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2012/12/17 19:02:57
Subject: My first vehicle attempt...Lit Dakkajet "The White Baron"
Killer Khymerae
This is my first vehicle attempt and a X-mas gift for my husband. No decals were used all freehand. Any feedback is welcomed. Enjoy
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2012/12/19 05:25:33
2012/12/17 19:12:00
Subject: Re:My first vehicle attempt...Lit Dakkajet "The White Baron"
Been Around the Block
Firstly very nice freehand and wonderful model. SO my only question is where is the blue glow on the wing fuel tanks coming from in the one pic or is it radiating from the base stand whish i'm guesssing is coming from the engine LED's
2012/12/17 19:13:58
Subject: Re:My first vehicle attempt...Lit Dakkajet "The White Baron"
Been Around the Block
2012/12/17 19:23:03
Subject: My first vehicle attempt...Lit Dakkajet "The White Baron"
Huge Hierodule
The centre of a massive brood chamber, heaving and pulsating.
Wow. Awesome job.
Squigsquasher, resident ban magnet, White Knight, and general fethwit.
buddha wrote:I've decided that these GW is dead/dying threads that pop up every-week must be followers and cultists of nurgle perpetuating the need for decay. I therefore declare that that such threads are heresy and subject to exterminatus. So says the Inquisition! |
2012/12/17 19:43:20
Subject: My first vehicle attempt...Lit Dakkajet "The White Baron"
Tough-as-Nails Ork Boy
I love the unique paint scheme. Very nice free hand work too. You husband will love it.
May the heretic burn.
Micah da ork
Orks - 2000 Points
2012/12/17 21:42:29
Subject: My first vehicle attempt...Lit Dakkajet "The White Baron"
Killer Khymerae
Thanks for all the comments. Much appreciated. Was a tad worried about this one it being my first vehicle and all the weathering. As for the question about the blue glow on the gas tank, yes it would be because of the light coming from the jets. I'll post another pick later of a tail view.
2012/12/17 22:20:46
Subject: My first vehicle attempt...Lit Dakkajet "The White Baron"
Fixture of Dakka
Wow that looks fantastic, the weathering and the free hand are excellent.
2012/12/18 00:31:11
Subject: My first vehicle attempt...Lit Dakkajet "The White Baron"
Fixture of Dakka
Amazing paintjob.
2012/12/18 05:56:18
Subject: Re:My first vehicle attempt...Lit Dakkajet "The White Baron"
Longtime Dakkanaut
2012/12/18 10:00:44
Subject: My first vehicle attempt...Lit Dakkajet "The White Baron"
Big Mek in Kustom Dragster with Soopa-Gun
Freehand? Damn, except a couple tiny spots i really cant tell you freehanded those checkers. Thats impressive, even if you used tape to ensure straight edges thats impressive.
Thats the whole reason i avoided that scheme for my orks, i dislike decals being the core of the graphics and that is way too hard to do normally lol
EDIT: Wish i had a GF like you....'d totally understand when i yell WAAAAAAAGH as i rush to hug you rofl.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2012/12/18 10:01:16
An ork with an idea tends to end with a bang.
14000pts Big 'n Bad Orkz
6000pts Admech/Knights
7500pts Necron Goldboys |
2012/12/18 10:02:24
Subject: My first vehicle attempt...Lit Dakkajet "The White Baron"
Avatar of the Bloody-Handed God
Inside your mind, corrupting the pathways
That is just fantastic.
2012/12/18 13:15:00
Subject: My first vehicle attempt...Lit Dakkajet "The White Baron"
Jovial Plaguebearer of Nurgle
Normally I am not a huge fan of lighting, but the engines look amazing.
*Edit* Oh and excellent paint job.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2012/12/18 13:15:33
2012/12/18 16:40:02
Subject: My first vehicle attempt...Lit Dakkajet "The White Baron"
Killer Khymerae
Vineheart01 wrote:Freehand? Damn, except a couple tiny spots i really cant tell you freehanded those checkers. Thats impressive, even if you used tape to ensure straight edges thats impressive.
Thats the whole reason i avoided that scheme for my orks, i dislike decals being the core of the graphics and that is way too hard to do normally lol
EDIT: Wish i had a GF like you....'d totally understand when i yell WAAAAAAAGH as i rush to hug you rofl.
Thank you....and yes I understand the's a daily accurance especially Monday night game nights lately with the guys playing Gorkamorka :-) And oddly enough no tape or even drawing lines with pencil first...just brush. My hubby is disgusted by this and grumbles each time I paint freehand. Merry Christmas all :-)
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2012/12/18 16:41:48
2012/12/18 16:48:28
Subject: My first vehicle attempt...Lit Dakkajet "The White Baron"
Battlefortress Driver with Krusha Wheel
Brilliant work all around, but I must say, the work you did on the exhaust pipes is above and beyond.
2012/12/19 05:24:37
Subject: My first vehicle attempt...Lit Dakkajet "The White Baron"
Horrific Howling Banshee
yeah the Dakkajet I painted looks lame now by comparison. I think she will have to paint the rest of my Boyz vehicles now
2012/12/19 05:31:39
Subject: My first vehicle attempt...Lit Dakkajet "The White Baron"
Killer Khymerae
Posted an additional shot of the engines lit up per request. Thanks guys. Appreciate the compliments. They give me inspiration to do more
2012/12/21 13:24:49
Subject: My first vehicle attempt...Lit Dakkajet "The White Baron"
Agile Revenant Titan
Very cool lighting complements a very good paint job. The White Baron has a lot of character and stands out very much. Thanks for sharing.
No earth shattering, thought provoking quote. I'm just someone who was introduced to 40K in the late 80's and it's become a lifelong hobby. |
2013/03/17 01:36:51
Subject: My first vehicle attempt...Lit Dakkajet "The White Baron"
Horrific Howling Banshee
okay , I hate to do threadomancy. But I just gotta brag. The very first contest that my wife entered that gave actual prizes was yesterday and today, called the Lonestar Figure show. The White Baron received a silver, as well as the Trygon Prime that she painted. I am very proud of her