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![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/08/04 20:53:56
Subject: PDH - Yggdrasillium Pillgrimage - (Word Bearer's Dark Apostle - daemonically possessed storm bolter)
Sadistic Inquisitorial Excruciator
Preston/England/United Kingdom
Neil, some other friends and I will be playing some games in October set aboard a vast space hulk. We will be using the Necromunda Community Edition ruleset. Originally I planned on using my Scavvies but no more so yet again they are on hold.
I started out listing how I saw the space hulk from the outside and it kind of evolved into a character and the beginning of a story and I have become so taken with the idea I am now starting a new gang...or an Chaos Undivided Warband.
The Master of the ship looked out the view port and a rare smile cracked across his gaunt hideous features. Burn flare from the Idolater escort ship reflected and flickered from his obsidian horns. The Tzeentchian daemons had told the truth, or a version of it anyway, the lies and untruths would come to light later. The Master could feel the tremors of the warp, something large was coming.
A rip of multicoloured nonlight appeared in the fabric of space, a groan and a shudder rippled across space in every direction. His ship was too close but the Idolater was closer, the daemons lies had begun to manifest, and the small escort ship was sucked towards the tear in reality. The Master was confident that the ship’s captain was taking the correct evasive action, besides the Daemons wanted the Master to live for who else was going to free them.
The Master stepped onto the bridge and addressed his lieutenant. “This is your ship for now. I am taking a shuttle and a few of my servants; I expect the rest to be protected while I am away. If the Arkke re-enters the Aether while I am aboard then it is the will of the gods and the lies of Daemons. I will escape and catch up with you. I will take back what is mine, from your cold dead hands if necessary, but until then continue as I have done.” His lieutenant bowed his head in a mark of understanding and respect.
Turning and looking at the view screen the Master gazed at the monstrous form of the Arkke. Space had turned purple at the edges of the Arkke, like a halo; around the head of a fallen saint. The Idolater still had not impacted with the Arkke but it would happen soon, it was stuck in some form of gravity field. The Master thought back through the years and realised he had never seen a hulk of such magnitude, a tumour of technology, magik and rock. At the base of the Arkke he could see many ships, of both Xenos and Imperial design, crushed together at all angles. Ice crystals were flowing from the very bottom of the mass as tonnes of water flowed from what would be a worthless bilge, formed naturally in this amalgamation of space fairing vessels. He corrected himself as he realised that this bilge was life giving and the reason for his pilgrimage. Stalactites of various materials hung from the compact mass of vessels like teeth in an Orks maw. Looking upwards to the top of this huge cancerous wreck he saw what could only be described as a derelict space station, perhaps it was once a Blackstone, covered in rock and asteroid damage. Various coloured lights shone from view ports and the main bridge section seemed to be active and undamaged but no one had answered his earlier hails. He paid it little thought as his destination would be much lower in the murk and stink of foul waters.
“Have the slave crews prepare a shuttle. I am taking my leave. This pilgrimage to the Yggdrasillium will give me the next vision and reveal their prison.”
With only two months to get them painted I am setting myself quite a challenge! We all know how slow I am.
I started the first three today. A haegtesse* and two renegade guardsman** sorry about the picture quality
(*Mortis Engine Necromancer with Daemonette head, FW Renagade Backpack and random Chaos Icon) (**Empire Archer Legs, FW Enforcer Torsos and heads from the new Plague Bearers sprues one will be armed with a shotgun and the other a sword and autopistol).
Rules wise I think I will be using them as House Orlock any mutations will probably be just for show rather than effect.
This message was edited 5 times. Last update was at 2014/09/21 20:33:38
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/08/05 16:01:03
Subject: Re:PDH - Yggdrasillium Pillgrimage - Chaos Undivided Warband
Ruthless Interrogator
Whaaaat?  You doing a Chaos warband is gonna be a real treat! I was curious what you were up to when you mentioned in my thread you picked up a plaguebearer box.
You can never beat your first time. The second generation is shinier, stronger, faster and superior in every regard save one, and it's an unfair criticism to level, but it simply can't be as original. - Andy Chambers, on the evolution of Games Workshop games |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/08/05 16:13:09
Subject: Re:PDH - Yggdrasillium Pillgrimage - Chaos Undivided Warband
Virulent Space Marine dedicated to Nurgle
I'm liking it already. Loving the eerie vibe the female radiates. I'm in!
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/08/05 19:07:24
Subject: Re:PDH - Yggdrasillium Pillgrimage - Chaos Undivided Warband
Aspirant Tech-Adept
Interesting! My Chaos warband is on hold, but I love the concept and really like the direction you are taking here. Two months eh?
Rules wise I think I will be using them as House Orlock any mutations will probably be just for show rather than effect.
I think it's a good choice to use a house gang, too many outlaw gangs and things get a bit messy. I was planning to do the same thing with my chaos cult except I was planning to draw up a slightly modified rule set - I think you can justify adding a few minor things (like a wyrd power on your leader) in exchange for a few drawbacks. Nothing too radical, but enough to give the rules a bit of personality.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/08/05 22:54:37
Subject: PDH - Yggdrasillium Pillgrimage - Chaos Undivided Warband
Using Inks and Washes
Exciting start, Peter! Gutted for the loss of the scavvy work, obviously, but this looks exciting too! Not surprised you've already snapped up the new PBs - vaguely humanoid, nice and twisted, sounds right up your alley!
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/08/06 06:35:02
Subject: Re:PDH - Yggdrasillium Pillgrimage - Chaos Undivided Warband
Sadistic Inquisitorial Excruciator
Preston/England/United Kingdom
Starfarer - Hey Cad. It is only going to be a quick warband and after the purity of my last project something primordial and nasty sounded fun.
Dakka_Dok - Cheers. Yeah she was a break through all thanks to CM Dante. Originally I had a flagellant head male, bald, mouth sewn shut. It was at this point I remembered what Dante had said about my scavvies and all that baldness and too much similarity. So I actually sat back and thought more about the model and what heads I have in my bits box. My first thought was what creepy male heads have hair then I was hit with.....make it a witch, make him a her. With the cloak covering the whole model no problems with anatomy.
Bruticus - To be honest this group will have a much more military feel than most Nerco gangs I would consider doing. But they won't all be getting Lasguns and armed the same mind.
Rules wise mutations wouldn't be much of a problem if I chose to use them since this campaign day is only a one off/twice a year kind of thing. Much more =I=Munda that Necromunda I suppose... Since we have 1400 creds at recruitment. Leader has plus 1 wound and three freely chosen skills or stat upgrades. Three other stat or skill upgrades can be freely distributed throughout the gang too. Also any equipment can be chosen at the very start, even rare trade items. The Haegtesse will be a Wyrd.
Have you seen the cool terrain Neil has been making...and of course the start of his gang?
Scarper - I will return to the scavvies as I really want to get them completed too. But I felt like I was going to rush them for October. I messed up the paint job on the metal chap with blunderbuss because I rushed him. I will try and get Scarper the dog done and include him in this a Warg sized puppy might look nice and chaotic running along side these guys.
I snapped up the Plague Bearers because they are my favourite Daemons since the early 90's and I want to paint one or two for fun. The Nurgle Death Heads on the sprue were just a bonus for this project because we all know that followers of chaos can still see even with their eyes sewn up.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/08/06 06:49:09
Subject: PDH - Yggdrasillium Pillgrimage - Chaos Undivided Warband
Lord Commander in a Plush Chair
California + Philidelphia
PDH those guys look fantastic! I LOVE the choice of heads on the renegade guardsmen, they are filled with so much character! I will follow this as eagerly as I follow the rest of your threads!
"Don't worry, Vik! You have all of your internet friends to keep you company! And, as everyone knows, internet friends are at least one step above imaginary friends "-Rawson
"Does an Ork shiiiit green?" "...Rogue! -you rock!" "Damn you too Rogue!""[TTFN]... That means tittyfething right?""Yep, that's me, a two-dollar whore"-Dsteingass
"... but if we all fail together we can make it look like we´ve won actually.." " all killers out there...: my face will hit your fist so hard it´s gonna bleed...your fist that is...""lol....OMG... you are a serial""he knows no pain...nor fear^^ he is a riveteer""yep... some of the dakka chaps here sure made the joints of my jaw quite loose...""er... emailsex... now that at least sounds like the perfect safer sex... but i like mine a bit more...wet""do you know what they call a quarter pounder of a buckte full of rivets in france?" "No...what?" "Rivitz royal"-Viktor von Domm
" I expected to hear gak like that from RW, not you Vik... for shame Sir, for shame"-AnUnearthlyChilde
"We are Vik's private collection of muses for the monkey on his back.....""you, guys are worse than my children......"-mxwllmdr
"Singling one out as odd in a =][_= thread is like going into an asylum, pointing at someone at random and saying "that person's insane""-Shrike |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/08/06 23:01:45
Subject: Re:PDH - Yggdrasillium Pillgrimage - Chaos Undivided Warband
Sadistic Inquisitorial Excruciator
Preston/England/United Kingdom
Rogue Wolves - I just love that because it is chaos no one is questioning how the guys with sewn up eyes can walk around never mind see people to shoot their guns at.
I got some good progress done this evening on all three. The haegtesse has her neck built up.The two guardsman have arms and lots of gaps filled and a ton of pouches and stuff added to their wastes since the FW torsos and Archer legs didn't match up all that well. I think most of the evening was spent searching through my bits boxes to find the perfect pouches and taking the mould lines off.
Tomorrow I hope to get all three heads attached, gs some boots and steel toe caps and then see what else needs doing. I really want to have these three undercoated on Thurs.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/08/06 23:07:12
Subject: PDH - Yggdrasillium Pillgrimage - Chaos Undivided Warband
Lord Commander in a Plush Chair
California + Philidelphia
I've been told many times when ever someone questions logic in 40k or fantasy.. the answer is always Chaaos!
"Don't worry, Vik! You have all of your internet friends to keep you company! And, as everyone knows, internet friends are at least one step above imaginary friends "-Rawson
"Does an Ork shiiiit green?" "...Rogue! -you rock!" "Damn you too Rogue!""[TTFN]... That means tittyfething right?""Yep, that's me, a two-dollar whore"-Dsteingass
"... but if we all fail together we can make it look like we´ve won actually.." " all killers out there...: my face will hit your fist so hard it´s gonna bleed...your fist that is...""lol....OMG... you are a serial""he knows no pain...nor fear^^ he is a riveteer""yep... some of the dakka chaps here sure made the joints of my jaw quite loose...""er... emailsex... now that at least sounds like the perfect safer sex... but i like mine a bit more...wet""do you know what they call a quarter pounder of a buckte full of rivets in france?" "No...what?" "Rivitz royal"-Viktor von Domm
" I expected to hear gak like that from RW, not you Vik... for shame Sir, for shame"-AnUnearthlyChilde
"We are Vik's private collection of muses for the monkey on his back.....""you, guys are worse than my children......"-mxwllmdr
"Singling one out as odd in a =][_= thread is like going into an asylum, pointing at someone at random and saying "that person's insane""-Shrike |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/08/07 00:20:25
Subject: Re:PDH - Yggdrasillium Pillgrimage - Chaos Undivided Warband
Aspirant Tech-Adept
Rules wise mutations wouldn't be much of a problem if I chose to use them since this campaign day is only a one off/twice a year kind of thing. Much more =I=Munda that Necromunda I suppose... Since we have 1400 creds at recruitment. Leader has plus 1 wound and three freely chosen skills or stat upgrades. Three other stat or skill upgrades can be freely distributed throughout the gang too. Also any equipment can be chosen at the very start, even rare trade items. The Haegtesse will be a Wyrd.
Have you seen the cool terrain Neil has been making...and of course the start of his gang?
Ah I see, sounds like that is all covered then and that's a good way to accelerate the start of the campaign a bit. I am a stickler for rules and whatnot but Necromunda can be frustrating for people that want to do the modelling/painting side of things to a good level, like if your leader wants to change weapons when you can afford a better one - pretty common problem if you start with a sword or chainsword then one day a powersword is available, you have managed to avoid that pretty elegantly. The whole thing with juves turning into gangers is also pretty maddening, as you either keep the same model and have a ganger that looks like a scared teenager, or you swap to a new model then have to reuse the juve as someone else which doesn't sit well either.
Yeah I have seen Neil's stuff, I sent him a plastic tree I hope will help build the Yggdrasillium. Obviously I totally love it all. Your campaign ought to be a lot of fun.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/08/07 22:06:50
Subject: PDH - Yggdrasillium Pillgrimage - Chaos Undivided Warband
Wicked Ghast
P.s. Peter will they have -1 BS due to the whole "I've stitched up my face for Chaos" thing going on? Hehe
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2012/08/07 22:10:18
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/08/07 22:32:04
Subject: PDH - Yggdrasillium Pillgrimage - Chaos Undivided Warband
Sadistic Inquisitorial Excruciator
Preston/England/United Kingdom
BS2....damn I should have know. Well it could be worse they should be sat in the corner praying to whichever of the crazy gods will give them some tweezers and a scalpel!
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/08/08 00:55:34
Subject: Re:PDH - Yggdrasillium Pillgrimage - Chaos Undivided Warband
Ruthless Interrogator
PDH wrote:Starfarer - Hey Cad. It is only going to be a quick warband and after the purity of my last project something primordial and nasty sounded fun.
I'm glad you're doing Chaos as I'm always really inspired by your take you have on things, be it your Scavvies, Ad Mech, Inquisitor characters, etc. Whenever I tried to do Chaos in a Necromunda setting, I had trouble buying into my reasoning for them being there. I known Chaos have been present on Necromunda in the fluff, but I never got excited about them fighting "gangs" which more or less goes back to my issue with the limitations of Necromunda as a setting. When you mentioned the setting was om a space hulk, I had a "why the hell didn't I think of that" moment.  I immediately thought about movies like Event Horizon and Pandorum and the the like, and love the idea of passengers falling to chaos while drifting through space. Needless to say I'm both frustrated my friends who only play Necro and not 40k won't put forth the effort to build non-Necro gangs for narratives like this, and green with envy that you're doing exactly the kind of Necro based gaming I want to be playing!
You can never beat your first time. The second generation is shinier, stronger, faster and superior in every regard save one, and it's an unfair criticism to level, but it simply can't be as original. - Andy Chambers, on the evolution of Games Workshop games |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/08/08 06:15:11
Subject: Re:PDH - Yggdrasillium Pillgrimage - Chaos Undivided Warband
Sadistic Inquisitorial Excruciator
Preston/England/United Kingdom
Starfarer - Inspire your friends. Show them the Jade Vessel, show them Neil's blog, explain to them it is about the modelling. If you go down the =I=munda route limit it to what no more that 6-10 models per gang, tempt them with unlimited access to the rare trade chart. Have fun it is about the modelling much more than the gamig. Of course the problem is your friends may not be up on all the weird 40k charcters etc if they only know necro.
Pandorum definitely inspired Neil.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/08/08 09:54:53
Subject: PDH - Yggdrasillium Pillgrimage - Chaos Undivided Warband
Wicked Ghast
Mate just a quick side note -
I know you're not into video games but do a quick google search for "Dead Space" images...its a video game series, the first game was set on a massive mining vessel where a lone engineer had to battle against hordes of rampaging necromorphic horrors that had mutated out of his ex-crew members. He was armed with an array of grusome sci-fi industial tools like cutting discs and welding beam-caster...very dark and twisted game, may give you some ideas/nightmares  hehe
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/08/08 09:59:22
Subject: PDH - Yggdrasillium Pillgrimage - Chaos Undivided Warband
Lord Commander in a Plush Chair
California + Philidelphia
Ghostflame wrote:Mate just a quick side note -
I know you're not into video games but do a quick google search for "Dead Space" images...its a video game series, the first game was set on a massive mining vessel where a lone engineer had to battle against hordes of rampaging necromorphic horrors that had mutated out of his ex-crew members. He was armed with an array of grusome sci-fi industial tools like cutting discs and welding beam-caster...very dark and twisted game, may give you some ideas/nightmares  hehe
Not to mention the dakka thread that made deadspace theamed Nids..
"Don't worry, Vik! You have all of your internet friends to keep you company! And, as everyone knows, internet friends are at least one step above imaginary friends "-Rawson
"Does an Ork shiiiit green?" "...Rogue! -you rock!" "Damn you too Rogue!""[TTFN]... That means tittyfething right?""Yep, that's me, a two-dollar whore"-Dsteingass
"... but if we all fail together we can make it look like we´ve won actually.." " all killers out there...: my face will hit your fist so hard it´s gonna bleed...your fist that is...""lol....OMG... you are a serial""he knows no pain...nor fear^^ he is a riveteer""yep... some of the dakka chaps here sure made the joints of my jaw quite loose...""er... emailsex... now that at least sounds like the perfect safer sex... but i like mine a bit more...wet""do you know what they call a quarter pounder of a buckte full of rivets in france?" "No...what?" "Rivitz royal"-Viktor von Domm
" I expected to hear gak like that from RW, not you Vik... for shame Sir, for shame"-AnUnearthlyChilde
"We are Vik's private collection of muses for the monkey on his back.....""you, guys are worse than my children......"-mxwllmdr
"Singling one out as odd in a =][_= thread is like going into an asylum, pointing at someone at random and saying "that person's insane""-Shrike |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/08/08 10:17:16
Subject: PDH - Yggdrasillium Pillgrimage - Chaos Undivided Warband
Wicked Ghast
Aw man, theres some awesome GS going on there! Hats off to that guy...I'm not sold on his painting but the GS work is unreal! Cheers for that one RW!
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/08/08 10:18:29
Subject: PDH - Yggdrasillium Pillgrimage - Chaos Undivided Warband
Lord Commander in a Plush Chair
California + Philidelphia
agreed on both accounts, and there is a reason I have 6 pages of subscribed threads!
"Don't worry, Vik! You have all of your internet friends to keep you company! And, as everyone knows, internet friends are at least one step above imaginary friends "-Rawson
"Does an Ork shiiiit green?" "...Rogue! -you rock!" "Damn you too Rogue!""[TTFN]... That means tittyfething right?""Yep, that's me, a two-dollar whore"-Dsteingass
"... but if we all fail together we can make it look like we´ve won actually.." " all killers out there...: my face will hit your fist so hard it´s gonna bleed...your fist that is...""lol....OMG... you are a serial""he knows no pain...nor fear^^ he is a riveteer""yep... some of the dakka chaps here sure made the joints of my jaw quite loose...""er... emailsex... now that at least sounds like the perfect safer sex... but i like mine a bit more...wet""do you know what they call a quarter pounder of a buckte full of rivets in france?" "No...what?" "Rivitz royal"-Viktor von Domm
" I expected to hear gak like that from RW, not you Vik... for shame Sir, for shame"-AnUnearthlyChilde
"We are Vik's private collection of muses for the monkey on his back.....""you, guys are worse than my children......"-mxwllmdr
"Singling one out as odd in a =][_= thread is like going into an asylum, pointing at someone at random and saying "that person's insane""-Shrike |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/08/08 10:32:17
Subject: Re:PDH - Yggdrasillium Pillgrimage - Chaos Undivided Warband
Regular Dakkanaut
your background for each model, the modellings itself and the painting are inspirational. Keep up the fantastic work.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/08/08 10:38:36
Subject: Re:PDH - Yggdrasillium Pillgrimage - Chaos Undivided Warband
Da Head Honcho Boss Grot
PDH great stuff, glad you went with the witch look fits perfectly plus a bit of variety
As for the renegade guardsman how do they see  the chaos gods give them sight of course
I hope you will be doing something to those archer legs mind, look a little bare at the moment however I am sure you will sort that out
Well, another subbed section to drool over
Thanks RW another subbed thread just for the green stuff, mind have no time to look now
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/08/09 00:49:21
Subject: Re:PDH - Yggdrasillium Pillgrimage - Chaos Undivided Warband
Ruthless Interrogator
PDH wrote:Starfarer - Inspire your friends. Show them the Jade Vessel, show them Neil's blog, explain to them it is about the modelling. If you go down the =I=munda route limit it to what no more that 6-10 models per gang, tempt them with unlimited access to the rare trade chart. Have fun it is about the modelling much more than the gamig. Of course the problem is your friends may not be up on all the weird 40k charcters etc if they only know necro.
Pandorum definitely inspired Neil.
I've shown them Jade Vessel, and your Scavvies, and Baiyuan's Delaques when we first got back into Necro about a year back. Those thread definitely inspired them to get back into gaming, albeit to a limited extent. We have been friends since childhood and played 40k and all the specialist games back in the day. These days a couple of them are only drawn to Necro, the others I've talked into rebuilding and/or dusting off the 40k armies too. I honestly think the best way to inspire them to expand into =I=munda is to write a campaign and try and inspire them that way, which is one of the things that I love about threads like this! It will be a ways off, as I'm very much focused on 40k right now. Anyway, I didn't want to draw things off your thread too much with my gaming group issues, but I appreciate the advice!
Speaking of Neil, I checked his thread and aside from some jaw-dropping terrain, I didn't see any WIP for new models. Granted, I checked it at work, so couldn't do much more than skim, but does he have another faction he's building for this campaign?
You can never beat your first time. The second generation is shinier, stronger, faster and superior in every regard save one, and it's an unfair criticism to level, but it simply can't be as original. - Andy Chambers, on the evolution of Games Workshop games |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/08/09 03:31:44
Subject: Re:PDH - Yggdrasillium Pillgrimage - Chaos Undivided Warband
Aspirant Tech-Adept
I've shown them Jade Vessel, and your Scavvies, and Baiyuan's Delaques when we first got back into Necro about a year back. Those thread definitely inspired them to get back into gaming, albeit to a limited extent. We have been friends since childhood and played 40k and all the specialist games back in the day. These days a couple of them are only drawn to Necro, the others I've talked into rebuilding and/or dusting off the 40k armies too. I honestly think the best way to inspire them to expand into =I=munda is to write a campaign and try and inspire them that way, which is one of the things that I love about threads like this!
This is almost exactly the same situation I was in (and the same threads used to demonstrate how awesome it would be to play Necromunda again). I wanted to get people into =I=munda or INQ28 but that always fizzled out really. I think it's to do with the amount of assumed knowledge you need for those games, or at least - having background knowledge of the 40k universe really helps. Necromunda is just a gang fight in a giant rusty city, everyone can pick that up immediately and remembers it from years past etc. My friends didn't really know what an Inquisitor was or have any sort of interest in how a Chaos cult might operate, what the deal is with Xenos, etc. I actually thought the best way to get people inspired would be to get them to read the Eisenhorn series, that pretty much serves as the perfect introduction and it was one thing that rekindled my interest in the hobby, plus it is well written by Black Library standards. Maybe one day I can persuade them.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/08/09 03:56:57
Subject: PDH - Yggdrasillium Pillgrimage - Chaos Undivided Warband
Rampaging Reaver Titan Princeps
Those heads fit so perfectly! Cant wait for this, following so eagerly its not even funny.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2012/08/09 03:57:48
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/08/09 06:39:15
Subject: Re:PDH - Yggdrasillium Pillgrimage - Chaos Undivided Warband
Sadistic Inquisitorial Excruciator
Preston/England/United Kingdom
R W - ooooooo those nids looks so different. Very cool.
Grim Bad'Un - Will do. I will hopefully have a picture update tonight.
lone dirty dog - Aye she gives the group a totally different feel. She is possibly the simplest conversion I have done in the last few years. She should be really quick to paint too. The archer legs have had knee pads and boots and steel toe caps GSed on.
Starfarer - What Bruticus said about Eisenhorn sounds like a good and inspiring idea. I think having a campaign setting would also help them understand it better. The idea behind this game/ the setting has inspired me to build a new warband. But as you say that will be after your Nurglii Army. As for Neil's gang he has one in the works and you can read about them in this blog post Another friend suggested this hulk in the Aether as the setting and then Neil topped it with a fantastic internal location, a focus - these two guys have been a driving force behind this whole project. I feel pretty lucky to be involved.
Bruticus - Good Luck persuading them.
Vit - Hey dude. The Nurgle Death heads are just brilliant for this...I still haven't built a plague bearer which was the actual point of buying the box lol.
Fingers crossed for a picture update tonight.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/08/10 22:18:22
Subject: Re:PDH - Yggdrasillium Pillgrimage - Chaos Undivided Warband
Sadistic Inquisitorial Excruciator
Preston/England/United Kingdom
Ok a little behind schedule but that is ok. ....because I am so freaking happy with them. Undercoat tomorrow morning
Shotgun made from Hurricane Bolter from the siege dread
I really love the Nurgle Death Heads on the renegade gaurd and the good news is there is a third one on the sprue...,so when these three are painted I think another guardsman, armed with hunting rifle,....and maybe a heavy made from the Skaven Warp-Grinder Weapon Team (how I wish it were finecast already).
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/08/10 23:44:26
Subject: PDH - Yggdrasillium Pillgrimage - Chaos Undivided Warband
Lord Commander in a Plush Chair
California + Philidelphia
Wow those might be the two coolest renegade guardsmen i've ever seen! Any plans on the paint scheme yet?
"Don't worry, Vik! You have all of your internet friends to keep you company! And, as everyone knows, internet friends are at least one step above imaginary friends "-Rawson
"Does an Ork shiiiit green?" "...Rogue! -you rock!" "Damn you too Rogue!""[TTFN]... That means tittyfething right?""Yep, that's me, a two-dollar whore"-Dsteingass
"... but if we all fail together we can make it look like we´ve won actually.." " all killers out there...: my face will hit your fist so hard it´s gonna bleed...your fist that is...""lol....OMG... you are a serial""he knows no pain...nor fear^^ he is a riveteer""yep... some of the dakka chaps here sure made the joints of my jaw quite loose...""er... emailsex... now that at least sounds like the perfect safer sex... but i like mine a bit more...wet""do you know what they call a quarter pounder of a buckte full of rivets in france?" "No...what?" "Rivitz royal"-Viktor von Domm
" I expected to hear gak like that from RW, not you Vik... for shame Sir, for shame"-AnUnearthlyChilde
"We are Vik's private collection of muses for the monkey on his back.....""you, guys are worse than my children......"-mxwllmdr
"Singling one out as odd in a =][_= thread is like going into an asylum, pointing at someone at random and saying "that person's insane""-Shrike |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/08/10 23:59:48
Subject: PDH - Yggdrasillium Pillgrimage - Chaos Undivided Warband
Fully-charged Electropriest
Everything looks awesome, and so I'll cut out the cooing and just comment on the awesome concept, and the great use of bits, and the fantastic execution, and the great gs work, too. Most of all, though, the shotgun is fantastic.
Really cool models, as always
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/08/11 00:35:10
Subject: PDH - Yggdrasillium Pillgrimage - Chaos Undivided Warband
Rampaging Reaver Titan Princeps
Fantastic, bloody fantastic.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/08/11 05:51:21
Subject: PDH - Yggdrasillium Pillgrimage - Chaos Undivided Warband
Wicked Ghast
Looking cool usual its all the extra little bits you add that really makes your work stand must have a never ending supply of pouches, grenades and meltabombs!
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2012/08/11 06:56:58
Subject: PDH - Yggdrasillium Pillgrimage - Chaos Undivided Warband
Regular Dakkanaut
Stuff looks good thus far. Hope to see it all painted soon.