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Guardlings (Mostly) Necromunda Stuff... CSRT, Left at the Bottom of the Garden...  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in gb
Calculating Commissar

Reading, Berks

Those look excellent! I love the tables and gubbins on them, that's a really nice detail.

And I get the ADHD thing... I just resumed work on a figure from about 13 years ago that I hit a blocker on!

Made in us
Boom! Leman Russ Commander

United States

My gosh- the figures are great but the hab unit is fantastic in its level of detail and sheer miniaturization! Excellent work all around!

"He fears his fate too much, or his desserts are small, who will not put it to a single touch; to win- or lose- it all."

Montrose Toast

Made in us
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

Those tables are great, the books worked out well. The camo on Chag is really good too, and he certainly looks SF with his mix of non-spec gear . Loving the old and new orlocks too

Goberts Gubbins - P&M Blog, started with Oldhammer, often Blackstone Fortress and Void Panther Marines, with side projects along the way 
Made in gb
Shas'la with Pulse Carbine

Thanks all!
@endtransmission I just found a model that's been soaking in Dettol for several years now. Paint better come off...

Anyways, you may have noticed that I used a new skin recipe for my penal legion trooper.
The pics I took didn't really show it of very well but I quite like the effect I came up
So while working on my Hexorcist i thought I'd document it while I still remember...

Started with some Celestra Grey followed by a wash of Druchii Violet

Another layer of Celestra and then a highlight on Corax White

Finally I slapped some Contrast Gullimans Flesh over it.


Also finished painting up some barricades:

They're a bit brighter than my first lot (back left as reference) but they're also rustier...
Also got to a point with my Kill Team barricades:

Unfortunately I am kinda stuck on whether to leave them as is or layer another colour on top...

See you next time

My hobby ADHD, mostly Necromunda, with a splash of regular 40k... 
Made in gb
Mad Gyrocopter Pilot


Very nice work Guardling, the rust looks really nice, i would maybe keep them as is. The skin tone you chose looks really nice.

One and a half feet in the hobby

My Painting Log of various minis:
# Olthannon's Oscillating Orchard of Opportunity #

Made in gb
Shas'la with Pulse Carbine

 Olthannon wrote:
Very nice work Guardling, the rust looks really nice, i would maybe keep them as is. The skin tone you chose looks really nice.

Thank you, I will probably keep the barricades as is because I'm lazy. Thinking about a coloured stripe to put something tying them to my Necromundian guard...

So for this post which I meant to put up on Friday (or at the latest Saturday) I have been busy painting and not sleeping and then catching up on all the sleeps...
Some of this has already been seen in Instagram because it is ridiculously easy to post when I have five minutes, unlike Dakka where it can take me easily an hour or two to figure out what I'm writing.
Or accidentally press the Submit button instead of scrolling down the page on my phone...
But this week, Dakka is getting ahead, yay!


The Mystic:

Esca just wants to be left alone to read his books, stories about romances that he will never experience, stories about animals he will never touch, stories about a peaceful life he will never see.
Then his masters drag him away from his library to make him listen for the voices.
Voices that promise all the things he knows he can never have.


The Hexorcist:

Agnus's fellow agents have provided a stick of holy resin for him to bite down on. They tell him it is to infuse him with the Emperors blessing...
Regardless, his enemies can feel the hate and faith push through the gag as if it was never there.


The Pistolier:

No fluff yet, he's just the base model, was trying to make his weapons stealthy but I don't think you can do that with a plasma gun...

The Questkeeper:

Also no fluff but as the alternate for the pistolier I had to find a replacement body.
The upper torso is from the priest being atomised by some necron lord, unfortunately it got damaged during construction.
Legs I think are from Frostgrave with a spacer to get the right height. I tried to blend it with the robes but it didn't look great, so now he has a lot of danglies on his belt...


Did a bit of green stuff work on the Enlightener agent:

Wanted the coat to look a bit more like the official model and less like a ganger.
Now I've said that I can imagine he's an ex Delaque...


Also painted up some servo skulls to go with the Tome-skull:

These are from the Scion kit (?), one as is and another with some conversions


Given that I have been blasting through the Inquisitional Agents Kill Team nothing should stop me from finishing them by Christmas!


This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2023/12/20 18:17:14

Made in us
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

Sweet minis Guardling! Love the mystic and their fluff. Is that a heroquest skellybob?

Goberts Gubbins - P&M Blog, started with Oldhammer, often Blackstone Fortress and Void Panther Marines, with side projects along the way 
Made in ca
Fixture of Dakka

Surrey, BC - Canada

More solid progress Guardling.



Made in gb
Shas'la with Pulse Carbine

@ Gobert: Thanks, the skeleton is from board game called Destinies, more on that in a sec...
@ Captain Brown :Thank you

Merry Christmas and a happy New Year to all!
So what have I been up to over Christmas?
Mostly playing Death Stranding and it's sucking all my life away(40 hours this week :S)
Not sure why, but I like its mostly chill vibes, slow pace, building roads and making deliveries
I did however do some hobbying:


Got my last two Inquisitorial Agents finished on Christmas day
The Enlightener:

The Interrogator:

Again no stories, I seem to be on bit of a block on that front. Happy with how the Enlighteners collar came out.


Played a board game called Destinies (where that skelly is from), it has a few 15mm minis, some special dice and an app that acts as a GM...
Up to three people try to fulfill their own hidden goal that apparently conflict with each other:

Good fun, I "won", by the skin of my teeth.
I had acquired a load of boosts to my dice but on the final encounter, I rolled nothing but ones and burnt though everything just trying to get passing rolls.
There's only really a limited number of times you can play it, due to knowing whats going to happen.
There is, however several smallish stories that apparently make up a campaign...

At first I thought the minis were made of HIPS as they were quite rigid, but when I tried to remove mold lines it bacame clear that they're rubbery, so I left them as is.
I think I painted maybe ten of the minis, but in the interests of trying not to spoil myself, I didn't use the cards as reference so I just picked random models and gave what I thought was an appropriate colour scheme.
Because most of the minis are tiny they got a super simple paint job of colour-wash-colour as a highlight.
From the lack of pictures, you can guess that I forgot to take any. I'll make an effort to take some the next time I paint some


Got a new box of Orlock quads as a Christmas present, but seing as I already had two I thought I'd make something new:

Ended up going with a new member of my Ash Wastes Admech.
I put a poll up on my Instagram about what i should run it as
Kataphron, Outrider, the wierd robot horse thing or just a random dude on a quad.
Outrider won so I put together some bits:

I wanted to keep the general shape and feel as an Outrider but also wanted to keep the AdMech weapon set so it wasn't just an Orlock painted red...
So I came up with a Servitor for the gunner:

Servitors generally have a specific task so he doesn't need all the fancy extra limbs a regular ganger has.
Some more cables for guts hanging out and a battery pack to fill the gap:

And some base layers of paint to bring them together:

Sticking to the Stygies VIII scheme, I feel they needs some of the cog markings to move it away from red Orlock.
Oh, I cut the stabby bits off the front because I was gonna replace them with the cattle prods AdMech have, but I don't have any in my bits. May try scratch building one...


Thats all for now, I don't have any new years resolutions because I don't have any focus right now so I'm gonna be bouncing all over the place with hobby stuff...

Maybe I should make a list...
Made in ca
Bounding Ultramarine Assault Trooper

Your Enlightener came out great. I have been working on those Inquisitorial agents on and off for a while.
I cheated and just used an old Warhammer Fantasy wizard for the body for my Enlightener. I still need to Green Stuff all the gaps though.
Made in gb
Shas'la with Pulse Carbine


Thanks OSJClatchford!
Hobby ADHD and OCD combine to mean I dropped all my current projects and almost forgot to do IRL things while I sorted through the bits...

My hobby ADHD, mostly Necromunda, with a splash of regular 40k... 
Made in au
Alluring Mounted Daemonette


Lovely atmospheric photos here, really showing off your great work on these minis.

Admech bike looks great - what is your purpose, B-1K3RB01? Blast the bad guys...

t z you are k 
Made in gb
Calculating Commissar

Reading, Berks

The bike is looking really good! And that box... oh my god I want to dig through that and clip/sort it all

Made in au
12th Cadian Mech Regt Orphan Brigade


Great grim date figures.

Colonel Jacka
12th Cadian Mech Regt
Orphan Brigade
All Hail St Pius
Made in gb
Storm Trooper with Maglight

chigwell, essex

No worries Guardling, glad it's got a good home.
@endtransmission, Tbh , it's mostly sorted rather well anyway, cos I'm nice like that ok , let me rephrase that, I'm OCD like that! Lol

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/01/12 10:50:42

Made in gb
Shas'la with Pulse Carbine

@ Tommygun1918 Thank you, i look forward to seeing your take

@Tzurk: Thanks, I think minis look better "in the wild"

@Endtransmission: Thank you and snip snip snip

@Colonel Jacka: Thanks!

@OSJClatchford: Yes, it was well sorted, but it wasn't on my system, so it was wrong :p

So what have I been up to?
Injuring myself apparently, third hand injury of the year and the worst (so far, haha).
Nearly cut the tip off my thumb off when the coffee pot I was cleaning shattered.
No worries, I needed a new excuse why ive hardly painted anything anyway...
The real tradgedy was that I couldn't make coffee anymore, one that my partner quickly fixed.

I did however make a list of my current paint queue and plans for the year:

+++Paint queue (Primary)+++
Admech Quad
Orlock ganger
FW Escher Shivver
FW Escher clan Chemist
Bomb rats (Anvil?) x3
Hab Unit breakroom
Chacon Lab

+++Paint queue (Seconary)+++
BSF Traitor guard x10
BSF Beastmen x3
BSF Electro priest x3
Cultists x8
Rouge trader (starstriders)
Gryph hound

+++pile of shame+++
Orlock quad x1
Delaque Gang x18?
Palinite Enforcers x8
Palinite Subjugators x6
Serberys Raiders x3
Navy Breachers x10
FW Propaganist & Agitator x2
FW Cawdor sheen birds x3
FW Kira the Huntress x1
FW Esher Phyrr cats x2
A boatload of Tau.
Destinies expansion

TriInd workers
Female Beast Trader
A study in OSJC
A study in Grillet

Probably going to be mentioning "OSJCs bits" a lot in this post...


Escher Shivver got some more paint on her last week:

Unfortunately I am not digging it right now, it definitely needs some more on her skirt, maybe some yellow...


Before glassing my self, I finally painted up the "Tailor" character and well, she's not a tailor anymore:

Now she an Operations Manager for TriInd, the mining company my GSC models have been repatriated to.
And thanks to OSJCs bits, there's gonna be few more:

Also something I wanted to do for a while is a Confined Space Rescue and Recovery Team (CSRT) and now I have found some heads with the right style mask in OSJCs bits:

These helmet rims have obviously misprinted and so going replace the lid with some in line with the helmet my previous workers were wearing. Unfortunately, I only have two left, so time for the blue-stuff:

The mold come out really well so was inspired to remake my poorly done pouches mold and a new shoulder pad mold (no pics) that came out pretty good as well


One of my favourite things in OSJCs bits is the small furry animals I found:

Little anvil bomb rats, there was a duplicate so trimmed off his explosive and replaced it with a GSC mining charge.

Also found a torso that goes well with the unused legs from the FW beast tamer:

I put in some miliput for gap filling last night when filled my helmet mold


Thats all for now, currently working my way round my thumb, but I doubt that I will be painting this week...
See you later!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/01/22 09:39:51

Made in us
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

Plenty if cool new projects coming here! Those bomb rats are fantastic, loads of character(is one of them wearing a beret!?). The Tailor Ops Manager came out really well and the Confined space team look like they’ll be good additions to the TriInd banner

Goberts Gubbins - P&M Blog, started with Oldhammer, often Blackstone Fortress and Void Panther Marines, with side projects along the way 
Made in gb
Shas'la with Pulse Carbine

*Happy gas mask noises*

Still alive, just not much time to update things...

My hobby ADHD, mostly Necromunda, with a splash of regular 40k... 
Made in gb
Calculating Commissar


 Guardling wrote:
*Happy gas mask noises*

Still alive, just not much time to update things...

Ooh, interesting. Where are the components from?

...certified gas-mask nut here.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/02/01 12:34:08

 ChargerIIC wrote:
If algae farm paste with a little bit of your grandfather in it isn't Grimdark I don't know what is.
Made in gb
Shas'la with Pulse Carbine

@gobert: Theres no rat with a beret, haha, but that might change the next time I crack out the green stuff...
Although I do have some hero quest rats that I was thinking of basing as plain old wildlife.

@ Haigus: no idea where the prints for the mask are from they came from OSJClatchfords bits box that he sent. The helmets are a press mold from some old empire militia. I'm pretty sure the masks themselves are a fictional design, but they are close enough to the masks (Scott Vision 3s if you're interested) that I use when I'm working CSRT

So its been a while, my thumb got its dressing off, the scar runs all the way round from nail to nail, so I must of nearly lost the whole tip. it's healed up nicely and I can start using it again...
Coincidentally work went from 10% to 100% effort the last few weeks so I have been absolutely shattered and only scraping a few half hours here and there for hobby time, if I didn't fall asleep on my chair first.
Work seems to have dropped back down to 10% for now...


First up is a new Beast Trader/Tamer to replace the one I turned into a Rogue Trader:

Arms and head are from the Frostgrave female wizards set, they were the only arms that felt the right size for the torso although I think they might be a bit short.
The whip hand is from the Escher Wyld Runners.
She still needs a bit of green stuff work to fix her boots, but my last lot of green stuff was pretty hard to work with, I may need a new roll, I've had it longer than this blog!


I started building a new set of stairs similar to something I saw some where:

Wanted something to go up two levels, which seems to be as high as most of my stuff goes.

Wall section is just sign board with some strips of platicard. Its based around a ZM 3x3 square but it doesn't really lock into the board as well as I would like.


Poking through OSJCs bits again I built and painted up all the Gerry Cans I found:

Idea is to keep them separate (for now) and maybe use as tokens for fuel and/or water.
Some had missing pieces so I just painted what I had with the intention to add them to terrain or bases.


Put a yellow wash and some black stripes on my Escher Shivvers skirt:

Don't like it much, it kinda feels wrong now. I spotted someone else's Shivver and their stripes were a lot more dense so will try that.
Also painted up her srcying skull:



"They're carrying things?"

"Why does he have a radio?"

"They're carrying things to give to people right?"

Yes sweetie, they're delivering pressies to all the good little hangers...

Tata for now!
Made in ca
Bounding Ultramarine Assault Trooper

Those rats are such cute little plague bearers.
Made in ca
Fixture of Dakka

Surrey, BC - Canada

Some neat conversions there Guardling.



Made in gb
Shas'la with Pulse Carbine

Still alive
CSRT team leader, first man in takes an oxygen resuscitation unit to place on the casualty

Still not sure on whether to have these guys on SCBA (air on back) or MAU (air coming from a trolley).
SCBA would make sense given thier bulky suits, but MAU would make for more interesting gameplay.
Although I do want to make a MAU trolley...

My hobby ADHD, mostly Necromunda, with a splash of regular 40k... 
Made in gb
Shas'la with Pulse Carbine

+++ A Study in 1/35 +++
Soooo... I've not been feeling great, no motivation only sleep.
So in an effort to to break back into hobbying I thought I'd try something new...

Some time ago I had the uneducated idea of trying Inquisitor models but using 1/35 scale models as the base (I now know that 54mm inquisitor models ARE 1/35 scale), opening up scale models for vehicles and better proportions...
*Adds 1/35 scale Chimera to project list*

Little one required Loom Bands from Hobbycraft and I remembered that the Jerry cans from OSJClatchfords bits package were available in the shop, so I bought a bunch of 1/35 scale bits.

Obviously given the choice between American, German or British soldiers, I picked up a box of British dudes in a casual pose rather than a fighting one.

I started by building the guy up as he should be just without the head and gear:

My green stuff wasn't sticking very well so ended doing his armour out of plasticard that I trimmed and filed down for a better look.
For some reason I decided that he was going to be a vox-caster and so gave him an appropriate backpack and head. I then added a pouch and a haversack from the kit and an knife and canteen from GW:

He got a lascarbine because I couldn't be bothered to rescale the stock on a regular lasgun.

Side note on scale: the 1/35 hands and boots are pretty well scaled for GW and I had hoped the GW weapons would fit nicely, but they are very chonky compared to 1/35th ones.
As well as this, the ZM flooring on the base looks less like a trip hazard...

Unfortunately, as you can see, the head was a bit out of scale so I made a new one:

The main part is the official head on the sprue with the helmet rim trimmed right down. the rest of the shape was then made from plasticard and sanded smooth.
Next I very carefully removed an camera and the rear power pack off of a mutilated vox caster head and transplanted them on to the new helmet.
Lastly, I added some cheek pieces with more plasicard...

With the head remade I then managed to get some sticky green-stuff and started on the straps:

Due to the armour, the right arm kinda moved away from it's "correct" position so the strap for the backpack was bulked up to reach the hand.
The lascarbine got a single point bungee sling that is probably run through the armour (not how I'd like it, but I have seen it done).

I did try using GW cadian shoulder pads but they seemed to fit poorly so I just used green stuff.
I played with it until it looked right which ended up being a little smaller that the GW ones.

Finally for this post I put some base colours on him:

I don't know why I went for a Necromundian guard scheme, I will probably shift it to Inquisition colours later down the line.
you may notice the hand and face are a bit wierd colour wise and that I becuse I tried out a tone map that supposed to help with colouring faces realistically...

Anyways I really enjoyed putting this guy together, I think he looks neat even if some bits are slightly off proportion, will probably sculpt the body armour next time
Going to avoid using washes when painting and just use lots of layers...

See you next time, I have some stuff I need to take pictures of so hopefully that'll be soon...
Made in us
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

LOVE the bomb rats! They turned out superb!

The 1/35 chap looks great too. The modified head does look much more in keeping than the 40k one. I think he looks good in the Necromundian colours, the helmet colours are similar to what I’ve seen others do, so it could work as is?

Goberts Gubbins - P&M Blog, started with Oldhammer, often Blackstone Fortress and Void Panther Marines, with side projects along the way 
Made in in
Otiose in a Niche

Hyderabad, India

Great looking experiment with the 1/35 scale guy. GW parts were always oversized to be seen from across a table and they work great with 1/35

Made in gb
Storm Trooper with Maglight

chigwell, essex

1/35th guy is truly inspired...

definately knicking that idea!
Made in ca
Fixture of Dakka

Surrey, BC - Canada

Interesting conversion there Guardling.



Made in gb
Shas'la with Pulse Carbine

Keep rolling, rolling, rolling, rolling...

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/04/28 00:14:46

Made in gb
Shas'la with Pulse Carbine

Back again!
So... No real excuse, just been in a hobby funk, doing a lot of sleeping and being ill.
I think I'm feeling better and over the last couple of weeks I have been back to regular painting and modelling.
However it did take me about three days to write this post so... Yeah...

@Gobert: Thanks, I did want to move away from Necromunda with the guy, seeing as he doesn't scale well with the rest of the ZM terrian.
@Kid_Kyoto: Thanks, they still look chunky on 1/35 but I subscribe to the 40k weapons are armoured theory so it doesn't bother me to much.
@OSJClatchford: Thanks, I personally would love to see where you go with Inquisitor scale minis.
@Captain Brown: Thank you!

So what have I been up to?
First up, some boxes to scatter everywhere:

Painted some up as plastic because not everything needs to be rusty.

Put some red stripes on my Kill Team barricades and found some more so decided to paint them with some different colours for the gangs to claim


Next up, I finished my set of stairs:

I added an opening for a "confined space" in preparation for my future CSR Teams photo shoot.

I didn't repeat the fancy metal trim from the lower half which I kinda regret now its finished...

Some wips:

Speaking of CSR team; I broke the mask on the guy I made while connecting the line to it and then lost the other masked head so thats been stalled
Luckily, I have recently found them missing head in one of my other bits boxes.


Finally painted the wheels on on some Ash Wastes vehicles finishing a Cargo 8 trailer (last post) and the SkOrlock buggy:
+++A midnight rendezvous+++

A newly modified Outrider spearheads the Archeotech Recovery/Sanction Expedition as they penetrate the rear defences of the local belligerents.


Got some of that fluorescent paint recently and started going over some of old minis:

Need to get a UV torch now for extra pop
Not a fan of using the paints as they are overly thick and thinning them with water is a bit hit and miss.
May try some medium at a later point

Some Characters finished:

+++The Seer+++

Kutabiri has a concern, she sees two futures, one where Jelena leads the gang to great prosperity, and another where the House sponsors order them into oblivion.
She hopes to fix this issue, but she has not seen Jelena as of late...

+++The Beast Tamer+++

Gallian goes to great lengths to hide her scars; heavy make up, fancy clothes and a showmans persona at odds with herself...
After all, no-one wants an attack beast that doesn't know the difference between friend or foe...


And then on the WiP front, done some updating of my old "Van Saar" gang:

These guys are probably going to become Spyrer retainers/juves/manservants

And lastly these two guys that I made with no plan:

No idea what I'm going to do with them, the base body I think is bolt action and they are significantly out of scale with regular Warhammer minis...


And finally a thing I have been doing in the background every now then is preparing to move away from Necromunda.
Not the game, per se, just the planet...
Something I have always been trying to do is have my own space to write stories and while I can do that for the most part, Necromunda has an official storyline going that I have not read anything about. This means that anytime I want to do something, my OCD has to check what the official 'canon' is doing.

So some time in the future, I'll be moving to the Beorht system of my own creation.
Major inspirations will be old english names, moorland mining towns and the STALKER series.
Some characters will move over backstory intact, others will be retconned and new characters will be made.
most stuff thats overtly Necromunda will remain Necromunda, like the gangs
A lot of the stuff I have is written down and to be honest I am not sure how im going to present it, may try the Dakka articles...

Tata for now, will try not to leave so long between updates...
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