Warrior Priest
Kings of War "Assault Force" boxes are starting to appear as pre-orders.
There's 4 different ones, for Elves, Orcs, Dwarves and Undead.
According to rumours, they will include a copy of the rules, a ton of figures and stuff like wound counters and dice, to make them a proper starter set, with the armies balanced against each other, so you can play one box against another.
£30 each, for sale 23rd of June alongside the new rulebook.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2012/05/12 09:48:32
2012/05/16 18:39:30
Subject: [Kings of War][Dwarf Kings Hold] Mantic Games - Fantasy News & Rumors
Pious Warrior Priest
New plastic goblin archers, out in July:
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2012/05/16 18:40:14
2012/05/16 18:53:41
Subject: [Kings of War][Dwarf Kings Hold] Mantic Games - Fantasy News & Rumors
Battlefield Tourist
I gotta say I like those. the faces are excellent, and the armour is really nice too. If I didn't already have a squillion goblins of various kinds, I'd be picking some up!
2012/05/17 12:07:59
Subject: [Kings of War][Dwarf Kings Hold] Mantic Games - Fantasy News & Rumors
Joined the Military for Authentic Experience
On an Express Elevator to Hell!!
Those guys look great, and I think fit the design aesthetic of the Mantic Orcs quite well. I wonder what kind of price we can expect them to be?
2012/05/19 13:27:16
Subject: [Kings of War][Dwarf Kings Hold] Mantic Games - Fantasy News & Rumors
Pious Warrior Priest
List of KoW releases for July and August:
Kings of War: Dwarven Assault Force
Kings of War: Elven Assault Force
Kings of War: Abyssal Dwarf Katsuchan Launcher
Kings of War: Abyssal Dwarf Half-Breed Cavalry
Kings of War: Abyssal Dwarf Immortal Guard
Kings of War: Abyssal Dwarf Blacksouls
Kings of War: Abyssal Dwarf Decimators
Kings of War: Abyssal Dwarf Army
Kings of War Rulebook 2012
Kings of War Starter Set
Kings of War: Orcs Assault Force
Kings of War: Undead Assault Force
Pricing looks largely the same on the Abyssal infantry, although keep in mind that these advance lists are often wrong by quite large amounts (For instance, some webstores already put the assault forces up for pre-order for much less than $60). Plus, it *might* be a case of a complete restic reboot,so that the models are no longer hybrids based on the fantasy dwarves. The army box going down in price by 25% to £50/$75 certainly suggests that.
There was also something about Mega Army sets, for Orcs/ Undead/ Dwarves/ Elves/ Abyssals for $174.99, although I'm not sure if that's a new release or a re-release of the existing ones.
2012/05/19 13:51:29
Subject: [Kings of War][Dwarf Kings Hold] Mantic Games - Fantasy News & Rumors
Joined the Military for Authentic Experience
On an Express Elevator to Hell!!
I actually quite like the Abyssal Guard, they remind me of the 'Dark Dwarves' in Warcraft!
Will be interesting to see what the army boxes are comprised of in any case.
(By the way Scarletsquig, you realise you can't make another post now and change that post count? )
2012/05/19 16:52:48
Subject: [Kings of War][Dwarf Kings Hold] Mantic Games - Fantasy News & Rumors
Auspicious Aspiring Champion of Chaos
Mantic is low on Vermyyn stock due to the cargo ship that was carrying the majority crashing into another ship and becoming non-seaworthy.
Mantic elite and preorders are unaffected.
I collect:
Grand alliance death (whole alliance)
Stormcast eternals
Slaves to Darkness - currently Nurgle but may expand to undivided.
2012/05/22 16:28:36
Subject: [Kings of War][Dwarf Kings Hold] Mantic Games - Fantasy News & Rumors
Auspicious Aspiring Champion of Chaos
Goblin bowmen are hard plastic on sprue:
I collect:
Grand alliance death (whole alliance)
Stormcast eternals
Slaves to Darkness - currently Nurgle but may expand to undivided.
2012/05/23 17:24:19
Subject: [Kings of War][Dwarf Kings Hold] Mantic Games - Fantasy News & Rumors
Pious Warrior Priest
This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2012/05/24 13:48:10
2012/05/23 18:49:33
Subject: [Kings of War][Dwarf Kings Hold] Mantic Games - Fantasy News & Rumors
Courageous Beastmaster
They new or existing sculpts? Or was it just the hero type alone?
In any case, hope they come in at a good price. Would be cool to see being used in lieu of non-existant Forgeworld models.
2012/05/23 19:04:37
Subject: Re:[Kings of War][Dwarf Kings Hold] Mantic Games - Fantasy News & Rumors
Decrepit Dakkanaut
These are NOT new releases but sold for about a year, or do I miss something?
Kings of War: Abyssal Dwarf Katsuchan Launcher $24.99 August
Kings of War: Abyssal Dwarf Immortal Guard $29.99 August
Kings of War: Abyssal Dwarf Blacksouls $34.99 August
Kings of War: Abyssal Dwarf Decimators $24.99 August
Kings of War: Abyssal Dwarf Army $74.99 August
The Abyssal Dwarf Half-Breed Cavalry seems new. Not sure about the newly named army deals.
Oh, on Vermyn: Officially they are NOT Fantasy miniatures.
2012/05/23 19:41:38
Subject: [Kings of War][Dwarf Kings Hold] Mantic Games - Fantasy News & Rumors
Pious Warrior Priest
These are new resin plastic releases, the entire range is being changed from metal hybrids to resin plastic to make them cheaper (or at least, make the army box cheaper, since restic and metal hybrids are about the same price).
No idea how much of the original metal sculpts will make it into the new resin plastic versions at this point, more previews coming this week.
Halfbreeds are all-new sculpts, only the metal halfbreed hero was released last year.
This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2012/05/23 19:44:39
2012/05/24 18:16:01
Subject: [Kings of War][Dwarf Kings Hold] Mantic Games - Fantasy News & Rumors
Pious Warrior Priest
More pics!
Mortar and slave orcs
2012/05/24 18:22:35
Subject: [Kings of War][Dwarf Kings Hold] Mantic Games - Fantasy News & Rumors
Fixture of Dakka
Aside from the dude in the middle, and the paint scheme, is there anything different from those slave orcs then regular orcs?
2012/05/24 20:46:21
Subject: Re:[Kings of War][Dwarf Kings Hold] Mantic Games - Fantasy News & Rumors
Grisly Ghost Ark Driver
I never understood why you would arm your slaves with fine armor and weaponry, such a waste of material resources.
2012/05/24 20:48:48
Subject: Re:[Kings of War][Dwarf Kings Hold] Mantic Games - Fantasy News & Rumors
Lord of the Fleet
Kurgash wrote:I never understood why you would arm your slaves with fine armor and weaponry, such a waste of material resources.
Not to mention if theres a revolt......
2012/05/25 00:09:15
Subject: [Kings of War][Dwarf Kings Hold] Mantic Games - Fantasy News & Rumors
Joined the Military for Authentic Experience
On an Express Elevator to Hell!!
I'm pretty sure they are just normal orcs, the only differences I can see are the dude in the back with the whip and the weird thing on a rock at the front!