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Well, he was taken by the Inquisition. Not sure about going over to Deathwatch though I think he was in it before.
I wouldn't say the vs is unnecessary but I put in a lot of hours on it and had a blast with friends. It was structurally quite basic in terms of modes but the core gameplay was a blast.
We Munch for Macragge! FOR THE EMPRUH! Cheesesticks and Humus!
Ahtman wrote: I don't pre-order often but I will be pre-ordering this.
Is there a benefit to doing so? Are you buying digital or a physical copy?
Generally no but it does show how much support/desire their is for a game and I want to show that I am pleased as punch with this existing.
I don't know if I'll get a physical copy or not but most likely it will be digital. The statue really isn't of enough interest to me to make the collectors edition worthwhile.
Amidst the mists and coldest frosts he thrusts his fists against the posts and still insists he sees the ghosts.
Pleasing to my ear that the Captain has a Scottish accent. But given how deep Marine voices are. One must assume he was a proper wee squeaky ned before recruitment.
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That said, man what a bummer that you don't get to play a "custom" character for coop! Didn't Titus go over to the Deathwatch or something?
The director for the first game did an interview ages ago and outlined what their plan for Titus was:
So, what would have happened to Titus had his story continued? The ending to his game – and, obviously, there are spoilers ahead – saw the soldier dragged away in chains under charges of heresy after battling the forces of Chaos. “The second part of his story was to focus on a ‘Titus Unleashed’ plot … basically there were forces arrayed against him that would see his loyalty to the Adeptus Astartes pushed to its limit, and his reaction would be to kind of ‘go rogue,'” van Lierop said. “He would survive, and come back even stronger in the third game, where other Space Marines still loyal to him would rally around him and he’d return to ‘clean house,’ but as the head of a brand new Chapter that we would build around him.”
Adeptekon wrote: I will get bored if it's only co-op, but I get they have story line to follow rather than it being an open world.
The co-op is optional but like the first game, it will live or die by its multiplayer features. An Exterminatus mode is a must and it really needs to have a PvP aspect though the current lack of CSM in the game means that might be unlikely.
I hope multiplayer outside of coop is not in the game, it's a waste of resources best spent on other aspects of the game. IIRC they said as much for the first game, it has a multiplayer mode, but it wasn't the meat of the game.
Why is it a waste of resources if I may ask?
SM 1 MP might have been sparse in the beginning but it was still fun and Exterminatus was really good. The MP for DoW 2 was one of the reasons I bought the games in the first place after watching it on YouTube while painting.
Certainly some people have enjoyed a singleplayer game which later gets a sequel where the singleplayer part is almost a bare-bones tutorial and the whole focus is on the multiplayer.
So I can appreciate some not wanting MP to be present incase its development ate up money and resources that would have otherwise been spent on a richer singleplayer experience.
At the same time they could round out the MP even more; perhaps even build in bots and solo options.
Just my opinion but if the game is just the campaign, it won't be worth it, not unless it's an open-world scenario (which I highly doubt).
The campaign for SM 1 is good, no doubt there but the game's continued play value came from the MP, especially Exterminatus mode and even then that was hampered by modes being paid DLC *cough*Dreadnoughts*cough*.
But at modern prices (£50-60) SM 2 is going to be a solid pass for me if there isn't any MP content beyond the co-op campaign.
Well I do need some space to buy new Codex, new Tyranids, a new Series X and for my wallet to recover from that, so I'm fine with an early 2024 release date.
Will it be available on the Xbox upon first release unlike Dark Tide? Apparently slimming things down for the lower spec S as mandated is difficult for some developers.
We Munch for Macragge! FOR THE EMPRUH! Cheesesticks and Humus!
Yeah, it was a great incentive to be aggressive and get stuck in, though I do hope they better balance some of the encounters, the late game Chaos sections were anything but fun sometimes. But happy that the over the top kills are still in, the finishing move where you dodge, grab a 'gaunt by the tail and simply slam it into the ground? That's the kind of silly, over the top violence you want in this game.
It's a great use of the World War Z engine, right down to the wall climbing antics, the game itself is so-so, but the ability for it to crank out hundreds of enemies bearing down towards you in a swarming tide without any slowdown or stutter is amazing.
I have high hopes for this one, only minor complaint I have is.. no Mark Strong this time around. 😭 But from what I've seen so far, they're building on the core elements of the first game and I love it, just like with Boltgun, they're keeping it simple.
The period of 2022 (Darktide) - 2023 (Boltgun and hopefully Space Marine 2) - 2024 (Rogue Trader) might be a good time for 40k games at long last hehe.
Interesting that the secret Chaos threat is going to be Thousand Sons. Hopefully they don't follow the same formula of "xenos initial threat, evil chaos the real final boss" that they've done several times. At least it won't be Khorne or Nurgle this time around.