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Made in au
Unstoppable Bloodthirster of Khorne

Melbourne .au


So I’ve taken the name of this update from one of Blink-182’s classier little ditties, though it has less to do with the song and more to do with an upcoming project I’ve set myself for my two-week break from work. (Though if you decide to YouTube that song, be advised that it’s very much NSFW!)

The Plan is to paint up a fully functioning army to use in Mantic Games’ Kings of War. I’ve had the makings of a good half-dozen or more fantasy armies for many years now, stashed away inside various boxes and figure cases. All never likely to see the light of day in between not having really properly played Warhammer Fantasy Battle with any regularity since 3rd Edition and my general misanthropy when it comes to going out to clubs or FLGS to look for games.

With the advent of Kings of War, which is apparently fast, elegant and easy to learn, and some online battle reports like Eilif's one here, my interest in Fantasy Battles, played with Armies of toy soldiers has been reawakened. I have to say, while I’m not usually a fan of Battle Reports (WD has put me off over the years) there was just something about the combination of old-school, DIY, fully painted and a little bit rough around the edges of the pics in this report that really reminded me of WHFB 3rd ed. Not the Mantic rules (which I admit, I still haven’t read), but the feel. Mixed figures, paintjobs other than the stale GW studio armies. Real people’s work (which is one thing I always preferred to see in WD).

So anyway. With the help of JudgeDoug, I’ve decided to dedicate all of my hobby time during my two and a half weeks off to cleaning off all the random stuff from my painting desk. He’s kindly agreed to write up the army lists based on what I have available, and I’ll take care of the rest.

The Painting Desk

But it’s not just going to be 2 weeks of solid painting. I’m sure we’ll also go out for meals, play computer, board and console games, have friends over, sleep in, take my mum to the Zoo, watch TV, DVDs and BluRays, fix the back fence, mow the lawn, clean up the garage a little more, and... Maybe I'll go out until 5am and update my tumblr, too! well, you get the drift! So while I’m hoping to get a lot done, who knows how this will turn out?

With bases, because I’ve always liked them more for aesthetic reasons, I’ll be giving everything 25mm round bases rather than the 20mm squares that are traditional for both Warhammer and Kings of War. This is because:

1) I’ve always preferred Round bases and have never especially liked square ones.

2) After more than a decade of not playing WFB, I figure the “just in case I want to use them in Warhammer” excuse to not paint them because I’d rather use rounds has expired.

3) I do like those games based on books about Rings. You know the ones. They use both round bases and also round-slot movement trays to drop them into.

4) I’ll use those trays.

5) If need be, the fantasy figures can do double-duty in those games about Rings. Even if they don’t look exactly like what WETA produced.

Since I’ll most likely be using these figures in friendly games in my own home, everything will be based consistently, and so there’ll be no “advantage” to one side over another based on unit base size. Besides, I be playing for the funz0rz.

The contestant(s) for this challenge will be a Kings of War “Elf” army, made up of Citadel’s High Elves (and maybe a few Wood and Dark Elves as well).

One Pile of Elves.

In the unlikely event that the Elves actually get finished, I’ll then be starting phase 2, which will be the second contestant - an Ogre army, made up of my very old-school Citadel models, some Ogre Kingdoms models, and the metric gakload of Mantic’s own Ogres that we have coming as a result of the Kickstarter – which are (hopefully!) due to arrive anytime now, and hopefully before the holidays begin.

The Ogres should have a much smaller (I hope) model count, and with the already finished figures thrown in, as well as how much I enjoy painting the big old brutes, should also be achievable – at least theoretically.

So in short, I’m going to put aside all the random crap on my painting desk, and the painting ADHD that I have in order to focus for a short, specific time, and hopefully have something tangible to show off and even use(!) at the end of it.

While I’m going to wait until next Wednesday night (18th September) before I allow myself to start painting, I figure I’ll allow myself to assemble, base and prime figures before the date. I'm crossposting this from my wordpress blog since I figure the more people see this thing, the more encouragement I'll (hopefully) get for it which will in turn keep me motivated enough to finish a whole 2 1/2 weeks on the same thing. Since I haven't painted a thing for the last three weeks, it's probably going to be needed.

Ogre Posts:
Starting out, some old painted ogres.
Mantic Ogre Shooters WIP
Mantic Ogre Shooters finished
Classic C23 Ogre Captain Hrothyogg
Classic C23 Ogre Warrior
Classic C23 Ogre Thug
Updated Mantic Ogre Shooters, Classic Olley Ogre
Classic Olley Ogre
Classic Olley Ogre
More Mantic Ogre Shooters WIP
Golfag's Mercenary Ogres
More Mantic Ogre Shooters -Completed! + Army Progress Shot
Classic C23 Chaos Ogre, Pirate Ogre (Rollins Tatts), Ogre Berserker
Classic C23 Ogre Bounty Hunter, Ogre Thug, Gutlagg the Executioner

Bob Olley's Late-Rogue Trader Era Ogryn Sergeant

Dark Elf Posts:
WIP Executioner and Assassin
Dark Elf Repeater Bolt Throwers

High Elf (Blood Elf) Posts:
Swordmasters of Hoeth WIP
A near-complete Swordmaster Sir Forscaling.
...and again.

Undead Posts

RPE Undead Ballista
Celtos "Fir Bolg" Skeletons
D&D Howling Hag and Dark World Haunter
Mantic Zombies Unit 1
Mantic Zombies Unit 2

Gondor Posts
Archers of Minas Tirith 1
Swordsmen of Minas Tirith 1
Archers of Dol Amroth
Archers of Minas Tirith 2
Swordsmen of Minas Tirith 2
Osgiliath Veterans
Denethor, Steward of Gondor

Fantasy Chaos Posts
Khorne Champion
Slaanesh Champion

Orc & Goblin Posts:
Iron Claw Goblin Stone Thrower (with Orc Crew) - Finished (and WIP)
C22 Bolt Thrower

Goblin Netter and Clubber

Dwarf Posts

Giant Slayers

Dark Angels Posts:
Dreadnought WIP
Completed Dreadnought with Weapon/Deco Options.
Choc-Chip Camouflaged Dark Angels Scouts.

Blood Angels:
Rogue Trader-era Terminator Captain

Minotaurs Space Marines
Tactical Marines

Zombicide Posts:
"Fred" (Simon Pegg/Shaun of the Dead), "Don" (John Cleese/Basil Fawlty), "Rob" (Sean Connery/John Mason)
Hasslefree "Ray" & "Dynamic Ray" (Simon Pegg/Shaun of the Dead)

Wood Elf Posts:

Reaper Bones Treekin

Scenery Posts:
Secret Weapon Hesco and Jersey Barriers
Siege Ladders, a Grave

Odds and Ends:
Dust Zombies And here.
Fortune and Glory Boardgame pieces

WarZone Posts:
[http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/90/551946.page#6520046]Warzone Dark Legion Zombies[/url]

This message was edited 353 times. Last update was at 2022/09/17 02:31:37

Made in jp
Incorporating Wet-Blending


I'll be following this project with interest.

Now showing the Kalyshi team for Dreadball, and WIP on a Strider for Deadzone!

Painting total as of 5/6/2024: 49 plus a set of modular spaceship terrain

Painting total for 2023: 79 plus 28 Battlemechs and a Dragon-Balrog

Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut


 JoshInJapan wrote:
I'll be following this project with interest.

Yeah - Good luck!

And I can say from experience that KoW is a fun ruleset, and WFB 3rd edition was where I started as well...

Made in us
Haughty Harad Serpent Rider

Richmond, VA

I expect another update!

"...and special thanks to Judgedoug!" - Alessio Cavatore "Now you've gone too far Doug! ... Too far... " - Rick Priestley "I've decided that I'd rather not have you as a member of TMP." - Editor, The Miniatures Page "I'd rather put my testicles through a mangle than spend any time gaming with you." - Richard, TooFatLardies "We need a Doug Craig in every store." - Warlord Games "Thank you for being here, Judge Doug!" - Adam Troke 
Made in us
Dankhold Troggoth

Shadeglass Maze

Looking forward to seeing an army of Mantic's Ogres

How is Judgedoug involved, I'm assuming only providing morale support? Your flags seem to imply no chance to help in-person
Made in us
Haughty Harad Serpent Rider

Richmond, VA

 RiTides wrote:
Looking forward to seeing an army of Mantic's Ogres

How is Judgedoug involved, I'm assuming only providing morale support? Your flags seem to imply no chance to help in-person

I'm helping him learn Kings of War and creating staggered army lists from his vast pool of models. A 600, 1200, and 2000 point army list for each of several armies, complete with model breakdown in each list. That way, instead of looking sadly at a pile of 1000 unpainted models, he can look at the 600 point list and ready/paint the few models in that list, game with them, and then paint the next few models needed to bump it up to 1200 points, and so forth

"...and special thanks to Judgedoug!" - Alessio Cavatore "Now you've gone too far Doug! ... Too far... " - Rick Priestley "I've decided that I'd rather not have you as a member of TMP." - Editor, The Miniatures Page "I'd rather put my testicles through a mangle than spend any time gaming with you." - Richard, TooFatLardies "We need a Doug Craig in every store." - Warlord Games "Thank you for being here, Judge Doug!" - Adam Troke 
Made in au
Unstoppable Bloodthirster of Khorne

Melbourne .au

Sorry about the (total) lack of updates on this one.

As it happened, a combination of life factors combined to completely torpedo my grand idea of getting a couple of small armies painted on my break. I got as far as clearing off all of the half-painted figures off the painting desk. Despite this, a combination of painting burnout, work stresses, exhaustion, friends and late nights (and the smashed mornings that they lead to), spring cleaning, more spring cleaning, a new bike and riding along the river in spring, too much time posting here in a lethargy, getting sick for a few days and the releases of Grand Theft Auto V and Grand Theft Auto Online all conspired to me not doing a damned thing on this until the last day or two of my break. When I cleaned, heat-straightened and assembled six Mantic ogres. I suppose, I did also ring up GW and ask them if they could help me with the bits that were broken when I opened up my IoB box for the Elves. I should be receiving those replacement parts later today. I'm also going to have to edit out the "time-limited" part of the original title, since that was a pretty hard fail.

Yeah, Doug is offering both moral support and the actual army lists, based on my model collection. After getting the KoW shipments, I worked out roughly what I had, give him the caveat that I didn’t want any goblins/gnoblar proxies and sent the list off to JudgeDoug, and in reply I got three army lists for KoW – 600, 1200 and 2000points, which it turns out, I can put together with just a little effort. Old-School Warhammer/Oldhammer devotees may or may not have much of an interest in Kings of War, but I’m sure will like the old-school Citadel Ogres.

Anyway, this blog is nothing without pictures, so here goes:

600-point Ogre Army
only 13 models!

115 Ogre Warriors Troop
[3x Ogres] solid unit

The two fellows on the ends are Bob Olley sculpts. While Bob is in many ways one of those Vegemite (or Marmite) sculptors (you’ll love him or hate him) his Ogres manage to be pretty well liked by most people. And with good reason, as they’re excellent sculpts that still stand up extremely well today. This pair were painted pretty much when they were released, so aside from rebasing them in my current style, will be left intact. The middle Ogre I believe is a Tim Prow sculpt which was released by Grenadier or Ral Partha or the like. I cut the integral metal base off him and based him on a 40mm, painting him in the style of Empire Ogres of the day. He must be a good 10-years old as well. I may tone that bright yellow down to an ochre, but otherwise I won’t be messing with him much either. All three are certainly table-ready right now, after all!

115 Ogre Warriors Troop with Two-Handed Weapons
[3x Ogres] solid unit

Once again, three classic Citadel Ogres, painted a long, long time ago. I think these three still hold up very well today, with the exception of the horribly garish red-green-blue of the guy on the end. Even back in the day it didn’t quite work for me, so he’ll be having some paint surgery to tone that the hell down. I’m still quite happy with the other two, especially with the skinhead ogre with the bag of loot and flagon of ale. I’m also very happy with the freehand tattoos on the “woodsman” ogre. As can plainly be seen from these six figures, I always chose to paint almost all of my Ogres as individuals, with different skin tones (and where appropriate, tattoos) to go with their unique sculpts. As this ogre army expands, I’ll continue to do the same with the models that are clearly individuals, while those with a more uniform appearance, like the Mantic models, will be painted in a more “regimented” manner. Obviously these guys don’t have the crazily-oversized 2handers that the newer GW Ogre Kingdoms models or the Mantic ones have, but they’re all a more than acceptable size for 2-handers, and besides, these classic Jes Goodwin Ogres trump all other Ogre sculpts, in my opinion.

140 Ogre Shooters Troop with Heavy Crossbows
[3x Ogres] solid unit

140 Ogre Shooters Troop with Blunderbusses
[3x Ogres] solid unit

Both units of these guys are obviously, the Mantic KS Ogres, sculpted by Remy. I’ve only built these ones so far, and clearly, they’re very WIP – but my thoughts on them.

1. They take a bit longer to assemble than the plastic GW ones, due to needing to wash them (I sometimes wash hard plastic, but not always, and it’s always fine). You will also need to immerse them in hot water to get their feet evenly flat for gluing to a base. You will need to use super glue, not plastic cement. You will also probably need to use a hairdryer to heat up 2-handed weapons (you definitely need to do so for both the crossbows and muskets) so you can get the two arms/weapons to join properly. This also means that you need to properly file/cut away the mould lines/flash before assembly. Heating the arms does allow you a fair bit more flexibility in poses though, compared to hard plastic kits. Oddly, I found I enjoyed the heating, gluing and cooling part of the model assembly.

2. I was pumped to start painting them, but I found that due to their arms and weapons crossing over their torsos, that the missile troops are annoying to paint for someone like me. I imagine the 2H weapons will also annoy me, but that I’ll be quite happy with the sword and board models, as well as any conversions I do using GW’s plastic Orc arms. This is because…

3. They’re nicely sculpted, nicely moulded models. I wish that there was more variety in heads and torsos, but that’s because I like to make larger models like ogres more individual. They are nice models, though. Detail is lovely.

4. On the missile troops, there’s no real need for GS. I did drop some liquid GS in a couple of wrist joints, and in the neck joints, but that’s largely because I reposed the arms (slightly) while heating and gluing. Otherwise they’re fine. Again, I imagine the 2H troops will be similar, and that the 1h/shield troops won’t need anything at all.

As we have something like 80 (eighty) of these Mantic models, I’m going to be giving them what I consider a good quality tabletop level of paint, but not going to town on them. The metal above has been painted with a simple layer of Vallejo Model Colour “Oily Steel” (70.865) washed with Army Painter Dark Tone (aka Badab Black). I think it’s come out bloody well, and with these guys being Ogres, I like the weather-worn, dulled look of it (which is why I used Oily Steel rather than a brighter metallic). They will also be, clearly, more uniform than the unique individuals that most of the Citadel Ogres are.

90 Ogre Army Standard on Chariot
* Mace of Crushing
[1x Ogre Banner guy on Chariot] hero/monster

No pic of this guy yet, as he’s not yet assembled. I’ve got many of the bits picked out. Mantic Chariot from the KS. Mantic Ogre torso – either the upright one or possibly the “general” one. Undecided on the head. Probably a conversion for the “reins” arm, and either a converted arm for the standard, or mounting it in some manner onto the chariot itself. Undecided on whether I’ll use the Mantic Boards, Citadel ones with metal heads, or even some other kind of beast(s). I’m pretty much still waiting on Hoard O Bitz to send out my bits order that I placed a week ago, then have it make it’s way across the Pacific to me.

Finally, a size comparison pic:

I don’t have any assembled OK models to add to this at the moment – the only assembled ones I’ve got are Ogryn conversions, and they’re still MIA from moving house right now. I’m sure there’s some other pics comparing the two elsewhere on the internets. Since I plan to use a couple of OK models in the larger versions of this army, I’ll eventually have some more comprehensive comparison shots.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/10/28 09:18:20

Made in gb
Morphing Obliterator

I will be watching this project with interest, especially as I have an ogre wfb army and have recently started playing kings of war (1 game so far).

Nice start, it's great to see the older sculpts still being used and holding up with the modern stuff.

Chaos Space Marines - Iron Warriors & Night Lords 7900pts

Made in de
Battlefield Tourist


I'll be following this! Lovely to see some of the older, charming citadel sculpts.

Made in us
Haughty Harad Serpent Rider

Richmond, VA

I require more updates!

"...and special thanks to Judgedoug!" - Alessio Cavatore "Now you've gone too far Doug! ... Too far... " - Rick Priestley "I've decided that I'd rather not have you as a member of TMP." - Editor, The Miniatures Page "I'd rather put my testicles through a mangle than spend any time gaming with you." - Richard, TooFatLardies "We need a Doug Craig in every store." - Warlord Games "Thank you for being here, Judge Doug!" - Adam Troke 
Made in au
Unstoppable Bloodthirster of Khorne

Melbourne .au

Oh alright. Not really much to show really. Certainly not an exciting update! It's been a bit slow going as I'm not really enjoying painting these Ogres because of the arms and weapons going across and obscuring the chests - I'm sure I'll like painting the regular ones with 1-handed weapons eventually. Pretty sure I said that at least once before, but hey!

Have put down a GW Ratskin Flesh base on their skin, given it a targetted wash of thinned down Coat D'Arms Red Brown paint, then blended back up (only on a couple so far) to the Ratskin Flesh. I notice that it's not coming up especially stark or obvious in the pictures, but I prefer a more subtle/realistic highlight and shade on flesh, while I can go the other way on things like cloth when appropriate. I'll give the flesh another layer of highlights (after I finish bringing them back up to the Ratskin tone) and see if they need a second highlight layer when I get there.

Added some VMA Bright Brass with a bit of VGC Glorious Gold to the brass elements on their weapons. I was tossing up whether to give the armour some brass elements, but I really do like the way they look with just plain, slightly tarnished steel without any brass/copper/gold filigree. I'm not going to add rust to them as GW has done with many of their OK figures. I eventually went with blue for the tabards, since I wanted to avoid more reds and browns due to the fleshtones and brown pants I've given some of them. I used Reaper's MSP Denim Blue, with a wash of AP Strong Tone (aka Devlan Mud) since I want the tabards to look dirty and haggard, rather than highlighting them and shading to a bright shade of blue. I figure that military-minded Ogres (and the Mantic ones are clearly quite uniform) would maintain their weapons and armour reasonably well, while not being too fussed about keeping their denims bright and clean.

My Hoard O Bits order arrived with some banner pieces and such. So after I finish these six, I can finally (re)start on the Chariot(s) for the army.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/10/28 09:20:04

Made in au
Unstoppable Bloodthirster of Khorne

Melbourne .au

So as mentioned, the counterpoint to this Ogre army for KoW is a Twilight Kin one. Originally the plan was to use GW High Elves in a KoW “Elf” Army, but through some discussion with JudgeDoug it slowly morphed into a Twilight Kin (Dark Elf) army list via my suggestion of using my few Dark Elves at the time and then Doug finding the most appropriate list for the figures I had at the time. In the last month, however, I found I nice bloke in the UK selling off a shitton of Warhammers, and managed to pick up a whole lot of his Dark Elves (though not as many as I’d liked to! Damn those eBay snipers!). In any case, the “Elves” have had another turn, and now the Twilight Kin going to be a “Proper” Dark Elf force, with a whole new colour scheme I’ve worked out, and the (High) Elves will remain in their previously planned colours – when I get around to painting them. Right after these two armies, hopefully! I’ll also have to ask Doug to rejig the TK army list to reflect the loss of the High and addition of many more Dark Elves.

This first Dark Elf is from the previous/recent metal range. I have to say that while I liked the look of the executioners in pictures, their separate greatswords just looked like an accident waiting to happen. I also didn’t think much of this guy in pictures, as the visual balance always looked right off, with his obscured face, and overly-silly-large-hairdo. Once he was in hand, already assembled and sprayed black, I was somehow compelled to paint him up. So I did. Not sure where he fits exactly into the TK army list, but he’ll go in there somewhere, for sure.

It took me awhile to figure out what colour scheme to give the Dark Elves. While Purple/Black always looks good, it’s also the standard GW go-to colour (like Blue/White for High Elves) so again I wanted to do something at least a little bit different. After close to a day of poking around on the internet and looking at different models, some pics of nicely painted Sons of Horus helped me decide to go for some deep sea-green armour, based on the look I prefer for Sons of Horus. With sea green chosen for my main armour colour, I gave a local paint store a call to see if they had any sprays in sea green, and it turns out that they can literally make spray cans (or pressure packs, as they call them) in any colour off their extensive colour charts. So I went around, was somewhat overwhelmed with the amount of choice, and chose one from the 6 or so that were in what I felt was the right range. I also decided to go for a metallic tint, since I felt it would work a bit better (and hey, otherwise I may as well just mix up some custom dropper bottles). Later, I found some more images with metallic Sons of Horus, so I may eventually do up a squad of those guys as well.

When I got back and gave him a spray, I then had to figure out what to do with the cloth parts. I originally wanted to avoid any reds, but saw another pic of the Sons of Horus where a very small amount of red was used effectively, so went with it – on the lower cloak, and also using a reddish-brown for the leather on his topknot-wrap and sword handle. Using a purplish shade to his skin also warms the figure, slightly and provides a contrast to his armour. Again, taken from a good blog article – this one talking about Dark Eldar skin tones. The hair was finished, but it looks like the end of the topknot has had something splash onto it.

I knew I wanted to do some freehand on the cloak, so I was originally going to go with flames on the cloak, Legion of the Damned-style. Then green flames. Then a black cloak with “glowing green” runes – palette inspired by the Cryx boxed set. In the end I went with a faded spiral pattern on the inner cloak, and plain wet-blended turquoise for the outer. I’ll likely varnish the whole model next (after fixing the hair) and then work out what to do on the cloaks – either some freehand or just leaving them as they are. Suggestions welcome. What was particularly nice for me was getting this guy to this point in about 2 1/2 days from the original black sprayed model.

Then there’s his little mate who came with him that I’ve just started – a DE Assassin. Again, not sure where exactly he’ll fit into the army, but not too worried about things like that. I’m basically happy with the cloak being a P3 Coal Base-Trollblood Base, and the metal armour in the same colour as the other model, but not entirely sure about his turquoise thigh-high go-go boots. Perhaps shade them down and see how it looks? I plan to paint his undershorts black and skip the spot of red on his clothing, unless it’s a touch of face paint. But yeah, the main delay on this one is working out what to do with his booties.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2017/10/28 09:22:01

Made in au
Unstoppable Bloodthirster of Khorne

Melbourne .au

Yay! Three updates in a row without comment. Here's a couple of quick pics of finished Ogres.

More pics on my blog (linked from my sig) for those who are interested.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/10/28 09:23:33

Made in gb
Incorporating Wet-Blending

Wales: Where the Men are Men and the sheep are Scared.

I like the Ogres a lot. I agree about the lack of sculpt variety though. Looking forward to seeing the rest of your work. Subscribe.

Made in us
Near Golden Daemon Caliber


I thought I had this subbed, nice progress. Those ogres look great, I kind of want some Mantic ogres now. The DE look nice too, I'll have to read through the talky bits later when the toddler isn't terrorizing me.

Made in au
Pustulating Plague Priest

Much prefer your flesh tone ogres to Mantics red blobs, in fact you've convinced me to get some!

There’s a difference between having a hobby and being a narcissist.  
Made in au
Unstoppable Bloodthirster of Khorne

Melbourne .au

The main reason I started Ogres was to have a reason/excuse to get out my classic Citadel Ogre models that I'd just painted for the pleasure of it. All of them painted between 10 and 23 years ago. I've also got several that are still unpainted, and a couple that got started and never finished. With this in mind, and after some bloody stupid moves a couple of years ago when I stripped some very well painted figures from my youth in order to repaint them "modern style" that I now hugely regret, I decided not to repaint these guys, but to touch up where needed (chipped paint or toning down overly garish bits, re-highlighting metals) but to keep the essence of them as they were originally painted. So where some of the highlighting is a bit rough, or the blending on the flesh tones isn't 100%, that stuff stays untouched. The old railway-flock bases have been redone with painted sand and tufts so they fit in with my current stuff, but that's mostly it, aside from the touch-ups.

I'll post them one at a time, and more complete pics will - as always - be on the blog (when it gets updated). I'll update with more periodically after updating and photographing the figures as I go.

First Up:
Ogre Captain. Sculpted by Jes Goodwin.

For the moment, he's leading the first infantry unit. I've not glued him to the resin base, as I'm also considering mounting him in a chariot to be the Warlord of the entire force, as this is my favourite ogre figure ever, and also one of my favourite miniatures ever.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/10/28 09:24:54

Made in us
Near Golden Daemon Caliber


He's interesting to be sure, and a very clean nice looking paint job too.

Made in gb
Rampaging Reaver Titan Princeps

Earlobe deep in doo doo

Some great models and cheers for the advie about the restic stuff. I'm envious of the classic ogres as well.

"But me no buts! Our comrades get hurt. Our friends die. Falkenburg is a knight who swore an oath to serve the church and to defend the weak. He'd be the first to tell you to stop puling and start planning. Because what we are doing-at risk to ourselves-is what we have sworn to do. The West relies on us. It is a risk we take with pride. It is an oath we honour. Even when some soft southern burgher mutters about us, we know the reason he sleeps soft and comfortable, why his wife is able to complain about the price of cabbages as her most serious problem and why his children dare to throw dung and yell "Knot" when we pass. It's because we are what we are. For all our faults we stand for law and light.
Von Gherens This Rough Magic Lackey, Flint & Freer
Mekagorkalicious -Monkeytroll
2017 Model Count-71
Made in gb
Incorporating Wet-Blending

Wales: Where the Men are Men and the sheep are Scared.

I really wanna see you add these.

to your army.

Made in au
Unstoppable Bloodthirster of Khorne

Melbourne .au

Thanks for the kind words, guys. Those ogres look interesting, Carlos. Where are they from? I've got quite the pile to get through before I buy any more Ogres, though...

Made in gb
Incorporating Wet-Blending

Wales: Where the Men are Men and the sheep are Scared.

From here. But they are practically closed down though.


Made in au
Unstoppable Bloodthirster of Khorne

Melbourne .au

A shame, they're very nicely priced and I like the touch of the headgear being separate.

Here's another one. I remember, I painted him from bare metal to done in a single Saturday, many years ago. Still a nice, characterful sculpt, but the memory of painting him entirely in a day especially makes him a special model to me and still gives me the warm fuzzies (though I forget the actual details of the day.)

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/10/28 09:26:05

Made in us
Near Golden Daemon Caliber


I like how he labeled his drink just in case he was too dense to remember what he put in there , nice touch.

Made in gb
Joined the Military for Authentic Experience

On an Express Elevator to Hell!!

Very cool looking blog, and good to see someone with a work desk as messy as my own!

Completely know what you mean about utilisation of a work break - 'real life' stuff always gets in the way, but great that things are building up steam now.

Didn't realise you could paint so well Azazelx, these guys look great, and interested to see how the different bits will slot in together.

Consider me subbed!

Epic 30K&40K! A new players guide, contributors welcome https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/751316.page
Small but perfectly formed! A Great Crusade Epic 6mm project: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/694411.page

Made in us
Near Golden Daemon Caliber


I hadn't looked at the table in the first pic... It looks more of organized chaos to me. If you want mess, I'll take a picture of my own desk. Hell, sometimes I spend 5-10 minutes trying to find my xacto or 6" ruler =/

He does seem to be getting through quite a few ogres though, doesn't he

Made in au
Unstoppable Bloodthirster of Khorne

Melbourne .au

Thanks guys. It's always faster to do touchups and rebasing than paint whole new figures. I'm just happy that the old boys will get a run on the field again.

Now, 'ave another Ogre!

And a group shot!

115pts Ogre Warriors Troop
[3x Ogres] solid unit

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/10/28 09:27:20

Made in jp
Incorporating Wet-Blending


 Azazelx wrote:
Thanks guys. It's always faster to do touchups and rebasing than paint whole new figures. I'm just happy that the old boys will get a run on the field again.

Now, 'ave another Ogre!

Aw! You cut the spike off his helmet!

Now showing the Kalyshi team for Dreadball, and WIP on a Strider for Deadzone!

Painting total as of 5/6/2024: 49 plus a set of modular spaceship terrain

Painting total for 2023: 79 plus 28 Battlemechs and a Dragon-Balrog

Made in gb
Incorporating Wet-Blending

Wales: Where the Men are Men and the sheep are Scared.

I'm impressed with the level of painting on the skin.

Made in de
Battlefield Tourist


Love the tattoos on the last guy!

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