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Made in gb
Liberated Grot Land Raida

Northern Ireland

Getting back on track with this project here with some long-awaited painting.

Kitty-Mitty’s imps from left to right we have Changling, Polly, Sparky, Exorbi and Digitz.

And not to be outdone, the opposition is still on the increase with the last four Doggy Henchmen getting greener by the day.

These will be the pups’ favourite band, “Bad Doggyz” Rory, Bones, Howler and Nicco

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2023/09/30 23:34:43

Made in gb
Liberated Grot Land Raida

Northern Ireland

And another rank of Doggy Henchmen has been painted.

More to come soon.

Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Fearsome! Especially like the hound with the chainsword, he looks enthusiastic!
Made in us
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

Always a pleasure to see Hedgee and co getting some love. The latest pups look great with their mix of weapons

Goberts Gubbins - P&M Blog, started with Oldhammer, often Blackstone Fortress and Void Panther Marines, with side projects along the way 
Made in gb
Liberated Grot Land Raida

Northern Ireland

Four more pups make the paint-completed pup pack.

Fetch is magnetised for multiple magnetic accessories such as this handy Remote Control McGuffin.

Or these tasty party snacks, or the giant bone being carried by Boomer over there. He also has a lasgun option and a large Danger Mouse-style bomb option too.

And then there’s Yip Yip the protesting pup who has an assortment of vociferous picket line options.

Pups like to party afterall.

Made in gb
Stealthy Grot Snipa


Would that I could exalt this more than once

Skinflint Games- war gaming in the age of austerity


Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Always fun to see Hedgee stuff, love the signs, and the disco wrecking ball!
Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Tangentville, New Jersey

Excellent job! I love all the magnetized bits. I've been toying a bit with that myself lately.

Made in gb
Mad Gyrocopter Pilot


These are such a joy! Nice work! I've also been thinking of magnetising stuff, meant to do that for both my armies but never did do you just buy them online?

One and a half feet in the hobby

My Painting Log of various minis:
# Olthannon's Oscillating Orchard of Opportunity #

Made in us
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

Great work as ever! The disco wrecking ball is just perfect! Love the signs too, and it’s perfect that the smallest is the gobby-est!

Goberts Gubbins - P&M Blog, started with Oldhammer, often Blackstone Fortress and Void Panther Marines, with side projects along the way 
Made in gb
Liberated Grot Land Raida

Northern Ireland

Skinflint Games wrote:Would that I could exalt this more than once

Thank you again. Thank you more than once.

Vejut wrote:Always fun to see Hedgee stuff, love the signs, and the disco wrecking ball!

Very on-theme for this month. Shame I had him painted ages ago.

KidCthulhu wrote:Excellent job! I love all the magnetized bits. I've been toying a bit with that myself lately.

Cheers KidC. It always makes for fun and very playable scenario items. But it helps that many of the minis have steel wire in them for a magnetised item to stick to.

Olthannon wrote:These are such a joy! Nice work! I've also been thinking of magnetising stuff, meant to do that for both my armies but never did do you just buy them online?

Yeah, neodinum magnets off eBay or occasionally salvaged from a broken magnetic tile toy.

gobert wrote:Great work as ever! The disco wrecking ball is just perfect! Love the signs too, and it’s perfect that the smallest is the gobby-est!

Yes, YipYip is a classic small dog with a big mouth. I’m glad the disco ball worked out so well too. Handy application of multicoloured glitter.

Made in gb
Liberated Grot Land Raida

Northern Ireland

Now that we have access to an army of pups it was time for a quick game to see what Hedgee and friends can do when faced with a whole pack of doggies.

This time I am the player and the boy is the GM Coming up with the adventurous twists and turns. So here goes!

Welcome to the story of
Hedgee & the Temple of Dogs

The Wizard Zen had been asked to do something about a gigantic beast that was living in the tunnels beneath the town and guzzling all the food and causing mayhem. So he recruited two of the toughest hedgehogs around Hedgee and Sledgee and they headed underground.

They soon found the beast’s lair in an old basement cavern under the fish market but the Beast wasn’t home. There were barrels and boxes and the whole place smelled of old fish guts.

They searched the crates and found some bombs. (Strange, was someone making making bombs down here?) A little milliasaur pointed them in the direction the monster went and they set off again in the hunt.

They found an underground river with stepping stones leading away into the darkness. Hedgee bravely led the way.

But the passage was blocked by a locked door. Zen summoned a water spook who told them they needed to find the password to pass through the Water Gate.

So back they went over the stepping stones.

But then they heard the beast. Roaring and crashing his way towards them.

Hedgee and Sledgee geared up for a fight but Zen told them.
“This for is beyond any of you. RUN!”

They legged it down the passage way until they came to a door. Sledgee slammed it off its hinges and they all passed through before the beast could reach them. Zen sealed the door behind them with a spell to stop the beast from coming through.

The slimy stone slabs of the tunnels had given way to a packed earth floor in a rough hewn burrow. There were giant mushrooms growing down here and Hedgee filled his pockets.

Two imps appeared and Sledgee told them about their mission to rid the town of the beast and that they needed the password to the water gate. The imps told they party that if they could prove themselves worthy in a trial of strength they would win the password.

“Trial of Strength!” Sledgee liked the sound of that. “Bring it on!”

The imps conjured a fearsome monster and the darkness of the burrow was immediately lit up by a fireball catching the boastful boxer unawares.

Hedgee sprang to the attack but he needed some magical support from Zen before the Monster was finally defeated. (There was some seriously Bad rolling going on in this section) The password was “Holy Water”.

The party find another way back to the beast’s lair and found that it was gone again. So they crept as quietly as they could back to the Water Gate and used the password to get inside.
They had entered some kind of ancient underground temple but the walkway inside was filled with fuel drums.

Then they heard a load clang. It was a doggy henchman! What was he doing down here?

There was a blaze of light and a Yelp. That pup was in trouble! He had accidentally released a fire spook from one of those barrels.

Sledgee stepped up and gave it a One-Two punch with his well insulated boxing gloves, before Zen finished it off with a wind spell.

“Phew thanks!” Said the pup. “Any more of that and l would have been a hotdog.”
His name was Ruff and he was running late for a big mission. R-mour Dog had some big brand new weapon he was dying to try out and had heard there was a big beast down here that he wanted to try it on.
“Here they come right now!”

Our heroes ducked into cover and watched in horror as a whole pack of dogs came trooping by, tooled up to the teeth with lasers and other weapons. R-mour Dog followed behind the biggest weapon of all.

“Maybe we should go with them? Hedgee suggested. “It looks like they’ve got the hardware to stop the beast, and if they try anything bad we’ll be there to keep an eye on them.”

But the dogs were stuck at the Water Gate and R-mour Dog was yelling in frustration. Hedgee saw his chance. He offered to help them with the password if they’d let him tag along. R-mour Dog was in a hurry so he reluctantly agreed.

Soon Hedgee was leading an army of Doggy henchmen down the stepping stones to the Beast’s Lair. And this time the Beast was home!

While it was still sniffing around a crate of old fish guts the dogs took up positions. The beast looked up to find an army of pups in yellow tabards and hard hats pointing a battery of lasers at it. It roared and threw a crate at them.

Hedgee and his friends took up some cover and watched as R-mour dog set up his big gun.
“Keep his attention, you lot! This will only take a moment.” R-mour Dog flipped a big lever and the thing started to hum. But there wasn’t any big blast just a low throbbing pulse.

“What’s going on?” Hedgee asked Ruff.

“Oh, the Boss is just getting the Hypno-Ray fired up so he can hypnotise the Beast and then we’ll probably all go wreak havoc or something.”

“He’s gonna do what!”

This was a disaster, R-mour dog wasn’t trying to blast the beast at all!

“You will obey me, now.” R-mour dog woofed into a big loud-speaker, “I am the master.”

Hedgee had to do something! Thinking quick the hero hedgehog grabbed a bomb and lobbed it into the back of his armoured adversary. The big dog’s armour protected him from the blast but the Hypno-Ray took a pounding and stopped working.
“Hey! You sneaky little prickle-butt!” barked R-mour Dog. “Pups! Get them!”

The place descended into madness as the fight was on.

The beast shook loose the hypnotic waves and roared in confusion. It tore a swathe through the pup-pack and retreated deeper into the the temple, leaving its lair floor strewn with bodies. (Alive ones)

“After it, you lot! It’s getting away!” Yelped R-mour dog.

Hedgee used the opportunity to grab R-mour Dog’s megaphone and tried to rally the pups against their armoured master.

“Don’t listen to him. He’s a Bad Doggie!“ Hedgee urged, “He only wants to use you to do bad stuff.”

But some of the loyal pups were already leaving to go after their master.

Hedgee promised play time.

Sledgee promised walkies.

Zen promised ice cream!

Soon they had a fun little pack of rebels on their side ready to party. Their war cry held proudly aloft by YipYip the new company standard bearer read “R-mour Dog needs a BATH”

But this wasn’t R-mour Dog’s first rodeo. He deployed the doggie treats!

Tempting most of Hedgee’s rebel pups away to rejoin the pack. They sneakily locked the Water Gate behind them and changed the password leaving our heroes locked out.

There wasn’t a moment to lose. They had to get back to the imps to get a new password before it was too late.

Meanwhile back in the temple, R-mour Dog and his Doggy Henchmen were taking up positions for the fight, taking cover behind a barricade of barrels and junk while the maintenance pups fixed the damaged Hypno-Ray.

The imps agreed there was no time for formalities so they just let Hedgee and his friends (including Ruff and Yip Yip the only two remaining rebel pups) use the back door into the Water Temple. Sledgee slammed another door off its hinges and they used it as a makeshift bridge to get over to the action.

The beast was enduring a battery of lasers and had turned the place upside down throwing back at the pups the wreckage of their former base of operations. Even the milliasaurs were getting in on the action in support of their giant beast friend.

But R-mour Dog’s repair crew had fixed his hypnotic machine and he was readying to try his plan one more time.

But Hedgee had other plans. “Zen! Use a flame spell on those fuel barrels we need a distraction!”

With an Alakazam there were flame spooks loosed on the unsuspecting Doggy Henchmen. R-mour Dog had to wade in used his big robo-fist to handle the hot horrors. In the confusion Hedgee grabbed the Hypno-Ray.

“You don’t like to go up to the town!” He told the beast, directing the beams of hypnotic waves toward it. “You’re happy just to stay here where you can eat fish with your friends.” The beast put down the barrel it was wielding and looked around for a tasty fish or a friendly milliasaur. Hedgee’s plan was working.

“Yeah! And R-mour Dog needs a bath!” added YipYip.

The impressionable beast apparently agreed and it picked up the armoured hound and dumped him unceremoniously into the water.

Sinking under the weight of his heavy armour the miserable mutt scrambled up onto a floating door and bobbed slowly down the stream past all his assembled pups who all howled with laughter.

The Beast wasn’t so angry any more, if anything it seemed much happier and just wanted to collect fish from the stream that had been stunned in the blast when the barrels blew up.

“That looks like a job well done to me.” Concluded Hedgee. “Just one more thing, Sledgee if you please?”

He presented the big Hypno-Ray as a choice punching bag and Sledgee gave the device a great OneTwo punch right off the pavement and into the water. That would put an end to it.

The only thing left to do was party with the pups!

~: The End :~

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/11/25 08:01:01

Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Tangentville, New Jersey

Crowe, that was a pure delight!

Made in us
Krazed Killa Kan


Thanks for taking us along for Hedgee, Sledgee, and Zen's adventures. It's great that one of your kids wanted to DM.

Made in us
Speed Drybrushing

Colorado, USA

What a fun quest. Hedgie and Sledgie for the win!

Made in gb
Stealthy Grot Snipa


Loved it, absolutely brilliant fun!

Skinflint Games- war gaming in the age of austerity


Made in us
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

Awesome quest! Full of twists and turns!

Goberts Gubbins - P&M Blog, started with Oldhammer, often Blackstone Fortress and Void Panther Marines, with side projects along the way 
Made in gb
Liberated Grot Land Raida

Northern Ireland

Glad everyone enjoyed the adventure. It was a great wee game and very encouraging that Hedgee hasn’t been forgotten about while the Orks and the 40k universe is starting to edge their way in.

Next few games will be over on our Tonk blog where we’re hoping to kick off an 8 Tonk Knockout Tournament

8 Contenders will battle it out to be crowned the King of the Tonks.

(As soon as we get enough sponsors that is)

Made in ca
Fixture of Dakka

Surrey, BC - Canada

Great stuff theCrowe.



Made in gb
Liberated Grot Land Raida

Northern Ireland

If anyone Is playing TACTICUS we’d love you to join our guild named Hungry Hedgeehogs.

Made in gb
Liberated Grot Land Raida

Northern Ireland

Hello once again folks. This summer my creative director and I have an ambitious project planned. A skirmish game of our own making called MINECARTS & MOLETROLLS.

Where treasure hunting dwarves battle hoards of thieving goblins in a subterranean playground of speeding Minecarts and terrifying Moletrolls.

The collection of minis is growing. With a rather large influx of green skins thanks to our very own gobert.

And work on the board has begun.

As well as production of the Minecarts themselves.

With sooooo much work still to undertake not the least of which will be a rule-set and some wild scenarios I hope you’ll all join us as we delve deep on this one and make it a game to remember.

Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Tangentville, New Jersey

Color me intrigued!

Made in gb
Liberated Grot Land Raida

Northern Ireland

And of course Minecarts need wheels. I used one of the old wheels from gobert the Tonk engine and am setting about casting 24 of them in resin.

Amongst other things.

And while those set, we’ve been busy in the garage bulking out the board with some sticks.

Looks like garbage but you’ll just have to trust me for now.

Made in gb
Stealthy Grot Snipa


Love this thread. Can't wait to see what you put together!

Skinflint Games- war gaming in the age of austerity


Made in gb
Liberated Grot Land Raida

Northern Ireland

Cheers Skinf, you too KC.

Production has ramped up as the boy’s exams are done and the homework/revision load is off for the time being.

We have been casting wheels galore and gems to mine.

And with expanding foam as my rocky underground cavernous texture of choice the board is progressing too.

Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Tangentville, New Jersey

Oh wow, that terrain is going to be a lot more detailed than I anticipated! Lookin' good!

Made in us
Stabbin' Skarboy

This already looks like it’s going to be amazing!

All Orks, All Da Zoggin' TIme. 'Cause Da Rest of You Gitz is Just Muckin' About, Waitin' ta Get Krumped.
My Painting Blog: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/689629.page  
Made in us
Grumpy Longbeard

That is serious progress on the mines.
Makes me want to dust off and resume work on my dawrf project.
Can't wait to see it all painted up.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/05/23 18:14:32

Made in us
Krazed Killa Kan


Wow, impressive progress already. And I agree with KidCthulhu about the board. It's looking like a diorama rather than a typical board game board

Made in gb
Liberated Grot Land Raida

Northern Ireland

Thanks guys, I’m keen to see it all painted up too. Mostly because that means it’ll be largely built by then.

It feels like Slow progress because there’s so much still to do.

I’ve been casting loads of objective items. Emeralds are the aim of the game so this big crystal formations are the main objective. And the smaller rock stacks are secondary gem mining opportunities. There will also be gear stashes. That in the latex mould is an old Mordheim ladder. Gonna need lots of those.

Also needing lots of Minecart rail sleepers. Finally using up my 25 year old stash of balsa wood.

And with a third can of expanding foam on the rip the board is really starting to come together.

I’m only realising now that the lower left quadrant is upside down. I was in a hurry to snap this one earlier. Nevermind, you get the idea.

I’m mixing up some grey paint with a bit of grout and tile cement and crushed slate for a thick layer of rocky rubble to cover the lot. But I need to maybe mark out some bonus spots and other features first. It’s a bit of a faff, this.

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